The Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-10-30, Page 4'
eine, eceleShe
Il 1
'4foh „, '-';;re'S,;•!?OrteS,,hit•eeheere..,:teehoe.O1
.„, „.,„„ setoehocorotwe esheoe
tumow sarrim wipe" wpm S4109014
A- Frendireanadian Woad
A hundred yaws ego whoa oar grestgmat-grand-
OIL fathers end- grandlaothate, ware son= and
hIig In ,marriage„ the Thencle-Canadians
StriaReconstruction of such a with fkli
one a the most colOrful and " their
Wtin( fidelitftir costume and alstoms-bas been, dons
• by "lode Bourgeois. hirtMtreed newspapermaa and
• revue' writer, Who has writteri a sketch with the above
. title for the Quebec restbral to be held at thi.Cbateau
Frontleme, October 16-111. Mitsical settinga will be hy
Omarhtlentatiel composer And song writer;
W. 0. Grenzehaela, R.R. •7, Wood-
stock, is the plowing 'Champion of
Ontario. He won that title on the
• s last day of the international plowing
match near Stratford„ when he took
' away first honors in the jointers in
sod, open This is•;the second time he
has. 'evoitothat title, having first eap-
trued it in 1927. In taking first place
thle: year :he defeated a clasiy field,
ineludieg dahlia .11. • Hargreaves. , of
Reaehville, who won the honors in
chemploeshin tbis year was won b
'Ire& with Brant second. There were
c:13113eilitalii and
the battle was keen frone start to
finish- "The trophies were presented
et a largely attended,. banquet in
Stratford, • the Tonal might of the
• niacin, at which the chief speikens
erere the Hon. Rohert Weir, federal
, Minster of Agricakture„ and Ron_
Thos. I,. Kennedy, provhleial. Meister
- Agricultere.
. A lOg-thick belonging to the Rae-
- elder Co. of Gederich„ was in the ditch
by the noad-side a short distance
south of DallgaMera for a few dayr
last week. The truck loaded with logr
, was On its way from Kik losato God -
elicit when&median,' g went wrong
rith the steering gear- machine
at once made for the ditch and tweed
'completely up -side -down. The drer
hod a =nir enmpe; hut was proem_
led by the logs and the eab, whiht
• kept the machine freen crushing lain.
Relatives at Goderich and Dungn-
non received 'wed on Oct. 2rd of
the death, in a hospital at North Bat-
tleford„ of a former we—cown and
respected resident of Dimeheraraon ir
the person of Mrs. Garion, formerir
• Minnie Durnin. She had been in fan
ing health for some time, and had
been in the. hospital for about four
. months. She is sun:salved by two sons,
Thomas and Willett„ her hushandhav-
ing preriereased her eeTerA years.
. She woe- the eldest daughter of tine
late Mr. and Mr. Thomas Dublin of
Dungannon. and is .on wiled by two
brothers, Edward Duranin and Marvin
Dublin. also by four siAers.'t lass
Letitia Darnin. of Fort Franes; ki.
Charles Villehey, Grocimihin Township;
Mrs. MeNa h Toronto and Mrs.
(Dr.) Hall of Gederich. She received
her earlv education • in 'Tiuraganon
school, af-erwards graduating froth
Gaderich Colieehate • Institate She
was a most successful teacher for
sone year e previous to her marriage_
end followinz tbe deb of her hu -
hand, sine again meowed in the teach-
ieg profession, giving up only when
Ir health faied. For the past eiht-
en months she lied resided in the
West where her 'eons were farnniong
7Oriss,Tettia Dorn* left to attendthe
• faineral. •
. • '
Monumental Works
•Laelmow, Ont.
r Has the largest and raost eo-
Atte *lock ik titr most beautiful
• largess to .#btwkSe Iwo. in --
1 lartlat. Se0TCH. SWEDISIL
mum cffisArgAN altAxirrEs •
4 note .s.,640tr
Pandits itonsieseots and invite
youT itistierlon
butcrirstion4 Neatly CareiallY and
'Promptly Doie
Set ire bertOrts idoehut Your tear.
