HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-10-16, Page 7• Y4 , Real Nerve Is a Bountiful Supply of Rich, deal h Giving Blood . Sufferers from omens 'debility find themselves tired; low-spirited ,and -:nn- able to keep their minds on anything. They are totally unfit to Perform their everyday duties.; • ' Doctoring the nerves with sedatives is as "terrible mistake The only real nerve tonic isa. good supply of rich.; red blood, To secure this rich, F red blood Dr- Williams' Pink Pills. should be taken_,, Enriching and purifying the blood is their whole mission.. Concern,= log . them Mrs Albert Bentley. • Ban-, ,croft, Ont.,' writes: " Two: years ago I was a complete wreck; In 'bed 'for .'seven .months;. extremely nerv,•o.i ; bad no color. Nothing I tried seemed help me 'till I began pr Williams' nk Pills_' My condition; at once im- proved, mproved: and' today 'I am Well and, able. for anything nithout-fatigue or iron=•. hies" 4 Yon can get these pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 'cents a box from The DrWilliams' Medi- cine co_, Brockville, ' Ont., 1950 Worker Will Was. Still Hated Task. • J' Childhood Duty Turns Mod- ern Girl Against Horreilrtaling Compulsory ' dishwashing • in child- . .hood has given millions of girls a drab • outioolt on lite and has caused then' to;'CQneelve an. absoiute'hatred for homemaking,' says:' Miss Marion, 9. Van •Liew; .chief of the home • econ- omics education bureau of the Univer- sity of the State• of New York.. Hatred of dishwashing, while it " seems of itself a most insignificant' matter, , becomes the root of, an ob- session against :al'pb;ases ofhouse- keeping, she"thinks,, and thereiore has a potentiality of exercising •a vicious influence on, the ,entire •future of girls and; women.. MissVan"` Liew, who is widely known: "throughout the, 'nation• as a home«;economist . in • ,addition to her ,position With. the State Department of Education, yesterday become hdu= cationai director. of . the Homemaking Center of the New York State Feder- ation of Women's. Clubs. 4 '' NO Fad, She Declares • ''The photograph reproduced above shows • an .interesting view of impres- "Home economics is no. fad,` Miss. sive memorial to Newfoundland's war dead at Grand Bank • Van Liew .told _an' interviewer in Al- bang. , "It has passed that: stage and has stood .,the test. .People are more est3/414. Get $2 -a -Day Wage Owl Laf Predicted Ford in His, New � . • '�'fIV S Pr by Book, Moving Forward- i • <. Abbot the only . thing ` that; comes New York -Henry Ford 'blames the to him who waits iswhiskers: present industrial depression' on 'busi- ness men who wate fed the stock mar- ket' instead of their business, and :be-. Heves the cure 'Iles in quantity 'pro- duction and intensive marketing' ,of high-class' goods. • • He outlines his opinions' in a book 'Moving Forward," publishedon Oct. Many doctors are now having their patients say "ee"lnstead,of •'ah''"'Ow," however, remains .the standard for the: patient on receiving `his bill. High schoolteacher -What is Fran- cis Sid. He piedicts that in 1950 elle. , Fapil-He . knew all' four verses Of them,to' o'r t,• fellow who took � . it I. Chou . a o k.home conscious- than ever ,and Child's for dinner? . Why ..every• ex- recovering its former status rapidly. tremely attractird girl. bas an ugly duckling for a clam? Whether • any- .not prepared . to take over the prob- pretty. . one Is a poor �markslnan' because his lams of homerilakfng "vrhen they `be ••S a is .sensible and scientific, too," mother told. him pointing was, Impo- come .brides:.' vs-,' said Mrs.. Brown, "and she says slie flet :And•if rat be happier ,if 1 knew • "It . may astonish people to know Will, allow no one . to 'kiss the baby ay $i3. c#�vsv The Wrong Phrase , Mr. Brown' had just returned from the office and was'. introduced to the Now, the difficulty is that girls are new nurse; . who was astonishingly 11 these things?, , that the state' is training hundreds of while she is near." ` girls and young women for the career : "No .one would want to," replied A local poet thinks bananas.rhyme of marriage, • Outside of New, York Brown.tiredly., ,. • with pajamas. That' is'one of the .there. are 211, centers, under The super; "Oh, ' indeed, John"' -.snapped the several' reasons. this column does not .n�' the State 'Department of 'fond mother, cis Scott Keys greatest distinction. print but"very little home made poetry 'Education where homemaking is' •'I mean," faltered Brown; endear United 'Stated'wots an will get, aa taught as 'a; fine ,art, and "New: York ;oring' to• make things better, "not • United wage of $2? a day,`'advac- Tourist—"Say, boy, where does this 'does