HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-09-25, Page 9•
Do You
If your health ispops! , if you; are.
pale, nate/sons and easily tired; It yeu
suffer trontbeadaches and backaches;,
if your digestion is bad you may de -
peed• upon it estbat these symptoms
come from 'an impoverished state Of
the blood. -That• unless this condition
Is remedied a. complete breakdown
• may 1o1infe: -i)r:"Williams' Pi ir-Pills
are a perfect medicinefor any one
In` thi condition. They. enrich and
purify .the blood and this promote
; health and strength.
Mrs. G.' M.''.Andretias.•.Halifax; N.S:;
writes: --`•'I alslays keep Dr. Williams"
Pink Pills in?he house, ',When•1 seas
t young,,. anaemic girl, they"completely,
ces$ored' by healthe After marriago'
w my bealth`broke,down'and once more.
Lo ioiana Honors Eiangeline
•IKirtles and. Normandy, caps, the .traditional dress of' the Evangeline period,
jxere Jae °faci'ah 'costume of _thin group of pretty girls, who' formed an `im-.
portant and ,attractive section,of, Louisiana's delegation of Acadians'fo Grand
these pills brought me back to health.' Pre, \;S. on: August 20, for the celebration of the 175th anniversary_of the:
My friends' ail tell' rite I:`how•well look' eaptilsion`of the Acedians,, held•,under the auspices of the Dominion Atlantic
and for this Dr:• Wiliialtis' .Pink Pills
deserve' all credit." '
Ton ean'get these pills at all medi-
eine dealers or by mail at 50, cents, a_
' ,box from, The Dr. ,Williams' Medicine'
Railway, • The group' pose(' for salee".camera : beside the •memo.t'Sa.l church in
Grand Pre Perk,•'centre. of 'the festivities, which were attended. by Acadians
from all parts of the United States and Canada. Official 'Dominion and prn-
viecial; French and Anlerrcan representatives were in attendance_
r1 La
'Farming is: man's most .delightful
occupation-If:he can sit in the shad.°
aid getsomebody else to' do it.
Carl --"May 1 ]fold your hand?"
• Helen -"Are • you frlghtc±.ed?"
Alot of.,week-end wrecks are tensed
week -end drivers. •
Vitani.nes and Calories
Methuselah "ate What he found 'on his
• , 'Plate.
And never, as people .do, now, ' , •
• Did he note the amount of the calprie
count, : •H• e ate ate it :because it was chow.e
wasn't: disturbed, ,as ,at dinner he.
Destroying a roast or a pie,
To thieit' it' was lacking in 1granular
Or a couple of,vitamines shy.
He cheerfully :chewed every species
mon, • "
Untrotibied`by, worries'or, fears' ,,`
Lest his, health might be hurt by some.
• fancy dessert, , •
'And he . lived' over nine' hundred
`Co. ' Brockville. Ont.• . }ears, l •
THRIFT WITH COLD • VEGETABLES Bobbed Iair•Does` Give• .Confidence The folks Rho, find fault with. the"
r ' • *NT } �i p •' •'modern dances are either` old or fat;
• . • Too 'many vegetables are sometimes NNot 'Need: Brus inggf:.
cooked .in, the .best regulated houses. "oy both. 'Yeah,. You bet ' ,
`To �You�• Mothers
Far too oten, also, these are thrown It may be; imagination, but with the •' ' •:Darling," ' he cried, falling on his
away' as • Uneatable when, With ,a very coming and • staying of short hair; the•simple and safe remedy for the knees' and covering her little white
little trouble. they could be made very airush and •comb seem to 'have fallen conunon , ills of. 'babyhood and child- `hands with kisses, "can't yott see tliat
palatable. . • into. neglect. A regrettableething. for •hood;:ehould' be. kept sin' every homes .1iove yon?I'y,
Cold greens, for instance, 'should' be if •these fall into neglect :the hair falls where there is. either' 'a baby or a She drew herself ' up; to ,her full
• placed Mee saueepan of, hotline water into neglect; too. and is swift to show youngchild... Often it is necessary to height "Well," she said. "I should
vered for two, .minutes:, .. Tete
gid' •Co gni -of it, just 'as it is. •swift to re -
give the little ones ' .something . to hate to thini:, this Was just your slag
'should alien be strained from' snood to cage and: attention: break,'up' a cold allay• fever,' correct
of behaving in .s Was ; '
them, ,and When, the vegetables are Long hair always seeps to receive sour stomach, and banish .the •irrita- , : -.— •
served' they will be found" ,to wbe as more brushing than short, hair, ut hints' that accompanies the cutting of We ean hardly claim to be civilized
good as when first cooked., short hair has the .advantage that it teeth.! until e . abolish the , present dap
It Is suite usefaI to: keep" carrot's is easier to brush it'upwards as well E perienced 'mdthers always keep tunnteri,l wexpenses.
