HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-05-15, Page 1a ti $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE; . '12:60 OTHERWISE , DR. W. M. 'CONNELL Physician and Surgeon ,Lucknow re:, 1.30-3.30 7-3 Phone. 86 DENT'ISST. • Dr R.,`.. Lucknow Iioursi 912 A. M. ' 1,30-5 P. -M. Phone , 53 X -'ray ''• `•Will•be in Dungannon: every Thursday: s 1 WALII PAPER -A furl '• line of• 930 'Wali Paper. oxiharid. Price's cpnsider able 'down for 1930.. I am' also agent fo'r leadi}►g job, houses. --.It J:; Camer- on; Decorator, Painter and 'Grainer, Box 174, Lucknow.• FOR SALE--,A..comfortatri'e''dwell- ing. Apply to D. C. Taylor: (20-3=t>:.)' • •CAR OF. SEED POTATOES, • No, I Dooley's-=Will' , arrive in Lucknow about • May 10th. J. G. Anderson, & Son: ;JUST ARRIVED - A carload' of. Aroleck . and SuPertite 'Shingles: We have a first class manwile will put them on.-Wm.,'Murdie & Son. BUCKWHEAT FOR SALE .:• Seed ` buckwheat; recleaned ' - per bua'hel $1:00.: Apply • to R. . Richard's; Ii,... 3 Lucknow. , (22-5-p) • AUCTION.' SALE . Mrs.. Olive Treleaven, Have an Auction. household effects at near the • Post ; Office, May 17th: Everything be sold. -E: Miller, Lucknow, will . Sale •'of. • her hou her residence on Saturday'' • listed :on bills will ler, Auctioneer COW ASTRAY • Strayed from the premises of the undersigned,a roancow, seven ,years old: Parties knowing of her where- abouts kindly` report to Ackert•Bros. Holprood, (15 '-5=-e.) . FOR SALE One • Set• Single ,Harness; 1 ' ribber tire • Buggy ,in good.condition; 'alien . vacant.' lot' consistinof , one. and a half , a'cres one mile north of ' the• • Village... Apply' to Mrs. Wilson Hamilton h'irst class 'residence• for' sale in the Village ' of Lucknow. Beautiful 'loco- • tion, two choice. lots, •containing ' at • least. 'ji; •acre of land, with well built. • barn on• property. .House contains '7• 'rooms,- newly , remodelled and decor- ' . ated.-Apply Mrs, :Alex: Agar x15 -5-p) • • COURT. OF ,REVISION TOWNSHIP Of KINLOSS 'rake , notice that, ' a Court of Re- vision will sit on May 26th, 1930, at 2 o'clockP. m., • at the Triwnship Hall, Holyrood, to hear and .consider' . an - eats against assessments for the year 1930.-J. R. Lane,. Clerk ' • • (22-5-c ) • New Goods, New Low: Priceg, New Displays, New Bargain, Ainex at - The Market. ASHFIEJ4D CIRCUIT Services' next Sunday, May; 18th. Blake's 11 A M.; ' Hacketts. 3 P.M.; Zion -7.30 .P M':. BENMILLER NURSERIES Wehave a larger stock 'than ever of Bedding Plants, Trailers, Annuals, and ..IIVegetable• Plots ' from, which to Snake a selection. To make sure of getting the war- ieties you want, it is advisable to, • select or send in your orders early, and if necessary dove will hold the stock for you till planting time. The Wonderful New, Cabbage Golden Acre if set ,out now will be ready for use early in July. '< Phone Carlow 235 Stewart Brds., • R. R. , 4, Goderich, Ont. Star Cafe SPECIAL .MEALS —LUNCHES.-- ALL =LUNCHES.-ALt HOURS Gunn's Fertilizer ter WHY` SIGN Al ORDE.t roil; 1 ERT'ILISrR WHEN TOW, CAN GET . WIIAT WANT'' • ANY TIME?: • MIXED 'FE1t;TILIZER, CON= AsLiY . ...CHEAPER w IDER S THIS VEAlt. �a . -GEO: 'S: ROBERTSON. o. NT., THURSDAY, 'MAY 151h,1930. •�4--O-.O-O.-O-0-0--0--O-O• ' '�• o LOCAL AND GE1ERAI. .0 Special 'Bargains in °•the. Annex, Saturday and Wednesdaay evenings. -- The Market. . - • • . . Mr.. Grant MacKenzie, :-is : •home . of ter completing his first year at••Toron- to Medical''; College.'; 1VIr. Stuart' Btir'ns of Detroit,• spent ;the Week .:with his,. parents, Mr.`•.a,nd Mrs:' Tho ,'] u s. tris: ? - " :Dire, you see the •crowd 'in• the'•Bar- gain Annex x at the' Market Saturday night. -The. Market. . ' Mr. 