not neglect this important train , while she is near." . . road go? The pretty nurse was given 'march- `ates high Wages'ati one of the funds- All .the jokes are. not found fn' the t mg' mental laid o1 • btisice�s and 'says Indignant_ •= "1st .don't go 'noarhere ..W omen and gi'ris must get away trig : orders the 'following day.. , Ik dt I "The Star Spangled Banner." •geneine' over production ~ has never book's os in the papers, spore of them It's here every morning when I come f• roip the old idea that homemaking is v existed. may be Geen wa inn:aroun awn. along:' .. nothing but sewing, cooking and c can :• • ` Is this train ever on • elm's . (grew - Sitting ' ti_66-wages; 'oweveti_ :� e is -Van -1 sew -added:- .`These- _ . eeenger. ...;Oh '.'-re - Ford believes that while.� naso has a Sititng around. the brink house they. A hpmorest s most, serious business • things are' but incidental and as such } d tlte=gr"ou-ch s were, swapping lies. is trying to make folks. smiler plied the conductor, ""we never, worry, • right to work, his right �Iko'a job'de ,' should. 'be done. by means of a'time about it being on time. Were .satis- fied pends on his ability' to render;, valu-, One of silent- "k`'lien I was logging budget so as. not to interfere with the ++ able 'sere Fee. He says belief that a up in the horthwoods L saw a morin- Fortune teller—"You will stif!er pox- major phases of the calling.'° ed it its onthe track." h act.. company owes •aliving to those who, •twin Lion come right up to the skidder 'arty until you are s years old" ' Sue reminds one'that' choosing har- work for it is based on "our trail' one day' It vias a fierce beast, but The dupe—"And then?" • maniou's color combinations foe the tonal conception of master anti ser- I; with great presence or mind, threw li'ortune' teller— "By that time ydn home and purchasing clothing a i:hies van : • a bucket of water in its .foes and it will have got used. to it."' and other, supplies come into, tle call - The book, w•ritteri in collaboration slunk away." with Sainmet Crewth 2r, says the fun- r Man sitting in corner `Boys,• I can dannentals of businness principles are vouch for the truth of that story.. A First, to Make' more and better goods few minutes after that.happened I cbeapty as possible' and force them on *as coming down ;he side of the hill the market,' second, to' strive atttas . I met this lion aria as is my habit, for higher quality and 'loner 'prices• stopped to stroke its whiskers. Boys,. and costs; third, to rase wages graalu those whi'k•-rs, were wet:' illy -and ca,r.tInuoualy and never to •• :ut them; and fourth. to get the goods A HAPPY IIOI"CIimT FOR TODA,Y. to the eonsnier eco ioniicat-y so he r- , may 'benefit by low ,cost prodtietion..From the moment of birth The carrying out of these: modern To the ride in the hearse, business laves requires much more'There is nothing that happens leadership. than did. the aE product: But. Might have .been worse.• tion, elle Ford says_ _ He .believes that.: ' ' - - was why interest in the ''1929 stock Gerrie-•-•What 'shall Ido, Mintert dear'" I'm engaged to a man who, tnarke. brou6ht diaster_ The true occasion' for alarm was sayl he:simply can't bear children.' deeply hid;" he' says. ".It consisted liother—"Well. you can't expect too in the complete stoppage c f improve- • much • from a husband." spent in quality of good; and,i'n' meth= ods of manufacture. which in turn "The good die young." But to die causes a stoppage itl ° the. increasing god. one must diet young. values of the purchasing money. . There is bound to come a time cvh,*eii Gladys Eto her fat hoy friend)— things' are offered for sale at So much more than they are Worth that the • public will hesitate to buY 0E61- and a baloon' then •will: stop buying, altogether and may even, fall into a panic about what LOYALTY_ it bas .botigbt_ By Melville Sloan' "No one hs yet been born who can manage both to manipulate the mar- how grand that attribute, divine; ket for its stock and also, do business That golden quality; 1n such a way that ,it will be profit- That priceless gem of honor, fine;' able. The two do, not and cannot That jewel—royalty. mix." Who will not see an evil done— To him—he calls his friend; DampOr whom he serves: is really one Da1n Wa��i Of—nature's noblemen! "Pardon sue.. Tiny. but as you age. will you fade like •a dower or bust like Walls can. be rendered damp-proof by an application of water -glass used for preserving eggs- Strip dr scrape the old piper from the wallsand brush over the damp patches with the t'watergtass mixture according to the directions' on, the tin. Allow to dry. then put on two more coats; Each must dry before