HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-04-03, Page 61.114, los
THIS HAS' HAPPENED and actually lifting hire when they
• in path, they
others .as Attorney' Davis,: a emote; came, to the. roadagain.
;man; called Yilak'.•has,•Goincs to Porto walked far when they perceived three
Verde, Prazil, to help his cousin, F{lise r.:.en coming toward tbem.: As they
Ma berry, owner of a coffee plantation, neared, they saw that.the ..newVcoiners
Several mysterious deaths have occur,, were three other 'Indians from. 'the
red and Elise, hesbeen• threatened and
Warned to leave Elite's two_year-ol'd,
orphan.•d nephew'is inidnapped. Vilak
•• tracks the kidnappers' and . dome •upon
the child being eared for by a gang
of railroad laborers. in charge of one
Carlos D'Albentara.. '." Vilak believes
that ,Gaylord: Praitiss, Elise's enemy,
`is, involved in the: deaths and; the kid;
napping . . :
h, Vilak, ,tells Elise..sh, and the child
must leave' ori the next boat., He gains
possession of a ring from the finger
of. D'4lbentarais half-breed foreman;
While • returning 'through the jungle
with ' Lincoln: ;N.ennal'ly, en old' hitt,
. f••ztious chemist they rescue an •Indian
from ..torture at the. hands of two ruf-
fians. Vilak is stabbed in the wrist.
Posing at "times as a. t•arb'er,' at reached had places i e
a sin. They li"hd not
felt the the Indian's pulse.. "No.'
Don't wcrry..'He'll :.►•• all•'right in ''a
minute! He. brought • some water
from a nearby .pool', end. dashed it on
his .forehead., "Aniazing what: these
jungle people can stand."
In a'. moment. the aborigine's eyes
opened again.. He looked ,about_ him
wonderingly, then pulled himself to a'
'sitting posture and. indicated that he
wished te''t'rise. Vilak shook his ;Bead.
- But the Indian, notwithstanding the
tremendous pain the'eff'ort must have
• cost' him, rose to his fe�eet an instant,
then: drepped to his kneels,before Vilak
'end began a violent series of prostraL.
tions., alternately. beating -his �:cheek
with the. flat .o his hands, thee► rub-
. Bing his' forehead' against, the tip of
Vilak's boot.
He continued these :'movement for
five minutes, grunting frenziedly all•
the while in spice of Vilak's attempts.
,to check him. Then he looked' up' at
his . savior with a smile obviously;. in-
to be :adiant, but which his
animal -like filed teeth made only bi-
zarre, • This done, still smiling, . he
'sat upon•the- ground, 'curiously exam-
ining with his : finger the think nrud
arou.id. his feet. '
In 'a few moments. Vilak, though
impeded by hisweund, had fashioned.
a rude crutch from a small tree limb,
and demonstrating to the. Indian 'how
• it should be' used, put it under his
"We'll tike him back to bis camp,"
Vilak said es they moved off in the
direction' of the road.."Don't' say
. anything of this to Elite. I've tried
to frighten has enough when I thought
it would 'accomplish anything, but now
that' she's agreed to go, there's no use
of increasing her '. cries., . Frankly,
• once I get 'her out of hefe • I don't in-
tend to !et her back. Where things
are.going to!leiid, God only knows..:.
Will zou please not look constantly at
niy' hand and shake your little'pellet of
a head so gaiiltily? ' I.t isn't.yopr fault,
I tell you, that' my hand was hurt."
'The old man took off :his thick
.glasses and- wiped them jerkily. "They
• might have killed you .... er . •.: .
• killed you ., ..'But you can 'count on
me • . I'll never do- it again ... er
. never. Why did they torture him
railroad camp By •. the .'way; "they
•combed all the dark places , along the, foreman, . approaching Ili' 'eyes
the .Haat » She motioned toward the' a :polite wish that sueh might' not be.
