HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-07-24, Page 5THE L.17�NOW- S,LNTINfj " TH1J,RS'D, tir, l31JLY 24th, 19,30. 'PATE FIVE vrag osts EMPIRE TRADE, t1.'MAL : NEEIk In the past ten years new tariff barriers. • have been created by many c.ountries,4 'restricting theoutlets for Canadian' products.. .Such' restrictions naturally lead tO reduced buying power on the part of .the.peop e, "in turn .affecting: Manu facturers and producers in every :line., This prob'iem has demanded line., T• his qualities of stateanshipforits : solution . and, the trend' having been early recognized by the Kin Adminis• tration, anon -partisan and highly coma petent Tarriff Board was appointed, The result oldie tireless efforts of this ,. Board is the King -Dunning' Budget. KEEPING 'DO King .Budgets during the past nine . years have kept Living costs down. Tariffs have been lowered on: many colinmodities and implements of pro.. duction, reducing living costs, and costs TAXES EDUCED° Income Tax—reduced,'over'35•% since. 1924... Sales. Tax-A-Reditceldfrom;6(.-0 to P470.11 Rifles Reduced fror.t 3 cents t'o.2'cents; ' Penny postage. re;established. • • •Checpie Tax—Reduced from 2. cents on every $50.00, to 2•. cents over $10.00. , . Receipt Tcx' -Abolished. Transportation Ta,LAbolr'sbed. •' In.surunce. Tax—Abolished. d'fishintt industries •' fertilizers on free list. Tel.g)aph Tax - Abolished: • 19„ ...30,- Tha; porcelain, china; vegetables; hits. Reduction in five a years estimated ramou'nt s freeunder'Bridsb preference • . to $116;000,000. Reduction in duties means reduction tilt prices. The prompt, developmentof trade ,.. • with>tn thettnpax`e-as-th'elogic40olu—•:•• tions of , the enormous problem • : involved;•andthe enthusiastic manner in 'which the King-Dunu ing Budget • has been teeeiv,exl.thidughoUt the.. Empire es ,_I ur-anada a most •' ".es'�% favourable positio t..at, the Imperial .• Conference for ' the interchange' of -products. Providing a market ',for Canada's • • . products, ensuring the building up of a home market for her manufactured products,. the .policy of the King. Administration offers assurance. �.of . Canada's future prosperity. WN LIVING COSTS .... of ;production while at the same time helping' Canada to build up the greatest •. export trade• per capita, in the world, in .imanufactured and'sem'i-manufac- , tuned 'goods. TARI ':E+D J-CTTONS- 1922 -Sugar, agricultural implements, textiles,, boots and shoes.' ' .1923—British preferential) tariff reduced by 10 - • percent, where goods imported by Canadian 1924—Instruments of production used in agriculture, mining, forestry and fisheries: '.1925—.'Well-d'rillingmachinery andfishernaeti's • .: engines.. 1926 Sugar, automobiles, tin-plate, etc. 1928—,Implements: of production in mining' 13 nett . CANT win! rove t ing-Dunning Budget 1 Ontatto Liberal Campaign Committee. Toronto , \OTICE 'I O'. Ch, -..o0. FORS • In the matter of the Estate cif. Annie' Cameron late of the Village o1 • Lucknoty in the. ' County • of ...Bruce. Widow, . deceased. . • • Notice is hereby given' that all per' sons having ,tnj• claims or' demand: against the late %.iinie l.rnterorr; wlri died on or about the twenty-nont.l" y of March A.,D. 1tt�•tl, at the Village of Lu.