. ,
' --
Domain Rims,
I hos.14 ,
Ole dee old customs was the arrival of uninvited
guests, attracted by the good cheer rind general piety,
Irbe Pd -d their meet with son&I and dolma- These will
largepresented in the :ketch by Lionel Damsels, Mollie
Bailee% Emile Boucher and Fortms# Champagne, of
the Bytom& Troubadours„ who will keep things moving
•with true French -Canadian -verve, "lining in ali 16 old
arodffing songs harmonized by Mr.; Oltsien. There will
be choruses of nen andwionenhi voices; a quartette or
young girls. Addams and folk dausceits:
(Deo Edgar in SL Evening Post)
The errandthough distasten I. IMF
eetiOilioro so 1 hurried towards tint
"I must ask you not to pick those,"
one blond clinging to a leranch
she tairned, ""Why not!" she dennand-
'That's a, cherry tree,' I explain -ed
and the owner wants the cherrie
this sunimer." ••
'The owner must be pretty linear&
she snapped
• Perhaps you don't moderstaeol."
• •c
me• ans fewer cherriee. Besides, it do -
Mares the tree."
Pnintedlo ignoring: me, the ,wontat
turned to the little boy beside her. ,
• 'Come on, Artie," she said inertly -
"We'd better ao before the® s
compkining about as breathine the
air here!" ,
as I do, on '60 arras k noe:
T4ttihk1 easy motoring distance of • v
ill, I have samired tli110,011Re
knowledge of trespassers. Theno re,
:mains only one type that I have ane'
ear mmet among them—a lady ter get
tlenman. It most be that well hired peo-
ple refrain from intruding to steal or
There are some minor offense
alma cametrY Preget/LT owners fre
OnentlY,,ignone- One .of 'these ns the
'heft of topeoil for cute eewer 74'4,7
lr....eaves are also a trifling mnatter, el -
though the donnige to a tree min Ole
erious if too many :motorists Hues
themselves. Pumpkins, of course, we
have learned te Plant in fields f2z
from the road.
A mceglleeted fmran in our township
was recently bought by an00"Alt
man who 'made any attractive inn-
woven:lento: In a ehartnin. g sylcreen
nook he mode a Oman pond obese
squadron of scarlet fish swam hit -
among the MY Pads -
"I'm goirog to threw it open to tha
;able" he said. "it's always been
eief a mine that kites bring:
out the best in people." So he put roef
asign: •
The owner invites you to enjoy thif
;pot. Out of consideration for edam
.7isitors, he asks you kiln' die to 1.41.17(
Ilverythiag as you fund it.
The plan seemed to work at first
Am] then came the Fourth of July
edy neighbor was away, but the nee
afternoon be asked rue to go down It,
the Poe,: and. I found him efferatine
with rage- hat I'M Leen a syllevr
nook now resettled a cross between
a rubbish heap and a laveteney.
"And look!" tine owner sputtered
Mr. Alex R. Porter, a well known
esident of Winghams died suddenly
elide attending the nmenning service
in St- Yanks Church Viihnighano, last
3niidy4 Mr. Porter had been a resi°
lent of Winghein and vicinity ail his
He 'Was a Wan Oir age- He
enrirei hie wife„ on brother and tiro
gisterilert Porter, of YrAngharn:
rs. Glories ;Urinate aed Mrs.
aa. Eili ba Mho Porter
nad eeffereall from bea.rt tromil, but
ras as well as weal odienn he Jiver&
oo church.
'sin tang. "My tishr
The stomatliono of fleng-toited /1-....3••-
es had wunishedhenne floatd, be
-pward„ toar the spillway. Im the
rampled rhododendrons law a di's
srded fish met made oot Of a -barrel
hoop and mosquito netting.
A friend of mdne wino owns theme
res onee had on ides. "The remedy'
la told me, "is ekumkes 11 :der tint
nen of his elogehence I vis• Blind -
enett of sktmkn egrimetle rantroll
re. the roadside. It was e glorious
loon but Pike rnamo moth r dream
f rerius„ it collapsd..
