HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-12-11, Page 1Sale°, Mea'salnonS Rubber Boeitis
at W. 3, Littie% Shoe' Store:
New and AttractiveChrstmss
Gifts for Hen and Boys ::Market".
bin knoer' Dept. 'Shorne.,
Wr. Gregory T eith.off�the Bank of
Comml!' at*. at B1 1, Waskt. his.'.,
home here>e, •ow,er'�:theWink-aid.
Mr. W. C. -%b istone Las been con-
fined to the hoes* the'. past few weeks
sukering from heart. trouble:'
Be sure and see the $L00 table at,
Armstroog"s. "Ton : will be surprised
at the values that are appearing
Don't,forget to pay your taxes` be-
forethe-.14th day of December, anti
notuee'that. the l4th. is Sundasy .
The cLucknow' • Public School ' is
putting on as -concert •in' the Town
Hai' 'teanorrow night, ' (Dec. 12).
Before eom'Pleting Pee Christonas
shopping, read what the local mer-
rine* have to 'pay about their offer=
lags. . .
• Mrs. t H. Leith is• visiting friend
in Toronto and her •daughter. Alice,
who is in thue -Sick . •Cbildrea's Hospi-
We ` have a good assortment of
Community Silver and ;stainless Steel
Knives and Forks. -Wm. Hume &
See names of prize winners at
"Market" Lucknow Dept Store -
Big new Christmas Sale Bill.
-The Fire Marshall oi-Ontario has
sent Out :special instructions' warning
merchants who use Christmas decorw-
tions, against the danger of fire.
The IGshtiest Midget, on the ruar-
ket. That's what they say about the
Clarion 'Jr. Radio, for sile at Aim-'
,front's at ,109.00. Call and prove it
Mr. -and ' Mrs.. CAL' Allis were in
London on, Dee. 5th,. ' attending the
banquet of the 'Ontario Commercial
Traveller's .A.asociation at Hotel
Reduced priors on all- Suit Cases
and Club Raga 'at W J. Little's Shoe
Store -
All tbone interested in Curlingare
invited to '. attend a meeting of the
Curling Chub at ,the Bank of Com=
merce.1 'Tueeday evening, Dec. 16th,
at T.30 o'clock. -W. _t'orteons, Secy
Make year'. hens pay lei feeding
them LaymorMeat Straps. It will
do it. Price 94.5 , per cwt. Wm.
Murdie & Son.
• Mr. Donald MacLean, of Ashfield,
left on Friday of last Week for Cali
tenths, where he and his .sister, Meas
'Sacs► MacLean, of Ccag% will spend
the next three months.
New and appreciated Christanas
Gifts for Ladies, Girls and Children,
at "Matiet"=-Lncknow Dept_ Store.
Harr. Sam . ° orrison * received .' a
message on Monday last containing
the news of the death of his sister
Maggie -Mrs'. Rev . Black -of Long
Beach, California: Death came as a
result of 8u.
Mr.: and Rohs. Walter Barrett who
occupied the rooms oder Dir. Hoe-'
naelk's store, have gone to Ili -
where they' will spend a month .before
going to Scritlaid. -
Mr„ Tom Watson aro has .been
-arioeusly 1h' :the past, few weeks was
•takett to victoria Hospital, London,
.may d last week, Where, an . X-
ray picture revealed' an internal
treats requiring an operation.
The Jr. 'Fartmers and Jt. Institute
will hold their tegulur meeting in the
Town Hall, Loamy:. on Thursday,
Zoe. 11, at 8.115 o'clock. sharp. A
good attendance is requested-',Sec'y..
We lune s compleie stock of Cole-
man 'Lamps nit Porn► that are very
r1e�asinabls' WO* make a very tint -
able Gift.: Wm. 3lurdie
& Son.
DAME • °
The Fite Company will put on 'smo-
ther of diene popular erg on Fri-
y even, Dec'. 26th, and again on
Near t'on's eight. Fast class Oreiaes-'
tri. •
PePermanent Sdeoe�ol-toncert will be
held in meront Hall the evening
of lbrr 38th. Good pa► to
eommencae at .8 O'clock sb> hdlrt
p1b std ott'� taint=
.Sky 1
R 110114OW. ON'1'.,
D>Ml,. W. f,C`ONNELL
an *P.
HOURS:. 1.80=-3.330. ' 7-8
Phone 86
Dr. R. L. TveleaTerr 'Ludnioir
HMSO; 9--12 A. M.' t3 .$'• P .H .
Y414. be ai Duga son ever Tii.rad y
wALz pop B --ii
full linnar i 30,t
Wall Papera,on hand.:°'Prices confider-
ably down. for 1930. I am also agent
for Ieadiaag job timing --
Duos, Painter and Grainer.l
Sex 174, Lucknow
Ue sied Auctisarer.
