HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-05-01, Page 51 1.
''V '•A
Theyare a' great chain of :tireservice
� se .
depots, spread like.: a. network .across
' 'Canada; -:Tach is the fittiat tire.' !Ore' in
its locality and all are'`co-operatingto:
assist :motorists in :getting the greatest
possible mileage from . their tires.
These.. Dominion Tire Depots are.,'painted
in a uriifor l •
m co pr scheme •of orange•and
blue.. A11 bear the Dominion' Tire .Depot
isign: ,
From these Dominion Tire
Depots you may obtain:
-Tires at the price you *ant to pay
each' tire • the beat value= at its .p mice..
—•A periodic' tire, inspection : service de-
signed to check tire injuries before they
become serious. Pressures,' will be
checked and everything possible done to
add mileage to the life . of your .tires.
--Reliable repair work, honestly ' and
. '' promptly executed at fair prices...
Let the orange '' and blue
Dorninion'Tire Depot front -
vide you to Canada's fin-
est tire 'service.
In addition to the Paving., to' ' be
done this year on the J onddn road
between Kippen and Exeter,. tenders
arebeing asked for 'the paving of six.
and .a -half miles. of • the; road between'
Lucan : and. ,the Middlesex -Huron
boundary, Construction of the bridge
across the Affix Sable between Clande-
boye and Lucan ;i.lso will he ;in 'pro-
gress this. summer. The completion,
of theae,contracts will leave only five
Miles' of road, between E,reter.. and
Centralia, to be pavedto coniplete the
concrete highway, firom Goderich to.
London. The average cost: of pavement
is said to, be; about $25,000 a mile.
The County pays twenty per cent, of
the cost' of constructionwithin the
limits of . the Bounty. •
Of The
The Way .'1'0 • Health
"Give me health and a day, and I
will make the pomp of emperors ridi-',
culous!" wrote ,E',mersen. There is no
other single••item of '.greater import-'
ail a .in our lives than health; be-
. 'cause health •is necessary .for success
in practically everything which • we,
• undertake.:; ,
Health is not merely it matter of.
evading 'disease. We do, of course,
seek to evade disease, but in order.
to enioy health we most give' atten-•
tion to our manner living. ' Acon-
dition of healthlis a nnrieal crindition
w'rich accompanies right living.. Disse
xdgard ,of the needs of the body:
abuse or neglect of the body, sooner
or :later. results 'in a loss of health,
Mt in artual disease,
The ,benefit's of .good health are ,so
obvious that. it is not 1iecessary to
present arguments in their favor tied
.:take time to discuss' what everyone
is wi.11ing to eonrede':; The question
of. importance is how all niay acquire_,
and ' enjoy the benefits which gokd
health has to offer. .,
The way is not difiiult. It requires•
that a simn'e, sensii,lti re•si"e be the
regular. hnhit :of life The habits
which .lead to - health are neither' nu-
merous nor difliici,lt to im-lerstand:
and they canreadily he made the
habits .of our own -individual lives.
We came into this . world with a
body which has` been "c i„ on' to to. It
mu have certain' imperfections. but
what we are interested' in. are its
potentialities; Phynicalli and mentelly
we have possibilities. awl r hef her or
not these, aro develone'l to thh ,full
determines what iti ensure of our'at-
• tainable physical and.nmental health
we enjoy, ' ., • '' • '
• Some have a n,^,e .difficult task
than" others, hitt nravtieally•. all `can
arrive 'Pt a condition ,shieh makes
life a pienstrre, rr^vi.linv the effort
iernacle. Like e'y'e:ythinv; worth While
health re+n•e''en'- an effort, hut also
litre thing's worth ch in. it is wortl,
stit ivin« fo, • •
The .bor t,h'•,' . 'f the ' mail'
health is marked ;07 a, sign -pori
pointing Dalt the nee,1 for P.n under-
standing of venr .0 n ' 'dy. The road'''
;yeti will •Gllow depends ro'mewhat
upon your condition as vita start out.
