HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-09-04, Page 7!i-
Ontario Agricultural College
Reports on Autumn' Sown Crops
$y W. J. Squirrel'; 1'refussor of,,h'Itld
'Extremely' dry' weathei "duriug,ahe
latter Dart of August Len'. the mouth of
September was r'espoti:`;ible for con,
,idorable'decrease ii:i tht •area of win+
tier wheat sown in "O.ntai`tu in 1029.
Waiter . killing, although .severe lit
twine districts; seettis to. hale 'hetet
about average for the:• provluve • Crow.-
iu'g couditiois,sinee? early spring hay('
been e i! ellen`.• ninh, winter crops were
.1:it: ested • wider exceptionally, good
conditions Wer slight damage was'
-;causer.•. this yet t :.by. .r ithei• Hessler!
•Fly Or •rust. Moi•e: datatage than us'itil '
however, Has e eesirine<l- by tli5' pa'e-
aence 'Of 'barren spikelet•t izt,ahc heads
/.qf winter s heat ••'' 'a
• ` ¥telii and •luality,' uf, ai tumn ni,.wti
crops •iia, the e:tpel•inutiits at, the Col-,
,lege. were,i'xi`(1„ttiut)alty ,Oben'fh "ttre
, crap • 11.it ryr sled •rn 1;9:,0
acre in the variety •tests 'of •Witten
• wheat were ,greater than for several
• • Winner W'luat\'a1ri,,tiet. •-A ,N,t,1
• ;of more'. than M10, vard`r-es, hybrid,;
1• ,
:and )ant selected l i,e (, ted strains •have: l,r:eu
under, tests at th'e 'Ontario jtgrii•+,i-
•tural College for a period of.five yearn
• or more.. The Dawso.n',y.Coideh Chaff
• (0.A.c. 51) and the • O A.C.' No. 1,04
still continue'to be the tiv,(1
•"•,.. al'teties of Whiter • wheat under 'te'it
,••at Guelph'. 'Iii '-the average of the last
• eleven years, the r)awsgp's ("olden
Chaff, (04.e. 61), produced a •yield. per
acre 'of, 65:4 bushels per annurn,'anrf
the G.A.G. No, ' 1'O4'.of 63.11 • busheele of
grain''per acre per .annum. ,The high-
est yielding variety of red grained Win -
:ter •wheat in the exi-,eriments, which,
• 'was .the Imperial. Amber 1(. 92 t;
prodced•an'jiverage yield of 57.2 t)u h -
,els per acre. It:w-i11 be noti:d that ,his •
variety .p-rod.iiced on an arc.rye•: fr,r
the,el.even year, period,5.Bbushe's +t, :,
. per. acre.. thain the:
variety', • Tile Dawson's Golden Citafr •
find O:A,C\u: 104 yariejfs of...Otter
wheat a:re };ro sti.un more than 5r,
.cent. of the tint( -r, wheat laid Of ct;v
Province of ,G)i'hario"
11-iuter .\Wheat— ta$l.rn=lu rads.
• . tion•experi meat y"cor7i:ltit:tcd a`-. +'h: Ou-
.tal'io- Agricultural (:'r'il'e.:. tire. bt -
Sults. ;'ere • obtaine1l • when
wheat ...renewed (•lovrf• •t'id.
sweet ('lover•, 40.1i p• 1. or .w a .sewn-
e,wt'.'on a summer fall•aw•... Only 'fair' resells'
were ebta.inl-'(I lvhetl 'w t. - 'was '
•sown following bticka.tern. stn
roll. ,
• \\:•int?t' \WhMa't- qui, - I' _''.t:
, Winter ,Wheat lanrt •should ti+• t:•,w,-i
'immediately after the•t,r"•vi,,•;•• t tats
has been rentirvtd, This I hip r..yu :.•;,
a firm mellow Seed bed, whitrh can only
h:e ,o;btaiued''when :preparation starts
several weeks before seeding. '
Wit ter Wheat -Selection of Seed.—
The results of' many - careful'ly con-
ducted testas at the Ontario Agricul-
tural • College definitely show that
barge, }clump,. sound. ;seed, is ,the only
setectiou which ' produces maxintitxu
yields and the bestcivality of crop.