Wes conducted T =sol hers
Superior • Strain Barred Rock Cock-
ock:-ere1s.Appl . `to . Mel. Greer, .'Phone
• Huey Parker, TeCswater, is Inv
a Mating Auction Sale
amo:hinny and iaonsehold cirects
on December' 20th, commencing at
1.30 o'clock. Matt. Geynor. Ana
Arthur Cook. 5 mules west of Luck-,
now. will have an Auction' Sale of
"Farm • Stock=i fle1u gg Cows. Young.
Cattle, Calves. Sirens and Hamm--
orses-December l9th,at One
o'clock P. IV Matt or.'Aue.
Izerienced boys. 14 to 19 yearn
of age, for immedir►te placement. Pro-
testanh homes only. Please mention
your local -preacher. Fall particulars
fromxA. Dfaelaren. Norval, phone
Maple', and .Beech at 24.00 per and.
Will be•cat any length ,to'suit purch-
aser. ,up to 18 inches, it ordered be-
fore the end of ,the >James l
(11-12-p0 •
STRAYED -From Lot 26, Con. 2,
_Wallow a reds -white (dry) Cow.
3 years old. Any person knowing of
her whereabouts please report to-
Frani Mier. Lucknow.
Camel° the premises of the un -
Lot 26.. Con :11. West
Wawanoth, a'Tootling Heifer. Own-
er' man have same on .prooinig tank.en, and paying
B. M, Aitchison: R. Z, Lueknow.
• LICHNSED AucrioNzsz
Lew Wiiatberhead, having taken
oat auctioneer's license -for the .conn-
tisa of Bruce and Huron is prepared
to condor* auction sales of all kinds
Give tangs ai triaL
(Re -1-e.)
The 'nndersitned licensed auciien-
eer is $pared to . conduct all kinds
of auction sales in Bunce and Hut=
Comities.,. Ten years experience. Sat-
lsfaction guaranteed. 'Phoma Market
No. 12, Lorimer. or r.- 5-13, Duos
anion. A- J. Kirkpatrick.
tkaptsED iiimcTIONEBs
kdavog taken out AuFtioneer
' ease for the 'Celerities of Bruce and
Huron, the 'undersigned is prepaied
to conduall kinds .of. Auction Sales.
Maar Yeats experience of d ..
,: In. fame stock.
'Phonala 3?., Ford Gam',
i Tiroweep from :to -day will
After taking, in logs for a lumber
of days, win find that we are reeeeo,
inks altogether too any small rough
logs of fall kinds. As we cion on* use
the lmnbrt eat front these logs font
certain perm :sex in our factory, we
would not, *ronin to take in litany
more of this class of logs. We are
however spec lil'ly in need" of good
Soft papa,; Birch, Cherry . and Ash
legs and waist to get a nice stock of
tthiat, also a nice stock of •gennite soft
Elni and good white Basswood loss.
The Laelmow Table Co.. Limited.
Auction Sade of Stock
At Nati Halt Leif Ol, tem..li';,
• E.:.1L,•
biAY. Dnth.
RW .. Pair Gddanss, tieing
3 y -'huh draft.
Pair MOM, . irk 4 and ."13 Fears,
-4 (
COWSvii* wide 'telt at . foot:
g Sparingeaiii .4 Coo; brod, to fresbeen
:. cont latet dater.
.Tl es"s lire our gra& cows..
BUIJ S-Purlb:+ t -
baiting RRoan8Bim'Cat**pOL . .
aaPsvan -)sent ataaii ,,'41,1•a :'atilt
> • a it it-
**tat t *ATI..A1rNOR.
We have ;this. week to record . the.
death ,of one of the •very old •residents
of the, village, and one who: rias made
his home ^- here since the very early'
Alex , Rosa. He had'` been
very,,, poor health throughout tth.6
Past year, and had :been confined, to
his .. r^oom•. ' and bed` throughout :the
fall, so that his death Tuesday night
vats not unexpected. The funeral Will
he this (mo) , fin, t
;Vice to be held at the house , at two
o'clock, the local LO.O.F. lodge „hay -
ing charge, • :
The late Mr. Ross came to Luck
now when little more than -a boy and
learned the tradeof a ba niessonala:
er, dater *rime. out the' Wiliness of
his employer.' He, had many sterling.
qualities and was : a good, . business
man, trusted aid .esteemed by all
who knew him., He Was long a: faith-
ful and enthusiastic member of, the
local lodge of Oddfellows: In early;
life he was a Presbyterhin . but for.