ready dressed for use in an emergency. as downwards= It I very good for the Baby's. Own: Tablets in the'home as a
should be cut in round pieces hair C brush it £ro thena e. of the. f � rd against the troubles that
They„q nape sa egua The Seven' Mistakes;
abuse an .inch thick, and warmed in neck upwards- =the,. wrong way of the -seize their little ones' so suddenly<•and 'There. are • seven mistakes of life
butter: sauce or'thi¢.k:gravy. Cold'' car: hair, as it' were_ the . the young mother can feel ;reasonably that, many .of its make; said a famous
rots may also' be cut into any shape to The stiff bristled' brush is always -vale with'a box ofw.�
; these • Tablets at ,, tYa: eee.n he• -{a_ he fayllowine
senor' ra�gout 'or•WaasTtt ; •or'-t'he3 .best for the, hair unless the hair is' es -hand end ready .fi3r, emergtnctes.• list: •
may he cut into narrow .strips and: ce tionally fine and comes out a 'staid Baby's Oixn Tablets. are a mild but
pI. The�delusioa'that indisidual'ad-
usecl-in-scalds. T'o--give-p►arsn.ips•_n d•al_- • mairees-apt.-•to ramp nut iii •theythornn -hlaxative, that act without menta i� made v rurl'in others
�,-fit'• g nr ren 'telt ho�v kill ItTnegs�}aP
second tate they should be mashed .spring and :autumn when new hair is gripping and they. tire absolutely posy-�n , �. -:�-' � �
wisko,N`.. ~” VN
I' cannot tell how"all.' the stars
Retain their rhythmic way,
Qr how the sunsets golden •bars..
Shut out the light of .day -
But I can tell when' loving' eyes
''The Secrets Of my heart surprise. •
I cannot tell how migrants wing•
Their •course• o'er land and sea.
Or how returning suinmers. bring
Their bounteous' gifts to me-
But I can tell how love for lave
O'er all earth's 'treasures ranks •above:'
I'cannot tell •how .this round• earth •
Iies-elves-about .;tite.seeen,_ •
Or how the aatumn s priceless worth
' From clod and clay in wen-, •
with butter; milk, said salt. and heated dO Fill life with nup_htno every day.
growing and the dead hair automate, anteed free from. opiates ' or other 2.The tendency' to' wrri'y about -A: 13. Cooper in Tit -Bits.' •'
in the oven to a �matl buttered baciu ll Z h h 1 ' •
- catty gives p ace to it, but this is not • harmful • drugs. They are. soldby things that cannot be chs W ed• or car
Onions; of course, do .lot look" 'sell ' rig to worrj 'aboult. • ''R hen hair comes. medicine dealers or by Maliat 25 rented- c y
when they are ,re -warmed. 'as 'the -y are out habitually. n : is 'wise to abandon cents a box from The Dr. "Wiliiarns' 3_ Insisting. that a. thing is . imptiss-
• likely to• tura black. ' -They will do anything in the nay of'vigorous brush- s Medicine Cite Brockville,. Ont,' s'rbie because a ourselves cannot. ac-
niceh for fasoring 'soups, or .eurry, in for the time being it is also wise, i►' • •
however, rovided that they are, lace. comply h it. "
p P to CTy to find some remedy, of course HEREDITARY KEY SO GHT
y 4 ^ R�ft.stn; to •set aside trivial .pre-
'n wh "n thesoup.or curry is boiling. eo
} g FOR
. ru eye cit waw a often
� should' be.washed ed s
• r that
ferenees in o e
s M
Potatoes can _cry for _stood
be ed
as thei ai isw�•-h ' or more often,
r. r ed. Iona Ctts ..Iowa. ;It 'won't tae long ChEne•� may be a�omplished.
