HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-11-20, Page 3• Sunday School Lesson . November 30. Lessoai IX :Zacchaens •P the ublican (A Bu3inese 'Ma.e Con- -Yerted) Luke, 19: 1-1o. • GoI :Text—The Son of man' is camen, o seek and to save that which was lost.—fluke 19: 10. e ANALYSIS 1.. .1,1.15 Oh THE.•.POAD, cs..1-4. . II.; JESUS THE • GiUEST, 6'S. 5-10. , INTRODy;G!rloN. -Jesus 'and liis disc ciples were going up to Jerusalem for - the. last time. lie Was calmly and _courageously `..feeing what he. now o1uiiew 'to he' •unavpidable—the deadly utility of -,the J'ewieh rulers and their •putpose to destroy. him, Luke 18.:• 31- • 34. Nevertheless, he was tot so pee- •occupied With his' oc=r►, enterprise: and. • its .daggers as. to he insensible to the needs • of those .about bine. Here, , as elways during this ministry,. Martian affliction appealed to bine . He. could not pa s bg unheard the cry • of -the .' blind man, "Jesus, thou son of David, have 'mercy onea e_r' Nor could he pa: s• • unnoticed` the •chief .publican dri ren a still greater •need wihich his wealth would not supply to seek a. vantage paint from whir* he could see the • Master of whom he had'. heard. ,• I_ The sub=heading of. our lesson,""A tasiness Man Cone" 'sibly convey a • wrong iinpressioan sng- .gesting that Zaccbaers. is a 'typical, business marl, or that a .man so' en- • ' gaged is a sinner.. No doubt the_ busi- ness• man. needs the tiansfdttnin and g ye.. o rist.aS' marc • Naw Role Left to right sirs. Ruth, Dorothy, nine, .and Julie, >;4, and Babe Ru adoption :of tee two girls. 170 Tons of Mail Carried Year , ,,By Mane Services. Ottawa Report Shows 500 Machines and 7x1,7 Pilots in 'Canada Otlawa_—For the three mont>is end- ing Sept. 30, the aircraft' engaged upon the twelve air mail services which. now operate in Canada carried 11.9,301 i4oends of mail, bringing the total ' from the beginni_iig of the cur rent year:.. up to 379;424• pounds, or roughly 170 tons" Osie -half of the"see- vicee ,operate out' of .31ordreal.. Two• r_ew services are projected, according' to the quarterly report oef the Civil Aviation Branch, of the Department of Ietationai Defence. One will cover the route from Amos to Siscoe in Quebec, a distance of forey-two rYiilev and the second, from" Peace .•Ricer til North Vermilion in ;the, Northwest Territor- k-s. The .latter, calls for sixteen.re- turn trips during the -winter, and will be continued for four years. 500 AIRCRAFT The report shows that there are &.04) aircraft flying in Canada, while the th, who beeornes legal tether by order of number of pilots is 717, of whom 403 . .•ate commercial pilot.& '•The Doitiiation 50 mach is the sorroac of the past in true repentance swallowed .up by the Thi'. Supreme Sacrifice TWO Bernard Shaws . joys of 'the present=;Zacchiros sowed p valiant Hearts • who to your glory fourfold restoration of. what had "be- come his through false accusation, as came. Through well as the rough - -of conflict. and through poor, :. And so the Whole current of his f alI his goods to the battle flame - fitly virtue.� Both,, Write Plays g life had been tarried in those few mo - 's ewelie. your knightly B. S.'s Nephew and �iame- renewin� gra f Christ l� as 'talents through his joys reception of proved,. 'sake, a Doctor, Also are. other, but he is not exeeptte�4ual Christ, the Savienr oEinnea- and Farr memory hallowed in the land' Jesus fines the lost wh,cen he has come Zaaeha ns the public robber, th h you loved Writes Plays. aw writing , plays in England and, the rich ruler, the Galilean fisherman, That which Jesus came to do, "to s who, had.