30 years or more was associated with
the Anglican (finch. •
We hope to have something morel,
in 'the way of an obituary next wee&
Mrs. R. Campbell and her .daughter
MisikGretta Campbell, of Lothian,
were •very happily made the> ea
of their friends and neighbors
assembled at their home on the :even
ing of $Ov. 21st. to bid them .fare
well :as .they are about to move from
their present home .to Lucknow.' Both
ladies aablislied' 'for . them-
selves ahave veryestwarm feeling in the
hearts of 41 who have the privilege
of. their acquaintance; and they will
lee greatly missed from • their ac-
customed places. .
The evening wast, spent in social,
chat interspersed with music and dur-
ing then evening 'Mrs. Campbell .and
her daughter were presented with an
address accompanied by a gift by
way, 'of remeiebrance and mark of
good -will and fellowship.
The address:,
Dear Mrs. Campbell and . Grata:-
retta:We your friendsand neighbors'are
assembled here to -night to show in
same tangible way oyer esteemand
respect • for you who are about to
make changes in your plate of
abode. While we regret losing you
from oar immediate neighborhood,.
we are pleased to know that we can
look forward to meeting you frequ-
ently in your new home in Lucknow.'
We have alms known, yon to be of
the highest type, as . 'neighbors ...and
friends and havealways found you,
cheerfi it through cloud or sunshine.
Please accept this purse as a, slight
tokenof our kindest regards
Signed on -behalf of your friends.
Donald McLean
John Jamieson
John McDonald.
Miss Campbell made a. suitable .re-
ply, on behalf of herself and mother
'acknowledging the gift and expiess-
ing appreciation of the expressions.,
of friendship,
Lunch was served by thevisitors
after which all wended their way'
homestead feeling they had welded
another link in the chain of friend-
ships. .-
The ,
. People's Florist
the new. Flower Skop ape ting
is WR G1LA 1, DEC.,13th.
fettering Potted plants from
Gainage"s,': Landon, sack ass -
• Assorted Plants in passsurd
fancy baskets and ' beautiful
Seasonable Chat Flowers how
Dale's and other well kaorvra
Artistic Funeral Designs. *red
Wedding drays' made at the
store, assuring pr Capt delivery
, Nail .sad ; Thome _Maims hike*
, rate of, Ain rei'aaittanee
sot . accompanyWider five Will
ship CAD,.
North side Lyeeu mTetatre
Phone 223. Wiaghaae
.% --' _/✓./_'•!•Y., ,c-'JJ_/_"•r...' -'C V..r ..
!attest reportsregarding the ion-
dition of . Aloe. Leith. of town, who
his been in the Sick Child's Hospi-
tal; at Toronto, for over three, ' months
are, quite. encouraging. The 'report":'
says ,' haa heenm
the' hospital, for 13 Was (now. 14 or
15 weeks). Sheenteirod in a very
pled condition (due -to an affeatien.of
the seine „which'. she hes 'bad., since
infancy) and ethic reports `indicated . .
that" .unless .an-, immediate operation..
could be performed, shn would newer •
be able to walk again-,Tdiueoperation
was one of the Most.dithcault that the.
hospital has been called upon to''un-
de take, and it _is_y-et- tooearly to:
state the. extent of its 'success, or Past
how Ipng it will be before the .patient
can be discharged. Progress is fav-
orable. She is cheerful, and consider-
ing the very trying ordeal of the op
eration and subsequent treatment
her hearth is good. Slap - ;is a very
bright' girl, of :a 'happy' disposition
and enxioris to get home again At '.
present abetis stretched' on a wooden
imine to corieet spinal deformity,
said another operation may be neces-
sary, but this would :not be of ,such
Thimportant nature e $s' the first ' One.
e ease • is being followed with the
greatest interest...
The following account of the death
of .a: former resident of .near Luck -
now is Froin The Fordwieh Beeoi+d:
Dins. Mary Greer. widgw of the late
George Greer, 'Sr.,' of ,Lucknow,-:pass- . .
ed away at the home of- her lugtheir
in-law?; Richard Carson, in Gerrie. on
Sunday morning,November 233rd, af.
ter. an Hikers of .a few weeks.
Mrs. Greer was born in Woodstock,
where she attended school. From there
she moved with ber'parents <tbe late'
Thomas and Mrs. Taylor, It the age
of 18 Years, and settled on the '
homestead 1m Bostick. Later she WAS
married to John Ciskei, of 'Taornberry
Some years after his death she was
married ' to George, Greer. , of Luck-
now, and atter he succumbed she liv-
ed with her. sister, Maria, in Gerrie,
until the last sin years, and.these she
spent m the home' of Mr. Carson
She had a bright sunny dingo sition
always eager to do .a kind act to ev-
eryone, and pass an I encouraging and ,
sympathetic word to all She eame; in ,•
contact, with. She was an active mem-
ber'ilnf the Methodist church and, af- '
ter Union, Steil continued to do her
little part, being a member of the W.
