HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-04-03, Page 87,(1,
iqui awa,14$4,
. ' •
•nneeee „s like .§.1ieeesee
Weld tinier, with a hit of truth
'MOM* UM. like Failure;' t thews,
let �f truth in: that too; ••.. • • •
:"Unto him that beth shall be gle-
ns" that's another great. mith recog-
nized .long, 'Wag " •
t4 had evidence enough of all this
Sunday ,evening , when 'weft listened to
Rogers, fainous alluittrisf," earn-
ing twelve : thousand and five-luindred.
dollars In fifteen. minutes,. That's the
biggest pay pet_mint.ite,We ever heard
. of.• Men ogetting, though its -May • he
',Opt some ;mate "stars" hive been
. • paid as much Or more. MS0 stack
'Market gamblers have .rnade •isioney.
'at :all'era faster rate:spilt this onM.
Roger/ Was;,juet ailed for 15 initiates,
at the price ;milled. A •United States
• shoe manufacturing .firni hitedhim to
, talk for .15 minutes Over a 'network
• of 'radio tstations covering practically.'
• the Whole of Mirth Asnericas;.-that is
lie could beheard ell over the ciaitins.
A.W-Nieheiselt WOE Oas
• 9ill)Y the pull* of the Lueknow
*„.Church.neat SiiloNy evening.
•igre, :wee Menzies, • of 110ent;
China, will Awl* at the Unitedahnreli•
Women's Easter Thankoffering meet-
• ing an Wednesday, ARO 9th at 8
„Did, yin' itiar hiiti?:Soire of you
tiids MOW Of you did not. Well, after
all, It yon didn't you„slide% mtss,
minas *Opts the • satisfaction you
Might get out OfIlhearing a Men tnik
at $833.33 pet minute, :for taat'S, the
• ,Way it figure* atits
. We, venture to thails thit. Rogers
-Wanted one thousand. Uteri Per ,mins:
ute, (05.000),..that the' shoe Onipany.
offered 'ten thousand 'dollars; ,anci that:
they agreed to .split the difference.
,That May be they arrived at the
$12,50 for the' 15 mietites, "
.. Well; What did Rogers. Say?. Was
- it geed?. As to that (minions wifldif-
fer.Tor eni part:: We .-didet tail*
ilitieh of it. jnf,'ictive think that , if
the. 'talk had been given by arlYb947
else time Will Rogers it would
thought just toOliths and we are sinite
aura that' 'Many listeners would be.
, •
' quite disgusted. •' • .
He first 'spoke abont, California,
(by the,wayAie V.Tis speaking at :Lek
, Angeles; CalifOrnia,),referrieg tO its
delightfnI, cliniate ;inn all the'suns
• shine it had, andhow the peoPle there
,z'reachtl ,ont to poll everythipg their
• •
• ...Away, They 'started this early, for he
7 siaid„ that“when the Creator Was mak-.
tile eountry and dividing up the
sunshine' and other .good things, they
tent .4 -delegation to: interview . the
Heavenly; Father. V,ith a View tO kitt-
ing everything` in sight,: and then
some.EVidentlir it Was an 'influential
delegation, ;and that is hew Califon -
t so inueltL-why, the people out
there stay in bed three .'honis longer
In the morning, and Can stay up three
hourelater at night than can the peo-
. . .ple at New', York for entmple.• Then
• he took a few skeins at the chinches
and the minister:se/he .presently woind
' • be filling the air with their sermonS
• • to which few would listen; except ..as
• the 4 were turning the dial to pick up
Amos ln Andy. . .
