HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-04-03, Page 3-'Hiealth Restored , Through the Use of Dr. Williams '.rink Pills Mrs. Leo. Bedard; Quebec .City,. tells' • how_h.er health and' strength were re; stored through. the use, :at that great blood -building tonic,' Dr, �VilliarN• Pink Pills. Mrs,, Bedard • says.: - "Some three years ago. after, the birth of my, little • boy, I was left very weak and .pale.. , i did, not seem : to have any strengths and at times, I was so dizzy -1 would nearly fall down. A friend, •, •advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink; Pills and -I. did ,ao In a, fewweeks I •' was. surprise ,io: notice the difference is my,co)iditlon-1 Lelt like a new we, • ratan.. I continued taking the ' ills'un- til I had used ten' boxes; 'bay, which • time I had -completely . regained • my former. .health .gad , strength;I 'feel that 'I ;cannot p.rafse:too highly. Dr., 1Vil4a. is'I. Pink :P111s for what.', they have done for 'me."'• a' . To 'the woman iii' • the home• the woman closely'; ;confined through* ° household duties—Dr, 'Williams' Pink -Pills are •a .'positive ' blessing; , 'you. are suffering from any, eondition • due .to, poor,. watery• blood, or weak • nerves, .begin taking ;Dr. Williams' " .Pink Pillso'w, d note how.�quickly your 'health 1 improv a and your st're gth return. The- pills, are. sold by<i1l medicine dealers, or mit be' sent by mailat 5 cents a boa. by The Dr: Wiiltams' Medicine Co.,, Brock= vine, Ont. • •TODAY•' "Every day is^a little life," was an • ..old thinker* s wise epigram.. If each day •gets, the, better of us, how are„ we • going to conquer in life as a whole? Only as we make each day a vistori- ous 'battle ground where selfishness and shirking aril disobedience and dis- content are overcome,.can' we 'make life a victory In the end. Lavater, the old philesopher,• laid down the .rule• that "each day,should be distinguish- , • ed by at least' one particular act • of: love." It is a rule which makes .life •happier for 'the 'doer, •and •for every body•.else. • • • INDOLENCE' ' . • The cause 'of all evils of the world • may be traced to.' that natural, •but • �inost deadly error of Human indolence '.and corruption—that our business is :,to'preser e•ar.'.not to improve... It -is . the ruin ea us all alike; individuals; schools, and nations.—Dr. 'Arnold. "The' recognition of a 'danger Is the •first step tow'ar'ds .escape fi•oni it." Erich Maria Rerarque.` • Ohm rs� Si tb-'-n hate '..1e40 dread o!' in-' fiuenza, than of its consequences;' .• Cooper—"Yes. I haven't "my last .doctor`s bill, either." • .My itase„"ahe whispered tenderly as he pressed her, velvet cheek. to his Own. • "My cactus," she said, as, she toue'r ed his fade.. • :Mike,""Why orea wearin' aabiaek. •eye; Tiin.nessyl" "••• • • Pat="Sure, •'it's, .mourning . for .:the' • Man that gave it, to men _ Starting married 'rife is- compara- tively ,cheap.' • Stopping - it : is what coke bid money. •Kitty—"Jiick 'says ile ..can read Me like a hook •' ' • Phyllis You, Mustn't take, •jack too. literally,dear.. Be probably means .that;you,are a very•'plain type." a sigh, a fond good-bie; • And slie is gone. ' • A smile,• a cur, another girl; • The world: motes on. ',There is big 'money in Wall Street for anyone whq knows' how to play the market, and Beethoven'ssonatas' are on any:piano• if.,yen .just 'happen to hit the right notes: • Wife—'One thing a woman expects when she'marries is. sympathy." Husband—"Well, haven'tyou'' got it since,you married me?"' ' " Yes—from the whole town." • • Patrick Hogan arrive • :home • in a pItifui conditipn.' His face was. hid - 'den in bandages,. 'his :clothes wereSIMPLE 'iRETM1, T torn; and .dusty, and his breath was dr West Grow Airi liltdo . , Western air mail service between Winnipeg and Calgary-over„•300 miles in 'distance -bas been inaugurated .recently and the Canadian Pacific E>tpress. Company has renewed Its contract made in. 1923' to, carry express packages in addition to, the regular. mail.. This allows of a` saving of More .than 24' boors between tbe' two cities. •The package which :pilot W. J. Buchanan •le shown delivering' to .a Canadian Pacific Expressman, was mailed •eight flours`. previously. at Calgary and had therefore. travelled 'at .the rate oi' more than 100 miles' an :hour to•reaeh Winnipeg,its destination: 't' mot innocent the smell of spirits. • • FOR Alli o1iE 'S COiI:DS King of Belgians Get Pardon Failures arei frequently a sou ce of "Me darlint.” sal Patrick, "Oitve • p;, ' g' blessing. If 'Peter' and the tithe s had had me, nose br-roken in -three places."' "For Italiali . Engler S had a reasonably good catch, t lass KindlyT .Kings Abut Time' ' Classified Advertising . POR SAL$. ,, Canada Writes Own Histories a,pv �.