Aimee Wheat—Dates, of Seeding.—:
Tle 'largest yield and the best quality'
of winter wheat •resu'lted when winter
wheat was sown:not •earfier than Aug-
ust 25th ,and not. later ,than .September
lath -.When .winter wheat was sown.
• as,fate as S ptemh:er 30th• the, thin 4
ryieid` of the •crop•. w -a5 reduced altnost
1\'inter '11'Iteat l3tiltts 'of •Seedfng.; .
'Iu the average results of -an experinieait
Ceudueted for a.petio'd••of,.nixie years
it was fo:uuti 'that "tii4re was very•.lit-
.tle' difference in.'t.he yi•eld per ac'e
from. sawing :one and three-quarters
anti two ,bushels at .seed pe} acre.
;Nese twr, unail titles -'here mentioned'
preti,urcd a greater yield per acre, then
a u ••, whet. t. r, te, '
a o f s e' i
ed ng:
W:•nt r r R r<:—Five,'varieties ,of wi'n-
r,:i• rye• have'• beeii ,under test at the
(imam 1.Agrirulttlral College in each
tit the last thirteen, years: the -high,
est yield of, grail0 per. acre were pro,
dinned^'b,yt the , t vs ,.lµxi•r,~ible and the
ltr,:?riri variet?ffi . Tti.e New 'Ineinotiblq
iirpaa.,ed the common variety. in, yield,
of. grain' per .acre by 7.4 bushels for the
average of the thirteen year period.. .
Winter .ilarley.—Two , varieties of
winter barley have been under. test .at
the College\ia each of the last •twenty-
three ,years,the Tennessee winter bat"-
ar: IFy producing an.avera•ge,yield for the
'i.. eriod• o 4
p. - f 4.3 bushels • 'of grain. ptr
arrr'. • II1\inter barley is •ii uch more
t-uhj. t...injury through 'winter kills
l o: Ing than r-ittier Wihter wheat or. a •inter
list•::, •
\S'inter i':urziter.-,13Iai:k' Winter. Em=
mer i average , t•odtzcerl• an vi.
eld fertile.
• tast t\.rita';- t 5 ylrear period of •2a.F8
,bushels of ':rain per acre. Ina number
.'i,f ;,115611R this crop'almost completely
t.nter kiil'd. • . .+
t\'ir:t,-r .or" liaibt ,\utihes.-'-\Wintex
i-: Ling and lint 'sat -miner conditions
we -re.. r ;pon•‘iihie ,fur• wiry .1.we yields
, - f :•hi- (sup in11.9l30. In the t\erage
rt2 • axsF•irty-SiY •ye-ar ' tests,. Hairy,
\'• s prod .an -average. Yield . of
I').• ;,• •},i-;110!5 of grain per• a•c re . •
. i';,:,uier., who wish to obtain select dt
•.,•.• i f, ' , op,et ttil•o experiments with
'r:•-;a^.itng'rarictie's of winter .Meat
ani :,••r'au•ann own- crops may ob-
rt t•,,= that ,'•ial. fit+4e of charge. by
w -r °;!lig 'lie I,). purtnient of I'ield'Fius-
tuifaity',' tjir•arla agricultural Collet;e.
Writ:rs'and' R aders
Intrtiiurina�a n;w \teen t•
W,hereiu *ill he di„ a -s. 1 .•'•ri;-
tfrnmetit, commons piss i,•
writers and a a.•o. r•a1 -'ti • y rr,
the \World of F'ii tiett
:The i'tilitizeer• Prize. n,•e ,.,.-„ , 1r?`:rl:.•. by A' Hamilton Gibbs!
crag•Hoy,' by Oliver La }i•r,... }' ••'tn', • .lttoth•t.ly, al1eition.
ton, Mifflin Cotnpany-'• $210. i :i• • - ,1...
list this 'w•er'k, Trent.. • to art• .
