HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-07-10, Page 1The Bread Thee ;.Bread ' - of Health 'IS of �Healt'' OUR M.: ... o - MOTTO I S UA � ...: , LITY "AND : SERVI°CE. .. UR QUALITY. LOAF"' IS A REAL FOOD ',WITH . A` D,EYIC.- . IOUS FL:AVOU.R AND .^I1;)►'GH EAT '. VA IL*. ... L ,�I � LUE., HOME. MADE;: •` WHOLE WHEAT ;OR .'RAISIN• BREAD: • '.•••., CREAM -PUFFS �=, 0RAh1`G CAKES, — •CHELSEA ' B CHOC�OLOTE:: ,MARSHMALLOW{ R UMTS' RICH FRUIT CAKE • . , BUTTER TARTS - _._' DATE TRIANGLES' '• . LEMON: MERINGUE NES • BOLL •. YMAN S O A ITY BAKE Ph9ne'36- � . : � • .: RY .Lucknow... 4b .•Nn �r... 82,.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE; $2.50 OTHERvizi LUCKNOW, ONT., ° RURSDAY, JULY l'Oth,1930,. SINGLE . COPIES 5 CENTS DR, W. M. CONNELL Physiciaq° and°'Surgeoe Lucknow Hours: 1.30 3.30 ' ?. Phone •DENTIST, Dr, R. L. Treleaven,, Lucknow Roars 9--=12 `A.. M Phone 5,3 : X ray Will be in ;Dungannon every. Thursday WALL PAPER -A full line of 1930 Wall Paper on hand. Prices 'consider- able down for 1930. 1 am'; also agent for. leading job houses. -R. J•' Camer on, Decorator, , Painter and Grainer, Box. 174, Lucknow.' Tom. _..T FOR SALE A°•com1ortabie dwell-' • lug. Apply to D. C. Taylor. • • ("0 -3 -la • TRUCKING ' •• ' The' undersigned is prepared to do all kinds -of trucking. Prompt service to 11n parts of aOntario:. Lloyd 'Stein,: Phone 11,,L ckno'w .. (10-7-p • DRAINAGE.' WORK IN . • • KINLOSS TWP. ' The Kinloss Twp. Council'are call- ing. for. "Sealed: Tenders" for; the .. Trenching and covering:: of tile', - on the Gaunt -Laidlaw Municipal Drain on Lots"27-28, Con. 2; „Kinloss. • Tenders to be' in.'the hands of the. Clerk not 'Ater than August 1930. All tenders to be•'accompanr , by +•,marked cheque for`IO'%' *the on- -- •.•:--ti:aet price. The lowest ,or any tender no essarily.accepted. Plans and nee-. pecili- cations nay been seen at :Mr. Thos.. 1 Gaunt's, or at the Clerk's office. J. R. `LANE, Clerk ' •: i 17-7-c.) Al 1 • - ' 0 LOOM. AND, GENERAL Ir.- Mrs, 'Harry Pierce • of '.v WiiimpegTis a visitor with her sister, . `Mrs. Thos. atsen.: ; Dr, Rt L Treleaven will ,netbe in „his office for. two weeks '.following• Miss.'Marion MacDougall :is home from .Golden a Valley forthe school vacation. , ' Mrs. M. White .and daughter, Joari, of Toronto .are guests this week of Mrs... Hassel. • :Bargains in ' Silks, 'Dress Goods,. -Wash Goods -Etc.. Th ei Market, Luck - now Dept.' Store: r. ' ervin Bridge, who is on va- cation, dropped ;in to see . Lucknow friends' on . Tuesday. Mrs. ' •H. G. Sherriff;, Vera and Graham, . are. spending July and'Aug- ust' at Ipperwash ' Beach. • Mr. and. Mrs. Claud ' Brown :Qf Lon-. don, Ont:; :were. 'guests of and Mrs: Ilollyman this • week:,- ' . -J. Garnet Armstrong .and son Ronald, are'up from Toronto to'.spend a few .weeks ate (::ark's' Point. • . Mr.' Stanley Burns 'of Lond'on,,.and Stewart tsurns., oz 'Detroit, are spend- ing the .week at thew' imee. here: Mr. and M'rs..Wmr Martin :and son Bruce, , of Seefortii, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cameron • ';Mss. Thomas Gagnon' oLonde; formerly, Miss Almeia,'-Durnin,mil- d on a, nuu,oer . of Lucknow friends ast: wee -end, _._ k. Me. .C. J. McGr gor, principal, at. • exandria: Scuooi, . Waterloo, ipaid: - a visit recently Le iiia brother, Mr: D. D. ,McGregor. . WEED INSPECTOR Haying. been , appointed, Weed_ In- spector for the Township of 'Kiihloss for, the year 1930, I take this oppor- tunity of asking the hearty co -opera- tion of every ratepayer iv the Muni- cipality, incombating the weed -men- ace for unless'- :everyonetakes an interest in .their own place, it• will be - 'lurch harder :to accomplish , the end in - view. • ° The. Department seem' determined to 'tighten upon the weed lsw. Thanking, you all in advance, , . Yours, • Truly, Albert Thompson, R. 3, Holyrood.' •(1.0-7-e.) . GOSPEL MEETING . In :Lucknow Gospel Hall • • CONGRAM „BLOCK Every ,Sunday at. 3 o'clock Sunday, July 13, . ."AN EXPENSIVE= HAIR CUT" • (17=7- p.)