The Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-09-18, Page 8fff: ffif,
ff •
THE Lticimo* SENTINEL ,TRIJOrair, OrT,EreipER, t$, 1930
1. y
Calecloniait Park:_
Lucknow, Ont.
September 25th and '26th
Sixty-five years is a long time, and much water has flown under
the bridge since Lucknow Agricultural Society gave -us its first
exhibition. During this period, this StPciety has done much to im-
prove its exhibits and entertainment facilities, until We have one
of the best Fall Exhibitions in our district.
Its the same with OUR STORE, we are constantly
iMProving our facilities 'for"doing business, & adding
new fresh merchandise to our stock of Value Dry Goods
Fair Tinie Specials
Boys' Heavy Worsted Hose.6 1-2 to 10, at_ 4 elevu
Fancy Pattern Pullovers, 26 to 32, at
Heavy Ribbed Work Socks, 3 pr. for _ $1.00
- 36 in.-IVIackinacTlannelvat --- 38c
36 in. Art Sateen, Reg. 60c, at
All Wool Bed Blankets, at p patr $8.50
Pillow Cases, ready stamped, each 50c
Factory Aprons, stamped, each 25c
Fancy Cuff Chamois Gloves 60c
These Specials and many others are here, ready for your selection.
Shopping is a pleas* here --
Cornell' and get your share of the Fall Fait Specials
''Phone 75 ,
Lucknow, Ont.
. Mr. John Thom Cof Fordwich yisit
ed last week at the home 9f Mr.
John 'Craig and tither TOO*
r, Rhys Pollock bus gone to Tor-
Miiiess flO
.! course44 Slia`" 13.>s;
This community was well repre-
sented both at St. Helens and Hoy -
rood School Fairs last Friday.'
Miss Freda Rantoul is to be can
'gratulated on getting first prize in
the public speaking Contest at ''St.
Helen'sschool fair.
Mr. Frank Citaiter had the minter'
tune to liave a horse killed by light-
ning on Saturday.
1 M. James Wilson Sr., made- e bus-.
bless trip, to Galt last Monday.
Qaite'n number, front here attend -
.ed PrestYterian Young; people's'
Rally at Wingham last Tuesday.
Mr.° and Mrs. John Craig visited
friends at Ethel last Thutsday.,
• Quite a number from here attend-
ed the Fair. at London last week.
Mr.' Wilfred Jacques of Sudbury,
spent the pasttwo week's. at his
home here. On Saturday Mr. and
Mrs. Jacques accompanied him on
his return trip as .far, as. Orillia and
' will visit for la short time with
friends there.
Joseph Laidlaw and Miss Tena
hddlaw are visiting relatives at
Pow4asson. '
Miss Susie Carrick is visiting with
her sister a at Amherstburg and el
-- kr. Dan MacKay of Brussels is
visiting at his home here.
Mr, Finlay Shackleton of Priceville
spent the week -end at his home here.
. Mrs. J. 0. Loughlin ' has returned
to her home in Detroit, after spend-.
, ing tome Weeks: in our burg.
Mrs. P. Austin and Mr. -and Mrs.
• J. O'Connor spent Sunday visiting
' "friends in Wingham.
Miss Jean Drennan of Gctierich,
• spent last week at her home here• .'
Mr and Mrs. Lester Fisher and
• itra. A. Fisher of Detroit spent last
week -end with Mrs. Ed. Sennette
and Mrs. J. Courtney:
Mr. and Mrs. M. Griffin and babe
of Detroit; visited Mr. and Mrs. Tim
Griffin on. Sunday.
• Miss . O'Connor is visiting
her sister, Mrs. G. Kinahan of St.
1• Augustine.
Mrs. Joe Dalton is visiting her
•' friends at Seitforth„ Port Lampton
3d Detroit.
. *
Miss Antionette Dalton is visiting
her sister, Mrs. J. Cleary of Wal-
Mr .:, and Mrs. Morgan ' Dalton and
Mr. Dennie ,Dalttin visited friends in
London and Wallaeeburg for a few
days this week.
We are sorry to hear of the death
f a former old time resident of
,is parish by the name of Patrick
1,1cCartithy., The deceased passed.
quietly away at his home in Detroit
i Monday. The body will be brought
Kingsbridge for burial.
