HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-10-02, Page 1GD
1119.Kz yrs rr r.fl
DR W. 111, CON.NE.*
Pbyslidan .Surd • Bun n
Lnekaow ,,
nouns 1.39-430 t8
Dr.B...txe1is ei,` I.aei�ew
$ems; .9-1Z,A.'M . • 1.30-6:•.P. IL
• Phone. 53 g-rsy.
Will ba' is. Duegannen every' Thussdy
° W *LL. PAPER—A full line of 1230:
Vali Paper on. band. Prices consider
♦bis down for 1930. I "am i o age
.4n lading . jobhoused,—R.' J. -Camer-
.: Camer-en, Decorator.. Painter and Geainss,'
Bea'17& Lucknow!
FOR SALE—All kinds" of 'Green
and -Dry Wood. Apply to
Richard McQuillin, Lucknow.
FOR SALE --A Wood Range, .also
a Quebec Heater, coal or wood. Ap-
ply to °Mr. Matthew. W
(2-10—t .)
All .partiesowing the undersigned'
are **wetted .to. make settlement be-
fore November 1st, either by', cash•
or not. Allan Turner.
Special Values in Radio Cabinets
and Table for battery sets: Samples
• oar•-diup EeaL clearest.„,p ccs.: ,,.
• T. W. SMITH, . Central .Garage.
' (16-10—c.).
FOR SALE—Two Story Concrete
Cement .building,.' now occupied as
restaurant and dwelling on Campbell
Street in the Village of Lucknow
For particulars apply to
• M. A. Treleaven. Lucknow,. Ont.
(16--9— ),
Mrs. Ida • Hackett will have- an
Auction' Sale of Farm Stock and
Implements at her farm, centre. part
of -Lot 6, Con. 10, Ashfield, : on Fri-
day, Oct. 10, commencing,' at One
o'cloel` P.M. Implements on this, aisle
are all in good condition. The farm,
80 aerei, will'. be offered subject .. to
reserve bid. • ElliottMiller, Anc.
Re South Kinloss Cemetery Corp-
on ition: According to the 'by-laws,
Walls '-and Railings •around lots are
The directors ask the
lot �rs to remove the walls pa
soon as possible, especially those in
the south pert of the cemetery where
the men are working. If inconven-
ient to do so, they • should see the
caretaker, Alex McKenzie, . or Alex
Gollad and they. will have the work
done for .them. --Alex Gollan, Seel.
of Fars. Stock
• George Caldwellwill sell by:
Public ' Auction, at
Lot 14, Can. 9, West Wawnwh :
(33 smiles North East of Dungannon)
Commencing 'lit 1:30 o'clock, sharp..
Grey' Mare. 4 yr. old; Grey Horse,
3 .yr. old; Grey Mare. 11 yr. old.
Black . Cow. 8 yr old, to freshen
April, 1st; Holstein Cow: 7 yr old,
to freshen April 15th;, Hereford Cow.
9 yr. old, to freshen April • 3rd; Part
Jersey Cow, 10 yr. old;. to freshen
Nov. 10th; Roan Cow7 yr. old, to
freshen Oct. 26th; Red.Cow. 10 yr.,
old,' milking two Months; Black Hei-
fer, 3 yr. old, to. freshen March 1st;
• Heifer. 3' yr. old, to freshen
1st; Steer; 2 yr. 'old; -2 Steers,
g 2 yrs. old; • 4 Heifers, rising
y r,..old•; Steer. 2 Heifers, 1 yr. old;
Spring & Summer Calves.
• • 16 Ewes, 6. Oxford Eire Lambs;
Oxford Rani, 1 yr. old.
3 brood Sows. to farrow Oct 3rd.
60 Young liens; 75 Rock Follett;
50 Rock Roosters; 1 Goose; 1 Gander;
4 Young Geese '
EierythinE will be' dipsosed elf as
pioprfeter is 'leaving ' .the fano. •
TERMS --All emir of $10.90- and
wider Cask. Over that • amount 12
mouths 'craftwill he giveni on furs,
irking approved beakable .:Cash.
5 [� cent. straitbt allowed
Gooey Cald*e% T. Conaiy► _R SDs,
Proprietor. VAuctioneer..