"Shrmles won't der" be roureurcred
etee. The Erttle evolnin-
d, 44ad eerveriely sought line &ever
r W 1t an uneepechee zone -Oho
het lard diecrirminetion thev lined t -
ceased the nmocia te with r knickers
horn the city. •
" It is said that' Gliere is tow no
"Oheo" in the reserriege uereatuar ef
the Urfted Church aa te7.,
vi ed b• the etreurnittee worshte
-anlritur1. irrt• Of Coarse .the
wires ;rill cot "oleo." tido Mar be
all rierint. be ecreee eneer Sasneet the
it 5 3 a bid fee popularity with the
• "
isopressiwe March poet at
NM ' crier SON tothiele mlimula eau
I, Cre anii There
( .21) • . •
After a . trim through western'
Canada during which be and Isk
felow-directors studied ao close
mote bnainess and agnenaltehai
conditious in the four western
prervinces„ E. W. Beatty. chair-
MIL2111 and president of the Casa-
dan Pacific Ruway, recently an
mounced a programme of improe-
r:seats and enree:lone to be un-
dertaken forthwith by his 'rail-
way which inay be described as
bold in conception wed nifren-wide
in ieidence Thus' work is ad -
warmed to the present tme floss
next yaw and 1932 ad ftr-
niah work for formats and their
work animals and absorb as much
as posseble of the surplus labor in
tow and cities.
Speaking at wiecnipez after a
tour of western Canada with R.
W. BeattY, chairman - and lama -
dent of the Canadian Paeill• c
General Sir Author Currie
said be returned to the east 'more
prowl, more iiti of the east -
try than ever before,- Admtting'
that the thnes were Vaelertaia. and
anziones„ far Arthur urged that
wealth. opporienely and resources
belonged to Canadians and the so -
hake of nation-ide -dept
was up to our men and women
and I believe in the Canadiao
bread and the Canadian breed.-
As an instance o7 the creation a
new wealth in Canada. be cit the
Peace Riversmuntry with which he
had been lnTenndY iiveised•
Occupying entire tosn floor a
the Royal York Hotta. Tolma,
thspidies mast up-to-date ratio
ithellos were operated for the first
thimli October 3 With the brod-
coating of the Caked -Van Patellae
Ilallway's twos a cheerful mid
goad astsic- It void operate a
ation-wide radio' broadeasatig
through the winter mouths.
' Row high eon a Esti climb?
Thi's ts a question over white' la lov-
ers .of. angling hase often argued
and ditintell. Many experts de-
clare that 5111 feet is the mautirsater
for a Rah to abut* by meant or a
natnril hikora,y. The Casantia
Owanimiesit Departmof
ent titth.
tries in -ata °Meal *Weakest de -
dares that ash in the Mersey
Mier are climbing a Railway 69
feet high and 'are makitag Ole
ahaub up the tiger without dint -
CossomPthen ef gasolene in Cam-
ada itimeased WI per t.
19219 to 1929 and ha the same pe-,
riod tie use of fuel and ewes eels
advanced 133 per cent The !wider
12Se a Mater Cara, fttrebr= traire
end other ogricalturad machine?,
is given as the season far the
greet halftone itit the use of glee -
lie and the growing poptutorily
the tatie �U for heating purposes
accounts for the advance ho the
cameasaption of fuel and gas oils.
The -Rev: F. 6. Pooter of * Pres-
hOterhern Chreeh .cteetette who bap
bee" mu a trip to. Voneitreer, sent
weed to 03e lirusfels ootgragatiOn
that ha had rtiae.tred inieltetior to
heeesse eiit*st tb n Antal to that
ity arid that he bed iteePtid tit"
mil. its ins toes in IfehtiN
I„vo 0,201p11sap* 14,14
seen tad* stanitierit Stamp Miter
Panic lite. Ike fish took .0031
Itene _11 to .1.11Oly• • to Pam the
SUR* by aid of ,,. be Fi5Iaway SSW-
iterieteril by the Canadian Covet*.
*int boattnient of Pinlierien
totrat of the Rah was it OM
madeWS COS tea be ttne ot tsielidety
the Argo* inlet Si
Stet; - Oat peoldorm Sot
Mat Fla* WM* Mg, gig*
• TiXE
EiTIO307401011 SE.*TIINTEL.
Plibrobea e‘er7 mtv,is0231 tatorslOt
IL UteknOir.'Ontaria.
a. a HarHe44e. raroriptar,
and Editori
latgEsoo.T. omega solo, Ism
ells neffatdiog theciw, wal
dawn Ikatnlindicate that:the
040•W. the GOeiroent is likely
;I) h. it ?PIT rate:kis gahleipaceo
oesion *seat of government. end
OraCtically• all the lamer rentei,2)ot
000.10°P aud bn1w:.*The preirh•
. not has been forted to leatie the Coph,
•lot eked the sufud'cu4id4in
.be presidential •election heal last
Mamie bias for somoe'tinne been a pet -
haler in the hands of the rebels.
