HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-08-28, Page 6•
Visit , ,.
!te Con..I eedy 'Store
AriU .R $T„ '00RONTO
opposite. Massey Hall.'.
True Performance
At the Music Building
"The rNetwork 'of the Home"
or Write for Catalogue. We prepay
delivery charges on' Bicycles,
ansa Gets
e :of Tourist�
owerfull Attra:to;
Of all' Lf.S tourist money spent I<n
foreign c4ountries,. Canada gets- the
lions share w.34 per cent,--aceOrding
to,,Bahsgn. Of ail—Canada's sightsee-
ing attlractioi.s,' none :exerts the pow-
erful annual draw of the Canadian
National Exhibition in'Tnrontn: '
• How many Ame>•itans visit this, the
world's .largest exposition, is not de;
finitely known, but it is far up in the
thousands, and every ,state contributes
to the tot'aa In a ;1929 cheek -up made
in ; oneof the exposition's pakdng•
areas Where 10,000 motors were.lined
side by side; there were license plates
of 42 different states. ° Visitors come,'
in addition, by' every' rail and water
route -and, by air. '" • ,
1►4agnitude. of the spectacle is Poe-
sibly its greatest' appeal.
This year, the. dates are August 22
to September inclusive. Canad'a's
greatest Annual; celebration .is `a thou-
sand exposition; in one: Any' attempt
to •'survey it : in the •course • of a few
words is apt, therefore;•to be bewilder-
ing. Its attractions range from 'art:
galleries to battles ;for .world's, swim
tiring; titles; from mamutoth hstorical•
pageantry to, q`eea flea race's,; froth
�;J� at the' .Union: Station,' To- "shaws.of blooded livestock to concerts
ionto, where .the.the, Exhibition's'
�+A"�gigantic ;2,000-
. RAIL, hy,
WAYS operate four eating places and voice choir : •
serve upward of 2,000 • people :a day,
' .The scene orf these festivals . is 'both
If You appreciate superior food' well Exhibition Park and Exhibition' City,
cooked, clean)+pens,.' and, service by Its 35Q ,acres on the edge of 'Lake On'
courteous employees at moderate tnrio include Wide stretches ,,f velvet.
prices. lawns;,rose' gardens, groves of trees
and horticultural" spectacles which are.
unique in ';themselves, .
Its buildings, '.scores of them; are
. � •stately=permanent edifices, carved out
ARE CHEAI'> R — .'of 'stone or built steel, 5riek and'
concrete. The iagi' i
ficett new home
Ill of the National Ni 'or Show alone cost
more than a mil)i ,n. The Coliseum
TORONTO snd Live ,Stock, Pavilion, with an
arena seating 12,000 people in comfort
IiT' and 16t/4 acids under one roof, is the
largest exhibition structure in the.
' 4
�" nib
• SES' DU�CAN ..orld. Exhibition ' 'Cit has nine
, Y
•MOTORS Ltd.' y .
miles of its own paved streets, its own
internal .
599"= 62• '3Yoinga. S transportationi systexte mil
oradterminal.'here"sghtseers step
1 straight from the trains to the Park;
as well as bas, •coach and street car
' lines, linking it with every other sec=
tion of Torontoand out -Side' .points.
Twenty 'million :.cllars, in all, is in-
vested in equips ieni:, land 'and build=
This year diselays from every cors
ter of the 'liorninion are being given.
special prominence I in the' Showings.
TFey come from points as scattered
asthe t e Yukon: andh Canadian tb, e G pad an Rock-
ies,. the Pacific Coast fisheries, ,the
wheat plains of the. Prairies, northern
gold fields, . and southern . industrial
Harley-Davidson 1931 Models are on dis:
play at 'our new .store. with, many new
features that will interest you. and we
Invite. you to come and' inspect this
master smotorcycie. Sold on ^asp terms.
Water' Andrews' United
;531 . VONGE ST. '.' ' TORONTO
ING EXHIBITION.. ' Large 'hair dryers.i
basins' Permanent tract . machines
barberchairs and fixtures sitting chairs
hairdressing Chairs. dresserettes, air-
, rors.--marricurstablesxterilizers.cabinets:
signs, etc.. must be . sold regardless o1
cost. Everything kill 'carry a,moriey
back guarantee. ,
Apply at our Head 'Office:
Come and Visit Us
We seri 10,000 horses a year to satis-
fled customers. .We can supply you
ith one horse or a carload at market
prices. , All horse-' loaded on rail-
roads free of charge.
