HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-09-25, Page 10t „ . . :14 .F* "?. • A9. s • • ., • i•As30.0441H4t, 'VOW treiltl4OW SOTTO'S!: alEPTEAREE 25. 159311 • • . •• a min: of action h doesn't pay to delay when a new roof is needed ,---The “sizzling" days of summer have A aked shingles to -a cris 'Mese extri heavy Asphalt , Skates may be laid right , over old shmgles. Labour is plentiful. DO' it NOW • • —21 Iow '00its New Coloure—"York Red", borrowed from the hoes of the Yorkshire sinset--"Banif", the. reds and ° purples of 'the majestic Rockies gonspire to make ,a • roof of -unique charns--"Devon”, the deep UM ▪ g into reds will be familia' r to dame who know the thatched roofs of Devottaltir' 43-69Lincoln Green; • leafy greens blend into the tones of momy banks Consult your Brantford Dealer ttorAisocswigetrissitech, React °Soo and-ractoty: Blrintforai- Brasselass arid Warairoures atrTarrrata: Wbrarritst., joihrs "BUY NORMALLY" AND THERE WILL BE NO UNEMPLOYMENT! For Sale by Wm. Mutedie & Son •worica TO CREDITORS N In the matter of, the Estate of John Button, late of the Village of Liteknow in the County of Bruce, NOTICE TO CREDITORS TAKE NOTICE that all creditors of John Purvis of golyrood, 'ho died on the 25th day of February, 1930, and all other persons .having claims • Manifacturer, deceased- 9 "against his estate• 'are hereby regal • • Notice is hereby givenlhat all per- to send to the undersigned on or be- sons having any claims or demands against the late John Rotten, Who died on or about the sixth day of May,, A.D. 1930, at the City of London in the iProvince of Gitario, are re , ,quired to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned, executor, under the Will of the said John But- ton, their mimes and addresses and • full particulars in writing of their' claims and,statement.s. of their ac,L • counts and the nature of the securi- ties, if any, held hy there, duly ireri- fied by nffidatit. • And 'take notice that after the • fourth day of October,, A.D. 1930, the • said. P. xeentor will proceedto distri butt the assets of the said deceased • among the persons entitled thereto hiving regard only to the claims of, which he' shall then have bad notice. • and that the said Executor will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof 'to any person of whose claim be shall not thin have received notice. • This notice is given pursuant to the statute in that, behalf. Dated at Lucknow this sixth day of September, A.D., 1930. Russell C. Robertson, Lucknow, Ont. Executor of the Will of John Button. (28-8—e) • EXECUTOR'S SALE Of Valuable Fara Lands' la the Township of Kinloss • The undersigned Executor of the ' Estate of Detietni Graham, 'late of • the Township of, WawanoSh in the County of Huron,' Yeoman, deceased, will offer for sale by 'Public Auction AT THE PREMISES • by Elliott Miler, Auctioneer, on 44 , ST. Mr. and *vs. J. D. Andersen end Ma. Torrance have returned after a week's yisit in • Detroit. Mt.. nutherford is a visitor with her brother, Mr. Relit. Derain at Inielsnovv, Mr. Gordon McIntyre of PainleY, has been 9igaged as Principal of the St. Helen's School. , • Mr. and Mrs. Joe Foehen of Detroit were recent visitors with their cous- in,, Mr. and Mrs.. Com' Porhen. Mr. Greorge.,Clark of Iltuniltoa was • week -end visitor with her mother. • Mrs. Sant- Durnin was a week -end visitor with, tier -deughter, Mrs. Car- ter et •Lucknots. • Mr.. mid Mrs. John, Anderioe spent the week -end at. Stratford. Rev . -T. C.:Wilkineon attended the General Council of the United Church sit London during the week.' Mr. Lorne Webb left on Friday to take a course at the 0.A.C.,'GuelPh- Special Rally Day Service win be observed at the United Church next • Sunday morning at 10.30. • Mrs. W. Ilumpluey and Miss Lila Humphrey, made a short visit with Mrs. A. Fox at Whitechurch. Mr.. Wm. _Dougherty of Guelph, and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Barbour, Dorothy and Bobby Philips of Fer- gus, were visitera with Mrs. R. L Woods. Mrs: • Dougherty. returned home with them. CREWE CONT MPTIBLE•"THIEF ROBILS POOR OLD WOMAN ' • - •,14 1• ASHFIELI) NOTES .. fore the Twenty-fifth day of Septem- . ber, 