HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-07-17, Page 3• 1' :,n w a. • w• Real Nerve Tonic: IS a $oilintiffiil Supply (if Rick, Health-G'iying Blood. • Suferers from nervous debility find themselves tired,.jowwlpiv'ited and un- - able to .keep their minds on anything,. They are totally unfit to perform their . everyday duties. ' •'Doctoring the nerves with sedatives •, rs .a terrible mistake:. Tbe only, real nerye -tonic ii4 a"good supplyof rich, red blood. To securethis. rich, 'red blood -Dr.. Williams' Pink Pills 'slrouiiI ' '.be taken; Enriching and pur:ifying•the blood ' is ..their whol,e4inission.• Con earning them Mrs.. Albert • 'Bentley; Bancroft,. Ont.,. • writes;—."Two •yeays Siamese Princes , A' rrive .. Their 'Serene I3ihnesses Prince ; Ajjha, Prince Chirasakti and Prince *rasphsri -(lett to right), nephews of his Suprem •1VIajesty the King of Siam, who readied. Vancoui•ef June e$l,Aboard the Canadian Pacific liner Empress• of .Russia.. ago, I was .a co'mpiete, 'week; inti, for seven months; exttemeiy'.nervoi had no color Not ing+j•tided seem helvme till I•• began' Dr.:Vtlltam T Pink Pills, .M'y . Condition at once proved.; and today I am vise11 and. for anything without fatigue : or tro You can get these pills from an medicine ;dealer or by mail at s0 cent a box f}•.om The Dr. Williams' Med eine :Co., Brookville, Ont. • Helpful Hints!,. : It. is •a mistake to• keep •biscuits 1 s i- n the same °tin with cakes. If placed to gether, the .former y ;quickly beam soft. If,' meat is not tote used•at once 1 • `hot •weather, sprinkle a .little .peppe m- `ver it" This not .only discourage files, but :helps .-to_conserve.the-juices. Mint will keep freshfor aconside able time if it is washed in; cola wate in which a little carbonate of soda ha •been dissolved.' - Suet will not' stick to the knife while chopping if a ]tittle .. ground .rice has been sprinkled' over. it, •.• ' When frying foodstuffs care should be taken' to avoid' placing too 'much ipto the pan at one time, as this de ' creases' the temperature of the fat. n T, r- r s: .�I .kdd a' new •,drops old lemon • juice' to rice arlillelt 1s cooking,* This not only ,white:ns t'he`rice, • but 'separates the Bacon will notshrink tin kwhf 1e n g fr t • Y tilt has been dipped-1nfo—flour. -Flans are taking, shape for the in- stitution. of a regular air service' be- tween Manchester .and Blackpool, con- sisting of. a daily trip that will take 40 minutes for a journey that takes twice that time by the, faste-t'trains at present, The existing round-trip fare for • the Manchester` -Blackpool, trip is £3, but 'expectations are that this will' be reduced to aproximately £i for the single journey,' with the possibility of further reduction if, larger machines can be employed for the : journeys.: • : Minard's Liniment Checks C'oids.• abian- Spices' and Mysteries of the East. Lurk in Jerusalem's Eyways "Plata'" :Rice Cooked in Fat—Spiced - English 'Beef and Midget Porters. Fascinate Visitors Jerus�zlem•.TEzotic corners: or Jer- usalem are.• i�eing •explore y a Pales: tine, journalist) who describes out•of: the -way. 'planes' •'where tourists rarely go, Yet' where is. to be'fiound much of the variety- of color and interest with which•• Jerusaleln',fs. filled; ` "A'L with eight people squeezed into'six seats will take you right into the.'Btikliarian Quarter;', the 1descrip= tion: says, "where people wear glori- ously colored dresses which,. resplen- dent ,in_>Siukharia,' have, .not lost air p theft res 1en�d'ency in Jerusalem, Here you will find silks -which ,make the mouth watr. The colors are perhaps a little gaudier, than ,you, nay like and the gold' and silver thread may seem a little too rich'`for you to take bac with • you to sonmber. London or t Borne, other' sunless City 'of the West •Yott'wiil'try a•nd s'ecute a'meal'in'the hoose 'of a Bukkharian.