HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-07-17, Page 8•
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ST. HiglaroN.'S
,Reit. D.' ilficTavieb. of Exeter was
e recent iisitor,at,
ri Miss Ethel Robertson and Nies
Jessie Waders'* .of lelCiaieW • are• :
speeding their !eacatien with Mrs.
3. B. Rutherford. '
Mrs. Rothwell of Stanley "Wee a
recent: visitor with Mrs. R. d. Woods,
Miss Annie. -Clark ef Guelph ''‘4!!
the 'guest Of, Mies Annie McKenzie
for a few days. • ,
tiles Margaret Thom has.'returned
to Guelph Hespital after a month's
Vacatiee at her- home here..
• • Mr. and' Mrs Galbraith and daugh-
ter were week end visitors With Mr.
end Mrs. 1;1:- Tadd *Mos: Vera Todd
returned to the city With them for;
two weeks vacation
Miss Laura Martin and Master
Ronald Martin .oc.Whitechurch. are •
visitors ' With 'their grandfather, .Mr
;W. Woods. ,•
Mr.' Souter Taylor was :readied to
Whiglyeal -Hospital list week •• where
be underwent a serious operation.
We are pleased to report t1t he is
progressing :favorably. -,•
Mr. • and Mrs. John Anderson, mot-
ored to Stratford on. Friday to visit
her parentb,. Mr. and Mrs. Miner;
'Miss Annie' Clark of Saskatoon ar-
rived home ea Monday to spend the
• vacation with her mother., l. •
CangratulatiOns to, Mies Lula Wea-
*ahead who was successful in nes*
leg :her Normal exams and.yo Doro-
thy Miller and Florence MeQuillin,
who passed their entrance with hon.
. • 4,
• „. Hot Weather Dress
• •
• • ';
atfrooti450. to 000 :per *aril
Siii Hose.....m . i, .;reFT,
Am.,. THE LEADING SHADES-:,-IbicupnivG Isf.AuIN1, 1al=
. ,
Priced at . ,.. .. .:...,...: 900411 $1,592 ..$1,95 per pair
. . ,..
*. PorCh Dresses ' . , • • , • -444:., •
Priced at to $2.95 each;
It is astonishing
what quantity a Dollar will buy
in our Bargain Basement • ,
. ".
Bois Teed. Open line.e Pants
In ALL ,SIZES, UP TO SIZE 10. At eaclf .. . ....:.... 99c. 1
First Longs the
141,GHT OR DARK TWEED PANTS. Sizes up to 35. at each $1.65
Special at Each....... 195 and
'KENS' SIZES.—.CollifiacTI'lrehriBlueeeor-Illue--with-White_StelieC`
am* tattOn INToitit'SoCits
- a PAIR FOR ' Y.S‘
S for Father; Mother, 'Siker, Brother,.
our visiters, all priced at GoodBYe Prices;
Attitho -Electors „of. 1i:won •
„ .
• Lathes and Gentlenter0,7-,
I should: like. to address my,reinerks in this letter particularly
those who, in this riding., have been identified with the United Farm, , • .
errs or rogresLYeS 1 have toyer disguised the facts that 1 am
sYmeathe with the basic views of the er.genian0 faralkre• movement
j have before me the declaration of principles ofAbo Canadian Celts.
6, cil of'Agrt:cultuee, which sets forth series of fifteen paragraphs
views of •organieed agriculture, And with this declaration my own
viewe Coincide in 'almost every partioular. I may eae, too, that these
views are not of recent 'adoption 1 have been 'advancing them in ley
• nervirerner •aid otherwise for mallY 3*rs.,
The document setting forth the principles of the Canadian
.of Agriculture is too lenethY•to be reprodueed here in •full, and
some'of the : paragraPhe deal With matter4,. fetich as Mel' League . of .
Nations) with regard to whick there no controversy ; On the auh-'
jecti which are .of linmediate interest I shall state:MY views es , .
. cutely as possible:
",Tendentaitigin ,Offtelte principle of . tariff, .Proteethlit— , • ,
advocate a tariff as low as ; is consistent with the 'requirements • •
Of the public Lrevenue and:. the security. of our producers. favor',
progressive increases in thez, British preference Bund reciprecei treat-'.„
'ties With. countries •thet will. trade with, ns n friendly terms.' • .
• "Rigid. economy in public finance, 'expenditures to be kept, within
the Mats, of Federal revenue ,ted provision Made for the gradual •
•• redemption of the national debt"• •
The -King Government, which I support, has a splendid inanehtl.
'record and has made "large reduction in the national debt This pro -
grain of debt reduction must be contiened, and extravagant schemes
for' the spending of public. money, such as the Opposition leader is,
proposing 'throughout the country, Must be re.'eeted. • • n
"Collection of public revenue as far ei. possible by direct taxation
unposed - with due regard to ability to pay and to the benefits re- •
coved by: the taxpayer" : - •
feverthe retention of the income tax as one of the main sources
ef Federal- revenue. Thematter dealt with in; this Paraeraph Will be
of increasing'. iniportance..as time goes: on and the country deyeloes.