• 1'^u shoii)ci have u"i "i'Y"''n; :al made
o'f Yost• hMy ? 'know if. -there are
imperfeetions th•it reclaim rttenttg ,
c lir 1•:Down so
that • yo'u-• tt, av- gear ..ynin r•Ce ii:,
Start opt with 'eaYfh
Examination so that :,you tray know
Voniself• turd ',,*gut 11e00s, From that,
g•'o on to a•f,'111 measure of health
1iv,ing• aecording to. the simile miles
of health.
;tnestiees Ydencerning Stealth,
• addressed in the Cnn•,r';.,,i Mod-
ica! Association, 1S4 College St:
Toronto, will be answered Per.
*Malty by correspondence,
`1'IlE ."11.O Y AL" 5J0 TltIP
The Ontario' Lcjartmen't'of Agric-
uflure• is again pl,'cnning• to entertain
party of 50U farm boys at the Ro'y-
al Winter leai.r' in Toronto next Nov-
ember.. i h.s l,,a: ty is made up of ten
nigh boys • in a' itoyal J ud.;.ig 'Coni-
petiton which is held in cap n. county
in ' October ; .
Briery the conditions of selections
•are asfollows':'
.(1) Tobe eligible for this compe-
r,ition contestar:Ls n
tart first' submit
a statement per aa'ining to the cost of
producing some far* •,,redacts or per-
forming some, farm operation..
2 '• 1'he Com ec:6,J i L. u to all
( ) p t. F n
farmers or farmer's sops between the
ages of 16 and 20 inclusive on Nov-
eniber• 1st, 1030, who co.u1,ly with
regulation one.
• (3) 'Contes„tnts shall' judge five
classes of live stock, one ciass of
poultry, 'and five . classes of crops,
su'c'h as grain, small seeds., potatoes
and roots.
To those selected under the condi
tions ,outlined above the Department
will provide *reg• of,charge:'
(1y Railway fare from home ' fta-
tion to Toronto and return.
(2) 'Meals and lodging for four
nights in Toronto.
(3) A program to, include a tour o
the ,City and visits to the .stockyards
abattoirs..and factories as.weh its a
study of the great, Royal Winter Fair
The major change in these regula-
tions' is outlined in number one under
conditions of selection. The st iternent
to be submitted will be quite elemen-.
Cary.and in 'the case of a field of grain
willsimply necessitate keeping , a re-
cord of the number of• hoursof labor
for each operation, the amount , of
manure or fertilizer applied,the
amount of seed grown, and tl:e nem-
• he .
bei of.bushel's when 'thres d •
The following are suggested as
projects . upon which ' statenieti•ms may
be based:— -
(]) Cost of producing' any grain
crop. •
(2) Cost of feeding a poultry flock
for three months.
(3) Cost of feeding 'either a calf
or 'a litter of, pigs for. three months,.
All boys • who wish 'to enter the
Royal Competition next ' October
should send in their application at
once to the Ontario Department of
Agriculture ;tt Clintbn, stating on
which one of the above projects you
fish to keep a cost record: Your Ag ing•antagenistn 'of ,fudges toward this
rieultural Repre,s„neative 'will send type of suit. loft'. Justice McCardie,
you forms on which to base your '•for e:Eample, `said that two-thirds of
cost records and will also"give • you all breach-of-ttirn, ,'r;, n,.%
any 'additional information which' you 'brought not to .remedy a loss, but to
may requi.ren Send. me your appliica- "inflict seine public hurt' upon ,'i man
tion at once because t', s regulation by a disappointed woman."•
trust be complied with before you English juries, too, are becoming
are eligible to compete in the Royal critical ' of 'the woman who selks
Von) petition. heartbalm. The sort of. fleas which
fifty years ago wort verdicts of 410,-
000 to $50,000 have been- getting in.
