The Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-05-22, Page 8tkll*;:"aMr„,owey;*rrG�:. rC TIM 41sNOW SENTINEL HUR DAY, 14 AT -2?n4190 • bt • • !IIy s Ladie's Dresses $ ,.50 INCLUDING BROADCLOTHS • ;CRAYSHE- NES and VOILES IN WHITE A -ND COLORED. VIALUES TO .$3.25. ° FOR ONE DAY, ONLY .....'., ..$1.50. 'Open At Night Shop;:Earijr • Ladies' Hats .$1.6.6; -A CLEARING Lill x IN 114 TS. AND, STRAWS.• V ALLIES la 'Vt) :111.50r FOR ONE DAY A"1` :.. . , • 41.00 - w hildrens' . Felts '59e Bargains. s. F:rorfilr' . Every. Dept.. Our entire 'stock' of races in various Widths .and`Pirices. Clearing • at • . ' . . .: 5c. yard Meas' Silk'X'ies• C. • .. ry Four-InrHand Style in neat designs. Special For, One Day •Sale. 8-4.Sheeting -39c. , atd. ----- This _._-...._This , fine even weave quality White, Only, • is specially priced for Friday. Regularly :sold ' at 55c yard Per 39c.. yd. Your Favorite '' ` Shopping +Centre ; Womens Hose in all adie's Silk 75c pati Host Specia1 $L79 pair. Thread'' Silk. and -Art Silk . Twisted, ie Lu . 'ng Shades and Sizes 8Vz to 10. For One Day Only ' . . Women's .Full Fashioned • service weight pure Thre Si •i,' Hose.i sq to 1o. 75e Pair F'or,One,'Day'Only ., $1.79 Pair Odd Lines Childrend','s Mose 15c.: Sizes, in lot from 4 to 4• in Brown, White and Bleck.. Cottons.. and Cash-; meres.. Values ..to' 35c a pair. For, Pair 15c..r 1 Awning Duck 47c. yard ., A good Heavy quality 30 in. in fancy Green.and White and fancy. Fawn. and Brown" Stripe.,.;; Specially Priced for, Friday. At Yard '.. . ; 477: , Balbriggan'Underwear. • 59c. garment Men's'inn'e .Cream Balltmggan,in Shir;s abd- Drawers. All.' Sizes, ;;4 to 44. y . , • Special 'at '• a .garment ;59c, • �.: $1.29 • pair Woiuen's'. Fine Hose- in' Flesh, shades. Only Sizes 81/2 to 110. 'Regular $1.50 Pair.' LlAeA Towelling Bwya►rds1ok' $;L This is a'.pure, Linen quality in Frain ' White only; 2i,incties wide and Good Value at 25c. yid. One Dey Sale ...... 6 yds. for .$1. a . Me►'s Broadcloth Shirts' "Gordon" quu.ity—doub'y :'tncrcer- zed Broadcloth -Guaranteed for size and Workmanship. Fast Uoiors . with one -Collar to match. Special for this Sale . .. $1.49 • • Phone • KIN•LOUGH Mr. N. Neil • of Lucan visited over the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Boyle. . • Dr. Donovan and son Charles of d 'Chicago , are 'visiting friends and relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Gee, Haldenby and; faiiiilyi Mrs. Dudley, Mr. Alf. Hari- enby and Mrs. J. Percy, motored o Sylvan Valley, Algoma, on Friday last. • Mr. and Mrs. Clifford• . Lloyd of Tonowanda, . Mich., visited ,Iwith the former's.mother here over' the week end. • Mr.• We Are pleased to report that • Alf Hodgins is improving. in health. Mr. George Halkenby accompanied Rev. Appleyard to London last week where they attended the Synod meet-' ing. • • Mt. -Peter Linehan has returned to •hese Arts again and will spend sortie t'me• here. Vjctoria Day May 24 To Add Comfort and bring Pleasure on . Your Holiday : - .Be welt dressed with. the Smartest Clothes • • ' • bo— u l t at King's: •• • A NEW COAT: • SMART SUIT • PRETTY DRESS' —PDX SCARF' or CHOKER—. ... KNITTED SUIT ANE NEW. T)LEFOtS•SE KID GLOVES ...K AYSEit°.