HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-05-29, Page 6z,.
waxy galloping hack to V1la1k. The;
three riders' sped toward the Ineemur-
ing•.town, square. As.they. reached it,
a pane struck parade began to 'sweep, i
past Atheln•
Here a donkey 'struggled heroically.
to, trot through the sloughs with its
fat master and screaming mistress'
clinging hysterically to its.baek;,iheire
three squealing pigs lurched ahead of
a grunting.' negro, .driving them on
WW1 a club; there an Indian woman
with huge ornaments in her lips; and
1E ears scurried through the.mud sha'ut •
.� leg et the five naked end ehiningehil-
siren ' who ran before her.' So absorb -
.ed were the terrorized'; villagers in
their headlong flight that they hardly.
saw the three riders 'cour! ing past, and.
lklr was' constantly bitting: his
horse to a ,violent halt in order that:.ie
might not run 'tfi'ene down. '
Elise. swept .her mount round a bed
toppled into a street by some frenzied
,� .,rte. --• hau'seholder. ."Where are you Pec}ng?".
- • she flashed 'to' Vitale, `
+! ' � � c` J n
a 1 "Prentiss' place," he:'snapp2de"He'11'
get it the worst down there •h's so
. ,
red up the river :anxiouSi tr: low, We've got time.W,.e•can get' to
. 1 S'
s have' been made on the life:> •+ an Pacing • the. `dock again.'Itzituba' Hill, from there Peet as quick-'
Elise tai rberr , owner .o•;. a co • se `` turned ass a confused,: ly, as'to Chacos from here. and be, lust
Of Elise a Y a..• Sud+ l�h ,
ao year onear
a orphanedPorto vnephew has • eep murmur of`„ �x•ci'ted voices drifted up as sale" • • •
kidnapped, but. Vila::: her :cousin, and from the sl eet, darkened town square Ile heard her draw a sharp.breath.,
cite the Child: Elisenre eivesha note'pur-' a q aster of a mile' away.' `A clatter !'I .realize that you ,don't like lriin.
pporting to be "Prom the manager cf her .of hofs .sounded cup. the 'road. The I don't either. But however bad he
Villapa plantation. She, Vilak, and Nun- ; , ,� ig We can't let. hint drown. „.No' one
teals.* are. ambushed on:the wady to 'vile nOlse` bed e' louder'.
lope. htit escape. Vila: ,persuades Elise 1 Vii "k's e . harrowed.. -'.Wonder else ie the town will 'think^of warning
• to agree,, to leave the country, and says:
++ he YC urmured.• He tooit him, tier's SO'hated. After all, he is a
he believes GaY•lord Prentiss, an enemy ,}what his is,
.'of Elise's bas • been the cause; of all thea hit h • ', "Think I'll ee .have a_fellow 'human being. All grudges 'are.
trouble.• Ieanwhi Meanwhile withtflood e rains look.' > Back in a hurry;"• . He' spurred done; in . a case' like ;this. It's .the
iireatn Porto Verde !'un le law as well',as'the human•"
into .the darkness.• !jungle •
CHAPTER XXVI. • A ; ew lnontents later he was speed-rI. She stooped toswoop_safely under
" ' : dam at• Avilos :has a low. -hanging branch. You're right.
