HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-05-15, Page 34_
,h •,
—Dr_ WiiliamR' Pig FNIta'Rnctnrwd
Dr.. Williams Punk Pilin Restored
Her Health
Rheumatism is a disorder' of 'the
blood. Wet, cola weather may a,tgra-
vete it but that is not.the carie, Bad
biped charted with uric ',cid •Is ,the'
reason, Re -build the blood and rheu-.
nlatislii vrill disappear•. Dr.' Williams'
Pink f ills enrich sand 'purify the 'blood.
' and that makes. good:health,.
• Mrs. John C. McPherson, St: Mary's,
,Out.,, writes: --"Far .sixteen, years 1.
was a vIctini '•ot; rheumatism 'For'
. eleven :years, I'• was unable 'to walk.;
"'Massage,. an .., chiroptactie. treatment,
',failed. 1 w s ,u arty: discouraged till
••1 heard to s ongly Dr. Wiiianrs''
•I''ink • Pills were •cecominended ,for
. cases like 'mine. I •began their• use and
•Ina fe'iv weeks the pain 1'gss;ened. my,,
.appetite and: eolor4 •implored, and now
• I 'am hble to'do light housewo'rkt .It
•wo:nderful what' these pills' 'have
done for me." •
Dr. WUI,liiams' Pink Pills do one
•thing. .hut they do it' well --they enrich
and purify the. blood; This•riehblood
".' banishes ileumatism, •sciatica,• neural=
gra and. 'neuritis', and promotes health
• and strength. The Pills are sold ..by
medicine dealers or.:by ',mail . at 50'
cents a box. from The Dr. Willianis'
;Medicine Co,, Brockville,. Ont.
,• Jew and Arab in Palesti'ne,,
Major3a,. L. Nathan, M.P,, in ;.the
Nation ,and.., Athenaeu'm (London):
The report of the 'Palestine Commit=
tee of Inquiry is not a'.sat_isfactery
document.. iii The whole repo -rt has
pro•Arab tendency. . It• •may , be
the British genius • for understanding
,.Eastern 'peoples, th:.tgives the Com-
niittee's whole report its. Arab ,tinge.
'They understand the Arabs in'a way
they', do not and cannot understand
the Jews. They have great•.sym'pathy
with the Arab , demands for Self-gov-
;einment, '... But It must not coine•by;
way : of serrender • to. murder.: .
writes Mrs. W. Walker. Thousands
say constipation, indigestion, gas'
end overnight with "Fruit-a-tives".
Crimple ion clears like magic. Nerves, heart
quiet. Get"Fruits -tivea"fromdruggisttoday.
- The Truett') Driver's A•,B.C.--Always Be Careful
• Accidents won't happen—if all drivere are careful! The
ABC of .accident' prevention "Always Be. Careful"—has
been learned so. well; by drivers of 'over'8604 Beil Telephone'
trucks, and cars in 'Ontario and Quebec that accidents'.•to
these vehicles rarely odour;
• The 'tei'ephone'truek driver ,whom you see' along street,
or highway ,knows and follows earefuhly all ,the rules` in
iris instruction' book Qne of -these is shown plainly on the back'of his truek•te. Warn, othershe always stops' at'
railroad 'crossings.• ' , And no Bell. ,Telephone truck has • e.ver been involved in I. level crossing accident! In :fact, any
mishaps of the road 'are "so scarce in'.Bell, Telephone circles;that other vehicle..operat'ing organizations area studying
and adopting the cams sucieessful safe y,ftrstprineiples.
Sohl ,
Howl) loved to lean above you,
taughing'f,t you;
Swearing that I did not love you
• • God knows I de!
Sorrynow and quite relenting.,. ,
• Heartsick 'With fear,' ' ';
I regret;,alt my tormenting
When"you were here:.
Had .a; . sworn; that I adored you
N w I'd be glad; • . • • •
p g ,
But perhaps I might have bored' you'
If I had.
=-Aline Kilmer., . -in The Washington
"Let every man. ask .himself," said
Goethe, •'‘with .which of his facuitieej
he can and 'will some'how.inffuence his..
age.", •. '
flan Now
HUNTI��G, 1,fishing, Plc-
/ swtmtningand
cruising on lake,, river,
sound, or bay add to Me
zest of living. happiness.
contentnient and enjoy -
men of Cruisabou•t
owners. ,
T his double - cabin
Cruisabout, 29', long. S'
]0" wide and' 2' 4"' draft
Vs a completely equipp.ad
,summer home and is
priced at $4,185 at fac-
tory, Sleeps six. four in
forward cabin and two 1'n.
stern. cabin. I ];xceIlent
design perfect balance
and staundh quality con-
st, bction make C r u i''s6
abouts .sound -and sea-
worthy..for. any water.
r,-r,ylinder, 60-.I.P.
