HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-05-29, Page 8MIMEO!, .SENTINEL .THIJESE*Tp MAT 29th, 1030.
ent AccillOWIT HATZI,Etip,,
TY -4444/0 , WO.
ust Reeeiv
oats 4., Dresses.
Knit Goods
,he Coats A
• and BASKET oTiO.
in. all the Bummer Shades: ;
:!.41J.0?Arcri Git0,1g.
.--;stboirlrg TAN '
e' ressei
The 'Smartest Prints and
Plaiu Shades of Canton Crepe
• and Other Silks are here for
Your Selection:
•' Prices Range from
$2.95 to $30.90
: -• In The Latest,'
Priced From
$16Z75 to $26.00
„- collar co se,ts.„. •
KAYbratt tioa.1.0it z,
„ alr
fell et t of thetosi
Oen of ablinUtWentY-fOiti
t.sining"SerlOna Anii•leies to '..
aide, on which he /ended; IOW
fractures! of his shoulder, IWO).
and 14.0,,- -Fred Baker, fired oeine
4ardt and.Pere'Y Weston who were
on the, roof at ' the time snmnioned
help immediately. Medical aid was se-
cured. And 41 about an hour's time he
Was removed to Clinton hospital. The
four men had been engaged in abing-
lig the rirof of the 'Nye Han- Mr -
McLennan ,waft up near the top of
roof ancLwas in the act of reediting
for a bundle of shingles when his
•feet slipped and .be with the bundle
, of shingles slipped down -the roof and'
fell to the ground.
Antiiirereary services • will be held
in South Kinloss Presbyterian Church
en Sunday, JUne lst'.'Rev. G. 3C-Durrii.
of Toronto wilt preach. Morning 'set -
''vice at 11 Welock; evening sereice at
7.30. *east niiisic Will be rendered
by the char.' • , •
• Mr. pad Mrs. john !Carter and Mr:
• and Mrs: A. 'Carter Visited friends at
• Walkerton recently. . •
Mt. 'Gee. Foxton: 'and Mr. "Jerry
Jerome:. of Walkerton spent the boli -
day with Mr. and Ms. Albert Carter.
• Cuutogs CORNERS '
A 'LITTLE BOr§ .44110..}74'm
" "
The., fettowineitorY'. Of, a '7404 St:
'boy;' Mirage 'by eleoWe 'wirFe,'ft'elleae-' •
ed n it liuMuct , of Payees iast week:
o,,ward Mereer vaert) Itouseo the
seve •year oicl, son Of, ate. and Mrs.
.Areeie Reline, of Wiartiin, with :6,600
voitie of •eietimeity .; having ••• .1.assea.
through his -small OOdYr is stilt Olive
at tee Owen Sound'Oenerai and, Mar,
ine hospital, 'although With but 'little
aogeof recovery. , •
).lie Lad hao practically both hancia
•burned. off, both arms. are sa
oeverely burned that in ali probability
they wul hayto De' toripUteted right
at the eiboW, *dile he is also.
feting from 'shock. • •
• The boy - eves' WO his ',parents• in
a, 'housedirectly in front of the'.
Sauble kalis• Light and Power ...do:. in
,Wiatton, and. last Saturday afternoon
na eintilied to the roof t the power
station by meene of a ladder which
was secured close by, a ',disunite of
OnlY a little more than ten feet; and
• before 'be *at noticed on, the roof
tie had out both hands - On the high
mnsion wires 'coining from 'the!
zng, and the .deed was
screams were heard by, his
oro..aer; • Gordina Who .Wad playing
_near., by, .and! he
and, immediately irehhaik.
aold. :of him, :and, strange As at may
•migin; the , older; hoy did Ynot even'
get the slightest', shock, The injured'•
.ad was. laid down on the roof while
Jordoil-Twent for .further assistance,
and inOthee brother,. Colin, aged. 20,
•Nho Was in• the house -.At the time
• went Up the ladder and carried him
,fewn and into the iiouse. Drs. Rough
and Scott were .pent for, and' they
rendered what aid they Could andthen.
hurried Off to the Owen Sound Gen-
eral And Marine hospital with him,
and he, is at the pripent time under
the care of :Dr. Gaviller.