The whole affair is topical 4 what
periodically happens alany of the
annetries in Central and South A
erica. and are May add, Meico, The.
tine*. BraOill ',began following
the presidential eleetiom ha Maie
One of the aspirants to the office haw -
ng been defeated, set about organiz-
ing a rithelfiomo Perhaps the electican
was not y conducted, and the
ivarty * power they Rave been W -
rapt, but, no/ &nicht the lona* pairpose
of the rebellion was jaist tto get COD -
41/0i of the cuntry: If it could be
done by an, election all right, hot fail-
ing int this tine offices •would be taken
by fore. '
Latest news is to the effeet that
the defeated candidate in the Xenia
election has been called upon -by the
aullitarF leaders to-assay/me the office
of president. and this he no doubt
enin do. Its a pretty rough way of
elovoginng govenunnent5-
An unfortunate incident in coronec
tient with the trouble was the kilhllang
of ie end wounding Of 71 innocent,
personae om board Gene= passenger
boat Wbifil was lea6that Oat of Rio
Oar' The 'Port a the COMitel :�.hs beam declared closed, so that Ves-
sels were not permitted to teethe WittilL
out spell!! permission and by a pre
scribed course_ Perhaps there was
delay im gettine. permission to leave
or perhaps owing to the Obannoee in
g vernment:the captain aibiel snot knee
whether or mot he lad permiesion to
leave_ At any rate as the steamship
Baden, Carrying many passengers, eves
ilassimg• Fort Sena Clem Nowas or-
dered to ste. The ranee* did mot
• stop, and e few blank Shots wore Ifired_
The vessel kept on its course„ and a
shell as fired which etploded on the
forward part of the cdeok is:lhere a
11 ,1)
lasge number of passengers were as-
sess:bled., The vessel was immediately
returned to port and the aroanauted
cared for.
llat great troannpa oe hineeneerinnio
the veroecoei tunnel ender toe Debbie
rover„ let -Waren the cnoes of WindSor
on the tuataiuro sate and toeuireit ser
the Ilichigarm sine, as mow everepleveo
and wail be open for traffic the thIrs
week of Newemer. Traits nomad ha
been under coestructien for over tire
years, and has at ete mihhorm dollaunt_
This tomefl which nn tor seasonal
traffic only, along with the Ambas-
sador bridge. °ermed with -an the pan
year,, greeds seneettios the moaning
of the Detioit Rier, and likely old
put the old Jimy-baft maven cm
inn. Contour* the hedge awn
the thnemel represent immense lanes
element aver the old method of mos -
log. Now the berrieler May pass foam
the one comattry to the other. under
the riven on it; enfone above the
surface* the bridge ond zillions the
bridge by aeroplane.
By was of getting pefilicity for the
tame% the nonmagemenet is eteerinng
am ofroial opening to be meet
week Beet-befeee this effinial opernimg
there is to be oo, Oetimer Slot a spe-
dal private showing tto newspaper:mem
Timm Ontario and• IlEthIamt. A letter
of invitation te the enewspepermen
nays; "At this opening the mearOmper-
ean from the Ceinandian side Or the
river all meet 1.the newspaperenem
from the State of Michigan at the
Interrotieral llocoundary metier the
river and wall be tonnfnted on a ttesa?
07 faraspetevin thmingig toile tonna alter
which thee will he nruads of the Mum
eel Conveny ant- a Ihnotherou ien Ciro
911)414,i! AT IFORT WiLL1A1Z
lust the Comentrasts .ho
preach seditios and make asttniziat,
are evat haittled out of ttle.s 00=11167
has alerayis htea a mster' to tnt
'Either the disturhaares are very title*
emaggerated or the antbottirdes gbne
iraa. etalgata 4/. *tab Oie Cum -
monist olaneest So* beet matiobe.
am* it Nit *ho* iso that has I
• OOP OM 00'000i to III a
tOelonent Of mounted pence tome all
the' Way fey IliMena to naintain
WhY ere the imehestrionns anal law'•
abiding people of this errentry put
to the expel:Toe�fffighthor or jailing
those unkeralle atures daoshould
never have bee admitted- to the thnti
ntry. and who shotild annseinioni-
me.-..•11y shipped one es soon as they be-
esk to talk sedititcon
There is ellaceoess, somewhere.
