HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-06-12, Page 7WHEN , CHOKER COLLARS AND .� . ., MD POMPADOURS WERE THE STY Wilspn's BaclelQr was making a name for • itself as anAexceptianally enjoyable cigar!•.' And now--aftser this 725 year test ..: . Wilson's Bachelor-:•- 000Jo. Havana filler—is smoked and enjoyed,'by more tett than any, other ten cent cigar.'. •. ✓flirt.. , fragrant. • u, • Sausages: Teo Short - ,, Says Scottish M.P. London—When the liou,s.e of Com mons Was" discussing the Bill to set, .up a Consumers' Council to' deaf with 'unfair. prices "''tor food, Mlle Kitchen, 2Confrilfttee• was solemnly listening to. a coinptaiht of. a Scottish Labor mem- her that the sausage sold n the Houyle were too short. • Arr.'A. McKinley ('Partick, Glasgow) m tde the allegatit,n 'that the .apples., Roast and sausages.'sold in the tea bar: • ,Were too clear: The dommittee invit ed him to state his case, and to the 'end premised' to conait'er what:he:had' said. • ,When Mt;.• McKinlay' mads'''his' charge ge the, indignant. committee' ;sent' out for a ease, of •aausages and, 'pro•' ceeded to. demonstrate—one:-suppose with a tape ;measure,✓ -✓th'a't they, were :as long', as 'any--lhat, tophi be obtained', • outside. .• • "L..must be ,getting all: the . shor ohC*,'• was IIT: McKinlay s 'retort, • line 'complaint at the Apples •sold Were ti too. expensive•:' Was •also contest= ed,l�y the committee, which will com- municate its findings to''Mr,';44ci inlay, later,.. i �f y indiwid,U�_,._ foil wrapped and: in . packs_ •five • Aron will'sleep more soundly than everlbefore in your, eosy Third Class stateroom on a' Canadian Cunard ship. Soft mattresses, spot- less linen; warrn blankets, feather pillows, bedspreads, clean towels, large mirror and *ashstand,•plenty of soapandwater, cleanliness every- where ... and trained stevtrarcis tcp wait on you. All this is part of Third Class service en this famous Line. This service 'means that you eat, sleep and play esyou never did before, on the voyage over and back. • • Make sure yoti are going to enjoy the f, trip by sailing Cunard to the Old Country. ' Book through The Cunard line, Cbrner of Boy and Wellington Streets, Toronto, (Tel. Eleinl 3471). or any steamship agent d`cekly railing tri Ply - k. I,(, 1,I, rtd(m, fi(1rr�t, 1.fyerpm,I and Inst;oty, In cnnjuhe- 'inn with the Anehur- .T 1, ndldeun Line. CANADIAN SERVICE • Cabfn,Tourist Third Cabin and -Third Class .t :h. Facts of Interest A detachment of Royal Canadian Mounted• Police, ,one 'officer and 24' other ranks, the pick of the force from the different divisions through o.ut•Canada, is' en 'route, to London, England, to take part in the Interna- tional 1iorsp Show at ' the Olympia: .This famous show opens .on June 19th and continues until June 28th. The detachment of "Mounties" . will give a.: display of horsemanship at every .sued- performance during the show.' ,Each I "Does your wife miss you when you -member will appear in the red tun.icare late __ such occasions __ thIS?" atld"sombrerq' hat, by which members of the force are so., well known. The R.C.3I.P. is a forcemaintained by the Canadian 'Federal Government. There are 1,609 publications issued she hit me the last time.' in Canada,:' of which 116 are :daily ° 21 semi -wee ly; 6 tri-weekly; 12 ; 44 Seinl STURDY .CHILDHOOD 21 semi-weekly; 5 triweekly; 44 semi- monthly; 3'88' monthly; 10 bi-monthly; ' 111111110111111/11111111111111111 .o'n e Y -In Memory, It had been a very,' convivial re-,. union dinner, and w14en the time came for the guests' to depart Wilson and Robert foupd that their .last train to the suburbs had ;gone, and they were faced with a 'five -milk walk home. •About an' hour later;;; and rust. as' they had passed a 'church which had. chimed out the hour, of two, Wilson; broke ,the long silence that had en - •he asked: "Very seldom," his friend dismally replied. "There are Mill two large lamps on the back of my head where 28 quarterly and 19 miscellaneous. The sturdy child ---the bright,active • Of the 530,000 homes, in • the 'Prov-�little.ebap is the one everybody loves. ince of Ontario rising electricity„ 43,7; 3.40 are farm homes. • • Total production of the forestry In- dustry in' 'British Columba to 1929 had •a Value of $90,000,0001 of which lumber accounted for about , 50 per, cent. Though those, who 'talk and talk and talk This proverb. should appeal:, • The wind that biotvs the whistle' , Will never turn the wheel, "I tell you golf is going tt, be .the' • It is only the sickly, fretful •• ild who is not attractIke.' It is the. birthright rof every child to: be. sturdy and well= -_I to lie able to make everyone admire him. 