'Joe Hassel left for London the first of the --week; =where. he will.. be employed in .. the,. Silverwood Plant there:.• '; 'The Annual Meeting of the W.C.T. U. will be held at the' ,home. of. Mrs. • R. W. Craw - , Friday, ,1VIay . 16th,..: at. 3 o'clock • Mr. D. R. Mclntosh,.• Mr, and. Mrs. J. Clarke and Mrs. `A:. •Cheyne •. ; of Southampton spent a day 'of last `week' in; Lucknow: 'Mr. • Walter B, 'Craw, B:A.. was home 'over the 'week -end, and on., Sun-; ••day.• conducted" the services in .Tees - water • United Church. , Mr. James Riitehte .of ' .town whom, • we reported ill, last week has been, taken to .Toronto for-t'reatment. We ,understand. that - reports are fav- orable. - Miss .Mary' Asitchison has returned to• her• home in Harriston, having vis •ited. for the past two weeks, with her grandparents, Mr. ,and Mrs. Thos. Aitchison. , • Mr. T. W. Smith has, installed. • a new outside free: . air . service at the • Central • Garage. This • contrivance is very' convenient.' as it can be •set ...to :give ,the desired amount of pressure. in the tire being „filled, • Mrs. Olive. Treleaven . returned • to town last week fromnear Montreal,. where she spent the winter. She is having ., an. auction., sale of her furni- ture. .with . a.. view to •returning `. to Montreal in the.: near' future:. ' . Delightful spring weather" contin ued throughout the ,pastweek, so that. fall wheat, grass and the leaves :.on the trees are now as far on as often they area .month 'later. Its themiddle of May, but the country, looks like.. the middle of June, - The Wingham Radio Club is making .an , appeal for radio fans. in this•'vic- inity' to- join the Club, as new equip- ment is ' necessary for the continuance of {station 10 B.Pt The membership fee is '$1.00 and membership ticket, may be had at. T. W. Smith's, it H. Thompson's or Leroy Horne's. • SATURDAY NIGHT SHOPPING With the coming of spring and pleasant evenings, the village has had its usual Saturday night crowds. And the crowd appears to be just :as thoughtless , as usual -shopping put off to the • last minute, and then . all in a ruck. ,Twelve o'clock soon •comes. and still the shopping is pot all done, so . it runs on 'into'. Sunday. morning. The result is that garage, 'men and . some shops cannot get ,closed nit until after' one o'clock Sunday morning. This is all wrong and not at all nec- essary, but .its • going to -take ' some wise co-operation and some •strict law enforcement to, overcome this- trouble. It would be better for everybody if the shops could close up and every- body ` go home about eleven ° o'clock. Things are starting in bad this yeas' The only hopeful feature is that they can't get worse. DEATH OF MRS. JAMES BUTTON On May 8,;there passed away at her home in Teeswater, .',after a liiiigering illness, Elizabeth Wilson, beloved wife' of Janes Button. De- ceased was born,.in Puslinchttiwnship, near the city of Guelph in 11858 and and moved when only a ya ing girl to the.8th‘ Con: of Culross Township, where 'she. lived with her brother, David, .Wilson, until her marriage in 1'879, by the Rev. Wardrobe. t Mr. • ,and Mrs. Buttoncommenced married life as pioneers on Mr. But-. .tonrs farm on the 8th Cnn. of Cuirass, and - to - the' union were born thirteen children, all of whom survive their 4 -Other. Labelle Webster. Craik, Sask:' William D., Vanguard. Sask.; Annie May, -Rochester, N.Y.: Robert J. But- ton, Lueknow; Jenat. Kennedy, Win- nipeg, Van... Carrie Thompson. Den_ 'more,' "Sasik. John Austin: I•tersehel, Sask,; Grace M McLean. Moose Jaw, -Sask., Charles Rennie George--R-oy;- Cecil: W., all of Milestone. rask.; Bes- sieMGue1ph, •Lillian A,, at , home. There are n'lso 37 n•randchild- ren and 2 great i-r'andchildren. 