HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-10-09, Page 3e.ann�anc s sJtEaAttention r1Y ,Attention of. Doctor Cheats. ' Owl_ Lath Who Has Lost' Her Charm and Beauty "Sha seems to be losing her ,lgoks." This remark's often:heard about girls who were once noted for their sgark-. ling eyes, their rosy cheeks, .and,their Di"eac n` ani a araIys of i t s The biggest .screen triumph 'of the r . ' Fall will be takingo-them down without Parents Warned. to Noto •F xly.$ymptoms and to Call Doctor tearing them to pieces.• Immediately ---Delay Is Fatal . - Wedding Guest -7 "This !s your • ••f rth d ht tot led le 't "If there is. one disease mitre than inflammatory agent which attacks and destroys the spinal nerve cells which supply motive power to the museles. Tlie. ,early symptoms (it is most im- portant that you note and remember these symptoms, so I ane going .to say them over very slowly), , The early symptoms are:Fever, Vomiting, 'Slight .' Diarrhoea, Listlessness,„ Un- usual Fretfulnes sand Drowsiness Later and more .Characteristic SY14= touts' are: The Appearance of. Weak- ness in any•extremity, Skin and Mui- •italit : The cause is not far to seek any other whose very name strikee y dread into -tire hearts o4 parentse"'says eethey have .become anaemic; that ac- a .pamphlet recently published by the tomes for the pallor and the loss .of Health Department of the ()Mario Geri - charm. The anaemic girl. '•if,: she nig- eeemeat, "it is Infantile Paralysis" or leets her health, may be .. sufferer all "Poliomeutis." , her, life; To -day l' want to telt you about this Take heed, you pale, anaemic girls. dreadful destroyer of young lives, but Plenty, et fresh• air,, :noilrishing food Ido not want to alarm yeti unneces end. •rest•,wlIl help you, but what you eerily. Fortunately, it is possible' for need ', most is good blood. • Those me to p;omfse you a message of .gen- wretched headaches; that fickle epee- ulne hope insofar a's this ' disease is . tite and, those terrible, heart palpite- ' eider Sensitiveness,. Spinal Pain, 'Ap=° tions . can only be, banished• if th coneternede. For medical' science has reoently learned a' great' deal about parent .or Real Rigi• dity, .of •thee. Neck blood is rich, red and Mire.- . • Muscles. ; fighting it'sand ao, while . warning you . Good • blood—the kind that brings against it; one is also .able to fRil, ybu New, .physicians• •have developed' a • o°d' health, is.created by Dr Wil- how to protect your..ehildren from the ubstenee known as "Convalescent rams' Pink Pills..' The whole mission crippling and death- that . so often fol- Serum." ;This serum es •actually. ;taken low in its wake. . . from the blood• of individuals who have These methods of• Protection ,diil*er, 'recovered from the disease.. As I indi, cated ,it cannot prevent the, disease, .batif given ,during the. critical period eaf'rorty-eight hours after the onset 'of the disease, it does 'enable the body of• the sufferer to flight off and prevent the crippling. ou aug:. er ge marc , n it?" MacTight-"Ay; and our confetti's getti'n' awful gritty." • • The professor knows, of an, absent- minded flapper who powdered her knees and pulledher skirt up ever her nose. 1 Nephew—"Uncle, when are you go= . •j� in ' to playfootball again?" $ • Rieh •Jowle—"I don't .play football. What makes you ask metriatyques- tion?r ' e f . Nephew "Weil, `father says whew you kick; off we are going to get• a motor car and a hoytse, : David 'said in his haste all men•are liars,'. but it would have, been equally true If, he had taken his time in say - of these Pills , is to • build riche ::red,• health -giving blood. The Pills. are sold by all dealers fn • medicine or by rail at -sq cents •a box from The Dr .i'rom these eployed intskfeguarding Williams' ' Medicine Co., Brockville',• human life am nd health fro*•. any, other. Ont: 'Barter , "Count with me the. tjtiegs 1 sold Porn stranger's paltry