HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-08-28, Page 1-The BreadThe Bread of Health IS of Health 01M limo is QUALITY AND SERVICE • QUALITY PFODUCTS /NOV gES SATISFACTION. OUR QUAL- ITY'. WHITE,' WHOLE WHEAT ANtlitAISIN BREAD IS A REAL tool)'MADE FROM THE HIGHEST CLASS INGIJEDIENTS. ArE C14.14% BON,Bovc#,E,';MUfFINS, 114813E1*Y. TARTS, FRESH APPLE Pit."' NUT SQUARES, CREAM PUFFS, BUTTER. MILK 'LOAF, Turn. ..PRIJITI. RAISIN 'SQUARES,. JELLY jOLLS. . . Phone 36 VQ uALITY 11LAucKinEoRITY 4" • , .,• • • • e'„ • • ••),V1, 4111t j • ov.„. 1,V4, ' • • •••••;:.,' ••:4••,...•••• I 1.11•{%.•••••• k ", 4 )1. . •;';' ' , sk• , • "r • . • • 4 ;tooPER YEAR. IN ADvAtIcik. OTHERWISE LUCKNOW, ONT., THURSDAY,, AUGUST 28th, 1930. ; SINGLE • COPIES 5 CENTS • • Pi. OONATE14 ' • PhYsielaa and SUrgeoii Zonis: 1.30-1.30 Mono 06 DENTIS w • '1•`. pr. 11. B.. Treleaven.; Luelutat ,•• . Hours': 0-12 A', M. .1.30-4 P. M.7 • ' , • • Nene ,63 . X-raY 'Very Thursday tult..sue o1930 Wail -Piper 04, laud.: Pikes' .c 'der.; Ole down for 1930..:1 am silaa agent - „ler leading•fob L.:Catnor. BoOoritor! Painter 'and Grain*" Box 114, Lutdcnow. ' FOtIND-,,,On. the street in Ltickinew , • a boy's coat. Oivner. may . have same `!'' • at The Sentinel Office. • . . 'tp g. , Will, take 'School Girls, ,wishini* • :".) • room in town. Half block. from School. Lewis Toylor. A Modern lipintzlitan npright Piano for sale. Most be disposed of a, ) once. Terms accepted :from. realm's", ble party. Apply to Box' 256. 4 . (4-9-19 • •• FOR RENT -Comfortable eight room house; hard 'and- soft water, half ,acre of groupd. Appli..itt Sentinel •Office. : . , ••••=...mommam;No .00.110•40.0dIMP . Weie Yon considering' putting in Bathroom? f so we are at. your "Tyke -1(60v Tou-a-larout-and a price, without any charge. Wm. Murdie A. Son. • - 6 -11,-P. gagolineenginer-oearly-new. and in, good running order for sale. • Apply to A. E. Mortis, C. N. R. Sta- tion. Luehitow. . . • TYPEWRITING COURSE • Why not enroll with us now for a • „thorough cojurse in typewriting? Pupils 'entering Sept. 2nd to 15th and finishing in December are then able to'start their Shorthand Courstaan. • 2nd. By thus- taking half the course at home you are • saved many dollars in board. E. M. Henderson,/ Agent C. N. Express & Telegraph. perhapa,'.or worked harder • in onr homes, -but when we werebungry we ate something satisfying but low. in Ralories. ' - • Perhaps •N0 :ate a big lettuce and ,veqetabh., salad With one slice of bre-n(1'0d butter' instead of two or • Wee: 'nut remember, 'one is. very ne- cossary. It. is hnnottant-to eat some of all the main foods whether high or mw In calories. Altlinitgli fruit 'is a high in calories, it is very bene - far it teams with vitamns •and mina rat matter. One' secures more • good out of a large sliced orange, ' ronn(ii 10.0. calories, and a. pieed of light cake,. which counts .abont goo calories, than' out, of a piece of pie alb twe crusts, Which' counts 350 cal- • tries. If you ,are atill hungry,.have a T eager salad. Tettand eoffee have no b" .) • *dories,: but the i)reatit • -and sugar • ' (4-9-c.) • 6 1 si • 1), 'Mr. !WOW& W. Hornell are spend.; rig the week in Toronto. . . Monday of next week will be. Labor, Day and a public holiday, 'Mrs. (ivy.) 0: E. ,Gallahei'ia' visit- 1 ing relatives. at Port Arthili. ANNUAL BOWLING TOURNAMENT. AGAIN SCORES FINE StrPcEs.