HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-09-25, Page 1is It * a. e • •;s • e r 11101 1 PERT TURIN ADV 12.60 OTHERWISE LUCKNOW, • ONT., THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 25th,1930. SINGLE COPIES . 5 CENTS 0.mt. W., A.'CONNELL Pbysicin and Surgeon' Luckpow. 4oura; L30-3.30•' 7-5' Phaiae.�86 .DENTIST ;• •Dr. ' 'L. Treleaven. Lucckuow- 11 urat:, 9-12 A: u. :1.30.-b I'. L Phone 53 : • . X-ray` . .•• : in `Dungannon„every Tharsdsy •W ” AFEB•r—A full line of 1090 ALAI. P• Wall gaper 'on hand. Prices consider- able • down for 1930. I 'ani 'alsoagent for hiajiig job houses, --R. J. Canter` on, . Deeorator,. •` Painter . andd. Grainer,.. Box 174, Lucknow. • FOSTER •HOME- WANTED -on - farm, for boy et twelve' years. , Apply. Rev. R. Perdue, Walkerton. LOST -A •brown Oxford .. show - J.: Finder please' leave, at the, Sentinel Office. : FO . - D ---A '; .cel --le women's_ UN 'par' wear. Owner may have same at The,, Sentinel Office. ' Put color in. your kitchen with Utilac-the. 'Four Hour Enamel -90e Per pint.:- Wm. •.Murdie &. Son. FOR SALE 1927 Chevrolet, Coach in.: Good .. 'con- dition. Apply to. P: O: Box 286, 'Luck, ..'.., (25w••4 -p.) • 1 ' t LOCAL AND GENERAL 1 Beet value . in',, all liners ,' of good. shoes at W. J. Little's,'Shoe Store% . Mr. D A lifac•Kenzie of Windsor, is spending the%week with'his sisters, Mesdames ' K. and Allan M-aeeleod, , ; Mrs. .(i3'e r.),'Hugh. MacMillan,' who has been with. Kinloss "friends the pastfew weeks has; gone to Toronto, See our new 'Fall Suitings ' before you , buy your Fall Suit, Temple Clarke, . Merchant Tailor. Mrs. W. .J. 'Taylor of Detroit, is the guest this week of Mr. and Mrs.. D. C. Taylor. . • Mr. Harold Burns has `,gone to Kingston where .he has entered at Queen's University in the final year of the Arts Course. See the . ;Special Sale of ; ladies'," Misses and Children's Coats and dres- res at Alfred E. thaiiili's Store'•an- Fair Day Friday, Sept: ,26th. ° 11 • Just, received . a shipment of Club Bags and. Suit Cases. Suit Cases - $2.00; Cluli Bags, $4:50, $6,50, ;$12:00. qt, .1. Little•'s Shoe Store:. Members of the Women's Institute, are asked to donate one pie and home. made candy . to the booth •to :be run, •nstitute -en-Fall. Fair ;clays:7,.... • Sie'y.. Mr. and Mrs. Eliott Miller ::had tn. their guests.q last week the Tatter's brother, Mr.' C: C, Campbell of Tor- •onto, also ' Mrs. Campbell and ..little daughter, Caroline. r Mr. and "Mrs. F. A. O'Brian • of - Detroit spent -that week calling • on friepds in ..and about , Lucknow; They were -guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Allin. Mrs. , O'Brian' was, formerly Miss Rena .Gordon. Special Values .in Radio Cabinets and Tablesfor battery seta, Samples on display. Real clearout prices. T. `. W. SMITH,' •Central . Garage. (18-7-10-c.) HOUSE FOR SALE Fame. ' dwelling in Lucknow-9, rooms, :,hard and soft water, wired for hydro.' Cheap for quick sale. 'Mrs: J. Menary, R. T, Lucknow. • (25-9-p) . '• FOR SALE -Two Story. Concrete Cement- building, • now occupied as re'staprpnt and .dwelling on Campbell Street In, the Village of Lucknow. For' particulars apply to M• . A. Treleaven, Lucknow, Ont. (18-9-tf. ) CLEARING AUCTION : SALE of Parma Stock Geoi ge Caldwell will sell by Public . Auction; at Lot 14,: Con. 9; West Waireitosh (3:'i Mules North East ofDnngaritaon) • MONDAY, OCTOBER 6th, Commencing at 1.30o'clock, sharp. _ -tined.