HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-05-22, Page 7cii.on aces VAS RUN DOWN D -�FER _ WEAK Effective l Immediately per • pound: reduction p u on '.on RED BLACK and MIXED 'TEAS.. per pound, reduction' on RED C GREEN. TEA. 4.• : per pound. reduction. on RED. ROSE i LABEL LABEL ORANGE PEKOE.: Ali Grocers are authorized to sell .their' present ' - r stock at these. reductions.' We recou • p them for their doss.. ti AS.ROOXS'f C`O�' -Limited TORONTO, 'ONTARIO , Dog Demonstrates t•auir'• so fil•rce at he vert• a: ht of ;va'er that the sery ari'.s of tate house • t t Keen Inteliirefusal poinank to erre ,t a batti.'I ge ce Then the arae er's mistrees tried it ilf'rself.. But even she was not safe,, r wares P Nefuxalist Cites' instance s rlr;cu l t file DepartI ----"Terrier crier With. Human • Perception, • • The English naturalist, G'eorg'e J. '.' • Romati'es,, zoological secretary et the 'Linnean. Society et, London, Ennglant' tells of a Skye terrier that •hated to 1 • be, washed. •As time Went in its avereion'to•bathing became stronger! and ,stronger. • At last the dog .be• MORE E�� MA Itching Ends in T Minute . 'Had eczema for months. Sinter application o ' Ire. t " f 1:1•e ii, • s I.r-t nn5 na ting 1SothICSali ndeddchand urn in1 inu�e� x.:'lt 11 e%pit fast flint p;a:n.v .till: rei•srtz•, N,aty i.ork, in, A'n':ar:icle,cont- parin• rho in e f¢�noe •of doe .'and • cats at ,rhe Jute:.•}'rap:t'n- Sdenee', :Vonth'y. f•al'olorv' th ca::s II ,Cir.':.;; .a..-1 star-' ' I vatk',n were of tie v t l;• Finally; I th.e evncr eaatlerl :> ea...! 'h •, a tne• • '•�llhilt ar'eatnlr'::' tr•nfif?n to it a" 'nf taking. it aa,a4 but now went tea she sat rc .ti:1z np t•1 'h• :. r'.,a• lut•kr d an'ay, pe..1 no at- e tt to :n the habit .01 f e ill w 1w:11 k,J When ,%,•;‘• :h;: at..I i' , ante .. ri it, le •. l and :.�•:;, at 1'iiz 11' os ended sense or good." Jiie Paula. '"Sootba-Sslva"ends Eczema quickesttimeever 1 • s•ihnti . 1 u rr i.a j: ryas. eiwen. ttnwn.Itetting•atopsinstantly. An drnggista. a ha'. h. tt•ina Ir Ss as ' 1,. t.ea. p.r'll•a::y.,! Then I ire iii$` J a,•t,•ls:y, is bo tle.l •fob' I. f1 '• the Stun :u "".`"r , tam :r nary "t t '+ r' . • • t 'S was SoSkrnn. tiara d • da,,, v alk.• t\.r .t r.. , a as a. flet a f• 1 •r •In Bathing Suit, :1„e. left all 111.. '•tic !let• t to ale a wag 3•, arare, 1, r .. i 'a :: i t;.e 4,17. 'Gained 5 bss ",• Fleberd to His Son Ey' D. P. Graham, aged 12, `'Ifo you hear the "call. ' • Of 'Valkyries• from the hall?. Oh; the .gods hare -sent for; thee; • Corte• thou warrior to the free. • Odin, Thor, anti Tiu'• are' calling; ` Conie• •and follow! rove and roam:; Brave the- nateirs, go .to Shule, , • There Valkyries• take thee home.:' , Go sea -hiking, bike a Viking, Roaming, rolling, roving free , , Riding, gliding o'er the sea; • Ride thee.. glide. thee, • . P..olling.like a Viking o'er the sea. • "Go thee to quill 'Shale, to lbulla— The•-'c.ds will call thee fo Valhalla; Mar kland, Ile:luland, and Vinland sha 1 ae! thee, my •brave son ' Iirand: Only Vikings brave and. true ' ' Are in the sagas here remembered; l } nk c,f Beowulf, of Tiu,• Thee are mentioned, nal like-Flent- • 'betal. F9 n;bend was a coward; .thou f ^t: I ou:d do. better,' o, my son, To turn towards Beowulf thy prow, Aral then •follow, follow on. Go thou rolling; go sea -hiking, . i� Roaming, roving like a Viking, 'Fear not, son! Be not like 1; "Gained 15 'lbs. 