gold, Pleasant things `: that. made • my ••.heaven—• 'To a stranger's keeping given! "The four- walls that shut in loves. And the .sturdy roof above; ` ' Homely things that ,were all'' mine, Braided rugs in :quaint design, Friendly chairs, and firelight's glow; Gleatniag dishes is a•, row;__, Swaying curtains shining floors; "Windows whoset-locking ou g§hawed Garden. IleM, and winding road; .Thriving plants•npon' the sill, . Money -musk, and daffodil; ' . Scented herbs; and floater -beds, • Roses, nodding loveiy'heads Over curving , pathways, .,set .m With,marl old and mignonette; g g Clover patch,, and garden wall, .____.__.Song=bird's-navrn'nig-madrigal;--•-•--- ...Cricket's song, and hum of .bees, Fiymn of the wind in bending .treee— AIl sweet . things that made. .my heaven,. To , a stranger's' keeping 'given! • . "Now another hand han mine Soon • shall train the . teeiiised 'vine, Alien eyes shall watch unfold • .Bnds of crimson and of gold. .. Oh. little home -how well I know • That no one .rise 'can love ,you so!" --Edith D. ;Osborne,' in the Woman's • . ;da?azine. , • 1 am going to the ball game." '.What toe??" "Just to kill time.' •Why•waste your ammunition when the empire is there?" In 'a small village in Ireland the lnocher 'of a -soldier hie, the village priest, who asked her if she had bad :news. "Sere, I have,', she said,' "Pat has been killed." "Oh, I am •very sorry,' said the priest. "Did:you. re- ce i ve •word from the War •' Office?' "Ne," she said, , "I received word from- hit iself.".' The priest 'looked perplexed and said; "But how is that?" eSurP;A site said; "here is, the letter. Recti it yourself." The letter said: "Dear Mother, I am ndvr „in the Holy Land." • disease. We know how to prevent smallpox,, and we know h'ow to pre-' vent diphtheria, but .our doctors have not yet Iearned how to prevent the crippling that follows •the disease. -' • That, of •.course, is, most important. For 'while the disease isa serious and dangerous affliction under any circum- stances, it is 'robL ed• of much of its terrors when parents know that they canpractically assure their children' ultimate and complete ..recovery from patient is injected into the blood of it- ' 'one ' whois just contractingg the dis- There .are,' however, some .things ease ,the new sufferer will quickly de which must be borne in mind if this happy -conclusion' is -tie-be- reaehedenn Why doe§;'it do this.? It has been proved that very very rarely. does this disease recur in the same individual. That is because the blood of one Who successfully recovers from it . has de- veloped en immun.ty.•to the disease. It has' been found that if a very',small quantity pf the blood of 'a recovered: velop the same immunity that exists. In-:theeblood-of-the -reeovered•-patient= behalf of the littlesufferers, and it is Now you see *Welt is so •important w' • kik e - fo agent .t me rize ca' of Il e o f s r s o mo u t those things which I u d a to � p r y >3. peiia'Hy stress now. • symptoms of "this, .disease; And why, In the first place, speed is essential . it is so necessary that the, doctor be yin, 'diagnosis and in giving treatment, summoned immediately, upon, the' first Every moment of delay in calling the, suspicion of their presence. family physician when ,suspicious It's ,all a question of 'speed—if•'the symptoms. manifest ' themselves, is a doctor gets .onthe scent' within forty- moment of. added danger. If you would eight 'boors after the first sym'pto'ms 'savethe life of a sufferer from infan- .begin ;to,manifest themselves, he can. tile,.Qaralysis,youu;iust Fail in tree dqc- flava the child from crippling•ordeathh tor' early. Delay ie fatal. In order Otherwise the . ser in is ° useless, for it fthat you may nnderstand why, this is' ;has beenproven. that ;once the crip- •the case; let me •tell you something piingbegins to set in, it is too late for about' the disease. itis caused by an the serum to