New "Batts” for ' Comforts at
49c. • and •69c. "Market." . , Lucknow
Dept.Store. •
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. May of Lon-
don Spent. the .weak -end with Mrs: H-
G. Sherri$.
Mrs. IL J. Percy of•linlough visit=
ed last week et the home of her niece
MV. Dudley of town;
Muss Goldie McPhail of: 'Toledo,
Ohio; is spending a : few days Withry
her aunt, Mrs. F. Nixon. •
Dr, R. L. Treleaven's olfice will ,be
closed . from Oct. 8. to ` Oct: ' 13, while
he is; attending .a clinic in "Rochester`
N. Y' •
• Mr.. mid Mrs:' Geo. W ' Haldenby.
and family of Kinlough, visited the
furrier's sister, Mrs. Dudley, on Sun-
We would be glad to tell you what
would cost to heat your. home eith-
er by Hot Air or Ilot Water. ,
• Wm. Mnrdie &Son:'
New Chintz, Cretons,' Etc. for
quilts. and ., Comforts.. special " prices:
"Market". Lucknow . Dept.- Store.
Quilts—Extra,. large. Special prices—
Have you heard the new De For-
est Crosley "Brock" at $148.00 .at
Armstrong's. if not yon 11 'be sur-
prised when you do call and- ask' to
hear it.
The great fall fair was held at
Teesariter yesterday (Wednesdaty),
Favored with a dry day, though sortie
what cool,no doubt .there was the
usual big crowd. ;
Miss Jean Stewart :has: retnrned'o.
Western University. London; rind
Miss Marion Stewart' has gone . to
:MacDonald Hall: Guelph, to begin the
course in diatetic ._-
Rev. and Mrs.. Craw had a cable-
gram on Tuesday from their daughter
Dr-Iielen--C-rav�•It-was--brief 'but -ab-•
dicated ..that .she had .arrived safely
at Chee Foo,' Cbirs.
Mrs. Dudley of town got, word, on
Monday of the -death•, of her uncle. Mr-
r-'George N. Haldenby,. of, Sylvan . Val-
ley near Echo Bay. The funeral was
on Tuesday Sat Syhan Valley. '
ness Men of : Lucknow' wish to advise
the Public that the °weekly . Thnrsday
half -holiday' will be continued each
week during the month` of October.
The, Fire Company has made ar-
rangepsents for a concert • in the Town
-the evening'of Thanksgiving Day
oe loth. Artists are.Bob Wi's."A,
Mand' Buschlen'-and Grace Rounick.
• The Winghann fall fair will, be held
on Wednesday . of next week—Oct.
8th. Arrangements have been made
to have the Sen. Robt. Weir, Domin
ion Minister of Agriculture to open
the fair.
The regular sheeting of the Wo-
mati's Institute will be held at the
home of Mr's. Elmer Johnston, Fri-
day, October.. 3rd at 2.30 o'clockin-
stead of October '10th. All members
are .requestedtoll be' present.
HOUR -8.15 P. M.
Sabiectit —"Graaf'
COME. Bright'
Judge Klein, now retired from th
bench, came over from Walk
with Judge Owens on Tuesday wh
the latter held Court -of°•°Reviision
Voter's Lista) here. He is reiratkabl
active fora man in his 80th year, and
is preparing 'to go to California
spend the winter .The- trip to
south will -be made on. account
Mrs. Klein who is not enjoying good
health: •
Room I
Sr. Class-Hon.—Dolena ' P,aterson,
(Jack Cook and Sammy I McQuillin)
ties, Malcolm Dymock, Keith .Collyer,
Celia Wilson, Norman McPherson,
Frances Armstrong, . Lloyd. Wylds,
Douglas Aitchison. Pass—Russel :Gar-
niss,' Chester Baker, ties, Mary Salk
eld, Ernest . Button, (Donald McKen-
cKezie and , Arthur Smith) ties Below
Past—Russell Whitby, Allan Trelea-
en, • Bruce McDonald, Fred Webster.
$Dont II!
Sr. II-.- Anna Finlayson, :Mar-.
garet Rae, IIelen Hamilton, Marjorie.
