HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-08-28, Page 2Iit
Attenipts have 1. Jeri. Plagle en the iire,
plantations outside :Porto Verde; liresit.
Vilalt. her dou,sin, end Protector, believes
these. attempts on ,her life. 17.11alt.. Elis.e,
atat •Lineoto.N.uneelly.ap elderly chemist..
rescue Prenties from -being murdered bY.
the lltitiltes,, lit:tie two -year -Old
orpnaned nephew,,, is hidnapped; and they.
learn that Prentiss has been beetl-
.thernselves,. to 'filially emerge korn -the
jungle. Ttey come upon what loolts
As his .brain.,4uickly cleared,'.he
lie. ;wee bbithd :hand 'and
-to turn hiS head•and. he .SaW .that
*IFiesia•froin the gardens* "
ap of the World Still Has Marq
'White Spots" - Unclaimed Land
The debate reeently, at the Willianie-
regions is a reminder that the Map Of
the world still' shows ,a, considerahle.
. number ; of "white Spots," by which
cartegraphers and geographers desig-
Lands in the far north, harren
though they may lie,, have suddenly
view pf the feet that some •pf them
maY readily Serv,e;as way stations for
..ope. In the Antarctic region% on the
other hind, the chief-, interest relates -
to the Valuable Whaling industry, le
:which British and Norweltian caPital
has Made heavy investments. Late'
this yeer the NorWegian whaling ship
Norvegia -will sail ter the Antarctic
:with:. the purpose of discovering hew
lands. and 'Claimiags theni tor Norway in
the interest of that coentry's whaling
industry. Last year the Norvegia made
discoveries of new land in, Antarctica,
and annexed Bouvet Island, whose
sovereignty had long been in dispnte.
' If luck sails with •the Norvegia her
Master ihould be able to "deereate the Pelaf expeditions has laid dam to
number of "white spots" on the coast] Enderby Land, Wilkes Land, Oates
of the Antarctii Continent. The Land King George V. Land apd Queen
"white ,sPots" are rapidly becoming
leiter On the world map. Already .they
have dieappeared from Asia, ,Afri
. the Americas and Australia„,appear
only on the .mips of the Arctic, the
Antarctic and the South.Pacific Ocean.
• ' :Whether the. North or the South polar
region has the greater eipahse of un-
claimed lands depends upon the pedition of Lieutepant Charles Winces
"Well, theiNie caught us:rail right,1' ed inside. ,Each carried a .bone -tipped
weight to be given to the pretentione 'in 1844 and Admiral Byrd's retent ex -
of the variona nations whose subjects &rations- ,
Vila]: grnnted, when the other's be- spear and a copper dagger. They un-'
- have diseovered, esplored, touched up- There are extensive sections of the , wilderment at his- neW surroundings tied the icOrdS abeut the legs of the
on or flown over them. International, coast which the Norwegians expect to had, Ceased. "One of your nicksul- captives, permitted them to rise, then
agreement's have recognized some explore and 'claim.. They . ire really phur compoonds did it. Corsiderate followed with them behind, D'Albee-
claims, but many othert are still looking 'for ,whaling grounds. Al.1 ef them not to •let us lie there until tara along, a ruined stone eorridor.
we strangled to 'death, at least. Wonl, Soon they turned and haltecPbefore
awaiting definite aettlement. ' . though they outnumber' the Britieh
In the South Pacific, however, there three to one as *Leto's, the Norwegi-
. ckr how long they're gbing to keep us a' great woodee door on which :were
are more than 188 islalids which, al- Imp ' are forced to pee a substantial
though known and eliarted, are un- license fee for the privilege of Whale
'claimed. Apparently nobody wants hunting in the Falkland Lslands and
them:, Still other islands,.;also known Ross Dependencies, said to be the hest
sad Many Of thein inhabited, have whaling ground Ili the world.