` heard God's 'message strangely enough,.he.is a nephew of the brother and sisters of Bethany. seek and to save that which was lost," from afar G. B, S. He rs„Ds. Bernard Shaw, the lawyer tempting him with hard is what' thine Who profess to b` his Alt d for,. ail you_had, assistant .pathologist at a Newcastle 't an t be..done by fneiidliness. To save mankind— short la bcrsiiaess as in .any other walk or The open door, .the offered 'hand, the Foarseive3 'on. P College' which the students at have � cupation. • , • , ” 'kindly remembrance, the friendly visit; scorned tm sere_ strong College are sa*:d to 'lace 'r' I -•lists ce Tete eoeo, vs, 1-4 will' where cold condemnation ani been regarded err; highly by the Mac- $ has seventy-two air harbors, Detailing the flights of the' various air -mail services, the •report shows that the. Toronto -Buffalo ' line. flew 7,800•miles,in the three months under' review, and carried 14,004 pounds of wail- All scheduled tries were con pleted. A total of 15,800 miles visas flown on the Montreal Aibary•'service, whose operating' efficiency was rated at 90 per cent.. This firm, operates the' ontreal-Toronto. Detroit; the Mon - tread -Saint John -Moncton; • the Mon- heal -Quebec and thew Ottawa-Mon-� real-Rimousii serrifes. xo seekar. everya mc_ rank and eircaaistance chief 'of the' publicans, had'l eco�ne an Proudly Yon gathered, rank 'on • rank, London -=There is another Bernard 3I e( life, in the self-righteous pharisee, almsgiver_" to oras Sh ' a You: had hope Qt�;tioas=_ 'There is, one may well be- followers; trust endeavor t0 do today, � you Fav liege, as much integrity and honor. "a 'attd it c hes gave infirmary, who has been writing soame What New York Is Wearing, BY'ANNABEL-LE WORTHINGTON Illustrated DressmakingLesson Fur- nis(ied' With Rere,ap Pattern harsh censure fail: Jesus'- V'. such 'a man as th publican is still' ` render made. season of the better known Shave la the t wase`_ `'" Into the light that nevermore small] at the Court Theatre here recen u. Fa fades • ! Dr. Shaw was y as not'christened' after r. visible Clercs Govern Deep your contentment in that blest , his, uncle. for Bernard, ,he sa, s, is a HP.re�l! abode, family name_' Like a cousin. of Mr- ra ty, Says Scientist . W'i wait the las: clear trumpet • tall ,'Shaw's, Who lives.in Chipstead, Suri Pasadena,' Cali€.—An ' elementary. snezfess and• little .understood sort. off of God., trey, he; has snot kept in touch, with reproduction is involved in the multi-`, Loa Q G, B. S_, whoe seems to have little use ied s Lone �, can ago. when earth lay dark for $aarralY refatioais_ plication of genes, those ,invisible . and still, . In particles` which are the active con- °p'� � his ' reputation as an Sas par particles' of cicho are s Hose a .loud cry upon a lonely hill; amateur dramatist, Dr. Bernard Shaw and which WhilAle, the tra fltp of our !airman E ? bFII'' no means an amateur pathologist mil and les talents "And he entered and was o s q tgh I splendid you • pawed, the great sur . dons Placer= '. TOP 'MILEAGE. Exceeding the ' Toren,• companies iii tileage, however, were the planes of he Western.Czenada Airways. Ltd_, of innipeg. These flew 413,043 miles, c^rryin 5,564 . pa:sengurs, 316,898 lxruads of baggage and __express, .