HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-04-03, Page 4G P•.'�A yi�f � 1"3` • lE • .; qi OUR lore 'olliamioarr...-,a, ' The, beatway to'" be P a as Jr have . a reserve fund if • aioeiey 'in'' the bsi}k.. a of ,. $AN'� .Acc'ou!}.t. ' his ownl : 'What a'': ••ourcie'. of pride, an encouragement to thrift, and,a lesson , in l'1tlsiness ! Boys and girls ;may open and.' operate • -accounts of their -own in ::the Bank 'af Montreal, Vie are glad to• welcome them at , an ' time. One dollar'. is enough to start an account on which we ''pay interest. Established 181T • Total Assets in excess of *960 000,00Q Lucknow Branch MacPherson - M in%'g'er FOURTH CON., KINLOSS Mr. Walter 1lGreenwood,' left for • • Stretford last *eek, wherehe intends to make his home. • Master Georgie Robinson, who ,re cently underwentan operation in the Winghani Hospital is .able. to be at home again. , ' - Mrs. ;' McMurchy returned home after visiting friends` in Hamilton: Mrs. P. Robertson of Ripley, spent the week end with Mrs. R. Middleton. 'The. house on the Gravel Road, be- , longing to Mr.' A. Hughes, was com- pletely destroyed, by' fire on Saturday , night.•. 4, LU •,SNOW a]T01,4• , "1111 GEOROE' SPOTTON LEP SHE WAY' In aRi editorial of Monday, March 24th, the • London. gree. Presshad the following to say.,..,. • ' "George, Spotton, M.P.; jar North Huron has 'to his credit the fact that lie led the way in ;advocating' the ;-eend. ctnnt.-,of a liq'uer'expt-• nrbill.-'Over a year ago, 'hen the Liberals, .thru Hon; W. D. Euler, were showing -the' futility of such a measure, Mr. Spot- ton urged in the -Reuse the passage of such a bill, it is not often that a private member takes the leadership in 4.111401' of public concern.Mr. Spotton can make such a claim His.. words of :a. few ;yeare•ago, as report °. ed in. Hansard, are interesting toQ da'y, axil particularly • interesting to the constituents of North Huron "I wish to,' say, Mr; Speaker; that !the Township' Councilor; the ,Women's; Institutes; the . United • F,arniers ipb,of My -constituency have,,'beenUrging, Open int to ask this Government teget out •of the :`' • rum -running: bnsiness: Either we 1 are in it, or w`e are not • For the sake of a few'•nillions of'ill-gdt- ten dollars it is painful ,to read ,' the incidents of the ;;1-m1 r 1 -ening basineas which have: recently ap. peared in the press. Only ;to ,d .y I noticed in a, newspaper that 14. arum -runners frons Canada landed - 'a caro, ' at Atlantic •;. City 'Worth'• ,a waiter of.'a itflick dnila+•a We; in the riding of ' North ITnront • sir, : wish to diasociate oe-r=elves from Well a business, and vai call upon the 'Government` to imple- ment the recommendations which were 'made' by the royal eoinmis- • sion that .investimated the cis-.' tonus. In my col, my we are ' pre- • pared' to A'o' further.. ,gad st.any •. • "time' vote for _the prohil,itinn ' of the ininnrtatinn pr manrfli.tthle dr sale• ofelooh'ilic liquo'rrs. Int s -sir. 1 am snealenm, for „county „county and myself: but rn '"ulary •I ani speaking far M s'elf," (Advertisement) --0-0-0.--^ MissElizabeth Robinson spent a few days, last week with Mrs, Mel. Irma. • • Mrs. B. Breckenridge, entertained the ladies of the .U.F;W.O.. on Tuesday afternoon. •: Mils Elizabeth /Hodgkinson and her sister, Mrs: McLeod, are spe ing. a fe .v days' at their home . Tyndall RobinsonMrs.T". sp ndt•a.few . y -days of last week in Wingham.. Mr. and Mrs. D. McKinnon spent' Sunday with Mrs. A. Sutherland. Mr. and Mrs. W. Stimson and fam- ily are moving into the house on the Gravel • Road, . near the R. R. track. Mr. A. McKenzie has made quite•an improvement on his house. . • CULROSS CORNERS Mr. Dave Maclntosh a well known man throughont the county died at his home in Tees 'water last Wednes A very successful quilting bee was Reid at. the home of Mrs. -Joe Wall last -week. It was in connection with Women's'. Missionary. Society.