"I.au�lrsing I;oy''
i1t+sert to a.ltenit 1110, t r, trot,
at The Lan,, the a't.'n•i"n of , • ., •\1' ,• , ; i itt'•'rie. e.; with the.
This picture was taken when Their Excellencies Lord, and Lady, Wili•ingdon visited the County Health Unit'.
. in. Beauceville, Q.ue'ibec, • This Health ,t?nit was the first to, be,formed•.its Canada And has' been operating on inn
time, •for a .number et. years witli great, benefit to"the. surrounding commulnities. A motion was made In the lipase
of Commons during the last 'session asking the Canadian Govereinent to consider subsldl ing. these' amall fill -
time Medical health. departments. in rural commuui'ties from coast to coast, • ` ,
Negro miracle play, founded on Roark I. ' • •
Bradford's "Or Mair Adam and. His Foreign Legion. No 'Longer
Truslow Adams (Little, Brown):.., A • .
studyof character, heredity and.pol'itt=.
Will Durant. '(Simon •& Schuster. ' In
tfre dollar edition. , •
it. 5t•' 'et rl•:ultr.! Iluring the hist I'a'n surprised, that your think of
til:tt•tying the chump: he is a Titan of
11 ,•tr,.l . '
I no forethought •
• •.,\\ els 1 don t• 1•ike these fellow; wino..
( :yl.\1UtuN. try F:dna Ferber, '11)00. , ;dtnfi to.ask;if they,may kiss lath,"
1::• .,;, 1) tis:. P.ioneet•. women and, •• ��_.• •
til 'ira` - ai. tJklultnma: Live and Let Live.
t .1,11Aii Sfl'RlaF:li ('ASE, hy' S.
\'; iris - t'tie:rlh�l«'rs,. l'tl•ilo They were howling nterrih thr.4riKh.
Refuge .For Wanted Me
Sidi Bel Abbes.-The French For,
•eign Legion; famed batt€:lion of home-
less men, who sign up for.seven ear
Of hard living in tho sandy edges of
the Sahara, is'no Ionger the: safe'
asylum to -day for men yust•a, 'step.
ahead of the,.police , .
In principle,.:the Eoi:eign. 'Legigti
still Inviolate; but in 'actual fact, ',the
French police have access ,to the en -
listment records and 'officials of t
famed Surete Generale, admit that
they search among the Legionnaires
when certain e'riminals are.hunted,
but .that it is done pr.pdently and,
catttiously. '
Qfiicers of ,the. Legion have been
making a special effort to clear that
battalion ,of. the name' of being 'co'ni-
posed of mystery men,. most` of whom
joined up to; b•ury'a criminal past. Till*e
Legion, they contend, is made up of
unhappy men, worsted in a love duel,
and., dare=devil youths who join' up to
satisfy their craving for -excitement,'
�' 1 seer
the little•country hamletsin than two
Ilill"1RIF:s, by !Nall \Cal.- seater c•ar.
• • ii !:.-•lay, 1)oran). 'i'1)r.i'nt}te ; His wife suddenly', came over all Chinese Civil War
L� •a:a•;rt?•.- etU t 1•'t' ply's • t•\•. .
but no 'mere. criminals than any other
i•orresponding body of melt..
There was.a time',vben a policeman
,lid not dare stef'past the gateso:f the
Legion' recruiting barracks -here at
Sidi-lie.-Abbes.';•Lnifornied police still
stay away, but detectives use all the:
strategy, of their kind to find •their
'nen among the rercuits., '•
Recently a detective was enrolled as
Canadian Industry
Shows Increase.
