HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-05-29, Page 3Reduced Prices *RED ROSE Red Label Tea ED. ROW, Japan Green Tea REO *.ROSE Orange Pekoe •. ;1 lbs 60c. r2 -1b. 30c, •"'-6 70c, a• 35c 14b.85c IAA. 43c You can now buy front your grocer at the seduced 'prices the Red Rose Tea he has in. stock. ' We refund ,'to `the grocer the drop. in the price, we bear The gross,. • • T. I-1, TABROQKS cb. L.IMITED Toronto, Ontario. Fool With a Match 'the action of Nova Scotia in closing, her forests, fora month except on special permit issued in ,emergencies. is •drastic --abut in the .opinion of the. authorities no .doubt justified: ?sorest Aire'; are -burning" at.seVe3al•.points..So- far no .lives' have been lost, although• ,.endanger; ilk net.' actually destrly, human life. • The forest. • is very lovely . at th.e. dawn .of spring.. It should be free to all who care to seek it, but it its art - al siaughter• goes on, as it has been nu going fo:r years at'the kends. of these. ,who should be its protectors, the Gov brnments of all ..the provinces will' have to follow Nova Scotia's example -There eche••-ma-nifes•tlyeaneny,-•.neopre- who •carfno.t be trusted' in ,the,woods the people ,of •one town'.'liave had a hi springtime. • It may be necessary,' very narrow .escape. to keep all people out until the danger This' is the •danger . !paerod 'in •eve};y :be pest •because of their criminal fo]ly- • Canatlian ,forest from ocean to ocean', I Montreal Star. Cumbered with tree waste of t1 e• past year, not y*et'aprotected :by 'the new ,. hush .,growth .of *early •$ume er., millions of acres are at the znerey of any .chance spark :that will spell disaster, •Once started, there . is ' nothing save heavy rani that will, stops the .deatrue- ti:oii, and often the .rain . does not : belpfea, 'cheering, with rntich .of the come. ,I mother -lave mingling.with the deeper ,The ,1' ry great m. jority of forests ties for, the brilliant, way ward"man• does are' the. result 'of Meer earelea She. bath wives and'. mothers, •and who ness on•somebody's• part. Every Ger- so. often is in her eyes hut's big gifted ermxnetat as the country spends ewe..child to be humored; petted, cherish- tunes- on'Itiro protection. .Our forests e'd-, : • are patrolled, regulations 'are nailed - gg. ou thousands' of trees; and .buildings' .. . 'TRUST AND STRIVE ,across the country, and yet one fool Let no man pt esume that he can -see with . a thatch can undo the Work of prospectively 'into the ways • of Pro- yeurs, ruin irreparably not billy miles videncel. His part is to contemplate of forest bat in some cases the'. very • them in. the past, and trust in: them • aground on Which the Forest stood, and for ',he'future.--Sol.they, • GENIUS._ ` Mea elf gentus.need -a special kind - of Woman to help them ,iii their strenu- one lives. She is rarely one of 'the dazzling, conquering likind,,but is 'rath- er the littleovr'n-M d type, gentle,• New Vessel Soon to' Sail No. Inside Passage . , > . .... 'E. Tho Inside Passage along the coast of British' Columbia where the ship runs ttoi•th to Alaska• for five hundred miles between Pigged, and a mountainous mainland h'as a reputation among inari'ners that is world wide:' No coasts, they'say, except those',of New Zealand antl'sone parts 'of Norway, Irn't°w$"ttyrit great• li`cter% match' this'streteh of seaboard' in Majesty n,.f. edeiiery., There is only onee stet giil5 duffing the Whiffle length of the voyage where the vessei Ig open th the- MI,t3Weep of the Pacific. The' 'rest.of the 'time the 'great•Islaiids intervene and to all intents the boat is .sailing along + an inland Sea. It is quiet and peaceful. The shore. le only a stone's throw away., The Smell tft •fir trees in the air '.mingled with