• He'will give yon a• dish of plali,. 'which„ is like the' . taste: of all the'luxurious sweetmeats ` `of India. --I merely rice cooked'' in ` sabbath o•f, .fat: But i�, you cool, riee,i k 0 t, for the Kurd is the beast of burden of Palestine.. One short man will take your grand..pia'no, heave it on •hns:•back and • walk along' with it'as quietly and asnahly....as-a_eamel._H•e-lecke-sq -Hel ' that yvu,would ee5ver suspect h3 could n. carry, more than a tin 0? biscuits. fat, you won't get ' plau. There are centuriesof: exotic' cookiifg behind plan.. • "I mentioned plan wheir talking 'of the Buk_,ariaus In the Georgian Quar- ter you.; can have a meal of shashlik. It is English roast beef witii the';nys- tery of all the East in the roaring. ' I do .not know liow it is prepared, but f have a 'suspicion that . it; contains all the spices of Araby. You may ilot re- lish the e lish.the way it is served up : but if you do net, havens meal of• shashlik, your to ,Jerusalem .will have been .in. • "There 'is .a Quarter fair Kurds who come from Kurdistan. But yct, searce- ly need to .go, to, their' Quarter to see thein. They are `to be fouel an every.' main road with a' pack on'.•:heir 'back. waiting to carry your luggage for'ybu, Gliding Popular . . Sport 'in 'Britain '' London—Great Britain must :o ganize a series of• summer ca ,ps,. o -'even a number of week -end:. eam,ps, f ,gliding is to become anything' but the 'sport of a few°enthusiasts.. ;• ,'That is the view which' Herr Kron - geld,' the.' Austrian gliding ,champion, expressed to a reporter recently when he discussed the,possibilities • of glid- ing• in this country. • ' • • "You have an ideal country here" he said •"arid I am 'surprised . that Great Britain .has not taken it up more seriously.. ' 'She, became a great ,na- tion. of seaman in the days of sailing ships. 'That gave' her a sea''sense which' power -driver.' ships will. never :do.' In the sa;me way a .glider or 'a o.. Bar er'- e - s- O --. �^� a ai. gW Y r sense s which-' e hz ch pilot trained F t ed. on a ow r- e driv� F e ma n r- 'chine rarely acgeires.• , r . "I' am sure that mare than; half the f aeroplane crashes could be avoided if the pilots were trained first on glid- ers and then on soarers." Herr Kronfeld explained how in a glider' one learnt to do a series of hops then hi a more advanced type of 11 craft one .learnt •' to' do "S bends in :the air. Finally in a• high' efficiency soarer, one wag ,able to• keep .up al- most indefinitely while there was any • wind: "Where 'there are clouds,". he saki. "there you can soar for thereis always "a rising current of air which causes the clouds." Keep . Cool 1f you wish to keep cool, Don't be a fool • Andworry abopt this and that; Don't think of the heat. , • Copenhagen Union Purchase • Island To Be Used :as Children's Playground' • Copenhagen.—After somewhat pro= ' tracted negotiations the, Union of Copenhagen municipal teachers•have bought the charming island of Thoro, off the coast of Fuhnen, itself an is- land, and almost opposite the ancient and picturesque town of Asseps. The recent owner had spent large sums of :money on it and,. amongst other things had erected a eolossal•bronze monu- ment of$the old Northern god Thor,,•af- ter ltWhom .the island is called; and which, cost twice as Much as the teachers' have paid• for the whole is- land, with residence, outbuildings, museum and si forth. The Copen- hagen Municipality has guaranteed the purchase sum. • The purpose. is to•turn this island Into a holiday resort or "colony;'• as' they call' it in Denmark, for. Copen- hagen school children, and for which purpose ft Is simply ideal. Some More coxes" Will have to be added to the live )wl Ltaf I'd rattler s.ee a "sermon than -bear one • any day, • I'd rather one would, walk with, me than•..merely tell the way; The eye's a better' pupil .and, more willing than the -ear: •Fine :eo.unsei' is 'confusing; but ex- • apple's always clear.;,.. The best ,of all the preachers are the men who lige their creeds For to see good put into.action is what: • •.everyliody need S.. Having a talking picture of yoi;r wife is all right if you 'are deaf and blin{l. im _ _•. . P,letty:Saleswoman 'Don't 'you hBate:i"ae.1dk•This issudden.!.ing nl iiie• n" •your • ,The.Bente• safe-So:long,as women are more interested in cookingschools. than,card .gainer. A Member of a western_ legislature was makipg a :speech on some memen- toes .question lrl.cone uding be said;. "In the root ds ',of Daniel Webster, who• wrote the dictionary, 'Mire me liberty or give 'me death',!" One of his colleagues'' pulled at •his Coat 'and .in a hoarse voice whispered, "Daniel • Webster d'idn't' write'•thedict• tionary;, it was. Noah.".. • "Noah nothing!" ", replied. .the 'speaker, oah. built' the, ark.". • •Thele is, •no' tragedy comparable to that •'of old age without funds .to, pay for its, uselessness: Hubby="Does she look: her ,age?"' Wife—"No, .she overlooks - it" . , • Covering up.the truth :opens up au argume,n t. • One woman 'who', wouldn't look an- other w.eman in._th'.e•f,sce''is�sure to look her in the back -When they pass on the street. ' Good habits are easier formed than d had„ones..broken . - "The jig is up;” said the ,doctor, as he viewed the man Who died of St, Vitus dance.*• ' You don't need a license to hunt, troiibleynor dogs. to scare it up. Did you ever see a. mosquito wrestle with temptation? q: 717 )ritaeg+5, 'li .ace Box Sylvia came running to her' mother. with 'a piece of lace,; "May (L have this .to dress; up with? I. want to be a`queen." . "!Mercy moat Where did you •find. my Venetian 1 b th -" ' ' Man to .Fly to Moon?, In making his statement that man will; fly • to the moon within the next •: century, John Q. Stewart, associate. professor ot, astronomical :physics• ;at • Princeton University, evidentl'y' took - into Consideration the fact. that' the, first 100 years' are reputed' to be the ran ace er a. hardest. ' 'r1 `was in a box on the closet self, : and'youion!t „rear it -any more!" A quiver waa•appearing in Sylvia's' chi Mrs: Burnet, was just puttin•g On he -.hat, bu:t she took it off, and: -going t the closet, carried the lace box to th bed. A pang of memory shot throug her.. 'She could remember. her, ow mother gently unwrapping the btu tissue a er covers ski t a Two carries, having 'finished the day's work; :were '. communing upon ort of,:a ur econ e a .. 1," replied the other, "when he was on the ,fain. Way, he was a perfect gent, but, when, he. was in a bunker was worsen' a war' book." . r their experiences. "W't •bloke did d 'you get • for yo e ound:' asked bne Wel h n' e F F , t ng out a chris- tening robe and saying:. "Three Syl- vias have been christened in this dress. See the lovely little puff's; and the lace : it is trimmed., with is real. Valenciennes." '•Now a fourth Sylvia had been Christened in that :lame Truant Officer—"Why• haven't .you dress --her own 'little Sylvia who was sent •your• .son; .Jo•bnny, te'school? '.looking at .her with tears of •disap- Don't you• want him to learn to read?" .,pointmen.t.. The laces in the box w • Proud. Fathel—' Jt. alma necessary, . scramb.Ied by .hurried little fingers, now that we have the talking movies. and on one wrapping was a bl • „ smudge. • ' 'That's illy fault," thought 'Mrs., .B net, "for not having taught 'her ab t these beautiful things.". be parts with some Ste unfolded the poria lace'weddi g • veil .that lay' inside and began to tell all she knew about the way • it Was, • No matter how well any man or wo- made; ,.