C°rwacesj1P3Y lalln the:
eircupeostancee Spree oee ing the death
of Mies Maund'ilrfoy et Cargill alee
.ridled -Opt her slah'ath woo dee to are
Meet mid that anehedy. ,Sas blame
ft moaned, that Num,s
01;PriliTe 1°;erer. in the Angliitan
finuarcia:aiCarei lost ber•Ilifee le a
cat; modilerat reteraning 41,)mme
From ec Deanerr re4Srace held at Port
Elgin_ The fethol colltsiem battered
at a road creoer-oo bneon BoirgoYme
Conner, ern. the higint of ()oer 7tin.
Drs. Fraser a Port Elgin and Brig -
ford of Carel who eialaiked
body reported that a betoken rib
pierced tine heourt, and that this was
the hinmediate reopee of death. The
jinni teromm zo„,;ed te,Ot a estop,"
sigm be erected at the'dmegerems
I used • 70be tine en racti°3"ce;m174;:
Ant 'two stretches of highs:Nay, for
ome annunicipall or provincial offitiel
Ito sewer e sulk cao at the same bane
dedariang the near' meal open to bof-
fin- This protedarm is ligeely diss
continued if the example sethreoentlY
anMester:In faraiteiSwideleoeopieft.
On that eccashou Gee 07Memittehors
reanhi ways aund hue Seohath
chearanfh trunnk roods itee• joi
and apemeil foe' traffic With e genet:re
Which was et, least knotenrelw prambial
if IlrS rferhead_ TineMin'istter07
IreilnwaYs for Saskairliewom end the
of Publie /Wrks for Ooses
boottawinullihstim Trtheacs:112,4sTozleeittiFissintatatoonwltheei:
comennietirag tine junrctionn and aa -
other lampettournt DO.e.isainnterpro,
lannisitranSportattiann history.
Reed •firmeaceored nne the Other do,er,
that the world wear was sal inn pro-,
gre:o. Yee it was 51G3 a entist"C
wail -mg pee*
It takes al hice• reeribrenehelan Can
iformio to jor the' conmedecemee
Los *medias. •
al Too;
1 2'1''."- fins' line plea t' -eat threatens our
- add =tree— ' - • ,-- -: -
Covered be wines. mourned by the
a.finneefirilLndS,, 1
Wept le- the sky.. , • •
• ---Monteeemeiry
We are the old, . the emerennenheeed
•Fergotten we lie
lo couretry graveyards high on homely
We ere ereorept sate by sues ters as
sheds -
The weeping sky,
d,hocre ebi, handaned geraves bus city
steeete, sometimes
A. Flossier dodo •
Ffie.ttb4e 70pause anal sgb-7remern-
Rat neve pass -by as here: --aove us •'
- . •
Cinder the Winds.
The Linde that !hid us • hre' long; ,
Ohm paseiossed tmurs • -
Sled then fer aye ate drioo; the falt:.
erin„dr feet
That. foilleteel ars bus grief leave now
' thin till • •
Unmeommbered years..
And n
stooeer hands inner bill iilds
•. we geared;
Strani-e• croNteg —
Beneath tine reefs we ,Miele& be eath
the trees
We plaree& strannoe young Powers
=eke• their vows o
•Mein Fussing Spring -
The ahem piece that draws so nus. -r,, so
Distorhe our reet—
Here in oar senskern mei neeteetted
stiirret w�1lli ire kunow that there
is alone '
Who w111 11010tie-I'L
We are annehurnorem—mre only ask
mrae, •• ., •
if onilv cOhtee epee s.efron.rsOttritte:
liwee astern you ffee! gond as it does
crwhenn your head aches_
A, WORKOM for psi
Al piarroom for the
yumgstess in the baem• ent.
An enia bedroom or Else in
the Attic Thew are now
•posolle in your home at
hu le evens&
The new bogy colonied
`Gypsoc Walliniard that dies
sot INtnaand needs no decor -
n Ohm. panelkdj
she you addraa matt spalle
par prone home.
Eisayandquiddy allarsed,.
stronmally tuna& it pro.
vides fine-sak iraik,
and paititions.
Yaw dealeks Atonic is
fisted below. Conn* him
toda•y god ask her fon infor-
mation regarding Gilmer
Wallband or write' for in -
!nesting' flee boolk 'Donde
mg and Itemoddros wids
GYPM1114„ Altt
41148Asnme, titimAD4,
Paris Goa&
Wm* Atturdie & Stil•i -
li4;""** •