1930, full particular 01 their claims, as after that date the estate will be distributed without' regard to the claims of which no notice has been received. Dated at Walkerton this 4th. day • of September, 1930. Robertson & Robertson, • Walkerton. Ontario, , Solicitors for Elizabeth Purvis -and Susan Purvis. Holyrood, Ont., Executrices. Thursday Abe Second day of October, • A. D., 1930, at Two o'clock in the arter.noon, the following valuable 1,ropetty, namely,: ' Tice North halves of Lots number afmty-seven and forty,eight, in the First Concession of the Township of • linloss in the County of Bruce con- taining one hundred acres more or , less. • On this property is situate a good stone dwelling, 21 ft by .32 ft, and stone additon, 20 ft. by 36 ft. con- taining nine rooms. . Frame barn 40 ft. by .60 ft. vith' • stone sttbling underneath, Prime arriving shed, 30 ft. by 36 ft., stone foundation. hog pen and hen house underneath. • About three sie'res of teed eitliard, well watered with never failing springs. Aiken fifteen acres of standing timhee, principally hardwood. Ti.is pronerty is beirat sold toi /moose of winding up the Estate • of the said deceased. Tx:RMS OP. SALE: ----Ten per cent of e intreirtse money to be paid on Eley of stile. the• balan. ce thiftY• • days thereafter. The property will • he e Aired subiect to a reserved bid Pest -her Tiortieulars and cortiitions of rile; will he aside knowti. on the day sale or may be had on appli- estion to the undersigned. iiittettiler dollen ; Millet • Laektorwo Ont. • Lneknow, Ont. VoliOt s• • Auctioneer • • Mr. and Mrs. D. MacKenzie of Hamilton spent a few days last week guests at the home of Mr. Jas. Barn- • Mr. and Mrs. Rod ' McDonald and daughter, Marjorie, of Dungannon, spent the 'week -end as, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Johnston and babe of Sarif.1 *spent the week -end with friends here. • '4 The Ashfield School Fair which .was held on Monday of, last' week • was quite .successful in spite l of the threa- • tening weather. Seven schools took Part in the parade. The 1st prize— the shield --going to Mitten School, S. S. No. 3, Miss -31raion Middleton, teacher; 2nd to Lochalsh School S. S. No. 4, Miss 'Isabelle McDonald, teacher. The T. Eaton trophy for the •greatest number of iioints was won by Wm. Johnston, S. S. No. 9. The public speaking prize went to Alma Curran, S. S. No. 9; Anna Treleaven of S. S. No. 16, was 2nd. 'The 'winner of, the selling rratc'h was Verna Kil- patrick S. S. No. 9; Alma Curran NO. 9, 2nd, and. Betty Bisset N. 15, 3rd. In the poultry judginc competition Elleda Hunter of No. 5; came 1st. Al- ma No. 0, 2nd; 'and Violet Ritchie, No. 5, 3rd. At the close of the prograri a list' of athletic track events were ri-3 off. The tag -of -war was es- pecially very amusing.• ' • On September •17th, the regular meeting of the Ashfield t.F.W.0.1was • opened 'ist the President at the home of Mrs. K. 1)1 MacLennan Lake Range The day was fine and all other, con- ditions were, favorable sosthat'a suc- cessful and 'instructive meeting'. was the result. After' the usual opening exercisfs, a program consisting of .. the following' Program was ,given. A Miss. Winnie Percy of Kincardine, Hospital, spent Sunday at her home disrogs'on of the September bulletin. At letter frenn ',qrs. N. G. MacKenzie here- TWO BARN FIRES Mr. McTavish living a few miles north of Teeswater•lost his barn and season's crop, Thursday evening of last week. Threshing was under way, a steam engine being used. About six *lock fire was discovered on the roof of the barn, ani steps ,were immed- iately taken to get tile threshing out- fit away. Unfortunately one of , the steering chains on the 'engine gave way, and by the time this was • re paired the heat in the barn was so great that it was impossible to hitch to the separator so that it was de- stroyed along with the barn and all other contents. The threshing outfit belonged to a Mr. Moffat, , • Another barn" with seasonn's crop and a threshing machine was'burned on the farm of,Andrew MacDonald, South Line, Kincardine Townahip on Sept. 13 Claud Dore owned and •was in charge of the threshing machine. Threshing had just•been . completed when fire was discovered in the straw mow; file fire ,spread so rapidly that the separator could not be removed. The loss to both' men concerned is serious as little insurance was carried by either. , . • • KILLING POULTRY ON THE ROAD • The average motorists now only gives a passing thought to the sight of' a dead hen on the randside, the victim of an automobile. A lady re- cently eounted ten dead fowl whin a distance'of five wiles on a Western. Ontario IfierNiTIY, bit*. even this news failed to arouse more, thon passing intere.st.