§, • The annual bowling tournament at tucknow is. coining to- rival in point • . • . • Ontario •public *"and)-, gh „ achoolg . • IA of popularity with those taking part, wilt' open ea Tuesday of next week. if not as an entertainment for speg, ( and' Mrs. J.. A. Geddes left ,on tateri, the fou e Caledonian :games. . • , Tiresdalt to .attend the N. E. ".et -of- days gone: by. `One of the finest, 'Toronto., •• , Mrs. Whitehopse, of Cleve- land, Ohio, is theguest of her' cousin, Mr& W. J. Spindler. ; • ' • Miss Pearle Nixon, nurse-hiztridn- ing at :Victoria Hospital London, is home on vacation , Miss Isabel Chesnut attended her Stratford Normal' Ciass re -onion and ,piente.,at Grand Bend last week • Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Dawkins, of London, spent a day 'last, week with "Mr. 'and Mrs. W.J. -Spindler. • • Mr. Lorne McDonald of Peterixn, • ough-is holidaying'at the home of'his parents Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McDonald' • Juit'unloaded fresh car cement Lillie, Plaster and 'Gyproc wallboard always on hand. Nrm. blurdie4 Sen.[. 1 Mr. Ben 'Spindler has returned ,to London, after lspending a week with his -cousin, Mr.. W. J. Spindler. Miss Donalda''rhompson has- made a favorable 'recovery, folloWing a, tonsil operation on Friday , of last. • • ' Mr. and 'Mrs. •James DonnellY, their daughter Violet -and son Jim; Of Chicago: are guests' of Mr. Donnelly& -- Clair Milne, Whose appearance be- fore Magistrate' Walker here on an L. p. A. 'charge we mentioned :last week, judgement 'being reserved, tvas later acquitted. Mr.' Alex McCarrol has'gone - Mitchell te again take charge of Andirsori's fax mill for 'the season. Mie. • $acCarrol •accompanied her" daughter, Mrs;Foster to Jonsonburgh .Pa., and will he away'far a month: Mr. Malcolm Watson to be con- gratulated.'on Matte record in :Up - :per, School; work. taken, at ,Wingham. Writing on ten subjects which he took he got seven Firsts and three Seconds -a 'record .surparsed we think, by only a few in the province... Mr. Harold Burns, who has been' taking up university work at Queen's College, Kingston, arrived home last week. He will return to ‘Queens at the opening 'of the college year, haviins received'a year's leave from his school at Fort William, so as to com- plete his -university course at the .college.DEATH 'OF MRS....11AS. WIEDSTER • NOTICE • , Voters' Lists 1930, Municipality of the Village -of Lucknow ht the County , of Bruce, Notice is 'hereby given that 1 have complied with section 7,01 Th. Voterst ' . Lists Act and that 1 have posted up •tit • my office <at Lucknow on the Thirteenth day Of August A. D. 1930, the list of all person entitled to Vote in the said Ilunidipality at MuniCipal • elections and that such list remains there forlinspectimi. And I hereby • call upon all voters to take immed- iate proceedings to have any errors Ontiniasiong corrected according to •.11aw,, the last day of appeal being.the 'Third day of September, A.D. 1980. 'Dated at Lucknow.this 13th day of Augriat A.D. 1986. . Joseph: Agnew, ' Clark of the Village 'of Lucknow. (28-8-e.) REID'S tOLDEN CRDST BREAD • Every 'Day in Every Way. • Reids 401Eleti Crust .,Bread is satisfying Li Multitude of men, women and child. Ten by providing more vim and better health Try a. loaf today and you. are stare to get a iinitinium 01 inflator. Slob. 114 -store of Lots �t COod\Things to Eat at , REID'S HABERY „ ' •Phone 48 Card' Of Thanks • • Tire of the late Mrs. W..11. Cook, wish to thank the Merida And • neighbors who, woe so kind and ' iit the th11.0 ettheit rodent 444000116 , I 0. ) • 0101...011•111 Mrs. James Webster, a pioneer res- ident (4 this part, who of late years made her home with her son, :Tames west of LucknoW, died on August 18 in her 86th year. The funeral' was on Wednesday of last week to Green- hill Cemetery, treatiy friends of