The Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-08-21, Page 8rz;
Ien you .res ize _
T;IiI�AY; A,UGIJST 2I4 1993,
new.. i.001.. cOSts, t60:you:.will: see 'how im-
to iinmediateht give 'yOUr.roof
etching is an expensive remedy.
tru economical way s a Brantford
phi& Slate _roof th'at wil .ears p
security against Fire and weather.
ll;ristford 'TOA)AY 'and • 'him'
show*foU:.,,tlii Uri*: 'colour .4.0(esi.:: Talk, 'him.. :about.
priee, unci.thl prisunt..0*0(iful.slupply. OF labour.:
•. Brantford Roofing Co. Limited, Head Office and Factory, Brantford, Ont.
Biorschos and Warshouses ats Toreitto. Windsor,. WinnIPAB. Montreal. Malthus* Saint John. Nill•
For Sale Byv-
Nitirdie & Son
a Mina. Annie Burt, whit. bee been
• the 'construction of tile, -etwie ana ' holidaying with friends . in Toronto;
usher Drains. • • returned, hoine Sunday.
The Council of the Municipality' of Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson of Londein,
Inloss parsuant to the provisions of were Sunday visitors it Alex Piertear.
— he Tile Drainage 'Act, enacts as fol -
Mr. Alfred lio.dgins who took a
1 (1) That the Reeve may from thee 'chili a week ago, has been bed fast
to time, subject to the provisiOns of .but with Miss MacDonald, R.N. , of
this by-law, borrow on the credit of Pit amount in attendance he is mak-
.. ing favorable progress.
, ity such Spin nbt exceeding in the . __
whole $20,000., as may be determined Miss Winnifred Ackert anent a
DescHaVapytttRit:014 Sotiturdy sPieneerts }We
Aaguat -147—The Members
of MacDonald clan held their Aral
4t „croaotntZ,hixstion,rit:oh.orairehlasf,oMldr. 'ttte.
was thi plikce cot litany a meeting of
the Oen -in the olden dayS,
Donald „MacDonald and Ititirdooeli,
MacDpoald came 014. tO Canada '0.010,
Ross -shire, 'Scotland, in 1944, when it•
took them eleven Weeks in ,
. vessels to make the voyage. (seine of
their nember dying en ,:the oceali.)„.
and settled at There Were -
"Straight" Donald and. ''.*Black" Don;
.slteiderick;-". Kenneth,. Farquhar,
end ether illiistrio7s names: among.
' these pioneers. They w4e OardY 8'4
hardships ef pioneer life, built 7up
ioaies far • themselvei and laid Well
.snd truly the rfoinidation of, our .pree:.
ent-day comforts of church and:
From' Far and Near
TO this rearnion _Came rneMbers of,
'the MneDonald elan from far Arid
near. It Mattered not whether rich
'or poor, teld or young, high Or :IOW,. so
long :as they *ere merribers of the
"clitn., All were there and itil were,
hapPy 'in meet And greet Old friends;
Mr: Finlay MacDonald was Ahere te
welcome 'his- Many friends; elthOugh,
he feels the. weight of Many years;.
6eeide him was John K. MacDonald
of. Egysit; • meet genial anteing Ide
'friends, The chief, • Toni MaCDonald.
ed him many a day, was .director. of
ceremonies. ri,leX MacDonald _supplied
musk :With his violin. The 'Skirl ot
th.e•, Bruce Canteree of De-
troit, gave a real significance talthe
gathering. John 1)," MacDtirald a:
prominent clansman, did. his pert.
very efficiently; A feeling, of anxiety
prevailed from the fact that D, .A.
MacDonald,: a prominent- member .of
the elan Was 'yin; Eineardine
boaPital, but we have good marts of
Ids condition .and we ail are hopeful.
that he soon be restored to health
Mil, Dnherti of. quelph
visiting with her mether; Mia. E. J.