that of sea water`, • The newest lies el to be .put on this service 'had just ,been launched' in England. The Printt a Henry will tail through the Panama Canal' to join the' Canadian 1Vationatl Steamships fleet in Stine Mid Will make her first sailii5g n'ortltward on dilly 3.. The Prince Rupert and Piquet George are alr'e'ady on • the'roll and, are kn'oivn 'to,, the thousands of tourists, who ;make the 'journey 'from Vancouver, or Pri'nce'Itnpert north to Skagway, Alaska, art the, Yukon ri'very sum1110. Two ether .new ships toe the ;Canadian National Pabill Coast Service, the Prince Robert and 'the Prince David, are .now under• con',•. situation. ,v�, aves Babies in ,Vancouver cowslriye become the" foster mothers, of cl;ildien .fn China lto aJapats., Fresh certified milk is flow"teeing;ca•rr.•ietl •froneVancouv.er ti the fnrtheste.ends o.14e • the earth, os'ince New York; Montreal;, Attstraliai South America and London; England, have already been supflielrfrom'the British Columbia port. Scientific refrigera#aon an the big- white liners of. the Cana; 'flan ,Pacific ' fleet plying between Vancouver.'and the Orient, is half the• secret of the'success of this long, distance delivery .fresh milk the other half Is the ualit 01 the product from the Brooksbank,Laboratoriek certified milk farm. •Carrying milk, as fresh as when, it carne from the cow, froln .VanCotl- ve>s• to:Shanghat, a,distance'..of 5,41.9• miles, is a big job• and even, the speedy Empress •.of•.Canada 'took 14, days to turn the 'trick, counting in' Seeps. at Honolulu, Yokohama and I obe ea route. . ' F., Jones, -manager and proprietor et. the, BrooRasbank lAaboratorieSe Asia a theory that the cow which) feeds the .child has a,'right to the• same treat- anent. and attention 'as 'the child's mother, and above' lay -out will show some - Atkin; of the careful grooming end spotless 'cleanliness of stables and animals. • • Pe' Ie "AII Nerves" ' Irish Finance. Dublin Weekly Irish :Times Since .the establishment .:of the Free . State What. to Do if Yon Find Your- self 'in'This Condition. The sort of thing - that. specialists call nervous debility .lis the run-down Condition caused :by over -work and household wor•rieS.. The sufferers find' themselves tired, low=,spiritedand un-' able to keep their it mi anything. Mind on east . g Any sudden noise stat tle's and sets the heart palpitating violently_• They can- auat*. sleep' well Wats night; th"sir ti'ands' 'tremble and legs seem ..unable to sup- port them."'Such a condition is indeed' pitiable. ' • • .Doctoring the nerves with sedatives is, a. terrible mistake. The only real nerre tonic is a supply of good red blood. Therefore .the treatment for nervousness and run-dewn health is Dr. WillianiS' „Pink Pills, Which promptly ,build up and. enrich: the, blood-' .The revived appetite, the: strengthened 'nerves, improved spirits and new' strength which' come after a agtirse of -these' pills will delight -every sufferer. ' • Yotr: can get, these pills from ariy medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a boli frost The Dr.. Williams' Medi ripe Co.; Brockville;' Ont, Mr.:Blythe (Finanee Minster) seems to have been working .on the assump- tion that British standards still ap, plied tothis country. He has tried to maintain, these standards in respect of social ''services, and he .has" been ing Classified Advertising babies- -- -. FOB SALES e: , AreSickly Babies 41 lay bar �1nD Pour karle- ties. Wrl:te , for free catalogue. A, H. t Switzer. 'Granton; Ont. ' The' well child does ;tot cry — it is only the sickly beby who.erie:s. .The well child is laughing and happy. Baby's 'cry of .distress is his way of telling the mother or nurse that he is ill. Therefor•e, if your baby cries do not delay in iooki•ng, for the trouble. Baby's Owii Tablets are a safe and efficient remedy''. dor childhood ail- ments. ;They,, are a,: mild but thorough laxative Which ,through their. 