HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-04-10, Page 8•
THURSU'r, A1aRILtlr, I�4�
For Best V
and Style 'r
We . Recommend
Easter Buying
;repe ,.
These are .all here .in 'Various Colors and Patterns
This is et-clusive business, thise cloths are said in dress len ths' onl
ifs y'•.
Store leads in Curtain .Materials .nd
Our an
Floor. ' Coverings
You 'Are Invited Here
• q.
. Bu weld Lucknow
The AY.P.A.. will meet .a.' week Miss ,Beatrice Culbert, i of;'Lucknow,.
:from , this. Wednesday, April 16, in'spent . the week -end with her friend'
Bt. Matthews 'Church, •Ringarf. The
'Vast meeting -was held in ,Bervie on
• Wednesday night, April 2. There was
•a good attendance and . a 'splendid
program. of "readings, music, ' contests
games 'etc., was enjoyed by all. '
Mr. and Mrs. Browning of Kincar='
dine Visited with Mr.. ,and Mrs: Thos.
Hodgins on •Sunday. •
Miss Audrey Hodgins spent Sunday
t ' home here.
e''are sorry to report the illness
of Mp. • 'Wm.. Cox- whois suffering•
with pneumonia. .,
The. W. A. will meet .on Thursday
afternoon at 'the Borne of Mrs.. Black-'
well and Mrs. Percy.
' Mrs. J. Percy and Alec • and Hazel
Percy visited at Glamis one day last
week. ' . •
The regular meeting of the W.M.
it was . held April 2nd, in the . Church
with the President' in the :chair.' The
meeting opened with a hymn. Mrs.
N. L. Campbell read the. devotional
leaflet "Persecutions Then ' and Now."
Mrs. Hodgins lead 'in prayer. Minutes
of 'previa, meeting 'were. read and
adopted. A reading 'Counting on Yon'
was given by Mrs. Burns. it was de-
cided to• hold our Easter' Thank Of-
fering Meeting Wednesday evening
‘,.at which we will be favored with an
address by ,Mrs. Menzies. Mrs. Craw
then• gave us a report of the Hamil-
•'toit Conference" Branch Meeting of
the W.M.S. including. an outline of
the, work • of Mr. Cochrane, one of our
Home Missionairies in Northern On-
tario. ,
A quilt was presented . to Mrs.
Craw' 'for Miss Helen Craw by the
Ladies'. Aid -and W.M.S.
The meeting .i/cased with a hymn
and the repeating' of the ;Lo'rd's prays-
er in unison. 1
—0 o c'—
Miss Susie • Kilpatrick spent the
week -end with friends.in Dungannon.
Master Billy, ,C'ampbell is, staying
with his •int `• Mrs. V ni. Crozier:
Mr Aldin Hasty, was home from
Lucknow sehgol for 'the week -end.. .
Mrs. Blake and family were guests
• of Mr: mid Yrs. Sid Cib'son of Strat-
ford • on Sunday. "
• Mr. and Mrs. John 'Kilpatrick spent
• 'Sunday with the.latter's, parents at
Mr. Wilfred Irentati held n very
succ'essfu'l _•sale' on Tuesday.
Miss Agnes Matlack • visited Mrs.
Bert Treleaven on Thursday.
The monthly meeting of the W.M.S'.
was held at 'the' horde of Mr:' Jeliyt
Kilpatrick with 14 menbets present,
After Devotional e,ce-»i'es, reedint"c
were. given by Mrs Bert Treleaven
aifd Mrs. Rev. Keine. Mrs. Watt and
airs. Itayniottd Finnigan each render-
ed a solo, Mrs. Shackleton read a let -
tet from Mr* (Rev) Walker a form-
er pastor's wife now in China, Wilful',
of 'the sac'r'ifices of the' Missionairies,
and Mrs. Wilfred llreneati mid Alma
— $lake sang' -duet which- -was ntuc i-
sppr'eciated: Them -eating was closed
and the hostess served flinch'•
It Ws'eit silting until the golf l'clowa
pi►te hes pa 'sit the greens, . .
Miss ,Jean Anderson..
. The' Young People's ,'Society is in-,
vited to the Parsonage for; a social.
eventing, Friday night. •
Mr.. and Mrs.. Wilbur Brown ispeitt
Sunday afternoon -at Mr.: Thos.. And-
erson's. • , . ..