• On his arrival in Owen Spiffid an
examination revealed; the fact that
several fingers of both bands are
completely :burned off; and hisarms
terribly burned all the Way: to the
shoulder.' The only thing -that kould
be dope Wile to give, the. 'injured
hands. and arms treatment and ban-
dage them, and await further results
but' it :is feared 'that both • antis will
have to einne off. •• • '
The •little: fellow bore. bid suffering
with wonderful fortitude and although
his burns hurt him beyOnd measure
he made, nO'coninlaintand hardly shed
a. tear.,His 'parents. both cattle ,to the
hospital afterwards 4ind. rernain4
•withhim all Saturday night and
Sunday. They are distracted. He is
the youngest of family of ten child-
ren, The father has a' farm at rape
Chin, up in the peninsula. • • •
• The wires leading from the :power
3tation to Wiarton, while they are in-
solated to some extent, are high ten-
don wires and the insulation woold
have but little effect when. the 1)0
•Trabbed held of , them. why he was
not instantly • killed is :difficult to
understand unless -it was 'that the boy
had rubber soled shoes on his feet,
spd his elder brother also had rubber'
soled shoes, and this fact seved his
Mr. and Mrs. Roht. -Wraith are
spe.nding a few days' in Toronto with
Mr. I and Mrs. Walter Wraith.
,BORN -At '
'Toronto to Mr. and
• Mrs. Charlie Knight, a daughter.
(Mrs. Knight was formerly Miss An-
nie Wraith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
• Walter Wraith.)
We' are very glad to report that
• Mr. Win. Cox and Mr. • Alf. Hodginsi
are both improv. ••, • I
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. • Wall spent a
. day last week at,' Mr. and Mrs. . Joe
Wall's, Con. 14.
Mr. Stewart Bell spent. the week-
• end under the parental met
And if there were no fool parents.
think of all the jailers who would
, be out of Work.
Slily Chicks
We can supply 'you with S. C.
. White Leghorn Chicks • for delivery
ia lune at $10.00 per 100, Our leg-
' horns are the famous Barron strain;
lig hens, heavy layers of large eggs.
' 70 guarantee 100 per cent We de -
Every.. Order early,. while the beet
4.4tes are available, '
• ($. 6 e.)
, That are produced on our own. farm
our own belie -not from eggs
• 1,4.rehased wherever,,we tan get them,'
is not Wise to replenish your flock
ith cheap chicks, when for a few
telits more' you can buy •reaL
0.'A. C. Barred R048,117.00; Single
• Coed) White Legliorn4, $15.00, for
May $0th.,,Jurte Prices $1.00 per 100
less for Rocks; $2.00 per 10-0 less for
Leghorris. ' •
Ask to see .our galvanized feeders
C. G. Campbell, R. R. 2, Auburn, Ont.
Phene, Blyth .10-24.• * '
• For the remainder of the season
we are offering our S.. C. White Leg.
horn Ruby Chicks for 12e. eaeh, These
chicks are all hatched from our own
fib& of blood tested; government
\ +banded Thii, year has been the
best we have had sinee we Started in
• the htilitiesa and \ 90% of our' tales'
have been to ,old Customers which.we
-feel speaks Well for oar „stock. We
will .deliver orders 0_100 or mor
within a.'radius of 15 miles of the
farm. Hatching -Eggs 50e. per „doz.
Choice'. Yearling Ilene, $1.00 each.
Luekriow, R. R. 1.
Phone, Dungannon 00-st •
(29-4-.4) •;
The condition of the by on Morday
morning shoed very little change• ,
except that he was able to take some
nourishment, which was an encourag-
ing sign, and he ,rested a little
easier during the night.