recent gears the piffling sort of Bash
awards with •which juries rebuke the•
plaintiff'. whose 'ca's'e is' legally sound
but' morally shaky. There it an in-
L>tickndw, Ont. clination to attribute this changed at -
f as the largest' and most, complete titude to the ',advent of the woman,
4tock in the most beautiful designs dined Shanisthe tditaleboffar the less my
The notice.of•Toronto'added anoth-
er p,cc. of hood ttgr'k. to tl'.eir grow-
ing• is ord as a' terror, to robbers,
when last:wcek they arrested- with-'
• in thi be hours 'of the crimeHa young ;
man ar,cl :t • very.young wour in ' who
had hell up and ro.;bed • a bank on
Gladstone 'avenr e.
Within a' week of the .robbery CeCi'1
,Irving 'and• his young accompcice and
sister-in-4.1ii, Iiitth.een ' Boy.te,, :Were --
sentenced 'to prison terms.
Irving•,..,ins tead of ha ng' a `,good
time spending the 'two thviousand ,dol-
lars. he stole will have a very had 1
time of it. He' got fifteen years . in
the penitentiary and thirty las les—
titre, rashes .to Le ;rchnini.. tered within
the first six months. That's very dif-
ferent'from•what the fool' expected.
' The girl '.who was charitably 're-
garded by, tike .count as just . a • silly
thing,, easily led astray, ,wassent for
two years less one 'day .to the •liefor-
matory. ' •
Few enterprises 'end in 'such com-•
plete disaster, yet the pair got the
money '($2,867.)• out of, 'the ; bank' and
got away" with it. The girl 'he'd'. a
dummy gun •on the 'cashier,. while the
marc; armed ."with .a. sawed-off 'rifle
drove the • bank staff' and two women
.customers into the .vault,.
took -the,
money from the .teller's. cage and the,
two left. in a. car. But the, police al-
ready had word 'of the hold-up and
were. at once on the trail.
Ernie Connors . and :Kennth Walsh
evidenkly friends of Irving; who hc-
ceted h
p $].87 .of the stolen ,ninney and
who tried to shield Irving • from 'the
police, each got three years in_ the
penitentiary. • •
e• e police were greatly aided by
citizens svh'o eagerly gave inforii,ation
It makes a grc,•it difference in the
,enfor ement of law • whether public
,ympathy'is'w'itlt or "agin" the police
Is it i, in.stgiie crime -ridden com-
Divorce is on the increase in Great
Britain, but breach -of -promise suitS
are lessening. •Within the year only
two such cases have brptight the fair
find injnv'ed phiintiffs so much as
$25,000 in hc.artbnlm.
One i'nfluence has been the grow -
Monuni efta1 . Works
•o choose from, in . ' to sympathize- with .a, tearful blonde
ilarbl'e Scotch, Swedish and Cafi. patient. .
edam Gaiitea On the other. hand, some barristers
point out that the whole .uestion of
We make a specialty of Fayindy women's status has undergone a
:Vlo'numetitaail d,.P* .I'
rte our inape!- great change since Victorian days.
' tion.
Last week's Ripley Express • took
the following friendly r'ap at Lucknow
' That the Sepoy town is .becoming
more and more litre the Sahara Desert_;
is apparentfrom reset{: oecurances in
that buil'. A few weeks ago a disas-
trous fire wiped out the last hotel and
shortly after, a by-law to provide for
a new water` system that would be
adequate for fire protection and "do•
mestic use, w,' s defeated.. Now they
are in a quandry in regard to their
next 'Move. 'Times have surely ' chang-
ed singe pioneer days, :when. the v0 -
loge supported seven -barrooms and
three liqgor .stores, . 9"
-o .d -q----
By Jessie Allen :Brown.A • La wn Story
WI en•°I' see Ale*. lawns.3ieing made;
it re:hinds. • u, e,••• of , an • 'e•xperlenee•. we
had, „making •,a 'lawn. Up to that. time..