„: When one Conics upon a •whole flock of slain v'eese. hot ever, it is time to sle,w un and take stoe. `Some heartless motorist "pillod into" a Bo& of these birds near Norivieli one day 1stsere T34 killed tt, 'less than fifteen of tho•m. They averaged tele no-niq eh. The he-WIS of seven of the htrd- ---ere sr-4ered and others 'were torrihle • n-oneled. They were hit tts they were slowly making their way along to norrb-, pond. There re errie WhO ieATIV In re tit, k4 example of one of these l‘drivitte fool." but the trouble seemq to be that very few of them ter get emielit in, the act. Lots of inert nut etervthing int their *lees hinds, including their bears *Ind. • -11.• • PIGEON -FLYING CONTEST , 'The Kincardine Review -Reporter` tells the following story of.hold-UP and robbery in; KincardinetTown. The perpetration of such a des-, tardly crime the like of which this. towu baii never known before, •and winch took place on Monday night, has aroused the citizens f }Mears' dine to 'a high piteh of indignation. About ten o'clock that evening, Mrii. Robert Stratton, Alice Street, an aged resident and old age pension- er, we's the victim of a ,hold-up man of the lowest type, •. Acorrding to Mrs.:1Stratton some- . one knocked' at her'400r. She was :about 'to retire and no lights. were burning in the house at the tim t going to the door shp inquired • Who was there and she was told it as A weltknown citizen of the town. Hewevere, the old lady replied •the knew it was not that -person and then she was told by the than that he had come for' some milk.Unsuspecting, Mrs. Strattea opened the doer. • She was grasped by the ern and forced back into the room• and • her life threatened if she made an outcry. A flashlight in the hands of the thief furnished- the light but Mrs. Stratton did not 'see any' weapon if, the nitin'ssi • Goderich has a Pigeon Fancier's Club, which .for a number of years has engaged in tue sport of pigeon racing. • homing pigeons, of course, are used and members take great interest in the home -coming feats performed by 'the birds. Last week a number of young birds (this year's hatching) were taken to Bellvilie aiid there released. The birds evidently made a bee -line for home, sind. the first arrived a Goderich in • $ little less than eight hours. The distance is 224. miles. Four others arrived a few, minutes later. ' The longest .flight made this ,season was by birds which made their way back from Decatue, Illinoise, a dis- tance of 518.miles. It has'long been a mystery how these birds can find their 'way back home over territory of which- they can know nothing. They 'appear to possess 'the "homing" instincts, in a very high degree.'They are of course trained to• some extent, being first taken only short distances from home and allowed to return. For many years these wonderful birds have' been used to, carry messages front parties cut off bn' distance or by enemies from their friends. • Such messages. can now be much more'ef- fectively sent by, raffia. , • THREE MacDONALDS SUFFER Miss Jennie Bolton, who .bas spent the summer with Mrs'. Dania, re- turned to 1.4.. 1.4 in Toronto, F , riday She was ordered to heed over all - the money she bad.. The bid lady said, she bad only 82c and the man took' this and cursed her for not having - more. Ile then left the house and vanished into the darkness. The Chief Constable was called and to him Mrs. Stratton gaVe a good de- scription of the k intruder, although Mr. and Mrs. Raymond 'Finnigan sh and„tbildyeit tincr,mrviiugir;punagaw. e ffedoeo r t isnot s,beinkgnouwwhoi adetot7braEvery'tst4e, o '. pf Winghain f the late MrPatterson ef Dungannon, attended the funeral to, instiee. n Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. John -Blake and Ber- nice of Winghain, spent Sunday with friends here Mrs. Hasty .of Dungannon, spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Roy Maize. • • Mrs. 