Reward Rouse was still living on
Wednesday' morning, although small,
hope held out for his recovery. '
• Feehav-King .
On, May 10th, Rev. J. F. Paquette
solemnized a nuptial high mass at
which kn., elderdaughter of 'Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh King, became the bride
of Mr. Geo. W. Feehan, of Detroit
Mich., formerly of Hare, Mass. Prom-
ptly at 0 o'clock the bride entered the
church on the arm of her father, and
metaled down the'aisle, to the Strains
Of •Mendelssohri's wedding march,
played by Miss Elva Kearney. During
the Mass an Ave Maria was beauti-
fully rendered :by Mrs. J. W. Ilciyte.
The britle looked charming in a dress
of white georgette and a veil of Mil
aneSe 1 e„ , She tarried a showe ,
41 f American Sentity tose
of the valley. She was 'atten
ded •y her sister, X1SS Anne King,
who Wore a dress. of linen blue georg
ette with hat tolinatch. Thegroom
was attended by his brother, W. .1
Feehati of Detroit. After the cere
mohy the bridal party returned .
the bride'parental home, where r
sumptuous wedding breakfast Wa,
served to thirty -60 guests. The
happy couple left ithmediately by mo-
tor for London to entrPittfor a week':
honeymoon .in the cities of the Ear
ern United States. The bride travel-
led in a geiee crepe these With hat if
motel* and a black cloth coat trimmed
-witrii_alger fur. ,aucut, Were Present
from nevitnatoo. petroit, River Range
Highland Park, Wyandotte, Mich, al
se from Goderich, end ..011roes. Their
many frieede' Unite in will -I -tog Yr.
and WS. Nehru* n happy And pros.
porno* wedded life, •,
A041$ • " ".
To The Editor: • _
Dear Sir. 1 an pleased to see $9114
letter re tire proiection 85 ft gives
,One Some ;Pea of hew CamPlAcated
Ae..SYStem MAW appear by a wrong
terpzetaon of most every nourt- it
,Stfre not MY attention to (Owe to
the viiinge, Ohiciali or Pag,t,OVY 4,0
Mill owners, but to present 0_0 non'
Point of some who oppose4 law, 'is ors the readers of. the fieutinei
for and near had only beengiven One
side of the controversy and in sepie
cases it was very' mech.biased, but
thank you for ';your frankness in
your reply and hope that 'what have
to say will be t.ken m the same
goad spirit,
The cost Of :steam boiler • - •
new, . ..$1,50.00
100 }LP. Sterling engine_ .
and, .centrifugal pumps., $3690.00
:S• Installation • .1: 400 09
• .4. • ..;: W0.00
''.Without any Plr:tber 42MichtgrOWe
would have two colnpkete Unites- that
eollld be atithitaieed on -less than fib
percent of the present eidast and 'a.
decided ;inipritilemeot: over What, has
served 'as for fertyl Years.
• The Motor truck an equipment
Could be had to giVe sil demonstration
in the outlying Sections before 'further
expenditure be made as te its got •beitig
practical on accOupt of mudand snow
conditions, I might Say that they are
in use as , far, Mirth, AS North Bay and
Sudbury, and OWaships are consider-
PeteheSifig them fOr farming
tncts1 blight alSa add that there are:
.not many Weeltn .in the . year that
autos are not in use .in the Village
'and• earinet, see • why a truck could
not be used, ' •
• The argument has been...used that
• him:varlets rates would be greatly re-
duced by installation of 'tile larger
System. The. 'Canadian Underwriters
,ApsoCiatien were inquiredof last
• Deeember,Atid their reply Was to the
ni,reet that •We„ could • net expect any.
better rate wan we now enjoy, and
-marl; you ,theproposed system; 'at the
Hine included two deep *ells, one
electrie. &miter pump and the type
„Of:, „gaselipe togliipt,„•caieted_ Above as
• auxiliary. Alse a conipeteit eitWeer.
in charge. It is also stated that
• Standpipe would- be„,neceseary., I can-
not see why it 'would be and on the
other, handit would not be, practical
for fire •protection, :Only, on account
of freezing when no water Was being
re.nmeed Or added welt day. '
•I do net say that, Forty -Five thens-
and dollars could not be ,spent if the
Officials iire-bent on4going on a spend-
ing orgY, but why spend. it When •
• there is nothingtO be gained from .in-
surance rates by ea &dog. The pond
• and creek- that have supplied water
for forty 'years .should Still • be :au&
ficient.. • .