I 'half known that there was a grass
,and •twitch, grassi but other' than that,
all grass 'was 'grass,: and I did .not
know• there were ; so.•_many. • varieties.'
Not. 'knowing ,• anything ' about Making
a' lawn, . we decided- tot get some ex-
. pert advice, .and so'we went to the
green keeper of..„the adjoining golf
club.. Much •to our amazement, with-
in • a radius of.. a. .few .feet, he showed
us••no less' than,..9, varieties of. grass. •
Certainly,. we felt as :green as grass'
on the subject. •
• He • advised us, to, plant a Mixture'
of grass 'sesd,,,,equal '.parts of '.Timothy
A.Isik:e, 'Crested Feskue and Canadian
Blue 'Grass':. The .idea was, • •that the
Timeh.y and, A.lsike wou.Id..,gi've a
quick 'growth,. and would .protect the
slower:, growing g.sses until they
were• all well established..' Then'thes
flow growing- grasses would e'entu.•
•ally ;kill,' the: others .and' we would•
have a growth of the Crested Feskue
and, .Caltadian Blue Grass.
' Grass would be showing on• the 4th
day end, we would be cutting it by' the,
3rd.' week,• so he•toid us. It sounded
like quiclti; work, but. so .it happened
There on' the fourth morning,. was, a.
tinge of green .'all over the 'fawn, and
tf' a crit it the • third . week.
Ne ger would we have : had •,a lawn
if' we. had :not 'done. sentry duty. The
news. ; spread • fbr'th among' the 'birds,
that there .was • good pickings- lit the,
'Brown's,. arid they came from far -and..
near, to the paa•ty. The Sparrow's had
the most., retati'ons, •and were there
the.: dozen's, . But• there;
good many . other' -varieties
t too. We tried rigging ,up a
James 'i;arland 1+'bo owns a good
maple -bush farm mar Cargill has
long, been regarded as the ''leading
syrup :maker in Bruce County. The
Editor of the• Walkerton Telescope
visited Mr. Garland's' plant during
the recent sap season, and had • the
following iriteiresting' write-up regard-
ing his visit:
Last 1, 4.ursday. after noon tis a
guest' of mi. 'James Garlai}d, ,the
a/iapie r"'yru•p King of Bruce t . unty,
,and one • of the .largest' pru�lueers .11
.ehe • country, we ; spent .an. rn�ei:eting
hour at the' ev, rater oh one of his
properties, pea_ �arial. A :visit . to
a' sugar bush 1i hen tee work: is' • in
ful'1 swing iS••alnpiy. repaid No mat-
'ter how much one reaus oh ti'«e. sub
;jest,• the appreciation of it Cannot'
e0•mpare. with' actual 'contac:t. Bright
sunny days are: most desirable •'
•per'fect;:enjoynlei'it of:,,thio!;ty.pically
Can,adianu spring .activity '
Has' Been. Satisfactory Season .�•
`1'he..uay ofour'v'isit' was Lie last
ofthis, season's run, !luring which
te'sap' has been, good 7a poen quality
and quantity.".With the; exception ,of
1926, when 625 gaffe -rid -of syrup were
produced, the •result -565 gahons—•
of the past few weeks , is, one of the'
lost satisfactory ;in Mr. Garland':
long . experience in 'the business. Sia
`commenced, to,run on Feb .• 22nd, and
while' we' .were there' last `Thursday, �.
the men; With. teams, transporting it
to • the evaporators were engaged on
their last trips: for' this season. Last
year, when the 'sap only, netted Mr
Garland 325 .gallons ' of 'syrup,. v,as,
considerably below average.
Succeeding, Father •
A. Garland, who, of six ••sons
and Mrs. Garland, is the only
seeding his farther on 'the. ole
y,nhas assumed, charge of the
and ,sugar -making 'irrdu§try •
in" as he is known to' a wide.
of �frigg,nds, is remaining on the
,cannot 'reir�e-fiber the •titre'
in the snr;hg,'.he was' not like-
2,700 or 2;800. 'trees' -tapped
prop: the. Garland. business iC
+eir^!ve There are; a few oth-
he neighborhood t�ho enna•e
industry rep a� rather` large,
but Mr..'(7arland'has alwAvF.
e')earl^r: Thee. 'haves. an nit -tin:.