'Menary 'spent the past week with friends in Detroit.. Mrs. 11. McWhinney and Bert, were guests of Mr. find Mrs. Earl Blake of 'Clinton on Sunday. , Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Twamley and Betty -of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. Will McDonald of near Liicknow, vis- ited 3ir. and Mrs. Sam Sherwood on Sunday: Mr. Alden Hasty of G.C.1. and Miss Eileen Treleaven of L.H.S. spent the week -end at their home here. Mrii. Audrey Teft of Canboro,, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Bert Finni- Last week's Ripley Express bad the following: "On Saturday. evening there were three fires visible to -the residents of this section. By some strange coinci- dence it so happened that the owners in each case were'MaeDonsilds: Andrew MacDonald, id the south line; Mr. Finlay MacDonald of concession 12, Ashfield, and Mr. Lanchie Mac- Donald of Kinloss. Why so many of the clan should be called upon to stif- fer loss in this way at the same time it is hard to determine." KINLOUGII Issas relit. A reading entitled "Attie, Mr, and Mrs. Jno. Barr and family 11111TI Weed" by Miss Thelma McIntyre of Holyroed; visited with Mrs. Black - a paper on Consolidiated Schools,, by' well on Sunday. 3Iiss Jane Cathcart, Commusii4 shig- Mrs. J. Percy is at present visiting 'Mi. A reading entitled- 'rime" :by friends in Lucktiow. Mrs. Lloyd Irwin. A solo by Mrs: Col- An iihniiinum demonstration is be- quhoun. A talk on the Unemployment ing field at the home Of Mies- Alice Situaticn in Great Britain 'by Miss Hodgins ofl Tuesday evening 'of 'this B. Ras, and a. paPer MI "Cleaning --week- • • House' by Miss L. Stuart. Folloiving The Jr. W. A. will Meet at the home this the roll call setting forth our Of Miss Edna Boyle on Saturday af. preference regarding the educational ternoon next • the socil or the basiness end of Out • Miss 'Evelyn McLean, is visitint. meeting received a good response. ' friends in London fora few weeks." Rev. H. Appleyard Will be home to The Meeting cleied with: the Nat. tonal Anthein, after which lunch was conduct services in his perish .tterr served At the conclusion of the Meet- Sunday- • We wisb to congratulate Rev. Mr. Colqubotin gaie a couple of Rev- and Mrs. Appleyard on their re - vocal seectionii. Mis.Colohoun ac- cent marriage and extend hearty welcome to Mrs. Applei.ird 'to this compaoying him on the Piano. • CANADA'S CROSS COUNTRY • AUTOMOBILE ROAD, Icon cannot travel from Halifax to Vaiicouv-er by automobile, on an, all Canadian road. Before the country Can boast of a transcontinental high- way, about 600 miles Of road must be constructed most of it through the rocky territory west of Sault Ste. Marie. • , Nevertheless in view of the inimra- thetic attitude 'displayed by the new, Government at Ottawa, and the con stantiy increasing public interest in the trans -Canada highway project, it seems likely, that construction of it road across the intervenieg gap maY soon be'startnd. Officials ef the 'Cana- dian Automobile Association, basing their estimates on engineering data. say that the highways. that .will brid- ge the gaps. between the Soo and Manitoba boundary will cost 36000 a mile in some' places and 320.000 a mile in others. In other words, for perhaps 310,000,000 the trans -Canada Highway can be made a reality. The more scenic. the higlhway, in this case the higher the cost. A Iakeshore route around' Lake Superior Would be costly; because it is the rock -blasted • type of road *inch conies at the 320,- 000 a mile figure. Here and There • • • • •owl, . As a s ante tonic more. mfeetual • than anythirig, concei.ed by Medi. teal vain. t.aukair.a `ruck y • • lands placid lakes were ;men first place hy Bir Demur- ey Wheeler. M Inter- viewed recently •.Leksi where 'here:vied after nttending,thst- • . ardutis ounre,ouozi of nierielisire of the •British Medical • Association held:list. Month at 'Whinimpg. • . . A note • of