Adie, Helen Boswell, Etta Belle Me
Donald, Merle Johnstone, Morris
Pearlman, _ Evelyn Whitby, Muriel'
Patterson: Good—Louise Greer, Dor-
othy Irwin, .Irabel : Nicholson, J. C
Armstrong, John• K. MagKenzie, Joan
Parker, J. C, Johnstone, Fait—Don
ald Finlayson, Margaret Salkeld,,.
Jim Webster, Jaek Leith. -
Jr. II—Es. D1aon . Traplin, En -
diet, Mortis: Good" :Mary Fisher,;?
Helen MacDonald, Elva Twaml ey,,;
Gerald Culbert, Bessie Ste ,rt. Fid.
—Jane Hornell, . Gordon Stewart,;
Donald Johnstone, Jean Havens" +,
Poor—Evelyn Taylor, . Mervin Solo.•,;
Mon, Ella Whitley.
* missed examinations.
H. G.'Shernif
Booms III
Sr. 111 --Possible . markt 350.
Honors -M. McKim 332, M. M Done
aid 313, J. Culbert 2.90, J. McDonald
297, M. Webster' 292, M. Solomon
283, H. Twamley 280, Jessie Render-
:ti278�. SPuth 270, J. McLeod 270,
A. Jewitt '266, H. Thompson" C.".
Webster 263. Pass -A. Aitchison 248;
Joy Henderson 245, D. Dynsock , 244,
d. Pc.irlman. 240, E. "-Whitley-230; H.
Johnstone 229, Below Pas,—T. Dy -
ynock ' 195, •. C. Havens 183*.
Jr, , III—Possinle marks 27
Hon. -E. Buswell, 2,8, M. Ritchie:
244, A.'Traplin 242, 0. Paterson 238;
D. Ritchie, 234, H. Whitley 212, M.
Garniss 209. Pass= -•J. Struthers • 202,
J. Collyer ,200, Z. Steward 19J, ''M.
Struthers 185,. D. MacDonald 180, B.
Allan.179*, Below . Pass—G. Struth-
ers 152, J. Button 140, B. Jewitt 109"
D. Jewitt 108*.
Those marked thus (*),' absent for
one test.' , M. MacCallum.
The men engaged in drilling the
well for the new village waterworks
have a rather, tough job. At least so
it appears to an onlooker; but well
drillers are used to encounteringall
kinds of unexpected conditions i,under
ground, so they; just work away. Per-
haps they. don't -think this well Any-
thing unnsuaL
The hole is now down between 75
and .80 feet. There is quite a flow of
good .waterfrem it, but evidently the
20 feeis nott down' �a sort as sufficient.
• : was encountered. Some • strata
of this' is' feirly hard' and smears to
carry' pieces of bard rock. This ma-
terial soon grindsaway the drill bits
so that many changes have to be
made: Cutting through some 50 feet
of this material has been no small
Everyone :remembers the beauti-
ful production of Cinderella produced
here last May. The Women's ..Insti-
tote has been fortunate` in securing
the !same director, Mr. Russell I1.
Hawthorne to produce "Rosie O'Reil-
ly" another play of his own writing.
This play we are told is very differ-
ent 'in -that .it• is a modern• up-to-date:.
musical ' comedy. ' taking place on
board a yacht at sea. It is ebuck full
of Comedy, catchy music and Dainty
Dances. Those who had the oppor-
pttunity of hearing' Mr. Hawthorne
sing when : he was here before will be
pleased to know that he takes a part
himself in this play and sings several
songs. The • play will be given in the
Town Hall,' Thursday. and Friday,
October 10th and .17th, and tit* ' plan
ar111 be ope at Mr. McKlan s Drug
Stas.: 5aturday. Ott. lit*1, Imre
foe *kitstil► r lilt thio 010 paint.
Room IV 5'
Tested -on work covered in Sept; ,in
Geog., Arith., - Spell, M. W., and
Writing.-T0tta1200.. ,
Sr. IV -D. Thompson .191, • M-'
Johnston .182, L. Horne 180, S. Sol-
omon 180, A. Horne 178,-E..N.ewton
177, B. MacKenzie 165, F. MacKen-
zie 1.04, A. Maclntosh 164, C. Finlay-
son 163, L Douglas 161, E. Johnstone
161, G. Joynt 161, J. MacMillan 160,
L` Hamilton 159, E. Agar 158, F.
Armstrong. 154, C. Jewitt 154, V.