time in a variety of wags. • Mashed , if .the hair 'is not washed, evereefort until science will be able to Feriark' 5.. \eglectitsg development and re
and mixed. will a huesmilk and; water night" or so.. Clean brus�es';help to that Junior h'as. his EIiddy's eves, his'+ n of the mind and:.not ac utr
fineme t q,
• they' can be formed, into buttered keep the heir clean :Always' rinse the .that
nose and hisereather'z_. ing"the habit of reading and ttudy.. '
• shapes, .floured and b: a reed' . in. the ' bni•hee. in cold 'water,' standing the fingerprints, Dr, John A. Larson:, 'Cleft,.6, ttempting . to compel other per
os:en, or b'.fore the tire: 'When they bristles Floes:a crd in the seater: 'This sersit' of Iowa .psychiatrist and coin-, sobs to herders•and.live as ado. "
are whole they. can also he dipped .in ;helps, to keep.the bristles stiff_ When I inole>rist.; believe- 7 "The failure to establf iiche habit
bacon fat or Flripping, sprinkled with silver blushes are being' washed care a And w hen that time comes, Dr- •Lar leC saving• mon p: "
• .'salt and floured, ani baked fn the oven .should be taken to keep' their frames {son says.+danger of babies bring n2ixeali .. '
in.a tip... Another scar to deal with out of the water. epwill' ber almost' wiped out: Aunt •aiartha Fsliopttin for Apar=
potatoes when cold is to fry neem' in; F Best Out of Sight , , , Dr. Larson is,the inv�entor.of a nett ratty'\oss can 'you a:sttre•me ft isn't
baiter. To t:o this they should be 'cid ; Combs artist be cleaned even mora "single paint'' system of class fyinx' g.iceu tq.the Lie of shocking language?
Intl rather thick sure and dipped in = frr<let;ntly, for with short Lair they ftngezpritits, 'and he 5 ,also credited Where .did you get it? 1
to t mixture made b• bearing an. g_,, - s with having erfected the Srst stork-
Frith a tablespeonfsal•of flour :and a I seem to be in wildest perpetual use, P i • Proprietore-"Prone a sailor, ma am.
• e and' ones they get clogged with dust in., .model': of the "he detector" not' 1 But
tablespoonful of root water. and then +vett ;a.n Weser be quite sure ,that the • i:sed for examination ,of suspected Aunt lfarthz-"Oh that's. alt. richt.
fried! in 'plenty of f22. i erineina1sI
dost does mit go back into the hair a lust so you didn't get t from one of
i opsin: Keep a special tomb 'for your Th?ugh, -ciente ha.. not yen ttisco�-' teose Sappers: "
BRAMBLE JELLY" eyed.accurately 'est what features of f
handbag. and a bigger and more im- i
gather rather under -ripe fruit anti• portant one .to keep tour brush cam- a fingerprint • p _ttern • constitute .its; An ice cream vendor:s pushcart in
wash if necessary. :Fut `into a preserv- { pan ::ever on any account leave "dominent" and recessive" hereditary Richmond, Ind.. bears this sign:. Gise.
in; pan with enoteg a cord water to i hair r• to:tiirlgs in your comb. It is factors; Dr. Larson is convinced thatt'your Touguea'Sleieti ride- Ice Cream
half cover • It Cook, berries aloins an unhealthy. dust-coilectiug habiee there are' such inherited character- Cones , 5 Ceuta .