Mr. ` and Mrs. 'Davide Andrew: 'and
family, Mr: and Mrs. Alfred. Andrew
and, family, and Mrs. Isaac Andrew
called on relatives'•. . here Saturday
evening. ,Mr. and Mrs. David Andrew
.and family leave on Tuesday for
The play "Always in' Trouble" put
on here. in the Township Hall last
ThursdaY was a -real Success: Much
credit is due each character: •Anyone
wishing to secure talent for an even-
ipt would be well eleased with these,
young ' amateurs. Messrs. Levi. and
Eldon. Eckensweiller, Messrs. George
McDonald and Jack McCharles, The
Harris Orchestra, Means: Fred Lake
eretStanley, solo by Robert McDonald
'accomnanied by Mr. Homer Harris
with his bare°, all helped to make
the evening a success. Next Thursday
nieett is our regular danee night And
the last, night for the season. .
"Mr. and Mrs. Tyndall.Robinson,
and Mrs: Melvin Irwin and little
daughter were Sunday iisiters at
Howard Robinson'S.
Mr. and' Mrs. Richard and
family Miss Vera Robb of Amberly
and Miss /Myrtle Webster of Lucknoiv
were Supday' visitors at Abner
Joseph Elliett, of Detroit, spent a
ter (lava recentiv with his sister,
Mrs. Almer Ackert. ,
recent visitor with her \friends, Mrs.
White and Miss Lizzie Pierce:
, Mr. Alex Pierce wile, had the mis-
fortune to be trainned be a row and
as a result confined to his bed for a
few days, is improving.
"Pm Coming" and "The Farmer in
the Dell" are two -,popular songs
Mr. Ant Mrs. Charlie pnngiam were
Sunday visitors of Mr. and .Mrs. Thos.
Harris: •
serious illness nf Mr. Will Colt. who
is confined to his bed for ,some time
*ith pleuro pneumonia. Mrs. Stub-
bert of Lucknow (formerly ehristera
Itawkshaw It N.) is in attendinee.
*S. Safi Cox his mother who hes
been in New York 'with her son Rey.
Benson Cox. returned home 'Tuesday.
Thomas Horrid ard family are busy
In the bush these days Making maple'
The regular Meeting of the-l'VitH -
was held at. the home of Mrs, VI
the President. Mrs. Fred Theinnson
and visitors Present, Mrs. Earle
Hodgins gave paper on "Furnishing
.s Home on Moderate Means," All
enjoyed . community singing. Miss
Hazel Percy and Mrs. Josenii Hanna
were ghosted calash) for A eontest
to fho -greeAtirt,tt "attelidairre mit to- Mr'
monthly meetings for the...next sit
Varied ideas,- of finiehing fleet& The
Miss Annie liughes was benne frinn
Owen Sound te attend: the :Lineral
of the late Dave Macintosh ef Tees-
Mr. a Mrs. Fraser of Cleveland,
visited t.. week with the Iatter's
sister, Mrs. ,D. MeMurchy.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ensign visited'
recently with Mr: and Mrs. T. Dexter
Mr. ancli.Mrs. Tom • Roach, spent
Saturday with Wingham friends. d
- Miss 'Jessie Macintosh (if London,
is spending a few days with her par -
rived home frOm Hamilton on •Slitur-
day last.
The ThoMpson Bros. are busy these
days with their outfit cutting wood.
Miss Lena 'Robinson of Wingham,
spent a day at‘her home last week.
The funeral of the late Mr. john
Mekenzie an old resident of the Sec.
Con., took place on Saturday last to•
Kinloss Cemetery.. He was eightyL
three years of age, and leaves two
brothers to mourn his loss.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Martin and Mi.
and Mrs. Wm. Robb spent Tuesday
evening 'with Mr. and, Mrs. T. ,Robin-,
Miss Dean McLeod spent last week
with friends in Widths*.
Some of the formers in this•vicinity
have aterted their spring ploughing
but Of 'conrSe were held up by the
great snow storm ef bionday.
WItti said winter was Over? The
climatic cenditions have been any-
thing but spring like the last few
days. Old man -Winter evidently had
a come back foi the unseasonably
mild weather we eejoyed , the last
Mr. and Mrs. David Andrew and
children spent a few days with Zion
friends before leaving on Tueeday. of
this week for theit neW h.otne in Ver.;
million; Alberta, wheee Mr. Andrew
has been engaged oil the staff of the
Prov. Agricultural Collge since Dee,
While we extend our congtatulations
on his advancement. we regret Abet
it necessitates his removal from this
section of the Province, as both Mr.
end Mrs. Andrew represent a high type
.of Canadian eitizenship.
