HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2014-04-30, Page 1314 Huron Expositor • Wednesday, April 30,2014 Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices Public Notice Notice is hereby given that off-road vehicles, including all -terrain vehicles (ATVs) and dirt bikes, are prohibited from all properties owned by or managed by Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA). Anyone riding illegally on conservation lands can face multiple fines under the Trespass to Property Act and Conservation Authorities Act. If you witness these vehicles on ABCA land, contact the ABCA at 519-235-2610 or 1-888-286-2610 or e-mail info@abca.on.ca or call CrimeStoppers at 1-800-222-TIP5. A list of permitted uses is located at www.abca.on.ca. it, A.4..liAlELLE EATFIELD CONSERVATION YOUR BREAST HEALTH Canadian Soriet6 Cancer canal ie rule Society litu aulicer BE AWARE Know your body. Learn the risk factors. GETTHE FACTS BE PROACTIVE Follow breast -screening guidelines. Practise a healthy lifestyle. Call the Canadian Cancer Society to get the information you need about our Seven 5 irk; (.9 Hearth. screening, •early detection arid protecting your breast health, CALL OUR CANCER INL=ORMATION SPECIALISTS WITH YOUR C,?UlESTIONS OR TO CONNECT WITH OUR SUPPORT SERVICES. 1 88.3 939-1333 nteliXO-CANC ER .CA 411 NetworkCLASSI ADVERTISE ACROSS ONTARIO OR ACROSS THE COUNTRY! For mord: intbr.rAP ton confrietydurfumilmiffspzipeir. RECREATION Going' Turk:goll 1-1114141111127 Cam $3 million 211.11LiPfig arid Derma public lishiily a-auras:ace. FREE & AUTOMATIC Yofinn you jun coil 1.001:1163.01AH CAREER OPPS, CRIMINAL RECORDPaidun ric- ir(ionli- dencial, Feet & Affordable. !t66 RCMP Accredited Employ Meal LVrffr,431Freharmi 141-NERri-RARDON 11-1366- 72-7350 FtemudaTaLrimoarcl °arm STEEL BUILDINGS. 11 STEEL BLIILDNGSMETAL BUILD- ! N 130% OFF: 203-x.213. 30x40. 4.0x62, 15x00. 50x1Z0, 0x1 50. 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