The Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-09-18, Page 7•
1• 10.
Midget Golf Popular in London._
Course Makers . ork Overti ie
London„—"*idget golf, which Las
been, ajtte rage in the United States
foxy • -tine, quickly conquered L' on
.dote -ei •"1; a. inauguration here' last
weep.. r.golfers played on the m'tn-
iatu,e`coti •se• opened by the Kit -Kat
Club and another "widely advertised
course ' attracted a record number of
Londoners, all eager to try the new
game ,for themselves.
Designers and. nirikers of- baby golf
' courses ,are working day and, night
because- the promoters .'are :'eager to
take advantage of the public's present
interest. The fact that it is an endottg�
as, Wweh es an 'outdoor game is regaritj?
ed as a. considerable advantage and ,it`
is belied that ,the rapidly multiply-
ing courses should draw some of the
large 'crowds that thronged the ice'
skating rinks which were so' popular
last Winter..•
The green fee. for. an, eighteen -hole.
round with the use of a putter and
ball varies from the equivalent: of 25
to 50`cents. •
Doctors Declare
Turk's .OnI 1�0
afiicial . F.ecot'ds •' Show 111..Years7AS
• Extreme. Case of Longevity=.Turk's ;.
..156 -Years Disputed. .
•Is'kayo 'Agha really„156 years:old. as`
,.the daft .paper's tell ns?' lie .will have
a hard time proving, it. thinks; Science'
News -Letter, a Science Service publi-
cation (Washington)..Says this ,paper:',
' "The, old Turk, Zero. Agha, with his,
birth. certificate showing :156 years., of
. age who is now being 'proclaimed to
credulous• New York as the oldest hu-
• roan. in the world,' will have a hard
' time convincing scientific skeptics
'thathe:bas lived ,se mau}s years. •
"Old he is; without a doubt, but
'those who have .looked into ''such
claims in the past are laying their
scientific•• wagers that he, is' not much
mare than a hundred or so..~
• "In fact; the most extreme case of,
•longevtty.that. medical records. show
fully authenticated .was not quite 111
' years. That recoil' was 'substantiated
by the English investigator, Dr.. T. E.
Young,, who in the earl's' part of this
• •.t entury,'considered close to 'a. million
:'caseis, of supposed centenarians •and
• found only thirty•persons 'who from
other outside evidence could be shown
,to have' lived a. hundred' years or 'more.
Of the thirty, . 21 were •women : and 9
were men::
i •-''IGfi i ir'al ata laticta'tis- hillil-"to' their
Idea' that extreme old age is ,a rare
phenonieno.n a'Ithough. In the million
otore deaths' annually Witte United
States at, least .several hundred death
certificate, show ages of over a hun-
dred and , oecasiouit,ppd.' ones will show
such startli•hg records "as 120 years.. '
'•W.heii, such cases are' looked. into
it is afteu . tound.,that mistaken .idett-
ty conifers, upon :the supposed' , cen-
• tenarian" his .remarkable ,record..? Re-
' peatedly instances like this are 'un-
covered:-'.Jones. was born and his
baptism. duty recorded, Hut• he.died at
the age of fifteen years and th•rotigh
' an oversight .his. death was .not regis-
tered, .In the„,same year •that he died
another male child, Was' born to• the
sante parents and named John Jones;.
perhaps commemoration 'of his de-
ceased brother. The'. second John
Jones .was never baptized. When he
reaches the age of 85 or 90 his appear-
ance ot extreme 'senility attracts at-
• tentton and: the baptismal records ap-
Tropics Again }Hear
.Roar of Hurricane
• The Tyhoon&s Brother• Is An Inevit-
able Visitor in Southern' Regions.,
Ottce more ..the ;terror of,. the hurri-
cane that sleeps in`. the doldrunts`of;
the.South Atlantic'has been roused to,
;sweep. over the; islands .„that it period-
ically . visits'. The great sto m'"that
struck Sn Domingo last week and
caused heavy loss of .life had -entered
de Caribbean Sea earlier in the Weel4
passing north of Martiniquer.touching
Dominica'and, moving in a northwest-
erly direction. along ,a path that hur-
ricanes have traversed many • times
before., the great month for
the hurricanes that. time and again
have :cost hundreds 'of lives and mil-
lions;of' dollars in property losses. The
season begins toward the end of Jgly,,
and usually ends in ,October,' although'
there' are November hurricanes. As
to the path they take, thesebrothers
of the .typhoon are capricious. Some-
times they spend' their full force
harmlessly at sea, and only' scientific
observers, in their recording iaborator-
ies .and, captains' of".stray ships whe
observe the portmnts afar know of their
existence. •At•bther times they run
the full 'course ..,pf. those Caribbean
islands that atretch-.-like•-a•.by-path...of.
stepping stones from South. America
to the North American coast.