The play. Yonson's Yob"
which was presented in the Orange
Hall here on FridaY".night last, by
the Zion Dramatic Chib (Berrie) WAO
Orneil enjoyed by the large crowd at-
tending. The several roles were well
sustained by each member 'of the
cad, the portraYal of Sylvia (the
Miss Sheir. end that of Frank, her
erook lover. by Mr. Shewfelt, being
arid Kitty, the Pttle Mintier, Miss Mc -
'Following the play ilancing was
gaged in for a few honrs,
spent 'Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Sam -
lel Reid.
Mr. Alfred Andrew of Owen Setind
Andrew, and Wirmitred ori his retere,
they baying spent alWeek with rela-
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Treleaveit end
'aridly of tungannon vidited Mt,
and Mrs: Isaac Andrew's -on-,-Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hinteri of
Oakville visited with 'Zion friends
Mr, and Mtg. Thos. -Helm Onelnh
NatiOnal AndtOrli sP-111`'; 11.1.;1 till* hate returned %tree :the a -pending a
vat' lunch, gal*
Aad was expected by tie police; the
twp Indians on trial 'here Wednesday
afternoon of last eekx pleaded ggt-
ty to the charge of 'breaking into A.,
li. Finlayson's ,store. h'1oseS 'did not
receive sentence however, as he has
to appear in court at Southampton
Qn April 9th . •to • an.Swer• .to three
charges of theft and' •lionsebreaking,
at Southampton. Wesley got two
years at the "Jail Farm for,his slidre
in the'crime, and for .previous wrongr.N
doing of which he ,had .been .convicted
ands let go en: seepende 1, sentence:, •
• TYe' housebreaking at Southampton
withzvjiich Mose" .47 chseropri•' . was
Committed' . last fall.:: A,. brother' .of
Moses was caught• and convicted.' of
having. a part m.�•these :ekinies slid
got five years' in Kingston Pentiten
tiary for his•'share:' The •present• Mole:
es "elected the :pollee at, that tune but
he evidently' did not: mend' his ways
Havi g added •another• crime • to. his
record he will • likely now get a fairly
long tern ' at. Kingston. .•
Elizabeth. Kalibeii, the squaw •wlio'
was travellingwith the ,two Indians
in the .robtery was .Mit here on Wed
nesday.. ' She --later appeared 'before
and was .in. 1 inlayson's store helping
`Magistrate Walker. at Walkerton, and
got six months determinate and six•
'monthsindeterinihate^ sentence: to the
Mercer Reformatory at .Toronto. She'
is .quite young'- 18;, or 19 years
age, and is 'un fortunate in not -having.
Parents or . a home on • the Saugeen
Reserve where she •belongs; The In-
dian Wesley hsd` induced.: her to. , ge
away with, him •
Wesley, was _charged 'also; with , hav-
ing'stolen a .bicycle ,at Stratford•, and
he admitted this. theft also. This Is
the bicycle which Constable Moore
fished out of the river just:.east of
Lucknow station, after 'the Finlay
son robbery. The.owner• was ' located'
in Stratford shortly .after: 7
. The, Court Room was well filled at
the court sitting,'" quite a number being
interested •in a cage in which a' local
yoUth was charged with the theft of •
three skunk •skins„ from neighboring
boys' He ,admitted the theft and got
30' days in ,Walkertofl . jail. „As he was
oiit on suspended sentence from.: a
`former conviction- the magistrate, gave
him something of •.a lecture , saying
that, . under the `circumstances, , the
extreme penalty was seven years in
the •penitentiary... However .'he , would
:'be. ,lenient and gave the 'youth only
30 -days in the Walkerton prison..
The I,ueknow UniRted Climb .Choir
.will present the ,sacred Cantata - "The
Nazarine" at .the evening' Easter
Sunday. service. '
Presby eriaf Guitld
The •meeting,' Monday ,evening was
opened by singing .a hymn .The• Scrip—
Ore' reading taken 'by Mrs, .1:1. M.
Thompson was Followed by repeating'
the Lord's Prayer in unison. The topic:,
"What Barriers. Keep People Away
From Christ" was taken by they 1Zev,'
E, O', Gallaher. A reading was given..
by Margaret • MacDonald and • a reci-
tation by Graham Sher'rifT :The mus-
ical numbers wey'e'a solo by• Mrs. J.
W. Jpynt, a duet by 'Mrs: MacKenzie;
ands Mr. P i hp ;Stewart and rostra::
.rientals given .by Mrs .11 Nixon , on
the ' .violin accompanied by. , Mrs.,
Agnew at the Plane. The meeting
closed bysinging; a hymn follwed by
prayer :by: Riev. G. °H. Ma•4Uonald° .
United Church
The l'egular' 'meeting. of
the' United Church was. held on Mon
day evening andhands:
'' was. in the
of .the. Lookout Committee. The •meet.:;
ing opened • with .the singing of. .
hymn followed 'by the reading Of 'the.