Woods this week. \
Mrs,. Hinglemon of Morriston and
Mrs. Deniky—kef Moffat, were • the
;siesta of Air. and Mrs, D. -C.. Mac.'
Donald ird other relatives last week:
Mr. Lorne ,Woods, Mts. Robinson'
"%reeds, Miss Johnston and Mos Irene
Woads attended the funetal of Mr*
--There will he no, service' in the
United_ Church hers neat., &Andy.
Aug. 84th. The lollawing' sanday,
'Rev. T. C. Wilkinion will occaPY the
Mies Mabel Woods:and Miss Vera
Todd', slient last week at, Kincardiae
' Miss W. D.. Rutherford; WhO hal
been travIlling, through Eurepe the
last two- monthis,:arriVed•home, Me:4.1-
day; leoking if„ she had enjoyed
her trip immensely.
Webb; took a motor trip tee Niagare
Greta *ebb wart the guest' of , Mrs.
Cameron, during their absence.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Dernin and
eenay the gnest of Mi. and Mrs. Co-
lin McDonald.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Taylor of Bid-.
falo, were the guetas 2f. lifr.•and Mrs.
' Mrs. Richard Morten, -of 'Bruce,:
inotered. down and ':Wa's a guest with
her father,:liir. W. Wooda last week
• Mr. John ThCan of Fordwich, spent
Sunday with Mr., and Mr.e. Wm. conn
Mrs. R. Hodgkinson -_of . Kinlough,
anent last week visiting 'Mende in
Miss' Margaret Ritchie ie 4pendina
this week with her friend, Mies Betl
ty -MacKenzie.
;Wise Mary' Martin spent a day re-
cently with Mrs. R Stewart.
Mr. and Mrs. Elymer Tiffin, Jackie
by the Council 'and may in Manner few daya recently with her 'friend, and Billie spent SundaY With Mr. and
hereinafter provided, issue debent- Miss Elsie Vint of Ashfield. 'Mrs. Miles Cameron ' of Niringbart,
ures of the said Corporation,in sums Mt and Mrs Mac Lane and family
of $100.00 each .for the ameitint' so • ' . • .. . ' and Mies «Annie Cameron of Detroit;
borrowed, with cotipons attached its were Sunday visitors it 'Will eon- returned with them to spend a .few•
(2) That when the Council shall Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Congrana- and : Mrs. A. Magenty; Doris, Harvey
be of the oPinion that the application f inily spent 'Sunday with friends at- •
1 f any person to berrow money for ..1161,. . .? • and 1,loyd of Stratford, are spending
4 he purpose of constrecting• a tile, r" ,el• ' this . week with' friends here. .
• stone, or timber „drain, should be Mr. and. Mrs. Wilson and family of Miss Liz* Richardsen of Tees -
granted in whole or in Part, the Bruce *Bench, spent Saturday with the
Counall,, may by resolution direct the L water, spent the week -end with', Mr. borrow a• sum mot exceeding . Miss Elsie Vint of, Ashfie • 1 -
ler `a boll
Reeve to issue debentures as aforesaid . I
' the ftmount applied for, and may lend daYing with her friend,- Miss Winni,.
the smile to the applicant on the com- fred Ackert.
pletion of the drainage Works. Mr..and Mrs. Geo. Snell of Auburn,
(3) A special annual rate shall' be
Mt and Mrs Joe` Conley anefamily
' and above all other , rates upon the of Listowel and Mrs. Thempson who
land. in respect lef dwhieh the said hart'. been visiting in Listevrea were
money shall be klborowed, sufficient gundai visitors at 'Eldon Eckensweil-
, ! a* the payritent Of the principal and
interest as provided by the , Act. ler's. •
Pissed. this 4th day of August, 193'0 ' Mts. Rdbt Webster .otaLucknow,
' J. W. Colwell, Reeve. spent the week end with Ter friend,
Municipality* of the Toweship of kin. ghen aed• Mr. Stewart were Sunday
Take 'notice that the above is a• *I Miss wendolyn , Ackert, IsTient the
true Copy of a By -Law ilassed by t!te. week -end Itiii,frienda in Toronto. .
