HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-05-15, Page 64t 1t iG ,tar: tr ,rxy"wrAr'rrw#yw `f,..;Mt .,:`ss°•,•Fry"`;. 1 8t • it • • • • • • • %.=lb., PACKAGE ';NAW -0z. PACKAGE JAPAN GREEN• BLEN•Dj iS UNCHANGED.. AT •70c ALL. OTHER LABELS . REDUCED 5c''•A LB. 1 Are, Ef active. Novi'' OInt iN:G TO THE ACTION OF THE GOVERNMENT' IN ABOLISHING THE • DUTY ON • BRITISH GROWN TEAS AND' A LONGER; MARKET, FOR CER- TAIN GRADES.. OF , TEA WE ARE PLEASED TO GIVE' OUR CUSTOMERS THE FULL. BENEFiT OF THIS SAVING These Prices .:: .. . •`Do Not Pay .More AT ONCE. , UNFORTUNATELY •THE MARKET FOR THE FINEST QUALITY TEAS HAS ADVANCED, ,• CONSE- QUENTLY WE ARE UNABLE TORE DUCE. OUR OTHER GRADES MORE THAN FIVE CENTS .A POUND. TO THE RETAIL CRQCERY TRADE: AS USUAL, WE flEL PROTECT YOU AGAINST ' LOSS ON SALADA..TEA BY REBATING YOU FOR YOUR STOCK ON :HAN:D SO : THAT YOU CAN MAKE THE ABOVE •'PRICES ; 'EFFECTIVE, ' AT ONCE. FORMS ARE BEING MAILED TO YOU FOR THIS PURPOSE SO P0 N0T SHIP ANY TEA BACK TO US. AN.Y.OftANADAIIM1T.ED • by darting cautiously .from :•side•to side. Still 'holding his own pistol .against the officer's hack. and shifting his, 'glance 'constantly from ' his captive to • 4i. ,.a.,.:a• soldiers, Vilak with his fres .44 • ''he eaultt only stn>a1mee eu:t a few br,9-. ert---antler.ods;--them--4r ekiar•-her-t¢ld.- theist, as Vilalt had sital?eeted, that he, had ',scut -no message, . ,'hough 'the river was rising hourly and a had flood now veiny likely, if not ;certaine. he said that he felt so much improved that,ite was perfectly .ab1 to cope with any eattergeitcy, Unless; •o% course,, the trate broke at ,Aviles, in whieii event t:o one could do anything To their dismay, however, when, they asked him far guns to take the' place of, those which had' been -stolen, be apologetieelly. replied'that he could lend thenonly the two pistols Which be bad i>li ht<s ow;n cabin. • The Vi11:ipa; fe?eli,da -never bad mere than 'a few, r`fles, hie'went on; and only the day store en' lndaat laborer had taken. hem• to the , paintShed to • oil thein; fid ,carelessly lighting' i} eigaret,,had et the whole •shed on fire% The flames had eorisumeii • eyed- Wing very'h'ing iti it,. the workmate ' ki:mself berely escaping with Maine. ' ,He' hall di'sclilarged the workman, cif rousse, he. -added,: but that didn'ttteeng leak the guns r )t (To be cont iced-) BO Lucien Burman hand cut" the cords binding Elise's. wrist's, then gave her the captain's THIS HAS,HAPPEN)i';;D, was certain' naeded none of . his guard- 'weapon.• "Walk' sleivly::over to the' Attempts have been trade on the lif ing• ' horses by those trees to, the right," he of Elise Marberry, who owns a coffee . 'Clapping his hand overthe sentin- said to her. Nanny s waiting there - plantation .neat • Porto' Verde, Brazil. Tel's mouth to rrevent'an outcry, Vilak Both of • you mount and wait for ine Elise receives a message that the man- brought the wine bottle down upon his Call out when you're ready." ager .of her plantiativa at Villaga is head. The .guard, stunned into ung He ,watched her move off to the shout, then ill and, she,• her cousin' Vilak (known consciousness,• started to fall. Vilak shadows, heard her low. as Attorney Davis), ,and Lincoln lviun-•d 'him insidepicked' up a blazing.ember of the fire Bally, aged chemist, set out to visit caught him and dragge and began walking, thrusting the'cap-' him.