HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-08-28, Page 8IpAQ�i>R:.
TR1TRSDAX . AUGUST- 28th, 193a
. .
`n OPPQRTUNITY -W • travel—
a- college: education for your
children--yoar:R home -•a' •car-
_ these, and 'other pleasures can
be .yours if ypu BEGIN NOW
on a definite "pl_an of investment
• By investing. part of . your'- -
earnings . systematicaliv each
month, we sill unconditionally
guarantee you . sums from $1,-
1,500 and up, . in 120 months.
$3.15 monthly, pays $1,500-
$32.50 monthly, pays $5,000
and. $65. monthly, pays $10,000.
Write for Booklet P -t3 giving
further facts, also our financial
' statement showing-' resources
• of over $25,000,000
Investors Syndicate
Established 1894 ,
A. G. Sntitti,
District' Supt.
Jos. Agnew.
Local Representative •
'Miss Mary Anderson of London,;
who spent. part of last • week ,with
Lucknow and Ashfield friends, re-
turned home Sunday.
Mr. George Glen of Detroit, . is
Winding a week's v `:ataon with
friends here,
Mr. and Mrs., S. J. Kilpatrick, .Miss
Olive and Richard ;Kilpatrick, return-
ed' home Tuesdayfrom a five days
visit with relatives In East Tawas,
Mich. •
Mr. Chris. Conk has bou.
er and is now 'engaged
t a clean -
n threshmgf
Mr. Cecil. Johnston spent the week
end wish friends. near Londe .
Miss Margaret. Mallough of Luck-
now is visiting' relatives' in this neigh-
borhood. '
Messrs.. Palmer Kilpatrick; •Ward
Agnew, Misses .Olive and .Jean Aud-
nd-ei on, Jessie- Andrew, Grace' and•„Ol-
ive Blake and'' Ms. and Mrs..' Thos.'
Blake were London visitors during
the week.••
• Misses' Birdie Reed' of Lanes and
Muriel Blake' are visiting. Mrs. • R.
Johnston thdsjl week. -
Mr. Palmer Kilpatrick, Miss Olive
Kilpatrick, Miss' Grace; Blake and
Miss Dorothy McQuillin attended' the.
re -union, of their. respective Normal
School years, which took place at
Grand Bend on Wednesday and Fri-
day of last viveek
Mr. and Ms.? R. Johnston :and El-
mer Johnston yieited ,Mr. and . Mrs.
Winn.'U. Johnston, at Exeter last week
Mr. Finley and Miss Alice Shack-,
leton motored to Port Carling last
week where` • they are spending_ a
week with friends.
Miss Jean Anderson spent a few
days last week*with her friend, Melia
,B, lenche McDougall of 7Crnloss. f
Mr. Ward Agnew of Owen Sound
M the guest, of his friend • Palmer
Kilpatrick this • week,
Congratulations„ ' are due Elmer
Johnston who successfully passed his
upper, school • examinations, also to
Tom Henry and Richard Kilpatrick,
who • were equally successful in their
middle • school .examinations.
The .sympathy of Chia community
is.extelded to Mrs. Thos. Blake in the
loss of her beloved; mother, the late
Mrs. Jas.' Webster of the boundary,
west of Lucknow: • '
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kilpatrick and'
family spent a few days recently at
Grand Bend. ,,
• We wish Jack Curran' success.-
; his9,new work 'as clerk in Mr.. Idelan ' •
Drug' :Store, Lucknow...
Mrs., Helen Anderson, MissesMary
and . Grace Anderson, and .Messrs
Hathway antDixon`of London, visited
relatives here: Sunday. Torn Anderson
who agent the, , summer at Mr. John
Helm's accompanied them home to
London. '
'Mr. • Wm. Blake is visiting.her
daughter, Mrs. Albert Alton at, Bel-
fast this week.
gat new roof
IF need a new •rooF, your .Brantford ,
Radiant dealer can. give. you an, estimate
which will. be. surprisingly low.
Ask . him particularly about.- Bran o
olou'r .. Slates =- 'several colours blended. in
each slate.. They make a roof of brilliant
beauty; combined , with permanent 'Weather:
:protection • and Fire -resistance.
And your`present t roof can be left where
it is ' BrantForcl Asphalt' Slates can be laid
directly Over old ' wooden shingles for a
Faster job at less cost. -
But -get it done at once—next week a r lnstorm or
naming : brands may have caused costly damage.
rntfor4 i'sphaitSlates
Brantford .Roofing Co. Limited, 'Head OMc i and. Factors Brantfo d. Ont.
