HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-10-02, Page 6. r, by Lucien Burman appe• ared in the pavilion. ' There. was , - 'THIS HAS HAPPEN I) Attempts have been mad on the life of Elise'Marberry, owner of Isrge plantations on the outskirts of Porto Verde, Brazil. Her cousin and protec- tor, Vilak, believe that Gaylord Wen- ' tins is .the instigator o1 thein. Tinley, Elise's two-year-eld orphaned. nephew, is kidnapped, and Prentiss.' has. been 'seen le the jungle' with .a child. An expedition is formed '•n trail Prentiss. Through ' misfortune and desertion' only three get through the :jung'le-;- Elise, Vaal:, end 1 ineoln Nunnally*, an d the altar where the prostrate we lderly. u'renttst friend. They are made an • . anotl►er dance. ,Then D'Albentara, 'be - : side the 'thief, clapped his hands. As they had done- the day before, the multitude fell"to the ground and lay there groveling, their eyes fixed on the east, ' Bata'lagos . began- waddling to-: ward the temple: ' • "No'te's our •chance," Vila': whisper- ed. He' crawled out of hisi:hongs•'and in '°noiselessly to the ground; Slipping crept to the sha lows along.t-he outer of the court aviay h:roin, the. fire edges prisoners •on the outskirts of •an .a11- ent .Ines. city. , The ruler of the i ity . vent ci Elise anad put Vilak decides to =marry and• Nunnall'y to death at the feast cif • • Barth. ; .Vil;ak'is•-esntpelled to whitest., ier'af'savalges,was concentrated. The old rain followed. They reach - tone gall try hounding. ruined ,s �, e to the reach- ed t • "a11 sides without being 2. on the `ao court detected, the* began skirting along its a wsThe c to 'slowly , 1S the mohlent I'.; afraid of i'' Vitale Whispered , ,. � . • t �, that *e puns weak, We own to . IS Industry .what's going tit UP,pen . When the pe, • outside Ont see: us. Certainly we'. "- d Lulu - 'sr to the a0d man ' It'e here can't trust ,'this chap- Frcint Dory on Agriculture! Airing ails we've just, got .to.hope •for luelee ' . ` The chief waddled through the :door- way: A' shout of joy Went up from the wot:ShiPPers,. changing to a murmur of astonishment and dismay as the two figures demonstrating ;the es!tent to white men emerged Enure the tern'°le i which the telephone,, the invention of and took places beside'hinr. . a,Canadiain, has beuetited Canadian in, Viila'tc 'pressed •the:rtng close to hula • dustry and commerce, it is at"once " "Speak to. them, Batela- yiden:. that rapid speech' transmis- sion' one a erose• .._ ... ' e , os," he muttered.,: "Tell thein rite: _ . ' • g siou is an 'inva'lua-ble -:asset leo-the sun-god• has. spoken,to Batalagos and t�yo• iuiportaut aspects of ,uattotiai' =toil him t.l,at the white men are 'good. life. • ' The telephone ., as 'born when Tell them many things like this; Bat- the Dominion of, Canada 'Was in its aletes,•' 'And say.. no, things of Vila •. 'infancy. and industry and tra'ae still against them, for' 1: shall hear, And . in, „their . Swaddling clothes. • , Its de= the "'teeming..sha11 strike•" velop?ueitt; _ linked t*To'sely n rail, that The chief began to speak, unwilling- ogefiieiont railway tri isnot:tat►on, has e1'' like,'.a• child forced to been. of 'the' greatest lmport,tuceto lg, plvaintty y, apologize. , o . Solite indlgaatrt relative every Canadian inks f+'y, front fishing: wheret • x oat -it •'i's int _'filched at dinner, ' to riiait faeturng. T d whose tidbit it, had , >l int - Hie raptor watched' hint :closely, the possible to find a single plant