• The play which was held at 'Hely- rood • :last '.Friday was welt attended 'and .enjoyed •' by all. • • Don't forget the play at Helyrood on Thursday which is., being put:: on. by ithe Paramount young people. ' Mr. and Ors: Alton of Ripley, visi- ted Mr. and .Mrs, •Fred Thompson,' Sunday... :•. • Mr. and Mrs. Earl, $gdgins spent Sunday eveningat kr. ,and Mrs. Robt. Scott's. • S. S. 3, West Wawanesh Jr. IV -Jean- Purdon 74: „Robert McAllister 58. . Sr. I'II—Ila Fowler bra: Joe Foran 64: Elwood ' Fowler, 61 Eziest Durn- in 56... :'i' Sr. II -Helen Durnin 85: Helen Fowler 69.. • Jr,' II—Harold Irwin 84: Amer Foran 60: • First—Led Foran. Pr.—Roy Fowler: Norman Foran. No. on Roll • 13. Aye. Att.12. Gladys A. 'Hodgins. extra: milers of non -:skid. safety in this ringed deed cut tread o. .11p0AY. Anil; 49 3,07 410 KNOW, ANL, Pttbli!shed everya'hursdav morn;ifg' • at Lucknow, Ontario. --A D:- Macifensie, ProPrietos. . and Editor, -. THURSDAY. c1PRII<,1rd, 1939. WHAT :OF ,THE BY•LAY? On • Monday of next week, the tiro-. perty owners, of Lucknow ,who .come mita to vote will decide an; important matter, They will decide for or :again st • the tnataallation of a complete waterworks • for fire pfotectiona ;and, domestic use. ' • ' • That we need better fire-pr-oteetion works was sutiiciently ,demonstrated during; the past. week. The: force • of water. at'the',hotel fire was better than expected, butt what did' it amount to? There were' two :fairly good streams at7the •front; and one at the back, but neither. would reach the roof nor the third story windows:, 'That was; bad, as you,.nust get above a fire•,to get it .out. When a ' four ,ki , stream was tried. the pressure 'Went: down so thatall', four were 'almost worthless. Now •,yuppoie theta, fire had started on the roof • of another building. The situs- tion.would be that,water from the hose would not 'reach it, and the fire= hien, would have to resort to the 'buck-„ et. In fact that.•is just. -what happened where in' spite of the dampness,. in the, .ease of Mia' Little's house, ders..set fire totho shingles, That the village • escaped •'a ' general conflagra- tion was due. to . the snow and absence of strong wind, and not to our °water - 'On Monday the Council.made'a. test', o the pressure at Silverwood's' plant . occasionally burn up and aeroplanes and t'he best :that the system would, crash.' i =-- do with . 75 � pounds pressure in' ;the —o :o o • boiler was to .throw . to '.streams of SWITCHING. THE , ARENA FUNDS water eight feet above -the ,groun'd. It has' been suggested=and thesug- Then there ;are •sections, of the, vii-' gestion appears toappeal: favorably lege which are even worse off=on the are many makes. ,of oil -burner furn- aces, but all of them must have pass- ed the rigid inspection of insurance association `engineers, before coming into general use,,Otherwise the own- er of one could not get insurance.: ai "t ousaids. of, these f. ruaces are in use, One U S. firm claims to have sold, more than a hundred thou. sand. N9 doubt, a few In,that great. number have exploded, but this one in Lucknow is the only one we have heard of. It should not be forgotten, that all heating systems• have. their, dangers. Burn wdod and 'you• may 'have, fichin- ney fire which will destroy; the: house. Use •coal and gas may be ffinerated' which will kilt very. creaturee in the hituse Gas ranges, gsfsoline and coal'' oil ranges all eat' be managed: in •such a way as to be''safe or',to be "danger- pus Every sort of stove .and ,range ' and furnace tia've. gene wrong and 'de stroyed .ahouses and lives • We makethese remarks to offset any tendency to panic .which may have resulted from therecent eicplos=' ion, .for the oil -burner• has certain, ad- vantages„ over other heating hplants. Its clean 'and' a, great labor saver. ' We- May 'add that anybody'who un derstalids: the working of an oil -burn, er furnace 'knows, how • an explosion may ' occurr. and cause one, • just :as the .driver cif a 'toter car, knows bow.' to cause his .engine to stall or back- fire. W. q: taint • 9ntributois cannot `he e' peer. 1g up. an9ther• • hundred. •. dollars • ;l}piece, in a: year or two to. complete the arena.n So the erection of an arena wiould Fie polstpc:esd in, definitely•_. —. . If it were "possible for the• village to sppply the necessary capital for the' erection and 1 furnishing of an tthotel,• to be rented as the Cain House was' rented, that wuldbe the better plan, ,but with 'the' ate'rworks proposition • on .Qui bends., the investment of, • an •' additional 15 ow 20 thousand" dollars • might ,he difi'i'cu1t. ••• The fact of. the natter. is the pep- people of Leeknow. Kaye, to. ldence • •of a •lot,.of nubile utility stuff'•on ,their. 