'tale Lacking Somewhere • i( ing lionized feast. was alvways' ashamed jt1}1tOil p;'t n y, 1 ill: ',^.li Is I I:It n the \orseman t reathed his last, Feil upon his couch and (lied; ao thou to the sea and die; I`ie in battle or at sea; ' ;tet—remember Flambe:d, me."' • ' • .to wear bathing, suit ' t_`lead'. but now I can and not . Yet ha lt.:r�;, : a. ; •. , . . feel too skinny.' — 1A f raun :lay 1: , k •i: st. • i'r the • ''Eulah Lanningham• l.nat 1:• Tho isands write, of 5 to 15, lbs. ('1'(• tt. nlau a, it - -gained' in 3, 'weeks with • lronizcd ' ' • Yeast. Bon.yt limbs round out ' t'al sollows, fill ..in. Blemished skin gets .The 1' :se :; ra.:. ,. !elearr and rosy_ like raaic. • N r' otist. til h•, 11.4 +''i':. mess; lndigeation, constipation disap- pear overnight. .;S.ound sleep New health and per) front very fiat arty. Two great tonics In ono-- tiecial weight -building Malt least and strengthening Iron. Pleasa.tit little • tablets. Par stronger .titan' unta etli• Clued yeast. Results' in rci time. So emit being ashamed of skinnb ness, , sallow skin. Get ' ire,:i:zed Yeast. from druggist' today. Feel great tomorrow. Money bark fron , manufacturer if not .dellehtr •I wish 'Quick results. . N.rses Waned Z`he 'Toronto R.,sl't:•,1 for Incurables, in at filiation %ntla gcilerue• nu.t Allard Ilospitals. New tc'rk Clyotters a Three Year's Coureo of 1'rakatns to S ,ng• Wenner*: having tate re,ittirect eaucitt.sn, and desirous of bec.sitttug nurses• T:-§ hospital iute a.r, t•te.l the er,r t t.oa system. The pups:e r ecetro uu;ferule 'of the School. a n . t°Itir •a t,wr a ia.i travelling, ext'r nes to ein.t, tr. Ne,3 fork. Tor fnr,..cr t•3r..r, t'Irs u ,:r er ripply to the S1•t'ettn•eti.ler-'. . I G Ntniv f PHILLIPS err MAGNe ��• xy u -tor 'fr fes flue to Acid ,sttuGtstlfym ACIDlsTomACM ,4Egzretous Ha��f�:. ..�ADACME GA5ts•NAust'A UC , Sick stomachs;, sour stolntat ;anti. itrdigestion- tfsually Mean,, a •ceee at,til. The Stomach Wierves are of;er•sttmn' lated. Too nitteh acid ntti'ltes the stone Hell and Intestines sour,- - - - .. Alkali kills add instantly; The best, form is Phillips' rink of Mugneelrt, be- cea'seQ• One harnrTes tr - tnstc irsir .'drew neutralizes malty times its voIunio tit geld. Wilco lits' Invention, 50 yetis Ago, it has rentained .tiro :ass:t'dard with physicians everywhere. 4 • • :\nd \Brand forgot his past.; • Tried ruse his mother's, pride. :\rl his,hani et kept the advice • thf old Flcmberd to, hi; son, •b Tiirned their prows to Beowulf, Ani then followed en and on. \r.d-llirand creel anon, sen -hiking: \, vc I'm dying like a Viking" , 1.110.W h tt.l! i' a :. .