Steward 153, F. Milne 139, R. ,Parker
139, W. Harvey 134,. E. Webster 129,
(J., McCall 120, abient for, 1 test.)
Jr. IV—F. Webster. 172, G. Stet -
riff 164; K.' Hunter 163, R. Ostran-
der 163, A. Henderson 161, N. Taylor
159, IL Ritchiie 154, M.. Fisher' 152,
B. MacKenzie 150, K. Macintosh 146,,.
A. Armstrong 143, M. Baker 141, 'G
Whitby . 132, (L. .MacDonald 106,
absent for 1 test.) • K. MacDonald.
Put color in your kitchen with Uti-
lac—the Four Hour Enamel -90c.
per pint.. Wm. Murdie & Son;
Death • came suddenly and quite
unexpected by doctors and. friends
:o Mrs. Alex MacKenzie, of Tees-
water,' .(Iornrerly' of Langside dis-
rict). at St. Michael's Hospital, Tor-
,nto, on Monday of this week.
Mrs. MacKenzie had a very tron-
slesome goitre . for a number- of
years, and about three weeks , ago
was taken to St. Michaels Hospital:,
Two weeks ago she underwent„ an
operation''for ` her .trouble and was
getting .along nicely . so that there
was every indication of ' recovery.
Following ,the . operation ° she had de-
veloped "Milk reg" but this . was not
regarded as serious. It is thought,
,that a clot of blood was carried from
the diseased part to the brain dous-
ing instant death..
The remains • were taken, by motor
to . Lucknow and . then to the fami1
hone in Teeswater. The funeral will
be this (Thursday) . afternoon, ser-
vice to be held in the Teeswater
United Church, and interment in
South Kinloss Cemetery.'
Before her 'marriage, Mrs. Mac-
Kenzie Was Miss Sarah Esther El-
liott She was' in her 37th year. As
already stated she suffered' from
,goitre trouble for a number of years,
and it •was due to her ill, health that
that the fan)ily._.moved . to Teesuater
a •Couple of years 'ago. She leaves to
mourn, her husband and •one daugh-
terCouncil ort chard Elliott of
Kinloss is
"HE' FALL .FAIR OF .1930
Biggest and Ever Held In
Lucknow, it is Said.
"Bigger, and Better than•. even;" his
long been the • slogan of fall fair pro<
meters.It :is not always realized, of
course, but occasionally it is. Such
was. the came . here in Lpeknow, Thurs-
day ,and,: Friday of last week -when.
the ' Lucknow Agricultural Society ac-
tually' had ' the. greatest "show" • of
its history extending over 60, years:'
The exhibits of cantle were quite be-
yond • all -previous records as to num
bets, animals being" brought. in 'a dis-
tance' of nearly twenty miles ' — a
thing out of the question before the
fde velopment of the big motor truck.
Inside' exhibits were
usual standards in qualityup andto. numthe-
bers mid the few special attractions
—B,aby 'Show, Tog -o' -War, and Bob
Stoddart's exhibition of pole vaulting
were entertaining.
The weather was not ollthat could
lie asked for. There .was, threatening
$f rain throughout Thursday and Fri-
day morning and a shower in the:
late; afternoon made all in the park
'scurry for shelter in .automobiles or
in, the Hall, which •became packed
with a mass of cheerful humanity.'.
But the threatening weather had no
ill "effect, as. on the whole, it was a
pleasant, day* for an outing. One day
later randit would have been, different,
, nJ y br^p LtIi first uC'h
of fall weather with a' high cold wiiitod
The concert. on . Friday evening was
immensely ,popular •and successful'.
The Hall was packed .to capacity.
The . program, was ". good.. Cameron'
Geddes and his two associates' filling
admirably the requirements of a ' fall
fair concert.
The dance following the . concert
was also . well patronized, everything
going "merrily as ' a marriage ball".,
until the •lights went out, due to a
mishap to the hydro system, caused
by the high wind which set in 'during
the night. McCartney's Lucknow Or-
chestra furnished good music ' for
the dance, and Mrs. Dr. Newton . was.
aceornp.�inist to Cameron Geddes.
The day and the night were quite'
a financialsuccess for the Society:.
