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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-06-05, Page 6gotkpo •4"•a.•
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byBen 14cien Burman
. • ' '•Tlills HAS. HAPPENED " Prentiss out of his image. .1te tench-
:. :. Attempts have •,Peep made on the ed the -horse with his whip; his words
• • life of. Elise MarberrYe **Per of COW, POW. in measured' heate. that followed
. ,. •"' • oiderable propeisty near Pcitto ,Verde, the rbitlun of the leaping anima
Brasil; Vilak, her consinl who tnas7 . 41; • a fool i'''.... A cons ummate
. • . querades as Attorney Davis, and Ian- int ' -
Pa.. ,'".. Should. iiaYe known ' when 1
toln Nurmally, , an aged chemist, are
• , „ }Lapin.; her. va,„..e the, taysterieue hap, saw :bow systPlnatleosIlY the news was
• In Ells‘os two,year-old top:Wine brought„ , . How the water wa,s fait -
ad nephew his been kidnapped, but is big rg • '. BelniZSP.A917•PtIMP it. •
reCovered; .several murder have ec- 'Nobody • but he 'er. .ourselves. would
..cprred, 'Vilak believes Gaylord Prem., think:. of Prentiss : . Native a delight,
' th0, Elisa's .enernY, is atthe 14'4* 6f'' •ed -if he drOwnecl: ;'. Got to get there
• .
••"'•‘•,'", ;
theLtrenble. . • ' • ... 'ae we can • 'Save him per-
' The dim ed. vdos has burst Bebe tHO.
••and eeps. _ c_ _
tter go th;
• sseAgea-§ tide tlirough the evitritry .„
„; to warn the ; natives .of ehe,thiegee. you Dngerous • Advise yoie:go
' Vilak decidesto ride to the •home Of, back. • • -411. right • • o tune argu-,
ment- . , , . •
The .three poWerful horses hurtled
Over the feed, their hoofs kicking up
great sprays o the Wares 'of
green churned water.thrown back by
t it • .A harseman, came toward the Ann-, the propeller of a speeding steamship.
ericans.from the direction of Prentiss' • Vilak rode as though the .Oriental
faienda, He saw them 'and violently strain in bik blood hied risen to full
reinedhis heisie, recognized, poseeisien of his being; he was a Titt•
'him as George Berates, a bhiff, IdncliYe tar of the Stemies, His t.all, lean fOrni
• hearted_Yeprig 'Cockney Who was the rocked and' swayed as it adapted itself
• .roapager of one of the otitlyinyfaZeneeter- tile -slightest ,,inevement 9f -his-
. ,eae, , , • . .t.piuhging mount; he seemed but an-
, "Ain't no:,bloornin' use ginnin! to other part of its . Massive, straining,
warn that 'Prentiss blighter," he flash- body. . ,1
ed exeitedlY: was 'pail ' uP, the Elise was bent far over in her sad.
road from,CacereaWhei I 'ears about die; her head 'almost ' touching her
the bloomin' dam and thinks of the liorSe'S neck. The thiri gray dress she
bloody' blighter end rime over to tell lead donned ter her voyage fluttered
.,-.4P.rerifIss arid. ,warn Eli -Se and
.1unnally",(Teeid.e.tolo too,
aliArr# , ••
day after we Were•'•hVe bevel
mutt:ere4 "Thoeght we ejight,'
jerked the
the two gre‘et:iran•Oare %Ode;
'to oari to •-clang seirteiibire
desolate dwelling -as the gate opened'.
