HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-09-04, Page 5r. .;a t T VE LLTKNO. W SENTINEL,' THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 19.30: 'PAGE F'JVE A . Fairy Rhymes Come' True , "Hey diddle, • diddle! The cat .and the fiddle, The cow jumped over the moon .," In our childhood days we accepted the above as gospel',' the world being then new. and . wonderful where .anything might happen.. But itreinainedfor the year 1930 to make it partly true with the aitrrpplane. flight of Strathmore Hanna. Fairchild, .prize Holstein calf of the .C.P.R.xri E pe mental Farm at Strathmgre; to Calgary` and back„, Little Hanna 'whose mother's half sister is the famous Strathmore•. Sylvia with a record .of 29,371 pounds of r. ilk inone. year, was Clad' /or :herjourney in a pneumonia ' jacket.. •:Her feet were secured and a, strong sack placed around her 'up to the neck. She lay ,quiet in the .plane and Deemed to• like her trip. Lay -out shows Salina who' was named after John' H. Hanna; 'secretary of the Calgary Board of Trade, greeted by• a: 'number of leading Calgarians and visitors en her arrival. Inset shows her .peering. out' of her pneumonia jacket aboardthe . plane. FALL FAIR 'DATES COW 1) t G'EROL LYM'-IRED, Ailsa' Cis}g Sept, 18-1(J _4 'valuable milk row belonging f ►t t►ood Sept.. 1920 Mr. • Jos: Vogan of the 2nd. concessioi, Bayfield ...., Sept 24-2:i' .of Car ick ' uther oenerto •a• o f r p lot Blyth .•, .... Sept..25-26 trouble last' week. says, the Mildnma• Brussels Oct.. 2-3 'Gazette; Failing' to• :a.con,•p'a. Y n th. eo.._32�L ° : •_ S- other membes-of the-rherd home= leas: Dungannon,Oct. a Oct. '7,-8 Tuesda event ieg�„search was made. • Embro ,: Oct.. 2' for the missing bovine. and she was Exeter Septa 16-17 located. the fol owing•; day .'iedged 'be• Fordvlrich'. Oct. 3-4-tween two ' small cedar • trees ' in a Goderich .. ... , Sept. 17-18 beaver meado'v where 'the fogting i.: Harrriston . Sept 25=2R very treacherous. The cow had sunt. Kincardine Kirkton Listowel' ,Sept. 16-17 London (Western Fair) .. Sept. g-13 ' Lncknow Sept. 25-26 Mildmay... .''Sept; 23-24 Milverton . . Sept. 25-26 Mitchell ., Sept: 23-24 Palmerston . Sept. 23-24 Parkhill ” Oct. 2-3 Ripley ; Sept • 23-24 Seaforth , • Sept. 18-19 Stratford Sept. 15-17 St. Marys Oct. 7-8' Tavistock Sept 26-27 Teeswater Sept. 3O.Oct. 1 Wingham Oct. 74 Zurich " Sept. 22-23 Sept.' 1748 into •the mire to`its "wets_line." ,yin.`.' Sept. 17-18 tot.effect its .release preaer:ted a dif- ficult ,problem.It •was unsafe' to get. a team of horses nearer than about '300 feet, so a long ro, e.'^:i:`trun thra':, pulleys,secured',to adjacent trees..'ah.d fastened around the cow's 'body. Aft.ei• a . tremendous pull tie animal .ii•as • raised' from her perilous }gin-dtion, ,and placed on a • stonebcat and .drawn to • safety. The animal way so exhauste•' ' that it could ,not stand on. its feet • until the next: day,, Fut it a'n: ears nae,. . to have almost ftilly.'reeoverea. • Bull fighters have to be, capable • o'. swift •decision, says a writer,' He -who hesitates is lost. ere 