• It is altogether too large a suhjekto be set forth in a 'few Senten
ces 1 hall .onlY say that I am in sincere agreement with the vienre
• 'which'I know are held, 'by representatives of organized agriculture
and by. many dear..sighted men who,, are net connected with agricul-
Lu Weatilerhead is luivinr a
steel barn erected to replace one de-
stroyed by fife a few years ago.,
selendid meeting of the • Wo-
men's- Missionary Society, of the
nitd Church was held in the chnrch
on Wednesday afternoon last, when
Mary were uests. Mrs. Ramage Pre-
eided anda sclo by Mrs: Sperling,
and a duet Misses Ferrier of
Whitechurch were much enjoYed. The
special..feature of the meeting was
=ddress by .Dr. Helen Craw. Dr.
Craw, who as a little girl was a res-.
• ident 'et the St. Helen's _Manse. for
a few years, leaves in September as,
missionary to Chine, and she carries
with her the, best ...wi•zites of many
friends from here. A pleasant social
hem' Wei enjoyed am
after the eeting
' • '
;0 •
• t
Former 1J.FO. Leader
W. H. Roberison
LiberalCandidite has always
beat sympathetic towards
U. F. 0. Mvement
. •
Although physically disabled, ,Mr.
R. M. Young; of Colborne township,
loriner. president of the North Huron
UF.O. organieationand man eni-
- veriallY reApected for his straight-'
forward. attitude Mt all occasions, is
taking a lceen interest in the North'
Huron election campaign and sends
the 'fallowing letter to The Signal:
Mr. W. 11, Robertson, ,
Dear Mr. Robertson,—I- wag -Mitch
• pleased to leant of. your nomination
at the Liberal convention. During
the many years you have been editor
of The Signe' I have. been obliged to
, admire the, consistency of your cool-
headed„ thoughtful, analytical. type.
of editorials . they have stood for
economy and 'morality of the highest
• As past president of the North
Huron q.F.o: orgajizatfon I have
•tilivys observed, yceir," sympathetic at
. • titude towards the U.F.O. move/tent
frpin its -first inception. The scholar -
v, breedminded Way in which: you•
have treated policies- arid issues as
• they arose from time to time Make
Iva eenfident that ^North litiron Will
• Xi `most splendid" and efficiently re-
• eresented you are a sueccessful can-
. &date.
are not contesting the
• riding this time. Reflecting on this,
• and mi your past admirable recrd,
When %cot had no axe t� grind, can-
' not but endoree your candidature. I
sincerely hope you may be sUceess-
int And have an opportunity to -give
:.`orth, Hitron that ,Clase. of service
that is so Wally needed at Ottawa.
• YOUre treihr.
' H. M. YtIMGe.
. The regutar 'meeting of the Y.P.S.
was held at Zion last 'Monday evening.
There was a fine crowtt of young .mn
and young women present. Alfred
Andrey% message•was a epeeist fea-
ture of a veil interesting program
It ie truly a great thing for the
church and the community When a
home boy comes back to address...his
comrades on the theme of 4`1ife which
is life indeed.” He n as glad he said
that the atteniance at- the Y.P.S. bad
increased from former days. He spoke
of loyalty o the yaung people to -
their League' and czturch, and ' the
pleasure it gave him to be preeent
The Board meeting of the -Ashfield
,Circuit WM be held .at Hatketts on
Wednesdae oreJuly 23rd, at
8.30 Paei
ServiceS next Surday.. Blakes 11
A.M—Ifacketts 3 P.M. --Zi et 7 P.M.
, Presented With Roisntain Pen
• lust before the closing of the pub-
lic school for the summer• vacation,
the pupils and friends of Miss Myrtle
Webster,assmbled at school section
No. 14, to hid her farewell, and ex-
press their appreciation of her met*?
good talents. Kiss Webster was pre
sentd. with st Waterman fonntaiiti Pen
and penil. 'Although taken by sur-
prise, Miss 'Welker replied fittingly'
Following is the address:
Dear Miss Webster:
We; your and Mende Of
school seetion No. 14, feel that' We
cannot tdlowe you tee leave us with-
out showing in some way how much
w& have appreciated you during the
three years you -baye lived among
The annual community Picnic under
auspices of to St. Helen's Women's
Institute will be held in Harbor. Park
Goderich, oa Tueeday of next wek--
July: 22nd. Everybody come, bring
your basket and enjoy a day at the
Mr. • and Mrs. Geo. Thermon and
Edward of Clerk's, Mr. and tire. Nei -
son of inkoka, were Sunday guests
at Miss Lizzie. Pierce.
Mrs. Gamble of Wingham; spent
a few days recently with her par-
• enteu Mr. and Mrs. Themes Whte:
Mr. J. A. McKinnon •Itad to .call
few. of the 'neighbors On Monday
morning owing to the wind storm
Saturday night blowing his hay load-
er. over. • •
Mee. Thos.' 'White- is spending the
week end with 'friends in Wingham.
• Miss Doris Ritchie of Lucknow, is
holidaying with her friend, Mrs. M.