'handsjust naw. • . • ' ' : All that does not solve our problems a but. it...may. pro +ide some ' food , fe'a thoughtand' We have' to do . "some thinking and planning.. r ----.4l-e-.. --' : M1 i.4 M'echani"s are not; perfect, and • nothing :will 'prave a machine`', or any contrivance in mood 'working • order condition but actual operation .Itis evident that 'there was ,some defect in the Cain House furnace; which the reriair mart failed to 'discover. It: is *duel to ' such failure that automobiles hill to the 'south, :on the hill to the west and . in the ; vicinity of Moore - house Mitchell's' •residence. 'the fair showing :made. at the Cain House. was due to the fact• that it' :was the lowest point on ',Campbell Street, and that there was a hydrant right by 'the building. The hotel fire simply went 'to show that we were living in some= thing of a fools paradise, thinking. that we had 'protection when ,we had • But it is r G'eneral'ly aeeepted that we'rieed better fire -protection water work's; sothat- the choice will beas to thelarger scheme involving dom- estic water. As 'tate by-law .will be voted on, it will be that or nothing for the present. The reeve and coup- cillors, who have studied the problem •from every angle came to the conclu- -cion that the installation ; of an all- around service would be the better 'plan. In the event of the defeat of the by-law resort musti be had to the ex- penditure of 20.' to 40 thousand dol- lars on improved fire protection, de- pending -upon how efficient the plant w.ouid'be. And there' is this to be con. stared; that there would be revenue from . a• .domestic water supply', and none at .all from fire protection works alone ---and the further •considtlration that_ we may at any time be called upon to put in'domestic'water—that, in fact, is a. certainty, of the future. In a letter published in this issue, Dr. Newton says that 90 per cent of the wells havepure water, bet when the Water thr'oeghout the village was tes-. ted a few years. ago there was no such favorable showing. 'Nearly, if not all, the wells are impure and some t - are dangerous -,These, who saythat the high .taxes involved would .keep' possible residents out of town. What about fire danger and bad water keeping them out • of town. Read the letter from theJTable Company. Besides, where ,will pro- s.pective residents go and get lower tuxes. Certainly not to any worth. while town or village in Bruce. 'er Huron. To us it looks as though it will be better for the village if the ''by -law. gets a favorable vote. The tire. of today for the car of today has extra strength where strength is needed; design refinements, • to meet every crisis, • ' A `sensation, from their start 'in the ,summer of 1929, 'the, Dominion Royals are .now standard 'equip/nerd on many of Canada's finest cars. Put Doriiion .Royals ort your car 'for' Safe ai'id .rtroubleefree driving this year ... and nett. , Domin'ion Royals are sold and serviced by Canada's greatest tire organization —the Dominion Tire Depot System—each inde- pendent unit distingui!hdd• by. its blueand orange color achetme. ARE .on, BURNERS ,SAFE?. Following the CainHouse'- fire. caused by an explosion in an oil -bur- ner 'furnace, somebody said, and no detibt • many thought: + "I wouldn't have such .a thing ,in . the house for •a • minute.'.. We 'arae.. no way interested in oil - business, other 'than the one we have at home, but we wart to point out that though the Cain House furnace exploded, sueh furnaces' are not dan- gerous and there is no grounds for uneasiness about' their use. :.. the explosionat thc`oain_H.oithe. does not mean even that that partic- ular kna of f`ur'nace as 'aangerone: (11st the way Our is different.). What e exp1 on ppro"tb v dSt there' was something wrong with that p'articu•1' hW topics or its 1>xetailation ,, two , w• •ASHFIELD; CHURCH NOTES" -, Is it true that. the ,worid's•toy-shop is to -day crowded and the temple a,- most empty.' 'Oen love 'appearance rather than reality. 