'ancl There 459S) • A spectacuular 'high line trail ride 'about 7',t'OO feet ' above :ea level Yroni Bain f ao hake I , uise,• has just" teei ra�peeTec' 'stile round' " feasible by F, •Murray Gibbon -and,. Jim Brewsteer, •lt•is'i'; mile,• west Of Banff over timber line • looking down on the little known • • glacier -fed Taylor Lake and . fol- lowing the'. '7,000 -feet contour to the Consolation Lake' trail; tending to Moraine' . Lake., It eomniurids magnificent views • of the Iacial• •. country north of the' Canadian 'Pee is Railway. west as far •ts•the akes'and south to y1t. Assi- • n:!!o'ne. 'It' Tis. Qd • miles ..long'and ` will probably. be. Used fur the, an wast official camping trip of the •Trail Riders : of the„'•Canadian'' Rockies' next .year., "I do not believe that the talk ing films• will ever take the place Of , the legitimate stage.' ?c aide still appear to. be building o:din- ary .theatres,". said Lady'a a.na Manners, famous English society'.' beauty and equally .famous asthe heroine .of ':The Miracle" 'daring its New. York and Boston pr,,.uc-• 'tions,°' who arrived at the 11'inJsor • street , station, Nuo:rtreal, recently, on her first visit to Canada. Breaking •New Trails in the Rockies • Every' .year the Orcler of the Trail Riders of the Canadian Rockies gathers 'together its .devotees Wile set out into the anknown; or the almost un- known, on motmtain ponies from the starting ,point it the Banff • Springs Hotel or Chateau ' Lake Louise. For those new to the gatee there -is .'n trail ride of a few days, covering, however, little travel'led paths; while for the expert there is a ride of three Reeks penetrating to the heart of.,.the Rockies, •and both re pial in a Grand pow-•rvoiv or cntlipfre meeting where e bongs; are sung and the feeling of general jollity is perpetuated. These Trail tides are held in August When the weather is at its best, and lovers of ,the out- doors gain 'an .experience which, even if they never repeat it,, will. furnish than arn' . With memories •d *Italia' 'for a life time. Every year tie* trails are broken, the eV lxot yes Want over Gibb'oit Pass, !Weed after the founder the Oyler. he The ► de P6)1400 *km 0P eotjflt • and from !::.rope, an'd' some 1,300, of theta. •a •e taw' enrolled int :e Ordet, Lay -out .howl riders 'passing through Gibbon Pass, taking a rest ;at Shadow Lake with Monet Vail in the,background, oUnd, and lording an 401.athe Lt 1cq lot• Hajigit1g (,'arierg,• • poxrit L T FOR PEEP �1•]C:,L • t t n.k. n :rd f i;t, nt. Page 11 troul,j. ..,tact• the: tttl.1••:..y • of -the well. There• iti nut`'1ltu .ul.•kteal doubt. in our. tiliud' ' but .w nut the Layne System ut tilt g'i+av,el''t-e11 ut let and' shutter screen is superior to that uti'ured by all of 'tie other ten- derer., and at1otds :a greater: degree of se: urtty so, car as the continuity of tate yucttntity t,f water is concern-' ed. 1,lie p,u.ntp etiuiputent Submitted with this..tenuer is 'of the very best and i5, of st .h a• nature lin• to • reduce to a tnininluni all possibility of break- dow'ns ucetitt•ing, 'the •equil,ntt•nt, sub- tuittt".1 •with• this :tender is si.rtilar to that*.used sty mane nrunicil:Jitigs Over a long period Wf -yc ars so that it ha been th.'ruughiy uitd oat its t licie•ncy te'sred. • ' lte,artiiu thi anerr:siive' -tender ••Submatoc•I by .the• Layne. this iy Of• n ,unci tyke l,ut 1, ep4ng in .mind the fart that only a yi'igIe well dnd -tn 1e purail i,l„ i•clmpnient is itelii lia>t:illed a t do -not feel that we. Cali adv,,se you to.