work. Doctors Don't Like. Aircraft [, . Y ' While: the man in' the street sees• - v+lit Babies only cause for congratulation in the way in which aircraft. are nowannihi- lating distance,' medical experts are 1 farm becom nd a little alarmed at it., 1 They are pointing out that transport •so , raped as this is destroying one of the safeguards against..tbe spread of. disease. For instance, two of the most den gerou• diseases of the East — plague and cholera—are now heldin check by, the efforts of health authorities at. the world's. ,ports.. If a man infected by either •of these diseases boards a steamer;. the trouble has developed during the 'voyage 'sdfifcie•ntly to en- able it to be recognized, and the port authoritiescan, take the necessary steps. But eircraft,are 'quicker—and an infected man may land in a new country before the disease has de- veloped.:' ,. ' . Anther danger• is that rnasiluitoes, bearing the germs of malaria or yeI • law fever, may "stow away" on. an aeroplane and he carried from one part of the World to another by air. Clergyman ace Mrs; Jones, whose little son has just been christened) : "Oh, Mrs. Jones, I have never 'seen a childthat has behaved so well at.•a christening."• Mrs.'Jones: "Well, you see ft's because : my husband ante I have been, practising on hitn with a watering canfor as hole •week!"' • Larkins: "You seething§ in a differ- ent Iieht since you: married, do you not?" Harkins: , "I ought to. There were seven lamps among' the wedding. presents." Minard's Liniment gives quick relief. Are Sick! .Babies The welt Child does not cry", it is only the sickly baby who cries. The well child is laughing and happy - Baby's cry of distress is his way of. telling the mother or nurse that he is ill. 'Therefore, if !your baby, cries do not delay in looking for the trou- ble. ' • Baby's Own Tablets are a safe and efficient remedy ,for '_hildhood ail ments.' They are a mild but thorough laxative which through their "action On tine• stomach and bowels banish constipation and indigestion; • break up colds and simple fevers and pro- mote healthful sleep. Tliey will make, baby happy and keep' him happy. They care sold by medicine dealers or by ina1at25D Williams' Medicine Co.,' Brockville, • Mabel -"Could you suggest some, thing suitable for a 'girl friend's birth - ,day?" Clerk "How about ' these book ends?".. Mabel—Just the thing! She always reads the ends beforeshe does the be- ginnings.' Did you hear about, the Scotehman who wrote. to this newspaper that' if they didn't stop printing • Scotch "jokes he was going to read some other paper the next time hewent to the. library. The best school of extie0ence , Is co-ed, too. •• It maye�•ihneasap I to'play- poker pt with a .bad' loser, but its' a lot better than playing,with any kind of a; win- ner, • She . may be the wbole show to her. mother, but she's only the intermis- Sion:to me - Free --; e- , H`e="R erety ni ever eaccinaited?"" Her—"Why, yes." He --"I don't see the scar." Her—You're not going tie, either." Why didn't you walk home 'trona that auto ride last night, daughter?" Daughter,f '°We went toofar, ma- ma." a-ma. The ,beotiegger' • Las P tions ',but w, rile e" .• f 1, many tempta- • Teacher . ;'Who can'tgll,nm2 ,way we should always be neat clean','", • ' Kathleen,= "In • case • of,. accident, teacher." A beautiful young lady and her bash - fill suitor were alone in •the parlor. After Several minutes of silence, she finally said:.