•.In m -y. searching for information I
hid 'tile opportuaity of leoking over
a • nibriature Map of our :prsent sys-
• tem of inains.and I 'lr,liete it to, he
authentic. :Chewed 6 lneh.
main. on HaYeloelt street 'as far Ninth'
as Mr.' R..• lgeKenzie's residence,
commencinat 0=0411 street, and
4 inch main from there to the next
or hist hydrant; BY removing this
4 inch main the p. inch Main could . be
extended to Silverwood's corner, this
:would be a decide,d iniprovement..
Objection hate been taken to the
:length of • time necessary to heat • the'
boiler in event of a breakdown In the
gasoline .engiee. The intentioa: is not
• to wait nail a breakdown has occured
but as .soon is the alarm is turned in
the gasoline engine in started and.
fire lighted in the steam, boiler . and,
• if the gasoline he,lds out for a time
the other is reaclif and no interruption
• to the' preaaiire,
We will new look at the proposed
system , with' only A Booster engine
and no auxillarY7- but you say'we
huge a standpipe. The pressure front
standpipe: at '. the proposed height
would be, uselesafor fire fighting.. '
Great publicity has been given the
statement regarding rico revenue from
the present • a -yarn. We *mild Jeolc'
into • the facts of this statement.
Villages, are claasified per 'insurance
rates according tp the fire protection
niaintained, a system similar to ours'
,with steam' Premiere' held At all times'
andll a qualified engineer' in 'charge
has' an average rate of 45c per $1,000:
insurance; similar equipment witIven-
gineer supposed to be 'Constable_ and
handy 'man •around the Village, the
classification calls for 90c per.$1,,opo,
insurance. No. fo‚iter mains, just al
chemical outfit Classification califs •for,
$1-.25 per $1,099' insiirance. I will
leave it to the readers ,to figure
whether or not we have had good
retarnsfor•the inveatinept forty years'
ago. It was a matter of otiliain one
of our natiiral resources, and that is
why- I ,feel that it is well t� take
deck and find of what %rabid our. pre -
dent system is andits poisibilities,
before We Carlessly discard it • for an
experneve system so bodily mutilated'
at its Most vital points'.
Years' sineerely;
" Stuart E. Roberti=
Notes By The Editor: -The $5,500
scheme outlined in this letter is, of
eciorke, much More limited than the
one outlined in Mr. Rob.ertseiet•prei-
legs letter. It Would, of course,be
quite an iniproveroent ori our present
water -world System, but it would not
connect lig.the dead ends of the Water
mains, and it would still leave large
seetimis of the village, ats they are
pow„ withoet protection.
(2) A, motet' fire -truck is useful, in
winter in eiacee where the streets are
kept Clear of snow; or where Streets
are payed. It is a heavy machine, and
Ordinary ears could go where it fire -
truck certainly would Ile mired.
• (3) Insiiraneerates might not b
rweriVreinra much iffiliroy e-
:iroteetieri-s-Yetini-iiere ins -tailed; lilt
ire we entitled to the rate we have?