or,com 7.iseshoulder. • • • mereiet" organization whiclf does .not ritig:at,h roviding hexing Also Served by • This Public Utility While it is inipoesible to sive .exact the tortures of.other victims. '„Ile as;. torten •pillar. tow; -id the tetnpla al way through b ddenl > V" ' s1w I>Tunnally wh, el . deliend upon. the. telephone, •p cutting g h f y t Sit 3 a d d' d e cce h s . f o n h st. t I i 4 nw es n slips d a do 1 ban i ` h is d `h him a dagger,, Sep ' NOW BEGIN THE STORY. ' • quiekly, at 'one of the sides w•.here the ` • • ellery protected them fro.n :he r ,H PTER'SLIV, • of .the •woxshiPPets• • Bh'talages eater -. thrust `a copper -dagger '.ed," They followed:. They were in The I tnto'Vil'ak's. •hand. "Take' he nhis ,long .unroofed hall: On .all, sides' rose red "White men.' good 511ibinn: ghostly shapes' of great ruined- stone pered, $cep Mabmi from�die, ltlabinii white •'.fgtires, •some with shadowy, bro.e•t `n's slave. Try see white man be- arms `upraised, some with fat squat "maone end 'wee fore, •?luny times= -wait outside win- bodies lacking head{. eAt Tar and this stow. But always soldiers come. •� n 1 ad hip way. ' The two blear .have to. run' away. White, a Shaine mer, : d1a Good d taltie ggeY = $ill. ',Frill bad_peoples hurt White roan, .Soldier donate>again now. Aiabinti'go." He 'crawled. of into the red -silhouetted-' obscurity, . ' With, the dagger Vilak quickly •com pleted` the cut in his thongs,, "Wish this. chap could have gotten 'to us. a 'week ago, "'he grunted.. "Doesn't help, us lentelt now.•• Would• have been. through•.tn ,a few'uiinute;+ 'adry�' " His 'body was non*' free. But, he' :made'no attempt. to disengage, the lees- ' - ened cords •around his limbs, only moi, ed his' arms esltghtl:" to; place the �dag- e �� apr in Nunn'ally's eager hands. .Cut yourself lceose, u on s.�iff" �`elnet. as you sari "We won't be'moving tor. • a while. I've lot something of a plan. Not _a marvelous ',plata or a sure one. • b: any meats Quite doubtful, really. I've been racking my••brain all 'day and can't get it to function, But stnce '.the plan's . all • we've got' it's worth • ,.try. At dawn Batalagos iyilt gi into the temple 'to •receive.'the .first rays -i'f the sea alone. .he'll do it every day: • . of the festival:. This dawn we'll ti " '' to bc, there with. him."• ° The old titan severed the fetter• ..at his wrist. Furtively he tried to return 'the nagger to his`ftten•d., .• . . �'•ilal~ pushed his, hand- away. "Keep it,' he wh=ispere:i: C'i've got 'a better weapon." He. began twisting one' of, the' two rings.on his 'finger, a seal tit* of • conventional pattern: The top screwed ori,• A erge black stone Wag • exposed, half human, half bird, like the, grotesque'' idol with three minute cliws protruding. The 'dews glisten ed •brightly in the' firelight.' . "It's D'Albentara sering. ' I 'put the -stone in this new mounting and used- the time -worn' trick •ef hiding it. by wearing it in „the . most •conspicuous' • place I could, on 'my finger. He look- ed everywhere for it, but there:" ' Fifteen minutes 'passed; ,half an boar. Vilak macre no more ..o go. •.The child on the stone a few yards away o . began to cry Mistily_ , • ' • .Its lamentations shsided to a whim-, per. then died away. A troop of.yel•- Iow spotted moths •foated ;gracefully Over the crackling fire, then wheeled ori at if in sudden fright. Two black .beetles began crawling, over :lunnal- ly's body.. With' a•scarcely perceptible movement of his hand be