The two rnext r...11 the gill ha
Vialtr shut the gate behind them,
locked it, replaced the. ban- The bell
ooPtiauedringing for a few secon,c14,
then , The hoarse hayingof the
dog followed, then there again arose
drom the i'aueriela the piercing sinister
wail which they heard on their first
• ViIaic stopped to listen. Elise
' -•
„ .. •
' •
.°t • '
'New Vaccination 9ives Pro,.
teciion -- Every, Family
Doctor Can M- ;,
This is part one of a. two-part article
On 'Diphtheria, prepared by the Cana-
dian ,Seeial.HYgiana Connell-
• . • . • .•
:caught kis arm. .t. . . • • ! . , . rractically every:Child Who dies
• "Are. you sure we •ought to go 1 from -diphtherix do.4 ee, buealisp its
ahead?" she whispered t doubtfully. ..l parents are either ignerant Or ' ciqe-
;Ipso. Beeaaee -diplitherte can be peee, e ;
vented. . Just as' Vaceination ,prevents i „ ,
sMaIlpox, so does he aderrinistration•
es 0, .Ssibsta.**),.ca:ped..rtoitoyl" •littefent
diphtheria,. This;ProceSeieasY and
inexPensite.; • Wien One realties tleat.
between. 1090 .and 1200 :Canediarta:'40
:eyery. year from Diphtheria, ;while. ).*
00- isieken; of the disease, it: Would
seem -to be 'a. pity that people are too
,"Who's therel" Prentises voice was lackadaisical to save. their. live and,
raapy-0a.sriarlirig,, . • ' • the, Lives of their..Children;:frsn a die
,Miss. Marberry's 'attorney 1 ease which is preventa.ble.
Again:" " .. • • I• The•PUrliese of this article is to tell
•Canadians how to save their lives, and.
the lives of 'their children from, diph-
• theria. It will do- 'more. it will tell
howthis'disease.'can be Utterly, stamp- I.
ed out, from the Atlantic to the ;Pa-,
cifis, withia' tea years. , •
Causes of Diphtheria , , •
e ; ,
InAthei first Place, it is necessary ton
consider what eauses diphtheria, an
-why thisdisease, kills,
• It begins When the diphtheria germ
a tiny., living organisM, attacks the
• • For a moment Prentiss made no an-, throat. : These germ's': as they develop,, . . . . ..
swer. The baying of the dog reconi- . give /oft a poisPn. or toxin, that spreads "a1111.11111166614.
' \
rnenced,' Then the door opened slowly; ' through the system and, as any other
i i '" . • •
. .
I'm, not sure .'. Only fairly; sure
, . ..Too late to go back 'noir even if
you 'Trod to e. 'Let knots:if yo'n
•ale' tile .dog. 7 . 114ive,to kill hirti•thie
time; if he etimes. . • ,No -chloroferni."
They sped on again: They halted at
the gleeniy, entrance sit • thee house.
YU" -1;a90141- T..}.•:)E,t1riat of the dog
mounted it"..became freniy, then;
suddenly Ceased. • "
Prentiss peered out. His:face
His yellowish eyes gleanied craftily.
• •
!itn. Be too narsiy to let even a,blight-/madlyi in the wind; she had lost her
er as 'e is droYvn. But 'e'd been Warh-I hat aha her long black hair ims
ed. When 1 .gets to the top of the lit-, streaming behind her \ But her 1
tie oiler 'is place, I 'ear's a ,man: delicate face, though °tense with er-
'ollerin' ,'im about it outside esgy, was calnl; • when . her horse
bloomin' .wall." • • stumblei or plackined speed -for ma,
He waited a 'fraction of a 'second to merit she coolly jerked a rein or spoke
• • . , VI•rit
• • I . •
r 1
Prentiss began a stream of: sullen
oaths. Get put of here. Geot out of
her" he thoutetipissionately through.
,the door.
• !rDens't be a damned -fool," •Vilak
spoke slowly, gravely. "I've ecime 'here
•to•itelp you. TbWreiriort of a flood is a
trjck to geteyou out of ' yoUr house.
You're surrounded..tinell" be' caught
the ilittant you Put your footoutside
• your -enclosure. Open the door' -and
let. us in. • We've come to help you, I,
tell you."• .•
sb • • , 7, '
e ••
P met, es .peered out. His.face vas poison would 0, eauses illness . that ;
shrunken, withered like anut; his ye l- Sometimes, results hi death, , , self his niade them .1mtintine to diph-
theria. • •
lowish eyes gleamed, craftily'. He had But there is an old saving that every
etIdentlY been on the moment of a de•-; And a skin test bas been developed
parture, for he was wearing his .het.
