HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2014-02-19, Page 1414 Huron Expositor • Wednesday, February 19, 2014 Festival talent designed and constructed Olympians' costumes Laura Cudworth QMI Agency When ice dancers Kaitlyn Weaver and Andrew Poje step out on the ice to represent Canada in Sochi on Sunday morning two cutters at the Stratford Festival will be holding their breath. Terri Dans and Margaret Lamb con- structed their costumes which were designed by Debra Hanson and will be seen by millions of people around the world at the Olympics. "I can't watch it now because I'm ter- rified she'll have a wardrobe malfunc- tion and it will be the difference between a medal or not so I'll watch after," Lamb said. Dans and Lamb are experienced members of the wardrobe team. They've built costumes seen by thousands of people that must stand up night after night for months, but Weaver and Poje t• 4iChi dill Ail ,4111P4411,111011V111011111,10141411144 VP /IA 'fro • Lai 1457,1701/(afel" CWeip Make 'four Own 1!,. I.... Woe, Couec& am! Fat We MI* Ate! ea' air kiwi) 04 &Von St.,CODERICH AW439 rMEDINE CABINET MAKEOVER Information Night Mon. Feb. 24 • 7-9pm Seaforth Optimist Hall Admission $5.00 Dr. Marissa Heise! and Dr. Michelle Gross explaining the benefits of replacing over-the-counter medications with clOTERRA'S 100% pure therapeutic grade essential oils. For info call 519-441-1567 Seaforth Optimists 2013 TRAVEL THE WORLD & CASH LOTTERY FEBRUARY WINNERS $1250 CASH Martin Bokhout S100 CONSOLATION • Marjorie Cartwright • Christine Knight 2014 EARLY BIRD DRAW WINNERS $200 - Joanne Jewitt & Frank Gregg $100 - Bob & Linda Kistner $100 - Bob & Betty Beuttenmiller $100 - Rene Dupuis are elite athletes. "They travel at such a speed and they're spinning, you don't see how much abuse costumes get until you see the stills," Lamb said. "And they're lifted in weird ways. I think they look really great but I'm just so nervous every time there's a lift." There are no back up costumes either so a rip is serious business. The connection between the skaters and the theatre world was made through actor Geoffrey Tyler. He has done the choreogra- phy for Weaver and Poje. Coincidentally, the short pro- gram is from 42nd Street, a musi- cal the Festival produced for the 2012 season and a production Lamb and Dans worked on just before taking on the ice dancers. Weaver and Poje aren't under the same scrutiny as their Cana- dian teammates and defending gold medalists Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir but no doubt they feel the weight of the country's hopes on their shoulders too. Scott Wished QM! Agency Terri Dans and Margaret Lamb constructed the Debra Hanson -designed costumes worn by Canadian ice dancers Kaitlyn Weaver and Andrew Poje at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. It's not just the skaters under intense scrutiny either. The beau- tiful electric blue dress Weaver wears for their short program is the second attempt. The first dress, a blue sequin number, didn't make the cut. This second dress did get raves. Their long program is a tango and the costumes for that are elegant. The pair were training in Detroit so Dans and Lamb had to travel there for the first fitting in late August. "The fittings went really well considering we didn't measure them—her mother did," Dans said. The deadline was tight to get those costumes done for the com- petition season. "I'm proud to see them out there and it's nice to see your work on a large scale," Dans said. They also constructed the prac- tice outfits for the skaters to wear in Sochi just two weeks before they left and have never seen them on their bodies. This isn't Dans' first trip around the Olympic rings. She con- structed some of the costumes for the opening ceremonies, designed by John Pennoyer, for the Vancou- ver Olympics four years ago. Look good on the dance floor with Ballroom Chic Paul Cluff Goderich Signal Star At her sister's wedding, Rearma Ram- aker noticed no one was on the dance floor when the DJ played a waltz. So she asked the DJ to stop the song, introduced herself, and offered a few quick lessons. When the music resumed, everyone was dancing. It was a nice feeling for Ramaker, who teaches individuals, couples and groups ballroom dancing through her company, Ballroom Chic. Ramaker was a receptionist at Casa- blanca Ballroom in Goderich and was allowed to take as many classes as she wanted. "When the teacher was busy with students, I helped out and ended up being a teacher's assistant." The instructor noted how quickly she picked it up. Ramaker continued to learn until eventually she was teaching classes by herself. She works full-time on a sheep farm but has found time to study dance in her spare time. She is classified as a bronze -level instructor. She teaches a dozen dances, which have 10 to 15 steps at each level. Ramaker offers private lessons ($35 per couple), semi -private ($25 per cou- ple) and group lessons - a minimum of Healthy Living & Exercise Classes for Older Adults Exercise at your own pace "I have more energy and interest in doing things, better balance and more self-esteem" - Exercise class participant Seaforth classes now FREE Group Exercise at the Agriplex Tuesday 1 Friday 9:3oam. Seated Exercise at Maplewood Manor Monday 1 Wednesday 1 Friday 2p.m. Nordic Poling at Seaforth Arena Monday 'Friday 8-9am Seaforth Arena Join our classes or be a volunteer instructor Call 1.877.502.8277 x 2011 :care NOMI $17.2FrarrVirr Sztvoll kr•nn L.I.F.E. - Living Independently Through Fitness & Education eight people - for $10 per person. Bridal packages include a package of six private lessons to learn the basics of one to two dances, which helps cou- ple look the part on their wed- ding day. That costs $200, or $30 for each additional lesson. Couples can also learn chore- ography designed to a song of their choice over eight lessons ($280). A package is also offered for the entire bridal party, where everyone learns a choreographed song, for $12 per lesson. Dance Starters is offered for bridal couples that want all their guests to learn ballroom dancing at the reception. A full one-hour group lesson is $130 plus mileage; three 15 -minute seg- ments of group lessons are $130 plus mileage. Ramaker rents space at East Street Station in Goderich and at Blyth East Side Dance. She essentially covers all of Huron County for dance lessons and because she is still learning, teaches only beginners or early intermediate dancers. This year Ramaker plans to move higher up the teaching levels. Ramaker has discovered a lot of people don't know that ballroom dancing lessons are available in the county. She teaches a variety of ages, from early 20s to 60s. Fab. 21 - 27 Fri & Sat '1111"t4r1-1 645 & 9:15 S tin Thur 7:30 h irmtr6 11?Pw'M AUGUST 0 -SAGE COUNTY 307.op FI & Sat 6:4IS & 0116 Sun -Thur 7:30 $ok & Mort 1.301 www,movi ci i nks, ca .!iilanze....1 -800-265-3438