brushed them away. "Istit"it a good • . . er . . - time to escape now?'" he whispered,- • "his eyes constantly on the sentinel gloomily pacing.' to and fro sortie twenty yards area;, . - '"The place is 'almost :.. er ... deserted." "Just the .time not to escape. We'd be missed in ' a few • minutes. and caught. • We'll -wait till the courtyard fibs with people again and their inter- est is •concentrated en erriething else. ' Then whatever we de won't be noticed. ' That's an axi<+m," ' e e in cu to . chnlbe t great onds when a friendly Indian s `:- o mmunicrfton • be t s 'in the entre „ they clubbed ' round with the •Of de r' nc rs:' heel- as the' manage,;ris office and the '• take a position of defeacc. .,Hew tiveen• a ed also; saw racing across the steps from, the gallery opposite, him the stunted Indian of the •,e-normous nose. The old man , struck; the half-breed leaped past and.hurled himself upon Vilak: He: snatched at the white,man's hand which bore the. ring. There was a struggle; his s rtst scratched *mains a broad, stene. 'a struggle; his wrist scratched against elevated,e'.. it. ;He toppllad and began • rolling life- Bata egos m caiitf..after him. lessleedowp the steps• others. stealthily. • u en the The attack' ended as soddenly as clambered awkwardly F He clan d ` 'vas it ha. as t 'ef>: • bra had begun; • et - �'t 3 2 • k:eg , sten: s. A _t ' i knees. � e� stone' and fell tb. fi S 1 rtunity to of criinsdlri..'appeared atop 'the red' 'afforded ••Satala an opp�-, i -waddle frantically down the steps to safety: Here behind a triple row of :his 'spear -armed soldiers, . ie halted, and still quivering' with :fright, gaped -mountain' which' the, . temples laced. Batalagies began.a monotonous chant, 'flip ing out. his arms an&striking his •head against the stone. ' 3.n a few moments' the ';entire eastern horizon up at the tw Americans, who had re - tititttr■ � . • fe's the g ten', Way Did You Know LO L A V M Is Reason �t >< y t Says • • ltd :dry ' ..eMensrlaud :. It tin+- 'juicy by putting ;7..t1:• , .til keep.. .Y 2 add '•' s t e nic Re�orn� .Kt � of l,}it , a e •„••u'�a ° • ; ' re' without a: A:1,• tt tu[iera3� Sl ” 1 4 . ',ids T Keith `'Ath i3r e Six it Rl' a €or. Sctenee. to :�ici'. ttiprot'ing tth'e , .. • Race shit iu°^ room' on'. rile 'next floor • : or London- S'rr ,arth.tr Keith; ;" +..t betiteen oducer and • 'coueumer,• recently appealed ' fat e f ,, ` • :• •• erha. by •t.heasands of ` laid' k, Human' nature t•> t \ separated p p miles.. nor to eugenic reform ,,,.i , a's ocean fisheries' provide .a meet in the quality t,{ he'race, 1 Garan chief dith • t, in :he } a. Sees . : � is ,invaluable "Thi ._. t ,:_• . ,Made striking example of alt rid t .,t.... service.. The delivery, oreformers,' t dSr:rr._ia• •,� <,t••:,avitt.t��'tl hours? ' ike l ff l olil'�tug ,t : , tin `_•� � t t salCt . • ,�,, .f• ).,it +hail -it,thi?,n tura ; ,Lt n,. ;;and, Paint it '.with s;a1 >U 't it : "1 ati;l tet 'lzT,••*un �liit2e, •t I U it is t'�Lotott'ldY dtSht.rrtti lies pn • i•.i,.i:r. u; `sl •obliletate ea- ;aL' a �, ,a ,ti *airlift and that be see , , d rill uti the ct u;ks? • rt d 1' t fre•h fish eurentc, reformers, w'.:,ta o. w' 'ova Scotia „"2s human) miter*, 'bright' h't as new.. St f big wives of prairie cities, has, become in it}g, :emotion. prejudice rake*� • -a-:<,.: : AMOXD DYES are. easy to . the• pas` , few years art. ' important i'everthe-t. _, be t, i?r_ gat.