`Municipal Council ef.the TiewriShip of, :the- service in the R. C. Cluirch
Killian en the 4th day of. August,
take notice that anyone Who desires 'morning. The mirsi tithe Hannibal
largely (rttended. SundaY
1930, and all persons are required to heve wa. '
te apply to haye suelt By -Law °ratty chair Was very atudR.,enioyed. hi all,
part of it' quashed, 'Most serve notice . . • 1 t
Clerk of this municipality, Within Miss Beatrice MrQuiltin of Si:
, ,, twenty dayS after the date of tl'e last neletts.IS sPeadina, the week. ta .Els
. sruh'ication cif this notice, ,and, must don-Eekensweiller's. '
Make his anplication to the Supreme The follneeing wore ruests• at t..1,:e
r ftar the said date. home et Jnek Lane the pad' wefk:
D is notiee wits, first paiblislisd on Mr. and Mrs. A, Ilailtiet
dase of August, 1930,
(21 -8 -ate) ' kisSes Bessie and Jean' Lane niot
coed to Stratford ,and St, Mary's and Mies Wirinifred Perey has reterned
• Tbe advantage 61 Starting' late is , viSited with' friends and relatives ta /(lneSrdina Geilerel Hospital, niter
"that You Miee the thousands, wha tir.,..d. !Trait: titrIts rukriavini.g .iit spending her holidayti ' at' hei heats
ratted eariy ta avoid 'the crowd, '• ., .., . a .L , •
—Woad wits received here oe Monday
that a baby boy hed. arrived at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Perri Penning -
I ton, of Ctilress. Mrs.. Pennington was
formerla Miss Myra Tnylor of this
While. threshing last • week, Mr.
Thos, Hill had the mis,fortune to have
seme of.his straw -shed collapse lett-
ing the contents down open, his farm
iMplements iwhich were stored away
beneath. 4 number of them were
&imaged *in ,various ways.
Mr. Thos: Cook:spent the week -end
in Kincardine reterning to assiat Mr.
W. Seott finishing, harvesting. -
Mr. MacDonald of 2nd Com Kitt.
less,apent Sunday. with Mr. and Mit.
Tiffin. ,
ing 'a pia, this Friday night in their'
'Hall 'at Whiteehurch, owing to the
fact, that another street dance it
being held in ;Lucknow. •
A. Mottea and baby "Sandy", return-
ed, on Wednesday last to Toronto,
-vaeation at their farm hire:,
The Flag is Heisted ,
After' the hoisting of the flag,
gamas of softbn11, horse-shoe throw-
ing,. races and other athletic events
were, conducted 'by Bain MacDonald
and David Stewart. Then •came the
dinner under the able supervision qf
Mrs. Jennie MacDonald Lennie, who
had the table decorated with sprigs
of heather at each plate and loaded
with all 'good things, to, which all
did justice. Before sitting down Rev.
P.' M, Coiquhoun read a Scripture
reading .from Psalm 133, all sang "0
God of, Bethed" and the Divine bless-
ing was -invoked on all. The register
was passed around by Flora liaelkon-
.ald, wherein 175 registered. •Ilev.
M. Colquhoun gave's very much ap-
preciated deacription of the clan det-
ing, back to the century and on
through the lime of the Stuarts, when
'Flora MacDonald of Kintail, Scotland
rescued "Prince Charlie: Bain Ste* -
art made a moat efficient chairman
for the evening program sidinaablrs.