++ Auction Sales Every Tuesday and'
p' Friday. •
Special • Offering in Every' Line.
' 'of Harness.
• COULTER BROS.., Props.
Exhibition Notes
Over twice as many people attend
the Canadian National .Eichibition as
any of the. United States Agricultural
Fairs, .
* • 1 •1a •
Outboard motorboat and' yachting
races will be featured on the Canadian
National E'xh•ibition Aquatic' Snorts
program. ' •
, s • • * .•
Children's dancing contests will fea-
ture the 1930 Young Can.ada's Day
program of the Canadian National
'Exhiibitiota. , . .
'rine anti one-1iaif , miles 'f -f paved
s' eets support the Canadian Nation al
xhibition traffic.
• ,• -• ..
Over 100.000 electric lights ilium-
t.e the Canadian Natiopal Exhibi-
tion grounds.
•. . •
Standing room at the Canadian Na•
tietied Elili bi'fioa Geared-1sand aceoni-
odates 8,000.
The value of the Canadian :'rational
Exhibition Buildings,' park arid plant
is $20,000,000. „
• • • • • 0 0
Canadian National Exhibition dates
fof' 1930, ate Friday, Aug pct , 22nd to
Satutdaq", September 6th,
• , •, • 0 ,
This wiil i e "A11.Canada Year"` at
the Canadia ° l4atio»al Exhibition,
%'afoot' :
start with sightseeing accottamodation
for a quarter of ,a „rillion rn(iat}duals..
The tear of the Mosquito fleet in
the International Outboard Motorboat
speed ' irrials• is a thrill in •zany lan-.
gt"age- :Seaplane races with interna-
tional competitorsare equally excit-
ing. World champions will .also ap-
pear in rowing and ;sculling events;
canoeing and yacht races. Radio an-
nouncers whose na'gies, are known to
every fan, in Ame •iea will •breadcast.'a
number of these contests.
For good measure there are dog and
eat shows, a baby show, fudging com-
petitions, floral- parade ,• warriors' par-
ade, fashion and handicraft shows; a
superb hemp show in the Ooliseum's.
tanbark, arena, app a mile of 'midway
which includes.`') practic+t li . every
known: variety of amusement, devices..
'The. Canadii ,n Notional Exhibition
is easy 'to. `reach Fifty-irve million
Americans live within 500 miles. of
Toronto.. There. ` are ': special rates On
all railroads, steamshin lines, and air-
ways. A network of de luxe highways
lead to, the . Exhibition frord' every
pointof 'entry on the 1J.S. border:
Hotel accommodation -includes some of
the finest hostelrieson the continent;
timong them the la_ge.st and most lux-:
t:rious in the British Empire. ' .
But 'a feature of Toroirto 'during.
the ;arinualekposition Which always
impressesv visitors is the city's tospi-
NVITING you to 'OA Wit
exhibit at' the Canadian 7
National . 'Exhibition.
enrg Herber#.
See ' and Hear the Famous
DUO - ART v '
Reproducing .Piano
Reproduction of, Theme ' Poster adopted by Canadian National Exhibition
typify.."All-Canada Year'" . •
230 Yonge St. Toronto
C.N.E. Horticultural'Show Big 'Feature
tality•,to its guests. Thousands Of Oasis to,Visitors on Hot Exhibition Days.
1aomes are ' thrown open ,:td viistors
where modern,and.conafortab aocom-
modation maybe, secured. Under the.
direction; of the Canadian National
Exhibition an elaborate AnWntowit Iri-
forination Bureau offers' complete de-
tails of available residence.. All are
carefully; inspected and •approved.