-and. �6,5`i2 pounds (elf inait The percentage of regularity on 'schedule times was ted. at 97.4_ The report says- that . intermedie at ieerodrornes.ar being leased, fent:- in ent fin and graded with runways be- tween Moose Jaw and Saskatoon, k, and Lethbridge and'. Edmonton, ta.; a distance of approximately 500 es. . An airways beacon being installed on one corner of each aero - ane, :'while five radio beaeons are ag installed at present•.at Forrest, n:: Regina; S -t- - Maple Creek, This company gives a l'�-lila„ through Jericho:" .Here at Jericho n the Jordan valley, "about fit-e�i .smiles ti -est' of the river, three roads meet two from the east Jordan country.. one from the north. Other , ..:.. _east w -tward into. the villages of phraim and to • Jeru-saletn, By one of there Jesris and his disciples carpe ,`r3it. the north, or east on their way to Jern- salsm: havin probably- joined' a cc:f•- pary of ;oiler hors from Galilee going to the celebre len of the tfeast of the Pa..sover. Fee ether incidents of this journey see Luke 11 11-18, X4.3- Mark. 10: 2-52: Matthew 19: `3 to 20; �34. See also Lake 19: The publican or. to -gathered wa_s not heed in' high esteem by the Jewisa people. He gathered -taxes for the .Roman government which they 'de- tel ted- Xo doubt he had opportunities of extortion which he mag have well or may hacebeen suspected. of using, for his -own enarichr..rent_' A rich and' . fertile. district like •that about Jericho Weald Offer many temptatie ,But there was .eorneehing • in the heart of Zar s• which.' his, ,treelth did not, satisfy_ "He sought 'to ••see Jestre wits' he was,'' and in seeking he formai A ereat.Ft'iend and Saviour. II- :Es-cs THE vire. • as; 5-10. • it is quite evident that Zacciiaea , the public, was hoteore d,•and felt him- stef ' to be honored, by the announce- • meat of Jam, '''Today I mustabide -at the- 'hou_se?' He must have felt. the contempt and hatred of hss neighbors 'who regarded him as a sinner against' God and again. his' own people. And. mow, to his great surprisehe has beers, choeea• out of the crows for the signal honor. A great Jewish -teach: of a'hotn he has heard so much that g+ E'wilt enter his bon=e ,a.' his gui st No wonder that 'he received him ;joyfully." The coning in of Jesus ss his guest: is c eetrast• with the, Mur- netring of the ciowd, must 'have touch ei him deeply- and must have stirred Ids conscience to awakening+ as aro cot -, or censure could possibly lave done_ Otte can imagine the scene. Eve] cannot abide in that gracious pm -elate ate . Jesus leaks no Word of condenira- tion. but his very etatrard-e is a jud.e- tneait 7 hmus stood arai mi,ade core fere/ion and promise of restitution. cars until he had done that could he be the. perfect host to bis 'dieire tu.. Thee Edersltelm writes of what hap- - et! : "`In Met t moment- Zaccha zs tzar it an: what his pact I d been. -"eat dais pr' t was. what his Intiire� be. 'Sting fc±rth, not so ir"tieca . '� the r�awd as se r4re the Lor..- • not salaried. nay. scarcely con- szs of the otoctfesehar. it iaarttlrnd— ,g c y, Describing what ' is believed to take Christ_ our Redeemer. passed the self- , • place_ >h. Calvin B. Bridges, of the' same way_ 'alifornie Institute of Tecfno!ogy-, , says: - Still stands His Cross from that dread "Phe 'synthesis '• of daughter genes hoar to this. utilizes ' materials abstracted from the Like some bright star above the 'dark surrounding .fans. It is self-gov- - abyss; erned. occurring at -and only at the p Fso almon aStilt h - theatre are not expected to lead hint' into serious coin- i din petition with hie uncle. Here. is no bei case of a doctor's dilemma; -• Ma Iotinbridge std Red. Deer, Alta- • Big 'Un Frans Meaford a There are 21 light aeroplane clubs t in th_ Dominion- For the nine months Brantford_ { 30- and C i _ .trough the veli. the Victor's site of the original, or parental gene o£ each •specific kind.. pitFiag eyes. Look doves to bless our lesser. CaI- -This growth is controlled by the ' varies.. . genes in 'the chromosomes: thereby producing fingers on the hand. golden These .were His servants in His steps hair . and blue eyes, as well as every they trod. other character •in its, proper place-' Following through death the martyred D , Son of.God; Victor he' rose': victorious too shall Egg Laying Contest rise The. Saskatoon Poultry A<=sociatio:r They . who have drunk His . cep of has arganized hn egg laying eoptett, sacrifice. beginning November lot to run' for a year •on similar lines to that of the O Riser Lord. 0 Shepherd of our Dominion Gorerninent. • The object Dead. . is. to secure for mesal ers of the Also- Whose cross has bought thein and Elation tray nest records of individual Whose stag has led. birds for the twelve months :which ";n glorious hope their proud and sor- will furnish valuable data to diose '• main„ land. ' who are desirous of increasing the Commis her children to Thy gracious egg -laying propensities of their 8o,eks; hand. but who have not time noir faciliti.s;. This hymn of rememb- nee was for concluding their own test, The written by John Stanhope Arkwright aim of the Aseociation is to encourage a letryer of London. a descendant of the breeding of•trae-to-type birds that Richard 'Arka-right, the great roves. v{rill lay a protfrable number of eggs 'tor: • Mr_ rk- 'ight wosi� the Nine - of gond size and coke- ante' prize for English verse at Ox 7� ford. and sat m parliamea;. for many "Any one c tid tell by looking at YPars_ yes that .your parents came from Ire- i }aud '"My parents did not conte from Ireland,''. said' Pat. "'Come on. don't try; to fcol use; •your face sbows your parents Came ' from Ireland." ""They" did tart," said Pat. "They are its Ireland •yet "—Vancouver Proriece. 1NESTEtfN YELLEIw PAYE E1 hag purposes, 'There are two or three devices of this type Hot Water From Exhaust 3tany' fanners who � a gas -ea - gine for operatic a inhering Bele! chine oro for pumping water find it very convenient to utilize the- engine! exhaust for heating water for clean - C en�zdian Western yellow pine -from . commerr•taI s� collected. i3 British Columbia •i3 i en the market at reasonableBeri prlees largely eelping to reforest liew Zea -Fa us a ti giv. i1-nfactoa service 13j ancl_ c i not difficult to arrange ..ome- I made devices of thte kind. i trout. the largest brought .into. the. city in recent .years. was part of thel catch• of a party of.Brantford fisher-�l clu • men whq have returned from raiding Sept., 30, members ' of these osgammsr icsena had down 11,567"boors. The memilicrebip totalled 2,887. Oa - tier, hes the large --_- -- _j Its with nine. Ober province are: Saskatchewan, three; , Nova • Scctia, Manitoba and A1',rta • two each; Que- bee, New Brunswick and British Cole umbra, one. each. . The Passing of Autdn . e wizard' has woven nes ancient scheme;' A day and a starlit night: d the world is a shadovey-peaMil l dream - Of color. haze and light. Me f,,rd. The' big fellow rose to 'Lets AspaisgWs spoon and. with -the aid of the lat-M ter's companienoe was landed after a; struggle. , The local salmon treed' record previously was heed by -Miss. Ruth LoR.msh. whose catch. at Meal ford feet year weighe-d 22. pounds 6 iTh • ounces. L» a Digtslon An ...g • `-If I cit, a• beefsteak in twe.-' asked tee teacher. `then crit the heves in t aro, what do' I get "Quarters.- returned :he boy. , "Good., , And :hen again!' "leigirths.^ 'Correct. Agana r• ' "Sixteenths.- • "Exactly. And What then"'.: ` [`forty-seconds." e - "And once more"" ' `Hamburger:'" rt i. d the bee inZ- gatieDtl7.