He sPrveyed the neweemers. "So
• ,e•bu've 'come' to. help Prentiss,". he
flie- of- the, germs causing•it *as discover -•' t • h • k--"" 1' f
. '
poison has -its antidote and: the first
great,' advance that medical . science
Made in fighting. this :disease was in,
1890, when. an "antidote" to the. toxin
whereby a physicianeean tell whether
your childreh.are immune to this dis-
ease or not. it is called the "Schic,k
T-e-AboutetheeeedeopsLef -test
•toxin, are injec ed into t e s 0 -t
unreasonable • Prentiss, the., wicked ed
Prentiee who stupidly insisted on. This _they named an -ti toxin and forearm. If the subject is susceptible
keepingthe land that belonged to Aim, for, years it was mankinds „great as big ° as a dime, will appear on the
to diphtheria, a little red spot, about
eh? Who wouldn't:let it be stolen, eh?" warli against diphtheria. • - •
he laughed sardonically, cruelly: It is developed by injecting t•he virus'
arm a couple of days later. ,The feet,
"Well, well, well. We'l see. We'll see." of the diphtheria germ into the blood. is quite 'harmless. • • •
• He • opened the door . and of a healthy young hore. Immediate- •One of Canada's greatest authorities
ly the horse;s system developsea
stance to fight the poisen: • Thiols-
on-fightin, subetance. or `tanti-poison'
ii withdrawn from horse's blood,
refined; and made suitable -for human"
• Injected into the body of a diph..'
theria patient, 'this alit:I-toxin' counter-
icts:the poison ,of the germ, Just 'as it
• slid In the body of the horse, and 'ears
of testinghave ove that there
;few cases that cannot be cured if antit
out." • • toxin -is administered Shortly after the
'Pi•entiss' expression changed. Feat symptcnus matiffest themselves. Every
replaced • his _malevolent smile. His hour of 'delay, however; Means added
cadaverous body began to -tremble, the
tattooed. mark on. his, forehead became
livid. "Attack?" he whispered feebly.,
Vilak nodded. ,
(To be continued.)
able to all phystelaris, and that the
public is made aware Of this. Every,
physician should advise his patients
accordingly. If this Were done uni.
versally, a single decade would stamp
;,• •
11 • •'.'t
'1 1
diphtheria out of Canada entirely.
Heal,the Sprain with Miner 's. e'
• ,
^ •'
steed in the aperture, a lo ty, lotig-
arthed skeleton„, "Come in, come
said the spider to the :fly. Come in,
said the spider." He geggled, harshly
at his own jest . t . ••. •
Vila swept past him into the gloomy
tandle-lit interior where the great
black mastiff strained.- Er antjeall 'y at
his leash: 'You've got to prepare to
defend yourself," he snapped: _"Your
enemies will be coming to attack as
soon as they find you're not' corning-
•. In Surrey• •
"There are piney woods soft 'sighing,
'Nesting birds on buoyant evingse-----;
&lents elusive, sweetly
Myriads of 'growing [things. • ,
" • - • • "And the sky seems tender brooding
was shrunken, withered like a nut....
see if the riders wou• ld accompany him, t a quiet soothing word that brought
• Over lanes where children stray,
Just to dream of it rapture, -
Youth renewed, so glad add 0y.
"Shining beech leaves ate uncurling
Whileethe madOap brooks "oft sing.
Little breezes Nine, the bracken. '
This is Surrey inwthe ming.
-Alix Thorn, in 'the New. Outlook.
danger, and every year many children
cue of diphtheria because their par-
ents neglect to call -a doctor early, be-
lieving that their children are ' Stiffer-
ing from'so-called simple sore. throat,
When actually they have 'diphtheria.
Important as it is to treat it early,
however, diphtheria is' we disease
that eompletely.proves than an dunce
of prevention is worth a pound Of
cure, for there is another substance,
called 'toxoid," which iloes event:nowt
than anti -toxin. Toxoid will actual
keep the disease out of the system al-
together. •
has said that the day v -ill -conre when
a coroner's jury will investigate all
deaths from diphtheria 'to fid out
who is to blame. .1.'ou 'know the sort
of deaths that are investigated 'by
coroner's juries -deaths that are be-
lieved to he altogether unnatural, Or
in which:somebody is believed to have
cOntributed by negligence. .