• After getting of this stuff Rogers
• 1 ispoke of the fine shoes made by the
company he: was talking for. How. the
a • shoes were made to fit, not the feet
but. the cern and. bunions, and , how
, they would adiust twisted' toes, and
be so comfortable and aceommodatinf
Ihnt they would. look neat and small
ptc When exposed in Company and expand
to comfortable proportiOns when the.
lady wearing theni had her feet under
the table.. 1 •
. There you have the Substance • •of
the $12,500 Wk which lasted. just 15
minutes. Of course, it Was all getter:
.Off in a humorous WeY, whieh we don't
pretend to reproduce or describe. Mt,
Rogers is, or was, a•hinnotist all right
He made a fortune by his talks And
writings since lie Was "discovered".
in New York a few years ago0 lie was
• thee just at tinedueated cow boy with
• a wild west she*, and it vista inevits
- • able teme and Wealth -anal as came to
hint would spoil 1.sirri. Perhaps too,
• people got to expett too much- from
• ,Iiiiii..Pethaps ilia is what spoiled this
Callan% Speech for some. The great'
. hunierilit lia's t task -in living
• tip to his reptitat4, lid Making vied
Naturally folks_ e ected a great deal
for nearly a thousand dollars a minute
• ,But that spectiteular pee was one
Of• the ticks, b whieh the
any got a big audience for their ad-.
vertisirig. Rogera i te he "On the Oro
. for tile next la StIncleySw from 8 to
iL:15, R. S.,. Pr, but for these 13 "p:p-,
pearinces" Ite voill -get ,enly 0,000
0115 minutes. Of ceurse, he has to
• prepare ide speeches., like* with a
• good deal of care -and then Ile hag
his reptitation. That's what sell.sl
!ito him -that hath shall be:give/116
_ -
e 600Entoi rule 04. Ti
•'he tag rate in dodeticit toWil Will
'be for public School sUppert,
erg and 50 mine tor setvirate sighOol
st • kreeiotteri. This is, the tome, as the
• . -
The 'meeting opened by singing a
hymn followed by Prayer by.
Pickering., The Scripture reading
was taken by Catherine CamPbell. A
recitation was given by Isobel Doug-
las. The topic was taken by Miss
Helen Maeperald and a duet was giv-
en by Mr. and Ws, Horace Aitchison.
The main feature on the Program
was a tallc given by Mr. Robert Rob-
ertson, which was vet, much enjoyed
by -everyone. :The.. meeting closed by
-singing a aymn,. tallowed by prayer
by Mr. Robertson. •
Y. W. M. S., Pres./Church
• The Yining Women's Misousisso
Society held their regular monthly
meeting et , the 'Manse on 'Thursday
.eventegs Mardi .28. Atter. the Opening
hymn and • prayer, . Mies Henderson
,continned the fable Study from Acta.
17th Chap, The 'topic "Schnell Homes
in Canada" 'wee taken by ldrs. Hor-
ace' Aitchison, *miss May Davison
gave a reading "Prairie Lighthouses
in Canada." A duet by Mrs. C..11. Mc-
Donald and Mrs. Horace Aitchison
was much enjoyed: The meeting dos -
ad with prayer by Miss Ida Reid. ,
St Peter' k A.Y.P.A.. '
St.. Peter's A.Y.P.A. met in veinier
session, Monday night. The' prograin
was in charge of the "Whites" Who
now lead by the slig1Wmairgin Of to
for the season's, activities: PollaWing
• the singing Of a liymts thesSetipture
'reading and, prayer, Rev. 11,r.
iaher gave an address On "Mothering
-Sunday" rhich tell On Sunday lest;
•the Fourth Sunday in Lent. General
'business concerned the bringing of
a _play, the pteratatioe for summer.
Work And then a motien ivas pessed,
to dend a.,gift and a letter of synapr
:ath* to Mr.: John Hityvverth, wite'4•As
• injured on Friday. The program Con-
sisted of. musical selection by Mr.
• Evan' MeQuillin, duet by kific
Cooke, and Mrs. Hassall. Appropriate
• Contests concluded • the evening.The
• next meeting will"- be held en Holy
Week and will be Adapted to that ee.
easion:. There will 'be . a • corporate
canurfunioe, fer-the A. Y. P. A. next
• mOnth. ••
• :,Last Sunday morrting,nineinembers
were ;admitted. to the Order Cif the
Idornieg Star; Sunday evening, . the
rector spoke onChtist's relationship.
• toMinnanheeds Sunday beingAlothers
ing Sunday.'1PaSsiori Sunday fella on
April: 6th, and there will. be 'a cele-,
braticin of the Holy Communion.