-.. SILK GLOVES -and HOSIERY Seethe . nlse lit and dee Fine Selection We Offer. ' • •• KingBros.. .Wi gl i n LANGSIDE Mr., And Mrs. Fred Thompson and Bobbie of Toronto, spent the week end with friends in this locality. Mrs. A. Emerson, Jim . and Lila •spent Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. V. Emerson. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown,- Ardyss Ind �Giertrude spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs: Ferguson of near Amberley.. . Mr. and 'Mrs. Archie Patterson', Orland, Muriel and Ross spent Sun-• 'day with Mr.' arid Mrs. W. A. Taylor: Mr. and Mrs. Elwood "Barb°er, Ken- neth and Helen of near St. `Heyns spent . Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. 11. Pettyniece. . Mr. and Mrs. Orville Tiffin, Joe and Dan spent Sund,'y with Mr. and Mrs. John Maclnnes. . On Sunday .last if you Wanted to see your friends you had just to call at the sinkhole on the 4th eon. on the good road east of Langside just. below tate : cemetery. . For about a week, a heavy tractor and: 2scrapers. had been busy hauling 'filling upon this low 'part of the road. On Tues- day the road was,sinking faster thin they could•draw filling. Great cracks 3 'feet wide were opening at either fence - and • the ground was rising` By eight o'clock in the evening the water rrtd begun to rise and' 'the op-, ening= at the feti^ee ieeee ,"•,,l csc that the road was immediately block- ed locked for all traffic. Wednesday morn`- ing the whole south ditch bad com- pletely turned up into the : middle where'the road had been. Ten feet of water was measured .and in. places it was 20 het deep. The men immed- iately set to work end leveled t‘,..e upturned willows and ditch•earth, and then trees were cut ,end hauled and the timbers of stn old house were prr- ehased' from Johnson Conn and a .! causeway was made. 'Che' tractor . and scraper are ,again at Work• hulling more filling. The north ditch has nev- er turned in as yet, although there rs a wide crack b hk 1by the fence ere that aide Some are of the .opinion it will t4111i iii when Sufficient weig'hf it added but that remains to be seem The Women's Tnstituite ,pit White churbb are having. the play "On'y Sally Annee' presented by the West field rtramatie Sir Rely nn 11fat, yr. This society is welt known, `having o'resented their play "Welcome •l:to J'iry nr" and `"liitr,icatie Sate t;,.. year at the, United Church_ garde• party' a Whitechurch., Don't forge'.- ...a. the dztre tte ar you miss .a : — The .Eiecutive ef the W.' tnAitut' met et the hone of Mrs, B. ',''. , of ttlawanosh. last 1 htirsday • nir4 and arranged the yirograin for the coming year. ..�. -ooh--.. Anither gaping hint A then weiitd 1 rather..have his ch"rti' Comfortable than re-upholetered. CREWE 'Mrs. Wm. Robinson 'of Belgrave spent the week -end with her daughter Mrs. John Kilrltrick.. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Drennan and. children spent a day recently isith friends at Knitail. ' Mr. and. .liars. Robt. Durnin of. Go- derich visited at • Wm Durnin's ; on Sunday. Mrs. Will Begley and , daughter. Leila. and Mrs. Joe Day motontd up from Hamilton and spent a few days with' their mother Mrs. J. Menary., A number from here attended the Branch Convention of- the W.M.S. in• Goderich last week, Mrs. Menary be- ing the delegate front the western section, • Mr. John Kilpatrick and Susie- vis- ited friends .at Rockwood and Ifitch- ener over•the week end.' Mrs. Blake and ' family visited friends at Clinton on Sunday. • We are sorry to report the Mine of Mr. W'm. Ourni�' We hope to s Milt around again soon. "Mr. Wilfred Drennan has purchased a Christer Sedan. A Lawn Social will be Held on. Crewe Church lawn on Wednesday, June llth.