•how the• peasants ',gathered man may'know their stuff if they have great bundles of flak and soaked them mean dispositions- it does, them no, • in water until the thick jacket of tlie' good. stem rotted. away ' leaving the tiny tangle of white fibers beneath;;, how Dad—"Why, • Mildred, .I am • sur- it was combed % and then' spun into prised! Aren't. you going to give your threads, and how the patient women brother part of your apple?" •• ' sitting on their doorsteps in the sun • .Mildred—"No, daddy. Eve did that worked away day after day, and some - and' she's been bawled out for it ever times year after year, on the same pattern, ' patting in the flowers and. tendrils and dainty traceries; heqw cer- ttain families had. been so noted for their lace -making that they had' come to make lace only for the kings And queens and royal princesses. . . "Da the Indians .make• lace, Moth- er?" Sylvia, asked. • . "Not if you mean the American :In- dian's," her mother answered. "Some Sarah—"What happened then?" ' 'of the tribes make embroidery, but Fariny—"She.replied': 'Do -you 'think they have• never made lace;: at least 'in 'crazy?' and the%Broom:, who was hot until'taught by white people. Song in a sort of daze, saki'`I do civilized n have never made any at' importance, either, but you and I Would! need , to travel a good many miles •lt we visited every-, country ,•:The honeymoon is over when the bride discovers that her husband snakes the same kind of noise her father did when money. ' In your talk be ,discreet, (stock, so that there will be' milk Relax like a well -behave] cat, • • ' onend their holidays there. . ', .b enough for' the children who are to ' If you wish to .keep cool 'Don t be a 'fool - And . eat many • things to exc To be well and strong, Stop habits all wrong, Masticate 'more and eat lest. ' year If you. wish to keep coot ; Be prudent in •all that you do; ' Keep your mind calm . and sweet; Ignore haste and heat— equipped' with central heating .and 1.So here's a cool summer to you! other modern insta''-tions and "It..is ••r, --Grenville .Kleiser expected that 100' children can be re. --r eeived in the new home. . "Millle," said his mother, "go ,over The island, which •In the bast has. and see how old 'Mrs. Brown•'is this been much. frequented by tourists, will. remain '.ope to the. public .throughout the -year. 'Denmark is rich in islands along her, extensive'coasts;, they -num- ber. about 60 and There Island now wi11 become .a children's. sanctuary. There •'will be an "all ' the', year round" colony for children, and this section of • the work -will naturally en- tail regular teaching of the children. There is ample accommodation for the teachers.. This is the first venture, here in the matter of an "all the' Mind" ,colony for children, needing 1 Don't be a fool care, •and th,ee innovation is being, re- garded with 'much interest. The build- ings leave nothing to be' defiled, being ss;; lorning," Willie was back in a few moments. "Siie says it's. none off your blamed.liusiness hoW Old she, is, announced Willie. 1. Classed . Adve rtising POR SALE AliiABY CHit••1C:s-WN) HA'rCH$p 216.000 last year in.' four varle. tie's. Write 'for free catalogue. A EL,: Switzer. Granton,'Ont. • , 'AGENTS ,WANTED .' ere AGENTS EARN GOOD .MONEY selling the best fruit trees, shrubs, • virus,• ev'ergr'eens, 'roses. etc.; town or, ack country; selling outfit supplied every 'help given•: .commissions paid weekly. E. D. Smith dr •Sons.• Ltd., Winona.• On. ur- tario. ,660 acres fruit and nursery stock. • ou 11 since," Friends, like stars,• shine brightest when one's world is dark. •. • Sarah—"Ilow did .the ,wedding go, off?" , Fanny—"Firge entii the parson asked the bride if she'd•obey her hus- band." -For Blisters.