• A•hurricane moves along• its' course
like ',a ; gigantic tumbleweed ` 'rolling
t in a
`aerosy a, n•airie i
Wind with: a useful 'velocity of from
80 to 100 miles an hour, though higher
velocities have been recorded.. The
Whole storm moves forward at a rate
of from 10 to 15 miles an hour. Within
the'. centre there is a partial vacuum.
This. is 'usually about twenty .miles
wide.' The •storm area rolling around,
it is often 300 or 400 miles•wide, cut-
ting a .swath with, its furious .poiver.
of wind and rain. through the country
it traverses
irw..�*,w-ae ex
New Devic
ears Light'; o
•... a �:4�0 �:
Overcome g'` Dai gor
Chteagr1U.-=A new aid for Jtiio.
planepilots seeking to land on $Xt
bound airport, a device that
light, was' revealed recently.
li is the invention of Earl C, Han-
son, Chicago scientist, who disclosed
the development to a group of aero-
nautic experts attending . the national
air races, ineludi'ng Major James Dd'.o-
little,'noted for has blind -landing -won
Test year for the Guggenheim
Hanson utilizes invisible piagiaette.
waves emanating front' a bank o? neon
.ttrbes,'intercepting them with.a device'
in the cockpit that causes a steady
hum in ' earphones elapped to the
pilot's ears and activates' an electrical.
altimeter' that shows the number of
feet the,plane is above the ground.
ipurities Give
Glow. to Radium
Radiothorium and, Mesothorium Com
phjidds Used to Produce LOminous
Pa int.
Only..impure-radium isluminous,.
according fi i a report made .by Paul;M:
• Tyler; chief •engi.neer of the rare met-
als' and iign-metals .division .''of the
Bureau of Mines,'Department of.Com-
ttterece:' The fact •that a 'faint glow,
.often' cones' •from `tubes , of , radium
salts IS explained by, the fact that; the
suits, contain impurities, Mr. Tyler
said. •
"Radium alone is. not . luminous,"
-Mr, Tyler* :statement reads. . "The
'faint gloW'thatsometimes is exhibited.
by tubes . of radium salts is . tiwing' to.
impurities. By radioactiye
material with. .phosphorescent sub-
stances,notably, with zinc sulphide,' a
paint that will glow in the dark may
be produced. '
' ,. , "A•ccording to one authority, it waa.
shoent'aker of. Bologna who noted
more than 300 years ago;• that'iieavy
spar heated,, in• charcoal .possessed the
property of glowing' in. the .dark after
it had been exposed •to•light: Other
phosphorescent powder's, mostly blends
of 'zinc sulphide and alkali ,sulphide,
'were discovered 'subsequently, and
were used for producing. temporary
stage"etiects, for example, long before
the discovery of radii.m made it pos-
Interesting photograph showing an officer tent -pegging at mounted:pet a sible to maintain the.' phosphorescent
tournament and horse show, held,recently .at Cordon Fielcl:9, llfordi England'.- glove for• an indefinite period." '
1►Ir.• Tyler said that the ingredients
ow them'selve5•- ut u�iclel -an '�caus�^ •-L • NSD - N•ER•5--W-f-TN•E•SS• •-`A -•-� -
o q y d - Q O ' "and formular`ior; prdduciiig;"I'uttin+iiis
little or no .damage.. '. $5,000,000, BLAZE' paints, change from time to time. In,
,,he:United.States, he said; paint. used.,
2,000 Fiee Froin Tenement •Hotnes in on Watch :dials had .consist?d mainly
Wapping Di triol. ? of crystalline zine sulphide,nixed with
5 P m
• London:-Two'thousand persons 'fled proportions of radium, iiieSo:,
ance that the stormis plotted almost from' tenement homes before •fla ` therium and radiothorium to obtain
as .'soon as it makes its appearance. a of luminosity. At
which broke out in Wapping. London she. greatest d ,gree
When" a Hurricane 'develops the. first.zinc sulphide was made luminous
Caribbean the news is solo' td. broad- East End district, recently:a.