• - t art :. . .t; t: • tyt, eat Y:: t ., Nail: of at.e , . . ' :t ' • • t • • me: fri ocltt•� 1 .,• , . Hen! the Sprain with Minaret's. • Oliar pre„'::t dry ru.tom of throning • o t•1 rr :he happy u•etlded Pais' air :, y,;,,lwc',t: r bti 1t 'N hptne' as read 1.:d a'ft' • 'tics down to tis from tine Pa,- ..'her nii,:ern- f frtaitfuI- tnpor'ant role in r1 . r:'r.t>as r• r• in nFrs from nl raal. Cuticula 'Tlalcumn. t,rliirplir .: 1Arophylitetie t r a„r atte a,rd gterr•i•rhlrr„ Tim; t.te,t : tan wn.1 nab. Poiwder. A &lighten/ };rrfnme for the Alin after bottling. ::.e. ever 7wlrr,•r-sample Free •C w nta: Bot 206. tlontreni, Canada.. DON'T SOIFER WITH DANGEROUS ,• INDIGESTION < t;c'r after meals with a 4r to soar and acrd stotilach? .v M„t• believe they have heart trouble tr,l, tremble with fear, expecting any tti:::tati'et,tai dreg dead. This eanditi tf ea'1 be ere; cited, likevwise relieved.; fake :Carter's Little Liver Pills; iter Meals andnetitraliz'e the gases. n'. • I: n:-„ SIV c ten tTie serer 7ildacid'5tonladh, red 1 ; t r the a as and,cticourage digestion; rtern.icltw'}i\er• and bowels will 1' t t'tc nige4 Mpois'on; p-aiiTful and ,i.,-...;cr, lis it:alrt f Stich disappears and . •' t• ' "• t' : its virtu ceroys atonic effect. Don't ' •r • t°<'sv. ;\?k' your flfiig-gist fora 25c pay;, 4f L.ri t�l'';r Little Luer pills. • Too:tattle attl'e Blood the 'Tro, utile.,, Mrs. Jas. A. Haugbn, Bridgewater, N.S„ write;:—a'01 was badly run •dowr> and very'•wea^k'. So much so could scarcely do n)y. hausework . My nerves were r affected;- my digestion pool • I had continuai headaches and-.could,not get a 'restful night's sleep. Different renieiiies'felted to be of beneht awl, 1 was ,gro\ving discouraged. One day however, 1 .saw an-adyertisemen,t "oP a case similar tti jain.e fiwhich. had been relieved by Dr. Wil.liaurs' Pink Pi'1}s •so • l decided- '; to try them., ••,A...few, Weeks' use Of the. Pills fully restov+ed' my health and now my household' Odes area pleasure instead. of a tor; tare..r • • • , Mrs. liaughn'•s ' whole troub`re was' rthat•5he..haa ton little blood.' Dr: Wil-. iiams'. 'Pink Pills were of aid "to` her because they renewed anil purified her blood and that :good blood Promoted good health, for, Where good blood abounds disease cannot'exist; You can, get these' Pills' from any dealer in 'medicine.:or by mail. at •50 cents a,.box' from'' The Dr.:" Williams . r FOrgetf u1lle8$ Stranger than l;emetnpering, 'Stranger is forgetfulress;. -Softening 'aad-making,}eas-- Every sharp :and precious, thing, • If the rebel thirst 'ha'd burned Aftersprings sp las too 'beautiful, Imperceptibly It learned,, . �IIfiw to drink the bitter pool. If there is a room tI%at• must. Not be 'entered any more, ' ,Comes the 'soft and gradual dust .Drifting 'tlawn behind the door:. Surer:than renlel..bering, ,Buyer is-forgetfu;lhess :-.Shuts 'the, window' ii the spring,' Lays away the silver dress. t Ellen Janson bathe Lo.nd,zn :Mercuiry,. G.B.S. ;Tells Way: Y ' ; Wc;.:''Par' London-Memtohers rer.of • thea . Ihstitutleye of Linguists, who met for their an - aura confer ce in PLondori recently, invited G. Millard Shaw' to'. send .a message. His reply,, written on a 'postcard, •was as follovwsi "I .have•irev:er heard of the Institute of Linguists and .cannot imagine what it is for. But I can assure .you with Medicine