4Nine.years ago Mr. nod Mrs. Button retired, coming to Teesnwater, e they celebrated their golden wedding in 1929. Mrs. Button was of a kindly disposition, ever ready to help in. ,time of trouble and sickness; Tb '•funeral servie'e conducted; by t e Ore*" if hti R w: AM..' CaLircknoru•, took, dace from her 'ate residence_ to the Teeswnter Cemetery on Tuesday Where a' large number of friends and neighbors .nth`" ed t� t i ' mfr g g,, 4 pay lieyla 'yes"ierts and • extend to the bereaved hushand and: family their sincere sympathy.. , Slight -of the fainly were present at• the iuner4 • LOCAL` 1VIASONS HAVE. GRAND `EVENING. Rt. ' Worshipful Bro. Wm. ;-Scrim- geour, of Palmerston, paid his official' visit to the lour Masonic lodge: on Thursday evening of last week, when after the custoniary'.exercises end the' bestowal cif ,. "degrees" on ' .a number of candidates, the .brethren enjoyed a. banquet'in the lodge dining, ,hall, Quite a number of, visitors were pre, sent, ,and the evening•. was a niait� en- joyable, one. • ' -• ° At the banquet, Wor . Bro: W.. J. Davison presided as ' toastmaster.:. "The King" 'was,. of ' course responded to in the usual 'Way. "The Craft" was. proposed by Rt. Wor. Bro. F. T. Armstrong and responses; 'were by Rt.. Wor Bro. Dr. Paterson,. and the visiting D.D.G.M. Rt. Wor. Bro. 'Scrimgeour. Bro. Ora Crawford,of Ripley, 'sang a solo, and the ;toast' :listed was continued with "Our Coun- try" proposed by ; Wor. Bro, • E. 'N. Hodgins; : and responded to by Bro. A. ,E. Buswell . and Wor. Bro. Ray, C. H. MacDonald. "Our Babies" (meaning .the newly initiated) was proposed by Bro. Dr. W. V: Johnston,. and responses Were by Br -os,, J. R. McNab;'and E, N. Bush ell. "Ourg. guests" was proposed by, Wor. Bro" Geo. T. ,Aitchison and re sponded to by Rt. Wor. Bro. Dr. Fowler of Teeswater, and . Wor: Iiro. Mooney: • There was: "community sin;}g," a song by Wor. Bro. H..:Linklater, •of, Kincardine. ••and short addresses by Bros. Lodd,'.Morris, .Barton,'' Rev, 'Calhoun, Beacom. and James. FORMER KINLOSS RESIDENT• DIES IN MANITOBA; A copy :of the Elkhorn (Man,), Mer_ .cury:received this week tells • of the' death of. Mrs. Hugh Maclntosh, who in' 1903, went to Elk.hgrn,. with'.. her husband and family . of two -Hugh and Daisy: • • Mrs. Maclntosh died on. April.'8th., fast, at the.age 91 16 years and eleven months.' She was i11 for -.only a. short time, and it is said that her death was.. "Esther sudden."' Alter ping to Manitoba: the family. resided ..on'a farm near„ Elkhorn :until, 1910. when 'Mr. 1VIcIntosh ,died: They. then• 'moved;. to , the Village, •Hugh •the only son died in :1917, leaving a• widow and two children -,Maurice and.Helen who with their mother. now 112rs. Phee, lives at Ceylon, ,Sask. ' • Mrs._ Maclntosli appears'. to have been highly esteemed, in the Elkhorn community, 'being adtive in. the,' work of the local 'United • Cherch and the Women's Organizations.,The Mercury says: "To .'her •fell the honor: of lay- ing ` the ',Cerner 'stonewh :ch -Marked. the gathering . of the sister• congre- gation :(at the time .of, union) an the.• same .building:" ' •Before her marriage. the late .Mrs. Maclntosh wan Miss. Achsah ' -Amer- ille. Baldwin' aird we are told that •:two brothers,. J. W. and E! B. Baldwin live at St. Thomas, Ont: , •Eliquisite, Models 'of ' , . 