- tt; , t� DI and evenly;., factor in this ancient industry, .From Congress' of Eugenie u -r gv an smoothly.. •,, i? r x*: _ 1 trace of that re- ar R' the'.t!nte wag r e ♦1• e t'Dyes' ate •th'.e first,• she" accurate timing o . the n 's• to' meet the `demands of for .Science to tale? a .',•, r '�� look trueDiamnnneDyes are 'the fe t he tlu,ili'ti o.:.-•,•ee deur' : 1:_, she far :west'.:market : preeen ed ; a 't iardin. t •that hold their 'ot�t2•.through• the .. • tions. : '- hardest wear and washing. nerati:on now '_i: " •`-i ,, h es owe their •supers-' "IS file ,e ti rely a - Diatttond DY es at in body'and: meld a. • ou.v to tit abundance •,of .'pure • • enation li.I is ;tc 11.1 r : 3 t1 s .skiers then contain, ' Cost more e the. .'evidence ,e^:'i;t r :.�. »� `'-'••, to make. `Stirelp�..•But'you pay sno . caught off the' cos s .o and New Bruns -wick; 'te the hoose- .'ed not' by reason but't,p end. veicing problem, and it was long dm-. tance'telephone service that made -the 'efficient solution of this,. problem ossible" The fishing • Industry • t _ , t.;' �- r. muaitls one of the .most uncertain• .factors .in'• Modern business �Tod'ay, 'tion has ,set in?" •'te &seed stere Tee theme 611 drug store thet are frill tomorrow• •• empty; refutable evidence v rC •F : ••U' ra' • ,1x• •'.; res , Fes is tg, Fish highly perishable and a delay that civ il:ra n en is tending ng of a Pew.hours may mean,great loss ability for 'mediocrity. "-t ' ' i` to the shippers. Tet despite 'these to: discover the ries ares rchirti 'eve! jhaudieaps, modern 'method9'of storage, raised• man o his „ s e -.t s,a .tea • refrigerator' cars, and the telephone tau lie used a rt s h m i.a.ve develope'i the prairie markets, ' Sir•_krthyr, said he apr '- to a high state of efficient,_`"..` Be'a`ms^ -„ e•* -es -wish • ,.-• ` ;L .' of .these modern .methods',, ha'ibi.t .and n - .ho taw o ' ' cod' landed :- at Halitav, and salmon eco eekee.h.= or` shipped from the Pacific: ports. ,are; , The nr: s ' readily ' available to -the corisanier ,of the emergence of h '-- F ` Saskatoon. and Calgary, • Agriculture. ni1ning;, the luinberii industry, and manufacturing r -t -ll't 2`y- to A •. Z . a branches, era sr2tiiia it tr ea by the eon e - ti public utt!ity•which deal- in tri^ a:, Ice .are t_ ;anion yes artaiiv;•for 5O Yaars ichtid �' R'OT.d. Tlie +•a: �f 2° w.. r. mantYfaeturer in •Iontre#it er Tei-orto ral -.-= -- is constantly 3n roach w,ita. soisc� '..T:her.. s;�-, a tt re- r a : evolution 117. of raw material liunareds of miles away with hi sales force ca to ed across the Dominion end w t92 h? 7h = , • n,holesalers and retailers who handle e his product. I•TterdePa r'menta? or • na a_ `. ,r:•,. : teleahorr: se"rice heir lin :o seep' rate 't' ^{.� up production and' keel+ his a pr,,..._, " operating "e'fc'ientiy. The number. fo; rag g of telephones in, use . i' -t z t t, >, p • e v e t o Canadian manufacturrne I't"i - • some idea of the impor aace serriCe : to this ind .qtr' F?r J. stance, there are '5 ,elephor.e- `-n .' a ,u't t _ .a. -illi. plant• of a meter car •manafa:tory 'Toron:o, crier dhich` 5:013 tills ars .' handled daily. In a large ienp;emen, ':' ,t - plant' at Teronto.•1.05 calls'are !ta4'l- - Ied• daily through 4a telep'a.•anes served beard r : by . 11 .• trunk- lines. ' One of the a, ^a :: '--• oa.7, storesi 'lI_at- 1 `. principal department u ^ , �e _ � - - :real has 2S3• instruments. serve' '�_' ._. vt 93 lines. over which the aveeseee i- 1,95_ calls during the busiest •h^::T : ' Th, ▪ -C- th':e day -between '10 ,and 11 o'clock _ - • - . in the morning. During ,the da :F a.: : • • ` average of calls =, • r } rush hoer._ an �� c1� handled through the sw c boar,i ,r;y -▪ .