The Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-07-10, Page 6gh's
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14.4 ACIFrAt
s tarests of ,
Liberal Candidate in North Huron at
St: Helens
r0,,,1,mar/ mitt vonagfLA
•: .AND romp .
, On Monday afternoon of 4. ot
the pupils and friends of Miss OIiv
,Robb 99990,01ed .4 e4001 'SF9tion. :NO
welt f4fete. ;6671 ,g ,t6rTerent1 w_her
40,0'40 th .-,, appreciation •0
lheil;ithfni.,,-vre lc:Abiring her three
S9;4'4.-490414 ad.49'-hid her far
She has secured a position on .the TeX
66t071'eaehhK §4X'Alth"k4 taken
by aurprise, Miss• ROO, made a Atha
• reply* The address was a follows:-
_' Purple'Grove, June '23, 1,90
Dear Miss ,Itobb,--, ' ' , ' , .:
It was with genuine regret -4w,
• 'learned of Your' decision to leave ;on
section ' and community. 1tk ,you
patienceand interest in tour •Irregress
• • • . •
11. .
,ona-ay, 41-y 1,4t
at 8 o'clock P.. nt.'
4 "
Come and. Hear
• the .Issues of 'the day discussed
Mr., and Mrs. John L.» Hayes and'
family of Detroit spent the week -end
with Mr. and,Mrs. R. Tiffin.
Miss Eliza Waddel of 'Hamilton;
spent the week end at her home, here.
Mrs. Benson Watts of Detroit, is
-spendhig this week with her • parents
Mr. and Mrs. B. Morrison. •
Miss • Reba Marshal . of 'Wingham
is spending the holidays with her
grandparents, Mr. and :Mrs. George
The W. M. S. held a very interest-
ing meeting at the homeof Mrs. Wm.
Brown, and at a previous meeting,
packed a large bale. ..
Mr. and Mrs.. George Harkness,
spent Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. John
'Caslick of -Culross.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McDmes, Wilda
and Billie spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. John McInnes..
• The work on the sink hole has been
resumed again, latter two days delay
owing to the break in the tractor. The
road is beginning to build up,' and it
is thought will soon be completed.,
Charlie and. Miss' Anne Mothers and
Mr. Henry Mothers, Melville and
Mr. George !Hetherington of near
Muevale, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. V. Emerson. •
Miss Evelyn Pinnel of Kinlough is
N;isiting with Mrs. H. Pettypiede.
The Rev, J. A. James,who was
minister rit, SoutIrKinloss three years
• ago,. now .of Ailsa Craig, occupied the
pulpit of South Kinloss Church 'last
Sunday and was greeted by large'con-
Mr. Gordon McInnis of Detroit was
over to see his mother here on July
Quite a. number .of the local Orange
men • and their wives attended the
Orange Church Service at Gederich
on Sunday. JP
' A number from our burg attended
the basehall game.; at J. J. Smfth's
diainond on Wednesday and Thursday
evenings.. On Wednesday, Tiverton
Junior Farmers played the Luckitow
•organization winning. by a score of
6 -A. On Thursday the Junior Insti-
tute girls payed a team representing
Malcolm Jug. Institute, the 'visitors
.winning by a score. of 5 to Lucknow's
The Rev. Duricari tGampfiell wifl
preach in the South Kinloss Chutch
next Sunday, Jtily 1.3th.
Miss Hazel Sills of ietronto, spent
the'veek end with her, mother. here.
Mr. 'and Mrs. Robert. McNeil and
farnily spent a few* days last week
with Goderich friends. y •
Garner Nicholson's Monster •
under the' auspices of the United Farmers of. North
Huron, will be held/on •
-Tuesday Evening, Ju1y,c15
at his.residente on the 4th line of Morris
1 1-4 miles east of Beigrave.
Supper from 5 io 830 o'clock
Programme by the Cowan Concert Co., of Toronto.
Twentydninute addresses by the Liberal and Cori-
tervative Candidates, W. H. Robertson and George
spawn, •
DanCing after the Pkograrn
Good Platform, and Orchestra
'ADULTS 50c. CII/LDRgN 25e.,
W 3,• Henderson, Area. W. Rutherford, Ste.
for •the pest three years you have
:endeared yourself to. ha by Strong
ties of friendship. • ,
We feel 'that we would' like to give
some expression of our . appreciation
of your faithful service.and you
to accept this token beaing our sin-
cere good *tidies for your future- suc-
cess.. , " • Signed) • '
The Pgpqg �f S. S. No: 4, Huron.