tiny W'e- w ith eo d be g uM Page an a e Case ;and yylt ' 1'e .114-# ageeptedF
dark nem inside. "I't'e moved T1nky,the month's rent,for the haxber Shop
w.herr I can watch him' 'all the- time, which. Vilak.' put in llisehand '.. haying
At night I. keep him in Iiiy roont, and thus interred barber Riggs ter as long
T'nt- ping, to take Hannah 01?t ot'`tile'a.time as he wished, Vilak returned':
kitchen and; let her take.cake .of `himfta• the tiny establishment of which he:
in .the day time ,for the few Inoinents I had been the head and sole emu oyer
that I can't be with him Hanit"ah was • or several months, >ind was ,making
spy nurse when , ,was a .child and I nal •preparations for his departure,,,
know she'd, let . herself get killed he- When.he noticed• knots o£ n'ati.ves Batt -
fine slrie',d let anything Happen to errng in the street, talking loudly and
Min." . •
They talked a few mom., eats. longer;
:their Elise retired, for the night. The
old niaf, `w,eary • and exhausted, fol-
lowed het:•e$ample srVilak, left alone,
read. for, half -pan hour, ,strode outside
the house, and listened tintently to "the.
myriad solids ' coining front • the
jungle the erssof a deer stahlked`to its:
death )3,y.the sleek' noiseless -Stepping.
jaguar;'the„ call 'oft' a sleepy ,toucan
roused from its' rest by the visit of.
some ,nightly , invader, the, baying :of
one of,the••town' doges, .gone to the psi ..
rn tive to hunt•fbr its kilt .•'
He Was, snaking his' customary
round ot therhouse and wasetrYing all
the doors and windows to see:thatthey
were locked—though the precaution
•.-eemed futile for the the
.. f'which they were constructed made
them little of a • barriers -When lie
heard a footstep. He. looked in. the.
direction of the sound and'in ,a mor
:mint .saw Schwartz,. the: fat German
roadside, it was easy, to' see that they
were ,searching. for their eoinrade..
They received the lost ,one with ex-
cited grunts; ,the, wounded .ian'him,
self pointed'to Vilak• and began a.re-
newed . guttural declamation ' . Vilak
.and the��old man walked, toward, Elise's,
Elise as . usual ' came forward to
meet them. She, caught sight of the
bandage•' about Vilaks hand; her thin
lips quivered. "You're hurt," she said
quietly "Badly?"
glanced curiously at, Vilak over their
puffy tearbags. "Geed evening,, Mr.
Schwartz;" 'Vila said politely.
soot efeni Herr Davis." The
fo'rerean's •dse,canie in short .asth-
uratic jerks, .
"Everything all . right on7 the 'fa
zenda?" '
"All right, I ; tinks. You try der
doors. and windows Herr Davis,?" . -
i "Yes, ,Mr. Schw'ar z. • •
The veins in ` the German's: 'face
glowed. as Vilak struek a iniateh, to
light his cigaret: "Dot' is vat I come
^ do also. I. ani afraid ' somebody,
$e. laughed. '•,"A little cut in . my
hand. A test tube, when I.was'to
"Why, do criminals do. anything?",
'[ Half carrying the wounded Indian
'WRIGLEY'S is good•eotnpanyr
an any trip., • :
' It's delieieas 'flavor- adds' zest :
and enjoyment. The sugar sup-
plies pep and energy where the
day seems long. •
/it short it's good '
and .geood for you.
r ; ; Ajte`, *Eve. , Meal
gesticulating ' in the excited fashion
that he. knew meant soinething had
happened in the t_ own,
Hurrying out, T he Strode 'up to one
of ,the villagers, a barefoot,'old man
3vith a long beard and; a huge pancake-
shaped hat of straw which rested in-
securely.on his hairless:•head. "hat's
.the matter, 3talios1" he demanded.,''
(To be continued.),.
9 �.
gat' °New York
lZit �•
ed Dressmaking
bed, with
Illustrat making Lesson Fur-
nished. Every: Pattern•
• She eught sight of tHebandage about Vilak's hand. "You're hurt,*
she said:quietly. "Badly?" •
wdrking with it. Ninny has•aecidents somedings maybe•conies to bolder her
like that Livery day in his laboratory."t
• "I don't believe it." •]tier. •voice was
IOW but determined. "You twere hurt
on account of me." -
If* sorry if my word means no -1 wahr, Herr Davis?" He grinned.
thing to you.," he replied. "'Nanny, "O`h, you're right. Absolutely."
can testify whether I am telling the ' "But now dot youare here I vill
truth. Be 4das there when' it happen- fnot worry longer. No. I vitt go home
est' Don't give me credit for being
heroic, when I was merely being care-
less. Look and see for yourself, then."