- Oh the way; they are'ambushed Quickly he stripped off the' prisoner'; tam constantly before him with .his by a band of brigands dressed as sol blue stoped coat, trousers and bat, y tilers -and are accused .of murder. The 'dunned . them hitn, self,. strapped his 'pistol.. charge is obviously, a -fake. Nunealiypistol around his waist, took his rifle, • pistol., He reach the clumpof trees. Elise and Vi1ak .are . trussed, up and thrown then bound . and ' gagged him in caseand the old man• were in their saddles, on the ' Hoer . of ,a danip room over he' should recover consciousness more Nugnally clutching j the, bridle of which large numebrs of, termite ants quickly , thanVilak expecte) Vilak's restless stalbon. Vilak tied', wenn. The ants eat through the lea- the bridle around one arm,: then with then thongs and Vilak is free. Vilak Once more' he, silently opened ,the the captain still in front of him ,and, has come to the conclusion that the ,door, and with .the others hat pulled the horse trailing behind, walked to bandits. are in the pay . of Gaylord far:down' ever his eyes, took his pest the mounts of the soldiers tied to the Prentiss, ;Elise's. enemy. outside it, prepared to grunt in Por -trees.: . NOW BEGIN THE ,STORY tuguese to any of 'the soldiers who He raised the;flaming ember be had might approach.. But °they were to - • heird•. and dashed it close to CHAPTER XXIV.- , occupied with their 'suppers. He step- 'their, head•,shouting loudly. The Thrusting off the thongs fromhis ped noiselessly Inside the room again. frightened animals whinnied, snorted, cramped ' limbs, Vilak scrambled to his "Come on," h whispered to .the , old and tugged frenziedly at their halters to ,escape the flaming enemy:- The weakened leather snapped', the panic-- struck beasts• dashed wildly into the, forest., Vildk put his -foot into the stirrup of his ownsteed, whinnying nervously as it • witnessed its fellow creatures' feet, quickly untied the cords which • man- . held the .old man, then, picking up' al Creeping along . the edge of the small • stone wine bottle which stood house and -then into/ the tangled vege- upon arotting shelf and was the only tation which instantly swallewed'them weapon the room afforded, put a -pellet up, he led the way to a clump of trees of .betel on • his tongue and began a hundred feet behind the fire where watching at tiie window.. the troopers' horses were.,tied. Here He waited until he saw the cooks another soldier was on, ord. i terror begin to -dish out htige portions of the Crawling up behind him, he render - hot mixture in the pot into the pans ed him uneonsci,ius by the' same effec-. of 'the soldiers who came forward. tive method he had used a' few mo - Only two men were now left in close anents before, now employing the butt proximity to the house, the guard at end of his pistol instead'of the wine the •front door and the guard at the bottle, .. • . • - , back. ' • ' He took his new victim's revolver "This is our chance." he whispered and gave it to the old man. • Quickly • to iinnalty. "They're confident, hurt- he unfastened 'the leashes of the three "Adios, amigo••," he called cheerily to the .captain, and springing into his saddle, raced off toward the road. His two companions• followed.' They gained the highway. Vilak turned .his. horse to Viliapa. They sped on through the darkness, hearing behind them a few futile shots 'and volleys of passionate grit, and off their guard. Don't .make horses.which had brought them from curses,as the soldiers searched blindly a sound." Elise'•t fazenda-ani] gave these to the • He crawled to the door, opened it old man to hold. Then with a knife inch by inch, so that it would' not which he had found in thesoldier's creak; then stepped into the shadow uniform he slashed at the bridles of in the woods for their vanished - steeds. • • Vila listened and laughed. Elise gazed at him thoughtfully, then lean- over kissed Their horses of the , doorway. The sentry vas the others so that a slight pull would ed and him. greedily watc'ling his'compan.ions at sever them instantly. -"Wait here,"' did not slacken their, headlong pace. their meal, his back ,to the d'eor. he he whispered, In half an• hoax they had reached • • He began crawling. through the Villaga. Quickly they found }plasm, underbrush.. toward the fire. Thethe • superintendent. His'. face, long •mustached captain had now taken a and tapering like a carrot, was gaunt place: beside l:li;,e on the log. vii his eyes hollow, after effects apparent- stealthlyi crept up Deis .ad hint • ly of a long.attaek of fever. Judging, ' "Don't turn;•.my capitaz" he 'ai'd however, by his quick active- quietly ctive rnove- quietly as he pressed the muzzle of his meets, he was well en the road to • i,ictal against the other's beck, "elseconvalescence. i••shall be compelled to kill you •Whi4it tilt, a tonishnienf on seeing them' would be a pity. Stand up and trove for a few moments woe 'so great that forward to the fire.'