. been oyerlooked or neglected by. nte, , Arctic Lands Claimed
tions having; perhaps, a rightful claim
' to them. • They are geographical ho-•
„bops drifting along on •their own. '•
. Neglected Guano Islands
: Secretary of State SLinison said re -
for the :United States and thereby ob-
tain the protection of the United
States Navy. 'But these .claims fre-
verY few of the islands were- ever ad.:
ministered, and almest all of them re -
•main to this day ungoverned save' bY
The Cayseor reeta off -the. Florida
coast are said to be ruled, by runrrun-
ners• some of them are so far out, that „;;___„,
Florida either has forgottea their ra,""tarageranktwe-ww"nr-s-a—Me-Witrof-business;,-Setthart-Dav-
existenee or doen not -exereise Surfs- arguipg passionately. over a brolteti „I *Mild ask You most graciously, what
dietion over thein. And only a short wateNar• • haye you dohe with:, My ring whigh
time ago Gifford Pinchot found a Most of the inhabitants were. dress- you have, stolen? I have Searched
-.carefully •StotW--eleihesi. and- looked -at
the two ringe on -your finger, butl find
• Vilak gave a slight. shrug of his
pinioned ehoulders:
ikeded, doer of gretestille-;
ly carved Weed at theoth.er end of' th.,.
narrow room. A *Odell 'bar •.creaked.,•
the door opened and -a man .strode in -
immaculate white linens and brown
piitteeS.. His skin •was dark, but it
white skin .after long exposure' to the,
taofiical ,sun;..hia .nose was. long and
thin,. his month. seniitive and .small.
trinarned mustache. ' He gazed at
w,huselltisee•••had ..been
shattered .whe.n. he. fell :on Ohl; road to;
.the mountain,' serewed,up his gentle
eyee to ,pper blinkingly at. the *W -
'astonishment. Itowas )31'”Ailientara, the
Sna.V6.cenrtly engineer Who had been
In 'charge Of, the ..riiiroad. ging at
strode .,teward 'the prisoners,
Soft •herfect ...Portuguese.. "It is it;
(Iced diyerent now. 'than 'when I .haye
seen'yon before. Yes -..,,Ie it not Sel
away. Elise, however, vvas hot to be good to lie tied with' roPes upon the
Which, showed that he Was :st.411,7un-. - "I wish, ..whateyer happens; that
conscious, Vilalt relied to one ef the yon will not think too ill of Carlos
narrow, tslits bnilt in the wall to serve VAlbenta6., Thongh 'yon 'will die,
4s wind*i's an4 1°91ced out. • , very seion„.j wish yoe will not thielt
From the.rows of adobe and straw tOO int' of him. What he *doeS, this
huts which he coald see stretching out '.
Carlos D'Albentara--myself, is it not
corneref the ' artificial mound he had
notieed from, the mountains A ?tone
path' ran by his windOws. On ,it he
cOulesee no one. But at ilia base Of
the mound, fifty or sixty leet. beloit
It was a life little different in es-
sentials rt.* that of,•Which he had
been a part at Porto Verde, he -re-
flected, as be saw oxen dragging
ae,.cavalititeos?—he•does because it ,is
ness.- A word which yon as citizens nished With E: cog PIttern '
of •that great United States should "
not dislike you. No, rather, I lilte you
mucli. 'Much., But you have Inter-
fered with my plans: And so, like a
stone' which lies. on the tracks of a
great railroad; you must be rid of.
Business, amigos, always biieiness."
He adjusted ,the flowered cravat in
his white linen collar: "And in this
Canada's Original Arrnwiont• Biscuits
baked. in Can#da'13Y Christieo since 1853.
What New ,Irork
Is Wearing
mer-New--)Fork-peddler rulittgover-an-
island off Nicaragua. The. State De-
partment ie frecteently asked hy map
this sir that island. 'Under these con-
ed.in th.e' same fashion ..as _the wilder
Iadians near Porto -Verde, the men
with.breech clouts at their walLts, and
a rOunded stick or stone in their. ears,
the women naked or with a Short cloth
ditions there Would still seem to be a. - ' •
chance for the gentleman adventurer Though at the distance it was ra-.
Set up in husiness in the South Pa- thpr difficult even ;or Vilak'S keen
cific as ruler of a State. Ores ,tp make 'out .the 'exact color cf
In the Anfarctie the white spots are their skine, they seemed to range in
:not so ripmerOus as might be sup- glade from the red-broWn of the Am-
Oosed, actording to publications of the erican aborigines tie the shining blaek
American Geographical Society:Great of the negro labore,s.ori • Elise's fa -
Britain throegh her 'seVeral South zenda. Only one stood oilt-by the bril-
tume. He was obviously a priest, for;
the swarming . woven and children
made haste to leer- a way for him
when they passed.' Round his other-
briltiantly dyed cloth; on •-eis head
•was a circle of green parrot feathers.