=a.,nratnr in Pah 'of twe' two
Tile business rPnresents an
eat of OCPs @'lrinn•
e Soii Su
of Mr.
one sue
syrup ..
but "Ji
job. He
.when, i
Wise' e `
• With
each se.
quite ex'
era in t
in. the .
scale, h.
beer th
-date et
of scare -crow, by •putting,
paper,• n string; and putting it back.
and fn th' across the lawn, wound a-
ro stakes. That taws not 'much use.
It :was effectual with a' few o:f•..thie.
mo e timid.' birds, but not the spar-
rows. ter the first look, they • per-
ched on the strings, and' let the rust-
ling paper fanthein to keep then' cool
in the hot 'sun. You could swoop down
on them with .•i fishing pole, and 'un-
leos you actually touched themthey.
rather enjoyed the performance.
JJ .However we had planted much more
than the' required seed, and there was
.enough for the birds and to make ,a
lawn too. It go*. so fast • that it
seemed like magic. I suppose never
again' will we get as much kick, a's
out' of that first lawn. •
It' is a :shame to spoil a good story,
biit' 1 must tell the rest of it. After'
much agitation, in which we joined
heartily, the powers -that -be, decided
to give us a concrete side -walk to re-
place the cinder path,: we were using.
Our joy in 'the natter was; somewhat
lessened; when we found that. the new
walk was to be• feet higher than the
al one, and 'left ..out beautiful lawn
down in a hole. There was nothing to
'do but fill it 'in. SO :the sod was cut
carefully, as we planned to replace
it. HO Never it took too long getting
it filled in that the sod• was all dried
out and useless. To make ,a'•lawn story
short, while all :this was • going on
we were moved to another city, sold
our hone, and the new owner had to
put' in'the next lawn: What he planted
I do not know.
More About Mail Order Eggs
It certainly pays to, let your wants
be known. I have had several oppor-'
tunities of getting fresh eggs, 're-
gulari',y I hear from a good ninny
producers, and those living at ..a dis;
tance, wantedto ship eggs in 6 or 12
dozen crates. That quantity of eggs
is too much for the average family,
for, by the time they are used the
'eggs are no longer fresh: 'Cadens,
• which hold 1. 2, of 3 dozen, and could
be sent cheaply by •parcel post, would,
fill a real need, and would_ be -a bene-
fit to both producer and consumer.
Virginia Baked Ham '
Cover a whole or half ham, with
'boiling water and 'cook until tender,
'probably from 3 to '31! hours. Never
let the water boil hard; but keep' it
just simmering Let the ham' stand in
'the water, in wieh .it has, been cooked
until 'cool: I' I to , to • let. mine stay
over -night. Remove the skin and rub
the fat with 'brown, sugar until :1l•'
the fat'is Well coated. Stick in whale
°loves, and bike X;tr\a.ilnw to moderote
oven for an hour:•'iServe hot. This
is delirious ton as co'd ham. Be•cate-
ful .not to ,bake it ton fast, as; the
'>i•owrn su^ar - coatingburns readily.'
Tine the Irani s'krrt to flavor lin^,i bea.L.s
and to taut in split pea soup. ' '
Cottage Pudding
1/,.cup sugar, 4 cup- milk. 1 tah'•e
spoon ',utter' 1 cup' tieur, 1 egg, 1'=
teaspoon 'baking powder. •
.Mel" butte'r,•add sugar ^hd stir well.
Add beaten egg, milk and flour sifted
with baking pnw•der. Bake : in a rounif.
cake tin •in fi quick oven' for 25 min-
utes. Serve' with sauce or -whipped
Caraniel Sauce , '
, i- cup brown sVgai,, 3' ,tableapout,s
butter, 1% tablespoons flour, ` 1 cup
boiling water.