. If 'any of ,your men lift a iiaid tee aid you; that; ii-- ptant. you will die." The officer's l)ody quive••ed.' Vilak c:•u1 ! see the mil teles of his thick neck �eell'. But he neither. answered nor made any effcrt to res st,. niei•ely rose • - toiiiIy. (ram the log anti •bngasn .trudg- ing forward. The soldiers • looked . en in sturiei;action, When the officer bed Machell ,the fire and Vilak r'as imt a p-asition where' he could survey the ly fd r•ircle rif ,Kaping, grotesque faces about' "kr him, he ordered the officer tri halt, • ' Carefully he took . hi. pistol frroo his belt, them looked trrwarChis coo - 4n;' \rho :in,•tvho at•hip unexpected appearanc h -ad instanthr cast tiff' her air of lia- il:rent dr.:4/ 1r " AO weariness. and to her feet to tr.atyll intend: • • 'I;i like good 'golfii-is made up of tally little things each . nee of which helps the score. Reiter digestion—steadier riesves-eciesrer brain, are all • • factors that count and are • ga;rued from the 'tis: of Wrigley's: h;rcr ' vrtT,. 4. ratd fir hi.'rvr i•y mt;.e, ,'\''aik to ret he said. HARLEY-DAyIDSON . 141OUGHT.Sc ON HONOR' If'honor calls,' where'er •she points tiie way . The sons, of 'honor follow and obey. , • '-aui.0 chili.. Honor and shame from no condition rise; • ' 'Aet well your part; there all; the honor -Pope: Life's but a word, a'shadow, amelting dreain, . • Compar'd" to „essential and eternal. • •l}onor, • Fletcher. If 'it ben sin to covet honor, • I• ant-the',mdst offending soul alive. :4 --Shakespeare.. Ifo, nor Is the chief content; • That to nian in lite is ?atilt: . • - Robert Greene. If welt respectedHonor bid me on, I'h'o1d as little•counsei with weak feat, As you: ' , —Shakespeare. • • BE GLAD' To'be glad ,of life" because it gives. 'you the chance t • love •and to' work and to play and to look up at the stars; to be . satisfied with your iios• sessions but, not contened with your- self ;until, you have made the best of. them to despise nothing in the world 'except falsehood and pieanness,•,aiid to ' fear • nothinig . except cowardice; to be governed • by your admirations 'rather than by your disgusts; to covet• nothing that is your, neighbo'r's except h'is 'kindness; to think seldom' of .your enemies; often . cf your friend, ' and every day of Christ; and to spend as muck time as you can • with body and with spirit, ' in G•id'.s out-of-doors — 't'••e`se are little guide -posts on •the foot- path of peaee.—Henry van Dyke. Prolonging the Vegetable ',Season' A continuous supply of vegetables cap be 'secured earliest sorts u if the e suh as carrots, beets, onions, lettuce and spinach are planted at intervals of a week or ten days until' the ,end of June. One mustcultivate frequent= ly, .thin out well and fertilize heavtly with ,some quickly available material like nitrate of soda every ten days if the 'plants are to be kept going and the resulting crop made tender. Where possible soak well with water every three or four -days if the weetlt-' er is•very' dry. It is well to remember that one thorough soaking a week is worth a dozen daily sprinkles. After watering get out the hoe or stutter: and loosen up the top growth so that moisture may be preserved. Follow. the early crops of spinach, lettuce, radish and onions with later maturing sort§ such as tomatoes, beets, carrots, beans and corn. These can be •inter- planted with the early vegetables