-fr, : the head office of the Canasta:: Pa.• fist Railccay. at �lenTea: • Keep G ass r Ca^• portation "of the •pollen. • _ :e - f• -. The moths fluttered back to the fire: ore by one they dropped into; the flame. A. few fit aced gracefully away. The crowd commenced to 'drift slowly into the court once more and Batalagos re - The tingling taste of tresh taint leave, is a und treat • for your sweet tooth. ' r L Affords people ever fi"w'trtre gresit toorofort and longlasting elij t. Lathing else • - so t:inch 'bene- fit at so small a r .iv _tile coon. work 1• ..he i • and 'pray -- keeps von . cool; calm ands.'' contented.. •iS • ile toppled and began rolling lifelessly down the .steps. .. 'eps- r r :lis r•.G tt Qu".. �x • _rat• *as flooded with red. The chief • d behind its =better mho �a Wird and clambered down from the stone. His heavy foot touched the loor .•he n addsin return to the to the 'dporw.ay of the temple, Weather, , Wolves , i's. S• 1•: •.r, '^: t e ..ret.' • ,1: arose .treated u,d ess rats. : ..i a�: ..e »a;... ready' to ar,tc shot.• .. , a spear be hurled or an arrow' 1 :` ret = tars who had diapatchE.l ! It has recently beers eu€gc N , d -a: • � a:, _ , t, D'.stunt fatal; wireless is to, blame •. for e' , fir"a•-..Y.N> began his ghalf-breedhis d' i t courtl 'dol. ryas waiting behind p the, stunted ona drouoh; in. America,whien his cause , .. -t, Y scowling idol. He took a 'noiseless -step s'step errand They began to a d curie fot-waril to join argue serio:is loss to farmers, ani Fres den''''.1.7'''''''' •••a forward: caught • the rh,_f s :assn. !age.. Hoover has been asked a `•'a: e , Patalagos .turned. swiftly recognized excitedly, • y laced one 1. tends to do about' i'- • the untie.i. � it ' ... kF stooped and cool h' nd�then stew, the old man + � slab wireless' see" to be a t ; • ; A ,. ' - ' ,• is captor a with drawn .dagger approaching from of has boots winch had ca i "universal sCapegoa.. T ,:e Syr behind ;another idol a few feet aw•ay.t.i"Failed." he said "Afraid is would , "uny reply a oar own cn z .'t a.•: He was about to scream for help, b:2: _ Still two facts in our fAi:er,'though. ' blame it foe the w`e' = n r*V' r :.' - afra`d o d=,o-hand fght ' Ced— n °nT I r E. w ,,...o th; tdescent of y ilal:'s' f• ee 'r.ant4 They re f hair' t esperie� lin ! it aS ior.e a I've go this slit€. and, NI; jus' d.uj,:e :_ ° 't' checked. hi= i spears or ti . 4' "`Do not Bail out. R•t..agoc " Vilak : we :: •a tr.. •i "i;ege .t+ acral dun"; e the ::o••caS r ;Err :e". grunted. "Po net call out. • Ot I a '' arrows as =g as 'We're in he p Wee,a ar' ail " ." • kill. Quick. this tray. He'-I•wly re'I, Otherwise .I is y• we`r`e, in a st n w,rar' e •a •(.."=.7.a -'''''.::t le"aaed the hand which was oyer the • deep hole. 1"m gt,`ng't'sx.l: • F;rr.'' n'o" '.,,ntd,"f•,1F. be. is a n. E. on his fir e. in the rr r?7tet;r p.�.., Ha tea; it.orr'aerr :?i" - ' tenth. 1-1's raC > :C Ole• i? l t•nre'n it e :, light ill. -.7 PC a:� 51'.1.'t'•'''.4 �.l.s .a• { en .F ! �° •t• .„ rm...., r - y°::� "C«•elf' kris .•• " F r•'i•,.d Siaj ;a ::*•:t goy egan `<:^:e Crean':r�* Pei::. ewe � . whim red. ` R isitearia ro ey et a t•• � :;. sr one 'of :'Weer :asralae::-� � _ ."'. alagc nc+ call out. fiata:aros eo wha; , pr-. , eeee. B:., :: ryas m -.:y r F: its 'pry<t h •..e r•• M^cr L y .s:t>nt Quct h:s c:..unte-•ar,c'e b a t, .'