HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-08-07, Page 4•
•ot, • C NOW ' SENTINEL • THURSDAY, 41174TST To "'1930.
• .:'Not �nm orrow'w
•nor r noxtweek
e �
Intouch. ., 1 a . �� -get our rand�
Ing :'C
sk kiln about BtaiitF
bM .
t' to
in the..:.n e
W• , '
n- :
York ied,•Devn and Ban hey
are :marvels oFcolour ]e n n . They possess
the qualitiesOF' Fire -sale and Permaagnt
weather protection which have made
Don't risk the ` damage a heavy : '• ,storm
our to
can :.do interior rnshin.
1(your � �s, There.
leak in.
may 6•e a he roof just starting. �Re
of now beFore Res top late. ,,
mill .. asur rised. how little it costs at' this time. oF''.
yearwith labour plentiFuh
/ '
Call your 'BrantFord dealer TODAY. He will do the
ranflorc ASpha
Brentford Ro04 Co.. l imltad,' Head' Ofiige .and Factoryt Brantford. Ont.
Brink.. sad W.rehoy.ss ate : Toronto . Wind.or. *bulbs& AMoattati.
ntd • St" •John's. Ned.. ' .
• y i %m. Murdie & Son
M . and Mrs. Morley Bell ' have'
. re'turned home after spending a couple
of • weeks with Mr. •and 'Mrs.'. -Joe
Hannah. k ,
Mr. & 'Mrs. Albert ' Thompson• spent
• Sunday evening at Mr:' and , Mrs. Joe
'Berry picking is over, and the sound
of the .threshing' niachi.nes has started.
• ' Mrs. Howard Aaldenby and baby,
Helen spent .one day last week with
her. mother, Mrs. John, Wall
Mrs. Robt. Wraith' has ; returned
home after spending a couple • of
months in Toronto. . •
Mr. and Mrs, Charlie Knight,•. and.
baby are spending .a couple -of weeks
with Mr. and Mrs. ' Jas.' Wraith. Mrs.
Knight was formerly . Miss Annie
Wraith.. ' •
Mrs.` Lizzie Edgar visited Mrs.
Earle Hodgins one• day recently.'
Mrs. Dan McKenzie. Mrs. Thos:
McDonald,Margareran 1 Willie, , 5ir;
Jas. Whytock and Mrs. Earle Hod-
gins spent a couple of days ,last week
'tenting` in Kincardine,
Mr. Willie McDonald spent a couple.
of .days with 'his aunt Mrs. 'Earle
Hodgins',, recently.
Mr: anli Mrs. John Wall and family
Spent an evening • last week at Mr.:
•Joe Hodgins.
Miss Gertie Ross spent a few days
last week with Mrs. tsordie Whytock.
Mr. and Mrs., • Gordie Whytock and
Bettie visited with ;fir: and Mrs. 'John*
Ross, Sunday: '
Mises'. Olive .Rivers returned home,
Monday, anter spending a -few days,
with Mrs: Joe Hannah.
Champlin lady :swimmers •and divers of 'the :United
States invaded ''Banff and Lake Louie .this month
ad' We thrilling exhibitions in the pools attached
to the Canadian Pacific hotels at 'both. resorts. • Hun-
beda sf.pinta at�•both hotels witn'es'sed the show,
w .kith if�ncl ecenes.ef supptb isatural beauty make
vematitiliit combination. Illestration 'shows the
hill with a background of 14ke .Lottiee ands mount
tains.. They are, from left to right, Axr't
OO.y'mpic swimi er; Catherine, Arnett, 1..*4 I r.irtr rrrr,
metropolitan di'tance.chara,pk.n aro,! ri►yr.a„f: i,;.rr rr re,1
Constance Ilan f, junior met rop",l', • k :,,.(,/din
Eleanor ^Ilolni, national champ.'n...t' thio 1;.,;144
States, 100 and 200 • yards, back stokir anal Georg -la,'
Coleman,, natio al champion divot who le Cie f rota, ,.
AU are' from cert York, **apt k .. Coleman,, who
ie from Las Allagee . •• . ..
• ,p
1tblished' every Thursday. morning
at•'hucknoOntario. :
•A: D, Z c .o aie,.,,rroprIetog
and Ediotor.
THIJ,RS'DAY, . AUGUST 7th,,, , 1930:.
...The Mackenzie King' Government
'could legally have held another ses.
slow of ;parliament, and t appears.
that there were !hose in the party
counsels who thought that,' owing to
the business depression it .would not'
e a good. time to ga to the country'
'with its Empire, Trade budget would=
But the .opinion that the Government
fare better tlus year than next, pre'
vailed; and the election :was., called.