So that, if,"the time ever comes when
diphtheria death t are so investigated,
it will meanthat the state will regard
diphtheria as a preventable disease --e
whieh it is -and will went to know
who is to blame when anyone dies of
it: • Such deaths will regarded not
as the result. of bad luck, but Of some-
body's careles'sneis, and somebody
will he -e to t'' punished.
From all this. we may =cease our in.
dividual reepOnsibifity." Every Mother
should see that her children, a"s they
reach the,a'ge of six months or so, are.
given the Schick „test. . Eveey .com-
munity, through its medical officer of
health, should gee that toxoid is axe',
• I.
abetter larni =NW •
Aniartb mowers have
: provedtheirsuperiority
wherevergtass Is grovrn
EasO tunning,kene •
stuttint and absotutetr
• , guaranteed.
Plan Now For This Summer's Good Tunes.
• i_lcNTING, •
When ^you take' Child • to the, , "731c;rg. '
no mes°eunins On
ctor or this tre tmene he will in- . or Obnael•ak.ei troiviel.r.:
ject about seven drops of toxoid Un-; zest of. living. haoirm.Rio
con Ler talent andr Ary.S-
Elerneath the akin. Th'e, process.t !
a painful one, is repeated at monthly "3'
o tiers. .
i T h 1 s double cabin
Intervale until a total 'of three injec- , e et b t. 25' loft^ '
r sa. trU
tions have beea maie, The sooner it . ite u)de and 2' 4'' draft
, b —
is done to ehild‘en after .
eix mon__ ts a cOmolet,ely ecuktip-..d
, as 'summer home' and is
f a
. • ,
• • ..•••7 •
o ge, the better. • .rice at t.t.'M. at far•
Otcasionally the injection" produces , tory. Steeps six.. four
, forward cabin and twO
. then whirled off 'toward Chaos Hill, lit out of the hole into which it had ADAM ANC 'EVE • a very slight soreness for a day or so, ; steth eabin- Cz0c31.ezt
. et:ern. perfect balanre
lou- and black against the cleanng sky. I plunged and sent it ei ng on again. • A petty tr very latest and sometimes the ehild feels a little. Lei etaunch. quality c
'di ' wiring the
• i•
For an instant Vilak sat motionless I The tld man, however. had neither in bathing snits was sitting on the, bit tick for a. fn' hours', but -.outside oi t..ruction matte Ciuls.
those trivial di4 omfo ts vh4 ,h • '''1)".t 15')1.1114 ani F41"
in his sddle fenSe, rigid. ' The Mo- the cec)lness ror the poise of his corn. loe.ach when a' Youn4 man approachd.
•,ereee ',or al- • W a ter
golian cast of his long eyes aecentuat- ,panions. expert horseman; g. negligible .when one c•On...ideN: ce-yeete.-, e0 -.?Ie.. era;
her and took off his hat, remarking
"How dare ' you speak to me" said me • a:A$.(5 of tclr'4-en
. eyelia began to citeep over the corner rifie sReed at which his stallion cours- there are 'absolutely no U' 's. :" r Ptalal
ed, the thin film like a 'bird's inngr hehad early been appalled at the ter- it was, a fine da. • ereat good that the Weofm•-.
• 'Then he uddeny spurrea his hre; 'ed along thelane, and abandoning his the girl indignantly, •"I doh't know
, the animal bourded forward..feeble hold .of the iins. he had seiZed Toxoid Made in C.atada
eoti from Adam"
t "The dam han't broken.- he eh -out- clur,g deperatey. traMPecl. Uncontetriedly. "I ton;d harY know in 'Canada and ditritout.: -free 1•,y '
'.-We1." returned the Young" man.. Tovild is 'Manufacturefl L'exe",
Hio cmpanicms swung eside Min. 'the pomMel of his sadde. To.ths he
fel aheve the t•Jmuh of the' scuddr. wed. 1 ral-ir.g qc1-;y. afraid t,.. P•;‘.‘1 . min Ere.
ly..1.1". "r a ...ric ••. . A trick in get rr,vve :eki he thriultl '.-r_FP`e 1:9 Ile - 0--
gre end.