• -1141;4149.1t, fl:019(44 REPORT
Attem ,
Clarke 87: M. :RW.,
gide 83: 11:McDonald $2; S. CellYee.
78; 0 A..,r1UStreng and C. 'FinlaYsen
70: 0. MCDOrAd PasS-4 Pam,:
er.011_._.71,1 'Fliket 71asE'.. $019Mon 71;
K. Femie.19.31, X. MacPherson and F.
Afeeinties 67; D. Berry, and MRend,
(Moen fig:. M. Johnstone 53.; Below 88%
Gf_trrtiss 59: W.' Walker 49*; D.
Honee • :••• • '• :
Newton ',
Johnston 2. 1.Douglas 76.Pisa,:
" . . ,
B. -Solwn 70: B. MaCKenzie 09s L:
:Hone and 'J. Meelfillart 68; Mac-
Keozie 66: I. Hamilton041: W: Harvey
63:<A. MaCIntosh• 62i J. *recall 51:.
Joy' 6i. c, Jewitt .61;
son and Pr. ThemPitt*fi8., .1.3610..*40%
Ager 561 55 ' Es" Web-.
ster 04;,. PiWebster 48:;V Stewards
' 0T/int-mad one tist. .
1. ivr.ncpiliam,
. 7 Remit
Sr. IIIs--.Henae-A. •Horne 98: F.
Armstrong 86: R,' Parker. 83i G.Sher-
riff 83: E.. Johnstone 80:',11/1..stiseer,
76: A. 'Leith 75: L. MacDonald 15.
Pase-;--R. Ostrander 72 N. Taylor 71:
A...Henderson- 67s, H. Ritchie 65:
•NfacIntosli 63: M. Pekes 62: D. •Miet-
Kinzie 62; Below 60%--s.C: Hunter. 58'
G. Whitby 50:',E; Cote.'55: Atm,
strong 43S-D.sDiotiock 32: T. Dyinock
. .1
• *. ;./•4`. -7Tr •.ra**,0009111-Ar44,4PPO*5.,
mUNtemloNs- ocucts SAE .OP
P000113TY Tile TOWN$U•Ae •
Jr. III--Hon,-M. MacDonald 85:
•J., MacDonald 79:. Jessie Henderson
75. Pass -11. Mahn 68:. J. Culbert
_66: D. Smith 66: H. Twamley 66:.M.
Solomon 61: H. Thompson 6L Below
60%--A. Aitchison' 58: M., Webster
57: C. Havens 56: Joy. Hem:10mM 55:s
J. MacLeod 55: A. Jewitt 53: O. Web-'dustriee as there would be altogether
• The Bluentatee Theatre, Kincardine
Will open oti;APril 4th with the all -
talking Moving pictures. This is the
'first town in Bruce County -to give
the 100%, talkies.. The Bluewater is
a fine theatre and will no doubt re-
ceive -a wonderful. patronage, Mi.
Willim Hunter is to be commended
for giving the public such high Class
(3-4-c.) '
• BOAN---:At Wingham' Hospital on
Saturday, March .29, to Mr. and Mrs.
T.: J. Salkeld. a son -Lawrence Allan
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cranston moved
to Wingluim on. Tuesday.
Mr.. Sant ,Durnin was home from
Milverton for the week -end.
Mrs. W. E. McPherson of Luticnow
• was a visitor last -week with her•dau-
ghter, Mrs. Will Rutherford, •
Mr. Cliffe Murray had the 'miss
fortune to havetti finger broken rec-
ently; .
Mr. ;and Mrs. Neale , and family
left on Tuesday for their new home
it Grimsby. Mr. Neale has been with.
Mr. Joynt for four years' and the
best wishes of many friends go with
Mrs. Chas, Dernin Si,. telebrated
her eightieth birthday at° the home of
her daughter, Mrs. Colin MacDonald.
Her eldest son. Mr. John Durnir. sets
Celebrates his birtliclay on April 1st,
and her danghter Mrs. John Deyell
and Mr: besrell of Whilst's:Si .were
visitors ,with their Mother fist • the
occasion. Congratulations.