'Therefore, mothers,f• yours is not attractive it's your faint, not his. He musf be ailing and •it is up to you to see •that he gel relief—that he is given a medicine that will quickly 'make him well,and keep him well. • Baby's Own Tablets are especially •designed for infants and young child- ren. There is nothing to equal them for correctingthe irre ulr • 'i t 1 lttesofte g • stomach • and .:trowels—•'...5 cause, of salvation of the nation, and lengthen most of, the ;ICFs from which little ones our days"by decades." "But our an- .stiffer. The Tablet::: e sold by Medi- cestors didn't go in ifer golf." "And ,eine (realels .or by mail at 25 cents a where are they,now?, bead!" ' box frpm The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ' . • arses Wanted, Slang Puzzles Paris Police 1 There is ctinsternatiel] among the Tire Toronto ,Hospital for incurables. rr affiliation' with Eeilevue and Allard Hospitals, N'eW ". ark' City, offers a• Three Year's Course of Training to Young Women, having the required education; and desirous Of, becoming nurses. Thio Hospital has adopted the eight=honr system. The' °pits receive uniforms of the School,• a monthly allowance 'and travelling! 'expenses= to and froin Near York, I'dtfurther particulars • writf or apply to the Superintendent. ' ;PHILLIPS- rmAgalf,, 'For0. -4.4 Troubles due to cidi ' twaoesrrAor+. ' ✓Acro StomAGrt - HeArtreiuns s HsAOA ' Excess' acid is the caminori cause of indigestion. , It restfts in pain said .itierness about two heirs after eating. ,The quick corrective Is n alkali which Neutralizes acid. The kesteeorrecttve 'a Phillips Milk of .Magnesia...It hats. Temai'n'edd standard with ph, sicians ft the 50 years autos its invention. -'One spoonful of Phillips'' Milk of Magnesia n'e tralizes iistantIy ftilany tinter its ro'luine iiia "Kid.Itj)I; • harm - ti 1.000 Paris .polyglot policemen who sltgflt weary months absoiliing a then - sand English words, only to learn that 4oui•ists,lo' not speak the latig cage of 'Shake'spear'e. • . ' The teacher of the policemen -school boys .djd not think it was necessary to provide thein with a sideline ' of slang , with the result that they cannot ,understand the average British • or 'Am'erican tourist, and the polyglot po- icemen are so educated in the 'King*t 1'.ngitsh that ntost'of the tourietl. can not understand thein: • • When they got their" sheepskins, the • tlAlicemen were 1'liit through another less and tasteless and its action is quick. 'You will never rely' en crude Methods, never ceintinue'-..-to. suffe.rY. courseof politeness. They were taught to snlile so that all their teeth would show in the best lmertean style 2 -as Paris sees it They 'spent weary horn' learning to bend without taking the' eyes off the eyes of the .person they seek to impress. ' They were_ put through- paces w•hiet- t'cbuld give back'to.the French race the' famous traditiot. that evil French - Melt are of the "Alphonse and Gaston" schooi, forever praying the other to go first. ' That school riassed out with tide war, orl-Freffelt neit *ere -far kern" when yoti learn how ,quickly, bowl When the•new Vigil Cotnmissiorier of ole aptly this r'enaier inethod acts. l-•...o'ti.rish1 Oas:toti_Ge�:art' took -•it -Over✓ _PleA a let it show You---novw.. ie I3e sure; to get the geciin' Phillips' ' "China needs 'a Government like Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi- 'y g ours, , says a writer. It Would. cep• Ohms for 50 years to coraectn1lg ex'eeas' t1TI *ly sn 'ls them tti'g11I. Acta: Each bottle contains flip direc-` r .• �y..._ „r • r CW,trard's br}yes Away the ii!addCilE, tions. -any drugstore, 7' ..1... Second Thoughts,_ .:_ :.. The boxing -booth' was packed to oyerflowing,.; ' • The: gong saunded 'and the two boxers. entered the, ring.,. 