IS! Iiesi.ei+s. boa WI siet rte , 7"ee" +l a 'retailed Msats..i,. Orarias. 811.1 Js .. N:1.
mid ohee'ii. N
Far. Sale Sym Wm. Murdie & Son
t 'J. C. Thompson, a ear salesman
!for J D. Kerr of 'Stratford, recently
gold .t sensational story to the effect
that he' had •Seen slugged• over the
head on the Milverton road and rqb-
•1 •d ayf $300 belonging to his em-
1 ?oyer.'
High Constable Beatty who took
i p the carie had doubts •as to . the.
t uth of Thompson's story, and after
ar thorough investigation, accused" whims he had easbed the cheque and
hon;rsou 01 stealing the money, and then t iken the piney hone:
placed hint under arrest..
When he. appeared in court, Thorn's. -
son ' admitted that the whole, thing
was a fate, and that he i -as himself
the thief. •
Magistrate Makins in delivering
sentence, leetured the accused Sev-
erely, describing the .itt is a cower
ly 'one, allowing himself to be taken
. hospital in a supposed semi -
into the h sp s pp
conscious cohditio7 and then telling
the _ r f having , been slugged*,
story o v g gg ,
Mr. and Mrs. A. Slessor and family
and Mrs. B. Sle or of Bervie, visited
on Sunday with 4.. and Mrs. B. Mc-
• Miss Nerine Hodgins of Detroit,
was ,called home, owing to the,serious
illness of : her father.
Miss' Grace Haldenby visited for a
few days last week with Mrs. Chas:
Gillispie, of. Whitechurch.
Mrs. Stanley of Kincardine is .visi-
ting with her daughter, . Mrs. John
Miss Agnes Murray who has been
i pending.her vacatjpn in Chicago, has,
returned home.
Mi. and Mrs. Arthur Simpson and
son visitedover the week end with
Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Boyle.
Mrs. M. McLean and Mrs. H. Gra-
ham are visiting' with Mrs. 'Hedley
near Kincardine. •
Rev. R. Appleyard conducted ser-
vices on Sunday last in church' of.
Ascension here for his brother; Rev.
H. Appleyard. ' •
No service will be held in the An-
glican church 'here, next Sunday as
the Harvest Thanksgiving services
are being held in St. Matthews church
Kingarf both morning and evening.
—a -e -o •
her, A. E. and Mrs Barnby ofu Hain-
ilton are guests at the home • of 14James Kolb,. .
• Mies Jean "Long and. Mr. Dan Long
pe d n$ at Niagara
are s rid a few days
Falls. •'
Mrs • ad Mrs. Faunt and Mrs. Gor-
don Kemp and, little daughter of
Loudon, visited with Mrs., Alex .Long
on Sunday. •"
Mrs. John MacLean and family and
Mr. Gorden Grant have returned to
their Thome , in Evanston, Ill„ , after;
spending •some weeks at the home of
Mr. Donald, MacLean.
Miss A. Mitchell and, Miss. Amelia
McKay of Thessalon visited with Mrs.
Jack. MacDonald one day . last week.
'Mr. Kenneth Campbell, of,.Detroit,
'spentthe •; week -.end with friends here.
He .was accompanied home' by. Mrs.
Campbell. mid 'children who had spent.
the past couple: f weeks here.
Mr- and 'Mrs.' George Swan, Mr.
Earl Swan, Mrs. McAuley,.: and Mrs..
Dodsworth spent Sunday with friends.
in Clinton, where they celebrated
Mrs. I Dodsworth's 88th ' `birthday.
Mrs. Kenneth` McLean, Miss Marion,
McLean, of .Calumet, Mich., and; Mrs.
Kannair and children of Detroit spent
the week -end with Ripley and , Ash-
field friends.
Mrs.' M. C. MacKenzie is visiting
friends in St. Helens.
The Kintail W. I. will hold their
Sept. meeting at ,the home sof Mrs.
Neil MacDorala on ' Sept. 4th.
Miss Annie McKenziehas returned
home afterspend'ing'.a couple of
weeks With her sister in Corrie..
The regular meeting of the ,Union
U.F.W:O.'was conducted by the presi-
dent, in •Laurier Hall, August '20th..
As on previous occasions the meeting
proved' to be interesting and business
new and old was taken up: The Aug-
ust, , liplletin.. was read and ably dis-
cussed, Continuing, the following pap-
ers were acceptably rendered: "Early
Success", 'by , Mrs. D. A. McLean;
"Making .Home Attractive on Ones
Income" by Mrs. Tom MacDonald;
"Clean Housekeeping" by Miss Kath-
erine McKenzie and "Highlights on
Farming" by Miss Isobel McLean. In
addition to this a debate; having for
its• subject "Resolved that the auto,
`mobile avis increased the. sum. total
of human., happiness," with ,Miss
Margaret McKenzie taking the affir-
mative and Miss .Katherine . McDon-
ald the negative., The roll call was
answered by giving the name of the
season we like the best Lastly a
Biscuit contest was held after ' which
the meeting closed' in. the usual way.