ST. LEgo
• Rev. and Mrn Maantosh and sons'
of London Were visitors with Mrs.
clark tafir week. 'Mrs: MacIntosh has
rented' a Cottage. at Hinton.
We are glad to report that Mrs.
DUrnin Phillips who underwent a
serious operation in Goderich fleapi-
ts' is ;Progressing favorably.
Mrs. D'.,:Tedd returned on :Monday
from a month's viSit. with, relatiSe
in Michigan.' •, •
Mr. Webb and Miss, Greta, attended
the'Webb- ; Tarn:Sion., held atEldorlido
Park, Brampton, and anent the week-
end .at Grind Valley. • .
- Mr. Lorne Webb was home from
SeafOrth for the week -end.
Mr. J, C. Keine and'his bride •of
Ilainilton were recent visitors with
his sister, Mrs, C. Foran. His, mother
Mrs. Keine' accompanied them.
Mr.' Wmt M
eQuillin and Mr. John
MeQuillin we're in. Guelph for a few
daysrecently:taking a &Ante in stock
judging at •the 0. A. C. • .
Miss Mitehill of Molesworth has
been engaged sis principal and Miss '
Junior Room in the St. Helen's School
The warm ladies' who were present
at ,the Institute meeting held at Mrs.
-Gelrge Stuarre-oti Thursdny last,
en:yed a 'real treat. After the regu-
lar business .„.had bean transacted
Mrs. Styart's brothers, Dr. W. C. and
Dr.. George McGregor and the latter's
daughter, Mimi Donna took tcharge of
the program., Focal sions by all three
nktnn hy Dr. W. r. and Miss
MeGregor,• a . reading bv Miss MeGre-,
eor wer0&i *mei erriored, Then Dr.
Georyn worfiovr gave-airinteretitirier•
and helnfill talk rin"The Cause and
Cure of • '
Plane seebein Made bv • the WO-
ine9'94iiititioe tor '4 community
nie, to be hell at Goderich at a date
to be set- later. '
Those who .passed the entrance rix-
aminations at the local school were:
Hthuirs-Florencet McDonald. Pass -
Helen Collin's:. Myrtle Thompson: Au-
drey` Stanley: Russell Stanley:. con-
igtatuiatiqta •
Miss Macgayet Robertson and Miss
Reid of. Kincardine, visited the form-
er's parents cm Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs: Will Walsh spent Sun-
day at Tiverton. . .
Mr. and -Mrs. Albert Scott • and
children Visited at Tiverton on Sunday
Miss :Olive Robb )'as resigned her
school here (Purple' Grove) and has
.made many friends here, who regret
her departure. '
• Mr.' audhlts: Smith and George and
Mr. John Rest of Toronto, is visiting
at Mr W. 11. Scott's.
Mr. and, ifts, . Bazil Thompson, of
Galt, are spending tier holidays
'with We,' Walter Iledgina-
Mr. and Mrs. Earle Hodgins spent,
a' day zit Port Huron last week.
• The ilolyrciod Women's Institute
met at the home of Mrs. Joe Hannah
-last week:
Mrs. Wm. Thompson Spent a few
days at Tlronto recently.
• BORN-1'0'Ni. and Mrs. Howard
5Haldeithy,' 4 daughter -Helen Elexya.•
In the matter of the ' estate of
George..Wehb late bf the Township of
West Wawanosh, Farmer, deceased. •
Notice is hereby even that all 'per -
ions having • infy claims or deniands
against the late George Webb, who
died on or about the thirty-first' day
of May A.D. 1930; at the Township
of Wet Wawanosh in the :County of
Huron, are reimired to send by post
prepaid or to deliver to the ender -
signed; Agent for the executor Under
the_ Will of the said George Webb,.
their 'flumes and addresses and full
particulars in writing of their 'claims
and statements of their aecotints and
the nature of the securities,0 if any,
held, by them duly verified by officio: -
vit. , ' •
And take notiee that after the
econd day of August. A.V. 193% the'
aid executor proceed •to chstri.i
bute the assets Of the ‘said deceased
Meng the persons, entitled theretet
riving regard only to the claims of
which he 'shalt.then have had notice,
rid that the said executor will not
bo liable for the 'said Assetsor any
art thereof to any person of Who'
laing_ he shall not then have ieceives1
This notice given pursuant to the
tatutefin that behalf.' • .