•.know in the luring of Bruce are .requiredtd send ':13y post prepaic. or•to deliver to the undersigned;'•ex *tutors.' under the W:ii'1 of the 'side: Annie Cam•err•n. their names ani ad . dresses' and fall • purti.ulats in writ• ing a their' i•I,trrris and statement: of the•• -accounts and/ the nature' the se.�rities. if any. I•;.ld by then duly, 'verified by a striae rt. And • thl .: Motic e that after the Sec- ond d: yo • of a::gu..t A.D.; 1:x30 the said execs •tors '%\:iii •pro e ed to distri bute the arse Of thes.1id de.easee among the per.cns 'entitled thereto • having regard, only, to the claims" o which they shall thi'tt have had notice and th it the said e'e •u ors' will. no; re liable for the said sets.or an; part there of t ' • pre• person of 'wiles( claim tney shall not then• have .re eeived. 'notice! ' This notice is given pursuant to the statute i.n•.that lie!•, •lf. • Dated, at L:icknoer• this seventh 'din of July A.D. 1930. W. J. •Littile. ' R..T..Cameron, • Lucknow. Ont.. • Executors. NOTICETO CREDITORS an- the Matter. of'' the estate, George''V'i� ebb late of the Towr shijp�' West Wawanosh. Farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given'that,ltll per suns having any-. claims or tleman 1 .against. .the late George Webb,, w -h died on or about the thirty t11'rst d.r; rrf May' A.D. 19 �O.. at the Towns}, of West SVaw•ann h in the Courty A • Huron., are required to, send by poi. 'prepaid or to (deliver',to' the under signed. Agent for the executor tmt1 ' the W:11 of the, 'said Geegrge Webb their names and . addresses and f.tl", fotic,tlars in writing of their elaint: and afem:er' of their accounts ant' the nature of tee se.urittes:' if any held by there deify* verified by affida Clt. D ' •and .taker :hot; e that after . tin., second. day of August A.D. 19a0. the • said.. eeeutor will proceed to distri bute othe aIsiets of the ailadeceasee among the persons er.iticd thereto .having restart? on:y, t', the :+otos a •Which he shall the.: hl.e "Rel 'ioti.e and t ~tit the s.rid exe. '.itt,r lie• liable for .w,•,ei ..sats o,' a•t; part the:re.•f t ; int ;;.e• :o"• of whir s. ' . claim he shall._. not ,thin have ret eivee' notice.. Thisno t a given r•..r.uant to tar Stat:itt in't`lat heft^.:. Dated a t.:r know 'th?s th day o' • July ,A.11, 19"30. Joseph .Agnew. LucknOw. 0,11 Agent for the 1~lxeeutor Of the '01 the suit O'we•'sijc' ;r bs • COC.N1A- OF ,i.itt:Ci. . - GENERAL HOSPITAL Report of Inspe.or of hospitals fez Ont r.o. R; :. Bruce ('ounty:- Nos- pita]—�."wlrton. • ; .1n .ottici:rl cess was' made at the C'runty(i'f Bru:e'Il'o�liiutl, �S-alkertoz, on ,1i: y 20.11t..1 9:•;O, .by fee •.`tnd I beg tai ri`:+oi•t as• fellows: \Management • The o:.tlutt.. controland'nranr.e meat oC a,t-a�s' of the hospital i're vas:e.1" :.n` a:ud etcis.,tt by ,a .be kri 'Alf, tw•elvc 1)irce:ors; .why are •ele„ te, tonua:ly. Tht•'o:iicers ai•e'as fo lo.ws% E, 1'ruax...Pre: ident; 'C'eb. D. Mac Ray. Sed ,e.ary; 'L. G..Crc tier, Treas. '.11 of the town. of R',tli._rton; ,11is. Aetna Campbell. I:Ig. \'.•; Superinten dent;, the hocl^ital :.as a cn:acity of ,ell_ ciss:zitie•J as follows': 12 private • ittel scurf-pii,ate beds 1•' adult p.rb k w rdhe': . s Matt: rt: ty 'beds. Nursery cots. 