P P y ;by • radium, 'alone;" but later eheaper
Although the weather man cannot
control the . hurricane, he has;. 'with
:the 'aid of radio, so perfected his sys-•
tem of reporting any tropical disturb-
cast,ta vessels at sea, and the• path is
traced day by day. ' Due warning 15
given`'. to all/ports likely to be •involved.
Santo Domingo; Doniinicari Repub..
lic-The city of Santo Domingo; most
ancient setlementof the white man in
How does •_a hurricane 'originate? .'the new• world, was almost totally
The absolute answer • to, that question destroyed Ly a hurricane gist swept
.cannot be stated.. But most scientists over the eastern'enc: of the islaid of
believe ,that in some, small sea area Haiti. , •
below. the paths of the trade winds . The l:u ricane struck Santo Dom -
the equatorial heat causes a central .Ingo at ±' Sept.' 6, and blew for
mass of air to rise, starting a vertical four hours. Houses in the aristocratic
parents= show th t he•. is . a ,hundred circulation. Eve-itually'the rising air quarter . were razed to 'their -founds -
or over. The ager gentleman basks in .reaches a' lerei of sufficient 'cold to tions. ••Dwellings of the poor dtsan-
' his seenringlj •well authenticated :re- change its rater • vapor to drops of :peered on. the wings•. of a, wind, esti-
cord of extreme age. water. • This produces what is called matedt be'blovving around 150 miles
•' America has "•lead its claimants to heat of condensation. • -• • an hour.
age eecords..L'ncle John Shell, of.l en; If the riving 'air, mass •is 'small; a • Scenes, whose horror exceeded any-
lucky, who, was exhibited as. -the old thunder?torm is 'formed, but if the' thing witnessed here in ten years, tol-
est living human being' with a claimed development is of sufficient magnitude'' lowed its•passage: President Rafael
age! of• 131 years, Was i onoun.ced. aV hurricane may be en' its •way to crea- Trujillo took personal charge of the
ter a careful love=tigatfan, of,his' rase tion- The heat liberated establishes•
to be 'about one hundred years old,, relatively high temperatures, in' the.
• possibly a year• younger or older:: rrising mass, accel'eratins the circule-
Despite the fact that authenticated l tion' and the rate of•condensation. This
,cases (Jr' human lonfii'vity 10 over a! rireurrinnprocess is probably the man -
hundred' years 'are few. man is :yearly! nor int 4f•hi'ch the hurricane, revolving
the longest ,lived of all mammals. The : in a counter -clock -wise direction ,as it
common idea that whales and ole- travels: maintains Itself:
phaiats attain' many 'more r?at c Allan i
The devastatioa that the hurrican••
ratan is not credited :in'• scientific leaves in its wake is a:phenomenon
circles. But some .species of fish may ..knows to all• who .have lived in its re- .
live to over--2oti years aeeording 10 the .•*,iOn. Last September a hurricane
best evidence and reptiles..are report- i visited Nassau in the: Bahamas that
ed to,jtare• lived 175 yliar.. Birds may ;.damage(- pr:wtualiy every building on
have a life span of a few year.: longer ti•'.''. i..h.nd. Many lives were lost. 1'or•
•'t:hati titan in smite in' .'. •.,-,:." • ' days the city was flooded and in.darx-f
One of the • nioct • Bloods ar"aitiitt-
nests- Telephones were out of commis-
sion.'ai i it was some tit}te,.before•corn?
rnunication. could be established with
tints in: the world --the British .MMetir- t1.e outide'World even•by radio- • The
• cal Association—has just recently sea wall wits ht'ket in several places`
finished its annual meeting. .But not be the 'force of the wind -driven sea.
