HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-08-07, Page 7• It AND STII.#.:THE WONDER GREW" 25 years ago .:. whenthe conquest of the -air was in its infancy, Wilson's Bachelor cigarswere already finding favour amongst smokers .. , and,, today, there are Amore Wilson's Bachelors -;-100% Havana. filler --- smoked aid enjoyed than-- any other ten cent cigar- in Canada. tisnb... .v • siiJGSI.'i f il, individually:. foil wrapped and in pocket pucks of five. OWt'..aif ; Always Too Much of Pain ' 'tbere••will always be on zarth The ancient pain of hu'man,birth; Always•tI a sad release of breath. At endless -horizonsof !ri•eath; And.'nien will'always have to pay The toll on nature's perilous way,' No. progress. can evade the urge Of earthquake and volcanic sul,ge. Yet. why •permit war's. Jude.; knife '. To snap. the precious cord of life?•• 'Why must our factory -horded slaves" Droop cold and ragged to their = graves? Whyclet : -.ich' bitter acid steal Through wounds .that :kinder ' men • wool$ ,Neal, • Kinder men who 'clear the sod For the comtitonWealth of God? •-LuciaTrent.' • • Ragson Tatters ' rises '• to•• remark: e'Ever since` ma bought one of them, TAKE NO CHANCES WITH BABY! 'Cook Her Food in the f r "Health Ware" Doctors recommend Enameled Ware for cooking baby's food. • It is so simple to clean .. i:: so easy tits sanitary and free from germs. it cannot stain: There is no metal' surface .ex posed to tire . food. Nothing to absorb moisture, flavors nor odors. Make elite , you get. McCrary Enameled Ware . the Modern "Health Ware' . Watch for the faimiliar-McClary-label. ikProkerar G€NERAL." i,ityTT)Cri. STEEL WARES . . Brarithes Atrois Canada• 1SSUL No. 31--- I[ '-d A newfangled .cabinet furnaces, •I: never' know whether I am' pouring':' coal in the- phonograph or putting a jaiz re cordin th' heatrola. Laundry Work.: Everything comes out in the .wash— ineIuding the buttons. • When settle girls break off a match they try to make light of it. Olive-1"Why can't lightning .strike the 'front end of a street car?" Oiled— m "Because the ` otormau's�?a non -Conductor." • Maybe the only trouble with busi- ness the last few months is that it has forgotten all about. Coue. If you thing to -morrow never comes' just make a nate at the bank .due then and: see. • • judge.`Have you any proof he hit you in the eye?" " Prisoner "W' here it 3s in Black and White." • • Another thing no girl should fail to: put plenty 'ef in her hope chest is. patience. She'll need it badly before she as°married three:months.. , Automatically' Speaking You may talk about your. "nifty dogs" And cute calves all, you please;.• •. But me,`I am contented with; A little peek a' knees. Him—"`My, what a nice mouth you - 'have." •' To,,a Blviebell • Even Kings are not immune from traffic ,accidents, as Alfonso, of Spain, ' found, in London when, a flip.. of a'girl in a, two-seater ,car bumped his auto and kept him latefor. a; .Luncheon' ap- poititment with King. ,.George ' and` Queen Mary. • Nb doubt the lady gave his Majesty a piece of her mind :for: being • in her way; the .wonien drivers do that -bless them! I gaze into your bells of blue . So.delicate of form and hue, That :her'e, within this quiet heli, B,ring•yearnings that I cannot tell,. A yearning- deep to feel and know, The touch of Him whofortned'thee so. And when the 'soft wind wakes and swell's • , • • The muscle . of they magic -bells, , There springs within, this soul,of mine A song almost as' sweet as thine. And then it is you seem to me ` A part 'of God's eternity; , ' A favored' flower; thou art by, choice' A messenger, "the' still psmali•veice,",. That with the•song of natur•. rhymes The\morning and the evening chimes That:call.'me from my house of sod To walk upon the hills with God • William Dovey. Slimmer . Complaints K�, Little' Ones. • At the first sign of• illness, during