Vie tleode•to the'Lading up,
ascertain u ," 'quietly. "A wallrot Of course ;we've •got,.to do it. I was
he. said
if the, floods wee � Iolding up; the boat'bur•. i
- ''he her.' it .would arrive on timet' watelc forty `-feet high, is sweeping I Mind, drifting
l , into sthe 'family feud state of
or w t
• But" 'the` drowsy, red-shirted •negro down `-the valley.. But it Won'tY rYa>, I They.swept on,.and began to• leave
r .could tell him nothing.lhere'for half an hour or More; •,cityhiriHere be anete cave,
'clerk in,cgato
hehvng� the' dock; he; visited the i and .Nanny hurr`ld •mans ookedsatihim.i oixe•ori s de of the road '•and •�Eise on
'' elovenly . tobacco •store', bought some `. 'Elise .and the o ll ,
y, was 'even the. other checked their horses for a •
D Aliientara wl.e had' come on a sine- tobacco and.. matches and ,tneetin,,,.incr'edulousl . foe voioe.'wa
ilar ;niessages rode with him part of
" : the way along the road
• D'Albentara :said regretful) • that
'•.'he had not -yet lad an opportunity to
• ''thank Elise for her courtesy as he had
'been haying 'considerable 'trouble with
two o: three of his men, and this had
occupied all ,his time. He flaked,' he
added,,.that he might never have the
pleasure of a visit, as the rising wat-
ers had been' playing havoc :with .the
railroad ,property in other places: to • a
• fargreater extent ' than at Porto
Verde;, and he rather, thought he might
be 'ordered '`back in. • the:, direction • of
Avilos that afternoon
He had received no information'
:about the boat, though he thought that
in view of the conditions it would very
likely be .delayed, perhaps even a, day'
or two. They • shook hands at the
crossroads and Vilak•.rode:•on tothe
fazenda • .'
"Looks, mighty doubtful • about your
gettitig away tonight," he remarked a
trifle anxiously as he entered Elise's
' •rpni andewatched' her heap Piles~ of
biby clothes into a trunk. "Might'*'
doubtful:, And after what happened
yesterday, you yourself now how vital
it is that you get away. I suppose all
we cin do is to go down to the wharf
a1 ssst:.o'clock where the boat's supposed
. : to come in and wait. Then, if it
doesn't cense,.. we'll have• to ;build a
raid;" er something equals"*. desperate,
arrd;ship you down two thousand miles
.'on that" • •
By noon F1ise had finished -her
packing. She spent a fewhours 'in
giving explicit directions to the sera-
, ant . as to what •was• to be clone in her
:brief absence, , then, after a quick -tea,
gave the• child to Hannah, who 'was
waiting in the god -cart beside a gray,
haired negro driver. Then she, mount-
ount-ed•. her piebald snare and touched it:l -
lightly with her whip. ' .
Tyyl�e*;' rode off, Vilak • and the %old '-
man }on horseback on .either side of
her, the ,carriage Close behind.hey
reached :the wharf and ,dismounted.
Six o'clock arrived withotit the .hoarse,
prolonged whistle that usually marked
the arrival of the steamer at the bar
A few•momerits"later he was speeding backs • "The dam at Avilos
a mile up the river. Seven o'clock._has burst,"vhe said quietly. _ �_ -�- - _-_ _ - • .
Stall no `Whistle, no trail of blaclf as though he•weie relating some placid moment before a miserable cabin of
smoke. Seven-tl.,rty. T.1eeequatoria' story in •the corner of a dim lighted, rushes to shout to" the occupants, the
night began its swift dent. Eight [levee, Ile had barely• finished speak- news of the disaster, But in each. case
o'clock. Total darkness and the boat in when a hoe. eman came speeding an answering ' shout,. or 'kinky. head
nowhere is sight: - • I down the road shouting in frenzisei bobbing frantically through a door
Elise slushed impatiently through poftugt.ese that death was .upon the told them they had already been not -
the mud pi; the 11 n dock; "•`We'll ha'Ve! inhabitants , if they did riot flee. He fled.
tc camp here all night, I guess," ohevanishecl. Windows opened violently, :."Odd." he called to Ehse as he bob-,
.said. , b lonknow whether anybody. lights appeared, animals grunted, men bed furiously up and down. "No, ones
else is, but f getting hungry. Extreme- cursed, bedlam broke out in,the street: been overlooked.. They've been quite
3y hunter* And irritable." ' 1 "You and Nanny go on'to'.Chaeo, sesteniatic in carrying the . news.
Rill," V"ilak repeated. "With Tinky" Couldn't have done better if one man
i His Word roused Elise from her ,had taken charge' of it. Never knew .
daze. She caught the bridle of her ,these.laeltadaisical, natives to have so
• horse.. "What are you going to ,do" much method and energy. It's aston-
:she asked. 4. ,ish'ing. .