confident. • and sin- . eere 'optimism in the, Soundness of „ • Canada eceautniic 4porittion id the present thew .and lain). in her hi- tiire development • was sounded by E. W. Beatty, ithattisran and pies,- • - dent of • the CaLadian Pacific Rail- • .way, Abe baiieuet .given recent- . • '1, at Saint' John. by the Board of • Tradt of that city' in celebration ot• . • the first,. sailing of the Princess Helene. new C.P.It. cOastal. steam- er. On the Saizit Johnrpigby fronts. Mi. Beatty. said he belied. to set A • 'Sewed boat run alongside the Prim- • teas Helene in the not distant " COMniOnitY • • For thoee who don't lirioW, Heroes Us made and** born. )1re. repeat g barn is an old -fashioned POO r 9 , DetentiMation of the Canadian •'Pacific Railway tis , maintain for 11 Canada the pride of Owning the lar, gest, fastest and finest beets liner on the Pacific and the coluganre •' foresight in providing for *ben' beyond those of the present in Alie realni of transportation, were land., ed at Vancuueee recently, at a din- ' nor held aboard the Itatir Empress" of Japan. new 26.40thrios Patine 'vessel. Bon. IL Randolph Bruce. Lt. -Governor of British' Colnnibla.• added his tribute to thase of nine • Other speakers at the function. • Mrs. L IL Calverley. Wife of the • ,fainous itrisinh surgeen,was cred- ited with taking the largest tisk other than 11116101/4 to be taught in • British Columbia widows this. sei- nen. trhen. she landed. an 111% -lb Rainbow trout from MI spaiknis • waters ot thuserap Lake reeeatiy. also Is a esinsth of Lady Diane Duff Cooper who, as Lady' Diana Ma*. • sets gained world-wide time..ak ' the heroine Of The ifiracli,7 .01 HAY FEVER TIME 'This Is the time Of the 'year when many are affected ,by ,that very an? noying, though °not , serious. disease - known as hay fever. it is, now known that real hay has nothing •at all to do with hay fever and that in this part id the world it is caused almost entirely by the pollen of the go si rod and ragweed. If golden rod has anything to do with it there will be many sufferers this fall. for many nisture-fields are this year practical- ly covered by a rank growth of the weed. The, season apneers to hive been particularly favorable to the growth of golden rod. Ragweed is not nearly so much in evidence, but it is sand to be resnontihle for about 90 per cent. Of the hit+ fever on this continent. Usually. The nese or eves are af- fected and if it doe* at threaten the natlent with serious consequences it slangily fake* most Of' Ow joy intt, of • , ,..•..••••••••••• Ite Banff 'ilighland -Gathering • Ina gees down -not :only as the • , greatest yet so, tar al events tint entrants are concerned but also for attendances eines Mere than 111.006 • speedsters - were lir**. Might • . events ran continuously. and con - ante -Oar: atheletie events were • confined • to Alberta and British: Colnmbta; dancing„ 'events Added • Manitoba to the list, while. tile Pi- ping contesti brought hi the whole • of canada, Scotland. China Ind the • State Of °Wathington. • • • • Marking the earliest openhig Of . the apple shipping arisen from Hal- ' Ras to Europe. over a week in• ed- it-ant:0 of last year. hill wirer- shipiritist of the fruit Wetit September 2 hi .a cargo esthnoted • at about: 400O barrels of Nora SCO.4• . - • tia aPpies. ' • There Lzi a record Crop of, potathest • ^ in Csinasta dila • year. It' will tonal (00000 bushels, or 46 per • cent - more than'in 1929„ teebrillig 'to the later& official estiiitate. Prota- toes are groins .toonsigereial quantities in the PrOehiceil tit• . Canada. ' • 't) 5 According to a' statilit141 rennet: it ill the' wealth its the Dominion , Of CaOadai were (*Milt divided it would yetivide $24914 ter Midi 'Per-,• toe: This dote not, Welt* the Vete UndieelOped: • ith it lasts, It usioly utnil Tootuttex. Irlatt holi 404011 %I oil* ow Op =;144 oettioi is ot rilitheimittitit401000, motiomelon. •Wrot t1/24 0.14;t011(4446106 -- frittAttst st ,• , • • • • • • • • • • I • • .1,9ffiyipt,r094,,9,...1;19i114i9V.I.P.}V,OrrrtigiptaMtykA}.•,•••?6, , y .4,94; ol..•"11,t9.9909,01Niki,44.961,4 • •' • • iiV,.•?••••• ';• • 4•4.4,.41,f,f,P) .......1-0,0tAmms*4a.ameg;gihi,at, • . . •