;Mary, Land in the Antarctie Continent.
Britain's Claimeare embraced in the
Falkland Islands and the Ross Denend-
encies. France claims Adelie, Land,
Kerguelen. Island and the Crozet
groat), SL Paul Island and Amsterdam A slight murmur from, the direction like kinky-hiired Indians, such as
Island. The United States elaims in n,here the old man was lying caused, might be encountered any evening
the Antarctic are baied 'upon the es- strutting out of the' shabby moving'
Vilak to turn his head quickly. .Nen-
- nally had awakened. . picture theatre at Porte Verde, stalk-
•"D'Albentara, • stroked 'his dapper
mustache. „ "'ion will. not tell :roe?
No? Very Well. If makeslittle
ence.• It ia bet an ornalrent Of little,
importance F Shall not•die, nor will
obtain*. ;Yet; it yon had restored. it
death,, perhaps e'asier, Perhaps quick-
er. But :enough of talk. It is noW
time fo go to, see the filler... He
Smiled wryly •as . he spoke the Word.
"The ruld of this fair city 'which yoa
toper With Your, presence., The ruler
ef. whom I am but a, humble sAyant
and lowly adviaor.
I carved hundreda of suns in the form
waiting here? ' And what the. devil .
have 'they done with Elise?" ' (of stiff, conventionalized human faces.
The bone -tipped end a a spear vis The door swung open from the inside.
"eraentarBY trained II' 111° NOIKYPNv D'Albentara disappeared' beyond A.
aperture then disappeared: Vital( The guards ;roughly seized the two
looked 'outside again. "That's cow captiVes, stripped off their putteess
In the Arctic regions. all, known sentify," he muttered, "KinkY-haired shoes and seeks, and thrust them bare-
landsv are accounted for either b footed after the •Portuguese,..
d alniost 'pitch-black. Match him
claims of a given nation or hy inter -
'y 1 anywhere in the Sudan or Congo, i
national agreement. With the, excep- tee,
Alabama or Mississippi for that'mat- They were in a g-re,at stone chamber,
tion of Iceland and Finland, the great- These are Inca ruins_that we're a chamber Which hundreas.of years
in, all right, but the people occupying, before must have thrilled the beholder
' with the MaSsiveness of its long,
Famous Japanese
Volc:ano Erupting
peak, erupted recently,..shnkingkeuies.,,, •
themolintains'about.i.10,.-reile'l. north...
Ashes rained .over the res.prt during: -
feet-tigli,., 410 been semi -active 'for
several .years; erupting,from. time to . -
,cult, by.. the soft ashn.• near.. the peak •
into .which .the pilix•ms sinter sliding
it. recent haVe emitted•
spouted into tee air. causha 'more
Personal Character.
Personal vharacter.. is all there isln,
this.' otid that atnotilts. to anything
Here's a. eunn'tg neMber for little
girls. and boys who spend.the greater
part of theie time in play. .
It will interest mother; :too. So
easily leundered! The entire, gar
binding that may ;,be • bought 'airead
folded is stitched around the edges
(The side seams are then joined, an
it is almost finished, excepting' fe
Style No. '086 come§ in sizes 1,
Pale brae or pale 'p:nit. shin'y finis
cotton broadcloth iS very pretty fo
blue and white randy stripe brear
Daffodil yellow linen,' white piqu
,pinIc and. white pique print, .Fren
blue batiste with tiny 'White dota a
.fiesh coloured 'trope de chine are very
lovely suggestions that cost . very
little to Make.
cently that he• bad discovered or re- ,er part et the Arctic ' is claimed bY theta are as far f Ppm Incas ae any-
tting. I've encountred. Probably. foetid
discovered in 'the archives ninety-nine Canada, the 'United States and Ru'ssia.
a pOsitiou to. claim. These' are what' land, and Norwa,y has it Considerable i
I these. old buildings and began, livieg
islandi that the United Stites was in The flag of Denmark'flies over Green -
is known as "guano islands:" . They oection, ineluding Spitsbergen. -Therel •
:were 'acquired" tinder a law of 180 remains an extensive stretch of. sea "Judging by those l'ye seen so far,
- which authorized sin American ship- and land north of Rtissia that .still
, . they're as retich of a mixture as the.
natives around Porte Verde, varying'
master -who fount:Ian island not claim- Shows white on the map. T its is e
..,. ed by any other country:- to elaim it unknown,, unclaimed No Man's Land.