Marine motorgives cruis-
ing speed of '•thirteen
miles. 'Write for a cala-
tonus. • stage needs leadership, •and feels the V es o • t, T ,onto.
For 'This 'Summer's : Good. Times!
1930 �zsgbOZ(C�
• Sates and Service, by
There are many .nervone break -
NDS •VELL down bat folk's never experi
.Soiiie babies' thrive from ,the boor
of their birth While:others' make so..
little progress as to be the- cause -!of
Much anxiety.. As a rule it' is the di
gestion that. is at fault 'with these
backwardones and they start; to ' go
ahead' 'directly .Baby's Own• Tablets
are made the cepective bftheirston'ir'
ash and bowboweltkOubles...
.Baby's Own Tablets are 'specially
designed for the use of babies and
little 'children. They • are. ' absolutely
safe and the mother.can.feel perfectly
secure in giving them to ••even the
most delicate child. They are a mild
but thorough laxative which bani`Sh
constipation and indigestion; break
up colds and simple fevers and' allay
the pains which ;^accompany the cut-
ting of teeth." They are eold by medi-
cine 'dealers or by mail 25 cents a
box froth' The 'Dr. Williams' Medicine,
Co., Brockville, Ont.
A Leader. for India'
Stephen Gwynn in' the • Fortnightly
Review (London): Whatever India
may be, and it is certainly not• a.'na-
tion, nor a race, . Great Britain has
made it 'a community, end the com-
munity is 'becoming • politically self-
° conscious. It . has an unassuaged
pride, and nothing is most explosive.
Beyond. alt reasonable •doubt, India
does not •need democracy, 'nor, one
may be sure, does it -want freedom in
any sense that we in this island give }good condition.' "Cheap .for immediate
that there ars 3.60 ititerest bearing
days hi a year. The, bank teaches that
there -are 365 such days and every
four pears 366.,
The greatest screen triumph, we
haveei efiecegcl his spring was.'pttt
ting theta up ,without knocking a, hole
in , teili.
A Short, Short nem
No rice an
Olil Shoesi ..
Neither college nor , clothes can
make some, ling out of .nothing.
Chaff les Ma kiss you?"
do think I've been
waiting fora street c
• When a many.- goes to :the •flogs,•
many of his, friends' bark at'=him..
Keep your tongue and your telnper
wdl1;keep'itself. ° ' ,
The most precious :,thing'anyone--
man or .store -anybody or anything—
pan have is the goddwill of ethers. •It
1s something as fragile as an orchid
—and as beautiful. • As precious as a
gold nugget—and as hard to, find. As
powerful as ''a great turbine=and as
hard to build. As wonderful as youth
—and as hard' to keep,
Some folks really have "virgin
Minds:"- Theynever give bir>h to a
thought. • • . .
Our Answer to' the Scientists"'
l Love is's only a .disease,'' ' '
,To which, We're all adicted; '
. Then heav'rl,'• be,.praised, for granting
• ,such .
Nice way- to be afflicted, ,
l ienry—"'That's what, I call.. tough
Card-"Whats', that?
' Henry --"I've got a cheque .for $40
and the only roan .in •town who can
identify me is the one I owe $50.' ' '.
ence a breakdown of 'their nerve.
• The chronic cusses• works for the
devil'' ;for'. nothing and ISays his own
Some persons' are', so contentious
that .they are ready to argue with a
thermometer. •
If men would love each •other more,
And curse each. other fess,
If all would" ):fledge their .heartsto help
The' fellin. in• distress,'
If Hi'ndoo,Indian, Chinee,
And •Christiana all Would' love,.
• They'd find a tasteof what they hope
To ,find somewhere '"above."
The hear..ts that love,'• God's secrets
have s_.
Of all that's. going •to'be,
This world, --well •filled with faith and
• 'Hive,
Is"heaven'enough fol•' me.'
- . V .' Holland.
Waite up, if' you .want your dreams
to come true. '
The difference between theory, end
practice is: The school books. teach
1,/4, 1, '1'/2,. 4 and 8 Horsepower, all •In
371 Bay Street - Toronto, .tint. ' . to .word, •But a community in.sale: H. . Watkins, 73 Adelaide Street
700 sheets of
soft, safe,
paper. A.
YOU may select any One of these
Stetilized Eddy Rolls, assured of its
purity -,-its safely,. •and knowing that, it
measures up to the high quality that pro.
lection bf the children's health' derhands
• The price ensures the biggest value
for your moneys Ask for it by name,
•Snowy white In
wropped, Steri= "DREAD -1 4 "
1'ized Rolls' of NOUGHT"
750 sheets, - A big value Eddy
• line. Seven 'obis.
ens of Steriliz-
ed Tssue. ,
Fntest Steriliz-
ed'fi'ssue. Sejved
from dustproof
cabinet; nickel or •
the aristocrat of
dm letei
sues.P Y
wrapped Rdlis.