'yin, ht.:•,•1t 11 t:•fT eon i is of the: .e+il).e I : •� t,t,tdaa.e- nit; ses. S tea-. -es-in-train;.•r�'•. t' pi u''a.tioners, i }iuiitor...1 fen:ale, d+•n:e�:,e' employees n, kil?2 .•t total of 1.. The :Led!, 'tat•] consists of Sit. F medical practitioners e f .:'e, fowl] co. iS t;• r•;on. aiid foal- of the County o1., Druce. ' tat b .ilding s c -f three stories ant ,cisentent of nun•firr prrc•t : construe• and is in a god' :`atc of repair During the past year a splendid. ,N;orses' flo:::e was e.cinp:. ted. pro- '. idh g ample accot'chi'at.o t for the alrsine stat] of, the •insti: lotto- The Board .ire to be highly congratulated LL,CKNOW and WIX.t.HAM Monumental ,Works tacknoie :Ont, f' • 11.8 th .tat es and tri t toga I -Ya • has. hacl headquarters at i -alkerton cif g t • on this new addition, and the...many improvements made in .the hgs;Iital :uring the 'past. few ;years. 'this in- stitution{ -,is• it creditable demonstra-• tion of the progressiveness of the citizens of I3ruc�! County. The ' 'nitatit,n 'arid -+ventilation were .found to .he ample and in• good con-•. dition. Tlie accomodation for patients '•• -both - adequate and satisfactoy. That ,:the hospi'.il is well and effic- iently.' fc; iently'managed is evidenced in every department. • '• •.' The kitchen. a i •h .is .'lecateed in -the: h'•eserneet. is a f:?t'�etl •*it't. a..coal 'ranee. with durrb waiter service to :o atll floors.• :. rd tiva:s found.. to be in erreellent ,cond`.tion. "The hospital' is zquipped' e ith frigidaire refrigeration •bleb is of great value in the•:preser.. vatiotr and preparation 'of food. ; : The •.confiition and. adequacy of the Provision. Linen and Pharmacy' stores •;s zAatisfttctory.. • The accome,'ot1on'for help, located r1t. the third floor is adequate. and • •fae,ilities for escape in . case of fire seem satisfactory. r Records . • I' ant pleased to report th;tt upon. •onsparing the'' nu -nobly retr,rns of 'ldmissioes. Di-ze•hartre,s and Deaths 'ortvarded to this offi;e, for the year. '.ding September :10th 11,2'?." with he Hospital register . and';,cther re- cord's. they were found' correct. _ • In conclusion permit ole to • say that ,ply visit of inspection was' pleasure. 1: was eourteously received .I wish to' extend to the 'stab'. of the hospital: niy sitieere .thanks for. the .n -operation and assistance gicerr me on this. ocecagion. A. L. McPhetson, Inspector. e rti.o CONSTAI3LI NELSON : • TRANSFERRED; • Proyineizl Constable Nelson. who pe ate& itt the most beautiful' designs the pIst two, years has been trans, " from, .'t: • , . ' ' ferret' to Lindsay. *Victoria Colonies', to eNooset . i1arble, Scotch, Swedish and Ceuta' Where' he' will be "S»niori'' of aria adieu `G•taniteet .nlefi. Constable'MeClev's.. of the Grey We mike :4 ,specialty of Family' County ,detachnlettt and w1'ro. has co- Miinuniedla and invite your .ini►pec' operated, with; Nelson i'n. ]tis' work .. ottnty 'tics; .here. ,‘;ill over the Druce C Cnnerlptiotus Neat-iy, efully''and ' position ` ' ' ' o Dene. - able Nelson. tante to Wallet, ,Promptly I?o tr. 'Constable tan front grangerilie, and has been art efficient of icer.' 'licl.evis . was Chief,. at;• Wiattott i tori , Joinin'g the para eitl f otC0e, 4, 'Ses us before plaeifi'fdnr ata.•. Osagla. $rotithane 74 ttlt•b* , Y ,t R. A Spar Ph010 251 S i, • A.w RE HOTEL WATER SU,P,PLY, • (Continued from Page. • )) 'There :is another su• ch wed at Oliver Johnston's; another at. SSilverwoods-.' 'these would supply all the houses on. Havelock St.,,—another spring at the re -a- of Mrs. Sherriff•'s, ghat would s ly all of Willow'by St. Then sink- • ing :i few more such wells—where needed you .Could.' obtain practically the same.result . as Was ro ose h s. w p p d in the Ryrlaw. ,Some such p'lan couId•.be worked out, at about I .of the- cost. New wh•:ichis' better to have 'these ourthings, Hote1, eloeL pat,- , , Pirie -.protection -_:and: 'Domestic., ater than to..have .'us't• t wo. o .ahem at the same. east..! :..No one. is genie to Tome iJn ,girth" suftleietrt- .n oney to builds hotel, if done at all the tow will have to do it The above1.'.� 1 ]oaks to -rite 7i3 ,co. n rota . sense, where ' We could: have •do;role the' accossilrodation and three tinges the ineorit.e. Show hie, where :the. above t ('wrong..I'am wi•llinr- t'o,learn. '. Sincerely, , G; . A, NEWTON' [Note -There is one. thing. wrong. wi •h the Dr.'s suggestion, which is ga,'te enough:;' .„: The Council, having been 'autho'riz-' ed •hy the ratepayers to raise money foe a given . purpose- must use the money for that purpose and for. no. Other. . A council could le arid' 'Ought to be prosecuted for spending, the ratepayers ;money for other `purposes than' what the ratepayers say it. is `to. ' he :spent ' for:] . . '.ST. II ELENS The' ostb oned pier,i? ,•un:ler': the: auspices of tyre St..,Helens Woman's In .titute Will be 'held at Harbor Park Sgt G.odor•ich, on Wednesc',ay July.,Stlth, • A general ' invitation is extended to th4 connmunity. • ''Bung ,your basket and. enjoy' .the cutting. . ' , firs. R. J. Woods 'receiyed.. sad news enSaturday, of the'. death of her. brother. Mn; John 'Reid of Varna. •M,i:s. Woods Mr. Wi1=,on. Woods, and Mr. .and . Mrs. Ronson Woods at-' tended .'•the funeral! en.,Monday'. Mrs: ItTo5dr as• re •sympat hy of ']ler frionds here .,Miss • plena Clark ' left on 'Thurs- day •for Ottay:a.,f.t.tit a 'Week's'visit', as• then test•" of Mr. and 11r s. Colin Cl rk, 1I•r. Frank Tolyl] and son had••their herd of 5S Anguscattle tested) y Goveinnrent test. •They.°Bove a clean sheet to commence this,, year... Word •w'as ,received ft'nrn Mr. Jno •Wollster• and earty at Yellow ' Stone, Pork„ on 'rontc .for the coat; where •they «ere.celebratin.g• Mr.:Webster's fhirt.hday 'on the:'l2th of .July, at the fotit: of "Old Faithfu'1'' Geyser."' They ie -'ort i splendid trip,- enjoying thrilling 'sights 'eves• few r-iles. ' We •regret to report tli'at Mr. • Rob- er:. _Neale of Grimsby • had the ' Mis=' fo- tu+ne to have his "'Itx'r broken in th:'•oe places,. caused by' the: horses ru••.ing -away. • Mre • 'Neale . n.oved tc Grinrshy, from . S. Helens in •Apri.l. ' Mr..,and Mrs.