�to_ bed_fo�r nearly a month with , — Grey More; 4 yr. old, Grey Horne, fig, and took a turn for the worse on 3 yr. old; Grey Mare, 11 yr. old: • Saturday.. CATTLE. •Mr. W. P.'.Reed g word Wednes- Black Cow, 8 yr: old, .to ' freshen • •April 1st; Holstein Cow, 7 yr. old, ..day morning that. D . Mary Johnston to freshen April 15th; Hereford •Cow, daughter of Mr. Wm. 'Johnstorf, for - 9 yr, old, to freshen April 3rd; Part Nov: 10fti; Roan Cowmealy of Ashfield had died that loom Jersey how, y 1 yr. oldold, to d, to o ing in a Toronto . hospital. She had , o freshen Oct. 226th; Red Cow,_ 10 yr. been practicing medicine in. li;amil- old, milking two months; Black Hei- ton and suffered .a nervous breadown ter, ,3 yr. old, to freshen March 1st;a ..week ago, The funeral: will be on Black Heifer, 3 yr. old; to, freshen Friday from the' family home at Ex - Jan. 1st; Steer, 2 yr,. old; 2 Steers, Ex - rising 2 yrs, old; 4 Heifers, rising 'eter, I2. yrs. old; Steer, 2. Heifers, 1 yr. old; .=--o•o-o--= 8 Sprint" di 'Summer. Calves.. MARRIED AT KINCARDINE SHEEP 16 .Ewes, 6 Oxford Ewe. Lambs; Oxford', Ram, 1 yrr, 'old. • PIGS • • 3 brood Sows, to farrow, Oct 3rd. POULTRY' ' " . 6Q Young )Hens; 75 'Rock Pullets.; 50 Rock 'Roosters; 1 Goose; 1 Gander;, 4 Young' Geese. - Eierytliing, will be dipsosed' elf' as proprietor it 'leaving ,the farm. TERMS --All same of 310.00 and under Cath. Over that amount 12 months credit will be •given' on tarn- ishing approved 'bankable paper, , or 5 per cent. straight allowed for Cash. George Caldwell, T. Gundry & Son,' Proprietor Auctioneer. (2--10—C.) LUCKNOW FALL -FAIR: TO -DAY AND TO -MORROW Slice the Luelinow Fall Prize lists. were.,printed and the posters drstrib •uted, the board of directors have .ad deed a number "of 'Special : Attraction's' to the day's •program.. • These are an- 'nounced • in . small .bills which have been ;..Widely diributed, end consist of ;School. Drill 'Competition;. : Baba' Show; Tug O'• -War= -four teams; Bob Stoddzrt, famous .pole vaulter. Talent forthe concert Friday even- ing in the' Town 'hall, has •fil'so been engaged. Mr. Cameron. Geddes is al- ways ..popular with a Lucknow'aud- ience;; and.' he. will have with him On this occasion, ,Mr. Fred Emery, a very successful comedian: This con cert 'Will • be followed bya dance in; the Half.. •, . Baby ' Shows are popular, and the directors .have . to thank Drs. W. J. and Hugh . Stevenson ,of London , for enabling them to ,'put ,on this' event They Will be the judges in the baby corn<petition,•-and .the are_.also putt-. ing up the prizes=4 pretty "loving cups. These may be seen. in • the Win, - dew of A. E. Buswell's :store. Good. ; prizes are offered • int' ; the 'Horse-shoe pitching Competition, and thee Moffat trophy will go'. to: :the win- ners in: the Tug-041ar. Teams of 3 men will represent, 'Township ..;of Kinloss, Township of Ashfield, Vil- ;,:iztre of:L• ucknow and::Town. •oLGoder•-.. The . •law requires *•every horse- drawn vehicle.. to: be provided :with a Lantern. _In the case of : seecident if• the vehicle, has not a Lantern, the owner is liable for all, damages: We have ; the "Dietz Buggy ' . Lantern" which meets all requirements. • Win. Murdie & Son: • Friends of Miss Helen MacDonald of town, who was taken to Goderich. Hospital Saturday of last .week, :will be pleased to know that she is im- , proving. Miss 'MacDonald was con- w MAFEKING • Mr. Harvey Anderson 'went to G p O.A.C. as a student. Mr. Anderson is to 'be congratulated on ,being so -for- • - ue1 h Friday where he entered the Decker -Tierney • • The marriage took place