3,000• sheets, ,tuff .
count. 65
need Of it. It needs leadership •of its
own. ' The. weak'nes's of Lord• lrwiii"s•
position is that neither .he nor any
Englishman can give 'such •leadership
to India; and though it is argued
plausibly,. and cogently; that no' Indian
•can hope to be accepted as the leader
of all India, whereas the alien, stand-,
ing aloof from all jealousies of race or
caste or religion, can be the impartial
goveanpr, that argument denies at
once the whole possibility • of native'
readership,' and :thwarts the craving
whiclr Mr..Gandhi's, assumption „ of
co1nmand' to some extent must satL fy,
even among Moslems.
The Dignity of Labor
Sir J. A: R. Marriott in the Hibbert'
Journal .(London): To 'banish the, tri,
vial. task, the sordid occupation, is
impossili]'e.' save perhaps in ,'t'topie,
and even in •t t.epia zou :cnn' do it—if
at all -'-only by strict limitation of
population. But it is not impossible
to idealize the lower occupations
to help the scaa'enger to perceive that
in fhe sc11'0111pus performance of his
allotted task' Ile is' Performing a ser-
vice to 'the conimmnity as important JAMESSMAPTPI:ANT.BQOCKVILLEOn •�
as the' trained skill of the great sur •
geon. Few' dairymen, perhaps. are
Nowon ler S,n nitMowerga1e'
.o• popular! They cut 80 •
Kind vvi&Ii such liUiteapueh".
Itfeetio/ond'WonFmodshO Cyaront'Af
Many a man who has "gene over.
the top" would' shrink from acting as
judge of'a.babyeshow. '
Heel' the S,pra'in with Minard!s. ;
% oft.TOTAL.
, in Canada may now bring
forward their 'Families,
Relatives L. and • Friends
on Ea' •
sy Terms.
For full details :apply;=
Diet. Supt. p Colonization
Canadian Pacific Railway. Toronto
idealists; nor are all artists. -'fl'nt• it
should not be impoesibie to• convince
the former flint the health of the com-
munity is not less,but more,' Mika -
ant than its appreciation Of color and
form. Such a conviction --the .sense
of•'serviee, whether•' the. service he
"honorable" or "menial," c•an aloha
give. dignity'to labor. .
A •naffs; is simple 'where his ,chief
care is the wish to be•what lie ought
to he; that is honestly anirnntarfilly
la tm'an, We may' ,eo•tnpare .e istence
to' raw material, R'hat .it is' n,'ttters
less• than 'what it is 'Made of; as the
value' of a work of art Iles in the
flowering of a wo1'ktnan-s skill. Trite
life is possible in 5d'teial conditions the
mast dit•erse' and ivitii natural git;ts
the ntbst twerinal; It Is •'not fortune
or personal Adv;rntage,,'bet our train-
ing . t•hont to a-ce?ou•trtr •tkat t onatitttt•e•s•
�: y.
i'lie. vi h r -r
, r 'of .itfe: 3 a
iiia• adds irrr irYar>s •
than •clops Iettg;ylr of days; quality, as•
the th1itg,7-041es \'n>;ner; •
Campers Carry Minard's.'
Classified • Advertising,
2FIABY •C11A(:r1is kl'o 13't 1'U.Hi t1 '
, 215,0110 last year in four vsr ie+•
ties.. 'Write for free patalue A id.
Srwiteer. fit@ntorr,^Qllt, ,
• 20 Farrrous,3reeds to choose from, L.
Send for free chick eata}og;" it has
valuable • information on 'brooding •
,chlc•iis, '
Essex aatehciY
Ar$ gteihin,fior,wiu"
3Soz, 207-W, ea Sesex,
[_fres, Co. Ater B'r„ekes
Wheels Inner Tubes, Letups
Bells,. c1esneeers; &addles, ..
Equipment and parts of,'Bi
cycles. You•cari.buy yoursup.•
plies from us at wholesale
r price's Catalogue free, •,
1, W mV? t WII 3' WONTTREAL, ”
P111! PAI ilr
Ends in i Minute
"Ended, burn, itch' and pain •of piles
iniMinute with Sootha-Salva',"writes
L. T. Sears. "Bleeding stopped. Piles
soon' vanished:, Avoided operation.";
Get!loatant.reaults today. A l druggists.
Sick Animals
Welcome M:inard's. It is an
ideal first aid about 'the stable...'
Get --a bottle to -day.
"I Was Skinny and
Tired. • Now Poppy.