• A number from here attended the
'Toronto and London exhibition this
•The Ashfield School Fair was held
• pain at Currie's' Corner. Although
the weather nian was in a very tear-
ful and rebellious humor in the early
part of the day, .he managed to smile
his brightest during the afternoon,
consequent -1Y everybody smiled with
hitt•. •
o 0
snout') PUNISH 111AN ALSO
An 80 Year old Ekftid township
ti- an was recently the victim of a
..yatithful gypsy fortune teller. He
lest $15 during 'the process of for-
• tene-tellhig, and inirnediately
epsy girl arrested. A* fine Was 411 fff;
polled On the girt Some people would
tentsidet it OnjYrjitht if the man was
also 11*. Surely tette punishment
gliatild be inflicted upon one who
Wnilld till .tat laid, an Old worn•out
Mr. and. Mrs. Jas. Armstrong of
Niagara visited last week with Mr.
and Mrs. Jas. Hodgins, returning
home on Montlay..
Mrs. Jno. Hodgins and Mrs. H.
Graham are visiting friends lir-De--7
troit at present.
Mrs. M. McLean and Evelyn, Mrs.
B. McL"an and Mary Graham, atten-
ded the London Exhibition last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Percy, Mr. and
'Mrs. Lloyd Percy and Mr, and Mrs.
Jno. McCormick and Percy of Huron,
spent 'Surttlay at A. E. flaldenhy's.
• The services in the Church of -As-
cension on Sunday next be con-
ducted hy a student from Huron Col-
lege in the " absence of the rector,
Rev. H. Appleyard.
Mr. Perry Hodgins spent Sunday
The monthly meeting of the W.M.
S. was held in the United Church
basement on Sept. 9th. The president• '
Mrs. MacCallum presided. The meet-
ing- was opened by singing of Hyriin
-170,-followed by repeating the Lord's -
Prayer in unison: Minutes of last
• meeting were read andladepted. Mrs.
.N. L. Campbell gave an 'interesting
reading and Mita; 'Gertrude Treleaven
in her uMal pleasing manner favored,
the society with a solo. Mrs. W.' P.
Reid read, the' devotional leaflet on
"the Way of Holiness." ,k.number
of pepcswere read by members of,
the society throwing much light on
• the Work done in the different foreign
fields. The meeting , was brought ' to
it .close by the singing of a Hyinn,
and prayer by Mrs. Craw, Press Sec.
at Eugene. • •
Remember the Hot Fowl- Supper DUNGANNON
and entertiainment at the Church • of
Ascension on Oct. 14.
Mrs. Henry Carter, of Huron, Is ish-
es to announce the engagement of her
daughter, Violet, to Mr. bavid IL
Martyn, son of Mr. John D. Martyn
and the late Mrs. Martyr', of Huron;
the marriage totake place quietly
after the middle of september.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Emerson and
children spent Sunday at Lawrence
Stirling's. , •
Miss Lenore McDonald -left for
Stratford, Monday..
Mr. and Mrs, „Ed, Hox and Mr. and
Mrs. John Blackwell visited relatives
here on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Emerson visited
friends at Owen , Sound recentlY.
A ham fire uccurect-near' Bervie on
Saturdeylast. Andrew MCDonald ane
the loser. Threshing *es in operation
at his place when fire developed in
the blower. The separator belonging
to 1,1r Claude Dore• was completely
• Miss Annie and jack McDonald of
the 6th Con. and Mr. Martin McDoir-
aid of Chicago, Mrs: Whitfield of
Chicago spent Sunday at James Rob-
Mr, Anal Mrs. Albertson and Midges
Ruby and Mary of Toronto, visited
at John Ernerson't loot week,
• -• Culbert -Finnigan
The Lome of Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Finnigs at 4th concession of West We-
wanosh, was the •scene of a quiet. thn
pretty September svedding on Wed-
nesday, Sept. 10th, at 11:30 Ilan,
when their eldest daughter, Olivia
Sarah, became the bride of Mr: Mel-
ville A. Culbert, younger son of Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Culbert, of Dungan-
non. The bride was given in marriage
by her father and was daintily dress-
ed in a gown of rose heiee georgette
with velvet trimmings. She tarried a
shower bouquet of Sunset roses, and
wore t he groom's gift, a handsome
costal and pearl necklace. She en-
tered the drawing room upon the twin
Of her lather, to the strains of the
Bridal Chorus, which was played hy
Mrs. Arthut Culbert, of Ashfield,•
sister -it -law of the br!degroom. The
ceremony was performed by Rev. e.