'action on the stomach dud'bowels'.banish cons:ti- patios and indigestion; break up "cold'; and simple;feyeri; and p1-oniote Health.'' ful sleep. They Will melte baby happy and keep .hiirll happy. 'They are sold' by medicine d:ealers11r by' mail at 25 Cents a bog' from Tho ,D.r:..°Williams' Medicine Co., Brockgille,.Ont. • BErE8 '1 will ''.not doubt tbtftigla'•oil .my' pray- els return • ' .Unanswered . from -the still ' White -rea)in. above; 1 will believe rt is an all- s ove 'Which has refused 't se things for ' w}rich ;''yearn; ` 0 • And,' though at times I' eannot'i eep irdun grieving, Yet the' .pure ardour oe . my fixed believing, • Undimmed, 'shall'.burn. • „ =--Robertson Nicoll.' Campers Carry Minard's: • A DRAMA Man carries uhder his' hat a private' 'theatre, wherein a: gre Ler .drama is acted than ever performed' on the . mimic stage, beginning and ending in eternity. Carly }e. Personality bersonalit and 'i t' l:igence• 'are rated by experts .aa Jai more .im- portant'than mere good' loo 'ti girls areer. forced 'to tax the people according' to who wish to take Una business.. the same standards. The• time has —,---- come now when a change ought to be .� j people frankly that theycannot hayed 5�antafMaie.Mr. Blythe oughtto tell th:e�Q -things--both--ways: ••-kgriculturee-and. ',chQ. Toronto B;oapitar for -Incurables, industry generally •must'.'get ' •some in affiliation . with Bellevue and 'Allard measure or relief, which can be given Heepitals,. New .ork City; offers a Three Year a Coarse of TrauLiat,g• to Young to them only at the.loss of social ser- is, er- yeomen, hav4ng ;the.:regriired education, vices. In Great Britain'Mr. Snowden a0sptesiroaa ,of becoming .nurses. This 8ospStal ]las adopted the eight-hour. is determined to move' in ' precisely system. The pupils receive 'nniforma'of wanes and the' cost of sdcial service's. In the. 'ravening espenae -to and fir rNew York. 'F"or further particulars write. o'r case of the Free State: however; no apply to the .Sapet'intendeitt. , such . luxuries are possible. Mt ..�� the opposite direction by • increasing the School,' a, me thly all'o Blythe must cut his coat •rigidly ac- cordingetg.hisclotb,'and the quantity, of material a$.khisdisposal is becom- ing 'perilously meagre. Tips For Sports' Writers The second baseinOU couldn't catch a cold. in Siberia.. The.:umpire was blinder than an' earthworm. 'in a London fog. The home team got, more runs `than To of .TOTAL FARES to CANADA ADVANCED BRITISHERS a pair of silk stockings in a brambie in Canada ma now brin • Findon Mens Clothing <iteb. '. • . y • Sparkles With Color. k'The 'game was ,tighter ;Ilan .a p. Dress reformers are continually call- ing for drastic changes in, the garb of men 1 ut,.'adcording to "The London Sunday D,ispatch," men's shops ' are 'very bit as.'colorftil as 'those which cater to• women. ' Iu the 'West End the• outfitters,. In fact, threaten to outdo the' women's. fashion shops. A Regent Street shop displays gift boxes of orange -colored shirts and lemon-ye11ow pyjama suits. 1 '� forward their Families, • man car window. j Seedy (reading)—Say,•Hank, what's er haberdasher? Hank—What, don't eer know wet. er .haberdasher. it? "Didn't yer ever have no•learnin'?