HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2014-02-12, Page 3Wednesday, February 12, 2014 • Huron Expositor 3
AMDSB trustee expenses and attendance available to public
Report District School Board (AMDSB) were each absent for two, while Overall expense reports were also
presented at had almost spotless attendance Michael Bannerman, Robert provided for 2012-2013.
meeting records during the 2012-2013 Hunking, Alyson Kent and Col- Board officials noted that some trus-
school year. leen Schenk were all absent for tees might have incurred more expenses
No trustee had more than two one meeting. by holding secondary positions such as
QM! Agency
absences over the 20 -meeting The attendance records were chair and vice -chair, or as representa-
schedule. presented in a report at the Jan. tives at the Ontario Public School Board
Trustees with Avon Maitland Al Sygrove and Julie Moore 28 meeting in Seaforth. Association (OPBSA).
Listed below is expense information
for each trustee, including secondary
Switch to online voting a poons effective December 2012,
non -conference travel expenses, con-
ference expenses and total expenses.
Michael Bannerman, no secondary
position, $646.46, $3,325.74, $3,882.20
possibility in Huron East OPBSA delegate, $2,020.59, $1,520.97,
Lynette Geddes, vice -chair and
Whitney South anything can become finalized, voting solution for municipal Strategic plan highlighted
Huron Expositor they will have to pass a bylaw elections. Citizens may vote
before June 1 in order to author- using either their computer or
Residents of Huron East may ize the use of an alternative vot- telephone. Our system is com-
soon see a big change when it ing method. pletely secure, anonymous, and
comes to how they vote. If both municipalities go well suited for small towns and
In a joint recommendation ahead with electronic voting, large cities alike.
with Central Huron, the munic- those eligible to vote will be According to the company's
ipality is looking into switching m ail ed a car d with a pin website, Simply Voting would
from the traditional ballot box number in order access the sys- look after everything from
to an electronic system in time- tem from their home project planning to mailing vot-
for the next election. computer. ing instructions and reporting
According to Huron East CAO Also, instead of the election on post-election results.
Brad Knight, council wanted to continuing as a one -day event, Knight said he believes the
start investigating alternative it's possible residents would be switch will increase accessibil-
voting methods since the last allowed to vote at their conven- ity for many residents, adding
time voters went to the polls. ience over a seven to 10 day the change has become a trend
Although other municipali- period. with several municipalities.
ties have transitioned to mail -in Council had already received "I think we'll increase the vot-
ballots, Huron East chose to five proposals from different ing turnout dramatically," he
take a look at electronic voting companies and narrowed it explained, adding folks
as it has become increasingly down to two, prior to the Feb. 3 shouldn't worry if they don't
common as a well-established meeting. After some discussion, have access to a personal com-
system over the years. it was decided if the new proc- puter, or live in a nursing home.
If the recommendation is ess is approved; it would be run "We always try to develop pro -
accepted by Central Huron, byweb-based online voting sys- cedures to make voting as
council will start to develop tem Simply Voting. accessible as possible for every -
procedures over the next sev- Simply Voting offers a secure one and we will do the same in
eral months. But before and e fficient online an electronic format."
Robert Hunking, OPBSA alternate,
$465.82, $1,382.87, $1,848.69
Alyson Kent, no secondary position,
$681.41, $1,080.55, $1,761.96
Julie Moore, no secondary position,
$500. 43, $0, $500.43
Colleen Schenk, chair, $2,406.91,
$5,467.21, $7,784.12
Allan Sygrove, no secondary position,
$1,434.89, $0, $1,551.84
Jenny Vertseeg, no secondary posi-
tion, $1,792.62, $2,834.79, $4,627.41
Randy Wagler, no secondary posi-
tion, $855.17, $1,586.56, $2,481.73
Student senators, $1,869.15, $0,
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at school board meeting
Public can see senior staff spoke on the progress
rogress at they've made on initiatives within the
strategic plan in the 2012-13 school year
iamalwayslearning.ca and this school year.
Some successes for the board that
Dave Flaherty were highlighted included a 150%
OMI Agency increase in the number of students tak-
ing dual credits, transition plans for stu-
Avon Maitland District School Board dents as they progress through the edu-
(AMDSB) officials believe their strate- cation system and creating safe
gic plan website has been successful so environments in technology classes.
far. Doherty noted that another school
In his annual report, AMDSB director board had highlighted their website at a
of education Ted Doherty provided an strategic plan meeting and have told
update on the website, iamalwayslearn- AMDSB they plan on "borrowing" some
ing.ca, which was launched in Septem- of the ideas.
ber 2012. The website is available for public
Doherty as well as other members of viewing at iamalwayslearning.ca
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