for an hour or logger. bruising then; t„ ise- twins an extraordinarily un- /sties, just as facial of bodily coni ,
, down with a wooden spoon to extract 1 sightig one: Keep •
a hair tidy of some oration a�tiong relatives betray fem.,'The moderct • girl Weiss worried
all juice. Strain through a jelly cloth ilc ltinship. $
j description handy ,or, if ,Fou. ,use a about her compleeion. eoieg Bat. She
and leave to drip all night. Measure
Waste •paper -basket in Four bedroom, ! •.always carries" a•pare.'
this juice next morning, return it to a -deposit your Bair combines there: •
Clean preserving pan• and let it hone I.ac; but not least. have a brash and ' (� Analogy
for fifteen " minutes. Add threequar `comb bag. A square of checked ging: • j E Lonise is beautiful, bet too slow;
ters, of a pound Of sugar" (warmed ixPl.ham left over rromote of y ur summer • %� ` a -o ad• when' entreat;
E .• .�, 1 � ! She sh >~ s'iteF.he I
the oven) 'to each pint of lipid. Stir i frocks will inane" an admirable one if• 1
`"" ` � � � cher I' *4. '`: She's like .a� Florida bnagatow-
until .die wised, then bail all rage son hat* not one already. ' Keep your i' Modern, but" ne heat.
.until' jelly Will set. brush and 'iamb, in this. ands so keep I • i ,
,e �J, . .b , �.
►; them free from dost. The habit. of may. A .soman says it is impossible to ge
' - ' • Practice' Needed leasing 'a brush and comb out -on the V' through life witbo<.t telling a fib.'' She
Milson was suffering badly at 'the rdYessine .table or chest of drawers is i says she just lass ••to• say romethtng
bands 'of the 'barber. After the third another .unhealthy and dust -gathering /% .'nice .about .her bietba-d once is a
cut Se decided to make a protest: one. Brushes and combs, like 'most • while.
'"I say, my man." he said. "I notice • other toilet aecessories. are best kept + '
you have a sign outside your• shop. out cit sight. and safe from harts war Credit Customer "1'm not :he worst
'We Aim to Please"."„ " ' ' ., in Your dressing table drawer- •- r..,_. ., _ t liar in • twee."
"That's right" returned the basher "lour Wife must be awfully in love :.1orcant--'"On the contrary, you are
Merrily. "[bat's our ;motto:"• ; • its; u "t� h �pett ail much inter- •wttb you. She has written ' to Foil the best•" ' •
"'Then don't 'you thick you'd better see, , ;heir poetdt- as they do into every day since 'she has been a'aay.'
' take a day or two off for target Prne' their 'teethe:I r acs we •cotild alter "These are,only little notes to ten 'An ounce cf piienf.e es wortia'•a ton
- tire'' .came the customer's retort. the .f n e of Ea.:an•t in the next 10 ine, to seid her sntnethinn she forgot of cxp1inatitrns.
rears --E ilea 'W'itl. nson, MI,P to put in her Irtink'
• iaassyer: .lave you e'er been in - He who ia�reie rase '' t '- •n2t. gets
• jail"" 'Witness `Tee, sir, once.". Joan- 'Misr I have the last dance f-itlILLION YEAR OLD LOG the horse ,.it: la fir bailie se tinnily he
"Ah_ 'For holt Oona?"' "Long effough with Fou" Jean -You've jn-t had FOt�ND BURIED IN BASALT ...roar. «� *.,fie at ft.
'to 'whitewa: l�t a cell which was to be it."s log of" a seven -foot •ter: _�€�s't at 1�te -
occuptI tI by a lawyer who had robbed ti feet ,below, file 'bees' off file Yakima
River. in- the Strife of ', .tin_ton. ant. Am° nse wily,, t3 kin 'G afire Iain.
dozens Of his clients." l �rrF red's Linen nt a household friend.` Dar -chasing" class in 'Great Britain.
"itlt:E:ed till be r/4"761).t)
Tt't3Tc old, ti*„1 to or -tar nr,t i*°`t for' ever
• 1 was reported last week by are Depart-
”` merit of A�r'tcultnre at 'aseington.