• TO ' .WHOM IT MAY:. CONCERN • . Fire Insurance Renewal Receipts numbered 2102 to'•:2125 inclusive ' of the FIREMEN'S INSURANCE COM- PANY of NEWARK, N.J., have been lost, 'mislaid, destroyed, or stolen from ' the offide of Joseph Agnew, of ' Luck- • now, Ontario. This is 'to notify that same are void and of no effect. (10-7.p.) DO YOU LIKE BREAD - That is White? ROLLS- . That are Light? . 'CAKE - Out Of Sight? • COOKIES- . Just Right? Of Course You Do: REID HAS THEM REID'S BAKERY ' Phone 68. f7777 • _:.. `6I " NOTICE. TO CREDITORS In' the matter of the Estate • of Annie Cameron late of the Village of Lucknow in. the Countyi_ of Bruce, Widow, deceased. : . • Notice is hereby given that all per- sops er- so s having .zanyclienis or • demands against the late Annie Cameron, who. died :on, or about the twenty -north day'o• f March A.D. 1930 at the Village of Lucknow in the County'of 'Bruce, .are required to send .IIby post prepaii or to deliver to theundersigned; ex- ecutors under the Will of the • said Annie Can' exon, their names and ad, dresses' and full. particulars in writ- ing r their • claims and ' statements of their accounts and the nature of .the securities, -i if any, held by then` duly verified by affidavit. , And take notice that after the Sec- ond day of August A.D. '1930, the said 'executors will proceed to distri- bute the assets ,of the. said deceased ant"ong the persons entitled thereto. having regard only, to the claims of which they shall then have had notice and that the said' executors will not Le liable for the ` said .assets or any part thereof to env person of +lipsc claim they shall not then have re- ceived notice. . !• This notice is given pursuant to the statute in that behalf. • Dated at Lucknow this seventh day of July A.D.19'80, it �►`, J. L t le,• R. J, Ceme ori Luehnows • ' xe'olu`orli ... it40+4 0!) mo Mr. and Mrs. William MacKenzie of towu,,attenued' tae .Patterson farcy sly picnic' and re -union at Ingersoll,. on duly 'lata Miss Isobel Douglas who: came borne from -Chatham 'last week suffering from a nervous breakdown, is im- proving at her home here. Mrs. Weston end"her five children and- her ,.aunt Miss Dorina . Moore, have' come :from Toronto tospend a few weeks with, Mr. R. Moore, • Misses Jean and Bessie •MacKenzie of Toronto and •New .York respectively. are -ipendiiig 'their ; vacation with Lucknow ' and Kinloss relatives. Dr. George McGregor and daughter Donna, and Dr.' Will McGregor, of Chicago, visited last week With their ;father and sister on Ross street.. Miss Myrtle: Webster is taking 'a summer course. in Mgsic at Toronto. She will teach in the . Welsley village' school after the'summer' vacation. The regular 'meeting "c f the W.o- nien's Institute will • be held at. the home of .Mrs. ' Jas. Miller,'Friday, July llth, at 2.30 o'clock. ' Visitors. welcome.. - Mr. and Mrs.. Robert 'Cannon and three children of Toronto are spend ing two weeks .at Clark's Point. Mrs. Cannon was formerly • Miss' Rose Smith of town. ,Mr. Ray • McDiarmid, Mr. and 'Mrs. .Trangmar, and Miss ,Mil'er, all of Cleveland, Ohio, were week -end visi tors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex McDiarmid. 