I3e unwound the bandage and bared tion from which he had cone., Vilak
the. wound: The, tiny out did indeed watched his fat body roll past a 'tree
look as if it might have been made and disappear, in the darkness, then
by broken glass: ' ; took a few moreptfffa of his cigaret
' All right, • 1'l'l believe you," she arid -returned to the house.' Undress-
reuri_iiured, bright once more. "But ing, he put his pistol on ble where
it's a nasty wound, just the same it would be • vv iininstantaneous.
Sure there aren't any pieces inside reach; then crawlinto s bed. The
in der night. Somedirnes when she
closes der house she is not careful,
Fraulein Marberry,• ' And ven we have
no gulls here dot iss not nice. 'Nicht
may'. V
PI Now. For ,Ws Sommer's Good Times!,
HimiriNG. fishing, we:
' nic;;ng sw1'm,mtng and
cruis*ng on lake, river,
sound QC bav odd to tai
zeeo "ttvina, happl.ness,
eopteptrent• and, enjoy -
men of Or'ufsabout
oernei e.
CruT haiaab1,aout, 2dou5b'le lung, cair>x'
10" wide and 2,4 draft
e. a ootnpletely equipped
suminpr home , ad is7
Priced at 54,1'.85 at .
tory.,..Sleeps.gl$, fonurlaci1
forward cabin, and -two In
stern cabin, li elientt
design; perfect , balance'
and staunch, quality con.
steuts 1onsou.mndakean• Cduser1eaa-
worthy for -any water. .
6 -cylinder, 6A-:i.F. cruCra,, sy
M:artne'niotor elves .
Ing, speed, of thirteen
nn.nes:` V'rrfte. for a' eats-
logua. a ' •
Is /lilt 1111
liter 15:. 7
•r_. •
► • rgisoboui
• Sales and Service by'
• T. B. F. BENSON, N.A.
371 Bay Street Toro><rto, Oat,.
None but the.:contemptible •are ap-
preliensive.of -ccontempt.
We .confess ' entail faults in orderto
insinuate that .we. have, no g}•eat•.ones,
Ol'd. age gives teed advice, whenit:
• is, no_longer :able to • give lad example
",We pass from love to ambition',rbut
We Beldon • return from • ambition to:
love. t
A practical bloomer dress 'for tiny
tots . of 2, i and 6'years of 'white cot-
ton broadcloth with blue slots: .•
••It,.showsFrei) i. •accent. in applied
trimming • bands of plain blue broad-'
Cloth at either side of -front thatjbin
pointed pockets of •white broadeioth.
'The 'generoui,ly full cut bloomers
are gathered.into knee bands of the,'
blue shade. .
The' Peter Pan collar and 'cuffs are
piped in blue: ' ' . ,
• . It'd the •smart.,detail in contrasting
.effect that makes Style No. 3410 • so.
distinctive.. • .: , . ' ••
Pique, .gingham, shantung, dimity
and batiste•suitable: • •
•. It's fetching, in beige wool jersey
with tiny •brown•dots• and brown trim.
• Write *your name • and adrlrsss•plain-
ly, giving .number• and of such
patterns as you want. Enr.es.e 20c .in'
stamps or coin (coin pre.t`erred.; wrap
it carefully) for' each n.imber, and
address your order to• Wilson Pattern
Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto;
Use Minard's in the Stable.-
to bed., Goot night, Herr Davis.
"Good, night,eMr. Schvi*artz."
The German, walked or in the dime -
We like better to see fliose on -whom
)We confer,, benefits• than those from
:whom -we: receive •them, , • •
mWe are 5ometiiiiel less unhappy in
being ..deceived, • thane fn-,iieinl;uede, +.
•ceiyed, by'those ai•honi we,•love
"Liberty: has :restraitbut no fr•'onl,, ' •
tiers. '=Tlavid I;loyil Getjige �' .
Minard's=50 Year Record'of. Success..
"At least 'let' me put a proper look-
ing bandage on it. That one you have
it terribly amateurish. I have to have
something to keep pre. in practice or
I'll completely forget that I trained
• for year work." • total, an<i walked to the town.