• The: reg., ....-a$ for nd when a ten:eel wan
beteg bre ed. ,utterer tate rivir he the '• Itll
-United 'F,:a:es Fleciat anon Service,
"Will you marry me?", said Archie.
don't know," replied Muriel; -
always said the man I marry must bei
both brave and intelligent." "Well,
didn't . I save you from drowning?"
said Archie "Yes," agreed the girl;
-I` admit that was brave, trot it• didn't
Classified ',Advertising
16, With new 2'2•H,P Evinrade mo-
Pator, ,ail in perfect: condition, very fast,
Ibvolutely safe. splendlid • fishing , boat.
has spectal sedan . top, owner getting
larger .model.•' 1�"ow lo. ''.ed" on Georgian'
Bay. Wilson Publishing Co.. 73 Adelaide
W,.' T •rbn.t,. Box 27
• { tis
Atl9 IN EMeit•, �J1W�F+7
er gags-tassaer
an mambas +EAR'OIL '
$1251d 9nggists. Ileseritiira Mier ea welt
" • . A 0:- LEONARD, Inc."
70 FJth Ave.. New York are
prove }ou'•to be'lntelhgent leu
'it diel,,",saki Arnie. .'`I upset the boat
on purpose:,'
'"All. my life i have been.a sojourner
on this planet rather than a native of
it." -George Bernard Shaw,
F1le Pertained "Toiie that
Make); i ower Toilet Completetut.
Talcum " Powder
Delicately, .1/edicaled and .frlisepaip
Hay Fever
and , catarrh are. offensive ail- ll
ments., Heat and inhale Minards's
a few. times ' daily, as for colds.
1t stimulates and relieves the
membrane. ' "
"ZINC 6F iYl i'
�,:1• esti "
. 'Hit D�REN
Air'iicr - Iiereh er expert on tv: tw ' ,
:iden'ifit'a ion: de-iznatsd the ee as.
` a ...speeies of sequoitia_ it• lay in 'solid ,
.,jba alt. bellev:-tl to have been tiered'
rota, of one of the to, t
inFia pr•,..: • CourttiCSS remedies arc advertise:1
e voicatapr"fee constipationMany relieve for
! ' ---- - the •tnorttent hit they are Habit icen.t-
PLAYING WITH TATO ' ins.* and test he ccrainited. Others'
t _. 'he re.,1 el wag _s,',•IT t
ua«8-t«s:,.:.'.i•u•�• Foutsiti� calomel an,d dangerous, shirt-
- i near the f't�,ii'ii green Of the a. •�„l,, at iirugs,'wh lr teriaiit''irG hae'tir'S
tent,, Settle iii the joints and cause
1,coer:s a eches and pains, Some are harsh
Presen, ey an tin,oisn gonet bit . s intrg:ativcs which crass* and gripe
bell wen the Bret t. see Teto. itis , i 3.3 'reeve ,3 dtcpresserf •afttr cried.
lllany people, two hd'spts after eating. ton will never late crude, methods ldtdl;'s slog, ran ci:2 and p-otn-r,:. bwv.ii .Myricas” ' .-1 tc Wish only
' suffer indigestion' as they cairit- it is "when you know flip better method. : 'tl zed 'it grease the intestines and encourage
It with • .end .`en will nertes tripes from ex&e ' ' ra�.turie s tttach Wer_ to hecotne; laze
elsitalfv civets acid. Correct The nest tone nt t'fe golfer. caat•:
. A perL�E}i ,rt-eg@trdiolC; •rd±a3titi'c. -5t2" ch
• an alkali, The beet Way. the quick, 'acid When You throve ono Ibis easy r' - • river the crest of a hill anti begat-, es Catieee Little Liver Pdis, gei'itly'
• hartiniiss stud e8i'oGie3it �`. t=` Phil•lt`�' lief " .Please do that -foe ,Four. own
stating his arms and -host•;ng tittitc totierzs the bier, bile starts to riot'.