'Ladies' Dresses and Coats will be on' display and sale.at Buswell's, drygoods store, ' FridaMay 16th, Afternoon and Evening., '' • Card of Thanks Mrr.. Button and Family wish tcl .thank the many 'friends' for their kindness". and sympathy 'during . their' recent bereavement: • • ' ---o-o- CHURCH NOTES • , . Presbyterian- - Guifd l The Guild was opened by singing a hymn. The Scripture was read, by Miss .Isobel Chesnut, after which the Lord's Prayer ,wan repeated. The topic Was' taken' by Miss Fern Ried. The musical,'nunibers were. a piano instrumental by Mae McMahon and. a 'duet by Rostella Mullin and Marg Int McDonald. Readings were given ,hy Marion Johnstone and Arlene Jewitt. After the closing hymn the Mizpah Benediction was repeated. ' -=o: o -o • ' BORN REED -1n the Township, of Ash- field on May 7th, lox to Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Reed. daughter. —o b o— FOURTH CON: KINLOSS Mr. And Mrs. , Elliott Sandy and • W. Ensign.. daughter visited last' week' With Mrs. • Mr. ad Mrs. R.:• :MacKenzie; of Lochalsh' and Mrs. Robb, were guests at the home of Mr. Wm. Robb„during the week. , M. Willie MacDonald who suffic- iently' recovered from a nrolonged i11: nes in Detroit,has so far recovered as to 'lye able • to return `ta his "home on the 2nd 'Con. .. Mr. Bald, P. S. 1., win a viQiter at in k. the schools the vi rorty last week. Mr. and Mrs. T. Dexter of Para nlount, spent Sunday with friends enI the Fourth. Mr. and 1VIrs.. Wm. Robb, Olive and Ceeil pent. Saturday with ;friends in Stratford. - Rev: C. N. •McKenzie, • of Ripley, Was a caller, op, the line 'Ivo' week. A 'number frown here attended the Presbyterial. at Knox 'Church' Ripley on Tuesday last, . �VIr, Dtincan Grah.mi, who has been, ill the past week is ii ooh iti prove i' we are glad to say. . Mrs., Sangster has returned, tb Toronto, after 'spending a few day's with her rarents, 14rs and Mrt, "D, , rahO,m . ,,.,c.»• ., ;. ' ti _4 CHANGE IN DIRECTORATE The death of Mr., John Button,,pres- ident of the Lueknow Table Company, will necessitate' :some change in the, directorate ;of -..one ofour best andus-- tries, likelyto be made' in the .near future. Mr.: Button as president, . Mr: Geo. T. "Aitchison` as.. vice-president, Mr:. R. Robertson}, Sec'y.-Trees:. and A ,1 itchiso;nj a director, .have constituted the . managing. • oard. i}} recent years. Mr. Geo. .T; •Aitchison; wh'o w. -i with •Button...&;`Trevette.at Teeswater, and'tame to Lucknow with thein, . end since that time has .:been designer , and .superintendent of the production end of the business, 'will: become president, a 'vice-president. will be chosen- and Mr. Robertson will continue in his present;' position. Lueknow, residents; -ave are ' sure,. will,' be pleased to know that 'this is: dustry will go on just as : it 17,1s bec' going, pursuing' a policy • of .service sand safety; in fact the three.remain ing •directors have assisted in the management g nt of the 'affairs , of j. the company for map'-' Years,. so that the business methods which. have' ,so made for success • in the 'passed will be pursued in the future., • , •-o=o-o- • CHURCH ANNIVERSARY , SINGLE COPIES 0' CENTS • Ideal weather favored the ann`iver- sary services at the Lucknow.-Presby- terian' Church on :Sunday, when the Rev. Dr. Drummond,:: of. St. Paul's Church,. 'Hamilton,. was the .preacher. There were large; :congregations, morning and evening, and they were well rewarded by splendid addresses by Dr, Drammond. "T'here was special music hi the choir, which was assist- ed. by ssisted•'by Mr. James Doherty of Clinton,' Mr. Doherty contributed a :solo' at the morning•, service, and solo parts . in the! a'nthems mere taken • by Misses Dean Geddes fthid Myr.t MacDonald.. In the evening Miss MacDonald con- tributed •;a solo, and . Mr. T. Watson' and Miss Geddes a duet. In the aftern000n Dr. Druremond addressed a mass meeting.', of :the Sunday School, when the Mothers' Day. program °was followed: Mr. Mac- Donald, minister: of the congregation was at Hamilton for the day. TOM BROWN, OF::STRATFORD • Most'ever bo�i y . y has heard of: :the, popular, petted and wealthy ex -mayor of the cit of Stratford who"disc Y, ' disap- peared last New Year's Eve, 'after having stolen some 200 thousand dol-' leis sfrom those who had trusted him with their money and bonds. . It is now, reported that he died the other day iiia rather poor apartnent' in Mexico City, whither he had 'gent to hide. it is sari that he "drank hl self to death.", There seems now . no • question as to the truth of the .. ;e-' ports. . • Brown's body was buried in a cheap coffin in a sort • of "Potter's Field - none there to do frim honor. Few' will pity Brown's sad end. for .