' For half a centt.'•y. Toronto's hospi-
tality ; ,at thik Aline ' has been a civic
tradition. Rates, are pot raised :above
normal. There is no only ample ac-
commodation, but inexpensive' accom-
rnodation--no lack of it This year
will beone of the' greatest and most
.spectacular._oeleoratic ns eirt..-the._-Can-
adian National Exhibition's entire
history, and as a holiday trip,' one
which is er'tirely alone in thee Jiversity
of its attractions. ' •
Exhibition •chorus "'of 2,000 voices.
accompanied by the specially reel uite'I
AlleCanada Permanent Force Band,
will be heard in •four concerts at the
Canadian National Exhibition 'this
year: This, the most 'colorful and
largest' choral organization in Canada,
appears in the C:•liseum` on August
23, August, 23, •September 2, and . Sep-''
t'-m'ber 6.
Manufaeturersj Building 'one of the most popular at the C enadiati . National
centres, habitants of Quebec and the
Maritime Provinces. Froin the British
Isles cones the finest, the dargest••and
the most elaborate exhibits .,ever.. sent
to this, continent: 4 score, of other
:.ations will also be represented—the
Gold Coast, Britt,: i ' gest Africa and
Sierra' Leone.-Bernet:a,,Jamaica, the
Orient and ether pa'rts,of Europe and
' A1'he. displays cover art, agriculture
and industry. A 'day in Exhibition
City 'is a . transcontinental tour
through, Canada in miniature, and a
1 birds -eye view of the: globe.
1 The Exposition is one vast carnival.
IThirty concert bans are beard in re -
cital, including onegreat unlit of; out-
Vtandin,g musicians. the 'All -Canada
j Permanent.Foree Bald under Captain
Charles O'Neill of historic, Quebec
' Citadel. Four times during exposition
weeks, the spectacular 2,000 -voice
choir udder Dr. H. A: Frisker. )LA..
F.R.0 O., attracts music lovers from
i widely scattered • Actions ,f America
to hear fts concerts.
Every evening on a thousand -foot
stage,1.500 performers appear in a
huge Musical pageant and drama'•iz
, spectacle; ,."Les Vocageurs," hefre,
audiences averaging 25.000 nightly-.
; This enormous.-
anwyhere else on the continent; i:: the
clinirix of each day's celebration attd
' csncludles with' a pyrotechnia*'blaze �.f
light and c.l.,r which uses the entire.
sky -Brie as .its 'back ren.nd..:
Sport spectacles are daily events.
On August 2,th picked.natatory root
the four corners of tie world coni to
it a 115 -mile switmiir,Marathon for.
a fortune in psi -ass apd a wyrld ch 'in-
pudn,hrp: Preceding this on Au st
22nd,,internatannal mermaids race. for
Jthe wnitien's world, .title over s 10•
mile distance Thee swims are held
on the Exposition waterfront with
every foot of the cow .ge in plain View
1, spert'attors Zt.Caf4tLed along a mile
and selralf of sea -scall and boulevard.
Exhibition Park hes at natural grand
• • • • •
Horticulture Judges
Plants and Groups—A: ' H. Watt:•er,
Macdonald College, Quebec:
Cut Fotvers--W. Dale,• Brampton,
Ontario.,:., :
Cut Flowers—E. Dale, ,• Branpton,
Ontario. • ' '
Cut' Towers—F. Noton, Toronto.
Cut Flowers—F. Flietcher, Toronto.
Gladioli—G.. L. Hutt. Georgetown,
Ontario. ' •
Dahlias -3e H. Wylie. Toronto, .Oht.1
Fruit—Commercial Packages••—Pauli
Fisher. Burlington, ' Ont.
Apples; except Commercial Packages
—W. I,: Hamilton. C ollingwood. Ont.1
. All Peaches and Grapes. except'
Commercial Packages—FA. 3. Shep-'
pard, St. Catharine:. '.
Pears and Plums. except .Clam -i
tnercial Packages—E.' F.' Palmer. Vine-
land. Ont.