- She—"What are you thinking about, John'. • • ti... He—"The s-s-ame thing.as: you are." She -"Ob, yon bad toy. I've a good notion to slap you." A' man bas to be very good to keep out of .jail—or Very Mother—"After ail, the boy is lotrls i His wife ebea lent began to at -him. g "You silly," she said; efancy beiing superstitious •after all ;these years! Why, do you remember. the first time we met? We ,walked under a ladder, and you said you *ere ,sure 'some thing horrible would happen to you." "Well?" said he., , ' Classified Advertising, T SSUES . '•ANTEDc CORPAR:- Q � I or, o.ne "cinpromotions, g E financing AT S concerns. ^.ounse::on Merger I: consoli�, dations. • Write. details. Lewis Co, 29l Broadway, N.Y. TENTS List ' of "Wanted Irrventibns" and Full', Information Sent Fret on •P.tequest. r : • EAMSAT • CO? Dept. Wr 273 Batik St., **wee oat: RANTED—Personp, to•• grow Mushrooms for. us in cellars.' Earn. upwards of 125. weekly. Illustrated .booklet free. J Canadian Mushroom Co., To�bnto.. A Shaving. Lotion When mixed. : with sweet` oil,' Mir�ard's . serves " 'as' an. after shaving' lotion and antiseptic. , and_ freshensthe 'skin Soothes e ^WHY. SUFFER FROM YOUR :LIVER?' rich. Wily be handicapped with"unsightly i cents a boxfrom • The Dr. blotcheson the face, eyes with yellow' tinge andthat tired -and -.languid.. feel Iieadachc,'Dizzinessand Bihousngss Brest I was doubtful, because tried so many things. At last, however, ui R� This in dice tes. a torpid liver Ontario. . sowing his Wild oats." Father—"I li'ouldn,t mind,. it he did 1 not mix in so much rye.", • Climbing the' Hills "Far over the steep hillside It wound The path where his feet must go,{ The road that summer knew blossom -1 sweet Now covered with •'ice aid snow. And he sighed; this lad, as he strove to sef His feet on the ice -bound track, `Oh, the hardestpart of climbing a hill • . Is to keep .from lipping back,' • thought, as I watched him trudge along, Of the hills we all rtes! c:imb, Whether the pathway te. elossoi - starred . "•• • • Or white with the writer's rime, Immediate Relief f�r INDfG6SYlON VIIlWps - ..... ,4,0"4441fs, FTroubles rreatG soca 3'ro►i Cie " N'EARTgURN sr�IPATtON ,t,s , 1 1 W liAAT most people call indigell in acid. The tion is usually excess, acid is the results are stnniach, Food has soured. The , immediate with no harmful, after: A merchant's biggest' boosts are'the ``` knocks of a competitor. • ! Running from creditors Is a very R unmanly way to take exercise. Gent (as he paid a small newsboy for his paper]—"I see that you are 'putting up a good many new -buildings iia your town." Boy—"That is the only.•kitid' We put up•here, sir.", °Visitor: "''here's the other wind - 'mill gone?" , Natlti e: " We. only •had ii ind .enough for one, so we took the other one down."—New Goblin.' ° I And one and all .. shalt find elite . ' true, instant remedy is an alkali which neutralizes. acids. but don't use •crude helps. Use what your doctor wouId advise. . The best help is 'Philips' Miilk 'of Magnesia. Icor the i50 years' einre its invention, it as tenanted et•.:rtuard With physicians. Yon will i:ru nothing else se quiek in Its, egret, 90 harmless, so-ef5eit<'nt. L r c t;+,steIe$ spoonful iii 4sater np°., . r.izrs mate' ttiitcs its volume effects. ;effect Once: you learn this y you'll never deal in any other manner with the headaches, gas, bleating, nausea. . dizziness; im digestion. hi iiousnesa, etc., due 'Man over -acids otnacll and b weis. Ue sure; to get' genuine, Phipps'. It is always a liquid; never made in tablet forint. Look for the name Phillips' onthe 'bottle.' All drug=' attire 5trc. • ` MILK �6F N5 N 1A • ,t • Cutienra The'Sanative, Antiseptfcfj. Healing Service • pueaceelled for an gears Soap .Ointment • Talcum : Shaving Sttek 25e. Mich at all, Druggists BAC Wonderful' relief :from pain 1 Backache is one of those wearying complaints which bind all their victims. ` • ,together with . a common hoed of misery.. And when any one sufl'erer from backache finds a sure 'remedy, fellowship prompts : the quick report of that discovery to others. Heie s a. woman who has her friend to thank for, knowledge of a remarkably successful, treatment. Now gratitude compels: her, in turn, th pass along the good news to you. ' I am writing to tell you of the great benefit I have received from Kruschep Salts. My friend, Mrs: l., had received so much benefit that