the neat is put on. !When repapered the damp a ill not peisetrate again. Ifilitiard's Liniment gives quick relief. Times might be -much better,if those who don't have to work would knock off and give their jobs to thosewho do. • Things I'd like to know -Where butchers get their straw . hats they wear in winter and comedians , get the ones they ruin? What the girls who ftp pancakes in ' windows -think about and especially what they'd think Many people. two houfs sifter eat- ing suffer indigestion it. It is ostially ratess it with in alkali. the hist- way. the harmless and efficient way. is Pimps* Milk of Magnesia. It has reMained' for 50 yeses the standard with physicians. One snfUI m water Iteutraliies many times its Volume in stomach acids. and at erne.'itis syinptotftis„ such as head-' • aches. gas. heartburn, etc., wlil disalive* ills •five .minutes. 1 'Vow anuli never use crude methods when you know this bitter met'hod. nd'. you Will never suffer from et- cess acid -when you prone out this east relief_ Please do that --for ytnir of n sake-tioW.• inn, of homemaking; as well as p coo rn % fit®j inn aI grooming and. adjustment of family )V l lI I G�!' 'i ti L8 relation and that'to be'successful in all ^these the homemaker should be. • Constipation 1n. one Of the most tom- c trained_ mon ailments" of childhood and the! ' She declared ,that :every feminine child suffering from it 'positively eon -1 member Of ' every family should'be'in- not thrive_ To keep the • Iittle one f strutted in home economic'. She irell the 'bowels must he kept regular, would' •have the .'Younger children and the .stomach sweet. To do this; learn it. in junior :high' school, and nothing . can equal Baby's Own Tab- have mother keep up With .them by lets. -They area mild but thorough' extension' courses, in the ' afteynoon laxative- are pleasant to take' and cant and evening. Fre given to the newborn .babe.with perfect safety: Thousands of mothers Any,. Offers - use no other medicine for their little! t4 Mrs. King'was cleaning her front ones bit Baby's Own Tablet. are solei by medicine dealers or br I hurrying along the road. , ` ' Then. bed -room windows she saw a friend mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. ••t< -hat star has happened"" she Williams" Medicine Co:r:.Bi'ockt`EIIe, cried, running to the garden gate and Ont. "p calling to the' friend. "Why are you in such a hum'" , ' Kalta3!'it�l Island Has The friend paused to regain her World's Worst Climate: breath: ' "I'm trying to get something for my Though certain parts of the North husband," sh'e panted. Ainerican Continent might >:eel . justi- "Oh," replied Mrs. King, very much fied in claiming "the world's worst relieved. "Had any offers?" ' ' - climate'—acemning to - Charles Fitz- 9, hugh Tatman ill LisIScieiice Service ' INVALUABLE MOMENTS, feature "Why the Weather?" (Wash Never suffer' the inyaillable mom ington),• the favor••d spot is an island ents of thy life to J P :i by i p mprov- in the Red Sea. He says: • ed, and' leave ti';tee to ilie{tess and "Hot weather is end'urab;e, is the• vacancy; bet be always either read- . frig. or writing' or praying. oe medi- days are endurable if the air coot li 'rating, or employe' tae uG°fnI Fletcher's signature en wrapper. at night. 'Neither, of these mitigatinglab:'r for the co.n:non geoid_ features is. found in the average cls-_i'i:r•ni;i°.;. mate of the Red Sea coaat. An Eng - relative hu lisp meteorological journal has recent- mate remains. low • 'hot s o in so .WHEN CHILDREN FR'ET THERE are' times when 'a child is too • fretful or feverish to be sung to sleep. There are some pains a mother cannot pat away. But there's quick comfort in Castorial ' For diarrhea, and other infantile ills, give this pure vegetable prepara- tion. Whenever coated tongues tell of constipation; whenever there's any sign of,sluggishness. Castoria has a good taste; children love to ,take it.. Buy the . genuine -with Chas. 11. 104' •' Classified Advertising` SALE FIRST' CLASS BREED - e reasonable Foxe at r aso ' �: f k and. & pR, fn. F TING prices'. ih your eswai int rests write for. particulars .J. 0.