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson/and • to
phildren of McGaw, arrived/cm 1.1e.
aay. Mr. Ancierson will be employed
With Mr...Toynt and will occupy one
of • his farms
We are 'dewed to,,tenort that Mr.
George Webb is improving
Weddink Hells are ringing loddly
in tint burg, • s
Mr, and • gra, 'Wm. t Maellotitild em
tertithied their friends with a dance
last Wednesday evening.
.Quite -a number from thle burg M -
tended tles donee nt Mr. and Mrs,
JOSenh Onett of NIross Ptido,
Mrs. J. Mertiatin Anent the week
owl with fiends
Mr. Clifferd Weliater is dietstirig
Mr. Robert IliteWart• for a few weeks
Me§esrl. testio Taylor anfi
Milierslettsee Vrlahy ferstiss We's'ss.
the forlitet f*oirte to Davidson and
the lattet to Moo-settiln.
idrr and Mrs., John Caslirk Al Cul -
rest were Sunday guests et Mi. and
Ttrs0 e�, IlasktieSS. and M. and Mrs.
Editor. Luelatow B.e.ntinev •
• heat .•‘• the Village --but there are.
• Aa a vote will betaken on April' different points of -view as, to what
•76, as to tae ,installation. of a Ate will 'hting the largest measure: of
protection system 4;14 leiter Sepnly ProPParitY. ' ' , •
'fort our town, you kindly permit ' Now that the hotel•is gene there is
spao to .state our Viewa and Another. Matter *hid* requires perique
also make. a ,tequest, , .• aeosideration, We 'must have 4=11110:
0 41 the first .place we wish to speak dation .for the travelling public: '-
only on tae system as for fire protees , launlzkely that the peeseot
t;on We as a lintwho have been ern., 'er will rebuild or that any ether. per-
•ployera' of taboerin our town •for the Pen will put a, stifficiept amount of
past thirty-two years, masa to bring Money. into 4 building to provide good
• tci the.•ettentten.of the voters also our lotel acconunedation, A, good hotel is.
residents a few iteins:of what One of the best.' aseeta:thesvillase Can
has.'.beep.oiti ,out by Our sfiriti Our:. enhances tbe value of ",;011
a period of the last..fiv,e years, namely other vl1iga 06ppity. : •
We have Paid: out in our factory, at, Then might we suggest 'tlath 'it
Wakes in ,f,iye Years' '8158,8311.80., and wOT1-, be better, after providing for
in.the sameperiod., have paid' to the: adequate and efficient 'fire estoteetion.
.fernsate Of, our eonunitnitr .for logs, *Veit everybody wants, to, Use a large
.$32;246.37 and have paid 'to the 'Men Portionof what remains of the
sixty -
who ' '0'er:de& our siiWipill for that five thOitiland dollar (365,000). prop
time $5,,820;23.This ansount is largely ,otsitlon t2 buqd .and email' a handing
our town se that Ala easily s suggested..
seen how much money is left In our A good, hetet is; an absolute neces-
town from year to year on account sitsr-a standspipe net, as about 90
of this industry being located in our per, dent of the citizens have good.
• .
town. .
' (kinking 'water. There would inv.:
4; to fire protection, we feel that enue from properly eonductedlopee,
should out' tactoty be. swept by fire to nay,:n fairly good. interest on, the
at any time, there 'is no, system at investment and of "nurse it Would. be.
preeent able to cope with the situa-: exempt ttoM taxation. ,
:tion and our factory would he. a total , Seree,one has seggested, that onthe
losS: It is quite certain it would not Willett oft troposed by-law, there
be rebuilt because it would be useless shoVil • an. optional vote, as for Ott:.:
to. rebuild a factory in A town that ample : • •
Offered no fire protection to • its in 1 -Are you in favor Of, FireLerotee-
tioniand Domestic Water comained4e.
eetimated vast •:$65,000., .
Etter 47; J. Pearlman 43: E. :Whitley
42: H. Johnstone 41: L. Webster :33.
"(*)absent for ram teit.•
, Room II
• Sr. II -Possible Merks. 560: Hon,
420: •Pass 236. .