•slete1t 'auy 01' the' tt.t•native tender:4 submitted for this i( saun 1llc, tiu not •nicer flit goad ions l,tni d a u rt3 the 'spe.ei£t eatio,::Intl. oto pun.tps the1i elreaa:are not .cf a type' that would insure con• tinnily of run over a lint; net iod. • To a certii-ex'tent the teittkr sub- • nai'tttd by the Jrin1it-it6 errs. $z?'les Cgru,Jat y .must Le I( nl :.l upon ns 013 alter nal lee Offer.. 11 lirlt' they state they, will 'meet ai'1 r 1•goo.eniemis i di- ed f er' in our. spe. rtications they lay „down tooncirtions , t f their ovi ' , and fort! eltuor 'the cnnrension§ of the .well.,,rt: such es to leac'e doubt 'in Our. Mind, ts•'to the ultimate'continuity of the. &alis ity • of the we11 Fiat in starlit; tetade r the inner easir is ,'16 inc•l s in ,diameller and n' .tlte 1,ast o1 the J. rtdan'.R'obarts Sale c oil,pany 'tender•it is 12 'inches Th.‘ ' 4 s:yne' ('o u p t'n•v • undertakes. •to otarl ete' the work, in.'twelv'e 'weeks tin7t' in''date' 'df etder:,to coninience, sante.. Tai:'ng into con-ider'ttion the fact 'that c,1}li- • rine well is' being drilled and one put.ilrrn Unit' provided...- we are of the opinion that no risk what- ever .•slinuid be tun in the, type' 'of, e lu'i •nicnt ordered. Under flow con tlitaors t1e reCot,i rend the a(`('eptanee of the Layne f.traa dian Water. Supply ("o.tnp nv s tender' for the sunt o!' •1.,re(nlet:t t e.ing',drawn ftp;'Iboni. fur. he•1' :end detai''ed plans sub;witted and aooroved 'h y nut'sai es, S.gr.'c.d1 Gore _\' sn•ith tC Storie„ 'William' Storie :1 • LITTLE WAR STORY:. Kion A Watch €aine'•Gack After 16 'Years. Th -1., Stratford Beacon -Herald of a 1.1 ?Sth,.:had a`' touchrii.g war. •tttiry •r•hi -h • has` some. local '' nnec- tinn and interest, It illustrates the' faithfolne=s, of `ore of the . s ildier boys who:served, .in. France to. • the trust of aa' so/tier comrade. We may = ,y here that the sntil:er referred to. who Went.into the front trenches on .certain . n ght and did not, return, vas a brother of i‘Irs. Roy Hudson:- Mr. udsonMr. Iludson being. very well known here. • The stnry is that Emmanuel •Pequ- eg•rat,. knm;n'1} - his photos as -•Man- nie." 'a lit, heiie r lad enlisted:' With the 117th hatt;•linn soon after 'the ontbr :','l: of the war in 191.1: He was later transferred tn.'the "-ith •and vent. • oversew wit) that battalion. IIs 'Wrote lan•'•e regularly from France "and it t'•t,u',l lopenr th'it on ore oc- ensimr mentioned that hi :hr.d 1.o4t his wrist watt+". wJ•erennnn'his father a jev•e11rr of hitth}'r cr. •sant hini • Booth's • ,t'itit the atrst•i•II.tion: "Eron) fathe.