C. Itaine. pester of Dungannon Unit-
ed Aura, in the presence of About
thirty goests, immediate relatives of
the bride, and bridegroom. Later in
the day, following the 'wedding- din-
-nerT left-on-a-heney
moon t ip whieh will include traulott
liamiltrn and rriar,ra Valls. For
travellit•-, the bride donned a dress
of navy bile georgette and lace with
Band feif hat: tweed rat. sand purse
hose aril gloVes„ The bride was tht
recipient of many heaotifel prif'0‘.
showing the- estee-n whi4v thet
are held. On their return Mr. and
Mrs. Culbert. both of whom are Pon -
Oar inehvir.di and social „eirelps, will
• reside 11- Dongeironn aeil hosts of,
friends ieirr in wishing them a Pleas-
ant Vintage on the tarra of insitrinionY.
Still it nobody playod the fool tie
would be OMANI with
q;""MIltrIt".""ttPit,",r,,c7".",tffiltr „;14.
M. CharieslicQUIllin lett on Men,
day 1,0 attend' the' StratfOrd NerMal.
Mies Vera Todd near Kitatenee;
was home over the weekend.
Jack cDonald of Leamington
was home with his Parente. Mr. and
Mrs. Duncan McDonald over the Week
end. r
Visitors .with Mr. Atf. Webb Over
the week -end were Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Carter and Mr. and' Mrs. Ilaryei
West of Grad
Mies Mary.4. Irwin.of Brace was
a Visitor for a few dein'With ,her
gitindfathet,, Mr. W. Moods.
'Mr. Wilson Woods and hit, mother
Mrs, R. J.:Weeds:motored to Guelph
on Saturday. Mrs. Woods is waking
a •visit with her Guelph;
The St Delena School Fair held on
Wm. Doherty
Galt and. Fergus. Mrs.
retiwned with her brother. .
Friday was a great. sucess. The
weather being ideal brought oat the
old and young to enjoy the Children's
Mr. F. G. Todd dr Son returned
with their' herd on Saturday from
the C. N. E.,c Toronto and Western
Fair, London, where they carried off
many gond prizes.
Mr. W. I. Miller was an exhibitor
of fowl at the Western Fair, London
where he got in Rocks, lst and 4th
tor hen; 1st, 4th and 5th for Pullet;
2nd," 4th, and 5th for Cockerel.
Mrs. Raine • of Hamilton who has
been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Con.
Foran returned home Tuesday.
Harvest Festival of Christ Chad'
on Sunday, Sept. 21, at 3 o'clock.
Service in charge of Rev. E. 0. Gal-
110LYROOD • .
TAKE NOTICE that all ,creditert
Oof Jtohheo Autrilv i do tOyf olifelrYerrrduit:rwir 1d9131
and all alio persons having giainas
tifir aiennSdt histo tehsetautendaglibgenr:tdbiftriefigruirbeed-:-
fere the Twenty-fifth thli
ber, 1930; full particular pf their
claims,' as atm' that (*to, the-Ostate
Will be distributed witheat•regard to
the define of which no notice has
been received.
Dated at Walkerton this 4th day
of September, 1930. •
Robertson & Ro
, • WalkertonrOntarlo,
'Solicitors for Eliiabeth Penis and
Sudan Purvis.•„, ,
Holyrood, .Ont, •Executrices.
Notice of IPitst'Posting Up of yeterl,'t
List for 1989 • \
• Notice is hereby giveh that I }ewe
complied with section 7 Qf The,Votere
• Lists Act and that .1 *fire Posted up
at my office In Ashfitiltl, on the 9th
day of September A.D.:1930, the list
of all persons entitled to vote in the
said. Municipality it htunicipal elec-
tions and that such listlremstins there
•for inspection. And I hereby calt upon •
all voters to take immediate proceed.
'Mgt to have any errors.or ornmissions
corrected according to mw. The last
day of appeal being, the let day of
October, A.D..1930: Dated at Ashfield
-this 9th tlay of September A. D. 1933.