A keen demand for: space in Horti-
cultral• Hall by .many grow ers; :and. the
numerous and insistent requests for
information that are coming in dailyi,
augers well for the .success ,of the
forthcoming Horticultural Display of
the Canadian National. Exhibi'tion's
"A11 Canada 'Year" celebra
:The Horticultural "Com#nitttee who
have muck to do With the; designing of
.the 'Shaw,and the general layout of
the building, at. their initial meeting
sof—the year,- expressed-•'themselves•as-
ue11 pleased. ;at the 1Ligi crowds. at-
tracted to 'the display, 'ar.d the , full
•measure •.ot approval that • atte'nded
their efforts in 1929• The cool anden�
tranciug beautiful interior of " this
building proves to be a veritable. oasis
on the sweltering hot days of, Exhibi-
tion • period, and its restful confines.
ate'ap. • 'at • ,not 'only ' 'by flower
enthusi s .s . ut , by many thousands
of the general' run of Exhibition visits
ors. ' The committee heartily ap-
proved of again adhering n
g to the sidee
wall plan,' which proved so outstand-
rngly-:euccessful fdr the proper staging
I ort -the large group displays. ' The .des,
orated screening; and subdued lighting'
effects which made thesegroups ap;
fairyland like will again
car;TOY Y Y g
be taken 'full advantage of. In an ef;
fort to: further enhance the attractive-
nese .of plants and groups,' several
!portant changes have • been made "in
this division, and• prize: money has
been. 'materially increased and extend-
ed. Though a great deal offloor space
is directed to the professional exhibits,
the interests of thesmall grower and
amateur gardener is well taken cafe
Of' . and: the classes for the latter are
seasonably most, comprehensive' The
Toronto` IiorficnTtural Society again
features at this show with two splen-
did' special prize' lists, catering to Hor-
ticultral Society members, an0 an=
other special class of great education-
al value to visitors will, be the' "Speei-
men Backyard Carden, a class that
show what • can be done on an
ordinary city• lot• 'by those who have
horticultural 1'eauings. '
• The Horticultural.Building Display
runs' the full period of 'Exhibition,
Aug. 22nd
to SePte»i e
r Gth, and there
is no charge -.for admittance: The•an-
nual prize list now being mailed con-
tams full ..information, classificatimie, •
etc.;' and ismailed free on request to
W. Waters, General • Manager;,
Lumsden .Building, Toronto.
'foreign. colonies singing their na:
tidnal airs are among the most inter-'
esting enseritbles. •
Musical .competitions. are, many and
varied.', Choral societies, church
and, coniueercial choirs- as :well as
choirs of men's Voices, and women's •
voices •. all, 'take part. Other vocal,_
departments . inelude classes for',
. quartettes and';duets as well as col
oratura, lyricdramatic and mezzo
'soprans, Tyrie and .,robust' tenors,.
baritones: basses and ' 'ohildren's '
'voices: • There, are 13 distinct •classes
for vi lin cello •and piano and Seven..
for cornet and trombone in: the'brass;
.department as Well as two for brass,
-quartettes. . •
Novelties include harmonica. -con-.i;
teats, ••singly and en' masse„ held s• on
Young, Canada 'Day' when ' nearly '• a
iquarter of a Million- children attend;
''Old Tine Fiddlers' competitions which ich
bring the v reran from dozens of
i hack towiisiri,ps and for ,Canada's•
Ilarge percentage of citizens' With Scot-
'tisli bloody. a series of matches With
the pipes. i
Band competitions are held separ-
ately and. Seo s •of ;Cai'tli'n groups
a is play staged �b
E) borate tis 3 5t . ed the
music 'trades in the Music' Building
and 'a national.. radio show in the
Y Electrical Buildings are parts ot•the
general exhibits cr.iwding the scoree'
of beautiful. permanent edifices,
Gigantic Music Festival Will 11ri1l •-
Spectators' Witb. Song and' Pageant
Simultaneously with the .fourteen
days of the world's largest annual ex-
ositi the n o t e Canadir,n National Ex-
hibition at :.Toronto, the' Dominion
stages a continuous ; music festival.
Pageantry, massed choruses, scores
of enseftibles in ' brass..'' a musical
Mardi'' Gras . and an elaborate series
•af .competitions are all ,features. of
this section of the program.
This year. the Canadian celebration
is to be held. from August 22 to Sep-
teinber 6 .inclusive with Wednesday
August 27 set aside as Music Day:
under the direction lot Dr. Herbert
Pricker, iI:A.. F.R.C:O., the gigantic
Exhibition Chorus of 2.000 voices will
'give a series of four concerts in. the
Coliseum, an immense arena seating
more'. than 10;000 listeners; 'They'
are, to be heard on August 23 and 28.