Scripture lessen: Miss 'Helen Thomp-
son sang a solo. The topic "Great
Ideas that Have Spurred Men ` to
' Action" was very ably taken by Rev.
Tavener of Ashfield . Circuit. A. duet
was rendered by Enols 'Buswell . and
Florence. Hodgins. Frances Thompson
recited" "The Herne Trail." •. A very.
'enjoyable number was :'a piano duet,
"Ben Hur's Chariot Race" •played by
Jessie MeeKenzie . and Winnifred
Armstr.nng The meeting closed • with,
the singing of 'a hymn ,and repeating
of Mizpah 'Benediction.
The Ripley Junior Fappers and
Junior Institute have invited the
members of the Lucknow Juniors to
spend a social evening with them in
the Township Hall on Wednesday,
April 16th. Anyone hp.ving no way .of
going, and these who• can take one or
more in their cars. please notify Geo.
Kennedy before Monday, April 14th.
Miss Lizzie Cotilier visited on Sint -
day at the home of her uncle, Mr.
Frank Coulter.
Mr's. Duncan Ida -Donald of k St.
Helens, 'is nurging Mrs. John 'Craig
Sr. and Mrs. Menary of Lucknow• IS
nursing Mr. Scott.
Mr. Ken. Paterson had a very suc-
ansfill sale lett Thursday.
Mr., Aobert Renry.Purdon who was
called home owing tO the serious ill-
ness •and death ,of his mother return-
ed to his home. in the West on Tues.?
'day, hinephews-ltiessrs. Hugh David
and Pobert Henderson went -West
Mr. Walter Foster ie to be con.
tratuleted on -coming 4th in class
of 20, studying stock ut Clinton last
Mr. Ed: Gaunt cave home from
Wingham Hospital last Friday.
The blackinait ease at Kineardine
which at one time Iooked like a
erfine sensation of' the first magni-
tude turned out to a' "practical
'joke," arid the, charge of blackmail
,against J. Wilson lias been withdrawn
It W,as for several occasions before
MagiStrate Walker, and each time
the hearing was pastponed, It came
tip again on Marcli'l 28, when coundil
for the defendant asked that it be
laid over until the 'rie# court.
ptottit appearing for Reeve td. For! -
rester, who had received, the black -
malting letter said that, it written
explanation 'el the affairs had been
handed. to his client and -that they,
drawn_;fhe crown attorney agreed
"6- nil •a-tcrtill WaS-river.
tt is said that the affair originated
eiti• lditiate for the reevesbip stated to
a group of young men that if lie won
the bet he would -treat the crowd. He
Won, but didn't treat, So the letter
was sent to him demanding $ti,„,6 0.nd
• dismissiee -the case ,Magistrate
Walker Mid that it was a very MO -
tenet taatter. even if Intended as a.
ohle to be lenient fp dealing with
140 charge.
The Rev. R. Perdue; Inspector for
the Children's Aid, Society' for Bruce
County, •and 'hiswife' had a . narrow -
escape from injury .on Tuesday, of
last . week: T'hey.. were ontheir way.
from '' Walkerton to. Kincareine.
and were some distance beyond Mi11-
erton when°their car skidded on the
slippery., road and went into the 'ditch.
The car, , a Durant sedan was. badly
,damaged, :the estimated cost. of -re-
pairs being about $5021, The ear turn-
ed completely . over and . rested on its
side. Mr.. Perdue broke a glass, in the
door and he and. Mrs., Perdue got
out through the opening. A car , on
its way from Kincardine tothe Couii-
ty town took them' home, and the
damaged' d'ar was i Iter towed , in. ,
There was a . sleet "storm on at the
time 'of the mishap, and the snow
collecting on the windshield made it
impossible for :the driver to seethe
road. Mr.. 'and Mrs. Perdue escaped
with,' nothing. worse than a shaking
up andthe•shock natural to such an,
—o 0 0 --
The Attirney Generals Dept. has
announced the appointment of a third
proviicial constable for _Bruce Coun-
ty, this one to have headquarters at
Kincardine: °Conditions have been ra-
ther had in the Lakeside Town ,,for
some• years—the local : authorities
evidentIy unable to' suppress , drunk
,enness, bootlegging and thieving.
The trouble over the retiring consta-
ble appears to .hale' been due to his
failure to look after drunks. _ The
provincial man will be , independent
of , local opinion and influence and,
the law will be •better enforced.