Nobodyw,ho ;aiaa lived, through the
`business depressions of :the pant 40
years • expects that business'' condi-
tion will be better, or even begin to
improve next year., , so that the King
Government, likely was in 'for a Y de-
feat regardless• of whether the elec-
tion was' held this year or next. '
But,• whatever it Iiwould have been
for the. Liber►q1 ,Party, it'doubtless
would have been . better for the count-'
ry, had the. King ': Goiie„fnment "re
rnained'in ofi'iee for another year
and got its. ‘Empire Trade policy
under way Once •e'stablished it. would
not. be greatly changed -by- in op -
'posing `party government, and • with
the United. States sti?l pursuing' its in-
,sane, .policy of ."Myself' alone," the
Dunning trade policy was, perhaps,
the hest course•open. •
There is ne sense in saying that
the electora endorsed the Bennett poli•
cy . of trade. curtailment,' The pinched
and discontented' electors were pre-
' aced -4o hit--any_govPrnment orgy_
trade policy which happened to . be
in `Wastanee:
• Miss ,Acmes MacPhail,: has,•: won an-
other political battle, aiid is still. the.
mly representative of her • sex' in the
House.•of 'Commons: It is Miss`Mac-•
Phail's .fourth :success in South -East
Grey.' .Nearly ten years ago -when
the. 'fanners' movement, was. at its
height . Miss MacPhail by .a timely
and eloquent • speech captivated •13,
.F. O, Convention being 'held at Dur-
ham, and on the iciest of the tide :was
,swept"• into .office. She was re-elected.
in 1925 with a majority of •1'407 .over
Dr. Campbell, who was •her'.opponent
this time; and in the election of 1926
she was again: successful, . winning
over Mr.. R. • T.' Edwards by, ' 1728. .
There was a big, scaling down in
her majority ,on July 28th;, the Con-.
servatives.. in' South -East. Grey, ' as
elsewhere,• making big gains. Miss
McPhails'- majority was only, 315: Her
majorities were reduced, in every
municipality,. the greatest reductions
beinganade in the towns.
It must be admitted that,, Miss
MacPhail has made good at Ottawa
She has gi°veny up the • wild notions
and wild talk which was so prevalent
in the early days of the farmers'
pa!vm ement.• . But she. has taken ,her•
liamentary duties seriously,' and
her, contributions. to the . debates have
beenintelligent and 'independent.
(Ches'ey •Enterprise)••,
A' resident. of Invermay poll in-
forms us that he was in *Tara yes-
terday and if hey had not known the
ellection was overhe would' have
thought it was still on,. for it, was
the main topic of conversation. Mr.
Mitchell,' the defeated candidate, met
.his leading supporter in 'Wiarton.
yesterday to discuss the advisability
protesting• the election. of Hon.
James .Malcolm on the groundsof
irregularities and corruption. If this
Is done a counter petition Will be
entered to disqualify Mr. Mitchell.
1: nfortunately a very . bitter feeling
has been' engfendered' over the elec.
tion, between the two ,candidate:, dad•'
their leading supporters. _ t
'acnes Donaghy •for nany years a
'resident :of Teeswater, died at his
home there on.' July 27th; inhis•69th
$rear.:- Mr. Donaghy was well known
throughout tubas Township, having
been a••aort efr,.rikht-hand-rna„ji to S.
It.. Brill thk creamery,: and grain
hisir ss, He is survived by his :wife
..and two daughters, The 'funeral' was
tin July •29th tri Teeswater Cemetery.
A, Smart. cloy •
Applie•ant I for position' of office
YJ'ry! • ” I' may '4aay I'in pretty shneirt;
1' ie won several Prizes in eress"word
std cross 'Tido re competitions' lately'
Employer: "Yea, but I'Want some
one' who can lie smart during: `Act
'holfre,'a • '
1iyl'"lillr"fr11M iiYFd.lee ]faun,"
Eiiott=-..Clark ,
The'. home of Mr. •,and Mrs, ,Tohn
M. Clark, Teeswaterr, was the scene
of a happy event ori July 25th,, when
their younger daughter. Isla Mac-
Intyre became the bride of Mr.- Rebt.
Irwin Elliptt, • of the. Fourth Line
Culross. The Rev., Mr: Monteith., of
Teeswater United Church officiated.n
the presence of obout 74, guests.. "he.
bride woreaa' gown of 'ivory satin and
a cornet of orange blossom's, andt car-
ried a bouquht .o f butterfly. yeses.' Dr
A. M. ;MeCaliu'm ;played the Bridal '•
march,, and during the. Signing • of the
,Register, .'• Miss Ida • Brill sing.' "O•
Promise' Me." Mass Ruth Robinson
played piano selectioys while .a. buffet
lunch:• was.served. Later •Mr.; -:and Mrs
Elliott; left for a'short wedding trip
by motor.
Here .ere and There
Exponents of the Royal and', An-
cient GaAs went down . to defeat •
on • the Banff • Springs,. Hotel golf
courae recently . when_ Indian Ar-
ebery experts played 'in a nine-
hole foursome •between two Indian
chiefs : Lone Walker; andLone .
Eagle. and William Thompson.
-professional , on the course,.:and. •
his •;daughter, Peggy Dalgleish..
former Alberta :lady. keit „chain -
The Indians shot :their ar•
rows..from ..the. teeswhile the golf-
' era played'. • in orthodos . Lfachion.