the 'hot 'weather : give the• little one Baby's Own Tablets or in• a few hours. he' ihay be beyond:aid: These Tablets will prevent summer complaint if Irenicb, to :Irevent Burial of.. Living Doctors Shape .. Measure • Requiring Scientific,. Proof' of Death Paris. -This ty-five doctors in the French.chlliµuber•of Deputies are pre paring a la*r for the veriflcattot *of death by medical -scientific• means •be- fore 'allowing ' burial. According to tli:ese , doctors; there have "been . man•y, cases in the Past' Qf the burial of .ljv- inn persons; who only appeared to: be: .Many French ;doctors adhere to the theory that it' is..,impnssib1e; • for' at least tao days .to tell the difference. between -.a dead bo y; and that'eof •a person in a'catale•pti'c:State: They sug= gest that before the burial,';of any body a poison be injected .to: -make sure.'• In introducing. „the project' before the; Chamber' the Deputies. •=contend that one•person in every 504 buried'is alive when lowered, into the grave. They 'cited- particularly the ease- of Abbe Prevost, .composer and .'author of "'Manon Lescent," who `was, about to be •buried when• one' of the burial parity., saw.a slight muscular•move- mein: , Dr. Dedvieux, of the• Medical -Legal Institute, chief coroner of France, ek- plained to the Chamber that there are 'means of telling. whether ' life ,is 'ex= tinct'' Among the simplest, he sug- gested: .. The infection of a small quantity ef, ether:.• If the. body' is' dead the ether will 'come out: ' If thereis life it Will be absorbed... The injection Of Son- resceine in small doses. ' It '.1s not -toxic, and if, life is .not extinct the whdle'body ivill take a, greenish' tint.• Another `suggestion is that invisible letters isr"itten'on paper ivith•iead,=ac&. tate be ;held .close 'to: the nose:pf the subject. If the hidden letters appear; the .body is without _life, •for• the sal_ phJdric gas emanating from the body, will have a chemical effect on the lead. Thele are, other„ means .sometimes used to make certain of d"eatji, one, of tiieni tieing to, hold :a 'tt met 'i e et. The Chambiermay also be asked' to Make the "coup de grace; obligatory;. 'by Which `•the : attending doctor.; would- inject a mortal.poison before altering' the body td be placed:in'the, ,bier. ' . Weak and Depressed Thi work of the average ,woman in the hone makes greater demands on her Vitality than she a`ealizes. Long hours, care of eh;ildre.n-and home : is' the 'daily grind: No nonder;ehe' is depressed:: hat she suffers from head- aches and .is run. down. , jVliat•'is needed is a blood builder to - give her vitality ,tn. perform her every;; day duties- Such a blood+builder is Dr; Wi1liams'•Pink Pills, ef which Mrs. Jos. L. Corbin, Moncton,,. N.B., says: "I was weak;.badly run down; house- work: was:a burden and ,iwas greatly depressed. ' Di • Williams' Pink Pills Were recommended and by the. time I had taken halfa dozen boxes I was fully restored to health and strength," You can get these Pills through any Medicine dealer or by Mail' at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.; Brockville, Ont: Pansies ' J' Here they grew, a . . ' From blue, to deeper' blue, in midst of each. , A goit}sten at,dazzle like a glimmering Xach broader, •' bigger than a silver crown; • While here the 'weaver sat, phis 'labor done; ' . Watching his azure pets and• rearing them, Until. they 'seein'd to know. his 'step and touch, And stir beneath his smile Pike lining things: • • ' fiis—"rh huh, and remember it's Hp ,.given occasionally to the well eland, • The. 