-'Furtitbr particulars later. ite uclnow, Ont. K11' GSBRI.DGE Mrs. 'Agnes Austin has returned to her home here after spending the winter months in London. Miss Minnie been who has spent the last few' months In Port Lamb - ton ,returned home. lastweek. ' Mac.'P. M. Sullivan and Mrs. M. 3. O'dunnor, who spent the ;est treo weeks in Detroit visiting friends, ar- rived home this week. • Mr. doe Sullivan and his two sons Maurice and Jack and 'Mr. Bill Long visited, their friends h^re recently: Mr. and Mrs. Jim Foley end Mr.. and Mrs, Mike O'Reilly of Goderich, visited their many many friends here San - day O•• Mr. Ed.' Watlnc'e of dhicago visited amon' his reintives here.. Miss'. Jean .Drnnnert bf Goderi^•h. spent the week end with. her parents Mr. and Mrs. Will Drennan. ' Miss Ellie. Premien or Stiettford, spent the week end underneath the paternal roof. ' A 'lolly tine -was writ at the home of Mr. . and Mrs.• E. Gilmore where AI number.of'young people were invited to spend the evonine. !r re wee en -d^ Diming, followed by dancing and a delicious luneh. The fun and whoopee was kept up until ' the- early hours of morning. Fifth Annual. County al _. Festiv�ru�e fou • • liar the • ' Town Hall, Walkerton • Thursday, June Sth. County the Bruce of Under the Auspices _. for Farmers and SUriiOr institutes Associations. Junior fterf'orina• Admission . E llenng.- Adults 50c -Children 25c. Adults 35c Chtil-dr'en 20e Don't mss this Musical treat • anld. tducation FOURTH CON.. KA1V6OSS Mr. and''Mrs. Alex McDonald, and son of Toronto are visiting with his parents Mr. and Mrs.. A. McDonald. Mr. Clair 14McDouuall, is up ' f'.om• Toronto for a few days. ' Mr. • and Mrs.• Tom Leckie of Kin- cardine were -guests at the home• of r. Wm. Robb, during the week. Mr..4hgus McDonald has been un- der the Dr's. care the past wee! but we . hope to see him around again soon.. A Great Meeting• The May meeting. of the Kairshea Club was set nsi;ie as "Pioneer Day." Miss Jessie McKay en`,ertained ' and there were fifty members and,visi'tors present: The home was very approp mate for the occasion, for it was tife first frame house erected in this part of the country, and no • pains were spared by "the directors In making the meeting both unipue and success- ful. After the opening exercises and transaction of business detas, Mrs. Carruthe-s, . sn'l Mrs. T. 'Robinson Pang "The Ohl Lee Cabin in the Vole" Miss Ruth McKinnon !gave a reading and Marrnret Button a. solo. Mise Annie Mc'lCav rrree a number of old tittle' instrumentals and Mrs. I1ott and Robinson . a paper on "The Pioneers". Mrs. Ant,,' M' Kinnon endMrs. Dan lfn"rieen t'.rn of t"e pion- eers sang Gaelic songs, which brought dewn the ho,.,e. Mrs. D. McKinnon (4th Cor.) 'gave a reading, ,after which followed "rominenity sing- ing. The first part of the prrgrata • closed. by .