}lie' robber the widow and the orphan that he might g•.ainblegin stocks and live a riotuous life. He carried 70 thousand dollars. life insurance, and this will be avail- abie t� divide among those who were defrauded:* His wife •will have• noth ing, unless she had something in her own name independent of her ,worth- less husband. CONSERVATIVE .PARTY• . CONVENTION HERE The executive of the: Conservative Party as ,organized for federal pur- poses meeting last week decided to hold their or a iz io n ati n meetingand nomin.sting convention at Luckow on May 28th. A prominent speaker, no doubt will 'be secured ,.for the occasion • MR. J. L. FALLS OF CHICAGO The Bread". VIS The Bread of Health of; Health' o • OUR MOTTO IS QUALITY AND SERVICE.• A S ecialty Our' p . y,Whoh XlVheatHealth; B>read• Pu lre .'and 'Nutritious o`ra n 8� �. . M,olassQs, used ,Tit: a Loaf.• CREAM PX;JFFS :, ROLLS ' � " JELLY 'ROLLS •i •MAPLE:..,W'ALNUTTAR S' . B'RA T N:, .& bi;TE 45FFI111S; 'COFFEE•:C KES TE "BI ti” " ' A A SCUTS • '' • BON " BOUCI3E• HOLLYMAN'S- UALITYBAKERY Y. Phone 36 ,Lucknow EXTRACT FROM". STATUTES :OF ONTAROO-1.930. 73.- (1) Subject to the provisions of section • 81, THE DRIVER'S LI- CENSE •,AND OWNER'S PERMIT QR PERMITS; of. every person who fails to , satisfy a pudgement ren- dered against 'him, by any court in. Ontario, ,or in any. other ,province in Canada, which has .•become final by affirmation, on ..gppeal.,, or by ; expiry without appeal, of 'the time.- allowed forappeal, for '•damages' op, account of injury to, or death, of any per= son, or en. account of damage to pro-' .perty in excess of $100., occasioned by a motor vehicle, within, fifteen. :days from the' date upon which such judgment' became final; SHALL' BE.. FORTHWITH SUSPENDED ` by the Minister. upon receiving a certificate d such, final•judgment from the court in.. which.` the case' is rendered, 'AND' SHALL,. REMAIN SO SUSPENDED,. AND SHALL NOT:. AT ANY TIME THEREAFTER BE RENEWED, nor shall. ,any new .driver's license or owners permit , be '•thereafter isued to such, person until such judgment is satisfied or diseha•) red ,' otherwize than . a discharge in bankruptcy) to the extent .sof' at least $5.,000 (ex clusive of interest and costs) for in- jury to, or death of. ,any' one person, and, subject to that limitfor each person: so injured' or killed, to the extent of $10,000( exclusive of inter- est_and"costs),,for injury to, or death ! of ` two or more persons in any one accident, •'bind 'to the extent of at least, $1,000 (exclusive of interest and. costs), for eamage to property' or others resulting from: •any one ac= cident, AND.. UNTIL• SUCH PERSON GIVES -PROOF OF. HIS FINAN- CIAL RESPONSIBILITY.. 70.- (Definitions) .(d),- "Proof of • Financial Responsibility" means a' Certificate, of Insurance; a bond, or a. deposit ofmoney or securities given oT inade pursuant to the' 'statute on; that behalf: • • Certificate of :Insurance nlav be ob- tained from Joseph Agnew, Lucknow "HERE • IS THE :EVIDENCE" That we ,are especially proud of our Golden' Crust Bread: The fact that this bread is made with • a "Mother's Care," and . the quality • of the ',read is .such that it bears out this assertion. You : can. almost taste the goodness of Golden Crust Bread' as .;you read. 