the amily being An attendance. FOSHAY: SHAREHOLDERS. WILL RECEIVE NOTHING • 0.0al•mmisioi • According to press dispatch from Minneapolis, Minn., assets of the W. 8, Foshay Company amount to about HO thousand dollars white there are -debts of mere than ten million dol- lars. It mat; some business. • C. Rockwood, the receiver, stated that unsecured ' creditors would re- ceive less than five cents on the dol lar, while stockholders will get noth- , • ing et all. Some 8,735' stockholders are en- deavoring to force payment of divi- dends - which 'were declared but un- paid: These dividend • declarations were illegal rind, of course the claim- ents wilt geenothing. This is the company that was so great and so skilfully managed by .the'vimicierfut Mr. Fosivry that :rt was going- to 'beat out the Ontario Hydro El etrie Cominission. Readers will re- member that the company for a tittle owned the,electrie lighting plants at Walkerton And Southampton. :it was going tir supply eleatric current to farmers and ' othera, below anything; the Hydro Corninissiert• ever pretend, ed te. Butit fortunately had ethane itin its coqse before coming to Bruce county, otherwise it likely would have • Made much trouble And Caused heavy .loses to those :Who might hare been .tournaMents -in Onrariie is the general .1"qtgiet• •Az goQlI tree' *lth. beac4ifuk surrOondiegs and.p.:Snort organiza- tion WhiCh dries not do things • halves. accouote forit. „ ' The' tournament of Thursday last was.another fine success, • evezi, • *ay. There were 41 rinks- the, line:gip-just 'a nice number to p1ay, on the •eleven . rinks. The day was. ideal, • and the • evening .delightful though a ,.bit cool for those *tom about.. • • : • ••, There was • keen competition !for the ,fine' prizes 'offered. The first prize'. and 'trophy (the Joynt Cap) went to - Winghain -rink skipped by 14 Crawford, of prize-winning fame. The second prize, 1st event went to Tel of ()wen Sound. • The lst in the, second" event was Won by Fred Hunt fqoderich; 2nd by Dr. Marr of irdgetown. 3rd. by Douglas (Bank of Montreal) ..TeesWater and 4th by G. H. Smith, 1,ucknovi. With Smith were associat- ed, G. A. Siddall,' Geo. Reseal, Gar- • field MacDonald, ,This was the only •I.ecknow, rink to win a• prize. Per- haps the G's did it. "1. • - -.In-Third-event-71A- --went-i&-Jack Mason , of Wingham; oad 2nd to •Craig of Paisley. MR. HUGH MacKENZIE DIED 'sunnENty IN B. C. Word was received here that' Mr: Hugh Kenneth MacKenzie third son of the- late Peter H. and '11Irs. MacKenzie had died at his )horne in Oliver, gritieli Columbia,. on 'Monday, Aug. 25. Mr. MacKenzie suffered paralyticatroke some, weeks ago, .from the effects of which he did not recoier. •He leaves to mourn, a wife and • four children. Mr. Mackentie left here soon after, leaving high school, going .to Toronto and later to British Columbia.. ' ' 'LUCItISTOW UPPER. SCHOOL RESULTS Buswell, Enola--Fr., Au. II:- Fr Comp MacDonald, Clara -Eng. Comp. III: ?ng. Lit. Trigonometry I: Fr.. Au. I: Fr. Comp. II. '' VlacDonald, Gladys-ZOoloey MacKenzie, ' Margaret --Eng. Comp. III: Eng. Lit. C: Trigonometry /II. McQuillin, Mildred -Eng. Comp. Ca Stiller, Margaret -Eng. .Comp. C. Sherriff, Vera -Eng. Comp. C: Fr. Au. II: Fr. Comp. Stewart, jean -:Ft. Au. II: Fr. Conip. C. . ') • F. E. McLean. o O. • We have a special price on Barb Wire. See us. Wm. 1Viurclie & Son. • DIED 1 SUTHERLAND -In the Township of Kinloss on Saturday, August 23, 1930, Mrs.