=•-Xor''Ve .: Farmer. • CANADA'S* FIRST STEAMSHIP The first steamship t.r be c-osstrrict- eid sa Canada. ,the 'Accon9iriy3ation`„ was built is Montreal to 1.09 - by the Honourable John Mol,:on. During the war of 1812-14 the ship rendered toot - erste 544-viee on the St.` Lawrence river between Montreal and Quebec. A tablet, erected by the tational Paws of Canada Bianchi. Deparcuie t of the interior. is to be seen on "tree' opter Main gull of the Molson oMe' I in No;re Dame :street east. Montreal;' commemorating ;be h orny event. Like something as . angel wrought. • ' rnaybe, To answer. a fairy -s' whiny, A fold of an anC emt tapestry. A phantom. rare and dirt. [ . a • Slim as out of aesiai seas. •The elms and. poplars fair Float like• the dainty Spirits of t lm the mellow dreamlike air. S..very-aott by the' f -rest. side— Wine-red.. yellow. rose -- The wizard ,,of Autumn. faint, bine- eyed- Swineing his censor. zoos. —Archibald Lanpniari, h R Three oistein rotes. member -_of a in A jas.r tv coat dress of dark, greee flecked :tweed of 'lightweight texture i that deserves a place off its own. There isn't anything ' that . gpitr- compares with it for all-around day- time time wear for Autumn. . It's just- the thing for_the foetball games, for the coliege miss for street' - and for traced. . The rotes ending in a Loose scarf at the opposite side is smart detail. The side -front buttoned ' skirt dosing creates a slimming line. The lowe placed plaited :p °ets give a youthful swing 'to the hem. . Style No. 2779 is simplicity itself to make. It may be had' in sizes 14; 16, 18; 20 year, 36, 38 and 40 inch' br.st. Crepy woolens, Banton ..crepe, flat crepe 'and velveteen . are - ery smart for this mode/. Size16 requires 4% yards 39 -inch material. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS Write your name and address plum. ly. 'giving number and 'size of such patterns as 'you want Enclose 20c in stamps or Cohn (coin .preferred'; wrap it carefully, foe each number. and 1, address your order to Wilson Pattern Service, 73 West Adelaide Se, Toronto. . • Choked Milk House Drains If the milk houin se .drastops tp due to the Collection of casein, the best remedy is t.o tine one of the sink eolserit3 s.Sld l y the regular plumbers. d, These. if used directions, wily 'dissolve any grease or animal matter which may have collected. If you are running 70131" sewage into a septic rank a heavy dose of these alkali ,night kill Off the 'bacteria for a time. &tit a saata s does probably worded do na SOritous initrry'. • CALF IS BORN WITH '4 HEADS gt: Coiz ibo. Chill --A cow on a "fair ,sear here fi 4 'gds `ren birth to a fair with :truer heads.. • It is planned to • place the >]>3«i:iatro al y in a zoo. Aunt Martha was without a peer an»ag Negro c• ksHer specialty` arses in lessee e�- k€es,.. One day' she was asked her recipe. Without hesitation he replied: l'Ah take;. a cup of flour at Ah derand Ab adds wo' etii:tipe. of n.:la_sees "But,- . terve-eel , the; kit', 'what r �J -Quit- herd owned by James A. Thane -son oar � T '+Ire Jaw. have jn ' wished yearlyt W records in the P O. P. with a pro- a duetion averaging 13i..57 panic oa `G area Containing fps. 7th pounsis rot' but- an ter , Gp- eH r.ev. den', yon kits! ed:. when yea ha; a jig of moiaases ted tames it up. thearolasse say 31. sp ° arid then run a .et !' more. e1 say 'C`e.r :up' agate:. As takes i tyr. I:gr to7rQ MUTT AND JEFF: Yac4:woawI,14+u You t r viim./nm %e Tn.r. ret o't .etac, 11 7tS By BUD 'FISHER x foxy jolts: 1fwr, TTjEur •L`M TEz LY .IEA4.cus: PRektsE Me TeX' IF r Isle tedhriet reAthl IIie het HARRY els M: lie WU "�+Ri isE? •A Yen • Answer Teeth, On the Wrath t I e" • oheoeeet- yWe ▪ e'r •