Co.,•Broc'keiele, Ont. I>Enperilltl Preference, . . Melbourne Herald. Australia is ready to discussany proposal that recog- nizes its ;'fiscal Ii.rlicy. Th'e' most cheering fact is, that Imperial.;, ref r- ence,li now discussed as sound practi- cal. politics in, British political circles where,not So long ago, it was 'derid- ed ase an Im.perialisti.c dream. British tradeand industry •dependin an in- erea_sing proportion 'upon Domrbi;ons Wand Colonial customers. In ,round figure's' British possessions 1:z Europe buy' 146,000;000 worth `s year, fp Asia' £.120,000,000 worth, ih Oceania £87, Q00,000 worth, in Africa £62,000,000, worth,. and oh the American Contin- ent -£ 42,00'01;00:o._:worth. The •lmperiah' field -offers the. Mother`t`otietry bye far the grea'te'st :scepe 'for commercial, ex- pansiop Australia, with its' tremend- ous amount ,of .room • ..for national growth, .seems to give Britain special safeguard against: the troubles that opportunities- seize their little ones.so suddenly and a confidence founded on long experi- ence that if you want 'to bore a, con- ference and make it a failure from the start the surest method is to read messages to it." ,• , Classified Adveritis ng YOR S4r.E • 13A13Y l Silt h`3-bVD_ki 276,000 last .year in four V$rJe, trey. W.rlte :for free eatalo,gue. A. '•H, ' Switzer. Granton; Ont. lNr':.E 'COMB WHITE LEGL1QjtN 1.7 and i3arred Plymouth Hock Hahy Chicks, wonderful winter layers. We have been hatching for 27 years. Delar ere I oultry Farm, Stratford, Clnta.1o, • • ' rFtE T" AND J1;,.1r•. Chicks, ' always ' popular. Rocks, Wyandotte$, Leghorn. 'tree' folder "PO Money- describes why their breeding "tells in •the nest." Order early and sa'.e. trent. Electric . Hatchery, Trenton, Ont. .. I 79R' seLE •T a Safe Iilf,lyGt E.S..7.10• [;•L', J4it:SITY" Cydle • Wbrlls ,,413 Shading Avenue, . Ter on td, \t'.e hate'our'ftiendshiae" OUr'affec tions, bur interests in envie other' •b.ut our real 1iyes vv e, roust live -by erre NO LONGER SUFFERW!i" writes Mr. M. McArthur.• Thousanda'pay constipa- tion, liver trouble, indi gestion;gas end overnight with^Frusta fivs.."Nferves quiet. Get Irruit.a-tives" from druggist today. TORPID tIVER INDIGESTION: CONSTIPATI.ON NERVOUSNESS HEADACHES-" CHICKS 20 (Fantdusa l3reeds to choose from. JSend for frZe chick catalog; it bus ttaipaole 'information On brooding. chlak•s. , , ex atehe TO YOUNG'MOTHERS A simple ate', safe remedy for the common ills of babyhood and 'child- hood should be kept in every home where there is either ''a 'baby •or a young child. Often it is necessary to give the. little ones r something: to break up a cold, allay, fever, correct sour :stomach,' and bairifi'h tine '.irrita-: biiity that accompanies; the cutti'n'g of teeth. . - Experien'ced mothers `always keep Baby{'s Own'Tablets in the home''as a' , I the, young mother can feel; reasonably T' •A PRIC, , • • Piney. were seated 'comfortably . be - 1 ' fore the fire. "1 say, John,' she ',said, "is it true , that money talks?" , John laughed. "A figure. of speech,' niy' dear•" he • .I 'replied. 