- Janies• Sutherland; in, her 78rd year. The funeral Was, on Mon- day, August 25th, to. Kinloss .Cone, flQDGINLIn the Township, of KinloSs on Tuesday, August 26, 1930, Alfred' II. Hodgins, aged 58 years, 2 months and 11 days. The funeral will be held on Thursdpy afternoon, Aug. 28th. A' short service will be . held at the family residence, 10th C41., loss, after which tire remains will be conveyed #o the Anglican Church, Lircknciw, where service %al be held. Interment in Greerfhill ,Cemetery; ' HOLYROOD • • •• The next nreetidg of the liolytond W. L Will .be held at the home' of Mrs. M. dAmble, on Thursday, Sept. 4th, at the usual, helm Topic: 11/oiley- making Sidelines for Rural Girls, by Mrs. Almer Ackert. Direetor: Mtg. Joseph Hedgia, Rell Call,-"OtieSt, hitt Box." A Flower • Contest -Asters, not more than 12 bloorria, 'Lindh Cotnnuttee:Mrs. Eckenswillert Hated Percy, Little Stela, Mrs. gatiii. ifiduded to purt11060 •tock4 Ord Hactille 00%: • BUSINESS'CHANGE Laat week •a builiness deal was completed byzearhich Mr. Allan , Turn- er disposed of his lboot shoe business -to MeceiP." S. RiithWell' acid Reed. the change to take place • the first of -the month: Stocktaking will be dOna'on Labor Day. • It is nine years since' Mr. Turner; went into the, shoe boldness here, being associated with Mr. Kathie] .for 'about'5 years and for the peat' 3% years having been in hoeiness fOr hint:felt Mr. ,IIathwell at that time lwent to i'Vaterford. He is doming tip • the business there ,and 'will return, to LuCknow before the end of the year. In the Meantime.) the' business, here will be conducted by' Mr. /teed and Miss Dorothy Cooke. :Mr. Turner' ,has, not been enjoying ,the best of, health* the past •yeer and will take life easy- through 'tie ceiling. winter after which he hopes to take up bui- iness again. • . THE LONG DROUTB BROKEN' The drouth which prevailed thru- out Western Ontario the past 40 ,to 50 dsYs, according to locality, was broken on' Saturday last, when over a large part of' the' province there was fia substantial' fall of rain, altho; this locality did not get a great deal. At London•the rain fell for about" 15 hours, and the official record PhOPied -nearli-144--ittches.=-Toronto-too-tacl- rein --enough' to • seriously affect the attendance at the great, Exhibition nowin progress there.' is hoped •that this, raiti, light as it wps in places, will Mark a turn- ing in ithe' weather,, as fields and gardens alike have been hard: hit. The dry weather, however, was not with; • out its advantages.. It gave a great, opportunity to harvest .a Splendid hay and grain crop -every day being fine and:dry. • . Root crops have been greatly damaged, corn is short, and the land tr-not• noir in shape for fail wheat sowing. More rain he welcome. ll'USINESS PLACES , ALL OCCUPIED dommommin. • How is business? How is the old 'town doing? are :questions often asked by those who have been away from Lucknow for a number of -years. Well, for the enlightment pf these and per- haps it will be "news" to some at home: as "well,' we. can state .that every store and shop' at all suitable for business is occupied. This 'fact was brought to our attention last week, • when a couple of young fellows were about town, looking for ^ .suitable room in which to open a radio and electric store.' We couldn't direct them to one vacant place, a fact which they thought spoke well for the- town, although they would rather halve found one place vacant. • STRAW GOES TO PAPER MILL J. E. Culbert is busy baling uP • lot of the ' surplus straw in this dis- trict. The straw is being' shipped . to Trenton, where it. will .be converted into the cheaper grades of paper. 