Thompson was sentenced ..to four
months et hard labor, in spite of a
strong, plea for leniency'• by his law-
yer, J. C. M'akins, who pointed ,out
that Thonipsott hada wife' and four
h. a o and that he had
law -
children to Support, a
against it o fate. Mr. Kerr'
been up ag i f
i that Thompson was a and said. th t Th p as g
, . had 'always_ been honest and
was a likeable chap. H'e s'aid, bops=
ever that he would not engage,. him
agsi>l. -
Miss Vera Woods from Toronto is
spending, her vacation with her .moth-
moth-er, Mrs. R. J. Woods.
Mr. and Mrs.. Robt. Moore arrived
from Fort William last week and are
are visitors with the later's mother,
Mrs. George Webb.
Mrs: M. C. ' MacKenzie; of Hintail,
was a guest during last week. with
Mrs. • Clark. . '
Mr. MacDonald and children of
Lucknow were visitors last Thursday
with Mr and Mrs. John Cameron.
Mr. Will Webster, had the 'msifoia
tune to have two •of his fingers taken
off while helping saw wood on Mon-
Mr. Frank Todd leftfor the C.N.E.
M Toronto on Monday with Ms herd'
of Aberdeen -Angus 'cattle.
. Rev. and Mrs. Cumming and Misa
Margaret of Ailsa Craig were visitors
in the village on Thursday. They were
returning home from '.r three -week's
motor trip to OMB* and ' other Nor-
tltern points.
Mr. John Webster, his daughters,
Miss Zylda and Dorene Webster and
his gratdehildren, Miss Jean and
Master George. Webster and Master'
Hugh and Ronald McCrostie and Miss
Marie. McCrostie spent a few days
camping at Silver Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Thom and child-
ren 'spent a day recently with Miss
Margaret Thom at Guelph.
Mr.. and • Mrs. A. Shantz and sons
and Mr. and Mrs. Snider and family
of Kitchener' were recent visitors with
Mr. Robinson Woods.'. '
Dli•: John Wallace. Mr. and Mrs.
Wallace Sines., Laurin, and ' .Allan
were visitors with Miss Margaret
Miller at Port •Elgin one. day .this
Misses Mary' McLean and Arabell
Cameron of Lucknoik; were 'guests of
Mrs. A. Anderson :last week.
-me regular -meting of tire -Women's
Institute will be held at hies. Jas.
Gaunt's .on • Thursday ',Sept' 4th. Roll
call, "Old'. Photos." Each one is ur-
gently requested to bring . an old
photo 61 herself. The subject' is.
�! charge of the Grandmother's and
a fine program is. expected. Hostel.
a s Mrs. Lyons • and Mrs. Aunt.
Mr. and Mrs. George Clark and
daughter of Hamilton were'. visitors
with Mee. Clark,.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs:
Arehijri Aitchison on • the arrival of a
$on on. Wednesday,' Aug. 20th:
Miss Reba Marshall spent Thurs-
day last with Miss Grace Richardson.
of Stratford, spent the week -end with
Mr. and firs. Wm.. Conn. Miss .Laura
Conn returned to Stratford.. with them
and will Also visit at Toronto and
Mrs. Wm. Brown spent the week-
end with friends at Chatham.,
Miss Margaret -Ross returned on
Friday after snending a week with
.friends. at Guelph.
' .Miss Dorothy Hutchison of Wing
ham is spending a couple. of weeks
with Mrs. Wm. Conn.
• Mr. and Mrs. D.' MacKinnon, of
the 4th •Con. spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. P. Moffat.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Hutchison of Wing -
ham spent Sunday with Mr. and Mask.
Hardy Simpson.
Mr: and Mrs. Johnston Conn and
Miss .Ruby spent Sunday. with Mrs.
Conn's brother at Paisley.
Misses Grace'Richardson and Reeba
Marshall spent Monday with Mrs. V.
Emerson. '
Mr. and Mrs. Foster Marshall, of
Wingham, spent Sunday ' with Mr.
'and •Mrs. George Harkness.
Mr. Wendal Taylor spent Thurs-
day last week with .Mr:: and Mrs.
Percy Pennington of Culross.
The contrast in weather 4ntlitions
during the present. summer i.n South-.
ern. and Northern Ontario and in
Quebec has been of ea most astonish::
ing nature and holds more than • a
touch of irony for farmers generally.