• Ex. -Mildred Ritchie. 534: Harold
ARM 523: Edwin Buswell 512: Doris
.RitAle 492: Mary Struthers 487:
June Collyee 471: Arthur Traplin. 467.
• Zylde Steivititi 405: Jean Struthers;
444't Billy, Jewitt 425, Pass -Bruce
MacMillan 398: Jack Button 397:
Harriet Whitley. 39.4s. Gordon Struth-
ers 37e.Below ,Pass -Marguerite
Gatniss 310: Dar Jewittl 214: Orland
Patterson 100*,
• Jr. 'IL -Possible Marks 450: Hon,
337: Past 270.; •
Ex.-EVelyn Whitby' 854: Helen
Buswell 347: Morris Pearlman 342:
Russell Dutton 341. Pass -Etta Belle
MacDonald 334: Marjorie Allin 314:
Margaret Rae 305: Joan Parket 303:,
Anna Finlayson 286*: J. C. Johnston
282: Below Pase---J. C. Atinsittong
221: Merle Johnston 184.
(*) missed examinations. :
IL G. Sherriff.
Roont I _
Sr. Class -Possible Marks 360: Hon:
270: Pass 216. .
Hon.: ---Isabel Nicholson.. 312: Jim
Webster 4306: Helen Hamilton 299:
Merlon Traplin 297: Mary Fisher 295
Louise Greer 288: Dorothy Irwin. 283:
Helen McDonald 272: Margaret Salk-
eld 27J. Pass -John K. MacKenzie 266
Elva Twamley. 258: Jane Hornell 254:
Jai* Leith and Gerald Culbert .240
•(ties): Marvin Salomon 224. Below
PassDorald Finlayson 212*: Mur-
sie1•-Paterson108*:-Esther -Mertis-It6
Jean Havens MI Elle Whitley 185:
Gordon .Stewart 182*: Evelyn Taylor
174: "Remold Johnstone 165: Jack
Henderson 114.
Jr. Class -Possible Marks 33Q: Hoe.
247: Pass.,198. • •
Hon. -Bessie Stewart 303: Dolena
Paterson 296: Keith Collyer, Lloyd
WyIds .280: Russell Garniss 276:
Prances Armstrong 2651 Jack Cook
254: Pass -Mary Selkell and Chester
Baker 242 (tiesl: Celia Wilson 240:
Douglas Aitehison 235: Malcolm
Dymock 233; Ernest Buttois'230:
Ilam Scobie 212*; •RusSell Whitby 198
Below Pass-Doneld MacKenzie 182:
Fred Webster 168: Arthur Smith
163*. .4. •
(*) absent a week or more through
sickness. ' I. Murdie.
• Mrs. E. Browning and Lillian of
Kincardine Visited day last Week
with fermer's son, Mr. Harold
We are (forty to report, Mrs. Craig
Sr. and Mrs. John Gillespie to be
under the doctor's care.
si. lcolm Ross and Miss
Miss Enthiel Terriff, Mrs. Cecil
Pasons. Mr.M
Addie Reis oti Toronto were called
home on Saturday owing to the very
serious llThess jof their father, Mr.
Mac. Ross.
Mr. George Cottle of Xinearcliite
15 spendino a. Week- with 'his grandson
Mt Harold Spatting. The next 17 ""i"
ineetino will be held ie
We are sorry A renort the very se To ' Hall 6*1
'sudden death of Mrs. WM. PatteLion tn1 i 411"41t
Anril 17th at 8. o'cloek, We would like
on th' all our 'members US be present is
Wednesday evening. March ze
She had gene to spend the evening
tnere ere se*renal I...otters of in -inert -
with her daughter. Mrs. Jelin Turner aft& to be discussed. Cur. seevy.
and as she enterei the door she drop-
ped dead. She had been doing her own , •
work but had tottered from hurt • , INMEMORIAM
'tt'nnble. She was in her 15 43tea'r' 614 meni'ory of
leave* to mourn her loss One &highs tnY deariOlte, who died Aril 6. 1326.