Clerk of the Township of Ashfield
' •(18-9--c)
e y an r. u n
attended the London exhibition Tues-
BORN—Saturday, Sept. 136, to
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Menary, a daugh-
ter. --Congratulations. •
Rev. W. A. Smith of Ednionton,
Alta, who is a delegate to the Gen-
eral Council of the United Church,
Canada meeting in London' this week
spent a few, days among friends M
Dungannon and A,ahfield. Mr. Smith
was pastor of the Ashfieldcircuit
four years, going- from there to
Duneannon and porn Dungannon to
Calgary about twenty-one years ago.
Blake congregation are holding an-
niversary services Sun ,Sept. 28.
They hope to have Rev. W. A. Smith
of Edmonton to conduct the services.
Mrs. Paul Reed of Lucknow, spent
the week -end with her daughter,
Mrs. Thos.' Anderson. •
Mrs, Godfrey Hall received word
this week of the death of her broth-
er; Mr.. lames Lockhart of ,Sault St.
Marie, who rinsed away suddenly.
This ommunit-Ir extends their sy
thy to Mrs. Hall.
The death occurred Iast week of
the Rev. D. B. MacRae who for many
.years was minister of the Presbyter-
ian congregation at Arinow. Since re;
tiring from active work some years
.ago on account of failing eyesight,
Mr. MacRae made his home with his
daughter, Mrs. J. A. Fleming at Lu -
can, and it was there that he 'died.
His wife died while he lived in Kin-
cardine' after leaving Armow. Dr. T.
• MacRae of Brussels is a son. There
is another son in Vancouver and a
daughter in Kitchener. ,
Mr. James B. Reynolds, who be -
carne responsible for the boxing ex-
hibition put on at Goderich a few
weeks ago in the, interests of the fund
in • aid of cripple Pildren, is about
$800 out of pocket by the venture,A
good deal of sympathy is felt for Mr.
Reynolds whose aim appears to have
been quite unselfish. He has always
been a booster and worker in the in-
terests of out -door, porteevents and
the Goderich athletic .association is
making an effort to make good his
foils. It appears that the. July 1st
celebration put on it Goderich • was.
quite a sucess in a huffiness way mak-
• ing a profit of between $1,000 and
$1,200 the money being divided be-
tween the Athletic association and
the town, and representatives of the
'Association propose to turn , over
partof this surplus to Mr. Reynolds.
High Time for Wedding
the bridegroom was. called upon .to
produce the, ring. In vain he felt in
his trouser pocicets. Nothing Could be
found except a hole through which
the \ring had evidently fallen. What
was lie to do Suddenly Suddenly a happy
thought struck the clergyman.
"Take eft Your shot," be said .
I The siispense and silence was pain-
ful. The young man remitted hicahoe.
The ring Was. found, also a hole in
his 'stocking. The clergyman rental*,
ed, evidently with More than the de
1y 61 the reoemony on hit mind:
"Yot3ogs visit, it is high time you
NEtt to 1 tsarist the %stud thing
10.# l011.019111
Mrs. James Valad and daughter,
Eileen spent the past week with
friends in TOronto.
• The Kinloss School Fair held here
Sept. 12, was a great success. Mr.'
Forsythe, Agricultural Representa-
tive, pronouncing it 504/0 better than
even last year. We had a good day
overhead, good crowd, good exhibits
an -a full program put on by the pu-
pils. The lig of prize winners will
appear next week.
The dance held in the township
hall fair night, was one of the larg-
est in attendance we have had.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Eadie and child,.
ren, .Miss Douhledee of Wroxeter,
were guests at Mrs. Culbert's on
Mr.Will Jones is assisting with
the work at Ackert Bros.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Breckenbridge
and son George, ntotored from Sand-
uskey, Friday to spend the week at
the Purvis home. •
Mews'Caiman and Carl Pollock
of Clarke, were Sunday visitors with
their -aunt; Mrs. Almer Ackert.
Mr. and Mrs: John Jamieson, Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Jamieson, Isobel
and Stewart. Mrs, Pettigue, Edward
and son of London were guests of
• Mr. and Mt's. Howard }Tanis, Sunday.
Mr. C,uthberi Jones anent the week
end at the London Fair.