Duncan Munn- of Ripley, displayed
ponducting Community singing. Sev-
eral ;speeches were given, and a large
bouquet of :flowers was preeented to
Mrs. Lennie. On the following day
bouquets were placed in the little
cemetery nearby On the graves of the
dear dc.parted. The evening Was
Spent in dancing the old St:ottisb
-dances and everyone had a most en-
joyable time. The officera'of •the clan
are: President, Mr.' Tom MacDonald;
Treasurer, Mr. David Stewart; Sec-
.retafy, Mr. Kenneth- MacDonald. •
Some of the Visitors •
Among those whom we were par-
ticularly. glad to see were the edirp-
bells of 'Newbury,. Michigan, grand-
children of Mra., Harris, Jean Mac-
Gregor of Inverness, Scotland, Jane
Slater . of -Cleveland, Roil ItifietionaId
and' family Of Minneapalls, Mrs. (Cell-
neth 'Mackenzie and daughter Annie
Mr. and Mrs. Johnston and the .Allan
family" of Sarnia, Isabel: MacDonald
of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs...1VIathesori
and ldr. and Mrs. Blue of Detroit
Mr. and .Mrs. Prank Harris, Michigan
'end the Harris fatnily of Ripley
also MariY 'friends from Hamilton
the Lennie boys, the tarantella, An.
beet% 'Lindsay, Reeve john IlacKert,
zie mnd an his brothers and sistero.
from 'Port Albert; and, many from the
surtenriding district.
W. shall all locik forward to anoth-
fp hippy ta.uniatt next vest
Mr. Mettle McInnis of Detroit,
spending a *few days at his home.
Milts Laura, Watson, nurse-iralrain-
ing at Kitchener, is spending her va-
•Mis.• D., MeMurchy, Jelin and Mary
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Mc
Cormich, spent the first of the Week
with- friends in Goderieh,
Miss Mary McKenzie, returned tee
Chicago after spending a ;week at het
under the Dr.'s care is improving, we
are glad to say. ,
Dr. Anna Nicholson left for Sas-
katchewan by' motor, the .end of the
week: She will Opel) a practice there.
Mr. Geerge White had a fine yield
of oats averaging• severtty bushels to
the ecre.• Many of the farmers are
through harvesting, and some .have
Mrs. W. .R. McDonald'. is visiting
with' friends in Kincardine.
The• University Wes esbblished In
111718Rilorsenhied In 1908. *
Three FaculdesAris, Medicine and
five affiliated
Enrolment Islirehed. OnlY Students.
flying evident, of seitsbility will be
trance Is desirable. .
calusali eke hero threat* sesta yeert.
'Junior or Honer Mealtaletion
Apply atones fetfull InfOnnelleta 66
Wiater Wheat.
Ei; Treleaven
Mi. and Mts. Cecil Irarsone and
son Doracht-of—Teranto—arevisiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. MAC HOss-
Mist Rohinit Beery has ,gone on it
boat :trip down the St.. Lawrence.
Miss Agnes *Him) is visiting her
grandparents, Mr. and ;Mrs, Pergueon
Miss !Florence Pardon of Tdronto,
is visiting 'at :her home here. ,
• Mr. "and Mrs. Arthur Holland and
day with her 'parents, Mr.. and Mist.
'George darter.
Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Andersen and
ehildren of Buffalo, Mrs. Jerry Bray-
ford and Mrs. ShaW of Totonto ire •
visiting their .mOther, Mrs,„;11incGre-
gor and other relatives.
is -visiting her copes* Missed Cath-
erine Mowbrak and Leila Leggett.
Gyproe Nukes
Summer Mimes
ZIOROTECr your family by
a making your Summer
home draught -proof, dust -
proof and fire -safe: The new
Ivory coloured Gyproc, that
- does not innts will render
you this service at small cost.
Use it for structurally
„,stiong walls, ceilings and
partitions. It needs no de-
coration (when panelled)
but you 6n tint, paper or •
plaster it if rou wish. It is
easily and quickly appliekis
a permanent asset, and is
vastly suipt4ti to other -
building t s. •
Your dealer'i name is
listed below. Ask him today
for full inforsnation'on Gyp-,
roc 'Wallboard or send for
'interesting free book "'Build-
ing and litenuAlling with
For sale By