HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-05-15, Page 5C��'"t"." led" TTIE LUCKNOW $ - THURSDAY, MAY lith, IOC - *Keep -at Bay with YPROC i !r rsee .ldom�a roc -.Wallboard cegs, partitions, r walls and sheathing. On the -contrar. Gyproc has saved many hooses. This '.Pioneer Canasfan Eressafe' $ypsum'board•has a anw Ivory coloured finish thisyear, thatmakes decora:, tion unnecessary (when pp.- ', ,. elledj. It isjust the thing' to use for Making`extra rooms in the Cellar or attic. Quickly 'erected, inex- pensive,; structurally . strong, Gyproc Wallboard gives per- manent fire. protection.— Your dealer's name is listed below. Ask hien today for•full information or write for interesting free book, "Building and Remodelling with Gyps;" • - GYPSUM LIME AND ,IALABASTINE, CANADA, IPaas LIMITED . . Ontario 261 Fireproof Wdllboa d For Sale By Wien. Murdie 81. Son Rae .&, Porteous Lueknow, Ont. ;ucknovv, Ont. • We have no do ablein u;eeting our ( Soon a'girl'will try .to.lock cooj antl 'expenses; We meet thein everywhere I sweet in summer furs, .' 1 �r. Baby Chicks We'' can s.0 1. e pi.y ycu with •S: C. White Leghorn ; Chicks for delivery• i ne at $10:00 -per ' 100 --Ourleg-. urns are the famous, Barron strains big hens, heavy liayers oflarge, eggs, We guarantee 100' per cent safe de- livery. Order. early while the best' dates • are available. THE, WALTER ROE POULTRY 'FARM' BRUSSELS GUARANI' EI) BABY CHICKS Given approve Conditions we guar. antce Aur .chicks,„to' be 80% :.alive and thriving at 4 fireeks . old Hatched modern, steam heated incubator; equipped with air cleaning cabinets. Our prices arc right 4 our chicks too. After I Barred Rocks White Leghorns May 1 $16.per 100 $14 per 100 May. 20 . $lo per 100 ' $13,. peir. 100 June.1-0 $14 pe,r.190 $12 • per 100• One per• hundred eft if.^ord.. ered 'one =rd•►onth in advance Also .$1. per: hundred `Jf1 for orders of AO ' or over. - J. E. McKINLEY — ZIURKCH, Phone' I•iensall 97 r 4 (22-5—e) BABY CHICKS and, •HATCHING 'EGGS' O.A.C. Barred Rocks at, $18.00 .per. 100, • and ,S,C.W, Leghorns .at .$17.00' fat May Eggs ,.p5. s0. •per 100. •Above prices •at the farms. Reduction On large quantities,, A11 eggs -set' in our, incubators or sold for hatching are produce,: from our own' hens on. our awn ' '.taialis',Although our •prices may' 'be a. little 'higher than you con buy elsewhere, - they are worth . • imany times the difference I . can: also supply Royal brooder. stoves, feeders and Waterers. •If -yeu •arein. need. of any of these, better see what we have. ' C. G. Campoeil, R. R. No. 2, 'Auburn: Phone, t31Yth FOR SALE Barred' Rock Baby (;hicks; $16.00 per hundred.' White :Leghorn Baby. Chick's, $14.00 per hundred T,wo hun- dred -.or .oyer either kinds '$1:0.0• per hundred less. Hatching . eggs I$5.00 per hundred. Custom hatching,done four,' cents' per egg or four hundred set • for $15..00. .J. New and second-hand incubators. and•'brooders at bargain prices. • G.et ' your order in now and' get delivery when you want them. I' have increased r'yy hatching capacity. 'Call. write or; phone Duncan Kennedy Whitechurcn,'.Ont. Phone 611-42, W ingham. HOLYRopp Mr. and Mr3, John McGlynn and son Keavin,,. Mi. Geo. Moore,, of Rom? ea ' and Miss Hopkins ofSeparate School Staff, Riversdale, were recent visitors at James, Valid's. Mrs. Doyle and little daughter, Lil- lian of Detroit, who were hrilidayinz with her sister, Mrs. Rodger "Uorri gas have returned home. '• Mrs. James Valid and little daughh ter, Donalda, .spent the week end with Mrs. Grant, TeesMwater. Mrs. James McGlynn of Teeswater was a Sunday visitor at the home of Mr: Geo. White . • - Dr. McCallum of Toronto, Mrs: 'Mc- Kinnon and her. daughter, Miss : Annie Were Sunday. visitors ,itt 'Daniel Mc- Kinn•rn's • • Mrs. Martin. of Ripley is holiday- ing with her friend Mrs: Murdoch McPherson Clifford Robb had the 'misfortune to„loose his driver Inst week, with sun stroke. Mr. and Mrs. Jahles Valid were Sunday visitors with •Mrs. Murdoch McPherson ' Mr. 'and Mrs. Alex Fraser and child- ren, Mi....and Mrs. MacKenzie, . all EmbrO. were Sunday visitors :at Mr. Tyndall • Robinson's..,' • Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ackert motor- ed to Toronto on Sunday. Mr.. and Mrs.' Robt. 