Canadian industry is steadily ad
vancipg in •produetiveness. In, this.
statement the word. industry is -used do ,
its widest acceptance ,and includes iu4
its scope not only manufaetares,, but
agriculture 'and • other productive
operations. .Measuretnen•t of the pro
grecs of industry in this sense is one
of the difficult problems, of the Practi-
cal side of statistic's, but several meth
ods are known Which .ase sufficiently
accurate' for most liurposes. One 01
-these is the ineasui°einent of •the gros4
'arid net an•fual'production of the co:un
try., :Of these two,the net production
is the:more accurate indication at owl,.
-ditions, as, it-t•.ontains terser'atipllca-'
tions• than does the ;toys, though each
is useful for certain '.puriloses.
The net',,value-of -of-Canadian produc••,
thin., was greater'in 1928.tltati,in-any
other • year • on ••)'eco,r d, : it was 6.5•. per ;
cent „greater than in 1927 and .about :
,14 .per cent. greater, .than .zit•' 1520',
Which year held '.thir=ti plate it) the 10'
'year period. .C'onlpared with the'year • •
'immediately. following ' the 'record •ot
:prices in: 192,0, the increase 'in the ..net
value. of Canadian Production ,up tb
1128 was. 53 per' eent;-,while in. the
same sevc;i>Kyears`the increase in gross
•production'was '44 per cent. ' The net
'v'alue of• commodities -,produced In
:Canada during• 19:28. was $4,190;509, -
(YOU. his. amount compares with $3;-
936,186,0.00 , in 192'8 and. 1.3,640:356,009
in 1926. . •
These estimates just quoted, do' not,
however,, ineaaure -the full production''
of wealth 'within 'the Dominion in the
years mentioned: They "represent the ''
•wealth: produced by, those engaged in;
. agriculture, •••fores.try, fisheries, .trap• •
a recruit. ' Forweeks he followed his. ping, mining,• manufacturing, construe -
man, .made...friends, • got his prey talk. tion, ' etc; These constitute approxi:
ing"over a bottle and, finally made his mately 65 per cent, of the productively
arrest- • • • employed: persons in, the 'Dominion'.
Recruits are' not compelled to give The remaining 35 per cent- of :those
• their names and homes •When.enrolling employed .must also be considered 'to
be producers in the larger sense of the .
in 'the legion. , They can.give a num- , ,�;
ber,..or make up any name they' want word, being engaged in such activities'
They do not-even-Piave--state-st-ate thefr•,as- transportation trade,- adniiuistra-
'true nationality' and ,meed .show no ,tion, the professions, and domestic and
:passpolits. ' ' , personal ser.viee. „
• But in' going 'though `t'he'recruiting • Total •'Productive Activity '
Mill, they are hug r'•pfinted'and'note Since the values given •in: the pre
is taken' of unusual tattooing or,other ceding Paragraph, : were produced by
distinctii!e signs,,. These records' are only.5 per cent.. or thirteen -twentieths
available 'to police, and they furnish, of the employed population. set'en-thir-,
many interesting leads, but' they are teenths '. may he added. to • the •.abo%,e
available Only .to Preach• police send totals to -ol,tain a rough estimate of,
the Legion otherwise guards its re- the value, in dollars' of. the total .pl'o-
cruits. from the pryin.: eyes of' S'cot- ductive activity of.- all the. employed .
land Yard, New York,'Berlin,an'd other 'people of Canada, ;according to the
foreign police. • . • •' • . econom'ist's definition of "production,"
• The Spanish Legion is hardly a Safe which .approximates"to. the conception
refuge; where. men can drop the.irsreal' 'of, national•incorp4. ' at•eoi•ding to this
:iden.tity and take on •a'.cloak,of anony- broader' interpretation, . production •in.
mity. The immediate finding In. the 19:!$ would- represent created .values
Spanish' Legion of, Laureano De :VII- of $(i,44tl,000.10l)., c•ofupared • with '$6,- ,
• lanueva, rich. Venezuelan bank official 955,000.0001' in 1')2;-, -aiid $5..6'00,000:00o
who disappeared from. Paris leaving for 192(;. .