Certainly we are not, as even prelim
-Ey on Campbell Street hal Veey jnor
protection,: and mutt* ef the Val ge
MI gone at afl. Those who saw the
. • ,
I • •
*late. WOO lInaditorr% bar.n. WA*
tIONfai, AO teflta...-rneentlir made nit;
verYmode, atitewarr,e7Milt
•Eignilak On-ROPP cateetAnmylltils•
,•(4) It Is nOt tree tinit p*egiStire.fion),
the proposed standpipe would be use
less. ir Story,„ an engineer Of the
highest standing, *Ito ire,a nothing
to..gUes,e work Seid that tba pressure
from the -proposed Standpipe would
be•ad that would he necessary. 0
Stnrr doesn't ltnow, nobody does
et con know; . • •
(5) The greot wenkneSs inai,y Plan
so far suggested, other than that
ProPosed by, the -Village Council', iS
that, *bile involving a large expendi-
ture- d looney.z7bAsun.ibin Oroteetion
„wow not be given4O a1 'part of the
village;. and further,proyjsiofl
Would be :Made for :*06.1rieetic *Tater,
which,,the village May at AMY time be
called, upon to instal, and whieh'will
thOin'abSoliite neeeesity !Were Many
years . go by. The •Provineral, Menith
DePartment, hasstatedthat : aectirding
to the *ciao.' it has; the Ai:mimetic
wOter ,no* used in. Lqcknew is bad;
and that the 'village ought ,to.inatall
a•purS.,-doinentic water supply system
(6) lean. comes doWil to this: When
we, are about ' it and investing money,
• shall we get a good article ora 'gem*,
one' There is no use in talking of
• Yars:" What sort of servire was it?
atite system. that:has serVed for forty
and at what:annual goat? It Was fair
along the *eta -inch mains, elsewhere
it was neat to nothing, and now it is
done. If we are going to invest, let
us get a geed article. Other Villages
have done it and Luckaow tan.
• Dungannon • 'merchants 'are this
semnder taking Wednesday afternoon
for a weekly haiflholiday.
• Representatives of-th 'Oetario Hyd-
ro Electrict, Conimission ,were in Dun-
gannon recently making a survey for
a .proposed Hydro line from Goderich
to give the village Hydro Service. .
Miss Flora Durnin ',was at Petrolia
lastweek conductingi a coaehing class•.
in household science. She will be en-
gaged in similar • work throughout
Lampton and Bruce. • •, •
'Mize Zairitz has been coaching 'a
class here.-- The-Object-is-to-PrePar
candidates' to take part in a county
judging competition to 'be held at
Clinton under direction of the county
agricultural' representatives..
IIere and There
•.(531) .
• Arrangenients, have been com-
pleted whereby the arrival in Can-
ada of the It -100. '• Britain's huge
airliner, will be broadcast., through-
out Canada and the United' States
• by the Trans -Canada Broadcasting
Mansuy mid• the National Bread -
casting Company, acoording to ari..
nouncement recently made by R.,
W. aishaoft,Manager of the former
company. The official broadcast;
vitt& includes the arrivalof the
d ,
. ehip anattendant ceremonies; will ,
, be carried from coast tO wait of
the Dominion over the new 'radio
programme broadcasting transmis-
sion system or the Canadian Pasi-
tlo Company's telegraphs.
Weleiniing the latest addition to
• the Canadian Pacific Railway's
fleet of,19 passenger vessels on
Ocean and coastal service in Brit-
• ith Columbia, Vancouver recently
congratulated . the railway, on' its
Initiative and foresight in ,building
apon the :West coast of Canada
setvice second to none; on the oc-;
'Mullen of •the arrival of the,"Prin-
aeas Elizabeth" at the Pacific port.
The. sister ship, "Princess Joan"
arrived at Victoria the following
day. The "Elizabeth" Was wel-
Cowed by the Mayor of 'Vancouver
7Ififre •Itern 1,441rg sr at tho wk
end with frrenda GOderieb,
*Ise Harriet. Johnston •of &Wanton
ISArat a few 'Oaks visiting
• Mr. and Afre, Prnnii,1Viellgunnn and
Mr. E. A. Grant motored to Sarnia
On Saturday to see M. Grent's moth,.
Sr, Who is seriously,. in.