she begged me to -give Kruschen a trial, altho Tgi- a.. surely follow. Yoe must stimul to r of her Nruschen, and, your lazy liver, start the bile flowing I triedsomed a bottle. with Carter's Little Liver Pijis. feeling hopeful, I P Th also act as a mild laxative. and I e'° onestly say that •before e They •led th bottl my 1?ackaehe • purely vegetable, free from calomel• And poisonous drugs, small, easy to swallow, and not habit forming. They are not a, purgative that cramps -or pains, unpleasant after effect follow ,mg, on the contrary a good'tonic., All Druggists 25c and 75c red pkgs. 1 As we fallow the ppw rd track, ;LC That the hardest part o cli.nilring • ail s t •-,,two nuno.•s r i par win• n' �E't; r linin, krill drusci«±.. ; it leis t•n ,i llt. w Y Is to keep from slipping back," t leth'anti tub th t r t r est:'Illy, t,lAckhea,1 r<;if 1,0 ,ti i1. The on.. —Florence Jones Hadley, in the New i via, sure a[,•I-,rtYlrl tt tt,' t•i 1`v n5, r.\.•, Outlopk. •t .t,:khp:twia. �.tti r t ..,n guru-ant..•i , •w .n. -r t of aid,• f P W Smear & CO. ' • The verger of a v ii.'rage church died; a?22. 'Wellington Et: lir., Toronto and• it ivas•decided to appoihit, as his! successor, a wise and worthy mem-t ber of the cotnrrtnnity. He was effete! Ad the job at $250 a year: bet then it i ` turned out that he couldn either read.t nor,Write, so it was giver to another. However, as a consolation $100 u as pre'seitted to the ethet man. With this he bought•bananas ani a barrow and soon was making pot: of money., , . " . . es' Rail eN O.CK . one as rias-tasfttir t» riostretI5'.•.. EAR 011 $1.25 2111n tt, Iletrithrel teller :anent A. Q. 1.EO1�lARD, InE. 70 Fiftfi Atie., jew Yortr City This Ile deposited from time to tune' in a bank. • One day the bank man -1 : ager erote suggesting that, as his I fortune was so large it.mightrbe ad-, 'visable to.invest it.. . But be got no! reply. Finally he'went to see the' 11 Banana. king. wino explained that !I Write. 1- i - -- e td nehtli�r' read no i=• 'Gist On �ak�li►ne aimed the hank maeager,! Ireartens" escI r�r1�,�r1� oni "if you've 'Made all that money as le Ma a temots'0 think how muck yeti would .. j is, just y ., , . `VII, h ve trtade, if you had learnt to read I _ __::,,...(--- how write:" "1 will tell you eeactly , 1 hoar• tterclh:' was the reply. "'Tv.1" hundred and fifty dollars a yearI"'tel �asca CelS What is the oldest settler in the . :west'? The Sttr. 1� irit4, Sure Relief LiOUSNESS SLUGGISHNESS ONSTIPATION Minard's Liniment has a hundred uses. *NEV. WOK, 11VIIILE YOU SLLEE r. • If baby has CO L. 1 C A MY in the night. Colic, No reuse for alarm if Castoria bandy. -This pure vegetable pre para tiomi bungs (Nick comfort,, and' can never harm: It is the sensible thing when children are ,ailing: 'Whether it's - the stomacU, or the little bowels;, colic or constipation: or ..diarrhea. When tiny tongues are co'ated:or the breath is bad. W heneVer there's need of gentle regulation. CliiIdreri lou e The taste ofCastoria, an`d is m+l hers make it safe for frequent trse. And a more liberal dose of Castoria is always better for growing children than strong medicine meant only for adult use. had finis e e was gone. I have,, suffered for years with kidney trouble and -dreadful headaches, and now to be free frown the . pain altogether is wonderfueli' (Sirs. C.) E`My daughter Catherine is fifteen years old. She was very irregular, , often sick at her stomach and had to stay in, bed two: or three days at a time. one of your booklets was sent to us by mail so I got her a bottle of Vegretable Com- pound. Catherine has been taking it regularly and 'she 'is gaining -in weight `acid every way. 1 told"'the neighbors and four ether .girls ' are taking it waived results."—Mrs. Ctar- efce Je't'ikiimstm; Boit z4, Ttorst• .e, Qnfdm`io. • Lydia. , Pink1an::. ,.Vegetable Gallipoli • •q..'S EP.,th.n MeE. t :, a,dt:ob.ott,Oelart., ean,llt t- d -. ISSUE .No. 46--'30