tee, Mrs. 301 Thrnerott Fordyce All le sal Within . so y• inemory,
three sots ,Alhert and Jiesiti4e • at Lonely Is my heart to -day,
bottle; and Atchie tieing in Lucknovi. P61" the One I loVeti so dearly
symPathv of the. community is sr.„„ or ss,ss,
14deissto 116.m* ill'thstusad be"' W'Filt7; rgreu ifrwol3e11 heart,
einent W...d.• was very'
too mucti risk in erecting a new fee=
torysvhich.might be wiped put by fire
at any time en account of poer fire
protection. '
Our claiin is this, that as a firm who
has worked 'as steady as ,any factory
in•the country. paying out thousands;
et' dollars anal' yeer for. vagee and
timber which :.cemes; back largely to
the benefit of the business of our town
that we are entitled to some consid-
eration front our town in the Wei of
'fire protection and we believe that the
'cheaper Way for the instAllation of
fire protection system is to have it
ihstalled with a domestic water sup-
• Ply system which is going-tO pay. for
itself, • • • .
• May We respectfully ask that you
give our arguments :every eonsiderA7
tion before you cast your vote, keep-
• ing in mind the facto that the re-
quest' is coining from a fitie who ad-
vertises Lucknow !ken St. Johns,
Newfoundland to Vancouver, .B.C. and
who has always stood by Our town.
Thanking you for the spaee in your
paper, we are Yours respectfully,
, , •
• The LucknoW Table Co. Limited.
Re The Hotel and Water BysLaw
• ' •
Mr. Editor: -
Please allow space for a few sug-
gestions -1 do not think there is a
disposition to hamper the Council in
providing what theybelieve to be
H -Are. you in favor of good Fire -
protection only -estimated eclat $200
The. passing of either ane svould an -
able, the ,Council . to go .ahead, -with
either scheme. .The reason for .sug-
aresting the above is tecauie. of the
calamity which has befallen the Vit. -
'Ines. •
• .
Sincerely -G. A. Newton.
To The Editor Of The Sentinel:
, In. view, of the disaster. that 'has
befallen the village. in the less of the
Cain House; .1 venture to make, a sug-
gestion; '
That the building of the Arena be.
deferred for the flint being, and that
the subscriptions to the Arena fund
be transferred as far as practicable
to the erection of a modern botel: in
LacknOw. 1 for 'one; Would be glad
under present circuitistances, to, pet-
mit my auhseriptien to be transferred
torithat Purpose. •
• No doubt such an arrangement as
I suggest would be a diOappoititment
to the •young people of the commun-
ity, but in view of the grenter need
at the'present time, I :believe they
would be prerated to. sacrifice a little
for the common good; and as soon as
the time was opportune all could join
hands in building" the Arena.• ."
J. G: Anderson.
Mrs. R. Bailin is visiting friends' in
The Jr. Farmers and Jr. Institute Goder.ich this week.
ihneldthea Town
Feva,etinTghoonmMemarbcohro20tohf spot. athned MwreSe.'h
Thos. Helm of Guelph
,:dorrgivaenipzautioonns' tohte LPulTiceni.oavvlil. have tt;
the losing . side in the 'membership home here. ,
visitinghesister,.M D. *M
Mrs. MacDonald ' of Toronto
r Mrs. uncap ac-
-end at the for.mer's
:largest membership of any of the Jr. Loon".
?Organizations in ' Bruce . County. On Monday last kr. Jas.Sinpett's
' About •150 were pr .
'present. Allr''. Fred house caught fire. from the ' stive
'Martin, vice-president, occupied the pipes. The neighbors all rushed to
'chair. ,the program consisted of ' A their assistance and a bucket brigade
solo by Isabelle Chesniit. an tiecOrd- soon had the blaze out. ..,
Ian selection by Pred Lake, a readin
maeNny. A., journal by Ethel artin. proOrty •On the boundary vvest of
and 'Orilleena Ohesmit, a solo by Edna Wane*. Mr.' WM. XemPton web
'recently mcived .to Lucknow, pu'rehas-
Ritebie. Mt. Rerr gave a short talk
a Mr. lack 'llenderson's farm' and
ori the success of our.organigation.