•Mks babel Grant of Toronto Or
visitiog under the parental roof;
The sympathy of the community is
extended td Ree. P. m.. ColoohOurrl
who -received, a cablegram on Wed-
nesday, ef last week, telling of,
death' of his youngest soe, in Sco,t7
Mrs R Lindsay. !of Detroit in vis-
iting AsIffieid,frkende. •
. Mrs. 'Neil Meicifeniie is visibing
friends, in Detroit;
• Mr, and. UP. Smellie and
and Mr. Geerge. IlePa rOf Toronto, and
iss 'Emma lidcDonaglt. of London,
spent the week end with 'Mr. arid
'.Mrs. C EMcPonagh.
Mrs ; goenel, Me, Hoffman,. and Der:
Mid 'WS. Tacit and children of:Chat-
ha m. visited with Mr..•andl Mrs. Wni;
• BaldWin -over the Week -end
• Mr.- J, J. Gilmore, ot Lendon spent
Sunda Y With his brother here,
The monthly meeting of the Para-
mount U.F.W:O. was held at the
home of Mrs. Jack Henderson, been-
dairywest: being grandmother's
Day there. was a large attendance of
Members and yisitors. Mrs. Jas. T.
• Webster presided. After the initial
opening .exercises and community
singing, Roll Call was' answered by
the exhibiting of 'an old Photo. The
follOwing- program' was carried out.
A paper, was.prepared on the'sitbject
"Economy" by Miss Mary McLean.
Reading "Odds and Ends," Mrs. Wm,
McGill; pager on "Motherhood"'by
Mrs. Richard Richards; •Instreinental
by Mrs. Grant MADiarmidt; solo by
Mrs. Jas. T. Webster:. Readings were
also given by , Mrs. Thos. Irwin and
Mrs; Jas. McDonald. A letter- was
•read from Miss- Mary, McLeod presi-
dent -Of the Kiiirshea Club inviting
the 'Paramount Club to Meet - with
them at the home of Mrs: Riebard
Martin in June: The. invitiation was
kindly accepted. The July 'Meeting
McAuleyit was decided at this meet-
ing to have a, social in the Paramount
• Halt on Friday eieningi May 30: The
meeting was closed' by singing from
the .new song, sheets. •
• A sepial and dance will be given -in
„Paramount Cminnupity Hall on Fri-
day, May 30th.A good nroivon
beihg 'prepared. Admission,. Gents 35c
•Boys • of school age, Free. Ladies
bring sandwiches only. This Will he
under- the auspices of the U.F.W.O.,
and U.F.O., Paramount
Marking the -passing. of Another
nitiestone in the • history of the
, company, the recently constructed
• Canadian Pticiflp branch line from.
Willingdon to Vegreville, a dis-
tance of about ,20 miles, Was . de -
'Jared open for, traffic recently with
the .arrival of the firstpassenger
tient atthe Vegreyille station:•14,
With a record resolution liat
indiCatthg a „very busy. season .
Ahead,the, Banff Springs Hotel
welconied its first guests of the
• Year ••May 15, Considerable ha- •
provement Work has been done on
• the 18 hole golf course which was
. virtUally ready for play, on open. ,
Ing &it* ,
DevelopMent -of fruit lrirOWing Ail •
the prairies 'has been one of the
featuree of agrictilttiral progress in
recent years. in Western' Canada,
Pate:hes of native gooseberries..cur,
tants and raspberries have evolved
Auto orchards containing many
varieties 'of plums, cherries..apples
and . email fruits. The largest
.acreages are devoted to strawber- .
•rles and rainb.erries. . ' • •'
reedit ,official CompilatiOn
ihoWs that fartn lire stock .in Can-
ada In 1929 Was valued at $864,167,-
000 as compared with $496,47000 in
' 1928; Canada's poultry ,por•ula-,‘
tion in 1929 numbered 60,899,782.
valued at $63,854,000:
A forest in embryo -20 eaten of .