• anywhere in Great Britain—this—Year, Many te. ,.•-'l; inch wed in the. harboa_t
the ;'Doctors' Parliament," as the f ve- Were wrecked, Boats were ,.swept ap , meeting of the'A'socitrtion is out of the Water and earried'across
sonctinies called. is being held in roads to .loot) near the steps, 'of resi-"
'Canada. •
This isn't the first time that, the
B ►1.A.. has met in the leo ninion.
though it has 'net 'gone there alone .through the. Cailbbean. The disaster
1906. Snmtt of the greatest docttiis of 1926 is still vivid in Many ntemor-'
in the Empire attende=d the meetintr. ics. It teas first • noticed. on Sept. 14.
Te the. man in the street, ',the mer`- The next morning' it' was: north (it1
Ings' of the B.M.A. 'are ainays vety Porto. Rico. and on the, afternoon of'•
'interesting.: htcau.e: the dissuasions the. I6ith. it ra'se:i over lonely Tiirk's
cover a wide range of objects• maxi; Island. Twenty-four• hours later the•
of them of a. kind ' that aitpcals to storm 'had crossed' the Bahamas. ani
everybody ° ' .'n the morning Of Sept. 18 it was bat.-."
The human 'star; of the Lathe rima tering the Florida towns at the end' o;
Itiso ilterests the s:• -o' i:-1 nubile. 1.:i•4 the p'ninsu.a. By the afternoon of r , o
„rear: for itt,t.nice. an, e•nterprisint: the m'"t dal- the hurricane had cros,e.i
1 journalist tlikroverrd.ihat .t he doctors. the northern bieht of tireGalf of
who knew all about. or: benefits' of it ico and was .approaching Penrac 'ia..
• light llit+t,:Wert: tonsitni"ing'Iaree •In.+rt f where it renes ed.its havoc.
- liior el -• heefsfit:..'_AN. _INEVITABLE. VISITOR'
•": vied" .eat titles.—:louvers. • I The hurricane tis *Part of life in
dences. • .
,Florida •
• has many times felt, the
force of the •hurricanes that sweep
relief work The entire .army was
called , ut
It is believed that 900' persons were
killed`or injured.
Throe . nun re: firemen used.: •ten
miles of hose in fighting the fire...
It was estimated that the blaze
which-tparted in a spice warehouse,
did damage ot about £1,000,000 (about•
$5,boo,000 ).
Madrid. -,Old silent films, made and
shown in the United States 10 years
ago, and in some cases more, are hay
idg. quite a'run in Spain this summer.
: The programs of most of the movie
theatres here ',lust now are made up
of reels : that Hollywood ground out
long before the talkie era. This is to
fill he gap until a sufficient supply of
Spanish-language talkies can be 'pro-
duced, Whether in the United States
or in Spain itself; to give a.steady run
of ' talkie programs to the Spanish
theatres equipped for them.
There are 7414800 agricultural work-
ers in Great Britain•; this Is 28.500, or
nearly four per cent., less than last
Aviatrix Honored in Wales
Methods were found by using meso-
thorium' and radiothorium..
:As reported by Dr. Hartlatrd, the
paint used by girls in a .New Jersey
dactory contained chiefly zinc sulphide,
rendered- luminous say activationwith
about 20 to' 30 per' cent: radium and
from 76 to 80 per cent mesothorium
containing radiothorium. He quotes
.other authorities' td .the effect that
these paints may contain all the way
froni 7 to 3 and even 4 milligrams of
radium element to. 200°grams of zine
sulphide.. Impurities may lie added to
the zinc sulphide as follows: Cadmium,,
.05 per cent.; copper, .001 per cent.;
manganese..0002 per cent."
• Mr. Tyler describes the British prac:
tice of using luminous paints, saying
that they are of great•military'signifi-
cance. In ;England luminous paints
are used for the•illumiration of watch
dials, gun sights and compass cards
and any other furnis winch wo'uTdnot
betray th.e • presence of the military to
•the enerrty. During the • World War the
British �verntnent •bou ht eighteen
World's Airmen.
Begin Congress.
Lighting of. Routes; As Aid to Night
Flying and Insurance of Fares
on Program, - '
• The, Hague.—Since 1918, when corn -i.
,petition I etween nations 'in aviation
turned' to the. scientific and'commer
clad.' side, four great international con
-greases :•have taken'place=in .Paris;
London, Br.'iisselS and Roti�ee. • A. fifth'
being organized at The 'Hague. The
nieetitfgs,, :except for the first-,• which:
is .being held in th3 Arts and Sciences
Building, which accommodates ''3,006,
persons, 'are being• held ini the Binns en
hof, famous in.. recent years for they.