• WW1 ee11, St.' Marys. emtarie. •• GENT.5 WANTED FOR DR. BO`7 EL'S soaps. toilet articles, ete., well' known for. .twen.ty. years. Quick turn-" over and large profit. Dept. • 0, Bovet Manufarftrtii%:Company..Toronto S. The worst thing about'.appearances is •trying'to keep them•up. WM IN 01101g oFWARS- tltsoa tri 14°srwt0", EAR. OIL $1.25 nau0stL Iestfijtinnfitimmicist A. O. LEONARD; Inc. 70. Fifth Ave., New York City • "I'm thtnking'of moving out into the ; , • CA S R 1 A by suggested that Kamaren Island, country:' "Do you like the countyj ! which lies in the. Red Sea off the coast What with you do la evening,-?" of Yemen, can claim the distirietion' of ' •'Oh, 1"11 run rip T • • • • : • having the worst ciininte on earth. A four-year record showsthat frbm April to Oetob t. inclusil'e, the aver- age daily inaxiraur_t temperature's' ratge'from 91 "o 95; which would not be bad were it tint for the fact that the .average nsinlmum tentperattt'res i are from 81 St The highest single reading dui g the fetus years was 105, which a can ea-il'y beat in Am- erica, but the mercury never once fa:; below 66_ The average relative •hti- triidity was 'i2 in January and 58 in July. The eliniate of .the island i4 extremely enervating.. In spite of deG erts near at hand and an aver:ig,• rainfall of only two inches a year titc air generally Feels damp, and the winds. though strong,, bang to relic.'. Occasional sand storms add the human discomfort. A .lovely place to stay away from is Kamarnn!" c Roads 'Young and Old Reads that Iead to houses And . a city's pride • go' straight and Ward like Fott,ng ro ' S With sure and eager stride. • But roads that lead to'moirtitaire .. Or hidden desert streams Shuffle a'Iang tike old Men I1app ' in their dreams. --8y liath4.1 Harris Campbell. iSa:i l):ego Stat e -Teacher? eollk ge. rrked his idea of right erP••c Heger% replied: "A d '.,.. (OWL Look for the names 1 • For ® brighter day TOMORROW • Take`9 Cascaret An. Emergency Dressing Minard's•is''invaIuable as a quick ' dressing for burns. scalds and` all liesh abrasions. It cleanses and soothes the'woupd. DOWF SUFFER rtv1T,N DANGEROUS - INDIGESTION Do you suffer . after meals ivith a . belching;from rom sour and acid stomach'', Many believe they have heart trouble and tremble.with fear, expecting any . minute to drop•dead: This condition can be prevented, likewise relieved. 'fake Carter's .Little Liver Pills after steals and neutralize the gases • Sweetens the sour and acid stotuach,Jre- •�._ - - - lieve the gas and encourage digestion. C• The stomach liver and bowels will be cleansed of poison, 'painful and �� . the system in joys i to isefect on't OMPLIMENTEDthe system enjoys a tonic avast: Don't 25c •. delay. Ask your druggist for a pkg. of I:titer's Little Liver Fills. ���■nr I�V1f�"1�! titK t tlmr�rn�un n� o� READ OF A CASA Tells Ali Women How She :Does It 20 YEARS OF ' KRUSCHEN RS OF HEALTH LIKE HER ON 20 YEA _ :fust fancyI A grandmother and still Decided to take 'Lydia E. • Pi Vegetable v: 'nlhnm's Veget • being 'complimented on her corn-. ,-� , . piexion 'I HoW does she do it ? Her i C;oltnpoi j rid' letter explains; ..Krnschen keeps. her z i � d 's the secret'of ! I Be sure to get the genuine. pre- iicribed bjt ' (Whirl for ttonditionS dueto orte0s acid. It is always a li ,. d; it d' isnot be made in tablet add the Word gambit in i Mir rti's Liniment aide tired • • 'reit. young an fit Titat the whole matter. •` Ii hen I'was on holhbly this Summer # :was asked what gave me or what 1 used for my fresh complerxaon. For 20 years now I'v e' used as directed Hrns- ellen Salts, the finest and only medicine to my knowledge. Before this 1wag troubled With my liver and biliousness Mid . rheumatism i'iz; my arm and ' shoulders. • I just take it regularly as you describe. With the above result. I tell every:me this, also my fR'm21y, ' who are now men and women, for 1 out over 65. -E.11. • Dorsi be content to envy her. Follow 'her example. Kr'tischen'wtll keep you young. just as it keeps her *young. The little daily dose keeps you young inside!; yeti 'wake tip every morning as fit 'arid fresh as a schoolgirl, and before the first month is out the wenpWritten le on an your' eyes Krus your complexion eti i will restore the liver and kidneys to proper activity. Waste products will be naturally impelled by those eliminat- ing organs as Nature intends. The blood will be refreshed and Will course in a cleansing, stream to every fibre of the body, reinvigorating your whole system. bright 'ening your eyes'nd,' cl'earin`g your. skin. fou feel'-aare-•s different person. Thousancl4 ori proving it daily. Why shouldn't you It • Kruschen Salts is obtainable et all Drug Stores: at 45c. and 75c. per bottle. blonetoti. New llrupswiric—"Pefnre my tact baby was born 1 was very weak,' neons and dis- couraged. I stay an advertisement. in'the .paper about a.Wornan who had been like rn'e eo 1 bought a bottle of Lydia " B. Fink, ham's Vegetable Compound.1 tools three bottles and it carried me safe- ly through that oritieal time. I have three ehrldrea to care for and. 1 feel well and strong. I have to two other women about your medicine. Mes. Gee Aust reinter. 82 Alberttitreeg, Menden, Ken Brunswick. ISSUE No. 411—'30 -