'Miss 'Olive Robb has resigned her position as teacher at "Purple Grgve, and following ,the •vacation , she will be on the "spare' ,list of the Toronto school staff. Miss Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. MacLennan, is away' on a boat and -.ail trip to Montreal, Halifax and New York and will be gone a couple, of weeks. The annual.' Scotch Doubles tourn ament will be held on the .local bowl- ing green, Thur.'sdsy of: this week. The green is in excellent condition and Victoria Park is beautiful. Rev.: J. S. Hardie and his, daughter ;; arpatret, of London were guests of Mr. end Mrs. F D. MacLennan Thurs- dayevening of last 'week, being on their way to their summer cottage at Oliphant. :On Saturday of, this week, July 12, the oven memorable victory' at the. '.Boyne River, Ireland will'be coinmein- orated. Local Orangemen will "cele- brate at Kincardine *here a demon- stration will be held: ' -The Sacrement of the Lord's Sup- per will be observed in the 'Lucknow United Church next. Sunday .morning. Pre �arator service Will Preparatory ervice 11 b y, . , wa a held on Friday: evening, when the ReV. Ralph II. Turnbul, of - Belniore. will be the preacher; • • Mr. Alvin Irwin and wife, of •: Lon- don, were 'callers' at The' Sentinel office Saturday of last week Mr, r a' Wig Ir one time an employee of the Sentinel, and . is. now with The London Advertiser.. He was ` married d a year ago. That typical Bruce"Old Boy" Who having • ., prospered in the neighboringre republic,. yet , Y t lves ta• come 'back eh . to enjoykaki Heron breesea atBoucle Beach,:Di, . J, P. ' MacKenzieof Dstr�oit,sIt,d NOW hiI Lucknow fvjon o Villi .int, d . ATE'RWORI{S BY-LAW ' • ° CARRIER! WITH •.. .. MAJORITY OF 50, By a majority of: 50 the 'ratepayers: of Lucknow, voting on . Monday of. thus week, '.approved a by-law author .- ` ling:. the Village Council to raise' the money 'necessary: `.for . the • installation of fire -protection and domestic water It will. be' remeifibered ;that this by, law -Was submitted to. the, ratepayers on April 7th (just three.months'ago)' and was defeatbd by eleven votes. In April the vote FOR was 118, and AGAINST 129.. • • Ln si..nday it was .152' • FOR, • and 102• ,AGAINST. It will be noted' that the'' total vote on Monday was only 7 greater than the total vote cast, in April. `However a number' who, for' one' .reason and anotherdid • not vote in April, mark- ed ballots on Monday, •w hile it . is known, that several who, strenuously opposed the by-law in April refrain- ed from voting this time. In April the northern division (north. of Campbell St.) voted 76 for and 84 against,' a total. of 160; . and the southern division voted 42;for. and 45 against; -a- total of 8�7 On Monday' the'. northern• division voted 96 for and .72" , against, a .total of ;168;' and the southern di'v:sien vo- ted '56 for and 30 against, a total of 86. s' . • following the vote in April,` a num- ber •of, those- favorable to the by-law thought that : if the. ratepayers ' were .nore fully 'acgti.3intgd with the con- ditions :which actually faced' the Conn- ell, and with the real . purpose of the ;'by-law, a different verdict night be secured. With the purpose ,of bringing ori -another. -Gyle these underlie* a campaign of education, and had a largely -signed petition' .presented ."to. the Council,requesting that.,'the {aw' be re -submitted.; The '` Council -Linking the\petition sufliciently.strong to warrant 'another vote 'beingtaken,. took the necessary': steps' to tat end. Besides the educational 'campaign those favoring the by-law hada good organization . to get all favorable vo-. ters out, and. some time. before'. the polls closed, every Voter' they wanted had marked a. ballot- . On Friday"evening • of last 'week, a public meeting, arranged for by .the Committee `favoring the' by-law, was held in the.Town Hall. This meeting was addressed• by Wm: Storie, consul- ting engineer of Toronto, Dr. 