• fin•ancial . chaos in his wake, shows The net p)roduetiou of Canadian in
just how poor •the' asylum is. • c(ti.strie,• in the usual acceptance of the
The third day 'pollee sought the terns during 1925 has •already been
young Venezuelan, they•.had, already given- a, $4.190.5119,4)00. The • gross .
traced him to the Spanish Legion. A production •ot these industries in the ,
week later a'detective sent to Morocco • sante year was: ;(i-67'9.2:14.000. In both
:had confirmed the identification. gross and net futures are included nine
do tyt•i; •l'ue')L hal. . •
't1) u•ling:" ,he. mnrmtin-d, breathing'
in large' pnt:tfons of the fres.. air,. -.one
feels as we sail _through- the r'nuntry
that •life•i;'really worth li,vitig, after
all," • o
"Yes.- lin replied, without taki4.t:: his.
,.•s,•s oft' tltet road: "and the way the
r•a•' : •v•,, ' pedestrians ate -dodging ing o•uf'of our way
•.r1{. ''i• •••••• tie tit' a:ti\;111'y;-in'
stiill'Ill:Rn' Or t;l':\1).\-I
la it . ',: l t:t'• ili• y , Iiarp•'t 1. A`i
(:r i. caught. Tit.' I\Ca:•• �C..:.'- • ,.
flnPrice nyt•r•th•r Irti,,ltt 1s,. .-:'�'•
Na0-F,ctlon' •
PT irtrayeI tlllt .h '.la m• •,.
Lau Ding lt,v • 14)11 s. _'1 t: ' •. I't+.F �l'.t\:. i+F.\'I'Il•OF 1'Rl:i-
F"a ,i111ItINt;, ins (I14ton }i
they twist feel th•''..<ant(v.' 1n�ttrrs.
Wrong -Station
worth the .n l • ;a, : jt;.'1 tit.te i)i\, 1 i•lt.lr14 1 Omint} 1.'atli it %a tuning in the nirt-tr-ts
•1',11' the 'li.ttl ti ,411 , i NF1 when rnddenly Ile' Kayo a hn.w•i of
mnre..rti'IfKatf,i'I an h. i ..,.. . 1:- ' `;r,'i:a+ .. lau•i�l •;revola-
**Tile Stel'y fit tial �i1. '',. .\\• \1'h;t.t e\e• "'
14Tunthe o F: 1' 1)r,'t ,a ,� t` • li\ itt)N. . .\u.ir•' �Sttrands. (:\P- w t''s ituppent'.d ask«'d I in
p'1t11, •
T Yer-•''1 t, roman e •ot th•' rt
I^hiit'entrt Ctiilint: :t'' :-r•t;ti:y • •
1: I G?i11.11.'t, I- t11,
snct•es,-ful do,. ter . 1 tU' 1;.. , t., 1
m , ,.r•'. .., '1'}il: '1. .\Ni) \ll,'••!SR\-
O-t of the non «t ,
11 k dt'weiihr•,t !tt ,' , , or C;1' t)I:\'.. by .ta, iur'C ('arncncraa
I•:gyptinn 1`=t: ti °•, t \1-, T.:". p -ace• An 1 the wear.
rJ. Jt' iti'ni h S i i.•'.
111' tlltF:F:N 1'.\sTl'Itl•::t, by Mare
Politics vs, Roeelte •
• A 1t.11 1uiel -t n \ df .n,' i••
The aeric+n ((roues iii.trt2)4 one Alttne•1'
1'aroulti, .a• yutttti: h,', 1'1,1 • \r.:.• 'e+
a strnl(t' of ,;:.roti lack lie, ()oras a.
rant in an I:,telt-h len:-sjt,'i•i. wit h
I4',t1't hint int.; the' ,at}i,.ef k::.''.:a•t+
tint ltv,' atl',ttr iin;':y .t;•,1 1• .'
t(•ally told) f,tli�,ti -
ycling (,reek l':gypti,in gtr: • }I'-
cup' from the 11110 •,t t.G ., 71'
tit' UCford, w h, t:' a • nt,•,., - .i' ". u
ri.'; ;lo English t:n: r, i i t't ..et r; , l,tp'•
tors of th • ho,lt t .' ,' t t n'1 r" .,i:
it nil .y,mp,t1)1.1) mann 1 'f
gh• hetw• en tit i' i,'\'. '1, '.t + a
English w if• :t:t,t 1 , •
Mystery and. Roma'.