Dated at Lucknow this ithAily ef
uly A.D. 1030. •
jinteph. Agnew, tucknowi ant,
fifillt 'tot tha Etatator of Ail WM.
oS tna sithl acorn Wanh
• ,1
• ,
• FOURTH .ON. m K1141.10$13
Miss Lola McGillivray, of Toronto,
18 spending. her vacation at her 'home
her, •- •••••
Mr, and Mrs. Wrn. Rebb, Olive and
Cecil, split Sonde)! at Dubin&
Miss Margaret 'OrabOn, of 'Detroit,
spent the Week -end at her home here.
Mrs. IN. Campbell and- Vhildren ot
Wiughwa, Visited last We9ic with -her
mother, Mrs. j'e4ritia,
Mr., Melvin Smith of Tottinto. 18
spending a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. W. McDonald: -
Mr. Bert Neil Bein •of Lofidoni la'
spending the .vacotion with Idle grandr
lidirents. f4r, ,and Mrs. .R. Bain,
with Mrs MeG0TaY.
Miss Jean McKenzie is .Up from
roront.!'few days,
a:. •
eu;uuvi Mrs.
D. Martin,. .of
Reif: 4. A. James of -ilsa Craig,
.ves a. ealiet On the line last week.
Mrs. Win. Fraser, who has net been
well for mime time, is much improved
and expects to go to her home in town,
soon. ••
Mr. Willie. M:eDonald .returned from
Detroit to spend the summer with
his parnts, Mr. and Mrs. D. McDonr
Miss, Mary McLeod, who has been
in St. Joseph's Hospital' in Louden,
• is. able 'to he 'at her- heme again, 'we
are glad to repOrt.
Mr; and Mrs. 'Frank FallowS and
children,. of Sarn:a,• are visiting With
Mr. and Mrs. W. kEnaign, thisweek.
Master gordoStruthers Of Luck -
•now, spent, the first of the week with
Mearie Muldleton. - :
kir:imLittle ofBownia, nville,i
home lor the school vacation. ;
Mrs. A. McDonald and son Gordon,
are up from Totento. •
• Miss Irene Morgan and' :Miss 'Olive
Robb were secessful in haying all
their pupils pine their examinations.
1 990 •
• Reinnant Sale -in the Bargain An-
nex (Upstairs)..: The Market -Luck,
now Dept.Stur :
Mrs.-,-Albert_Thompson- entertained,
the Kinlough Preabytern choir at
her home 'to a strawberry festival
recently: •
The reguk meeting of the H. W. L
was held at the home -of • Mrs. Joseph
Hanna, Thursday, July 3. The presi-
dent, Mrs. Hanna occupied the chair:
There 'was', an, attendaneel of twenty.
five. It was decided. to held the an-
nual Picnic et Kineardine on July 28..
Mrs. Crozier the District Pies. was
present, and gave a very instructive
and enjoyable talk on the Institute
work. Miss .Laura Bell gave, a paper
on Famous ' Canadians and their
works. Meeting closed with the Nat-
ional Anthem, The hestess, and lunch
committee served lunch, and all en-
joyed a social :half hour. ,
Mrs, Harry Pierce of . Winnipeg,
Mrs. T. Watson and son Malcolm o
Lucknow, were visitors at Miss Liz-
zie Pierce's on Monday. •,
Mrs.' Thos. Harris was called to
Kincardine • Thursday, miring to the
serious illness of her father, Mr.
Anas Palmer, who 'suffered a. stroke,
but so far lie holding his own..
Mr. and Mrs. Neil McKinnon, Annie
Mary, and son,Jaek were Sunday vis-
itors at Alex: Pierce's.
Mrs. Burnell and grand daughter,
Francis Desmond; of Palmerston, re-
turned home. today, after holidaying
• the past few weeks at the Purvis'.
Mr aGnrMrs.
Pinkney, was in our
buJames Meagher, Mr.