Mr. Iletiderseri bought Mrs. Jas.
also about the Garden and Canning
Stanley's. farm which was receritly
Club tor the girls a Luchnow and
rented by Mr. A. Stein. ,
Ripley. Twenty-five can cconpetes and
there pre two prizes riven of twe The Dungannon Dramatic Club will
weeks Short Conrses at MacEssiald's present their play "The Village Law,
Institute. Guelph. Our organizatieti yer," iti Riritail Hall on Ptitlay even -
weld like te tometo in the Magical ingo April 4th, under .auspices of the
ressseel hale at Walkerton on Mav Kintail Women's Institute,
80. also.. the Judging Competition s (Our regular ; Ashfield correspond -
which iss held in Irina Mi. r`enr10:0 ent has been credited with the "Cow -
Kennedy, presideet, suldteseed the ardly Attack" article which appeared
meeting. Lunch ,Was Served and P Among the "Notes" 1st Week. That
few hours "danoino entoyed • bit all isn't right the article was written by
a party. who never. was a regular cot-
resporedent and we are just going to
let the ,follat guess who did it, and
they.likely will giieas wrong -Editor]
by Margaret Button. A solo by, Ales There is ioneiderable change of
Thoe iroy melte the itetind leas Sere,
targelY attended. was held on Satur- .tot thne will never stop the longing
lav afternoon tO eetneterts
'you dear isizsie, gotse oti before,
limes sAllsein visitedMalea:few Sediv missed bY Ittisband,
days With het ,- and
Itt. 6. lite Si*" 141.." le`lui our 'dear sister.' Mrs. lames Mac;n-.
.$cott to. be very' low.
Anal -on -gale . suet -aped
611-Vi'ldW; April( 4t1t; -
"Witt. Ed.' Omint hid the misfrturie Winut'
-th 0 it is as bright as of OICI
of st weeli .
Itt fall oft a lead el Wend On. iFtida:y • Por tieep in out hearta.it. was pain-
laand ' quite ,str. , ed to Mat'
;ettosinjoties, •Ile wat• taken to Whigs t
And it easel:Ise, dear Hider, it rieVer
grewii• Ohl, ' •
by .stetertl Mid brothers,
,-4446"0 -felativea gtrAttord. - ittatiNNgg-Tii limbo ffienory tyf
Mr. Ken Paterson le holding ntl nes; Who died April 6th, 1926.
Wekeepin _ntellim toote ofthe
hem Hos.pital Where it wen tome! he
raslick. of l'oe4ti'atert vont. hat* number of .broket Tibe besid00
04 the Harktese On Mon*. ilther 1,1404104
• Portane: Hatchery
If von Went egos nest winter, buy
our chicks. They are produced trete
flocks of heavy laying. strain.
A large majority of Mir enstomets
eetne haek to OR year offer veer. We,
lire hooking orders now for April and
May. Barred • Boetvl ontil Ant. '15tii
17c.. until Mft,-,iTh Ilk. 5. C„ Whi'm
tegliettig Until APtil. 15th .16e., tifitil
May 18th Ige. •
Wingliairi, Ontario.
Phone, Vitrinieter 612, Ring ff.. •
age; iS that---petoc
*hen tide' in a tumble seat takes
• all the significance et nn Adventiire.'
• - im.to,v4s . •
Vader .and. by 'virtue of the..pea!er
ef sale contained -in -a -
gage, which will he • produce.0 at cro
time of sale there will be •Mored Uo
sale by puha& •atietien at toe tAin
House in the Village of Lactase*, en
„Saturdaysthe fifth day of.April, i•
1839, at .2.30. o'Clock in the efternoon,
by Piiiett Aectioneer,s the ,
foliowing valuable ' property, lamely:
• ..ALL AND„SINGULAR those, ter-
ttPahr Le; 11 iTtlitVai::shliStol etrtracts ie nodl lb"e' e I or sk:0.4.:11:111:
ty Of Waco,. containing .by adineas4--;
ement- Fourteen • acres and twencys
hundredtlia.of acre More or
less, and .being eomposed of Park Loss
numbers. Fear; Six and Seven in tee -
• subdivision of the soak, halt et sac,
namber.Eleven inthe :Socond, Ca:ices- .