'Berry • -of the Provincial Health Dep., ;.and Mr. Flemming, an engineer, represen- ting the Layne -Bowler Co. contrac • tois.. All 'three are familiar with 'such work; as is proposed at Ldcknow; and. they '.gave much useful information. The 'meeting: was attested° by about 100 men and women, who' gave splen- did attention throughout. Regarding this meeting it was stated, by a party not over careful. of the truth, that it' would cost the vil- lage 'a good deal -$500.00 perhaps,' -as those men didn't work for nothing. Well these men'' didn't 'cost the village one , cent.. They motored here from Toronto and supplied their own gaso- line. , . The. favorable • vote .on the -by-law relieves thee Council from a ,difficult. situation, .as they', can now proceed with a scheme of which they approve, and of which they know a majority of the ratepayers approve. 'STREET DANCE Lucknow Fire Company, will put on 'another', of their popular• street dances on Friday . night of.'' this week. Six: - piece preheat -re -this time,. . band in at- tendance, and prizes for lucky ticket - arid first'couples on the 'floor", after orchestra starts, Clearing all Curtain Materials' at reduced prices --The Market-Luek- now Dept. Store. • . -o-oo 'Card of• Thanks Mr. Fred MacDonald and sons, wish to express grateful' thanks to tbe friends and neighbors who were so 'kind' and helpful during the.Jong .ill- nesc and at the death of wife and mother. t•. Mr. and Mrs; David M. Polosky of, Chicago, on their honeymoontrip,• were guests for a few days of 'get week of Mr. and Mrs: B. Pearinnan. • From here they went to Toronto tak- ing Miss Jennie Pearlman 1vith thein for a short stayin the city. Ail the ladies of Lucknow and vic- inity are especially. invited to visit Thorhpson's Grocery during the two remaining days; Friday. and Saturday of a Baking .'demonstration bit' Mrs. Calvell and sponsored bycourtesy of the Magic Baking Powder Company. R. II. Thompson. It appears that, The Sentinel was overlooked in the distribution of the. copies -o€ ---the Entrance examination results, so that we are unable to pub- lish the report this week. Lucknow School, however, lived pup to its 'pad reputation by gettings Y the whole class Of 19 through Miss Ritchie took highest Marksthis.. year., The. . M Rev. C. H. acDonald, his wife and Miss - Katie MacDonald, of the school Staff, set out least . +'motor trip whichweek art will take.them as far ' as i H Ia . a x They •purpose to' aairip On the Way and Will be atv .., . ,`iy nearlythfre weeks. e e . , The -Rev. Ur.JilGltMeaY bettook Mr. MseDoalci''s work hos! ;; : i' t tip in the sv. « e .. ai �e ! MVO die f4l�it �ei� ��rf.v i � LU'CKNO.W JR. FARMERS 'LOSE SOFT BALL CHAMPIONSHIP On .Tuesday the' Junior .:Farm :and Junior Institute of'Bruce Cort .held their annual picnic at Port gin. ."The weather.• was ideal'and... local organizationii were well, ire sented. , An. -added attraction to the 4 is .p Was the soft'. ball 'game' between Lu no* and- Mialcolm, '•champions. South and North Bruce respects for .the,cham'pionship of'Bruce Con ty, The Malcolm team was the.w ner 'by a•: score of 16 -10, due 'to' disastrous inning for • the Luck boys,. the 3rd, when 11 runs we scored against them. Lucknow m a desperate rally in the 9th inni when they brought 8 runs across plate,: but;they could 'not succeed overcoming' Malcoim's big• 'lead.'' Another interesting .feature of day was a tug-of-war. Lucknow Fanners seemed.favored with hes weights ' g, and had verylittle diffic' ul in drawing. teams from both Paisle and Malcolm. ers my E1=t the re P . nic .of veli in- one Lucke re' ode ng, ' the. in the Jr.- vy ty e Y' A ' LITTLE SURPRISE PARTY Mrs.' David• Scobie eitperienced'quite a surprise, which terminated in a pleasant affair on.a recent even- ing when. she was tricked into enter- ing the darkened home of Mra:' 'J - Wesley , Joint; • where .' she • sudden- ly found 'herself'' in the nlidst of a gathering cif her lady .friends, '.w' o took. this .