- A=fter• an hou-t -spent in collecting a..' Inc,
"Good, if it makes you feelu;+ci-
tor.'' 'few articles in the barber shop, he
1 She depe ted 'and returned with sought out the lazy, gaudily dressed4..
proprietor of the hotels and striking!
his heartforcibly with 1i14 hand, ex-
plained to that listless individual. th ;t
he had beer'1 seised With a 'bad fev2 r ,
night passed without incident. ,
' Early in the morning, before thes, • used. :fust true, even, new colors
otherk had awakened, he hurried down that hold. •their own through .the
the deserted road to his house,put on
the clothes he wore as a .barber,'being
;sreful to conceal the wntind oil his
hand by wearing a coat longer than
Refinement of sentiment and feel-
ing is : well ,but some one suggests
that the refining process may be , car-
ried to the point of sterilization.
When feeling , and sentiment ihave
been analyzed and distilled to 'such
an exquisite degree that th re is neith-
er spontaneity nor lite in them
they may indeed be pure, t for all
human purposes they are valueless.
There are three. most 'beautiful
things in the world—a baby's, smile,
the eyes of a. women *ho has learnt
to love, and the light onthe'faeeeirt,
the aged mother as she receives "her
boo into her :arms, '
Make dresses
bright as new
' DIAMOND DYES are easy to
use; go on smoothly` and• evenly;
NEW. Never a trace of that.re-
dyed i'hok When Diamond Dyes are
hardest wear and washing.
Diatiiond Dyes owe their superi-
ority tothe abundance'of, •pure
anilines they contain.. Cost more e'
to make.Surely': But you pay no
more far them. Ali drug stores -
• rapped' rolls
i. • FOR THE
DISCRIMINATING women. who practice lull-..
cious economy buy thole.Sterilized Toilet
Tissues by name • For Eddy Tissues are Canada's
finest—in quality and value'O You maypalect
.any one•ofdheee lour Eddy.Rolis; knowing that,;
you will get a, safe,, pure, Sterilizedtissue
at an economical • price • Ask for it by name.
"ONLIWON".Finest Sterilized Tissue. Served
fromsanitary, dustproof•cabinet in nickel or
porcelain finish:' - - • -
700 sheets of soft, safe, '. SevenouncesofSter-
.Sterilized :paper. - , ilized creped. tissue.
Sterilized tissue in wrap-
ped rolls of 750 ,sheets.
=ice ss— u�i
1 some borecic Acid acid: a' bandage.
' These she deftly applied to -his hand.
"1 must keep You itt good repair, my
esteeme'd and criminological, consiii, a lea that
, she said bantringly. "You're quite during the night and :wa. leaving
valtia•h1e to me, even'neiessary at the Mottling for the mountains of Airlifts
Moment." • r it here tffe• ele"vaton : Wag higher ,and'
he climate more conducive to recon-
"4 atuableor not,r, he retorted, "the ;it:thri in'vvl3rcli... 'in yntelested is wile, eiy. He• might he in a week, he
ther youire getting • ready to leave ei i->-g-h`tbe-baek in a month;
Thursday with Tinky>' ' pnerhaps he might never come hack 4
"I"11 have every thing ready, by noon
fomotrotti. After thatthere:11 be no-
thing to do bait to wait two days for
',SUS No.. 15—'30
_ erhaps he might even die in • the1
The priatir•ietor drousiiy irp* sled
anion ►yes
iigke tt••Qtita! ty ar 50 rY`ra's.
SOY irs
enc t iE's
1 'Jl' .LOWER Allot
sires, Coaster Breites'
VV.fieel,, IrtnerTubes, j,artio,
er , `„, : Bells* Cyclometere. • Saddles.
a q
euipment and partb of nil -
Triia ;s�fa> cycles. Youcanbuyyourraro-
plfee from us et *bolesid
price d . 3 Ctetoeu bat a Sf W,
C, , ,BdYD $ SON MONTftEA1. .
• 1
e- •
' • Some folke take pain for granted. •
'heyet a. cold "tun its,,course.' ”
They wait for their headaches to. "wear o1i.1'
If, sufferrng. from 'neuralgia or from neuritis,,,
they rely en feeling better in the morning..
Meats h1 . "tiler Mier,- unneces,.ar t pain.
Unnecessarryy, because there is .an antidote.
Aspirin tablet4 always offer immediate relief
, from various aches and pains we' once had te
-endure. If pain persists, consult your doctor
as to its cause. -
• are you -elf a lot of pain and discomfort
through ` the "many 'proven. uses el, Aspirin.
Aspirin is safe. Always the 'same. All drug`.
stores Lith, c-oiriplete directions, ' •
ThAoa MARK. Of*,
b Y °rr