A. Clancy of Cargill, Mr. and Mrs.
Hairy, Penne% formerly of Kinloss,
were Sunday visitors at the Purvis'
jiciMts..srs: Homer- Harris and Well-
ington Henderson, are busy practising
with the drum and fife for the 12th. .
Mrs. Reward Harris, motored to
London MOndaY, owing to the death
of her cousin, 'Miss Seatigne. The
funeral was on Monday afternoon.
Mr. and Mre. *lama Mckedzie and
little. dttughter, Catherine, of Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Elliott And son
Clayton, of Detroit, . were visitors at.
Mr. Almer Ackert's the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Congram and
family Mr. arid Mrs. Ernest Ackert
and family, took in the. Switzer re -
ninon picnic held at Mr. Clarke Swit-
zer's, $t. Mary, on Saturday. This be-
ing the . 2nd gathering.
Mrs. Mary fleddns,, Marion, Char-
les and Ralph, MiSs Annie Staters'
and Mr:. Gerdon Statters, of Hamilton
•who has been holidaying this fat
couple of weeks at 1i home bete, at-
tended the Percy re -union pienie held
at London, July•3.
Mr. and Mrs. Basil Thompson and
-sini Bobbie, of Galt, are holidaying
With friends here.*
a s
it cort, shaving Cream
. q
Rapid 'ln'e Creri-
5, '
aPUS --;tes -- Handy Grip Stick
L. 11111
The Rexall Oruggisct--.
•Lucknovir, Ont. ° • Phone 32
••.. • • •
TO The Electort Of' NO#h Hurod
• .
Ladies and Gentlemen: „ • • '
I dealt in my letter last week with the, Dunning" Midget in Its ri-
sj. labor, to Empire trade. There are other features of that budget' that
are of importance to the people of North Huron Our Opponents are ' •
-saying that the Government has adopted their policy (protection) •
that the Conserritire Party's attitude on tariff matters has' been •••
cheated, and that the Libeial Party; ' having deserted its principles, is 'e ;
unworthy of confidence. •• • ,
. , These assertions are very wide of the mark: The increase of duty.'
, made under the Dunning budget are lamest exclusively on agricultural • ;
products, and in many cases :are in the form of a "countervailing" '•
duty. :This means that whey another country levies a duty on a Pena- •
diart7produet;-Canadivill-Jevy-the'sanie rat-e7uf- idit)7.. on , similar • ,
in _farm Prodnets with the United States. We say to -Uncle SiTyl.---Uf -
product 'Coming from that country- Thist applia .mainly to our trade I.; .•
you are going to 6harge, high duties' on our butter*, eggs, Wheat and
other. farm products, We will charge the same • high duties on your
goods of the same kind coming into this ,country, and the morriment
you reduce your. duties 9n our goods, we will make a corresponding
rednetion, in our duties on year goods." , It the United States shuts
Canadian Lorin products out of its markets, then Car da will close .
its doors against farm products from the United States. This legis -
lotion is already in effect •
ThisLis-very-different-fronythe'volicy of the Conaervative party. •
.'They would iherease.the duties not 'only on the goods - the farmers
• sell, but also un the goods the farmers buy, thereby increasing the
. cost of Jiving 'and 'the cost', of producing the goods that farmers must
sell to make a livelihood. . ' • - •
The United States just now affords an, illustration of what this
means. The farming industry in those. country has been for some •
• years in a etate Of depression, much worse than has been :experienced
• in Crirada. In, the last Presidential election canipaign, Mr. Hoover 'pro- '
raised a special 'session of rongreas to bring in measures for "farm'
relief." Whed Congress convened'- and proceeded' to give the farmers
the premised "relief," the ,manufactiirers thqught they 'should have.
some further "relief"' also, and the measure that finally emerged,
known. as the Smoot -Hawley. tariff bill, places tariff burdens en
- • -o-o-o-- • '
Mr, and Mrs.•Alf Andrew and dau-
ghter Winnifred, of Owen Sound, were
here, on Sunda. 'last. They were ac-
eompitnied.home by Mrs. Isaac An-
drew and Miss Ada Helm, who will
spend a week at .Owen Sound.
Miss Bell Anderson of Victoria HOS-
pita. London, is evading a few days
With Zion friends.
Mrs. Mary Anderson is spending
this week with Mr. •and" Mrs. Fred
Anderson. •
Mr. and Mrs. Sinn SWan and family
were Sunday Visitors with Mr.. and
Mrs, Earnest Gardner.
, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toppt Miss Jean.
Topp and Mr. WM, ,Champron of Tot -
onto, were visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDonagh.
Mr. and Mrs: Ronald humins and
daughter Peggy, and Seri jiai. of De-
troit,. called on friends at Zion over
the Mit in • • , •
t(imus, IfeDottsgh is honj
tooin toott#on fl cyrootion,‘
• farmers that far outweigh any benefit they might 'get from higher
52 duties on their own products." The annual tariff tax on goods which
farmers, must buy is estimated in. millions of dollars, while the tariffs
on agricultural products are largely ineffective, at any rate on those
, products 'of which the United States produces a surplus. A billion
dollar "gold brick" for the farmers, ' is what the new Ut. S. tariff bill •
has been called. -
Here in Canada Mr. Bennett invites our farmers to vote for the
' same sort of thing -for tariff legislation that would take en ,dollars
out .of their pockets for every. ten cents it would -put in their pock:
.ets. Is that what the people of North Huron want?
• ' The ;present worldwide depression may not be the beginning of "
an era of lower prices. If Our farmers haVe to accept lower prices
for what they produce, their only hope is an all-round reduction of
prices, so that their dollar may. go farther than it • does at *present.
High tariffs and high taxes tend to lceep, up prices, • increase the cost
of production, and check the sale of the goods ,produced.Canada's
• great export trade, both in egtieultural -products and in mininfaatur-
• ed articles, depends upon a cost of production Sufficiently low 'to al-
low the producers to compete successfully- in the export markets. If •
Mr. Bennett means what he says, Canada's export trade, and partied -
laity the interests of our . farming population, would be threatened
both by higher tariffs and, ,by higher taxes. He promises a speeiel
' session of Parliament (which in itself would cost two million dollars)
to inaugurate A great program of public expenditure on such projecti
as a trancontinental.motor highway, the development of the St. Law- -
rence seaway, branch railway lines, and *04 . projects, the- total test
. of which would not be less than & thousand million of dollars. Re-
ferring to this 'very matter, The Farmers' Sun with good warrant
. • declares that "Mr./Bennet:Vs recent speeches have alarmed Many who
• have a stake in the country."
The King Government has been carrying out a splendid program
of tax. reduction and at. the faint time has paid off over $250,000,000
of the public debt. For the present and future welfare of our country
this Iprogram should he continued, rather than that we should plunge
• into a new era of large expenditures necessitating additions to the
public debt and heavier burdens Upon the taxpayers.
Rnheftse' ,
S. S. No. 7, Malawi •
Sr., Ill' 1V --n --,Mory Mae -
Connell 93: 1,14d MeNall 81i Mien
Burns 80. ' PASS .-LOrAce McLeod /8:
Lawrence McLeod 68
. . th ,III-Hon.-Marioti
Carinpliell 90: Lorne Sills- 85: Dorothy
MacDougall 80,: Calvin Irwin 75.
II to Jr. III-Ron,z-Mnty 'Carter
82: Winnifred Tliotriken (3inniny
Snits 16, .J611411116 Carter 76) , ties:
Paas..., -Clifford Megan /0: Donald
Thomson 061 Donald Stimion • 65:
Millicent Carter, absent. •
8' I to, IT•-lion.#-ItUth griffOnd,
94, Freda MacDougall -92: Margaret
83 George Carter, *beset,
PI 4 to Or mioNao.
R140000 P4?
,s •
. Jr. Pr. to Sr. Pr. -Edna
Eileen Carter, absent. • •
No. on Roll 27. Average Att. 23.
Teacher:. -C. M-Hamilten.
Henry 'Pod hasdeclared:Proldlii-
tion is effective with 99 per cent; of
our population, The 'reniainips one, .
per cent. seems little, ,but in a great
Country Hke ours it is a great many
people, This one per cent. is made up
largely .of the weitlilkt class, the erti '
Weal class, and the Omitted dais,
Prohibition is here to 'stay and It
will work. The low is being enforced
iniperfee4 pethipti, yet, but,00= '•
,i,q0eltiotitt *tin tot Hithitor ttof4
ignini On, -• .a
;pt."' P7,1 • .4.4.110441 • -#
* • 4 •-•41