in the United Church, Kincardine, at 12.30 o'clock, Wednesday afternoon of this week, , the Rev. Mr. Jewett officiating, .of Mr. Wm. Sidney Decker, of Luck - now. and Miss Mary Kathleen Tierney of •Kineardine, Following • the cere- mony the wedding party motored to' Lucknow to enjoy a wedding dinner at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and. Md. Con. Decker. The young couple will make' their home in Kin- cardine. ' HAND ''BADLY MANGLED -• .Mr, Joseph Colyer, for a number of years, head miller , at Treleaven's Flour Mill had his left hand badly mangled while working in, the mill last Thursday • afternoon. . He was. brushing dust of a set of rolls when the -,fingers of -his, 'left • hand 'Were ' caufflit between tkie•rollers and draWn rn. Al,f Ritchie who was irt the mill at the ting«threw' off the belt driving the rollers 'and the hand was extracted., The; fingers were almost ` ground off, and 'Pater had to' be amputated at the supper knuckles. ' Fortunately the. thumb was not greatly damaged and wilt be 'saved., The back of the:hand was . badly lacerated, and *ill require skin -grafting. He was taken to Wing-' ham,Hospital, where at, latest reports he was doing well. Mr. Colyer has followed flour mill - since hewas a lad and had a thorough knowledge of the 'business. TOOK HIGH. STANDING IN JUDGING CONTEST . This is all in' addition: to the 'regu- 'ar features of a fall fair. As. in ;past wears the Agrieultu'ral Hall will be open on :the 'evening'-ofthe first day• of the fair, and the . Women's' Insti. tute hav,,e • arranged a concert pro-' gram• for that evening. This `visitors May enjoy without extra charge.. All that is wanted 'is ca fine day to draw. "a big crowd and score another success. , 'We. ,had almost , 'forgotten to sa y that all seats in the wn Hall for • the concert Friday, ev ing are"re- %erved.. Tickets are on sale at 'Mc - Kim's Drug Store. Just' arrived; r w. Fall Stock of suiting. Blue Serge, Cheviots, Ir- ish Tweed, Grey Serge and fancy Worsteds. ' Temple Clarke, Merchant Tailor. To en MARCELLIST MissBowman, Marcellist of Kincar- dine will be at Johnston 's,.Barber eknow, each Wedir Shop,' Lu esday. of ternoon g commencing - October, lst. E. and evenin - co CHURCH .:NOTES • Visited Church Y. P. S. • -� ..._ The Young. People's meeting on Monday, night was in charge of the Lookout Committee. Following the opening hynm and ' prayer; Clarence Greer read the Scripture lesson. A Solo by Miss Phyllis MacDonald and a reading by 'Miss' Martha McCallum ,were ,pleasing ,numbers. A ,a substi •tute for the -topic, Mrs. R. I!, Thomp- son read an interesting and helpful paper, "The business of being a' WO - man." This was followed by a piano solo by Miss Jessie MacKenzie and' a short 'address. by the Rev. R. •W. Craw; The meeting was concluded with a hymn and by repeating the Mizpah Benediction. Presbyterian, .Guild ' ' The Guild meeting Monday evening' .was opened by singing a hymn. The Scripture; lesson was read by Miss Jean Grant, after. which the Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison. An • instrumental by Miss .Mae McMahon was followed by'' a talk by Miss Pear) Henderson. A spelling match .'was • captained by Mr. Edwin.'Smith and. Miss Loraine Brabson,• the words to be spelled being -taken from the Bible Miss Brabson's side won the contest. The singing of a hymn by the meet- ing and prayer by Rev. C. H. MacDen-' ald brought the program to a, close. • lunate as to win the : Massey' Scholar. ship of $100 which; as