'Why kb) you aslr . , . • • '\Ve'1," she '#vent on hopefully,. "I Wish you'd leave 'a little here -to talk eto tie during the clay. I get so lonely:' Minerd's Checke Failing Hair. • - :•- -- , • LIVE NOW • A famous French philosopher ranee 'olid' that in every man's life •there are but three important events; namely, birth, life and death. Of •our birth, said he, we are not conscious; we ne; elect to live; and we die in pain. To be sure, this is a rather gloat -n.7 'as- , Peet, but it contains 'food for thought. Over the first and last events -we have but little control. In obedience to -the immutable law .of nature, we come and go'.the Way of a:1 life. Our 't•hief concern, therefore, t:houtd he th t we do not neglect' to live, safe with a box of these . ,'ablets at handand really' for emergencies.• Baby's Own Tablets are a mild'' but tlior 7 gh lasatn a 'that act without grip ng and they are absolutely u"r g a anteed' free from opiates o,r 'other harmful drugs They are sold by medicine dealers or bymail at 25 cents al' box. from The Dr. Williams'. lledidne Co,., 'Brock:Ville, Ont .a, •v • The Naval Conference. • Singapore Free .Pr•e s': 1f we have in the end tb regret the failure of the main•aiin of the. Conference --a failure the. political effects e•f• which may ,be even more far reaching than the naval effects—we can 'still•f'eeI that as far as America 'and ourselves are ceincern-,. ed a real understandings has been reached which must ' power'fully in- lluence all future naval policy in re- spect to fleet constructihn. That is a great .advance,' because whatever may; be said the fact remains that now•and for many years to conte 'the United-, States and Great Britain will he in he• position of active rivals. They will, it may be hoped, always be wilt-' nely ft•iendly rival.. and an impulse owards .such friendship' must he pro- ided by the • removal of all doabts' "If critics -fir is unfounded it fails of itself, 'and if well founded it .resii1ts' t to mutual. advantage.'"—Giulio Gatti- v nd misunderstandings as 1 r.1 ,ids Casazza.. a • y� t Hotel laundries are flt§ditag that in . •many, eases pillow -cases are badly damaged by the cosmetic.$ and,' hair - dye 'used by visitors; these' get 'on to g the bed -linen, which rots wlien wash- „ ed • • heir respective . naval 1 of it• , . • � A r • 1 as ginger—"}lave } time • to say' oo"d•Irye to my •wife?"' Condnctor— I don't know, sir.' now long have ' eou been married"" Marriech man17N\Chy don't you get (Est. married. alias Perkins? Yon are Mget- ting to look like. a, 'hack number'; you p I t will conn he an .ohs maid."' ss per-. ' kips: ;"(f I were as easy to please ag your' wife was. i would have been marl " �� i , , 1•.�;,i,• I Fi• i tri.af g 1 • • 191-,3-5 Dundas Street, gest, tl oroiito \.,....;__I1908: ) • SICYCLZ B.' TIGRIS'S }-i••st mn•11'.lev c -t set. f lotet,. Tran rnr. i tr,i i•n, r, t vw t•Ite tit frr PEERLESS site frets tied' ion ago." EICY"LE WOIZSS Babies there are times when a baby is, foo fretful or feverish to be sung to sleep. There are sone Barns a mother cannot pat away. Bat there's no time epees -airy bay . can't have' the quick comfort o£ Castgriat A• few drops, and your, little one is .soon