Arrived et the home of Mr. -and
Mrs. :Mervin' Hedley- a baby by.,--
Miss Noreen flodgins Of
is holidaying at her home h •
Mks. Alex Stevenson and son, Roy -
den of Dundalk, Mr. and Mrs. John'
Stevenson Of London,. were Sunday
visitors 'at Mr, Alex Pierces.
Mrs. Robert Cluff, Mrs. Geo. Hudie
Muriel and Geo i all of Clinton, wqe
recent viditors Mrs. Miner.
JoYce Mckenzie of Guelph is
• Visiting her friend, Miss Winitifred
Ackert this week. '
The followine were sucessful En-
trance pupils here: Berriadeile Cas-
sidy, Annie Burt, Clifford Johntin,
Rayner(' ',Ackerti, *filmes Burt Pitial:14
ef Mz Pnkey.—Congratulations. ,
Mr- and Mrs. Gee. White and fain-
* were visitors at Con. Formes, St
Helens, Pridey evening. •
Mr and Mrs. Allister. Hughes and
Miss Hughes, attended the
Mckay-Mthroe re -union picnic. at
Woodstock, ••'
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Low. New
jerseitfOrinerly of the 6th Con. Were
holiday viiitore at Allister Hughes
• the past week.
Mei: Thompson who ha a been with
her sister of Auburn the Past month
now With her daughter, -Mrs. El-
dora Etkensteiller. '
Miss Wirarlified Acert passed itei
Theory junior Exam in ntueie With
first thea' honors taking 91%-00rl-,
geatuitiont. "
Me. k IdAtter and ;daughter, 'tis,
D..Hehoe and Mrs: Reath* of Wilk
eion, Were• SiiridaY gneat4 Sit
R. -it., No 5, Goderich.
P.;S4 thought' it only fair of me
t) giiro you a word of encouragement
in your fight. —R. M. Y.
• Mrs. Thomas Roach vets taken to
Gond, for hospital treatment on.
Friday last, and unde.rwent an opera-
tion on fkonday. Friends will he plea-
sed to know that reports are favor-
• ture.
i1 •
of the, Senate based en th-e Principle, of 'elective member-
shl‘1seillToourinshould prefer abolition the Senate if it could be brought about
4 but failing that I am ha favor of doing ' away with its power to
frustrate the will of the people as expressed by the elected members.
r •
•. .
--7-"Reiistotr-of--the--Naturalization,--Actto-proyiae for the Jeersonel
naturalization of married women." . •
Al present a 'married woman is debarred from 'Canadian citzen-
ship if her husbandis nM 'a Canadian citize71--believe-ihat--awo----- --
man should have independent rights ;in this respect --that she should
not be considered (for instance) a ,United States citizen simply be. •
cause her husband is one. •
"Election of • Parliamentary repreientativei, wherever,feasible, •
under the systemof proportional' representatiOn. Where single -mem-
her 'constitueneiee are retained election to be by means of the pre- • • •
fereetiaf ballot"- . • -• " - ,
• This as a reform Which I have advocated for Years.
• 0.4 am elected,I shall be glad to stnd beside Liberals. United
Farmers, Progressives, Conservatives or .anybody- else Who will sue -
port the views here set forth. • ' :
• • . • • . .
Miss, Laura Bell is spending few
days at Kincardine.
Congratulations is extended to Mies,
Verna and Alice Wall who success-
ful pissed their- entrance exams. •
• Mr. and Mrs. Earle Hodgins and
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hodgins spent a
day. at St. Thorrai recently.
Mr. Harry Hodgins spent -the week
end under the parental roof.
Mr. Bert Tlipmpson successfelly
got through his Normal coarse and
has a school near Galt
Mins Cora Wall is spending a few
holidays at Fineardine.
, Quite a number from Imre celebra
ed July 12. at Kincardine, and had
a pleaeant day by the lake.
If IMO year Of tollege life can
girl after eighteen yooto of h04
• training, it takes a lot of nerve to
bliunc c011eoele,• ,
You have always rosponded to ev-
• demand made upon you, as 110
church or social event was quite
compete witliolt your assitane.
By your patience and deep interest
in our progrees and by your cheery
Manner you have endeared yourself
to us; but -we k-nw tact urv-ttt is our
kiss *ill be gain to those where you,
purpose to reside.
.q tekeet Of our esteetn,
r'e present t� you this eft accom-
peeled with our very best wishes for.
future success.
'Signed on behalf pupils • and
friends, Lattrena Nrman, Jean Hew-
Posgibiv woman heti a tight to du'
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sik.Zot .44.444,4: ,otos 144.4„:1
, TIM successful fainter gets
•••• returns from hls crops and
This Ilank adds interett to the money saved bi,
he ets returns front his
'• industrious farmers; Have you funds in the
Ae. Bank earning interest for you'? •
• Save a portion of your income Aregularly and in
into an nsterestbearing Savings Account in the
Bank of livlontreal. .--0
Ask our Ural Manager for a copy of the Banles .'
- latest publication, "The Flimsier aml His Bank".
eVeeYhing.tht marl deel$4 .But roan,
4 41101'0i home,
Book with More shoo' a Century's Success *kind It
R. M. Nictitemon - Local vanager.'
I \
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