-•". , ever white elan sage 4 ne :r:, ar 1• •a' ill• B 'aias;c+s n-- .? ',:a t:a^.tt' rdi rills He �friiie't, r r _ i5e :d `.nr i 1 rn an`td o " he r'ur^.0 and the white girl �::• "v < t,,:tt • ring close to the , ether's.chart. as I 'n-" iw:,;. the art and GAUtAsrAty t3EE,5 he , above Pre• ht -use � lake:- - alta a t •,r' breast ca.ded u ,:y n: some C at. a -ren " �•1 . ig tri bTa tt, e ' The chief r. 4uie>„•y: ! t: ,. .. •,....-- go ..� a e the trr,f x 1e wher: a . f :"re I•tw«:a, sip: riser+ < ,.Will Bata:ae. _ let `' 'e al'}- �•�;;ew"t•-..:a' rrea,::s o= escape �� ... .he there's beer a na:ura: fro -c4 white carob honey ra!3 tau . •.t go ».• •• time rile z inept. t: •; '� .,•.:, . • alio. ;'l r a - s lets e The half-breet• hesitated. Vile ,just crying ,< be.esed• Nee .3e-,.,' ac, ,,;•., e r y,w .. •i.t';r half an r"e"'yy.1 m t s'•rg my -vagina r n... ,a :he of ilisha ire ngfi 4 on gala, alar to, pr..e.+ iter:. st :.fE.,, rr,+� .1....p.., a' Ilea:. of his•;guivet ing fe h. The - a.: uoreet. His hand c�T rued „t. . �; Isis pocnet, Quickly he dreg oat two cia tieeorat':..a moaned in 'terror: • "Yes. • Let- bib r f .r ;� , ,. ,,.. go too,' he whined,' ••Ile, ani th tic : brie of safety matches. ea amara(. as n ot'a hone a* :' r , .. _ ` ie1n'e malt say, ,Only no k ... Betel - then:. t:.t:s tneru hark. 'G.s'e 110 aFr :colopi„p?. they. switT:z M,i"' , • ! ' ' matches .you have he said to ".un- a.ua dun n ranee • . �.. • k r d,r yi,, r w b ",_.poi'1-4,i .rag: .l't t0 t:• a -mat which Bataiag' decals is nails. Loo it the lining r anon La. .ret�r L.•`• '' gol,4."" Vitak die** the r'r,,g away a clot, -res. too, " yd3 >we" tt' little. "I:i€ttalagos i• to se. 1lat.alago••� The old •z an'searched di, gen..ir ,Ir gra t . • •. • t ul.ed out t'te s000d*eet', hairs ' to '•tvr•" '••` is vers wise. But,let et Bata.agos well a mdlment .he d e e e; ark. brad: ;, _ "•' rentetnber. If Batalagos.'breaks 'his bo!t, then another. These h. xter:o. ' tl + whit• oTe you - •. word, quit$ as the fiery lightning ( .h s ,nth and turned :: sd+ nag t c la to I've had f.'r wep.c. ...- eel er's - a , h,=,• ca e;ted a'i:• . ted on the r.ttg gli,-! ile _ ga r.•s hand .o n<•a e- :< a ,• sierra*e , ere: res t •r - � a.rm bt:caz:•e .• z. DatRi$gd+� paled H, rob. I,. 'n• ^ x ^a i :I i , i.nn C$:.. t = hps area: $' a . ' , o -I ve '�, 1, h' r e n e o btu b p r tic ot tntng ct ... to �( leak E1 a , 7 • e'r mated cetween ro g t°' Cc t vehtte mar kill." in , ty.:r :i• as -e :,tr 1 •� ' the•' Slowly th' it's • of �'t utak put • .nese n a:� he. ,s c the central other`s sm.lsen i ice. god tdct to1 (To seg p • n rt , a cls , ret tee:. t�t halted.,r ,.. io•be•C;rlin: ed,) r rd:,5 a, ,e t Vitt .....+ door.. • I iipy reached it : "Thi, i ( • y • Y/ • h W 'YORK kind • fIJ OTEL NOI CLINTON 31" ST 7"AVE. opposite PENNA.R.R.STAT10N1 1260 Rooms • •ir c osh with ' , i. Both' and • �`i • i Servidor .Rht_ST G, Kill r" t - ]•' Gteh_ Mgr. ROOM AND BATH'3°°.0 heomatism 9 uick relief; from' rheumatic pains without harm: Pte" To relieve the worst rheumatic $in is • a very simple matter.' Aspirin will do it e'er} trine' It's something that you • can 'always take. Genuine Aspin tablets o•e harrnless. Look for the Bayer Cross on each tablet. ' l AS: II 1N, er:g Yarns 'espy Rye, No Watt of good appearance • goes out without -a collar... • hot doe s , ire go about •Avith rluhtt. at npolinlheaShoes•„ • Personal pride suggests .ta frequent "Nugget'' ehine to ke-ep the shoes. smartly preset) table anti water- • 7i