and will not need full room until the first • named are taken out and consumed. UseMinard's for Burns. THE WARNING Guests Were expected, and the mis- tress thought she Woulti give the new maid a little friendly advice. ' "'Edith," she said, "you'd better not wear any jewellery to-nighteeonly - just while the guests are -here.".. Trdithr however, was gifted' with a great deal of intelligence, and site failed to grasp.:her mistress' mesining: "Well, mum," she returned, ."1 •haven't got much wot, y oit'd .call vain - able -but thanks for. the warning, al'! the same." • 7 ---4T • "Easy honey is not good menet."-'- Thoinas, W. Leniont. - 444/41. V.. ,I' ifitie with. ItOYAL YEAST CAKES acid a, Delightful. Change Try:this 1 Royal Yeas t Cake ds- 1 table/poen sugar • solved in one-balf cup lcups flour ' lukowarun water.1 cups scalded milk ' 1 teaspoon salt cup buttes ., Pour the scalded milk over the sugar, salt and butter. When cooled tdiukd-! -wase, add, the; dissoly ed yeast and cue and cue -half cups flour.. Allow to stando /j well covered in moderateily Warns place over.night, ,or, if spouse is set ns, morning, let stand untillight. Add flour • • , a; • enough to kdead+ Let�.riee again until doublein bul(c,,then cut iioiht and knead. slightly. ButtermulRnn'kings• and ptaect three .small balls of dough, in each ring. Let rise until double in bulk, brush oyer with 'netted better,auilbulee in hot•oven. Bread is .one' of •the most •nourishing of foods. It can be made More, interesting, however, by occasionally varying the form of serving it. • , If you 'bakeat home, the Royal Yeast Bake Boole will provide ' you wi;h many •peaetical tested' recipes for all kinds . of home- made breads, •.It will" be mailed :free --on request: ' • STANDARD BRANDS 'LIMITED ' GILLETT' PRODUCTS. ; TORONTO. ' .. : MONTREAL ; ' WINNIPEG ,YOUTH'S WAY The child's mother called' her . son into the bathroom to wash his hands. Bobby,- however, just. dipped ,bis hands .into 'the water ,and commenced to wipe them. on a' clean towel. • .."Yon .naughty boy!" she cried an- grily; •seeing:what the boy had done. b "You 'just flipped them into tllI water and.: did• not attempt to wash the dirt . off, 'Do You know: that on washing clay I'have to.acrub,these towels very, hard',to get the dirt outof them:" ' Boby looked.up very innocently. "Well, mummy," he: Said, "what ever's' the good of, washing a eiean towels: • • •• a soda lion.- lhFs wa A faded, battered hails hardly respectable ...:yet no worse 'than dull Bray-loohing.shoies. ... your morning toilet should always include a "Nugget" " shine—which' waterproofs the shoes ' as it polishes. SHOE KOH sll file NUGGET TIN *cm with a tfviAt ES Needless- : pains . like headaches`" are quickly relieved by. Aspirin tablets as millions .of people know. And no matter how suddenly a headache tray come- ' rrpnn you, you tan always he prepatdd. Carry w- the -pocket tin of- Aspirin tatlriat's' ; with ygii. beep the larger size 'at homes Read the proven directions for pain, headaches, neuralgia, etc. ?let MAe'tgR MOrt"O•R'CYCLE f n� rleu f-r•Irtr'5 dl tinguic}i the 35'40 r.de}n. • I c r ; r.1A' rria rig, r1,1l,e 07 Stl gypr,iiut lntnr c-'rn.r;• third rA,h, h,i nee w( -lily r,r mrnlhlV ;,u}•meets, T,ira sreert rfm :2 itirm. trrrl jrry`t: Walter Anr}rews Ltd.; Distributors 348 arta 351 ' onge >'ttteet, t'oronto. Ont. lin sting St. Vast, Tiansilton, Ont. • obi; r},r•yed •quickly, her•blaek eye,Minard's Checks P'alling Hair. isSLTE No. 19_'30 .,• ,,n Fill out the coup'on. and POSTAGE FREE CANADIAN GOVERNMENT • Life is lie Yeti may be enjoying all the. comforts of life. But what if time robs you of them?' The surest way to lirotect yourself by taking advantage of the Canadian Govern- ment Annuities System. A Government Annuity safeguards your old age and re- ' lieves you of all. financial care., Decide, • Atinuities arshch, Department Ottawa WACKED THE WHOLE 1,101MINIOi‘T