Gate • receipts amounted ' to $463.00
and proceeds from the • concert and
dance brought the total. up 'to over
$800.00 Donations, County and Prol-
vincial grants will ' bring the year's
revenue up to about 31400.00
The list of , prize -winners follows:
Registered Draft
Reg. Brood. Mare=Wni: IL Martin,
1st and 2nd; Alex. McDonald, 3rd. •
Registered Mare, 1 yr.—Wm. R.
Martin; Alex. MacDonald..
Female, any age—Alex. •McDonald;
W: R. Martin.
Foal by reg. Dam -W. R. Martin;. 1st
and 2nd; Alex 'McDonald..
Heavy Draft
Span in harness'—Peter. Watson;
David •J.. Brooks; 'Peter ' Campbell
Brood . Mare—Rich.- Marlin;' , Alex.
McDonald.; Wm. ,Taylor & Sons.
Filly foil, 1930—Rich. Martin; Alex
McDonald; Wm. Taylor & Sons.
Two -yr. -old filly—Frank Fair; Wm,
Taylor & Sons.
One -year-old gelding -Wm.. • Taylor
and Sens. •
One-year old filly—Adam• McQueen;
Wm. Taylor • and Sons. ,
Mare or Gelding, 3 yrs.—Adam Mc-
The :Bread The Bread '
of Health, HoVIS oof :Healtb ..
Phone 36. . :' Lucknow
ntereAn organization meeting in the in-
terests of
sts-.of the •Lucknow Boy' Scout
Troop, No. 1, was held in Dr. • Con-
nell's office last week. Plans were
made for' "the, reviving of the troop,
and the addition, of new 'members.
A committee composed of Dr. Wm.
Connell, Mr. Win. Mudie, Mr. W. D.
McPherson, Mr. . Gordon Johnston,
and Rev. E. O. Gallaher, was formed -
as' a Troop Committee. About, twen-
ty boys have signified their inten-
tion of :joining in the movement, 'Ap-
plication was • also made ' to the
School Board for • permission to use
the boy's .basement' of the school as
a meeting place. Mr: 'Johnston 'and
Campbell Thompson • have been' .busy
during the week, organizing the pa-
trols and instructing the patrol lead
sers. The first troop meeting will • be
e `f^Shit' 'ay -(tosighty, u the
school basement at 7.30. Those euro!-
troop,are asked to attend.
Miss Bowman; 'Mtn -cellist of Kin-
cardine will he E. •Jobriston's Bar-
ber shop, Lucknow, each Wednesday
afternoon and evening—commencing
OCtobor 1st.
Spagiali alt -,'I oiuesnsand Childs
moo ; moo at " t,nivelonree
ped Olgth
Il •
Female; any age - Peter Watson;
David Brooks. '
Brood Mare and two of her progeny
—Win. Taylor and Sons. .
Span in harness—Wm. Watson;
David Brooks, Elmo- Pritchard.
Brood Mare --Wm. McLeod;'• Thos.
Anderson; Jas. Forster.
Horse foal, 1930—S. A. `Carn:when.•
Filly foal, 1930—Thos. Anderson;.
Adam McQueen; Wm. Taylor & Sons.
Gelding, two yrs:=Alex. McDonald;
D. S. McDonald; Adam. McQueen
Ity, two yrs.—Patrick Hogan;
Frank Fair.
Gelding, , one yr. Wm. Taylor and
Sons; Adam , McQueen.. ' •
Filly, one yr.—S. A. Carnochan..
Filly or Gelding, •3 yrs.—Alex Mc-
Donald; David Brooks.
Female; any age—Wm. Watson;
Patrick . Hogan •
Brood Mate and two of her progeny
--Adam , McQueen; S:, A. Carnochan.
Agricultural _ fool, 1930'— Thos. J.
Anderson; 8, A. Carnochan. °
Agricultural. Gelding, any age—
Peter Wates :.
Draft or Agricultural Mare or Geld=
ing, 2 yrs. et under—W. It. Martin.
Mare or Gelding, any age or class-
Alert. McDonald; Peter Watson, 2nd
and .3rd.
Genteel Purpodie,
Span iii harness --Stuart Robertson;
Sam Lowry; Onnar Brooks.
Brood Mary D. A. McDonald.
Frost of 1930 -Lloyd' Av.ry; D A.
