HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2014-02-26, Page 66 Huron Expositor • Wednesday, February 26, 2014 Local family switches off Whitney South Huron Expositor For many families all over the world, technology is playing a big part in their everyday lives. From smart - phones to tablets, video games to e -readers, even parents are succumbing to the draw of gadgets once thought to be reserved solely for the younger generation. Naomi Pelss' family was no different. "The other evening when I looked around at my fam- ily, we were all in our own little world," she wrote in her blog. "My husband was watching television, I was on my iPad, our youngest was on the computer and our other two children were playing on their iPad." The mother of three decided then and there, it was time for a change. "I would like to reconnect with my beautiful family," she wrote. "I would like us to talk to each other, not text each other and I would like to use the old fashioned tel- ephone to have a conversa- tion with a friend." According to the Ameri- can Academy of Pediatrics, parents are discouraged of media use by children under the age of two. They also recommend limiting older children's screen time to no more than one or two hours per day. Too much screen time has been linked to obesity, irregular sleep, behavioural problems, impaired academic per- formance, violence and less time for play. Undaunted by her hus- band Mike's insistence she would be the hardest hit by the ban on technology, t 611 p .-1 "Mr e ,l'ii You are invited to attend these area churches ST. THOMAS CHURCH 21Jarvis St. Seaforth Rector The Rev. Karine Farmer Rectory 519-482-9071 Church Office 519-527-1522 Sunday, March 2 Worship at 9:30 a.m. March 4th - Shrove Tuesday Pancakes and Sausages Supper 4:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. March 5th - Ash Wednesday - 1:30pm Everyone Welcome ST. JAMES ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH WELCOMES YOU 14 Victoria Street, Seaforth 519-345-2972 Sat. Mass 5 p.m. Sun. Mass 9 a.m. ST. PATRICK'S, DUBLIN Sun. Mass 11 a.m. FR. CHRIS GILLESPIE BETHEL BIBLE CHURCH An Associated Gospel Church 126 Main St. Seaforth 519-527-0982 Pastor Mark Kennedy Sunday School for all ages 9:45-10:45 SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICE 11 a.m. Wednesday Evenings • Youth Groups - Junior & Senior High 6:30 to 9 p.m. • Boys & Girls Club JK to Gr. 6 7 - 8:15 p.m. • Adult Bible Study 7 p.m. 6, EVERYONE WELCOME EGMONDVILLE UNITED CHURCH Pastor Steve Hildebrand Youth Coordinator - Laura Nakamura Worship March 2nd, 11 a.m. HOCKEY SUNDAY Wear your Favourite team Colours or jerseys Everyone is Welcome Youth Sunday School at 11 a.m. Adults at 10 a.m. Earbuds and elevator available Website: www.egmondvilleunitedchurch.com Like us on Facebook Coming soon May 3 • The Black Family Singers NORTHSIDE UNITED CHURCH MINISTER MARY FLETCHER Sunday, March 2nd, 11 a.m. Guest speaker: Nick Vandermey Fri. March 7, 7:30 p.m. World Day of Prayer You are invited to join us in worship Sunday School and Nursery Provided. 54 Goderich St. W. 519-527-1449 (1,A- WWW.cavannorthsideunited.ca si FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 59 Goderich St. W. Seaforth 519-527-0170 Rev. Linda Moffatt Lorrie Baker - Organist Worship Sunday, March 2nd, 11 a.m. All Welcome k Sunday School & Nursery Provided. 10"' Office Hours: Wed. 9 a.m. - noon Naomi approached the fam- ily and offered up the plan. No television, no compu- ter, no technology of any kind for a whole weekend. "I gave them time to think about it because I knew it would be hard for us," she laughed. "I had to give them fair warning and I wanted them to think of what they would do instead of using the electronics!' Saturday turned out to be a bit of a struggle for Naomi, as she found herself preoc- cupied with distracting her- self from using technology rather than embrace the true purpose of the experi- ment which was for the family to spend time together. Regardless, the family made up for the first day's challenge, finishing the weekend with fun rather than tears. "On Sunday we just played together," said Naomi. "We went toboggan- ing and my daughter and her friend even taught us how to make Rainbow Loom bracelets!' When the kids let their dad know they didn't think he could run, Mike was left no choice but to challenge the family to a foot race. As the weekend wound to a close, Naomi and her fam- ily sat down and talked about what they thought of the challenge. In the end, Mike said he enjoyed spending time with the family, noting how much easier it was to con- nect with everybody with- out electronic interference. Daughter Grace, 10, felt the plan wasn't without its Photo submitted The Pelss family made the decision to turn off all electronics for a whole weekend and just spend time with each other. Pictured here are parents Naomi and Mike, with kids (from left to right) John, Grace and Nathan. challenges, but turned out alright in the end. "It was really hard and it was weird," she said. "My eyes hurt when we went back on the computer after two days, but I liked the idea." For Naomi, turning off the family's electronics was something she'll try again in the future and encour- ages others to do the same. "We've decided one Sun- day of every month, we're going to declare that a fam- ily day with no screen time," she said. "We learned that we can reconnect as a fam- ily and play together and we want to challenge other families to do it. As scary as it may be, it's worth it." CLINTON RADARS 2013-2014 HOME GAMES PLAYOFFS FRIDAY • FEBRUARY 28 • 8:30 TILLSONBURG THUNDER CLINTON RADARS SPONSORED BY: DYKSTRA CONSTRUCTION OFFICE: 519-482-9082 CELL: 519-525-8675 tANIESSIEMPLOIMM._ letter to the editor This town's generosity keeps our doors open To the Editor; Thank you Huron County. Once again our County has been overwhelmingly supportive of efforts to improve the lives of people living with dementia in our communities. We owe a debt of gratitude to this wonderful giving com- munity, and literally would not be able to keep our doors open at the Alzheimer Society of Huron County if it weren't for the help and support of people who support Walk for Memories. Despite the wild weather interruptions, the Walk for Memories, presented by Investors Group and Goderich Place Retirement Residence, went ahead on its re -sched- uled date of Feb. 1, where walkers braved the cold to attend the indoor walks. Thanks to the incredible gener- osity more than $45,000 has been raised to date and we are so grateful for all the support towards our goal. Online donations will be accepted until the end of Feb- ruary 2014 at www.alzheimer.ca/huroncounty. If you were unable to attend the re -scheduled Wall( please get in touch with the office (519) 482-1482 and we can provide you with a "Walk in a Box" kit so that you can hold your own walk for family and friends. Or, if you've collected pledges and would like to have them included with this years collection please mail to the office, Alzhe- imer Society of Huron County, PO Box 639, 317 Huron Rd, Clinton ON, NOM 1LO, all contributions are appreciated. Without the loyal support of our committed volunteers, valued sponsors, and exceptional efforts of each and every walker, and the generosity of Huron County, the success of Walk for Memories would not be possible. Huron County is a tremendous, caring community and I'm so proud to call it home. Sincerely, Brittany Williams Events Coordinator Alzheimer Society of Huron County