• to. \Iannit." One time beitkrt, sni: r iia,; ..the frontline •tien•cfie ••1T:inr.ie” ler• ded this•':•+ttt•la to hi< comrade wla, was re'mainira in c:trip, with t'te,-r'1 est that it be''st'nt in his fatl•er in , aase he cii,l not rcturr, it •• n cat ful night and '"Matt;ie" frl;.-iti�tau.tly . k'lled as were so.'many others. Thmt vn ,all [f ,r ir; Tents. as -.he commie did n t.hnew the family ad- dress' of tris fat:cit cn:•ir ide --knew nothirg but that '"ala nrlc'sfather is ns r •ewtillt r sn••iewh,'rc n C:ifl 3a. Tester 1: y'.' the 'R'acon-Iltr:`Ild says a letter i a'no to Kitchener. ad,lrc' -ed 13 the "Pc..lre1.7,•t,'.('l'-k Cet-oar v." Mr. 1'ctlnegnat w; . in Stratford til en letter arrived and wit' told of it• cc'rrtontt•h'; a friend, who hnppcn- ed to nreet hi:'i4' ere. 'The' let to r had c,me ''front••R: C. Spi;n.11ove:' of Ed" moot on, -S lhcr-t;a, and related that ,"'or hi'years' the vi-itcr:',vho iS mane oth- er -than the soldier who eras entrusted with. the watch. nn the •battle ii,i(1, had sought for the fnmi'Iy ot:•the lcn " M nnie.. m "it was l l a'•t ' , •a° • a tis( w' 'cr. said. "t.n. tjntl the 'pare•-t:t ank re- turn to, them the watch 11(' !.rata:e r':e before <„,b t ?oto battle:. All I krt c •was that his f:i.het. v:i. 'a-wrtt.'a- , ^ia:kt r in the nrd ever since t' e %vrir 1 have liven trying t„•lncate hi "It wa=• a great surprise to its," said )Tr .'llndson, sister of the fail n' soldier. 1' can irenaeii\ cr When fath.'t' sett 'Nannie'' that ,watch," .Fi:eson. of (kerne Petategnat, e listed ,in,, the' Carladian army and snkv service in the wear. but " Itann'e" was the onty .otte tri ntgke the Supreme 5:0; r1;gee. ft .' .rl+ltlir lYl. CdUNTY OFFEJ S .=. UQ!�ARSHII 1'0 STUDENT IN 1.tait .'t. 1 'JURE. She IJu•r'wl a .,t.;t., i pont it lt.'s aut' ed $:,0;uu :towards a :scholarship for a- vaunt' boy • attending the Ontario Agriculture ('ollege. This :uuount will be' supplenwnted by .a similar sunt the Massey Fund .at t}'ie College. That is to say, the, lucky student will •re- ce:re }.$109.00 during his first year at the College. `This' antuunt should represent a large ;!•,•art. 1 f the first year's. ei,pcuses of a }auy a{t:t>,cliug• that instit•ution.' • The condition, are briefly as fol: tows:—, • 1.' A.ppliaants should lie farmer's ,;oils resitli'Ig• in Huron' ('ounty. 2. AhplrcY;ntsf "n use 'b. • eig;hteen• yrs, )i :ige, on dr•'before S:ptember 10th, 11I30, 1. he. opening day of College. 3, Appiic•ara.ts tufty enter either the too • year Assosi rte Course . or, the. Degree con r•se ., • ' 4. AlipJieants .should figure c n'tak- in:;• u i farn,il:g' tis their v.le-ation' • at' the conclusion of their col'1•ege , course ..>:. Only • .otic si •„', ai shill' `ts avail- able for the. year 1a.,0 ,31. The total, r111ut..tt . of the schol- ership• is $10.00, lray.rl.le in two in •st aaiuerits, Dne. at the •open:ug'' of• the Fall " T•erm anis• tiro other:ttopen- ing of , the :Winter Term.' A.pplic ai ions ' along frith. charac-. ter' and other , rev orn:rueaidttions should ,be "railed . to The' . Ou ar.o .Depart. metrt of Agriculture. ('!inton.. • not later than' Seoteniber 10th. . s: If, a nu nbei of Zppil 'rations' are received it May, be sieve ,ry .to.have' have the, applil:•ant-t a pc.,r before a Committee to d.ee:d'e the winner. It' is not' necessary here• 'o...dwe11' upon, the tolvant i.ge.s of as Course in Agi•ic•alit re' at so,.h a ivdl known in stitution Thci-e• should not be' r- city of ,suitaiac •applictuits. Therefore, it tv .