The law requires every horse-
drawn vehicle to be '.provided with a
Lantern.- In the ease of accident if
the vehicle has not a " Lantern, the
owner is liable for all damages.. , W e
have ,the "Dietz' Buggy • Lantern"
which meets all requirements.
Wm. Murdie & Son.,
• o -o -o-
The article . quoted below from The
Leavenworth, Kansas Daily , Times,
has reference to Miss MacPherson,
who arrived iii. °Lucknow . On Thursday,
of last week, ' and who at. present, is
a guest at the home of her brother .I
Mr. Wm. E. MacPherson, of 'town.
"Beautiful . Farewell Dinner
"Miss Marion MacPherson, who is
retiringi from the ,Soldier's Home
nursing staff after nearly nineteen
years of service, was the honoree at
a ' beautiful dinner given for her by
the: nursing staff Of the National
Military Home and friends on Wed-
nesday evening
ed-nesday'evening at the National 'Hotel.
The : color scheme for the occasion
was pink and orchid;' making an ef-
fective .'scene. The flowers for the
tables were interspersed with Scotch
thistle blossoms in recognition of
Miss MacPherson's' Scotch origin.
,' "After the dinner, Mss MacPherson,,
was presented with a beautiful leather
week -end bag,- evidence of the high
esteem in which her friends held her.
She came to the National Military
Home on. September 15, 1911 and l`cts
seen Many changes in both personnel
and membership during her continued
period of service; She will' now re-
turn to her home,' at "Lucknow, Ont-
ario, Canada. •
"Those attending the dinner • were:
the Misses Delia Tomlinson, • Florence
Jones, Josephine Bauder.' Marion
McLeod, Mary Wadsworth, Adeline
Anderson, Luella Thompson, Clara
Michalak, Anna McGraw, Charlotte
Lyon. Bessie Patchin, Marie Soekland,
Katherine, ',Inkiran, Marion MacPher-
son, Marie Schmidt, Margaret Dixon,
Henrietta De Tarr, Elizabeth ' Glettid,
-Florence Curry, Willie Hartz, Golcia
Benton. Aline Hazlewood, Mollie Wig.
gins, and Mesdames Mary Daly, Ellen
Ronan, Fay Grant, '•Edna Sturdevant,
Harriett Corrigan'.'.
October 3 & 4:
Milton Sills, In , °
And Comedy
Coming •
Winter Wheat
'at '
Lucknow Flour Mills
W.E. Treleaven.
NW M' &td#0$, fni....110Slotlins.
Oft19114 roil 19ghitt" t 01c01t
Minnie Richards, has gone to
Listowel, where she she,is entered
as nurse -in -training, at the :Hospital
Before she left her Paramount friends
gathered at her home and greatly
surprised her. by presenting her with
a club beg and a Waterman's pen
andpencil set.' The presentation was
accompanied by a complementary ad-
dress, to which Miss Richards made
a suitable reply. The afternoon was:
spent in a social way and the enjoy
went of lunch. Following is the ad-
Dear,. Minnie '
We, your friends and neighbors. on
learning of your intentions to leave
our midst take this opportunity of
expresing our_. best wishesfor your
future welfare.
It, is with •kind feelings we. ask you
to accept these small tokens, as 'a'
proof of the esteem which you are
held , lay your man* friends.
We trust it' may be of some use
to yon and as you use it, it may
bring back' memories of your as.
sociatiot With us,• and also express
in some small megoure our 'grateful.
thanks for all you • have done
In i,loaing May we extend to You
our tort vial
for .youru'c
ems la the vial a$le Mesh
Why Sleep In .
These Dull 'Mornings?
When you •can. get Big Ben
to call you regularly; or
di you can get one of his ,as-
sistants, who is guaranteed .
to call you without fail --
for only
See our window. Friday
and Saturday. for choice
F. 'T. Armstrong
+oma Treleaven,.
Teacher ; of
Piano Classes and
Individual • Instruction '
'Phone 123
It's. Easy to Buy at
Lucknow's .
Department Store
Card of Thanks
Mrs. Angus .McDdnald 8nd family
wish to thank relatives, . friends and
neighbors for their kind e,tpressior°s
ofti . sympathy and •• beautiful ,'floral
tributes Wended to the,', In their
:chit sod bereavement
• til