September 2 and R. Accompanying
the chorus..there; will 'be a new Cana-
dian Military unit, the All Canada
Permanent Force Band under Capt.
Charles O'Neill... Including seventy.,
six musicians drawn ft opt Canada's
historic regiments from the 'Quebec
Citadel to the west, the unit has been
organized specially for the eelebra=
tion and will. in addition, give open-
ail• recitals .daily. •
Thirty other bands will •also play
during the fourteen days of exposi-
tion, among • ihetn Canada's finest
Each night. with' a rant of 1,500
performerson a 1000 foot stage, a
narumoth spectacle, "Les Voyageur,"
.a •
is being staged..The••e immense pro-
ductions have become 'in „the 'nature
a pati
offal tradition, attracting,
audiences of 25,000 for each perfor-
• mance lleserattons have. been
coming in since February.' '
i1iile escen.tiaily • pictorial,• • ' the
musical , features, of the pageant are
in themselves unique. a Invareable.
each •showing, is prefaeded by ' a few
minutes of community singing and the.
'effect of, a' chords of 25.000 voices,
clearly audible throughout the entire
350 acres' of Exhibition 'City each
evening just at dusk, is. in itself a
never -to -be -forgotten thrill.
On Music Day, Lite great park and..
waterfront is given over 'to mclorly.
The affair Basi -•sit inf0rmalm'"and
spontaneous' atmosphere .which set s
it apart. Between 100.000 and 250;
000 spectators throng the grounds and
waterfront. Dozens ' of strolling.
troubadors in the costumee of.all nes
tions minglee with . the thousands On
the.lawns, giving impromptu recitals
in every convenient •space. • 'They
sing madrigals, glees and •roundelay.,,
sea chanteys, ballads and folk nuisic.
lathe costumes of all nations. French-
Canadians, • Czecho-Siovnkians. 'liun-
garian 'gypsies, Irish.' Scottish and
Russian. they ire intersperses: ic'itli
'groups of dancers, 'Choirs from
The Canadian National Exhibition
waterfront is•1% utiles long.
.:The' Very. Best
Used Cars
in Toronto
On Display During the Exhibition,
• (The easy address to find)
ThA cost of your trip to t,he•'F.xhtbi-
ti„n and drive hone one of the best
reconditioned' cars in fintarin.
to stns}:—in first c•las's condition—.- rteadv for your selection: •
a!1 many .others,
Tour car .accepted in tr,,•ir. Ever;}-
'car sold, nn an' stn ••i.ti,• three-day
•n.,oney-t.ack Guar:,n, •..
Ontario Distributors"
.Auburn' and 'Cord
Front Drive
rn al s wanted in toai•ns rine to Six
Thn.rsar.l. + Ask about our liberal
hen at the Toronto Exhibition
You are invited to call at the Heintzman stand in the Menu-
fagturers' Building and see the wonderful display of UPRIGHT
and GRAND P'IANOS,,as.well'es the very artistic display of
• •-If -yow are-drlvvn-t'owri N, call be glad to have you can in; as a
duplicate display is an hand at our warerooms, 195 Yonge
Street; opposite .Eaton's. •
RADIO and •PHONOGRAPHS, a wonderful disptay'of the latest
models in -Radios,' many makes to 'choose' from. Also all .
designs of Orthophonic Victriilas, and Victor Records. •
Terms. Pianos 10% cash, balance spread over three years. ,
Radios and Phonographs; 15% to 25% cash balance
,arranges over a • period of 12 months.
While Visiting the Exhibition
Aug. 22123 (2 Games 23rd)--, e
'`25.26-27 (2 Games 27th)
211-29.30 (2 Games 30th)e- , +, It
Maple Leaf Stadium Situated on 'Fl
Fleet Street
Close to Exhibition Grounds
Canadian `ational Exhibition crowds throng 1Yoininfoir Gorerittrient Blinding
to view total products,aud those of far' off l'ands.
Sept. •1 (a m.', and .p -m.) 2-3--
4.5.6 --Buffalo.
8 9.10 --'Montreal.