-If the core borer inspectors and the
that many farmers were under the
Provincial Entomologiqt it was stated
imoression that be-ause the Rorer
had been redueed in most of the
counties under the Act, it was. no
longer a serious rinnare, and'
fore the Act. would net 'be strictly
enforied this year. If this stAthment
was correct it is unfortunate 'and very
As stated by Professor L. Cae:r.
Provincial Entomoligist; the tgrer
hist darrrernus an insect to -day as
it was, and all it needs to enable it
to play havoc With -our corn is to be
-lven a chanee such -as it would have
if the Corn Borer Aet- was net en-
forced. Corn erewers Oittario
-have to beeorne accnstiitned to the
fact that cleaning un corn remnants
thotonglily finch spring will .henee-
forth be a regular part of farm Op-
eratiOns. ' There is no 'other knee ti
way of Cornhating the borer. Even in
!Europe this is the' only til•ay *of pit: -
venting heavy losses.
:,The Corti Borer Act will he etifore-.
ed this year as, in foriree ycars
Every man -4411 be rennired to- rlean-
either by 'gathering .or "
"4:14Or:illyge-inpeolir'ut);:hAmt7g, :itrhetili-47-hieurnde.sTr-PlIa:ubdnce,,nr,t;,,,Yt
Mt. O. Oinn states that the Mean nu
in. the past ings been satisfarlort.
The sanicproregure! most he followed
this year and in future yearq,, Nri
enforcement of the Act would he the,
indoing of ail; aceornMIShed so fpr
in the tontrotof this pest
If all to who'll corn is valrable cron.
The Malt who speaks. about getting
down' to brass tacks may be trying
in Just Another , Weel
The New Styles depicted in
smart Materials. Printed Srlks=
Cre'ie G'o.iie—Georgette .and:
Flat.•;Crelie. ' •
—$12.76-,-- .$17.50 -- 425oo
•Novelty, Tweeds Flerrin ;banes:
and Plain- Shadesein -Twill Fabrics
$12.00 --= to(f- $45 eb
• Misses'. and Matrons Styles so
much. in Yogue 'this season.
. .$19.00 -- .to - $25.00':
r 'FINE FURS :. .
.Chokers to .adorn. the Spring
Suit or Furless Coat.
.- $25.00 =• to $75:00 —
NECKWEAR •.-"- -, BAGS .,.
New and Clever Accessories
that are so important at this par-
ticular •season.. Special Prices for
• .ILayser: Productions that have
a charm all their own. Perfect
.fitting . and Supreme in'.Color. • ."
$1.50 $2.00-
Original ,Creations in Sprifig
Straws •and Braids. .' .
$1.95; —.$3.00 — to —14.50
in,g Bros.
LYONS—In fond and loving mein-
ery of Mrs. James Lyons who paseed
away April 8th, 1924.
"Never morning, dawns, never night.
returns, but We remembet you: Sadly
Next :Sunday is Palm Sunday. See -
Vices on Ashfield Circuit-131ake 11
Quarterly Board ineeting on, the
evening of April 1:50, at 8 P.M. at
The April 'Meeting of Paramount
U.F.W.O. *ill be held at the home of
Mrs. Grant McPiarmil On April 15.
Roll Call "Hints on:Housecleaning."
A social evening will be held in
dey evening, April 17th. for 1930
.Gente-135c. Ladies. please bring lunch.
Program and Dancing. ,
0.A.C. %Barred Rocks at 420.00 per -
hundred, and S. C. W. Leghorns at
$18.00 -for Anti! 16th .and 22rd, from
our own choke heavy laying pens.
Our ehicks may.cost a little now, hut'.
in the end they' are melt cheaper than
lo* priced chicks. We have many sat,
$17.00 per 100. These prices et the
If you are in need of. brooder stoves
feeders and waterers; please reirem-
Can also slinply Perlia Chick Feeds.
Phone Blyth 10 24.
Barred Pnck Pehy chicks, $1r..01
Chicks. $14.00 per hundred-. Two lum-
died dr over eili,nr kinrit 81.00 no-,
hundred less. Patching eggs $5.61
four cents ner egg or four hundred
New' and seeond-hand ineubators.
and brooders at barhiiii prices..
Get 'your order in now and trot
.Flelivery when :you went them. I hare
increased r.,y hatching capacity. Call
Phone 611-42. Virin•rhare.
iv 'II
Fortune. fla- tottery
If Yen want eggs n'etizt Winter, buy
eottio birel< to Its year after year.' We
are booking orders now fin' April and- -
wntfl lab 16r. C. White
LPgherrisr until Aptil 15th 16c., until
May 15tif 15e. •
Phone, Wroxeter 012, Ring 8.