„ A, haberdasher is' er man wid a habit of dashiu' ab.ot,ut. - It's..a wise creek that knows its own . "After $abs Came; Alas Wea k, S k i n•ny Pained ' 22 L.bs1 . Relatives '. and • Friends on Easy Terms. • For full details •appiv -- 3. D. CAMERON;" Dist.' Supt. ,Colonization Canadian Facile ,Bailway. Toronto BRITISH RE -ONION ASSOCIATION 0 father. ' Silk dressing gowns, in. elaborate: •• . ' patterned Paisley designs are as DO YOU , bright hued as a summer flower gar- den. Rich delphinium blue, dahlia ' SUFFER FROM color, royal blue; claret, orange,., and sapphire shades, as well as brown and • CONSTIPATION ? . vermilion, .form striking patterns. ' Wide, girdles of heavy silk cord lav- ishly avishly tasselled finish :off' these „robes: The newest ties' for men are of daz- zle and sear'chlig'ht patterns and slant ing shadow designs. Brown. shadows, strongly defined; distinguish raspbei- ry pink ties, end blues• and reds have ' 'Sharp shadows'of contrasting colors. 1i<andkerChiefs; mateh ,these. The Winter. sport -goer wi : be a cheerful -looking person when he dons his 'skis One of the latest jumper's far his holiday is a Vivid orange one, -de- corated with great; black cltihe, acid a two-color tam-o'-shante}' in black anti orange too. -" 'or decades it .has been an tliewl'it- ten law that no man will tolerate elas- tic to. .support any garmetits but his socks." said, •a ,West 'gild outfitter. 'This"bogey has suddenly been swept • aside in the smartest men's onttilting es- tahlishinen.ts tinderclothing is now supported by elastic waitbantis in-, stead of by.tapes. • "Pyjamas, too, are hot only fitted With elastic at ihe.hips but are made to measure pad shaped sQ as to make a'perfect. fit:'L• • .' • • • • • 1.6 '° Slowgi y: "flow do yeti manage to hies a gi when her chaperon, is right erase by?.." Fafitchap: "Why. kiss the clya'peroie first.' ' Little things make us unhappy, but Men Will persist in marrying there. I tiinard'e Checks Hair, r , • Cq intless remedies are advertised 'for constipation. Many relieve, for the moment but. they are habit 'form Ing and must be continued. Others. contain calomel and dangerous min- eral drugs, which remain in the sys- tem, settle iti'-the • joints and cause across and pains.. Some are ,harsh purgatives 'tvltic1 cramp' and ggripe• and leaVe a depressed after effe5t. Avoid 'lubricating oils which only grease the. intestines and encourage • nature's machinery to become lazy: A purely vegetable laxative such as Carter's Little Liver Pills, gently totiches'tAe liver, bile starts.to-flow, • the bowels•Move gently, the intestines. are thoroughly cleansed and constipa- tion poisons' 'ass away. The stomach, Jiver and bovcis are now active and the system enjoys a real tonic effect: All druggists 25c and 75ered pkgs. "After baby' was born r t was very' weak, skinny. Since taking lionized least feel fine. & �� ` Gained ••22 lbs."—Mrs. • Laura Benoit: • Thousands• write new rronrzed least' adds 5 to 15 lbs, in. 3 weeks. Ugly hollows fill out. Irony ' ' limbs get graceful, roundness. Muddy • i Skin gets clear and rosy like magic, ;Nervousness, indigestion, constipii• tion vanish overnight, 'Sound sleep>1 Bete pep front. very 'first day'. • Two great tonic'ts In one—special weight -building- yltalt Yeast mid !strengthening Iron. ,P11'asant utile tablets.- Par stronger than linniedi- eated, yeast. Itc►attitr'•in tx time. Ni 1 Yeasty taste. no gas. I. So quit being- "skinne." tired, Cita• 1 attractive. Get Ironizetl Yeast fromn • druggist- today. ' Feel,. great • ti�inor• i row' honey 'back from manufaetfrer ifnot rleliehted,with quirk results, G,e`dt rN. PMILLIPS10614,4 .es- et.= For 1?oubles ' due to Acid' tr.i ro EATION.?t --Acus SibMACN eeestrao •iy estenecese 'mss•wausee About two hours after eating matey people. stiffer from sour • stomachs. .';'hey call it inciigestiou..It .means that the stomach nerves have been over- stimulated. There "is exeess acid. The way to correct it is ,with an alkali; which ,neutralizes • many times its vol - nine In acid: ' The,riglrt way is Phillips' Milk ,O.1 Magiiesi--•-•juse a tasteless dose eln nater. It is' pleasant, ''D efficient and e4 • yen Food ours, harmless. It has remained the stand and with physicians in the 50 year's' since' its intention, 1 It is -the quick method. • Iiesulte1 eotlle almost instantly. ' It is the are ptto'ied ';method.. ,You will never use another -when . you know. Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' Milk of Magae'sid pees 1';ibed 1iy physi- cians for 50 years In c freeting excess aeids Rach bottle eon -Ws fu.1l• direr: tions—any drugstore: t ►C� LN '.I;; CQMB W13,1TP LSGHORIV 7 and Barred Plymouth Rosh tinily Chicks w;ontlei•ru1 winter' layers.• We have been hatching for 27 years. ,Delamere Poultry Farm Stratfordw.Onta.io, -TRE'n". MAY AND. .JJ1Ni, • Chiefs, always liopuaar. 'Rocks, Wyandotte... ,Leghorns. Free ' folder :'•Pin Money" describes why their.bveeding "tells' In the, 'lest." Order. early and save. Trent,•,Eiectric Hatchery, Trenton, Ont. CHIC 20 , Fa'rnoula Breeds tab . choose from.' Send for free chick Catalog;' It has valuable I:niorniation• on: tiroading• chieks. • "'. ' ssex _jaw e ' lmscratc/uaLj'•yau'' •. Bos 2p$. W Eeaez, Oitt: •� FOR SALE . ,FINE D. -C• MOTORS" '4, , 1'/, 4 end`8 Horsepower,'alt in Adelaide Street' .: goo e�condition. Cheap ,for .immediate sale. .H. Watki.ns, 7 ,West: ,Tn"unto, . NERVESAL4 SHOT' N OW "Fruit.a-tt'3es"didit,saysMr,Alfred Gingras. Thousands write ner- F E vousnessr heart flutter, dizziness, •constipation, indigestion end over- „ FINE 4 eight. Sound sleep at. once. Gel Fruit -a -twos today. $141.111011110411.1110111111/41.1111111/111111 • • O114 Q` . ' HEAL IlI•QUICKEST.TIME KNOWN "Sores on leg; ulcers, for months. Doctors failed to heal. Then'Sootha-Salva' healed them iafewdays:"Jules Sltnard."Soothe - Salva" .heals sores, ulcers, boils, burns, ' scalds, eczema, like magic. AU druggists. hidldren for. ST:ORIA A BABY REMEDIY APPROVED BY DOCTORS 60R COLit .CONSTIR TiON.OIARRNEA First -Aid For all • pains and'.. aches, ,.foot' troubles, , .cuts . and bruises,' or general • massaging , purposes, Minar+i's simply can't be beaten. ., • ``fit' • "She looks 20 Oears gouger • "I have taken Entsnhon Salts for 7 years, and enclose my photo at b0, to ask your opinion of my record. 1 hare 'been married 30 years, have 9 sons, 29, 2o, 19: also 2 grandsons. &and 20 months. 1 put down niy youthful 'appearance to Krusehen Salts taken each :ntornine I ehoul.I .never think of, starting the day without taking them.. I am eft '.dii. in hvicht, weight 119 pounds. I can assure on my husband Is ivory proud • ' 01 Hie.;' ?. . i. flrigieslletter on ale for:lirtnepecAttole: To •fireserre year• youthful Mann Boit firugt rrerrrre your health. Charm and helot, are mainlp a rnatfrr of'hrairn �o are tftdlflfi and r, nvr. -4ll rritf-bgfiours if you pin• your faith in f.ftfr daily diarrfal-•' Start to -morrow, olid yv'ys trt/l fall years yIper before you are many • daolder- uit) i.rhert 'alt's to obtainat+la at date and department :storm fu I'aM:uf't at ;:rr. a bottle. •A bMtilr e,latain9 'hi1IWh ro list frit 4 or mouths—good health furltaff.a,ceat a day. READ OF.ACASE: LIRE. ISR OWN Decided to take , Lydia E. Pink•halin's Viffetable 1 , •Compound \Moncton, New Brunswick—"Before my last baby was born 1 was very weak, nervous and dis- couraged. 1 saw.. an advertisement in the paper about a woman who lied 'b'een like me to l bouOht a bottle of Lydia r. Pinky ham's Vegetable Compound. 1 took three bottles and it carried me safe,, ly through' that.. cri'tical tune. • 1 have three children to care for and 1. • ' feel Well and strong, I have told two other women about 'otir.trledleine, "-^ Mlis. Crs AUSENArt r, 82 AlbertkStreet, 111oncton, New Brun wick. ISSUIy. No. 21236. e. 8 4 9