'Perhaps the x.it'- gaih.counter' is neer attractive trail the shrine. on 'which niers, dedicate their 'lives to God and country. ' Men. •eyerywheia are' willing to pay .a good • • price for the amark.etaule: coniluoditte; —but the Cross—Care price of recoil,. struction,' that a nation shall save i -s. soul alive. Are we so busy making ` beautiful idols th.it we .forLet we ai,: then? Is there' a wenaut for the Upl.e.• Room? "'1'a, .ccnimeucgrate.Pentecost. is .a very. fit tribute to a historccui event -but' would •it not be far, more of honor to experience ft?" `,• ' .Some one, has Prayer.", written on: "`Adventuresentu flay er.", He :lays- r, part -"As ,an adventure • into the Unseen, prayer has. lost some of is ; aid appeal in a generation and age• deliriously obsessed by what is seen;' The '!inventive science of ' to -day .h is transformed the prosaic world cat yesterday ;into a gigantic, and fascia= ating toy -shop,. the aisles of which like tle streets of $unyan'S.'Vanity Falb', sire thronged with jostling crowds of;. Wide-eyed . admirers and, would be purchasers. Present day m,ateri.il prosperity in tconjgnction with Our scientific genu has 'magically, p'rodia.•- to 'quite an umber -that it would ` be ed an everyday,. illueioii of. an "21'i;ali- well to switch. the money subscribed r'..isn Nights"..type of er;istance who e' for the erection of anarena in Luck= magic lights ,have se dazzled the ey s' ` now, to a . fund to' aid in the erection of . an: 'hotel. That is much' easier 'said. than done: A site has been purchased' and some thirteen hundred dollars of the funds have been expended on the arena foundation. Besides, the n).oney subscribed was for the piiffiose of an arena, and each subscriber would have to consent to, the; transfer of his siib- ocription, or what is now left of it, to another : purpose; Quite 'a 'number of siiaall`sums have been subscribed by yopn'g people and outsiders who will not be interested in helping along the hotel ' Proposition. These perhaps, could get their money' back, or what is left of it. 'By the\time all this is done there may not be a great deal left. Nobody will •'question that an hotel building is more needed in town than an arena; but money .contributed to - .wards the erection of an hotel should be given in such a way as togive. some return. as the` building will be revenue •produeinz..' The money sub- scribed to the Arena- fund. was given without expectation of dividends or return of capital. It was given away. Now should the arena proposition be dropped and such funds as are avail - of' civilized and even Christianman kind that the beckoning, •greatcc tights of- the heaven above have beer; ' • 'est , sight . of. 'and,. thrilled by • the ' passing magnificence of ion's achiev- ement, the presepi'day' egoism.. lifts it . many voices' by the, words of. Babylon's• great'•'nona'rch; "Is not this great Babylon.'whi.ch I,._have built the might' of my power. and -fair • the glory ef"niy ma•esty," Services ' next Sunday, April. 6th— Zion ir A —Ricketts 3 P.M.-- Slakes .M.—Slakes 7 P.M: 0-0 KIN LOUGH I, • The Jr. W A n'et on Saturday afternoon at the 'home. of Miss Mary Graham.' , Mr. Jno. Hayes is net-- improving es his many friends would wish hint to do. r A 'number from 1 ere 11. , tended the play end dance at Ho.'yrood op' Frill•'; night, while many .Other young'' people attended the dance at Bervie. A good time was reported at both places. A.Y.P.A.' will 'meet in St..' John's Church Berve, ' on Wednesday night of . this, week. This will be a Mission- ,ary night. , 0 0 0- Tf you marry !ate you get too; crit i- v eitl to be Content with what you de- ableturned over to an hotel fund, cer serve. ^' ,. -�—, • Phone 'No. ' 10, is at Your. Service W'e Sell for Cash—We Sell Cheaper Than Tho Credit Store INCUBATORS LAST TEAR'S PRICE, '•FOR. 250 PGG MACHINE $39.00 THIS YEAR'S PRICE FOR ;10 EGG MACHINE* .. $25.00 AT THIS PRKE• Mit A STRICTLY FIRSTI.CLaSS INCUBATOR, COAL BURNING- BitO0B. PR •-STOVES IN STOCK ALSO WATEtt FOUNTAINS AND' CHICK FEEDERS For litaple Syrup Making We Have: Galvanized Sap Pails - • p Tin ,� Sap Pails Syrup Cans. . +_ . , . Sap Spiles '1 turdie -Heating, Plumbing and Electric 'VViriliilg