'The' fight began! • '' ' . •The' first, second,' and third rounds *ere 'fought ' evenly, but_at the end of the fourth round•Bashem .Bill .showed distinct signs of weariness. , "I can't get on 'any more,'.' he told 11i's''.secant:-"'during the; rest. --,,'•I`ve. had enough:" "Don't be silly," urged .the otter. "You've still ,got a chance. "Tha•t's all very well," panted" Bas- hem;, -"but' 'that last. blow over the eye almost blinded me—I •can 'hurdly see ''im." "Never 'mind that" returned ;th'e second' enthusiastically, "'it 'im from ;memory." WAS -:RUN .'DOWN- • tNOW WALI.AGAIN Taken :Pleasure in Recommend-- ling Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Tothe woman in. the home illness is almost- a calamity. . Man woman keeps on with her house' old •duties wvien'she is feeling ready ,to' drop. Her 'h'ead aches, she is easily tired, is •de pressed and nervous and has. no appe-. tite. In a. vi.ord she is anaetic, and badly needs help-th•e .healt• -help that only Dr., Williams' Pink- Pills: can give her. - These pills 'make rich, red .blood Which brings new strength and energy to ,weak,' despondent sufferers., Con-_ cerhing them, Mrs. Paul Rail, Coin. du Banc,. Que., says: •"1 was 'badly ✓tin-; down,.slept poorly, and awoke as tired as .when 'I went to bed. illy appetite was poor and I felt miserable. I took six' boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and they completely. renewed my Dearth." . ' Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or by .mail at 50 cents °'box• from The 'Dr. Williams'' 'Medicine' Co., Brockville, ,Ont. Irish Immigration ' Rouses Scotland Edinburgh, .Scotland -The infirm of Irish immigrants into Scotland was• a question which. agitated the General' Assembly of the Church of Scotland recently:' • The matter was brought up by the Rt. Rev. John.. White,'Who eras first :1-011erat;Ir of the United Church of Scotland in 1929, Dr, White describing the large-scale immigra- tion tion as a "menace to Scottish cfvtliza;t• tion and culture." . " t , The problem' Was not confined. said J r. White, to flue east side of, the! country—that facing but the western part Was 'being flooded by; Irish 'also. The Assembly finally decided to ask for a Government,• inquiry into the. • Minarti's for Insect Bites. She—"Where did You get thatum• You lrrelia7" IIe—"It was a gift from. sir• - ter." She—"Tau told me you handn't any sisters." lie—"i know—hat that's. what's engraved, on the ban'11r:" • CrinibS•--"D'o'es', Br,iwn' understand the purchasing power of a five dollar h,iil7 Blinks—"Yes; what troubles hint is' the ,nnr ha iittg power of 'his wife!" n • 7 FARES• to CANADA • ADVANCED • B,IRITISIIERS in Canada. may now bring foray° it , theie ' Families, -Relatives and 'Friends _ ..on_Easy'_Terms. ,F' r--f-ilI- details applyt J. D. CAMERON, Dist. Shpt. Cdlonii'ation Canadian Patine rtailwaY, Teronto , BRITISH ' RE•tJNlON ASSOCIATION. Rev trussITTEA' RE0 Rest. ORAn ittly.A 101 , "Lest We Forget" The names of 13,479 officers. 'and men who were „Hosted ' as "missing". during the ;; War are Tecorded v 'on )Panels nr-a rile: ;oriat Whicir,.has-bee- e�eeted. by the Imperial . War Graves. Commission at Le Touret military cemetery, near Bethune, and,whichie to be unveiled ' by Lord -Tyrrell, the British Ambassador i'n .Paris. , This is one, Of a series of memorials of this kind, designed to •commemor- "ate those . 'who fell in th3 War but whose graves arenot. known. The names recorded here ars for one sec- tor'.on1y„ and for'the period up to,the -eve of 'the battle of LOos. The memorial is in the form of three solidwalls enclosing an open court of -rectangular • shape. On tire ourth— Wastern—side• is a eolonnade, with a all to the east of it. This wall 'and 'the colonnade extend outwards to the north and south to form a long gal- lery. • • . Classified. Advertising'• FOS SAL$ • isED' Bit'YLEs,., $10 UP. ° VARSIj'Y Cycle 'Works.'.418 ,Spadina •Avenue. 