'this add. , • Specials Eor This Week End= Delicious Sponge . Cakes, Butter Scotch 'Tarts, Cocoanut. Slices, Fruit Bars, Puff Pastry REID'S BAKERY Phone 68 '. • DIED. APRIL 26th Mr. J. L. Falls, husband of May. Graham, daughter of Mrs. Graffham' and the late Robert Graham' of Lucknow, 'died at ' Chicago' on April 26th. Mr. Falls and Miss Graham were married on April 19th, 1910, and since that time they have been. occasional visitors in Lucknow.„ ti A newspaper clipping referring to 'the death of Mr. 'Falls reeds ,as f•i'1- Lows: . The' sudden death on -Saturday, April ,'26, of J. L. Falls, for many', years head of the Swift & Company mailing department, came as a de- cided shock to his many friends in the offices and'°plant departments of the Chicago ' organisation. Anon= 1 xy was the causegiven hy attend - inC physicians. Froni his 'desk in the mailing room'' of the general office, Mr. ' Falls for thirty' years watched a phase of the `busin-e s 'efform ly i-nrportan't. saw horse-drawn mail wagons re.. pieced' by' high-speed motor busses 'and the introduction of parcel p''ost. He welcomed air .Mail when it ,be= came a certainty -because speed was his 'watchword, Trained for. more than ten years inrailway mail service and -at the, rn n sea for a part of, that time in the in- terests of the U S. Government, Mr. Falls was unusually well informed regarding railroad practices. .si'hefi'- ales, and systems. In the thirty-two years that he ,servep Swift & .Com - in 'lie ected pian econo es an off p } 3' v i}" then ailing denarl merit ,and was a1�Te to seed up the • receipt . of orders from car route salesi,en nc'ateriel% , The remai`hm were taker to his home town, Valley' tains, Kansa, for . ' nterment • , .41101n.q • V FAMILY THEATSE T E THURSDAY; 'FRIDAY,, SA'1'U!il)A,Y May 14-15.16.• ' Richard JJartheldness, In,' "YOUNG NOWHERES" and, COMEDY" • .. May 22-23-24': Hoot 'Gibson.. in "SMandILING 'GUNS" •'COMEDY Comi,g, Special, May 29: 30: 31. "BEN HUR" nn a Jett ck • . � . Shoes For" Women We 'invite ..a;, ,radio, listeners of Lucknow and surrounging country to 'tune in' .on • THE',•, . ENNA JETTICK SONGBIRD : every Tuesday 'at, 9 P. iii, .over :WEA} and. associated .stat- ions (Eastern Standard •lame)' We ,would just like' to and. that: quite •a .number, from . t this -locality • have lately .:•, been • • '.fitted .with'' Enna: Jettick Shoes, ,and' like' the Son bir g, d ' you. , may have • heard every, :Tuesday. night - they' are loud in the praises Of Enna Jettick ' Shoes • Of'cdurse. Enna. •'Jettick: Shoes cost a Lippe more; than ordinary : • shoes, but they :are neverthe leis. the best Value we know in the realm of shoedom, and ...there' is the great. satisfaction of 'haring, a ' "Perfect Fit." • This we guarantee • in every case.as we have mentioned be= fore we make the claim ai}d are , prepared to • back it uphi witl - ' the : goods in every . case .. as follows: - WE CAN FIT • ANY''NORMAL FOOT No Matter How Small No Matter How Large Willis Shoe -Store The only place you can 'buy ENNA. JE'ITICK; SHOES • in this part . of West. Ontario ✓.r..iy✓�✓✓..v.�✓�:�.i1.�✓yrs✓✓✓.�✓✓.�.fi✓✓✓✓✓✓.iy✓✓y✓r✓✓✓✓.�✓✓✓• ;,o. s -',and Suits ' . Just ' .Arrived' 1 New Navys & Smart Tweeds• •in,,•sum per styles, :right Vit the gridle. Now is the tiiiime to pro- cure • the last ' word in Style and Materials: Broadcloths -- Prunella . Tricotines and., Fine Tweeds $14.1 $22.50 $.35 $49:50 nr - L l"ox.Searle � 1 ® , • Sable and Squirrel Chokers. S 4 ! Come in and see thesenew things Con -�oleun. Rug Contest THE WINNER OF THE CONGOLEUM RUG GIVEN AWAY BY US FOR. THE CON6OLEtTM COM'I'ANY IS MRS. '1 W. J. ItOULsTON,' R. R. NO. 1, RIPLEY,, LCCEY NU)41BER $654. MRS. RO JLSTON'S GUESS '3671,. " V YIGIIAiVt It