Reparations'and Peau (;onferenees. •
Some -idea of • the magnitude of the,
work may be gained' from the fact' that;,
500 experts in various branches ofi'
aviation, 'traffic,. science and technics.)
,legal, matters, ttied'ibal questions and)
tourism, have inscribed tbeir names as
members....Twenty-one ".Countries are).
represented. •
A number of •papers of''great gen-
eral interest in Matters will be entered'
and read. • which directly concern the,'
airplane passenger.: On ,of'.these is
that of the lighting of air routes for'
night' travel. . On this subject mem- ;
hers of three' different nationalities'.
are presenting papers:. P. ven•Braain'
van 'loten, 'a Dutch nigmber, ;deals
with the' sub eet from the , scientific.—
point of view; W. 11. Hampton and
C E' "War'd; of #lt'e—Brirish° .4ir 15e - ',-
pat -talent, discuss "tile requf'rements
for aerodrome and air. route lighting
at the rresent time,"'and two. Germans'
F. Born 'and H. Strahler, discuss the
e"ffect'of large neon.tubes by which the
loss of power resulting from filtration' •
Of red lights is avoided.
•• To the business man ,who either
travels by air or uses theairpldne for
consigninggthe'''a. Paper by Herr
goods, PP
Wrongsky;''director ofi the''Lufthan�a .
undertaking.en "Co-operation between
the airplare.and other means of trans-
port"' will :be of exceptio'hal interest.•
• ' URGED.
8 g
grams of 'radium: for war purposes.
Mexico City,—The U.S. Departmen rneed for specialists in these matters is
of .Education announc rd recently that
ueneraliy admitted., 'and two Dutch
Boy; Scouts had discovered a new arch- ii4etor toundiy•asse:rt'that "the meth-'
iteoiogical zine in the wilds ,of .the cal specialist iii aeronautic°complaints
1 State.of 'Guerrero: Among the figures. • must hin,elf be' a •"iloi." Beticeen
' i ; discovered is a' large .stone : sphinx
• thirty and forty, papers on medical
bearing a marked resemblanr' to that
s titles ts,,h . e been
, •
The papers by the F an, a .' A.
Gtandjean. pn "Uniform rules fp�tr.
maks Of identification on mititai'�y.
'airplanes." and, that by Andre Kaftai
on "Obligators insurance of passen-
gers in aerial transport." will have a
wide and general appeal to public
Curiously, th.e, subject of aerial,four-
ism has. found little 'favor, and only.
three .papers have been . submitted.
These,.,howevef..cover the subject very
thoroughly. one dealing with formali-
ties and facilities, another with recur=
in aviation. while the third deals
indirectly with_.this suhjecElay discuss=
ing- that of instruction . and .examina.
tion of apprentice: pilots of airplanes .
engaged in tourism.
Equally important' to the passenger
is the• section given over to 'medical
matters. for not 'only is air -sickness
in all its aspects being' discussed. but
the health. conditions of the pilot are
re.zet ing considerable attention. The
+ the )Vest Indies The natives look for
8 Will On Chair Leg• t it as practically an inevitable •occur-.
One of the.stran.gcst tt;iII;'oil record . ienco .during the hurricane Months.
ti Don be filed for probate in Paris. i And, .more •often • than not,. they 'are
It is that of M: Auguste ltasilnier. , hid.• ; correct in' thee: annual exp'ectatio•.
• had it enrrav<ditn a log of 11no ot iii •1`o .:Ihave. their noel es blown do •
ining•rn' Ut-chair$. theit'•crnp's ruined, and tttuch'of•the'r
personal • property destroyed i a pa
doss -- "You're ai•ked.!'" Clerk -•- of .the implacable scheme of things. I
' "Rot l'%e dobe absnititely nothing.
• Moss•—"Thai's why."
sante •years, bowever,,there are no vier
lent 'hu.rricanez•=-inerei} gales that
_rheasands. trutched unveiling ei mon i.: tt ,' -'.
,aviatrix of Boston. at Burry Pori Wales l;n l.e,i.i.