•'jail& and White pine,- hal; been
planted by the Sankatchevian for.
tattry service in the Prinee Albert
region. II. 'P. Eislerforestry en.
glitter, states that the trannplant. ,
•fag of t000,000 •ntirserY Seedlings
and snick' 18 the 'lamed of' teith
peogramines in the history of the
While The official opening of the
Weilandghlp Canal, tonstructedut
. a Eit of
e p aeC until next lute, _:+the
northernseetion was unotticiallY
olieteid to traffic teceetly when tha
Wainer 0eorgiah. entered ,f4ek„.
NO.' 1»PtWeTf the Lake
Ontario end orate canal. And 'lanai
OrOligh tQLiks Pie+
iudge , Owens his given' out the
following Conrity, Court judgment on
the appliaation by George Stephen-'
son, the • engineer appointed by, the.
County Council of the Cohnty Of Bruce
for an order, • under sub -sec. 3,.• of
section 80, of the Highway improve,
• ment Act, fixing the: price to' be paid
eer acre to one Angus McDonald for
2 7-16 acres qf land, part Of let 5,
con. 10, Township of Bruce, for use by
the said County as a gravel pit.
, In •the words of Judge .Owens:
"The application came on tn he lay -rd
"before me on Tuesday, April 1930.
at, the ,Court House. Walkerton. Mr.
Forrester appearing for the aip-
'plicant and Mr. 0. E. Klein, K. C. for
McDonald. ,
For the applicant evidence ' was
given by the. apglicant and by Mr.
Norman Richardson and Mr. Janfes
later,' both employees of -the Depart-,
ment'of Public Highways of. the Pro -
Vince of Ontario, And 1Mr., *Donald
who gave evidence on his own behalf.
Subsequently on Wednesday, the
30th day or April, I attended and
viewed the graird pit and the land
proposed to be taken.,
On the evidence I fid that ex-
•eept in the vicinity of 'large- cities,
the value �f land cortaihing :gravel
seldom exceeds the price of 8340 per
agre throughout Ontario, and that in
the County of Bruce the price does
not average over 8250 per acre. The
land in question is not eSpeelallv valu-
able as farm hied. not became of
the. quantity or, realty • of gravel, nor
does the taking' °fiend be the County
of .1Ituce, in any way damage or de-
preciate the remainder of the farm
of Mr. NIcDoiridd. •
I therefore fix the value of the land
so intended to be taken, at the price
of $300 Per Acreand directthot the'
usuel ordershould be prepared; pro-
ving that upon the ravment or:tend-
. ering Of the price of the said 2, 7-16
aeres; at the rate of $90,0 per acre,
the engineer May by his servants car
agents enter anon said land and teke
graVel so receere'd in the said 2 7-16
titres of Tend." •
When the list is -Completed, •Huren
County' will have about an even 500
old -age pensioneit. •Thia is the latest
estimate, and the, nuMber of Applic-
ants not yet fully dealt witb, ht
likely to receive fleorahle cohaider.„
etion, will brine• the number up to
ari• Veen half -thousand, The ',number
will likely remain about this figure
for although tbere he a constant
'dropping ont. due to deaths. e may
expett that new applientaa will keep
comieg eath year ,ks they beeonie
of age.,
Brue Comity Council which will
held its Jene session at Tpootatet.
w411varyi--its--nrogratirtY- g
-viSit--tot-tHhtelInrior Comity Capital,
where the members will be. enter-
'faitied, June the 5th, by the litiron
County ntelitreffain-
anent there will be field sports in the
. '_itAT 'le ,
614-1111 14-04"0111,1 Illflifill;--
0.4, Ol'',Sfikeet 0 tbu 'hrovisions ,
,Ire section 0,1, 9 mil v it;it'$ I.4;,
Olt PiflEVIIT ,' of every, petout* nram„.