advertised' in -: __rhe-G'unty,-PaPers- was open to - ,sr - mer s sons , p of the County who fnlfili- ' • e d , certain . conditions and passed highest' on an examination written' - by them at the office of the County Repr'esentative at Clinton on Sept.,13. '1hf` e;"wish him .continued success.; $Ialre Church are holding Anttiver- :saay services :next Sunday, Sept. 28 Rev. Mr. Shaw of Nile will. preach afternoon acid evening, Miss Mira. Mc* BRUCE PRESBYTERY The Fall Meeting of the Bruce Presbyter)' of The United Church will be 'held in 1•Iarston, on Wednesday Oct. 1st, 1930, 'at 0.30' a.m. The. Del- egates will come •prepared to pass overto the Secretary before 6 p.m., any question puzzling our people as touching phases of our Church's pro- gram and Work, During .the evening session, time will be devoted ,to n r open Porum when sueh, questions will be ar '.'..gu ed gild answered by , Dr- T. A. a ow' will Il Moore and Dr. e�Cn Friends of: Miss• Mary Cook, of Paramount .have been congratulating her on the high standing .she wo' in the -judging competition at the C.N.E. Toronto. Miss Cook was one of• 'the :four girls chosen to represent Bruce County 'i , this . competition:,. and in a ,field of 278 competitors selected from all-•over•-the-pro.ince the -was ;award-' ed-second-place-no=smai1-aceentpJtsh-' menta We -join .with others in extend- ing congratulations. • DIED ATO ftONTO The • Bread., The; Bread of Health : o f Healtb H . a OUR MOTTO. IS QUALITY AND - SEA MS.' . QUALITY PttODUC1e, iktoUstI.5 aAI'I,Sit'ACTION: OUR"QUAD•. 1TY;WHITF' .WHOLE WHEAT AND.RA1SIN, BREAD IS "A REAL. FOOD. MADE, FROM 'rim HIGHEST CLASS, 'INGREDIENT'S. . S P EC. I• A L'S, BON' BOIJCHE :M:LtJ?FINS, 'It BERRY TARTS, F'RESI1 APPLE PIE,' NUT SQUARES,' CREA 4 PUFVS; RLU`,l`TER''. MILK 'LOAF; ' TUITI •: FRUITI'"RAISIN SQUARES, JELLY 'ROLLS:.' U • Y BAKER OL'L�YMAN S -�I'. Q A . T Phone 36 Lucknow RICHARD VANSTONE K. C•: g. DIET) AT WI'NGI3 AM.: Following anillness of about three weeks, Richard Vanstone, K. C:, died at his home in Winghant on Satur- day last. •Death was not. unexpected as he had been'•critically ill and sten,. dil .sinking for. two weeks Mr: Vanstone had: a' shcrt period of gill nesse in. July, but a'nmedi'al• examin- ation 'at that..time'.revealed nothing 'serious, and he was soon back at;work inl.,his office. August he Rent' on a vacation to Southampton and while there ' suffered a . stroke which left pini in a very serious' condition. • The funeral was. 'on Monday after- ,,,:noon, ser'vic'e being Held -in St. Paul's Church, W ingham. • Alexander Gordon. MacDonald, son of. Mrs: MacDonald and the late An- gus. MacDonald, third concession; west Kinloss, died in Christie Street Hos- pital, Toronto;' on Monday of this •'wee He was 38 years of age.. -The re were brought to the 'family Kinloss, and the funeral was • on Wednesday afternoon to Kinloss Cemetery. ' The late' Mr. MacDonald was with the Canadian'` army in -France during the Great War, and . had ' not been in good health since • his return; although •at times able to work. He was ser- iously i11 for , only a few days before his death. He was twice married, and leaves a, widow and 'one child. RE SOUTH ;KINLOSS _CEMETERY• CORPORATION • WAR ama who will Donild, ioloist of L d 1 ' delivelr stirring sddreaeeu..T ' • fools i i i U 1R' iitWi X11 i0litt n 40;04 tiro 11r6�! !a� ihl� t t • ehol>r id the **entrant SR $ are a. aril .. • . iri a� f",edwetrli .