..rie rt -r! .Nt ed. -.he a-.enues -.4, -----"`:, 4_.; ' bealtii adrniai-.*.er it fe.. Th,fre is
1;,..:,e. ,..!,,,...c. i„,,,,rrrro, ..: .7,..,act,, ,;,,i...,t,. r• -•.r.,, ei ',.r.:1 aitn eile,er. beaten to 1' 'a AuestioU bat' that if a:rno,t tre.rY
r.,1...,x 1yr.t,,,,3 "..2, t 2f,....h..r; r.:u... ....,.., ,.ii ..rreF•z. ae. ued. to de, oae avaiit„d 1m.5.ift of 11.,4! ,..f .1 ,.„,33
rae,.7.,,.., Ct•;i' :• '1'd 4I- .'"':1",e l.'•,reci of Indra. that it affer.i... dipbtherhi
Keep avrake With
Drowsiness is clar,ge
• Weary nines seem shorter
and the day is heightened *hen
you have Wrigley's with you.
Its sugar peps you up. Its
delicious gavot adds to any
; 41,g stie•roi, tont
mot • AProviricial DetwarinLent,•
• Health.' $o thot.-..vai- ha, it itemc •
Campers Carry Minard's. !'t value. tltiat many n'tr..i. of
1930 CrIfitICWoUrS.
• Sales ens! Service by ' •
T. B..F. BENSON,' N.A.
Bay Street ' • Toronto,. Ont. 't
. v ve
et, Ich-vt'' • .helace• 1.!..e earth
. pe;;•,e, ,a •Ak7' -----------------medi• ddt..
• er*° ear. • ete," V .e'e •. , ta-E.--
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a r telt deevr. the pane. They lati
4.11,012. at
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,rad pat. irr2rx,i,„
Pit the gae:- he
They d a feed h. rough, t 'reek.
reee rte' s erge'fed 16,-th4ir
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he .••:.el -.t er. the epee cer
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• *.,aly lity.ited ,the.T74-;.`,
ack it the hrui. ••
• As,:if eriwer
tVist.ropeel a keY }•:. poket.' Ho,
'ntn into me,dc:
sciatic paint
e in 6Z OX0 ta40.1 meter)" eat • •
/ to /.ao za.otArt stansath e, 1
t`ttesiday e-itetiag.
lazt by . •
Minnie Kleen Cotnpany
• 1'4 ,.,,a .., :- r. ' •t. t ear .-.; -sate nee Protoerr, - 4
• ro'.r.4 your :.....useroold urn: tw 4 etr; ne
4Tdkll Aspirin tablets and youTi aAkiiii
... - #k •.,,•• .3ilairectte tlEleert: • r.e t 1, •
e V. id 6, u • • •ri, r 64:Irv, nf*.111,‘As sof trina from seiatica -lune
•,. veeee--e-e..- ,, 7.- ....,...t.tipt-,....*----.4fralro-----and--similar- • exonls;
•••,. -.19- ,r 'v.-, I-4 40,4 4941:3.tra",..* ' -e-eeee-eeeeeeeeeetetel-ereeet ee
.: 4, e • f•r$b ,,,, b• ..,• 5E4' Ei.t6t. ,••••• Just make sure it is genuine
...•t• ot; e•E .....• •.',. ,..k,,,,' ',1
noul foricet to 1.tea n. to
ISSUE No. 22--'30
-rtncr-rE trtctvkr..F-Proti-Pr-
195 •A.oce.ot St, West(' toroott,
ttAc MARK so. .
tiny harth.
• " A fatleibat tered batis hardl\r y
respectable . . yet no 1..orse
than dull, graylooking sboe r1„ \
... you,: Morning t elle t.shott hl
.aTa inclnde a "iigget9
” shine—whjch waIrprofs the,
' shoes as it polishes.
• ,r,k!..
` „;-- iiaav't