Mrs. Charles Shiells And, son Jack
of Wingham, spent few days with
her parents, Mr. And Mrs. Charles
Congram the past week. • •'
Mr. sand Mrs. !Andy ,McCormick,
• Thinald, Hilda and Katie of Wingham
were Sunday visitors at Albert
Thompson's. •
The Misses Mildred McQuillin;
and Marearet Miller of St. Helens,
are visiting their friend, Miss Eliza-
beth Robinson.
Mrs. Howard Robinson, spent Wed-
nesday with Mrs. Will Fisher, Ludt-
116wMiss Helen Burt went to Mount
Forest on Monday to assist with the
work at Rev. "Cozen's.
Mr. and. Mrs. Will Thompson and
Miss Daisy Asyles were recent visit-
ors at Mi. Albert Thompson's.
Mrs. Jas. Wraith, • has returned
Mine after a.week'svisit in Toronto.
Mr, and Mrs. Joe Wall attended
London Exhibition for A eouple of
days last week. ,
• Mr. and Mrs. Earle Hodgins spent
a couple of days at London exhibition
Mrs. Wm. Thompson spent a counle
of days at Mr. Fred Geddes white
-they were at London. .
• Mr. Frank 'Thompson is again at-
tending. Ripley nigh School.
Mrs. Alex MelCenzie of Teeswater
Was taken to Toronto hospital one
day last week.
• We are sorry to report that Mrs.
Michael Gamble is under the doctor's
care. ••
• .471
Mr. Harry Dedgins spent the week
end tinder the' parental roof.
In "the matter of the Estate of
John Button, late of the Village, of
Lncknow in the County of Bruce,
Manufacturer, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that all per-
sons having any claims or demands
against the late John Button, who ”
died on or about the sixth day of
May, A.D. 1930, at thefity of London
in the Tiovince of Ontstrio„ are re-
quired to send by post prepaid or to
deliver to .the undersigned, executor
ton, their names and .'addresses and
full particulars in wi4ting of their
claims and statementei of their ac-
counts and the- rature:tif the securi-
ties, if any, held byem,duly veri-
fied by affidavit. •= -
. And talce notice t t after the
fourth day of October, A.D-1930, the
said Executor will proceed to distri-
bute the assets of the said deceased
among the persons entitled thereto,
having regard onfy to the claims of
Which he shall then have had notice,
and that the said Executor will not
be liable for the said ' assets or any
part thereof to any person of whot,e
claim he shall not tken! have received
notice is given pursuant to
the statute in that behalf. . •
Dated at Lucknow, this sixth day
of September, A.D., 1930. ,
Russell C. Robertson, Lucknow, Ont.
Executor of the Will of John Button.
• Of Vnluable 1F4.n Lands ,
In the Townshipaf Kinloss
The undersigned Executor of the
Estate of Duncan Graham, late of
the Township of Wawanosh in the
County of_fluro_14._Yeoinan, *ceased,
will offer for sale by Publie Auction
by Elliott Miller, Auctioneer, on
Thursday the Second day of October,
A. D., 1930,. at ,Two o'clock in the
afternoon, the following valuable
property/ namely:
The North halves of Lots number
forty-seven and forty-eight in the
First Concession of th1 Township of
Kinloss in the County of Bruce con-
taining one hundred acres more or
On this property is situatb- a good
stone dwelling, 21 ft by 32 ft, and
stone addition, 20 ft. by 36 ft. con-
• taining nine rooms.
Frame barn 40 ft. by 60 ft. with
stone Stabling underneath,, Frame,
driving shed, 30 ft.. hy,26 ft., stone'
foundation, hog pen .and hen house
About three acres
thof good orchard, ,
well watered with never failing
About fifteen acres of standing
timlierprinciptilly hardwood:
• This property b being, sold for the
purpose of winding- up the Estate
of the said decefiaet
TERMS OF SALE:—Ten per cent of
the purchase money to be paid on
the day of sale, the balance in thirty
days thereafter. The property will
be offered subject to a reserved bid.
Further narticulars and conditions
of sale will be made known on the .
day of sale. or may be,bad on appli-
cation to the undersigned.
Alexander Gollan - Miller
Lucknovi, Ont. Lucknow. Ont.
Vendor Auctioneer
Winter. Wheat
Lucknow Flour Mins
W.A. Treleaven