��- �w1a11� •;r wr�le��1, PTO) � +� >wt igg6irt4 104 Following are the names of those who contributed to 'the Endown'tent Fund: • . K. R. McKenzie, R. R. 5, Lucknow, $1.00,0J; Norman 'McLeod, Chicago; $100.OJ;' Estate of the late Alex N ach- olson, $500.00; James Henderson, !or - onto, ;600.00; Margaret Murray Al- geo, New York, $lo0.t10; 3iary, Knech- tel, New•York 325.00; Adam ticQueen R. R. 6, Lucknow, $10o.uv; •Mary Mc- Queen, R. R. 6, Lucknow, $10.00; Alex t:ollan, .R. R.11, 'Lucknow, ;100:; Alex McKenzie, ftR:, 6, Lucknow, $75.00; Margaret 'llenderson, iiu�on Township, • 3100.00; Duncan Graham; R. R. 5, Lucknow, 340.00: The voluntary laboris not •a 'suc- cess, so the'directors hired three men to work by the day for a while: They are making good improvement but funds .will soon run out. Would those who would lake to see the .cemetery put in a fair state . send a centri ira- taon to the Endowment Fund? The money for the Endowment Fund can not• be used by, the directors --only the interest. Forty dollars will . pay for the upkeep of one lot for all time, and $60.00 for two Iota, Brothers and,: sisters should contribute together and pay the upkeep' on their parent's or grandparent's' lot or. lots. By-laws will be sent to . those contributing. Alex Gollan, 'Sec.-Trers.- The late .fr. Y anstone was b Kincardine about 67 years ago.. Fol- lowing a' public and high school, ed- 'ucation at' Kincardine he. 'attended Toronto' Unyersity and graduated from. 'Osgoode ;Hall. He was called to the bar at the.'lage of• 21,'and had has first ' law exterience in Kincardine. being police magistrate' there: ' for two years. Forty three •years.ago tae opened :a law office at Win -ham.' As a lawyer he commanded the confid- ence of the.,• public, and was, widely, known..thtoughouf Western. Ontario as =a trustworthy 'adviser. •He was a Liberal in politics and was a number of time's mentioned `as a •possible can- didate for parliamentary honors. He:. was, a member of the High • School Board, the Hospital Board, a a director of the Western 1'oundary Company and secretary of the A. F. and A.. M. Lodge at Wingham. Mr: Vanstone was married'. to a daughter of the late Thomas Bell, furniture manufacturer,. who with two daughters survive. The daughters are: Mrs. Dr. John STcEachern, • of •Winnipeg, and Mrs. W. E. Levan of Kapuskasing. " MARRIED amist 'FAMILY THEATRE THURSDAY, F'Rl•DAY, SA I UKDAY September 25=26-2.7 '' •` • Special , Pola • Neyri,: In "PASSION" ` And Comedy' ' . .. , ' • ADM : -25c. & 20e ;Coming • Milton Si'.'s, In•' ' "HIS CAPTIVE. WOMAN", • The Rev. Dr. Mahood, who a , few years ago conducted: evangelistic ser- 'Vices here, •will occupy the pulpit of the Lucknow United Church for the senext •S`un'day rriorni-- Dr(. servicer',ff Mahood, who ivis travelled extensive- Iy . in 'connection with church work is visitinghis early home near Ford- with.. • The Lucknow -Presbyterian Church was 'well filled Tuesday evening, when the Rev. Mr. Goforth, gave an address on mission work .in -China where, he an$ his wife bare, been working 1i1 tereits of the c'h'urch•. tor' 40 "te411e % •. Vii. Parties cone from Kinard IuO Nolo dlld Winn tb' liesf Ott be I t s% PiectorF:) n101'1r1il+al+l9 erVrf , .. , w ••-. t • • MARRIED AT. DETROIT = Stanley-MacCorvie • e Saturday evening, August 30th, Miss Pearl MacCorvie, 'daughter of Mrs. John M. Ellsworth, • of ., Detroit, Mich., becanme the bride of Mr. Mous. stop F. Stanley, son of .,airs. K. "P: Stanley of Staunton, Virginia.. The ceremony .was ._performed• at tho Lia.. softie; The bride wore eggshell sat, in, fashioned oii princess lines, with matching slippers and hate She also wore a very beautiful string of pearls a gift front a valued friend, and car- ried 'a bouquet of pink bridal roses. Afterthe ceremony dinner' 'res i served et0 a num- ber the bride shome of intimate friends of, the con. tracti ng parties, Mr. and Mrs: rs. St anley lei the fatIovitg Morning d n0 motor left the lo1towilmo_ingon a 44otof 1l stake their hone t 127Z5 Wail Mott » Q.t..