.ot crossing the Atlantic with Bronner.Stnti iii. 192,x:
1 Fort. Sir Arthur )Written Brown, co-pilot wiih'late Sir
entered. �I
Governntent archae•tlogists:.axe leav-
• i•ng forthwith to sti,dy`the zone:•+thick,
according to the discoverers' pre:itnn-
ary report=. probably includes an er,-
tire'burieil city. A number o. •hilts• in
the zone are believed to cover py ra-
mids: ()n the summit of one there s W:relt+� Tt.e�±raph Company. Dr: W.
a huge g.obuiar st•w..e e.,vere'i with a 1 11�;Ic+i anti Herr h . E1 ,nor (Ger-
kind of hieroglyphics. irantl, �..•; A. t'el int. F. <farino sin:l
The department' cnmtnzin quo sal ; L t�ut'rra t Iia:y�tt Cbpta•n Vii. •Mac -ii
that there was no known recnrii of mxr. the E illi Ii pint, Bill talk
the tone. which it Ras believed 'irt�;i ai''i'liut ' Prvi'" ri i, of air gran -sort froth
, never Bern seen befJ•re by a white •rp IpS1. t+s rat, f snow'," .
urn, ,list firer r itr•'ii h' pi.,�tt- i' .I'"=°.,ics t" tiir.,r its and tho,e wht
graph, of the sph,r.' and !,-her re'i tri t .leas * tt- , advance; the
tett' them as'pi-, tf, o•f "he:r fr& il, i :u•la�'.,n:any• distin-
. :"U Wh�•i avoir From l.' -viand Sit
• Se -:fm P.ra! •ker i, can;ir.g. Lady
t `"Th' 1.1-t. is i' ]1N• k.'T''ff i,hes Bair"'. ?Ii "r ape t•t Fne'ani" fame,
f�7r1 S:tiitlt•;irg i,is 'l,t' ; r•' er.1.
The influence of 'radio on aviation is'
not :,anroii. and beside the references
to it, in the report Of the. American.
iiaie•,n enir.n:.ttee there are 'c"intribu•
tions to the i, cussien by the' Marconi
• Large Trees Successfully Moved
. With the kelp of &Trucks
'I'- t r _ •4 n6.1 .nL,;,r a nits:cry n •i;.i...,. •,t.,.ti r:tit•..:(as a•ht..1
". . ' •if is ?i - it r rtn•iit- 'tt .•r.ta that
•'T a 1 tt:iy. t•..tP.t .':itt4,afid •ani- `'
' 'that have been. throe r four }'tn'ra= niea -Jr.•i Oak r.ly1:,-eti•:.•••,.:•- and n.t';ir-
-titofra - grew i-ne; • ft—re----3 p r t A•e. -:
to upon:funder=lung trucks-peciaily con-
structed for their 'i*rez( we•eht and
may he tran.rorted many mile, • at.
the beh: AZ of landscape
One of the sec'rd feat,: .,f tree
niot ing ten; perft.rnte.l re••cntiy in •1 t-
ran.' A venerable t ng,l 'r,
ntelil l: trltsrt- r statesman sf tlic -pt . rr - plan ti
t tCle. i,i
i ;alr' •s t •' '.. °' fr"tnt of Neu V•.rk•s c; ty lia;l--
anll : i•id'n.;•: f' : r . ,•„i trate:=it'ant.,41 in the n..s (tn,"rr:
John Ale k; otli- t,it '1. L'srk 'in T•tb:e The Irv.:is 'five fe'
lr +•k��°4tY t1�yt tF9 rd. tli 'i tri - wui Ci{N_'_
tt;as r., l.ty rents. Fite F.: r.,Ire:i men're. a n:'r.+ t•r m.tve rho tree -a
i`311:•t'3: ,ppf'r t:•'r. involving, 1ie:t,:ns an,i
r-t:)err. fir in.,: 'T ”:•si:ens alt i
►r, that h..,t• r•, tt:ach,i -lanae.
Th., Jai'an.•4e have :erg b'stt r+t:•'rrt
Yt tree in o, intr. In ;Park .n
T.441.0' t•'~e, a s'ing's r treo Hearty inti
rear; 11.1 and :ri t.t•'t'iti iiaiti•'tsc,
tlrie• it at.+od i .tu'ir,er ;•f ,a, ride
Clear 1