'HOOKS AT THE LIBRARY The Public 'Library Board have placed on the shelves of the Library this week, two sets 'of 'books which should be of interest to all intelligent readers, and • of 'special value to school students of the higher grades. One set is entitled "Lands and Peo- • ples;" the other "The World Book." They' are in attractive binding, beau- tifully illustrated and packed full of useful information, OBITUARY • 'Mrs. W. IL Cauk ' Mrs. W. II. Cook ' who resided about a Mile k north of k Lucknow, paced awety on August 20th, after suffering for some nionths. She hid taken no. nourishment for .about five weeks • before her death. - Iterhusband predece"sed her a- bout tilt() months. . She leaves to -mourn • her kits One. son, Mr. G. Cook, of Yellow Oittis,. Sauk:, and one daughter, Mrs. Alex A. Pirtria, Boundary east 61 Lucknow. The tuner 1 vVas held from her res - 'on / identeMay', August 22t4 to ithilott Ce. etery. • ' . Before or marriage the late Mrs. Cat Wag tag. hide ,MACDorilild. She .iVerf in ber 74th year; . .tha.aiii4„. • . • - N • • , Slecial • .Auguse.,... 28-26=-40 'colleen Moore, In "41ft BE GOOD" * .and COMEDY • ADMISSION Adults 35c Children 20C. 3i• • DIED IN MICHIGAN • • • . WAS RAISED HERE Newspaper cliPpingi to hind this Wk' teiriglhe 'deal Hood, a prominent business man and esteemed 'resident of Mt. Pleasant; ' • Michigan. This Mr. Hood was a son-nt'airles' Hood, whose wife was a Miss Mac.• Kenzie, sister of:Messrs. Duncan and Alex. MAcKenzie who reside north of the C. N. R. station. Miss Hoed of. town is an aunt of the deceased. The late .Mr. 'Hood was engaged in the lumber business At Mt. Pleasant. He was 64 yeaga ,of , age, and Waves a' widow and tWo Children. A brother Charles 4ivea in Iowa. • • : Mr. Hood,: we understand from the clipings was taken ill on Monday of • last week and was taken to the Gen- eral Hospital at Sagaraw, where he underwent an Operation for abdonainal trouble the next morning. He appear- ed to do well for a time but oniWed- nesday he suffered a relapse and:pas- ied Rimy that fternoon. , The Mt. Piesant paper 'says: "Mr. •HOod was a Prominent business lead- er here for 15 years, head4of the Mt. Pleasant Lumber Company,. a direc for of the Exchange Sayings Bank and one of the organizers of ' the 'Isabella Oil Company. ' Winter Wheat • WANTED at • . Lucknow Flour. Mills' .W.E. Treleaven Optical Lenses • . • . There 'was recently. complet- ed 111...:Virashington. a 72 -inch teleseope lens which had taken • over two years to yriannfaetnie!' • This was considered :quite an .achievement, -is was, • but compared with.' the 'human eye, it is really, insignificant for the eye con ,tins an .adjustable -' lens More .. and. ). far rri.o.re. valuable' ,than any ' tele-; ,peOpe Or camera .lens ever de • •• Means of invOinntary the,.,eye ::cuses automatizailv. se 'that we., see nearby �bieets, as well as those at a' distance; cIearly . , • • ....A telescope lens can. he .re-, placed if necessary -but. an . eye • , cannot .Giirefi ylinr...'eyes 'proper care by coli-ectiv-e.'gless'es-..- ; necessary' and' .periodic exam,: inatiow anywhere: .• • -, F. T. ARMSTRONG. Optometrist Excursion Fares „ • • .• • , Canadian National EXHIBITION • I Canadian National Rlys. GOOD 'GOING- , • , August, 21st; •to Sept.. 6th FINAL' RETURN LIMIT - Sept 10th . For Information and ?Tickets • Apply To- • A.E. C., IC IL Town Ticket Agent LUCHNOW, ONTj Phone 32 • 1 - Caere Early to See the New Winter Coats at Pearlman's • In Various Shades :& Styles, siiowing Broadcloth & Tweeds,. trio With Wolf Plucked Beaver* • Crossed .Frpc • and CurCoil .1) '4 , • 4141 • • 4 ' fr We have just received a shipment of NEW FALL DRESSES r Phone -881 peariman Lueknow ••,? • •••• 1.