— Minard's Liniment. .Ford 'Fakes Helm.! Luxury: Something the bank wisely efeses to let you have the money to i e. where the lace in this box was made. Here is a mantle •made by Spaniards in South America, and here Is a bit of Ilrussels lace made in Belgium. This Venetian is made of a tiny braid. Doesn't the pattern make you think of the waves and hubbies in the water in the wake of: a .gondola.? It 's very July—The month of oppressive heat; dAftererit from the leaves'rat1'c1" flowers_ red-hot days and sweltering nights; is of it t- buehess' or this Irish crochet." ' extremely bard on little ones. Diger- "LeVs play a game," saki Sylvia. hoes, ,dysentry, colic and cholera hi- "See if I can name, each piece and fantum carry off thousands of precious tell its country as you -put• it back." littleJives every summer. • The moth- , "You may handle them yontself," er, must' he on her guard to prevent said her'inother, "only -•�- —" these troubles,' or if, they collie on sttd-I "Only I must get my :bands very deni,r to fight them. No other -medi-1 clean first," ,and Sylvia 'skipped oft, rine is of such aid' to mothers during r happily, •conning back.after a few min - the hot Stimther as is Baby's Own Tab-. ntes With a pair of., pink. perfectly lets. They regulate the bowels and scrubbed hands. As she helped fold stdmach, and an occasional dose given . the laces and put theur.back 'in their to the well child wilt prevent 'summer'tissue paper envers'she said, "Motile complaint, or if the trouble does COfne I'nr glad you didn't let me dress op. sudcienl:y will banish it, The TabletsrIf you had I should only.have Miceli are sold by nredicine• dealers or by thinking about Me. and not that the Mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. i !ace was lovely at all."—Issued by the William -s' Medieine Co,, ,Broekvllle, r National Iiinder-garten ,Association. 8 (Jnr, West ‘Oth 5treeif, ' New • York City. Hot July Days Hari on baby (These ar°ticles are appearing weekly Wrestling matehe§ betrt een women ,are the.latest exhibition offered to sen- i i hour eoluinns. . •cation s'e'ekers in Paris. • "It's great stuff," set the mild Cer,, poral. "Pay -;dray night I drank tido urses ant grrarts of ,it ani' I.: didn't even stager.,: T6 •Torelita Hospital fete Iuot r; Ttvo quartei" in affiliation with Eel vtte aria ., ` gasped the .:d John.;Hospitaie, New • ork flia�y, otjf°ers an ya didn't even stagger?" "Reek, -W men.nha,na tho oQnif'cd ed no," aey the ou'ld' Corporal, '11 couldn't and dettiratis' Of •t,eneiitiiiar r°e a'irs I1.Pnt;'y Ford, Motor the °nate,•iWior to 4aifing of George . , .. . ell 1lissadns supply ship, With its move • Cluetf Grenf , e'v'en,r ' s receive tin rLc,ix, of colle„e fitiidenl, with .hos ltal ell i lie . an o s i tem the d 'able* Allard i! Threo Yonne ttoatiOti• title has' itnf flats adfibtett the e`i' IIt Boor eent8 of nca and Yoin trete icritr or pupil cel a i p 1p s d foodstuffs for. the Labrador missions: Te motor` ma�trate as. , , -1,; iii tho SCliriOl,. 6' rliiiit'tli`1"" gucst.of Sir Wilfred Grenfell' (fight), inspected the •'. n]. in Heston Mass, har, g Go'cl, give us tir'en. Atrc! rvo'nteti in .tradelt'l tg eak9e'i►ses toq Art nor. steal} of 40 -year-old flappers: Y ' 11.01t40.. 0; .01 11akti1 •York. biw a , atmlti to the nneintendent: h; • ilV Relieve Insect Bites! Minard's neutralizes the poison of mokeuito and black fly bites. A depdable antiseptic. Cuf.icura SIiavi ng Stick denudes the medicinal prepertice of it promotes Fria), Whet-inn and pr'otecd i t sandy ahaarn enface from infection. tae. Everywhere • Picture of Health Now "In May ane. June I las badly rundown and l ad•,faint spells until it as a drag to do my Mork. In July and August I didn't seetn to pick up so I de- cided to try . Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound because I saw it advertised I 'took two bottles and now I acct the, picture of health. I feel fine, do all :lily work .and rnilk two Cows.. If any woman writes, I will certainly answer Titci "t-rs. George R. GilerlespIetie, Pitn iMchy, Sasktitche- Lydia Et Pinkham's Vegetable Compound L,d a E. Pini Aam Mee Ct., Linn. M213 1. S. A -and Coboorg. Ontario, C{n:dz • 1,SSuE No,, 28—'313 1. r; t•