'"Go and warn some of the peYle They wheeled past a Porto Verdean
lin the outlying ;districts here. hen% bouncing along in a clattering ox cart,
, get excited,.Nanny: . 'Keep cool; keep' through a veck of racing, 'wild-eyed
rrx.l," he, added, ae the - old. men, digs, which had been infected with the
trembling with excitement.' tried to.human panicand were•fleding from
scramble upon his horse and hopeless-' they knew 'not what; then overthe•
ly entangled, his foot in the stirrup. 1 wooden bridge' they had' crossed 'So
"A man's like an engine. Meeh better slowly a few hour before V'ilak look-
�■ , when he's cool. Half an hour's a long' ed' down et the narrow stream below.
•time: - 'Don't he stampeded:;' 1"'That's odd, coo," he •murntired
' when yar hotaflA, i e tithis• Re stooped down and with e quick f "Water looks' lower than it did this'
• when you are slot anti. rnotrclt is >+
' dry ---pep tip with Wrigley's—it rilovement treed the other's toot The l morning:
i cdd man clambered onto hili .mount. , • They took the crossroads parail'e}-
Elise, too, leaped• into her saddle. "I'rn ing the railroad tracks and galloped
going with you," she said to Vilak..bn. : '
g g 'to be continued;) . , ' i
"We can't let these poor people on the, t ���,�-�� ,
outskirts die like beasts. Two of us" To the Census enumerator, the teen
of the house is the head of the•fa,miiy,
but the Man of the house may'know
a lot more atrout it than the een ue
enumerator • • •
Analysis .of five hundredrecorded
conversations Is sefd ,to have abown
Ihdt The in'ea"bulary of tele efionJufsierss
is •extremele limited. This is •gr'eat-
ly to thele; credit.
- an instant, bewiideringiy began to.foi- ,
` lbw it, then furriers . and , esanie, awk- Heal the Sprain i with •Minare's.
- i_ ,
.1.0 clean
eatsy pots and .pans
just use a teaspoon of Gillett" s Lye in about
a gallon` of cold water* and lou have a mixture
that • will instantly clean . even the greasiest,
pots annd• pans. •
�c A
Vii: � Aq� mei • ss,' •"
It cleans and ,
disinf ect s s$aks, draxris and closet bowls
•. effectively removes old paint . ,.cleanstlloors; etc ,:etc.
, Send. for our' bogklit on 'household cleaning, It Will
show you the many ways Gillett's Lye can be used`in
your "home .. to make cleaning easier
ikLye •should never be dissolved in hot water.
Montreal' Winnipeg
Britain a' . Continental Power
New Statesman (totaled): We can-
'not, even if--wewou d
, dissociate Mir -
selves: from. •European• affairs. We are,
whether, we like it 'or not in Europe,.
politically and .economically, We • are
a• Mediterranean ;Power; war in the
'Mediterranean would' affect us little
less vitally than war in the Channel.
Indeed, any big Continental .war would
In:evitabl'y involve ' us. ,.. The • 'idea
that .safety is to .be 'found, in an.A'ngio-
.Saxon bloc—a duplicated nationaliSnl
to 'promote' internationalism.. --is pee.
posterous Friendship with America
is ail to -the good,. An exclusive friend'
ship'with America Would be a provoca•
+tion to Europe and a disaster. .
Anglo-American Friendship.
Nation ,and Athenaeum . (London):
The Three -Power Pact is, in our judg-
ment, a great and highly satisfactory
achievement: Many people on
both:sides'of the•Atlantfc were saying
that `war between us was "unthink-
:ab•le,'3• which •Meant, as sonreone.re•.
marked at the time, that they were
thiinking 4if ft: .—Something: had to .be
done.qutckiy or the position,' would
have •gone..froln bad to worse. To; -day
the` nightmare-, has ended. •Anglo; -
American relations have become 'genie
inely' cordial; and ;the foundations of a
permanent friendship Seem to have
been well•
and truly laid.
The trap door abider' covers its tun -1 In days of yore, if a:n ended toody g
nel with palt
a trap door, . neatly bevelled 1 stage -coach, he was
to fit the opening, and hinged- at one two or three days for the. next one.