Gained 11 Lbs."
"Had tired • feeling,'
• no pep. But Ironized
Yeast . gave me' pep;.
much' stronger. Gained
11 lbsoils. and piin
ples ditappeared•" -
- Mack Lattoria. .
Amazing .new: Ironized Yeast adds
5. to 15 •lbs in 3 weeks. Changes
"Skinny?" weak body to strong, well-
developed form all admire. Blotchy
skin. gets clear and rQst like magic: -
Nervousness, indigestion; constipa-.
tion' disappear overnight. Sound sleep. ,
New pep frokn very first day. '.
Two great tonics in one-speci'al'..
weigh t -building Mai:t Yeast and
strengthening Iron. Pleasant little`
tablet's. • ' Far 'stronger than unmedi-
cated yeast. ',Results in 14 time. No
No - as
Dont' be "skinny," • weak,unattrac-
tice. Get I'ronized Yeast from drug=
gist today. • Feel 'great ' tomorrow.
Money . back froth manufacturer if'
not delighted with quick results.
Why be handicapped with unsightly
blotches on the face, eyes tyith yellow
tinge and,that•tired and languid feel
ing? This initiates a torpid liver.
Headache, Dizziness and Biliousness
surely• follow. You . must .'stimulate
'your lazy liver, start the bile flowing
with Carter's Little Liver Pills. '
They also act as. a mild laxative,.
purely vegetable free from calomel
and poisonous drugs, small, easy -to''
swallow, and not habit forming. They,
are not a purgatie that cramps or
pains, unpleasant,after effect follow-
ing,' on the contrary a good tonic.
All .Druggists 25e and 75c red pkgs.
0-# el
Lo f ®61md
due to Acsd
t. tA13teURN
- What most (Teeple call indigestion is gtie tasteless spoonful in water leu;
usually excess .arid in the stomach. tralizes many tines its volume in :acid.
The fond has soared, The instant The results ' are immediate, With ''no
'remedy' Is an alical'i 'tt•liith nentrrllizes bad, after-effect,e. Once 'i ace Iearn this
acid's. But• don't use crude Balis. Lse fait,• you will never deal. with excess•
what your doctor ii'ould advise., acid in 'the crude ways. Go learn
The best lrlp is Phillips' Milk of low-.whyflits method is sun}ozru.
Magnesia., I i at 507e -flys .since it. . nr o >;c the- genuine- iri�i j.'
the s e }le e t ttie- i v
ince ntiou it has remained standard I Milk of Magnesia prescribed I,y, eysi•
th pl)y:'Ic•iatie. You will find•nnitli ,thus for 50. years in eoirectine excess
ing ri' ,.n quick b't'tfw Mat, sit li4111 . 1 sic ills, kin flaw i niiTriini'run 'diFe-e•
lei's, .•o tilrc„teut,-. l tinny ;spy drugstore.
' II
76 .beats 36
Read 'this tvoaderfut letter from a man of
:6 who is "more active 'than 40 wing ago,'
thanks to thti "daily dimeful " of Eau -schen
Salts• •
4s a subject of both gout and .rheninatisna
/or just orrr 50 is'grs,1 wish to acknowledge that
1 hate found nothing so absolutely certain as,
Eruarlern .alts. Oscan and other things alt
hare their virtrus, but also their drawbacks.
Krusehen Salts 1 have sr) far for nd, after 5 gears
ar • more of using them, /at rtb drawbacks and
no countrr•effect rrhaterer, 1 am 76 and mare •
active than 40 years apo."
(WOW letter on ale ter Inepectton.
ii nrschen Saike is obtainable at drug and
department stores' in Canada at 75c, a bottle.
A 'bottle contains enough to last for 4 or rr
mouths--go'od Lealth 'int half•a-cent a day..
Read Flow This Medicine
Helps Her
CardstOn.:111x�ta- "1 afn fifty-eight
years old attd the' Mather Of eighteen '
living children.We
hve.on a farts and -
am a very heal-
thy- mother con-
sidering that 1
have such a d.ig
faintly ,to 'it-t4rk
for. The druegta't
first told stie actual .
I,ydilt F. 'init-
compound 1
!lave efept ndi ii on
1t for T141 it:�r�.
1C Jeri 1' lra:c.this p.rtrn'e taken. tho'
ph.itngtnpin•r was telling ri:r al,d„dt �
it,ife's tilnid'nts shit sirtr l•. told 1,01
:inotil 'tT ' "e rtab'i1e, ('Qt tl1reln.tt .,k ...
iitenf to the Rim); store bought her
'tiro kd tic.. �'•�:
e 'i
I ir,.. ldr• l.rn,y,,-xr..i
nACH, ('ardeton, AILicrtai•.;.
ISSUE No. 19• --'30