'very sunshine ,loved them, and year." I and .will promptt relieve -these :trotr- • would. lie ' blas if they come on suddenly. Baby's There's nothing good or tial butt Own Tablets •should alWays be ,kept tate, • sold at drug. grocery• and hardware ,fares custom. makes 'it 'so. . Here happy, obmi'ng early, lingering Wm %ye %Eo,tRdi ORAH6ti .ito 'Tr ► 101. Classified Advertising ,POR SALE l'h 'ills—ALL DIFFERENT, SELECT- ' from choice varieties only. --good he.adthx..W.stork—$1 co pnq:tpajd„•- W ; .3. F_rward, IroquoisOnt., ° •„ Ching Hair', Stimulate your scalp: and' prevent •; dandruff ` .by • massaging •. with Nlinard's It :ive hair new Instal, • ASEA SLED FOR SALE, MODEL 16, with "new 22 H.P. Evi'nrude mos –tor, it1; in,. perfect condition. '•very .,fa;st7 absolutely safe,, splendid fishing boat, 'has special sedan .top; •' owner', geitng larger model. Now lar. ;ed en Georgian, i'Eay. Wilson•Pubiishing Co 73 Ad i W., T:ronto,.'Eok 27 . SITFlATIONS VACANT - START ,NOW ,-= ''YOU CAN EARN Money quickly, tatting orders for the 'most beautiful -line et 'Personal Christmas, Greeting,, Cards ever: shown: in Canada, Write '.for. particulars. Regal 'Art to,, 312 $padinaAve.., To- ronto: Feeding Ours Wild 'Birds •For ,winter, feeding,. of wild birds place suet, sunflower seeds and grains of corn where they will not be covered With snow. • • That chid, whose mother is a golf: widow anits father a bridge widower is like'to'ecome a divorce orphan. "The cusomer complains that this sandwich is too small.” "Fut it on a smaliei plate and take it back." 101:1 ?tlitA7he7i. • ::1heHoneyFlyCatc1>jer You .Must Do ' Your Bit a kill the was against the fly, carrier of germs and breeder of disease.. It'ia proven that AEROXON is one of th4'most •convenient and most efficient means of coihbating. this fly evil,.' .1i is convenient, because . . of, the push•pm. kis hygienic: (tics nevervget away when once caught. Each spiral gives three.. weeks.',perfect service: BEWARE OFiA11T.ATIONS Many a man, ,wllo says he '•as driven to drink" was headed that way .of his .own accord. • • It was a cold, and 'stormy night. There was nol; e'in the.furnace. They Were sitting all alone in tile- living room. She' had no coat. Neither did he. They shuddered to think of harp cold they nlighb have heen. The work' likes a good„ loser, es -;1 ,pecially if 4 ":"body else• ,ets .sante:'; thing out of it. •• . When a girl tells you you're differ- •ent,you know shes'-not• _ Some•wome'n Contrive to look young, ethers dye in the attempt. • .. Blessed are the "poor. They just• keep on working aid a cold wears off instead of knocking off for a week. A roman cured 1t r husband of stay- ing out late at night by biog. to the door when he came home,and whis- pering through the keyhole, ."Is that you, Willie?"' , Tier husband's na ne is ,loiin,'and he stays at home evefy night now and sleeps with one eye (web- and, a re- volver under his: pillow. • A vacation is half atiticipattop and the other halt changinitires.' , J;s1inimett removes Warts, . in 'every' hoine. where there are young children: There is no Other medicine as good and the mother has the guar antee •that they are absolutely safe They are sold by all druggists or b mail •at 25'cents per. box,'by The Dr RV itlitms' Medicine' Co.: Brea hville 'On'to , , f• - —0 New Office Building • • to be.. Shadowlese New ToIkT an unusual 'no'te 1n' •architectures is. .planned for ' z new office building by lenneth Sranzheinr, alchitecf, by haying the window ,panes even 'with the exterior. surface of the .walls 'acid' omitting. all 'etytabla tures,. coi'nrce.;; architrave's; p'edinietx'ts and .simila't ornamental features, ac- cording .to a reeent'aiitionhcenrmit, The effect will be of an entirely "shadowless" structure of extreme simplicity, depending entirely " upon masses'and proportion to give' an im- `pression 'of dignity',an'd ,grace, Con- trasts'will be attained by the use of white enamel ant black brie,:, gene,stone' and black gra'nit'e, aggro- pfiately relieved Cvith silver ma' • ir Because thLa ey ttehe_so_fn•.. .I • Cie G. 0. Genesi & -ells, Irmilde Robert Buchanan, in 'Hugh Suther. land's Pansies: