HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-07-24, Page 1s alcitsa'''lasti • SittiS saat' °•:. - st • • : • f • :tt saa , • ,st r.• ;gmo PER TEAR IN ARvANok 4240 :OTHEIOWS.E ...41/CKNOW, ONT., 7311.13RSDATi JULY24tIt, 193�., . lilt. W. M. CONNELL Physician and. Surgeon Lucknow Hours: 1.30-3.30 looll • •Phelle 86 • • • s • , DENTIST: „a: Dr., il;,; la Treleaven, •' • Laciiitriefoo '9-12 As IC 1.-30- gaIL , Phone 53 . 1 f. Xarar , • 111 be in Dungannon every. Thoraday •a WALL l'saiplaft-A full line of 1940. Wilt Paper on hood. Prices consider • able dean for. 1930. ani eilsOnaent f a leading job house. -R, .1. Camer-• • on, ecoratorall Painter and Griiiaer, • Box 174, Lucknow. ' • FOR SALE -A comtortaioe iiwetis. Apply to D. Calliper. • (20--3a-tra • ;0 LOCAL AND GENERAL Mr. 'Henderson'of. Brussels is arsit- legtais week with Mr. arid Ides. W. aVisa BBL:" • FOR SALE -House and Lot, being lots 7 arid '42 in the village of Kin • For further particular apply to ' Earry Thompson, R. It: 4, Kincardine, . s or Joseph Agnew, Luckno*. •(24a. -7 ---ca . r dr*, • BOYS Fog, EARN WORK 14 to 19,years of age, $1.00 Uo. $13 ' month. • •. • ' Good forte- homes are wanted for the placeMent, of boys. on a yearly basis. 'Thirty Will he available almost at once and otheis' May be had at later' dates within a shoat time d ap• plieaticin. Only ;Protestant Haines, good references (one •froni Minister of arnsers owirChurch)sears , • be supplied. Apply to HosteLINorsrat -Ontario; or phone Georgetown tO r. 3 • 'UNCLE JOSH SAYS • That it Oak, last picnic they got their supplies' at Reid's Bakery. That Golden Crust breed has aim all beat- en for sieroltvichet. Cakes that. featly. Melt in your •Mouth:. also Other good' things to mike up the 'Mich basket. • Phone nour wants to REID'S BAKERY Phone No. 68. - 110TlL, WATIalas SUPPLY -And Things In Generalsa' nfir, Editor:-aany that, the Byaaasa • has passed with a substantial major- ity; and .the council can go ahead with some scheme which it believes • to be in the interest of the. Commtm-. ityr adverse criticism would be • of :no avail, then, how would it be to try • something constructive. You know ' that there is an election of represen- • atitives te parliament before the-peo- , and: big questions, of state are • •being diseussed, with parties bolding • • different views and different opinions --to one might, venture to offer 0 • few ariggestions in this project:Well is now before the citizens. The col/n- et is a body of heneyable men and We believe it ,has the best interest ol the Community at heart, but, it is 'not an infallible institution and the Members are honest enough to admit that it is just possible for them to • make sante mistakes. And as they are • • not tied up to any majority vote they might revise and change somewhat • their ,program, if they considered n waulcl bring a larger Measure of • thrift and eiesperity to the *tinge. One of our greatest needs. is a nice. • coo, well heated; well, kept hotel; an Inducement to traveller -3 and tourists that *coda be One Of the nest *stets: • the village cold have, It would be • foetal) to put looney into an ill leek-, • nig, ditopidattal building.• ` What are we looing? 1st,' a pet: - lotion of from 6 Us 10 'persons. 2nd rent $1200 per year, taxes; electric light and sundry income $500 -a -living , of 6 or 8 persons at say $500 per year -$3000 froth tourist and trav- ellers, which we miss (Fard to com- • pute) say $2500 per year. To carry $23000 at 5% -a$1375 -therefore .our loss would be nearly $6000 per year - one business man placed it at $1000f a year loss. He maid travellers can lam front Vitingham, offering •to pas • his expenses -rather than bring one trunks and sainples. , where there ,a • no hotel aceomodation. The people, by their vote havcioor etioned the spending of $5000, to it • spent for village improvement an? •the welfare' of 'the, inherit; then P is a greater gtiestion, which is the better way to .spend it in order tr get most out of it. Might not some ' thing like the following be consider- _ Say spend .$12,000 for better fite- protecticia-extensions, hydrants. bet- ter Ouroping outfit -never Mind con rioting dead end; --$25,000 ter hotel- • $15,000 to paste Hayleek street an" save yearly upkeep. Now gide re - MOMS tta.000 to simple' domestic water by meant of pipet from deo- AS: eiample. Sa of the popula- tion (200 poets) are, :SOWN& seal fresh sratet for drinking, for toilet purposes &as from WM. IllaKenzie• i well, no •cbarge for the water.. Mr • McKenzie said that .his wen was con. Siderably 00400 ft. (leen and that the Water asmaineil with 10 ft. 04 the, top..:41nd he coessiderea that thew WAs sufficient Watrit in that well te oupply, 14 the population at Lucknow. (Continued 00 Pari 11) • - • ••• •••• • Bargains in NewestWeak Goods" fora:idles' and cbildrens'. cool dressea •The Market. • • • Don't miss the Manatee 'Gelder" Party, Friaay, Aug., 1st, irk Caledon iaac• Peak, Lucknow. • Mrs.' D. M. Johnston of London is • visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. arid Mrs. Win. Todd. • Master Doke and -Audrey Horne are holidaying at the •• home of theii. grandparents in, Kingsville.' • -- • Miss Enoli Boswell has .retureed after visiting for the past week with her grandparents in Exeter. • •Miss Margaret McQuillins is home after ,spending a couple cf weeks with friends at Niagara on the Lake. , • , • Mrs •Jack Cameron alaiMrs. Wm. Fisher; spent .i. few days of last week: in Steatford and Niagara Falls. , • Brantford Gilt Edge Twines 650 ft to the lb., at 153si teas.' •- "Wm. Mord& & Son, • Masi Claim Cameron was tae 'guest last 'Week of 'kiss Norine liodginS • who wei"hoine flan' Detroit on vaca- tion: • Sale' of: Mens' and Boys' Worl, • Shirts, hundreds of $1,50 to. $1.75 shirts are gOing.ae, each $1,00. -TM Market. • • •• Mr. Ronald . and Miss Ethel Mc • Kay of Seafordh were visitors last week with Me. and Mrs. •'Caineroa McDonald. Mr. P. , Naylor ,of Toronto 1 • visiting with Mr. and Mes. R. 11 Thonipson and family,mato are camping, at .Point Clark. • • Mrs. Carrick Douglas and baby, • Bobby, of New Yorlassalso Miss Teen Carrick ef Owen. Sound are visitors Ow* ,O.ip DR: F. :J.' THOMPS014 . • Was Wellsgue.111 Wienteeg Deatean 0Oriiverly sof•LticlaroW •••••• • ' Last week we briellY inentaimed: the' afeatb of Dr, F. J.: l'hompson, of Win-. Oipeg, Man. The following is •a fuller account' et theSsudclen and untimely death Of ais .well-known doctor and physician :Of that, city. • Dr, TM:Neaten bore ,in-Lueknosir: 44 •years ago, , Stied auttidenla saftev two heina ilineSsa from a , severe heakt, attack at his Marie in wietipeg" Monday Morning,' July, 14th. • The :funeisal service Was held the following Thuraday from Kowa Urii, ted Church to Elnaisioti .Cernetery. De. Thournscin returned frOni mak- ing a Cell :at 1 o'clock •A.M. He re- tired and awakened later with an annoying pain in his chest. With the • eontinrance of the pain a 'doctor was. seminar:led; but he besaine oneonciriuk and passed away before medical aid arrived. Dr. Thompson is survived by his widow, and two children, a boy of .12, • and e girl 'of ••10 yeas.of• age. Also lors3 sitters, Mts." E. J. Collins, lifts. •IL W. Perley and Mrs'. Etta Helwig, All of Winnipeg; and by tied. brothers, A. M. Thompsori set , Reg'na, Sask., airid 12,}i. Thompson, of Lualarow. ;Ha; Thompson spent hia boyhood aJay a in Leanne, and, as a young nazi graduated, from the University af Toronto, his Brat medical 'practice leing in Collingwood, Out., Later he .vent to litolion Bay Junction and. doctored in the lumber anisp•there for "several, years: .04 completing a cost graduate course -in Chiaago,' he has •ainee that time been ,elosely as- •soeiaten with his arofesiois in Wilk ---siaegalitiessaa,s-staineMbeitadatheask.0.... U.W. andofthe 1.0.F.,• FARMER AND • • ' •-• ? in. IrinTtiti 'NOTES . • The • regular, meeting Of , the Jr. Farmers and Jr- 'Institute swill be held in the Town. Hall, Lucknow, Thursday,. July 24th (to -night), at o'clock sharp. Preeious to the meet- ing Lucknow and Tiverton Jr. Farm, th Mr, arid airs., Geo. Douglas, jers will play an exhibition 'soft ball • game at Smith's field. • ' ' Mr. and l‘fs. G. A. Uldaila and On Tuesday evening Of thia week daughter, Frances, Motored.to Oiillia on Monday, where they will visit lor a tew days with Mr. and. Mrs. T. 5. Reid. •• Mrs.. Wall -and daughtersa-Gwend- olyn and Audrey, of .Listowel spent a few days recently with the formers parents, Mrs. and ,Mrs, J. C. Mac- Jnis.". • • • ' • • In the recent examiratimo in musk by a representative (examiner) from Torontca; Conservatory of Music - Eunice Newton and Frauees Arm- strong each obtained first lass honors • ' Mr. and. Mrs. J. •Litt and kiss Helen. Schmidt of Sebringville, also Mr. and Mrs. A. Litt of Lethbridge. • Alberta, were visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Bushel's, last week. Screen Doors and Screen Windows to fit any door or window. Also screen wire by the yard all widths. Protect, your home against the' pesky fly. Murdie & Son. • Don't forget the F.tnd Tattoo in. Caledonian Park, the evening-- of , Tuesday, July 29th,.at 7.30 P.M. Ad- mission:-Achilts 25c, Children •10c Cars, Free.. Dance in the Town Hall. following Tattoo. Admission 50e. Mr. Harold Agnew has opened a watch and Jewelry repair shop in the buildingadjoining the ofice of Me. A.. Siddall. Mr. Agnew has until, recently •been eniployed in this line of work in Detroit and oa'ers to the public reliable work withrorompt ser- vice and at ream:triable prices. • Mr. Reg. Smith, of the Bank of Montreal here,.received 'word on Tues- day that his mother had died sudden- ly ,at Toronto, where sheasseen for the past two Weeks. •Mra'salld Mrs. :Smith left for Toronto Tuesday after - soon.• Mrs. Smith was' with her on here 'before going to. Toronto. STATEMENT . diollif.••••••••mImiol • • • We, assume that our readers rffl. understand that the Matter appear- ing in this „paper in the interests the candidates in North Huron and SoUth Bruce is advertising ,and -does net netresitily express our views. Publication of these articleis just • the' candidates way of addressing tbe • electoes, and the' candidate, not the paper, is responsible for what is said. • Special PriCta On mens' and boys' Fine 'Shirts. Reduced to $140 and $1.0n The hiarAt4 • SFREET DANCE The' Fire Company ,.is Putting oh another of their populist street dances Pridayoevening of this Week -Prizes for first oh the • panetnent, Balloon Dance mid' Hat Dance.tand and good •orchestra., • :We have io- stock galaanized Water tanks made of twenty gauge ireti# .4aeity 120 pAlletta.. They intake itye, eellent *atom trougba Win. Murdie 8411" te, the Junior Institute: and -Kincairdine girls 'eagaged in a friendly game of soft ball. The game was played, on the Continuation School diamond and proved to be anie of the best and most 6/citing game , of the season, The. Lucknow girls being the winner by a ,score Of 18 Watch for the bits of the Monster Garden Party held by the Jr. & Sr. Institute a in the Caledonian • Park, Liicknow. • SUCCESSFUL MUSIC STUDENT • .At the; recent local Toronto Con- servatory of Music examinations. Miss Encas Boswell was a successful candidate, taking. first class honors in Theory, pass in Piano, ant honors in Jr. vocal: Miss Buswell is a fawn of Mrs. Geo. H. Smith, and Mrs. J. Wesley Joynt. • -EXAM 'REPORT CORRECTION • • The omission of a line in the "pass" list in the Lucknow section Of the 'Entrance" 'report as it appeared in The •Sentitiel last week, resulted in a curious error -all of one name and out of two others being left out. The nanzes which did not appear properly are "Camerclo Stewart. (1.ucknoog School): Campbell 'Robert. (School. oriknoSen):, CookEdna, (Paramount School.) •. • 'ANNIVERSARY IN ASHFIELD Anniversary services will' be held in Ashfield Church .on Sunday, July 27. The Rea. Mr. Short of Barrie will be the. minister for the occasion. • • • MAFEKING Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stephens and Miss Vera ofDetroit,' end Mr. Steph- ens Sr., Of England, ere guests of Mrs and Mrs. Thos. Ariaerson thia• week.' ' • , The :Young People's Society spent a pleasant evennig at gistail, Pride*. After strolling about the beach. and calling' at the Presbyterian Summer School, they gathered on and in front If Mr. Stephen Stothers porch. where the League program was enjoyed: aftee which teftesbnients *ere served •aiid a social hour spent. A vete of thanks was tendered Mr. and, Mrs. Stothers for their hospitality. Quite a. number` of our yoang folk attended the rally service on: Monday evennig the opening night of the • Smother School at -Goderich. Mr. .-Palmer Eilpatriek • was up frein Toecofto for the week-Thd.. Miss' Florence Scott ofSelgrave, visited her friend, Miss Alice Shack- leton last wdt.,• . • Mr, Eeriest Blake. Master Clifford Mistes. Witthiffed, Muriel and Phytie Blake and Ws. Albert Alton motored to 'Danville on Friday dart t spend n tent days. with Mr. Blakel sister, Mrs. • Hoffman. • Mr, Blake Alton Of/Belfast spent To The Electors Of , 'South :Bruce :On Fonday, July 28th, every man aria synnaan . whois- entitled to note :ahould take advantage :of: their fame- • D0 NOT SHIRK THIS • RESPON- SIBILITYs • ••• , , There are a few vital Points that I would like you to. Censider before depositing your ballot. ' When, the Liberal Government en-• . tercel Into an understanding with the New Zealand Government regeediog aradtaaelatinimathearadidatiotaconsicior the Dairy tIndustty, in which •tne, farmer is aabig factor, With .the re- sul.t-:tivzt our' ountry., fronf the At- lantic to the ,Pacafic has been teadeca, with Zealand butter, wliich nat- urally reduced the pride of lititter-fit., to (:u.sh .an• extent that every house- hold in the country felt the effect.' The loss to the farmers of the County 'of Bratee alone, 'during the four mon- ths ending June ;10th,'amounts tor tbe large sum' of $212,5400 the price of biatsee-fat having dropped 834c tier lb. Thies Liberal Government tell as that in ,trading.with Near Zealand they opened a market for Canadian-. made -goods. What this amounts to tie not know; but '1 do know alert if they, 'step, the iMpOrtation of •butter in October this year,,as they claim" hey; will. they will imnediately. close 'the market for Csnadinn Products. aa. the people of New Zealand • are bconid to resent the cutting off of • thoir market fon one ot their princi- nul products. being butter. You there- fore can readily see that in cleat -ray, asp the Dairy industraa•of this ecnin- try for several years.' they have in no way benefitted the other Indus- tries of the Country. • • ,Aas"ri-under the Couatorvailina Tame with the United Steps our faz-rner wiil be more or kass , subject - ed, to tbe Will of 'tee Government nt Vaashinoton. Why should the rodticer sf 'Veef.-aides and fruits in this coun- try -be forced. to compete at ceitsin ••,•ersorvg of rhe year .ae-ainst the joi- n-art:04,ns from the United States! In ClIifornia. and all Moog 04 Pac- ific Coasts •fruits and •reiretab'es• are preduced '19••• cheap Chine e. Japanese ,1411 Hindu labour and sbioried in re- friaerator cars ba fast freight to this' 'country. . •• , • Another point -.zip Vie town of Walkerton (and Walkerton is no ex- ception) I have been„, informal on good authority that.five manufactur- ing eompaniesa will • pay out during 'this month of July • soniethinsa like $0000,00 *ares Porn Ora same Monts paid crit in July 1929.. a6)00.00 is not a • large'sue( of • money but S72.006110 in- a year may erisly be the difference between eonifert and 'hardship • in the same ermaarinita These mandactitriata companies are not bolding Ivo+ this mimes- volun- tarily. Far from it: The simple rea- son is that thee asimot their pro- ducts in the game yolanie as formerly by reasen of inerensintr import Abuts of' competitive roods which are being "dumped" into, thin country to*.reduee the surplus stocks of the Cmte`ca States. • Rumors. beve been brendenst tbrit sone of the Liberal party hoS•e de- serted the cause ,on account of envy and, ,oetts, jealousy earliest Dr...114)k Srish statomonts are chiki;41. Tha reason these jaaies and, gentlemen are supporting the Consorr-MiVe ea -‘se is that they' hare no faith. in the Orra- Woo lludget. • , • • Rumors of Conseiription and Pos- sible War in Frage the .Cansorsative Party should be vi,totious ere.6efine iebispered abotaCtrr Men PIO ire a disgrace trathe thinker's' aticasto e f tho CnrIty af :Ernie." Thke eiTite nien are lirkmhint pp tbe'ff sleeves and Undoubtedly retitarking herr 0-,sy it 15 fond sorne of the .people a-iring sto election' cants • A Vote for me a anti, tam Yr. R. B. ltentiett. eieetod, ts ilennett. who is a mon of wesilth. cad tlierefore not dependent en tip+ salary Ir'd by the People of this countryto their prettier, has raderised PrOte.-tient tft Abe Farmer as we,11 as the atoetrfae- -tireof. ateoicett for, r*A. ktiA FIRST ANt) LAST and we L Sincerely yours. Foster t;. Moffat - ass Wet or drY. a Ineytaterkt Carden 1:00-tv will be, held Piiday. Aer...4t the Week end with pettibitother A.cwei.ulturalt Hall or Cato:taboo The Bre of ilea' • • Ou '• SINGLE COPIES 5 eENTS • I 4 , The Bread' • h 0 of Health mond IS QUALITY AND SE OUR • 1(11(TALi Y LOAF"; iJS A R.A1.. FOOD 1TH A pgt.te '008 kl.,AirfaCR AND Vi.1Qp HEALTH VAL g. HOME MADE, VOLE WHEA'I' OR RAISIN:BREAD, • • ., 'CREAM PUFFS aaassiatiANGE; .FIELSEA'a BUNS, • • . CHOCOLOTE • MARSHMALLOW RICH-FROIT. _CAKE' •, • ,• BUTTER .TABIS DATE. TRIANGLES •• • . • LEMON i MERINGUE PIES' , • • • QUALITY -'BAKERY, Phone 36 • • • • .• . • • • Lucknow • allanSTER . GARDEN PARTY FRIDAY, AUGUST 1st., :#•'Garden Party Wi I Be Held ie • CALEDONIAN • Auspices Jr' r I Instit 1 LeUntCpKinN:r in. is 4nr, es An Exce ,P pared I Admission -5)c. and• 2 BAND 'TATTOO IN The. Lucknow Gitize • pote holding a Band T -July 29tla seitli- the fo taking part: Blyth, W cariline Mid aueknoya being dispensed with Oa to General conditions t also !raving ben reduced to half that fornier. years. It is ge rally con- ceded 1that the Band has impiesed i•contideeably this steams, owing ' to 7gei?tral replacement of better instru- ments in the hands of the Band Mens- beas. There N still considerable room •foa, instrumenta of the better class in tbe Banta and this 'appears to be one -of the principal , means of raising funds to provide for new instruments so that tbe wee,kiy street concert ran eel improved 'from year to year., and the Band executive areaanxious that the Country,pecade join :with the Vil- lage people to assist' in this way and make this event a success. Next year the B,aed-antleipate returning 'te Weir former Complete Tattoo with fire- works and •intend making that event Israel. and better than ever. Let us 1111111106110 • FAMILY plEATAs... THURSDAY. SATURDAY • . • Corinne Griffith, In • • • . "THE BITINE LADY" ; A story of the . battle of Trafalgar . and the death of. Nelson. - Adm.:L-45a. ataaas deo, lowin nghal he • d proa uesday bands- Kin - works caving d rission Clockjeweiry Watch Qepairing • aa 1 1 • 1 1 1 . REASONABLE :PRICES. PROMPT SERVICE • All WOrli Pally Giaranteed. H. AGNEW Net Gio. A. Siddall'a,allfice •all help the • Band. • George Spotton would be • • 'glad if all who will volunteer a car for election. Jay or part • • of the day, would adVase, him or his Committee Room at ktrs, Wm. rekel talks 1410km% .m 4 • Pt I • '••••I sgr um= AT tt, Lucknow, strtsF.ridavi'Jul See Big posters in your mail box for details Entire Skil* on Sale Never before such Low Prices, • Oe Sure and, Conte\ • Don't Miss It 01011(1011$ litOtrgajtts.. °MOO 85 4 • • aa, 1 1 4 1 • 1 .1 •