The archera "holed in a .four-
inch : disc . standing on end on .'the '
' cup.. Up to ,the ,'mirth ' hole the.
game] was tied, but: the Indiana
• won ,the latter'. with :one strops. ' -
The Plumbers. :Opera. opening
number presented at Banff Springd.
Hotel, by the Alfred Heather Light.
Opera Company, that ',is running a
• summer season at the •well -flown
Rockies . •resort; proved.: an unquali-
7:41 cess While "Tom 'Tug; the,
Young Waterman,• which follb`wed
it. •'was an, even greater bit The
season wit• run Suring, July' and
'August and a number. of 18th (Ten-
turfoyeras`with-.Gilbert-' and 'Sul'
liven and :Canadian Work .will' be
Sunday,: July, 20. 'will 'see •nearly
a hundred tourists . leave Montreal
and Toronto .on" the seventh. an-
nual' Across Canada tour' organ.
bed by Dean ' Sinclair Laird. of
Macdonald�� College;' Quebec. They
will traveell. over 6;000 miles • 1a,
• visiting' the, Pacific' Coast,' V.aacali
ver.. •]Island, Rocky Mountains
Parks, the prairie' Provinces, and
almost, every,district of ontitand-
flag• beauty as Well ea these of !n
fttitriaa and historical 'int'erest in
Centtal' and Western Canada. " '
There isn't ',much to see in ,a small
town but what you • hear makes up
for it.. .
Wilde motoring about the country
at this ,'time, one cannot but observe
'Winos everywhere the prevalence' of
,.the perennial so. w- thistles It 'appears
to be spreading northward, and its
yellow bloom is now to be seen, in
some fields in smallcluster:,'in others,
se,attered thro�ugbout t'he , grain as
though it had ` been. • reeleta- ly ,mixed
with the seed,'
Mr. A. R, G. Smith,'' of New Ham-
burg, District Weed. Inspector lfcr
Western Ontario, in a recent state '
meat referred to this -plant as. "The
world's •• worst weed" and4 strongly ,.ad--
wised .farmers' .to be On °their -guard
a'ga nst it: . He said that s in , mariy
fields 5QWn to spring grain where the
weed was unknown, it• is, this
Tear plentiful, and is a-;serioua,sourA\..:'
Q€ •s^bi ry, :to farmers i'.•.
J!e further su d that if the
thistle.; conies' to bloom it will mature.
it's . seeds unless the • plant is burned.
He added ti'at 'farmers should. not •
thresh their grain ,outside as this
gives. the seeds 'a' chance to spread'
over.. surrounding areas. Like that of
other .thistles and some other .plants
the reed of t)te sow thistle has a down
which, acting like a parachute will-
ill-carry it for miles
He a4rises. farmers to culti\atev
gang plow; or wow, immediately aft
harvest, on fieldsthat•are not seeded
down Fe :further _Related out' the lily
portance of keeping sowthitle from.
blooming or going to seed whenever
;More than 850 weed inspectors ia.
Ontario.,are now at work and'it:should',
be made .. point by every farte.er' to
report the presence of this weed to
the nearest, representative ova ]able.
r . — 1-0.o-•.
Last week's Teeswater News • re-
e ported the following:'
_Mr TWalterMarshall,,, driving •a.
Chevrolet car . and carrying 1 pas-
sengers; collided aliiiost head-on with,
a Ford .coupe driven' by a gentlenian
from Moncton, near Brussels, about • „
6.30 Sunday ^evening: The accident oe r
curried an the crossing, of .the` two,
highways ,ind the cars :came together
with such ftirce as to denroiish both.
In' the Teeswater ;car Were; Mr.
Walter. Marshall, ;who had three ribs '
broken Mr. David McIntyre,: \fr. Alegi ,
McIntyre and the Misses McIntyre.
Miss Jean was cut jthoutritileks and
arms with glass;. t! others were bath
1v shaken up'and. bruised, The occup-
ants' of the Ford".were badly bruised •
up, but :no serious • injuries'' were re-
ceived:. '
S Diff�rence
a bathroom can.make. Especially
one completely equip{ied ' with •
Enna Bathroom PFistures'and Fit
tinge: Consider the health of your
family and do not foregothis.
necessary home improve'inent'any
longer. Emco .Fixtures are of ,the -
latest .improved type, of •the best
manufacture and guargateed con-
Leet of ionising water need, notdeter
• SUPPLY . SYSTEM 'Will provide jut*.
• cleat quantities for all your bathroom.
kitchen,' laundry, and other. :Medi. The
•amaliest model supplies 250 gallons -per
flour and Wm; models considerably r'
more. •�•. _ .
. Our local defiler wlil be pleased to
supply you with •fu1C information and
reconimend the model: moat suitable to
pont needs. .
For Sale By:. ;
Wm. Murdie & Son
and $ithrnt„ lbl "'minds