'rPalme' of TCIn-' cardine, and , Mrs. Geddes and miss: Dean Geddes of Mr. were Snn day visitors of Mr. ,ind Mrs. Thomas. Harris: • Mr. and •Mrs. Robert Tee 'and dau-. ghte • 'Margaret were 'Sunday, visitors vat Ernest Ackert's. ' • Rev. T H. Ackert, of Allenford, vis- ited at the hoir.e'.o1' his brother., Mr Almnr -A rkert • or,' Tuead v ”. Mes 'rs. azul FTarvev Cas- sidy of 'Romeo. • Misses Irene Casken-' ett, .Hellen S.cherbark of Riversdale Mr. and Mrs,••. Len, Weiler and infant son; Arthnr. and Mr. 'O'Hogan. of Detroit. , visit".l the i-+•for's aunt re.: cently, Mrs: James Valid: • The many fr'ends .pf, Mr.' Will Cox are •r�leased'tlb know' he •is holding,•hi:; own . though . not iinprovipg • very rapidly.. • ' . • -Mr:. Alf Hodeins; Who is confined` tc•', bed with an 'attack pf pneumonia imnroving. Mi .a ,No ins TTodtiins',of Detroit was r•allel home' owing to, the sickness of her father: CUL'1 OSS CORNERS • k ' • , PAIGE F e new is the title for a n 724 --pate. booklet, which the.Moat OF MONMAL A L has issuid and is now distributing.free 'icy all who . aslt fora copy et descri%e. s .the latest naetliods• of canning fruits, meats ,and _vegetables copy maybe `obtained ., 'On ' application to any. y Brandt' of the'Bt1vic, OF' MCNTR AL ' Lucknpw' Branch MacPherson .-- Mangy er Mr. .Ino. McPherson infikes his usual -trips over to Glen Douglas.: Mr. mid Mrs. Jas. Wraith, Mr, :and Mrs. •.Robt. Wraith spent. Sunday at Dungannon. ' Mrs. Jas: Button of Tecswa`er•died at her borne .on.1Triday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cox and Mr, Stee-,art Bell of ,Kincardine scentthe week end with, Mr. and ibliis. Geo. Bell. 'Miss Marion. Hodgins: is "spending .� n short vacation ' under .:the parental roof. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bell spent Sun- day evenat . Kincardine. Mr: VVmingox s would liis not improving' as his many frieClike. • 3 • 7,7 • _ resentin THE finger of progress has again written Brant- ford Roofing history. New and more beautiful colour harmonies grace , the stage. New features of Brantford Asphalt Slates claim the spotlight of attention. What are these features? First—an' almost unlitnit- ed variety of roofing designs in rich, ripe colour combin- ations that impart beauty and distinction to your home. Second--- Ninety-four to ninety-six . per• cent. super- satfl ation of -asphalt assures permanent, protection against' teenung rails, driv- ing sleet or melting snow. Third Improved manu- facture facture which lessens the susceptibility tb . •climatic Changes. • a new features Branttord lroofent Co. Lin itfd, Riad Olga ait'd Factory: 6rautfbril; Ont. ' North (Ater rad Wuehou'ie"s: Toaohto; Wirdwr: Wiodise& Wooed, Haldaii,• Salsa ;John, I'4 aid Si: lei i !'Ale For Sate Jar: iii . MIJRD E & • SON ' Fourth-xtra resistance to'fire eand weather is found in the superior mastic coat- ing with which tach ' slate is treated.. 'Pifth—unproved labora- tory facilities abora-tory'acilities and finer manufacturing; equipment havecontributed to produce these slatesof new excel- ' lence. • ' The bagic material—left—of • Brantford .Asphal"f Slates is triads in our new mill, one of 'the finest equipped mills in. Canada, and Where'we are producing the highest quality product.- . roduct.- If you are building a horne,,ga r . ages summer cottage, office or any, other type of •structure ask your' Brantford -Roofing -dealer -to go over: .youir: requiirements and .submit -esti- mates of .Cost. Asko quite for free. booklet, ''Beauty'with !tire' Protect Iron", Which:gives helpful and inter eating, advice' regarding the •prOpet • type;• 'f;riish, design and colbu'<';for your roof. ' i • • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 THE FRONT, HARDWARE CLEAN UP -' PAINT UP JUST ARRIVED FRESH SPRING STOCK OF MARTIN SENOUR 100% PURE PAINTS AND VARNISHES AND LACQUERS.r MURESCO IN AL SHADES. . FULL ASSORTMENT OF . PAINT1 BRUSHES ON HAND. RAKES AND HOES COIL SPRING WIRE GARDEN CULTIVATORS'. • . BLACK WIRE' lir 1:, �;ZINC INSULATED WOVEN FENCING 'CALL IN AND SEE THE NEW FRIGIDAIRE: •AUTOMATIC REFRIGERATION FOR THE' HOME, EQUIPPED WITH BOTH "FRIGIDAIRE COLD ' CONTROL"- and "HYDRATOR", • JUST UNLOADEIJ • • FRESH CAR OF PARISTONE, • LIME AND GYPROC ONONLY, SECOND SHAPE ARAE and ; PORTEOUS PLUMBING, HEATING ELECTRIC • WIRING AND -COAL: Phone 66 - Lucknow • ,The Nevi • McCormick=Beeriisg Drill is a : Combination of the Twe-most Popular . Drills. They are famed for Light draft, Strong frame Convenient'and Sure Adjustments • G. ANDRE AGENT p(r