}ioilct} t ::at to 1'y; t•nnternph-t "Y'tr rit-M►f,T:-r 'i "CCA 1Li'.:: fall kill. make ai elf O. tp''.tt'`.n a %vetth''v File •sehnl arslun. 1' of The UnivWeitem Onersity tabrioelongs. to the people • , • , It is' supported-by-Proxincial and Municipal , grants, by Endowment Fund income, and:by'tuition fees. The enrolment' of •rtgulai :students In ..1929-30 wit .1260, not including approximately four bandied students in special' groups, who 'received •ifs- . shOctton from the University Stall, Registration. Days—SATOR'DAY, • ' .Septlember 201"`=2nd,. 3rd : and- 4th dear *indents from London. DAY September 22nd, all freshmen.: TUESbAY, September, 23rd -2nd, •. 3rd and•41h year ahitdentslrom cenbes • other than'i.ondon. , WEDNESDAY, September 24th, Lectures begin, s, . '. For further. information 'write *0 THE 'REGISTRAR or apple► to- as ESI RIO L'ONDQN'CANADA P•o-ow_ THE .DIifI'SIfl'� NOT . F:4IIt ; The Border. City''Star: had ,the fol lop ing:.. "I rivyr'1•• ! hal;dine ' e:Heque 1'o0100 to client .who had' been' swat ded $5(10) ,"There is ,the balance ,if - ter deducting. /ay fee. What: are ,ycu•• thinking of ?' Aren't' you' satisfied: Client: "I' was just Wondering who- ' got hit by the ea.t. You or, rue." '"Have you read the. most 'wonder- ful war' boi3k ever written?", esks.rt critic;•Y es, nearly .ell. of then., • THE NEW McCOR)1UCK DEERING HOR'SE AND TRACTOR POWER ,GRAIN BINDERS ' contain the best.. of the Famous Mc.CORMICK and. DEER- ING BINDERS. 'The McCormick has -always Bien known as the Sturdy Machine .•w:ith. Strength and Durability to withstandhard use. while the DEERING.' had long been recognized ;as the Light- est Draft Binder. They are fitted, with Bait and Roller Bearings where required to make a light running 'Binder. The main frame is made of fiat Steel Bars, rivet -fed together with the edges up• to give the greatest strength. The Tractor Power Binders' are made S and 10 font widths. • W. G. ANDREW'S f f — THE RED FRONT HARDWARE CLEANUP = PAINT UP JUST ARRIVED FRESH SPTING STOCK OF MARTIN SENOUR 100% PURE PAINTS AND. VARNISHES AND LACQUERS, - MURESCO IN AL SHADES. FULL, AtiSORTMENT.:O1' PAINT BRUSHES ON HAND..' RAKES AND HOE•. 'COIL SPRING :WIRE ,GARDEN CULTIVATORS, BLACK WIRE' ZINC INSULATED WOVEN !FENCING� C �1.1r iN AND SEF: THE NEW FRII.I.DAIl2E, AUtOM.%•Ti.C• REFRIGERATION, FOR TILE H031E"',EQUIPPEI) WITH IOTA "FRIGIDAiRE COLI') CONTROL and 'I1YDR.\TOR". ' • .11:8't l! LOADED FRESL1 CAR OF•.PARISTONE, LIME AND CTPROC • ONE ONLY. SECOND IIAND REFRIGERATOR iN GOOD , SHAPE • . ' . RAE and. ° PORTEOUS�fI i1'tIR •VG . AND COAL, �IBT:�C; HEAT'1i111G EL�C`yR11G`, E . Phoma 66 - Lucknow ilx.w,w.,a�u.xf•'h,ri., �°�,i..n..• a.....-�.n:�.1! 0 0 0 0 0 ti i•