Thi• i- 1 e , , it\-. w , , .1 t1•'1
Sion,•.. ,tit 1:•'', • 11 •i• t
t Ftr,tnlpt»et, (hr• .. t �,• • . 1'. i', 1
111.1 ,.1911 r .,• i. t r- "t
britt rioi+4ru; •ici tri tt. )i ..tt tt
ref ¢n. 1. •+ 'lo •t 1• h'n'r'•:: ;t- . • ,
ttorld. •T'itr :rnth.tl it t- ,'tt 1,'i(, •a t'+
itt)'eet ih:• .i fl1'nt; r'1 t!1: :i .,•i.i +
{yen;e' Into h,; 44t•11t4,l1.•t t':.1 r11
has �.Irx',• r'rlr',1' t•i ,r oto
The Plot.; ,"f tit.t -h+: 'ry ,el .1'•t•'tt11
rind fresh. anti 1 it, ,.r' reit,': t -;. ,i to 1.v
t'(tlr.t and ni •-teat . '11" tel" R'.1•(
erijii mile 10ndt'ng m :hi ttt,,'k.
'As well itv rhysttly ,trill ,i,•tr.t�.'
atot•i(':(, Ift(t hook. v0.91• 1114 't: "4"4',,I
l9911ft •r 1anei hu!Cio't ' , ' ' -'.144.. _ , ,
tock s is t,er'a from 'r01 t•rom, tett ls, yacht )att'std 'Etaco Itock• .ti
1 rr'tt w, ; 1"eu[w r: t; 1;+ n .; tita,ttit 1l tY New I.(rfldnn, Ctttna . a{xyn rr�rnt • arrival
The ,Six Best Setters i .
'1"he, rlwiltr►l`itty tlot11(4 Are rept)t't.t' i sty, Ir -to 1''u,,la11,1 t,'r AMotiPa's (.up Moat y 1 •. _
I h,ilirve' 1'tn ,getting ln)nha_o." hi'
replied. ' •
ilk wife smiled ron.temittn•t.usly'.
"What ever', the use of Hilt?" she
replied: "You'll • never .bo• able to un-
derstand what 1ht'y.ar•' sayiti Z."—A ls-
w ars, .
Puzzles Outsiders
• Chinese civil war is waged accord
•ing•to its own pecuiiar'rules.;and it be-
tl•iidering 'to- any outsider who at-
tempts to follow' it, .Por. nearly twenty'
•years past those who have had to c+in
( .fat themseives most• confused have
been' the Occidental military 'experts
on the spot. -They: have painstakingly
watched rie:eelopptents from the first
tedious interchange of Veiled ehal.
lenges to the final debacle. 'i'ltey
c'heck'up carefully the nuniber•s, equip.
men!, �upPllt's..iitlan4zai• re,qurc(as and
i4)ratet;ic lidvantagos' of the oppo ing
forces, weigh these pontlerahte,•
.against one another. •and,work out the
probable result according to Occident
al mica of tear. • ••
On the other Band. -Chinese politi-
c inns in their night -tong 1) ':-wow: up•
oil the sante themo. ignore everything
Merry Crew of Shamrock V.