1oi:rrri'to. • Ai. BABY cHWHS w1s BATCHED AY' 2Tti,,000 last year tri four varie. ties. Write for ..free catalogue. A. H. Switzer,•Faranton; ndt c LNr'LE . COMB' WHITE LEdHORN • and ;Barred Plymouth Rock Baby Chicks, wonderful•winter layers. We haVe, been hatching for 27 years. Delamere Poultry Farm, Stratford, Ontario.. "TRENT" MAY AND JUNE •'' Chicks always popular. Rocks. 'Wyasidottes, Leghorns.• Free •• folder .•'Pin Money". describes why; their breeding ';tells' in the nest." • Order early and se, Trent Electric Hatchery;. Trenton, Ont.. GVXSD'B A.1 exams ROCKS MAY,18c; JUNE. 17c: LE'.- HOItNS,'May; 17d; June. 1.6c. 100% live delivery guaranteed. Express pre • - paid on 200:or'more chicks..' 8 wee', old pullets $1.40 each and up. Catalogue free. L. R. Guild and Sons, Dos. B. Rockwood, Ontario. Bronze Horses ,of Venice • The,bronze'horses surmounting Sap Marco Cathedral in Venice were made in Corinth'•neariy 20 centuries ago.. They were taken from Corinth, to Rome by Nem' to Constantinople by Constantine, thence to Venice,. and, then to Paris by Napoleon, being re- stored to Venice, after his fall. ' , 'Religioli is caught rather.. than taught."—Dean Inge. s . Learn Watchmaking Light Interesting Work • Good Watchmakers (either sex) can earn good money ' For information write the CE'N'TRAL TECHNICAL SCHOOL Toronto IL CO OVERNIGHT "Many Boils en neck. Doctor said lance. Tried'Sootha•Salvk' first:boils vanished overnight."' C. T. Scott. "Sootha-Salva" stopspainin1minnte; boiisgointewhours. Atoll druggists. Let's' •Go 'ishang` . • But .:ot foitget to ,tak.e. Minard's 'along. 'It will take cafe of cuts, bruises or molt uito trite,. t1, tl 00 YOU 'SUFFER FROM "After yeats of rheumatism, now in perfect health," says Mr. A. • Duch- arme. Thousands', write rheumatic: pains, neuritis, vanish like mars - with"Fruit-a.tives .Constipation,indi- estioa end overnight. Nerves quiet. et"Fruit-a.tivea"lromdruggisttoday. A Miracle ! ~t� Cripple not walkstrell•thauks to ICrtischcti• " For neer tight months 1, tray laiel'tq, with • rheumat n4 tenable to mor', it/len 1 rrns adrired' to try Jir.rehrn Salts. 1t is almost a spiracle, but ir•,fhorrt q word of d lie i- tris aUe to to • talon to thr fr,rnl dr,nr in lits than a teed / fit a for days 1 mix r tt rith the /,ell! of crutches: and ts'i short time fray rrulkiga belt. Phis • is roar a otlr•urek. tettrrnmiai fret four years. "I harp ,tt•rn ftrrrrsince a•d I'nrrrr frrl a 1:;,,,h of rl a ,✓atom nor. I hit r' Arbor ri pleat ,t..: 1 od, rsr• thea ro take ii. 1,..11 r1(ur rulr lrtkr ly..,rJ you trill 3 4115)3 it fa othtrx to sq." • --Ws. 'vi!liamA. - (r1,Eanl 1e:ter ct ',:e rar`i-•1 ¢cc:k*r,. •1ti.'t:a,•h+n Fair. is nhtninahin at drug and depart nl' nt t',rt''5 In Canada at 7:4•. n buttic. A 1..t'i' tr.r;':ttt-s eneuint 119 loft far 4 or 6 months-r-g,,,d health for haifa-cent a day, US Pl ISA MEDICINES Praises Vegetable Compound, Blood Medicine and Liver Pills CONSTIPATION ` rt Birehtown. Quebec- - 1 live 13 miles .Countless remedies:' are 'advertised for constipation, Many relieve for ' the moment but they are habit form- ing and must be contiriucd. Others I�ontaiil calomel -anti.-.dangerous- mite eral drugs, which remain in the sys. tem; settle in fhe joints and cause aches and pains. Some are harsh purgatives which cramp and gripe 1 and leave a tteprrss'ed after -effect Avoid ltrbr:catu g o 1s ..Vitt✓ only •� grease ti:e intestines 'and t:,". +, :t.., o.rge nafure's rim;..iner; to become loft, "- ' A putci)• v;el'rt,hc 1. V3fi?its Stihl as Carter's 1.it:1 Live::e* lis fir Jl i ,toucl!'srife liver, ',Sim d"< t to ro r�-the bowels aievi.: i- nth'; the irttest'ines. are thorocy.l:11y «N'ame,1 and .- e:.''.n •. fin , r'o so4 Hass a'%ay. i 1tc st'9 r+sd, ' liver ,tz8` 1;'wels are :ho';(. and the s''ster'i "nig'. , a rr,a1 ton!: eff'ect. :,,ts re All dru � c s d N d 3K 1 �S- �Fh$t. from town on 't farm, tvith all trig- home duties and (!fora-, trig to attend to. At the Change of —Lile.,rbei a:me nor. -...- tors and 1 rutt- down. 'The Vege- table Compound helped my it -hole .. Syst etr:.:Gl y wives are better, try app petite is good and I mu • able to dei my work. I hsve also taken the B1bo 1.1c ienit atm Tt'c i ,ye rills they TheY1i'dr4 tae. 7 -:vT arts 'vr ('•stere from tordin asking at+"vit yor yr1h, tein'r;s. .'•...•in j.1ticriatw Cih nr.Ritti .fu ISSUE No: 2'5—'30 6