In the north and in Quebec, ,the rain
came in such copious quantitieak, that
crops were -injured; seriously in some
districts. In Old Ontario, particularly
in the south-west, cages sweltered
day after day; under a merciless sun
for a period of •nearly two months.
Rain -fall figures for July afford the
mosttrkin `1
s g illustration of what the
countryside has borne. In.Southern
Ontario the rainfall was .53 inches,
whereas- the average figure is 3.6 in-
ces ,toreQuebec
on the ether
hand, had the greatest rainfall '' in
thirty years. The -total. for the, month
► war 5.6 inches as- compared withu0gplei
a1 tvi..
'2 ar.;
WHICH ct?.
Cameral/1+M 1. dies le • 9.A. da.
Honor �
/lair Isadias'.•• .5.b/.
Malls".. - ,.
1 Sdsaies or . Bad Ads
• miaLUsYo•?
• A ds- sir? Gans hia g
twee M
Or • B.A c0*K
.. .
Oreeow Bisrl►,
Cour* 'or "e Bolan soil • ScNas�?
coats.? ..
IF yoa•6ste Jahn Miltia$04100 sad.
ani elo yowl
� `pot Illi} 11Nt,
I. 1e Misch* earns?' •
vas wen edam >r Or
s graduate awe, whir not fila a • ds-
sale ors eediraeis ls.P.blie /Isaiah?
cock yea whit Psa>•srsdinti oak hod,
lag 1b a Ms 's dere, its Ads
Seises? ',
Writs to THE
ly aorises-
lag year . cls
Winter West
Luckiaow Flour. Mills
W. E..Treleaven
Mrs. Carruthers entertained the
ladies of the Kairshea Club for the
month of August,, when 'forty-three
members and visitors were present.
Miss Isobel Chestnut presided. -The
meeting opened •by singing the Maple
Leaf and repeating the Lord's Prayer
in unison.. The Roll call was respond-
ed to by "Points on , Etiquette." The
minutes , of •/ last meeting were read' -
and adopted. A letter of appreciation
was received from Mrs A. McIntyre.
Miss Mary ,Graham gave a reading •:
and Miss Nellie and' Jean McCallum
and Miss .Isobel ' McKay sang "The
prisoner's Song." Miss Olive Robb
read a ;paper. on "How to, interest
nPeon ms."
14 lYouiss-Dg onaldplea-MieCalluFarmm-gave-aProblepiano:
solo. After community singing 'Miss
Willens Chesnut read the JournaL
Miss Mary. Keele. McKay gave an in-
strumental. Miss Dorothy and Jean -
'Graham san •"Roaming in the Gloam-
ing," after which . the McCallum or-
chestra played a couple of numbers.
A musical contest brought the Pro-
gram to 't close,being won by Miss
Robinson and Miss M. McIntyre.
After . sin"ing "God Save the King,"
the meeting closed with a vote of
thanks to the Hostess, lunch was then
served and a social, time spent.
Kinloss at Holyrood • Sept 12
Carrick at' Mildmay • Sept. 13
Saugeen at Port Elgin —.Sept. 15
Elderslienat Gillies Hill ..... o ;Sept. 16
Culross „at Teeswater ' Sept. 17
Brant at Solway ' Sept. 18
Greenock at Pinkerton Sept.. 19 "`
Huron at Ripley
Sept. '24 '
Kincardine at Kincardine-' .. Sept.- 2
'Bruce at Underwood-. Sept 3000?
Bruce ri• ,Kincardine, Tiverton, Oct..7
The 'Canadian coinrercial apple
crop prospect, reported on Aug 1, in-
ditates a yield of 2,990,109 barrels,
as compared with a yield of 3,939,915
barrels in 1929, or 75.8 per cent. of '.
last year, or, 93.9 of the five-year av-
erage of 3.182,195. barrels. British
Columbia, with .'+n estimated crop of
4,169,136 boxes; is theonly province
reporting• an increase over last year;.
Nova Scotia expects a crop of slight,
ly over half that of the y p
in 1929, while Ontario. Quebec' and
New Brunswick report decreases
ging d-
�ing from' 12.5 per centto 389 'per
centIndications are that fruit .i11'
be ofewill
fair. to good size; and in, general
color prospects: ate favorable. The
extremely dr► weather whieh hal..
prevailed through oat' mostdsections of
Ontario and 'British Columbia kits re-
sulted in a slight reduction in the es'
tine Ates for plums and prunes, peaches
and grapes, although iii a1Icases ex-
peed yields are considerably 1argb1+
thin het p Or,