M.S. and attending the services reg=
Marlys although in her 80th Year.
The funeral was • well attended by
friends from her former hspees-r-
Turnberry, Lucknow and Wingliam.
besides .many friends of recent years._,
Th pallbearers were Fred and Wm.
M nald of Luekaow, Andrew Gem,. !
mill Allen Fradiek of Tbrnberry.
Walter Simson and Unmet Fergus-
on of Goren
She leaves to Marra her loss, one
sister, sirs. Their of Blenheim, and
Four brothers, , Fred C. and- Alf Tay-
of Gerrie. James of Medford, 'Ore -
g on, and Thos.- of Cheboygan; Mich.
,The .coral tributes showed the re-
spect of heir many loved ones. °
The funeral service was, conducted
by >%v. F. W. Craik, assisted by 8r.
B. S. Jones, in the' United CGhirch." flie
former spoke from John 11th chap.
Sad 28th verse, and laid before thi I!
people tie: impost fact that in !Bell
we ought to be ataim '•ready for the 11
rail of God unto dearth. The remains
Were laid to rest in Gerrie cemetery:
Our Own : ake ' lVLincemeat
lbs. 25c � • ..
Mar- Own 14iake '
goes: Cake and Pudilings
Are :.Now Ready
orders are ,a�� ee. of their
Numerous repeat
choice Quality and 1owprice: Trr-one- b ,-year
Cheaper than' buying your own ingredients.
Phone 36 • • Lucknow
B. Pearlman has some, lovely Xmas
gifts for everyone: in the family.
Newest Things—Newest Prices,
To Suit Everyone's "Pocket
Special for 2 Weeks
We have a nice line of Ladies' and
Gent's ready-to=wear. Our Ready -
to -Wear Department offers greatly
reduced- prices for these; two
Be sure to come in and look around
while. doing • Christmas Shopping
'• - - t
Phone 85
• ' Lucknow, • Ont
Services next Sunday. Dec. 14th.
on Ashfield ' Cat -Subject- '"Rea-,
ven." This is 'a series of serums.Glad to see such a good congregation
at Hackett's last Sway. Keep the
home fireS burning•
is the place to shop. to have yo:te1
Christmas wants taken care.,, 'sack
°. Not%
PaPasta'.i/taag� Gripes,
etc, •
Ovir Heea>e" Massie Candi is made,
from the infest jar imerteliesots, health -
fel and orholeemat. Tist+es Moe Naa>ie.
�tblaee Mitran' eat* bre pb g "s ,I
(ant of 'Osaka
c_ wi ti
ldr 'and Mea i3dga�ir Ritchie
to, dunk tthe friends *Ad neigh us
wino wok* Oda kind to thin at tthe•tiree
�of ttv loss of their dorliNg�
as. Deficient Fait Cake. Short Brad.
ane- gift that will
.Always be Treasured.
A Diamond-=Giftof Gifts --A Princess
Diamond -'One luxury that is ' also a
good investment. • . -
Yea would nerd we better ma nn,; far- eying a Prism= Dia-
• morn this Christmas than the beauty of :k guar, and its
onowating. Bat you hale a 'brttter reason -tea' Certainty sof qua1-
ity that cannot be equalled in any other Diamond paruhased.
Ophelia Rose Wedding Rings
to 'match Diamond Settings;
All shipments front nowuntil aftet
New .Years to goont on afternoon
ezprese hest lie, in , the Dress O ce
here before noon, as aloin Peaces e*r-
li-er now. and many shipefnexitt•s
lie noting; Shipments moist be : fit
enrely donne up and tagged with rte=
Elan tog. cardboard will not do.
Wherever p+aa.tsible write • addii e>a •
rioix s, on pitcel also, sand . Oipipert
viaine en left hand coiner at tope.
Shiptiients of dreSsed poultry es.,
tesimg seventy '•peuml=„
Inuit ! be
packed ion arooden Rates;:
thata 1l sbipMents arrive in go icon,
i tioiti idlY comply. '
CFato►sadiiia Wan
_ -our.
'Deo: bet 11-13
°LADS Or THE sacra'' CLU
and ou>aacdg
'Ali Star Freaks-
Coo dem not fattish togs. .
*e are - as amicus as ytitin, are,
> nruabg Reels "tit gent-a/neve
"Maitket.'" Apply at +Strom..