-method of conveying . 'goad wishes, as Mr.'and'. Mrs.' Scobie. were preparing to move from Lucknow to London, Ont.As a material evidence of their friendship the ladies 'present-: ed Mxs-Scnb�e -with-a-pretty-silver= flower basket and silver candy, dish. Mrs. Seobie gratefully acknowledged the. gifts. WHITECHURCR Miss Dorothy Pollock spent ' the. past two weeks with relatives .'• at Rockwood. . Mr. and Mrs. Russel Reid of Brant- ford are visiting his mother, . Mrs. Alex. Reid. • , Mrs. Duncan Kennedy+ spent . the week -end with Mrs. Morris;. at Hamil- • Mr. Malcolm Ross' of Toronto spent the week. end at his' home here. Very successful anniversary' ser- vices were held in 'the. United Church last' Sunday. • Miss Myrtle Beecroft; R.N. of New London, Conn., is -visiting with her Mother •and' other relatives.' • Miss Mary Weir returned to Ham- ilton . on' Saturday after spending her. holidays at her home here. Mi. and Mrs.. John Craig and fam- ily visited 'on Sunday with friends at Ethel. Mr. 'Maas . McMillan, Jr. is here from Saskatchewan to see .hie father, who is slowly improving. Miss Annie Kennedy' returned . 'to. - her duties at London, .last week. • Mrs.' David .Gillies accompanied, by Mrs. Duncan McLeod;' °of St. Helens, and Mr. ,and Mrs. Kruger of Detroit; are on a' motor trip to' the West. Word. was' . received. here. last week of the death of Mr. Jaynes Sherriff of• Star' City,. Sask., on June 22. He was a resident of'Whitechurch before go- ing West. He was married -to a sister.. of Mrs. John Clubb and . Mr. Thos. Inglis.: . Miss. Annie. Moore Who' has 'been: visiting the'past few weeks in. Tor-• onto, 'returned home last week. Mrs. Norman Wilkins of Wiarton, is visiting her .patents Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gaunt. --o-o-a- - BORN - 'MULLIN-In Lucknow, on • July. d, 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil ullin, a son. • • MAFEKING 2n M fa -ho .Th Or we g din vi' to A fan Mi of tw B wit tw Joh on ne M.. .Mr. land 1Krs. , S. B. Stothers '. and mi ly •of •Essex are "spending their lidays at' their cottage At Kintail. ey had as guests,iMr.• Bailie' Stoth- s of Win'd'sor part°,of.last •week; -0 d r. Carmen Stothers of' Pieter', this ek. Mrs. C. Stothers and little dee. titer are visiting Mrs. Stother's. other,. Mrs.' Wm. Stanley at Kincar- e:. Miss Belle Anderson of Londo ' nis siting relatives here this week, Miss ,Matgaret, Pinlay is engaged teach school on the 4th Con. of shfield next 'term. , Mr:' and • Mrs. 'J. C. Stothers and iily of , London, accompanied by. s, Beattie of Toronto. were guests Mr. and Mra. A. Horton. Tuesday. Mr. and ' Mrs.' Ernest Holland and o ehildreif .rind. Miss Mary' Il'all of rantford. are •spending their, vacation. h relativpa: here: Mr.. and Mrs. Isaiah Kiluatriet acrd o sons of .Chicago and Mr.. wind Mrs.. n Petrie of Con.•4. Aehfield, called relatives here. Sunday. Mr. Richard Johnston - urchasd d a p d w Whippet sedan last week, from Mr Lorne McKenzie, Dungannon, PRESBYTEi IAN 'W. M. S. 'AUX. At the:, July meeting of the Aux., a member of the Mothers and the children of the cradle roll." were pre- sent. A duet war suing by Mrs. Philip Mary Dot?Blas. Steward and Miss_, _ . C rs , M sews- d ve a reading. n ga ,�. ad lig. A ins of. trifle• tiresented A Court of Frien. &thip." A° solo Wait sung by Miss lie. illowinut. .two v' yr ,-liter.rl jng t *s, f'*ol“ 7 �777 ise Y►evet Dou_ ll�f� meek. Ail ttlia oleo of th l ... i 1111+ eec eI h0li! ' eT .,, , . d PIM • WEDDING BELLS • - Michie -Ai "' tens $On An interesting wedding took p in. Carlton Street United_ C.huren, Onto' at ll•. 