at ease—back to sleep, almost before you can , slip•awav, ' • Ref'11e>tlltet this harmless•, pore vegetable preparation when chil- dren'are ailing Don't stop its use wh'eft Tiaby ' has ' been hrouglit safely, through the age of cam g y 4 • ei I \I�I1 I• IIft!I +tI1 e _ • r a 9DAliaors • INFANTS eCH'ICIfREtit7:+ ihcrray p,um�+linQ p,tsAa Cheafiuh rsA am7 ps,ttnataus °drier OMam.H' ia¢nar 1•tincral.. oT.NA rt lGtll+'iNsattra +. fes,,,., ap,-•- AFdproleo shfrbe [amut t Fe iels'P isc e L,'SSor5rbeaakY el resrtarl€� ar ` ?.S'' s i Itttal . t A16 ,onlhs CI[ K Ili l35 n 40 1}li i farr'h'es and other ilifan ii'e ills. a . Give good aid Castoria until your children are • in their ; teens ! • • Whenever .coated tongues -tell -of constipation: whenever there's any sign of sluggishness that . " needs no stronger rnet}kkieS to - relieve t Castoria is lilt*:)sant=tact- ing; children love to take it. BIty the genuine—with Chas. ' H. Fletcher's signature on wrapper. lm v.raltAi r .ox SOY -W, . Essen, Oht. FQR ,SALE FIVE,D.C. MOTORS , • 4, 1, 1%2, 4' dnd 8 Horsepower, all in good condition'. Cheap for immediate'~., sale. H. Watkins, 73 Adelaide Street ' West, . Toronto. • Ease 'Bale Baseball players:,'use M'inar'd`s'• . for :Stiffness, strained ligaments • •• and bruises. They also,' reco • • mend it as a rebdow'r.. m- A Different ' Woman "I tare great pleasure in informing yolt that Erusrhen Saks hare worked tenders for rne. 7 • hare been a greed sufferer' of lirer and kidney trouble, and after frying one bottle l dm a differed troman. 1 had to acre up my trork, bud thanks to It rnsrhrn • :tl l ant Lark at work againa,4 I c:1•e•nty son a. little every morning, and,' dsn't • ' . heat; of the fiftle.cor»plainti n'•w which a child ' generaliY gets. He• is happier and hrightir. I hare enclosed a snap -Shot of son and self. 1 am 43 '(tears, Goy 6 }/ears. I P4411 ahrays htghtY recommend lirasclen, and I would not be uftl mti /tern myself in a harry." • .--titre.) M 1. Ort 5.t letter en Gte fur Ie ;t u dlr ` lint then Salts is obtainable at .drug r.xui daparrtrrnt airres'in t'snada at 75c. a battle. A 1•r' •• r,:mail,. enough to last for 4 or 5 ruun:i --z.471' health for Cali -a -cent a day., I),-tghfier y> ironge Ido "Aly daughter Catherine is fifteen years old. She was vete irregular, often sick at her stomach and had ter stay, in bed two or thtee dans at a time. One of your bdokletstt'as 'Sent to us by Mail so I'got her a :bottle elf Vegetable crtt-.' pound. Catherine ,has been taking it •regirlarly arid she i.. .gaining. in weight a'ttd every way. I told the ncighbor'•s.4'•nd four other girls are taking it with good results."-,Mis. t•✓ lar- ence .Jenkinson, Box . 14, Thom- -Joe; ho1'•'n -Joe; Ontario - r Lydia E; a etable Compound � p ett?mihrm 1Med.t•ee., Leen. Matt. U. S: A 1%tC'ittve're, 0•,lario,-04,444- ISSUE No: a '30 1' ''NG .era the 4th. 'en- • -ate. ' ver. And by . • the, i.e ark • and. on the .1st. -elle -ary . red An- • tier, aer; jll'p eist- s t0,' tietn • t, of 'luck nu•.' . Fred • .tun - by ' .etly. �or•k. in Our 'now :son. ENT ' leve wring elaes of ruiar�' -Anse • pi a the it for , out