And evejt here RtIssia is claiming ter -
Pull of long
lasting delicious flavor and
made of pure chicle and other
higredients of the highest quality
degrees of 'negre and Indian and pos-
sibly a ittle Spews or Portuguese
'throw& in. Fin generally strongly la
tinent. . Only last year she annexed faeor of racial . mixtures, but this
Fratie.losef Land, and. what•had been looks like. a bad one. Many bad, de-,
generate faces." ,
n White spot is now red. ' • The Spear -end was framed in the
. . window again. .The old•man crawled.
west wind here." Yisitor-.-"Bat. the black . . .. quite. black, isn't .he?" lie
wind is' (lotting from the' east. now." summered. •"1-loW do negeoes roma
Native ---"'That's the wog wind coming ' so far outhere? ,rh black. race isn't
.."'11• .A e AnieriCan yid ow.' Wa„s ankious to "Of coiirse it isn't .patiye. gut, that
conceal the 'fact that .her late hus-; hasn't prevented it from spreTding all
angular lines, and the beauty of its
exquisitely wrought. detail, but which
now gave Vilek' Only a sense of wreck
and desolation. For half of the lofty
stone -columns which had once streten-
ed in a double colohnade from one
end of the great edifice to the other
had entirely disappeared, while those
which remainbd were blackened with
dirt ot obscured with thick growths
et vines; great holes were in the
boge, crumbling walla and the gray
fri one corner a whole section of
tile structure, walls, columns, and
stone pavement. teleined to be gradit-
aliy sinking into the ground. Nor did
there remain 'any of that profuse gold
ornamentation which so characterized
the bee eivilizatioti aed had So arous-
ed the cupidity. of the thvading Stfan..
'There was lavish • 'bold work, how -
on the raised stone seat 61-
throhe at the end of the morn whose
the building wes still roofed and
walled, and on this was sitting a fig-
Pbunced sense of humor would. have
caused him to laogh aloud had he not
ly fatal.
(To be continued.)
tomes to you hi perfect condition. I ". band, had 'been :electrocuted for eaur• ; over the coetinent, lust as it has le
'Ail Ol its goodness is sealed tight 1 ! , der- Wheat, hilutrie$ 'we'..e. 'made She Avg :southern Rtatesl. The ancestors•of
trithecleanwaxwrappedpackages. 'replied that nhe etc' epied the ehair; theSe Chaps were undoubtedly African
• The dive we& goig ititth eager, ' • at applied electricity q.t .011e of Om' slaies Pisarto brought over to work
eitith WRIGLEV's to sustain a puhlit institutions." !the Inca gold tittles and who ran owty;
ed-thet . business letter 1 sent Yi'lli. 'I've eeen-a few of them wearing, they
You. told me site neVer opened Willi'
- - , Pr6bablY think they're 'the pore and
... tole. het you Marked that one 'priv- !neap. EaSY te get that idea when
; ate,'" . . " ; they're living in Inca ruies all the
Koans: "When 1 got hoirte very late The stivA., who fent such a meet ptes_
n. LOT tog
family by
*Write your mine and address plain-.
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Service, 73 West Adelaide St, Torohte.
I3e careful what You start when tall
ing te Step something.'
„ A racing Vitht is beteg run solely
. Mtg. night my wife Met ate, ni the hall portion of the present popu at on n by women. It is dreadfully under-
' 1-11.41.6)1' a toll minute she eekarded lee Creeee, Will Swear to. ,rett that tliey're t toenned.
spoke:" Keats: "Yes, also she spoke Athenians." • r , . ;
i at length!" Pot Blisters — Minard's Liniment.
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These harmless, pleasant tablets
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stool -
'WISE yoUr
child, of course, ff
• experiment with
all sorts of food "
that yotr know '
Eagle Brand has beers
the standard infant ,-
foOd sirite 1057. It is
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and there is aft ever
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Solid Prep Baby gook* for