30 o'clock Sturday •nio ing, June- 28th, .:when Freda, daughter, -of Mr.- and "Mrs -Geo Aitcheson. of .Lucknow, ; was; rnarr to Mr. James Gordon Michie, 'son 'Mr. and. Mrs.. J.'. Michie, Greenw Ont. Rev.. G. Ernest Forbes conduc the' ceremony' and . Miss Helen.An son' played the weddingmusic. bride, who was given' away. by . h father, looked .charming in a- Pa gown.' of pale' peach ':honiten ' la fashioned' on princess lines; the sk long and full the' long sleeves yea ing well: over the', hand, ' Her • to Veil , making 'a long train,' was caug -in a• Light cap. effect and held in pia• with a wreath of-ra.le pink ,gardeni and orange 'blossoms. She wore necklace that had been• worn by :Vide . TOO. years.' ago, , andcarried' .' shower bopquet of Ophelia roses a lily -of -the -valley. • _ She .,was attend by Miss Phyllis. •Eberts 'as maid honor:. She was lovely in an exquisi gown of chartreuse chiffon and ca ried Talisman roses. The groom wa by 'Mr. ' George Brownie ,end the ushers were Mr. Willi Michie,: brother _of • the groom, an Mr. Telford Aitcheson, brother of th: :bride. Immediately after the eeremon a wedding, breakfast- was sbrved i the. romantic' atmosphere of. the- 01 Mill. Mrs.' Aitcheson,. mother of th bride, wore a grey chiffon ensemb with brick picture hat and corsag of Sunset roses, and Mrs. Michi -mother of the"groom, *as in blac georgette with hat .to match and car sage bouquet: of 'Violets. Later, 'Mr and Mrs. Michie left nn ' a : cruis down theSt. Lawrence, ' the brid travelling in a green • ensemble, wit hat, gloves and. purge. in ' matchin shade and .a beige fox,. fur. ' Those from. Lucknow who attended the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs.; Geo Aitcheson, Mr. and -Mrs., Thomas Ait chosen, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. 1VIcNa Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Davison, '.Mr. and Mrs. R. V. McKenzie And Mrs. R. Robertson. Hodgins -Johnston • 1' ace Tor in- only rge led of ood, ted And The er lis ce, in ch lle ht ce as a a a.' an ed of to r- as Willie y; d e' I ler e e k e' e gi . • ,-•..o. FA:'1 .ILY. THEATRE FRIDAY and 'SATURDAY',. :July 11-12 Ken Maynard, In-. "LAWLESS LEGION" and COMEDY Coming- -- "NAMELESS MEN" and COMEDY - Coming,' Special '' • "THE ` DIVINE LADY" Su `er=Te ` . p sit Service .._ ETHEL,. HIGH COMPRESSION. • STANDrLRD GASSES .: ' OIL'& COAL_<.OIL LUBRICATING SPRINGS ' 1 ADJUSTING . BRAKES DOOR FITTING'. • CLEANING & DRESSING TOPS' FENDER NDER BUMPING' • MECHANICAL ,WORK' Supertest.(ara PGarage ;,;-r -sedan. ear to the ' groom, 'and , a five - hundred' -dollar cheque to the bride, from the groom's father. - •Mr. and Mrs.. MacDougall left on a honeymoon' trip - to New York; Phil- adelphia, and up' the' Great Lakes to' Fort William. • ' On their return they will make them - home on Eowood Ave., Toronto. Moore-W^bb . A quiet •but . pretty.'. wedding:'' was - • solemnized on' Saturday,' June 28th,, , b, at. the home .)f ;Mr. & Mrs. G. R. Dun- can, Fort William, Ont., when Gladys Christianna, older' daughter of Mrs., Webb and the late. George Webb., of ' 'Lucknow. 'Or_:,ario, • became the' bride of Rohert,John Moore, son• of Mr.. 'd Mrs". I. Modre, of Kippen; Ontario. Rev. ,C9sby`- :Mottle, of Wesley United Chuilch officiated: The bride was at- • • tended • by •. her sister, Miss Caroline ' and J. -Ross Lawrence of . Fort Will Liam' was groomsman. Inimediately after the wedding breakfast, the hal,- li pydowacon. uple left ' by motor for Sheben- • . A charming•wedding took place re= centsly at the home of Mr. William R. Johriston, Ripley, when his' only dau- ghter, Mayme Mariory, became the bride of Earl A. Hodgins, . elder , son 'of Mr..and Mrs. L. V, Hodgins, Ber-' vie. To the strains of the bridarchor- us from Lohengrin, played -by Mrs. bride, the, bride entered the veranda Elliott 'Johnston, sister-in-law of the on the arm of her father. The •cere= mony was 'conducted by, Rev. ,Waldron .of . etery a United Church, under an arch of eveierreen 'decorated with ros- es and orange blossoms, with a back- ground of ferns -and solvers. The bride who was given. in marriage by her father, wore a graceful gown of beige chiffon and French lace, with hat and shoes in matching tones,• and carried a shower bouquet of Sweetheart roses and lilies -of -the -valley. Miss Lenore L1,gan as bridesmaid; wore a .smart gown 2f egg -shell 'georgettg.-; -nth a 'silver • and' brown lace coat and hat to snatch, and ...carried ' a, bouquet of Sweetheart roses and fern. The•grooai was• attended by George L. Johnston brother of the • bride. After the -cere- mony a wedding dinner was served to' the .immediate friends of the' bride and r n g oorli. Later Mr. and Mrs.' Red - gins left • by. motor for Kingston, Thou ;and , Islands, Ottawa and Mon- treal, the bride tIravellingin n Havana bluesilk and • Wool covert suit with' hat and shoes to natc"h, and wearing a beaytiful fox fur, the -gift of the groom. On their return they will re- Side on the groom's farm, North' Line; Bernie . • MacDougall -MacDonald ' At Knox College ' Chapel, Toronto. on Wednesday, July 2nd, the marriage, was quietly solemnized,- of Sarah; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1). S. Mac- Donald of 'Adore -W. -who who are sit pre sent living at 24.Atlos Ave., Toronto -to 'Seymour Alexander MacDougall of_ Cambridge University, England, and son of General Alexander, Mac- Dougall ' of Ottawa and New York. The Rev. D.• T. L. McKerral officiated. Miss Marie MacDonald . was, her sister's bridesmaid, find Mr. Dean MacDonald, son''' of Dr. MacDonald of St. Catherines, Was best n',un. Aft,' terh• t e• ceremony a buffet ache loon was held ,it '24„ Athos Ave, for theim- mediate rets vel, of the bride' and Mom andMajor �tlb M ai,r Airtlnibald Nlaa ill, o>i t r 'as un'c!s 01 two. On.: ..the Un f e...plil do !W «, !/+I1 flit OW* wh n I* n' - 'teWS • --o-o-o-- LUCKNOW "BOY" ' DOING WELL - The' London Free Press of. s.fly 5th had a pictere of Mr. Steele',C, 'Mac - 'Kenzie, son of .Mr.. and• Mit. R. V. MacKenzie • of town, with . the state- - ment. that he had just qualified for the degree of • chartered life under- writer. He is with' the Sun Life As- " surance Company of Canada. , LOCAs. WINNERS IN JUDGING & MUSIC COMPETITION At the annual Judging Competition ' held at Teeswater this year, Mis§ •Mary Cook wen a prize which entitles her, to a trip to, the C. N. E. on the • Bruce , County Judging Team. . •Miss Ethel Martin. • coached the' winning :team of 3 Juniors .who Iiad never taken part in a competition be- fore.The team -consisted of Miss An- nie Bell, Miss Mildred Robertson and -Miss Blanche • Cummings, of, Ripley. In the Junior Farmer's enmpetition Mr. Fred Martin won"the silver cup, for judging beef cattle, and Fred Mc- - Quillin, in the Huron Cornpetitipn at Seaiforth. the. prize, for judging sheep and swine. - In the rural • musical festival held at -Walkerton. Ed: and Evan McQuil- lin accomesnied hy Miss Jessie Mc- Kenzie at the I' piano, tvon the ' prize for moutii-organ duet. and 1'van also non third . p',•ice in the e, old time fid- -filers contest, Miss Rachel Mae noniiid of Lucknow came second in folk-daneing.. . - -000 -. 1NMEMORIAM JARVIS-1n loving memory of' our dear 'father, Edwin: Jarvis who died one year Ogo July ;12th; 1929. Nothing but memoriesas we journ- nes, on, a Lon ing for i Longing s, ule from'a face, that now is RQne,' Abeanofu l memory that will never fade, • .e loved Of �� w i e ed iso well, pYitcould ile $.01y Wo d b ► his wog ' >a b II vt- • i