• Herb Thoai'1 son and Fit' • rd...lt•'Pcoherts wnre the guests of their- brothers. the Messrs.. D1'anld F. Todd.' last',Week.. e ' NIr Collum Canieron.of De`roit and' .Mrs. •;.i.as.. Douglass and 'daughter W and°. .of Mit-hell.. were guests of tbcir brother .Mr.' John Cameron. at the old hone. •' Little Doris- Wilkinson • of • the )(arise ...had her_ tonsils removed. in `Wine•ham • hospital last . Tuelsday. Mi SA ' M. E. Salkeld and }Liss E Salteld visited St. Helens friends Last week. . Mr. Jo''n Wallree.. Mrs. Ed. Thon: ani Mrs. W. A.Mil'er,left on a motor tr' p to Barrie nn, Friday. They will be the' gisests of Mr. Albeit Wallace foe- a• week. • • Mrs. J. Armstrong. -11tr. Phillips ar•el . Mr. ,and Mrs. 1So:ves Of. • Blyth visited reeent1e With' Mr. Alf. We'*b. Mks .Florence«•a:,d :lis Roth. Me: ,Qrilrn pas.ted their•rr is'c exam with henni. , They are pupils. �of Mrs. Geo ` Smith.--('oneratulotions. - ' . )irs. Durran' 31e-Dornld tri turned home .from' her trip to ,the Westlast caul, having a,,'delie-h.tfnl trip . Visitors at the :Web -ter hor'e:. Mr 'les.- Mitchel.Miss Freda Mitch•d, and Miss .To'y S'hc•,rev. Mr. Clattde,•MMc1 ay and. Mr. M. Taylor • all of To 'onto. Mr. and M1 -s. Edwin Pic kwo ,d and r•hildren Sennet aril Edwin n•otoreer front New York and Were 1-,•e• to las' we -•,k. with Mr. .end )tr4. .Alin CRrrn- oron.,The lady': mother, Mrs. Win Cameron returned ho•r e • with them . on an extended \visit., - The tee and •Rfl►toui «-'ddin ,•,- .... 31isc • •:<Iar^•fret ' Pi•,totnl. elde daii hter O'f Mr. andt'Mrs, Alev Rin.• tonl was married 'lir. Ilnr•.' I.'e sari of. Mr. & d Mrs. I.re of T ronto ,on Friday •Tuly- 11lb. in i nex ' •herr]+ 'Toronto., Thc+ hI npy cotiple •'•: ft or blot. we'ddin trip he n; r to. goober and ot'-er eastern re; nts. They will he at home to the'r fi:„ew+': ahetif the 1st of Augti,' ▪ a• the l rote. o4' sir. nr.•d Mrs-. •• Alex . Rintoul', Nest W.rcranosh. AS/I1F"IEI.D CHCRCII• NOTES ' . A great inane of our y'ourg •,eople are attending the Su -.•ntec _ '4' ,o1...i Goderich undex some of the fine lead- ership • bf the ,t`nited Church. Our Poling people, cannot help but rotor away front these evenin -sessions with a new sett -e of freedor rad of the. n 'r date of their youth.. We were t1"tilled last' evenirg by. thetc of .the life and work of the Rev. -Il• Ilttrgess of the F'ac 5'c Coast—'he. il- lustrated lantern slides were r'c`'°d•--• h ;t they were nothing. compared tc the • pictpre. of the •man and hi= work among MEN. His' hitilding e'° the bridge across the chasill which set-. gyrated these r.,e-1 front Christ. The ,Work of the Rede-- otitis o; the '.raee• is trttly worth while 0 • '.70Xt" Sunday the re; ^lar sa- we's: en the ciretsrt will be. held Quartettl3• mootitg, a .E11ke'ca On 'AUgtt % Pl , • TOLD Gl'I' iES -TO MOVE ON `Iifz>riday 'n^ctrl e� i1..ti:ei l an 1 of gyp silts•• were given tounder•,ia:nd that •"weleoine"' signs at the main the en anges to Walkerton do •tot ap- ply to diem, Three carloads arrived 1n t win about 'twelve o'cl'oc;k.. • T e attire of the woolen, in •all colors c f the' raiinbuiv, attrar:ted • at-; tention along_ v'th, n.•. in street,. Fe: male members of thio 1 ahtic entered' several store i• :and ,enc eatVoted ,t.c get people' t.