• groups of im.unties These industries•
that interests the alien strategist and :are •divuted , into pt int fry 'and second -
study -the inipotiderat les with minute ••ary, primary 'bein+r composed of pro.
attention. Their go over all the Gen -1 ductive processes. or other urocessee
4rals:'en• bath sides• who have grudges clone to the, raw.mete;•sial: while the
tgainst .their superiors and ‘might 'de -•1 secondary'include what is usually ,des-
sert, to the enemy. They catalogue l'cribed ;t- mart. at tering. In the w ire -
the' family relations and early school -•j ary .^'•tui,, a.::•iculture^ conies first,
trate athliations between opposing of with a:. cio-sValue of $1.9.4)5,3.11,01)0
•fivers:'well knowing that personal ties..nil(' a bet value et. $1.511.271':u40. For-
mean more to Chinese than the 'mast c'stry conies se; -end, with a grows pt•o•
flaniboyanfly advertised "cause." They duetiun of. $•l ..559 i„ )q 5011 a net p'ro-
keep • intormed• on the popularity of ;auction of $322.1154,011. The other prim•
general', arnlie's•and "'causes," as re-'' ary indu'tikes • aye fisheries. with. a.
fleeted in .tea -hoose gossip, and note l erns of $70.W.(110 and a net of $<<"ra:
the etlert of this npan the morale Of )i '.pita; trapping. with a gross of $16.- .
the soldiery. The etnclusiens which 602.11:10 and 41 net of the snme.atitollat;
they roach 'thr•en lh these observations/Millings. with a .eros:: of :3305,2250,000'
are rt•fIled In' the tune of She native! and a net of $2.11,9Sa,1li9: and electric
:pi'''ss, e't'.3)i,t the most rigorous cen• power•, with a gross ,af ; 143.692.000
snrshiil, and :go a long way..toward,t.and a net of .1t',:I_ri,000, t)f the sec
shapin,t the Mews expressed in the-ondary group ,of industries. the largest
1':ngi,,h stn} .1:apaitc4e journals publish- is manufactures. with a gross value n't
oil in the ('hits t',,ast polls. •$3:769,1S7,0i)0/an•<i a net of $1.819.043.-
1040', inchrded in this clivi ian'also are,
Sipa}t .nt••ti churches are being + •un5) ru(1lit. with a ret sof r,42 99C -
c 1; s
prnvi(ieei for the. rise of week -end. soil• 000.) and, at net of $aS7,l66aiOtf, an(1'•c us-
tlayntaKe•rq in rhe woods near Berlin. tont and repair, wilt a gross of $129,-
0'i5.100,aod•a net of $S-2:1.52,000,
a a •,�.a ��� ..�� ��..:..,
a r z
i •
British Royalty
Royalty . •
Pays Its Way".
Full Rates for Train Fares and'
Shows Are Part cif King
• George's Po11cy'
L•,n•}o - Anu.luncemetit that tha-
royal .,t.tIItn which 'took the King anti
Wu.';'n from SanIrinettam to Balmoral
l'aylle^. �rnti4404., ttc..c•'nt}y. costs the'
,lnic:r1?pt'Of :.::'t pit mile -with firsts','
11.1s:- fare in a,i.iiiion for e':verr mom- -
it.•r .it the r.'y,ti party sertea to put
.111 . nd 1 t.tlae t•rr,ttt''uua noti,'n that
th..• Kine tr,lce•!' freo • t4 rai14,1ya. go".r
t t ::,e•theit'tre fr.'t'.-a:,+i so foillt.
T!r,2 Mira:'; a \p••nse= in tlik respnet
are •11)id out. If tit.' privy )' 1'`0 an '.-
R•';t':. rho. King nor illty ,hirer them -
lee. „1 :•:l• 1)tal'finit ty fluty• a
c port •, 'ii)'14.•nt trout • Any rmo Yl;P,
theatr',.tI i4it, 3 . h,",tt
18 sot alaithn,nili :a firmer of agents, .
w h•, :tate tt, ri01,7110,1 thi= ' ,,}Bite fi111'
1131! :i , 0111 lay. ;t11..1 ts ptr i for 111 the
` .Although •thet'eillc mit : r •the.ft18
•ntan:tseinc'nt its" .,anion that 'Won Id
tit, ha'stein t., pl:tee a hex. gratis at the
disposal of ilte party. 'front • loyal as
weiras busrn+es"Iikn motives. sorb '-1
vafices tre•.stricttly'forbidden, •