faile , to . tottisfY at• ,bnigefornt tett-
demi against irim, il4 OOtirt in
Ontario, or in oily otbir preViliee le
Canade, whieli hail bee llio litiiii by '
affirmation on appeal Or by „ ealilrY
without 1,401)044of the thee ulleavil
for appeel,for dilinage* 011. itosolillt•
of injury to, . or death, Of ..eny per-
son, or on Aceount"Of 'euelegn tO Pr°'
perty in excess of $100:,1 oeeindoned ,
by a Motor • vehiele, within fifteen
days fro,* the date upon vilikli Such '
judgment became : field; 'SHALL BE
lVliniater, upon receiviegoa certificate ,
of such final •jndgnient frontthe coukt
in which the c04. Is ',rendered, ANo, .
Shall any new driveios ijeertee' or • •-'
owners permit . be ,theregiter iisiterk .
'to such person until `,such judgment,.
is • so tigfi6d ...or dischal ilki- • other.,,i,,e4 '
than a discharge in bankruptcy) to
the extent 'of at least $5,000i. , (ex-
clusive of interest and .costs) for in- :
jury to, or :death of any one person, .
and, subject to that limit for each _
person so in.:hired or killed, to ,tbe .... ,
extent of $10,000( exclusive of inter4 •
est: and casts), for injury to, or death. -
, of two Or more persons in any . one
eceident, and fo.lbe•ektent of at leaSt,
$1;e00 (exclusive of interest and
costs), for e...mittee to property or
other's resultine from tine one ae-
:71:1. (Definitions) :(d).,- • "Proof o f 71
Financial. Reiponsibility" means a
Certificate of insurance a bond, or a
'deposit of money Or securities givert
or, made 'pursuant to, the s'Atiite en -
that behalf. '.. . 1
Certificate of Insurance may be eb-
tained froth-• . ,
, i
, flatsMARI)
lei..4Veati COMMUNITY
• Ai‘ti ,'Art.e.; MOST
„ InbAtilth.,EABLE AS WELL
. As an illustration ave, had
' a customer call.a few days
.ago who possessed' one of
the keel hard type;naniely
"Short" and "Broad" With
the invariable 'high instep'
that obtains in a foot such
as this. This man stated •
that he had found it impos-
• sible to procure a shoe of
• the right sort in, the local-
ity in which, he Hied, and
no wonder, his foot was "so
• short" and "so broad" but
we had no trouble in giving
this gentleman a perfect fit ,
as in fact we are able to db
in practically all cases.
• Willis Shoe Store'.
, .
There are more people in the world '
now than ever before in the history
of mankind, fitures compiled by the
International Statistical Institute at
The• Hague showed. The •total was
given ih excess of two billion. The •
figures iricluded-the4-followig estir. -
ides; Asia,' 950 million; Eurey
o 550 ..........-
InilliOn; .North and South Amee41, '
230 million; 'Africa 150 million; ;Aus-
•tralia 7 million.. It was recalled that '
in ,May 1927, figures prerared by the ,
League of Nations estimated the l'
world's population at 1,906,000,080.
• ---0-0-0---.--
The business oi robbing hen roosts
, •
is -beektinitig more and more procari-ii-
ous. The Provincial Government thrii
the Proeiricial polio are making every
affOrt to apprebend these who steal
chickens, and to punish th6 with a
penalty that the crime deserves. Ilon-
ofable 'Sohn S. Martin, Minister of
Agriculture, recently reported thAt .
General Wallah% has instrueted his
men to make a strong edert .
thie brimeli of crime and the results
speak • for themselves. Imprisonment
has been meted out to 92; fines to124:.
'iiespended sentenee 12: dismissed 10;
WithdrAivii, 3.* The, penaltY in one ease ,
far -theft of chickens was tWo years
, gingston Penitentiary.
There's a sebool for brides now •in,
'1roiis of
tain t171cit, do'j krio 'how to i°bong WOraell
attornoon ane A banquet: hi the trVeti..- "Yr‘luthel! giveliaPN. ata
, t14.8114' tho 0014