• 1 ix sugar•,, flim;' • and_ -batter, aril
cook very slowly until brown stir -
'ring occasionally. Be very careful nut
to turn it, .is it would taste bitter,
but it must brown well. When brown,'
add, the boiling Water. and stir until ,'
1tixed..Re-heat' bcfere serving.
"` Ten: niatrininnyi was`iiF %ally'the•'',
only career open toa girl, an enga-
(tiscriptidns Neatly,. Carefuil.y and . meat of seven or eight, years ending
promptly Done. _.: - in breaeli of: promise, nug'htt 'easily be
hl yvemotional hurt.
iewed a 's` an economic as well aS aft"
E40 nu . before placing your order. - ]tut in au increasing
,,.. a number of cases to -,day tire` damage
+Inufslae Bron. R. A. Spotton is purely sentimental, 'and the . plain:
Phalle 74 of «.
L uchnoW
till' re no worse off economiesi11y than If
Phdno 256 slie were it young' man whose' sweetinghani boohad jilted h;r+i
'f. „
Sorting Sap For' 35 Years
We; had the pleasure of chatting
with Mr. Isaac Chambers, ,who.' has.'
been boiling sap ,for Mr. Garland'” for
35 years. This must be a record, and
though; :he thinks it is about time he
went on pension, he.appears good for
rnanv more seasons. The• evaporator -
over which' Mr. Chambers was pre-
siding is 5 by 20 feet in. size, divided
of course, into •secti•ons, beneath.
which was a roaring fire. From the
time the sap, in the tanks ,outside.
enters ,the evaporator it travels: 105
feet to 'the point where the • syrup
is drawn off and.cooled, before being
Improvement' •in . Methods
From 'the clays when .trees were
tapped V. shaped th an axe et so
holess, for cedar spouts, 'Mr. Garland'.
trac l advances in the industry. •'The': •
one and a half, inch hole, then.the .one
one, -
inch ho'e, but still the' cedar spout
followed. But today, a ''galvanized
•s.pout, seven.st yteenths .of'' an inch
dianietei•,,i.s used. These-spoutsdo, not.
injure` late trees.' Mr..G• Garland recalls,
vividly the^days .of.. the Wooden
trouFgh;,' end. compared to present ,
methods, other somewhat crude' meth-
ods. •
He places a great clesl of empha•;is..
upon keeping the utensils and every-
thing else very .clean. The sap is
strained before it enters the evapor-
ator, and. in doe , course; the syrup,
as it is drawn off.
The Garlarrids;' have hundreds of
customers, wholesale and retail, thru'
out Ontario, in, some of 11-e Western, •
Provinces, and in'the United ,States.
Their syrup and ;agar have fine
reputation for flavor sad quality. As,
far, We=t rac' Al''n-." 4►••e-e s,.n car^e
who grurehase f '1and .nrorl.rta rn_
Dually' nnri .recent]''+ cv,•nr eras
dispatched to.a man, in ?<lineapohs:.
We have had DTI.. (;ar'•,nrl surnly nc
with syrup for years, hot 1'a " .Thurs-
day, after en ovine•• tall<+:..' hick' he
niad'e t' - l.e . rem inlic in°•. "." etude
away' with • snm:e s,•^•sr. 10'1h: the eo»,-
',limelits 60" the -1Vlanle Syrup King
of Bruce'reeet' ,
SHAPE ' • • •
• - . • Lucknow
Phone 6,6 I =
I •
The Ne* N eCorm ck-Deering Drill is a
+_. ... .rills.
CoMbifil►atroi► of the Two Populari
�TI)ey are ..famed for ht talt, Strowg frame
Convenient 'a red Sure: Aa justments •
•:r s.,;.5'r,S Y':r W_�!3'�"" .r '. 1r±^• �r 5ttcnt�x... ,:.�w