sien of the Townsinp.' o•Kinloss ,a4 -
cording to si „Ain prepared' by jams
Marshall, P, f L. S,• end, registered. in .
the RegtatrysOftlee for the Registry
'Eliviaioe of the County of ROM .ap4
!part •of itiejd Let.nuinter pessee 'in tee
Second COnCession of the said: 'faeces
'ship of Kinloss, which, said 'party may
be ,inore • particularly described as •
.fellows, that is to say; ,Commencing
,at a .point onsthe 'easterly 'limit
.said -Lot Eleven at a distance of eleven
C.hatins: and thirteen. link'o northerlY
from the southeast jangle cif said lot
Elven; thence.. north thirty-two. de,:
*tees east. and following the easterly' '
limit of said •Lot.: Eleven,fourteen s
'chains ,iod ,fifteen links:. tence north
'fit i -seven: degrees. and . forty -feta •
minutes west' five chains and thirteen
and ,one-half Duke; thence south --
tystwo, 'degree* west and. parallel to. •
the Westerly limit, of said kt wentY-
five chairiss • arid tweetyseigl.it 'links;
thence .sOuth fitty-SeVensdeerees and •
fortis -four Minutes east seventy-five ., • .
thence mirth forty-four desrees.. '
siod shc minutes eis.ti. eleven chains .
and ,thirty-nine HOS; theme. 'south '
fifty -Seven .degrees and, forty -fair
minutes' east, one thains and ninety-
nine links links te the place of beginning
• ccintaining ' by aditeaitirereeint
mine acres aind fortis -foot hundreths
Of an acre be the same more or' lesk
now' known as "Church Reseree."'
There are situate on, this property
a good 'one, and orm-half storey finite •
abuse, 'a frame stable and a: 0101 •hay ,
barn said a' geed orchard. Theprop-
erty is Situate witain a inile, and one- '•
half of the Village of •Lucknow on
main read, one quarter sinile Irani
school and one .half mile' from church.
. TERMS OF SA LE; .s -Ten per edit:
Of the, purchase money, on day of sale
and • balance within 'thirty dela there-
PAR.. TiOTLARS .and.
.conditiens of Sale Will be made known
on the .day Of :sale or. may ,be hack ou
application to the undersigned.'
DATED. the fifteenth day et March
Elliott Millet ' Vanstone,
Lucknows Ont, : • Mt:hate:is
• Auctioneer., • Vendor's solicitor..
• Sho*ing,
ITHE colt fa. • •
New Princess Styles
Travel Mots
Smart Tweeds: Dressy Twill Cord
Popular Matra:es Styles so:.
0, $16.50 -;••• - $25.00 $45.0t
New Braids
New Straws New CoMbinations
The New Silhouette is the "Big
Talk." All the New Styles in
Spring Shades. • Rose Mere Crepe
Georgette'. - - Crepe Gloria.
$15.00 $1.8.00 - to -$30,00
*Smartly tailored Suits are el
Spring favorite. See the Spritty
Styles •shown. in Plain Twills or
Novelty Tweeds.
• $19,50 ,- to - $25.00
• ,T1H.114StEAT4ineFuoT.
$14.00 ,1
• SaInPle Models Siies, 13 'to 20
;No Two 4like-Beautifill Coats In
Navy •131ise, Seise 4 Popular
• ' Tweeds
A Great Time To Save
Regular $.20-125 and $30 :Coats
.POR $14.00
g Bros.
• INMEMORTAM.,---,March, 25th'
-PATTEItgON-:,-/ti „memory of our • - -
dear 'nether, Mrs. James •Patterson,
who passed away font year ago to'
day, March titit, 1426s
--Loving aiiitskinchnssall her Ways,: •
Upright and just to the end of her
days, , . •
• Sincere- ;And 'true • in her heart and
When the hank hands you niOney 1 A beat:Wu' memory she lett bellied. •
014 OtIdterv
it wants:security. When it take .3 yours.,i $atily, initstd iv her lovino itoshand
. ,
• ..