' ; The door is made of alternate NOW he lets out ;a squawk if he misses
side.revolving door.
tfbn of a
` s
one. silk a
st k
1 zs
Use Minard's tor•Burns:
As bener,oleene most 'sociable.
of all virtues,' so it is of the largest.
'extent; for there'• is not any., man
either so great or so little that he is
incapable of conferring and receiving
benefits. � - •
Business is , brisk again in` Wall
Street,and prices are rising. The
• splendid old public can always be re•
lied upon to buy stocks iustas soon
as they cease to he bargains.'a
tnoistetts molter and throat: w,,,
.' The increased flow of saliva
feeds new strength to the blood,
you •can de More —yea 'feel
..--e`l`l can cover much. More territory Han=
i iC,L�`o(' � ` ( neh can. take T'inky . up to Chaces.
C( FR ,;Stye'gproved 'she cantake care.of,him.
■ ' ' minutes."
�' � SEW 11dii C<SM��t �, It'g only ,a few m�fs
,..... '-,t_ ms` µ ;. "All right We ve no time to ar,.gu'e.
keep awake with li6'igteyi3 She 'kissed the baby• quickly., then
spoke •a few word to the driver of
the dogcart. • • The vehicle 'rattled off.
j'the old man looked confusedly after it'
CTG 1,4.1ikc •1,11,\
ISSUE No. 21-2 3U
Easy r}snnin M eta
that cut withrazor
will keep
yourla'wn trim and'iieat
Thoitragh6,reliable,aledule jr
gaardideed. 'At. your .liard•
ware dealers. •
soocal 1C.ld owe. ,. .
The Cruisabouts Are Unequalled , Boat . Value!
. floating 'summer
home •29' long; S' 10"
Wide and '2' 4" draft
fully equipped with
berths for •five and'
deck space 'or • more
than twelve atn-
usually '.low price of
$3.586 at .the' factory..
' Becaiise of stand;
ardiiation Richardson
',;'ruisabout9 are- tow in
price. Built •of Clear
Cedar White Oalc and
Mahogany .beautifully
finished 6 -cylinder .
60 -H P. Gray Marine
Voter gives a speed ,
oc 13 miles 'Der' hour.
.Write 'for booklet .'
telling all the facts
on the three RicharJ-
son 29' Cru•isabouts:
'Almost everyfsody knew; s boyo
Aspirin' teb1ets break un a,'coldee
but why not prevent it? lake a;•
tablet or two when you fir�.t ,fcrl
the Gild coming on. `;pare yourself
the discomfort of a summer coil,
Read' the rireveis directions tri every
package•for headaches, pain, etc.
...:30 ruisob.putt
Sales' and Service by
'.B. F. BENSON, N.A:
371 Bay Street • Toronto, Ont.
o Out
wi thOut a
No mean of good appearance
. goes out without a collar... •
nor does he go about 'with
'dusty, unpolished shoes;.. .
Personal pride suggests'' a
frequent "Nugget" Shine
to keep the shoes -smartly'
Omen table and water-
proof. asp
1 ' 72
If yoti are, you'll want to
tenant so. But if you do
not provide for old age;
you will lose your Inde-
pendence;; Behalf sums
NOW in Canadian
Govern m e'nt = Annuities
will :Prevent -this` At 65.
you:Will still be self•reliant
and looking forward , to
anold age of- peace and - •
IbfatLUis omelet today
Annuities Brand' • 1 A>iduitier,ii,eeeh,1)er,t. TW1.-i ,
Department of Labour, Ottswf. -
Ottewa .
. Please road ,ne:C:UMI'%.E'i'E TNFOTiIYfA'i'ffJN
rbbpt (�an,rduur .t'')*:"'"It Anhui "" •
Minstto t uise. ,.�.• •.•.rr.
l'rint Ocariy
• 1tA-c;V 1'71's'r 'TM wftc)t'Lr 1)0i'Mt41OF dreea .
Incl •ertrtlaOt'tabour,