•sintrina "(Ina Be Wit'• You Till We Meet Again" Then folin-tier zhe haniplet. In lienor of the "Pi •n- e'ers'y pre -en*. ThK ",resident, Miss Mary McT.e'd »resided as toastwas, ter. And after ,int~1'tg Grace, the toast to "The ',y an' the :usual way. "The Pioneers" was nroposed by, Mr' .. R M•,rfin. and re- sponded to by Mrs. T. 13obinson. The toastir.aster arlrtinte by Way a,ra^lir ,?leech: Ne•rt followed a tof*^t to "1'lnr ';leu," pro'Kr»ed by 141`r�. Mei. ''r'`rin and resnande4 fa by Virg. D. Meth, Fyre, Mrs:. Wile's Mcltnzie, pr; -,ricer! tTie fO'4+ to i"Our Miss' Jessie 4feiCxy made 're"lv, after which all joined in singing "Por She's A Jolly (le -,(1 I"`cllmn." The price for- ' the oldest lady present was won by Mrs. Jain.es Littre, ,Ietho i. almost4 i ety year % itf Aee4a-r ea -red stoetaw! •peett. tion weA n"(16 of "he fart. tr,rtt if o•e6 'We forty•sev:enth anniver,ary Mr's. Mor"i',rsoii'rs weWdT , The meet- Yn'e' a�.W� br,nnhF to a 01ee by a can- , tA � les "My First Ph to which rein-md. Ire very frnrcehly tit we all +clan?e. T15'e uriye ,+ ^s ..•^r by nt••.- A . tluestio�n;,ttrte from head 'office, '"Ts there a ,` y,'r^uto' - »l Y' p rki plained and tvi'sed around for the memhors to rr;;r,rwa "hot Rnti}riie rhwnt•,erlr re`a��rk5 were made by sonar o'f the pi+tn 'Ars i w1 vts ewe present•. A. c'nlendid• lnnnli of old fash'on d cooki#tg wits served. and one and all:. ent ,#wsy 4eeling that the' first pibt- Pay,,,Cash.• 'and Buy for Less eer day was- a decided success: Para -I. mount Club will be entertained at ' the June ineetjpg sit'the hone of . Mrs. ' 'R. Martin., FOR SALE • For the remainder•, of the sepson we are offering our S. C. W..ite Leg- horn:Baby Chicks for 12c. each. Thee chicks are •all 'hatched from our on flockof, blood tested,, government banded bir. ds. This. year has been the• best we lrpve had sincewe started in the business atfd 90% of our . rales have been to old customers which u feel speaks well for our stock. .We will deliver orders of 100 or more within a radius of 15 miles of t1-1 farm. Batching. Eggs 50e. per doz. •'-" Choice Yearling' Hems, $1.00 each, Elmer J. FF•rrish, Lucknow, R. R. 7. Phone, Dungannon. 82-2f. • (29---5--c.) x Enna Jettick Shoes. Por Worsen In several previous talks, we have made this claim. "WE CAN FIT ANY 'FOOT_: WITH ENNA JETTICK SHOES, NO MATTER HOW LARGE; NO MATTER HOW SMALL" As ' an Iilu'stration of the •com,pleteness of Our Stock ' in, this particular hake of Shoe we might r+mention that two Ladies from a distant eity were pasting • through the town of Wingliam a few days ago and. noticed we were ,scUng Enna Jettick Shoes. ' These two ladies • had worn ENNA lETTICK SHOES be- fore end were rnahle to pro care their site in the city in which .thea, lived -and we had the real pleasure of selling one a --Pair af-stae' 'c and The oti er size 8 '1); "amnewhat riif or • the d n t"r ar"*es You will reedit; observe." "WE CAN FIT ANy NOR- MA I. FOOT. `t4O) M 4'1'T -tilt ' HOW LARGE". 'NO MATTER " HOW SM ALL. " but of course we Are referring to ENNA Ji i1'ICK SHOES tally in l act We know Of No Other 14t the l:y 'Which We Could Make The. Same Claint and p Meek It• Up With Tfre Willis Shoe WINGlAM, ONTARIO. Agents for gum, Jettick Shoes •F'or Wee en