link ot,'ll1'agnesia. ' 11 has renialiicd sake -- itqtrt`y
w. els istove yeWtly, the intestines
. o
' ford ?esti-t the standard with pbj`si-, Ile sure tea get the gee:tine Pbiilirs' •1'9' tee hell emee. here ". , : ice t•h•• are thoroughly cleanseciisr2••1 eonstica.„
claa,s.. One spaonttnl in water neutrale Milk ef M:rce+esiaa prrseribed by phy1-5-, r•,1 1•14ly_ :' Her e co nig .tlte line. t. -t• ttcn Natiii+csp38S 32&15 Tale rt-Itetacf&
rtes many ties its sohinie in stentoicb starts for 50 rear's'in-i'ortectine e•xefess 1ttWer ardl bows la zee awns• a•_ti+e aFFd
tl2'itStipt t,.T kttodA it i+*t }slat az.sia:''
acids. amclta't once_ The sereptotn9 dist a acid:._ tacit bottle centainlS tun dneew; the dt2igsystem etiltxc. 5 Vaal tonic effect.
Homs -ant dru8store. I Minard's Lirtar ient aids tired. feet.
c All d> riggists :; and �:t: red gkg
opptdr 'ilk Ase minutes. .
CvvHHILDREX will fret. often for no
.apparent reasou,•'But• there's al-
ways.Castoria' l larrnle s as the recipe
ort the wrapper: mildand bland as it
tastes. But its gentle action soo'thtes
a youngster mere surely than 2 mere
powerful medicine. •
That's the beauty of this 'special .
children's rented*i it may be given
ire t iesi infant` -as often as there
is needin cases of colic. diarrhea et
distiirbanV. it is invaluable.
A coated tcngne as for just a few
drupe• to ward " off constipation: so
does any sr eStintt of bad breath.
'Whenever' el/iid:ell don't eat well.
don't rest , well. or have any little
tinsel -thin "pure-egetable� P,repara.
noir is"ii,;ua1llr all that's needed.,
List ;rd. "R'anted Inventi(•ns" • •
and Foil Infoemation Seim Free
on .Request.
TRE rrAMSAY CO., Dep... W..
273 Sank St.. Ottawa, Ont.
Caused' b' Moo pressure
Doctor ordered Kruschen
"Five years ago this month "I .had
I a serious•attack.of blood pressure. and"'
iv' medical man ordered me to take
1 'ru ehen Salts daily. Evidently
am a *stubbo'rn subject, because I use
. every • morning 'a small teaspoonful
' .and a half in a glass of hot water, and
• this avis 'splendidly and. keeps my
head:right, If I don't have the action
mentioned,- I feel cold, stupid and
liable to •fall from dizziness.' There-
• fore I can't .do without my Kritichen
on ant• 'account. Some time ago I
tried. some other salts 'which were
cheaper, but they Pained me so'much
that• I had. to step them. There is
no pain, with •Krusclien. I have told.
'hundreds of my little wonder-working,
bottle:' -(E. C. Fergon-)
.Dizziness is a symptom' of a deeper -
seated disorder. It is one' of Nature's
danger signals -her urgent :warning Of
an impure• blood -Stream which, if not
attended to in. time, may wreck the
entire health with some denseraus,
indeed lifelong, disease. The sex Melts
in Ii:rnsebeip keep -the blood-strt:ina
pure and vigorous 'by ensuring the
complete elimination of poisonous
'waste Matter front; the system every
"In dap and jure I tv as
'badly rundown• and had faint
spells until it was a its do
ray work. In July and A:xgust"I
didn't seer -n to pick up sal de-
" tided • to • try -Lydia h.• Pink-
! harn's
itt -
ham's t'e tat*le C.otnpo'uttd
because I saw it advertised. 1'
took trio bottles and no* I•ant
• the pictureo: health..I feel
fine, cdct all Inv wctrk and milt
. = two • cows. If any virotna t
u. -rises, I Ira -c tainir
• . l Fey tetter.'-Mrss. Gieoge R.
Gill pre,, . Ptrnitidty, Sttskatehe-
Lydia E, Pinkliamts
C+rias; Cir;. a C).,x,.
1$81.1:E NO. 381-10