„..7... .. :� • • 'br1aith-At St. Ma- san Manse, Toronto, eptember 20th, by the thewsPresbyte on Saturday, Rev.„ A. M./`Boyle, Muriel Kathleen Galbraith, eldest daughter of ,Mr. and Mrs. James. Galbraith; York, County, to Mr. Evan AJlin of. Goderich. (Most of. our readers w ill know that Mr. , :a 1- lin is the youngest son of the Mr. 4nd•Mts: Allitt of Lucknow. ---o•-o-o--- _ We ivoted be glad to tell you what it would cost to'heat your home eith- er by•,Hot Air or Hot Water. • Wnm. Murdie & Son. • PiJIILIC .SPEAKING CONTEST The Annual Public Speaking Con- test on •test arranged by the Bruce County Educational Association will be held. in Paisley,..Toon Hall. 'Fridai , Oct. 24th, at 8 P.M.. , This contest is open to the *inners of Rural School Fairs Contests and to winners of Town and Village `Pub- lic School•, Contests. In addition to the five minute speech. which is us- ually memorized, there will be irn- proniptu speeches of two minutes each, otr a stibje-t familiar tothe con- testant. • The First prize is an Elgin' Watch, Second prize. Waterman Pyr and t s'il Set, Third prize. rize. a Fountain Pen, and each contestant will receive a Pin or 'other suitable 'recognition.. ENGAGEMENT Winter- ea WANTED at Lucknow. Flour Mills ' W.E. Treleaven Announcing The Diamond Jubilee Of Teeswater Fair: SEPT. 3Q .& OCT 1 Splendid '.showing of 'dive stock. Excellent display of farmproducts, all reflecting the agricultural achiev- ements .. of the community. Special . attractions will 'include Horse' races, Hurdle jumping, Horse shoe pitching, Ladies' hitching race, Freak conveyance, contest, Baby show Highland dancing etc. Pipe. Bandy in attendance --Cone• er-t.I and Dance in Town Hall Plan to riteet your friends oji ,Oct. 1st at Teeswater. • W. G. Moffat, Kenneth McKenzie, Pres. " • Sec's'. .............. • Mr. and . Mrs-. .1. McBurney of Teeswater Min -mitre the .engagement of their only daughter, Tltitza Isobel to Gordon •Jaspar, son of Mr. ,and ' .lr . : C.J. Dickisen of the Elora«goad �r , Carriels1 Thee marriage will take place 3,tietly about the tiro of Oetobet, - • Norma Treleaven, A.T.C.M, Teacher of r� . PIANO •. an/d,� 1REl riano.ClasVseslY and. Individual lnistruction. 'Phone '123 DIED At Walkerton on Saturday, Sept- ember 20th, 19:10. John Steele aged 75 years. The funeral was on- Monday: Sept. • 22nd, from • the residence of Sir. and Mrs.. David Milne, Lucknow. Interment •in •Kinloss Cemetery.. 'The "deceased was a resident of, Lucknow., 'before going to the Refuge at • Walk- erton. + ` ASUF:IELD `CHVRCH NOTES Blake's Anniversary°, neat 'Sunday, Sept. 28th.•The special preacher for the day will be the Rev. E. A. Shdtc . • of Nile. Services afternoon at 3 u clock. Evening at 7 ,o clack. Nally ' • tYay Service, October 5th. --oyo a Our suits ,.are Tailored i tv and Tailored to keep their shape. • lent-ple Clarke. Merchant Tailor. o;o HDLYROOD dance; .fill be held an the Town. A ship , Hall Flolyrood, the evening of Prid>ty, Datober 3rd --Good orchestra, 1.tincb pored, Everybody: Welcome. 4 1 1 1 • 1 i fi i