> t::1 •t then• -tu„ ' tell 'll eirc'tortur',e, "' "'fV<i•llser Conran alt- ever,' were, r ;lit. tic e.l' t;> .meek a'd= j vaneed knoe. •'. rdf c, cf the ft•ture 'th'ru tht •ei editlm of Ry,lsie;, a'••tlur; 't1t'ey. o °eha;tf'itse and, 'cthp' i -be .»t inner .Qt ; one', c'c1 ck 'i i,yor • Sc iw.indt • mct,.'Ch.ief 'Fer .usdn, and' His Wet-, . ship,lusts ueted li i t r to :show 'the gypsies •the 'ea `s ,,of. the mitni.ipal its• . In' a Short time the stran 015 were a;.sembled andt'�ld to• '',heat it." Three,car :, as ending• •S}•;, w:'s 'hill, was the.- last: seen ' ttf• the party.", Traff`.c 0''cc, Whitt^: Who ' ac- sr_ ted the :chic • in .chasing. then, rev ogn?ze I the. A y,lsies as' from, Little Verk, near. •Tenon -o: o O •,E 1'RL lT PItOS I C"FS , ;C ELLE\T: T itic'olr roju t� file le 4 u; nor, ft nit'..seet-o!i c Oit1at 1.1, 1e:sot t : one; rt the best c•ro ) :of -1,1•I'• kind; of fruit ::,t `recent year: C ,; e.t .and pre e eelut pr••iees have n• ot>d show• ng'• cf early' ve,etables'. r r ,rn . the' apple e'•.tio reports indi- • e that tke Crop w`ii '.c 'e; 11; tele]• r sin,r11.rr, •tl','11 ii •ear LJ.'..Orc. t,114-0-1* 44*'•e , 1 ,t1,e spray ser +'1 t :i: a coil I sir n 1t.e- ce1,`ion:111.:T. evrh. ;, rt n other: orch anis scab i; final ing r s' appeatanee OLltd I'O'4 IithLintit Spend. yottir' boli•" days' -in Ontario's Ilighiands, this sunfiner. Join'the • .happycrowd Who•.' : • believe vacations weremad'eforfun. • SWititming, ing, .dancing, .ten; •.- nisr bowling, and+. . golf. A11, resorts • are easily reached.; There- are hotels,' boarding: ,houses. •;and• fartia''homes . ,for your accom'T' .,modatio'n. a , Ask yournearest Canadian Nagonaf. Agent for iu,,..‘ bitted. fold tr.: deskribins diffe eitt..resortdelouse.• , ..i• gT . �1 TO EVERY;WBERE: :.Se+ r rr yi'el'd.' of po tc s Th.9re S�,ll lie n rill ICi ]'earl e. 1Mf.Ca'_e in the size of ap; les I'�tato tli'ts' f c golf c irly puta_toc a •e' no, s' se•:tint-is •report •an outlook for 'more • 8nd i g then wav to the ntaiket.'.' 1 THE NEw 41cCORMICK DEERING HORSE . ..AND TRACTOR • • I .".c_177 2 POWER GRAIN BINDERS • , Contain the •best feature. of the J'arirous. 31cCORMICI( 'and DEER- ING BINDERS. The McCormick .has •-]ways been ,•J:nown as .the Sturdy Machine ,with Strength and Durability to. withstand hatd.. use. . while the DEERING had long been •recognized a the Light- est• draft Binder, They a.re• fitted With ' Dan. , .:t RuIser• Bearings • where :required to male a light running Binder. The main frame is mauie of flat .Steel Bars, rivetted together- with the edges up Id. give the greatest 'strength. The Tractor' Power Binders are made S.'and 10 foot width, ANDREW'S f/✓' rig ✓ i ✓i✓✓l✓`. THE! ' l RED FRONT HARDWARE CLEAN UP - -' •'PAINT UP JEST 'ARRIVED,, , 1 • FRESI1 SPRING STOCK. OF MARTIN SENO1 R 100'o PURE' A' PAINT'S AND V,_SRNI IIES A\D. LACQUERS. _ URES-COpIN 'AL wN.SDES. I'I:LL ASSORTMENT OF PAINT I3RC-SH+ES ON IIA.*I11 R: EES AND IICssI✓S' • ` COIL SPRING WIRE ' GARDEN- CULTIVATORS BLACK WIRE INSULATED WOVEN FENCING ' CALL. IN -AND SEE TPF NEVV` FRT 1.1;)'.,\Ib E. .tt ToSI tTiC •g•Ft } IGtilSTION FOR THE HOWL EQ.I'IN'ED WITH' 110111 "C• RItII).tIRE COLD CONTROL and •'H'4 iD.1TOlY•'. Jt•ST tNtO%DED 1rRESI1 C.SR OF PARISTON-E, LIME .AND 'G'iPROC' ONE ONLY. S ,CON•D HAND. REFRIGERATOR IN COOP' 811a1'Ew.�»w i.a U S �• -I1(� P� RT � RAS and 1 LtJM 1 G. HEATING- ELECTRIC 'WIRING AND COAL. h .. tip. 6 L- uckuc' p • .4 1