>Fiit-ice wl? fan reitED AlLe215.(100 last, year in four vurie- - 'to Replace:Those f'rorn ties. wi Ite.,for free. eataingue :A• HI, •Switzer canton. ant • United $totes e. - AI7iES. AN'1'1 1'O 'v0 Pi:,AJV Uf all nations, Canada, it is asserted, L and fight sewing at home Whota •is the least nationalistic; No other or spare titrie. Good l.... 'work ,sen.t any cilrtange. Charf;es paf.d.; Send st3.rrl t country suboirdinates the, teaching 01 for flartfeuiars National bianufaet'urtnf; its own hlist6r-y:in.-its•ow:n•school$-to4companY. Atont•real. the history Qf another cofo try. • . ido. 1 •,�- *, v ' o egg astnpos iheaCa • other country authorizes for use, .in 1 3 public schools historical texts , ,pre- pared i'q f neighboring nation. The resulting }general ignorance et doinin- ioiq history slit prises . no. one except, visitors from other oeuntires. • a For yea'rs';;there , has' been, a w. ide- 'spread belief •that. Canadian,history`is duller, than other ` tistory British his: tory gets• ftrst•place in the Ontario -h'cbools and, did u"kat til 'recently through; the West. After fl t..yenr ,in ,high School 'Canadian history 'b'ecome's •'en ,optibnal subject, but:every Canadian must matt iculate iii. British history to enter a university, , It was only a year nor ,go ,ago\ that some: one made' i'ke, dlsl.covery ,that suppiet'nental historical texts author ized • in the maritimes and ,British; Co- lumbia were United, States texts and preached in Canadian, schools 'ardent American: nationalism, • ' The discovery' turned attention with the teaching 'of Canadian history,.w,ith the. resuitthat new texts' are now be- ing perpared and 'a:,.more voluminous, and . perhaps a' more' 'interesting one; will 'replace the sketchy.books now in use in the country. But' .still.:Canadian history retains its secofd'ary positiion in, the curri= chum' of Ontario 'public schools.—_ "Slew'Yerk Heiaid•.Tribiine. • ' • M'inard's ..Will Kill' 'Corns. •' HAPPY FAILURES' ' Cold_iin'the head is very common at , . - Yell,'t said .Mrs, Hogan, ' "that'll this time1 Father er draught would not •have ftnpr'essed Tarn ye to keep out of thlim places. " s of• yea•r, especially in the very young. Neglect of a cold is prone The' fetcher was talking about the'to lead to: serious • consequences; To dolphin' and its habits. r.eliete all congestion,•of •the 'system. 'And children,''. she .said, impres .is . the . first step In treating a cold; sively,, "just think! . A single .dolphin, whether in Infants or. adults. For the will hax'e' two thousand :dolphins!" very young, Baby's Own• Tablets are "Goodness l" exclai'nled the little the ideal ' Ineans •of doing this. Con- gitl`at the foot of,the class; "and how taming no narcotics or other harmful many ilo the •married ones. have?" •drugs they . soothe. the• child's fretful- •• • nese, relieve its suffering and ensure • He -"Kiss's are the language of convalescence. • ' • • • Baby's .Own Tablets are without afi equal for, relieving indigestion, ' con- stipation and colic. 'They check diarr- hoea; break up colds and simple 'fives; ' promote 'health giving Sleep and make the dreaded teething period easy. The -Tablets are thti one medi- cine that a mother can give her Attie es with ei feet. 'safet as lo've,"• 'She—"Well, ,why ' don't you. something?", : • ` say- , Two goalkeepers were arguing as to which' had -dealt 'with the` hardest shots.. • "Why," Said bile.' "I remember'Once v lien Buster of the Rangers shot from, a''penaity and the puck' bit rhe— ''Y'es,'and what happened?"• "I had •to pay a quarter 'to get back into' the •rink,"• •• they • '•' " on P Y are •guaraiiteed to be free fr n1 injurious drugs. They aresold by all medicine dealers or, by mail at 2t cents a box from The Dr. i� illtams' Medivine Co., Brockville; Ont. ', -.-.;. AN3 . SEASON, Is Vacation Time • In Atlantic, City ANY VACATION . Is An Assured Success telt You Stay at the P sT: •CHARLE With the Finest Location e•nd. the Longest Porch on 'the Boa. dwalk Offering the uttimate to Service with • .Unexcelled Cuisine, o� TOTAL75%F• A R . to CANADA„ ADVAN9ED BRITISHERS. in Canada may now bring forward their : Families,. Relatives and ' • Friends on Easy, Ter'm's. • Foe full details apply:— a'. D. 9Allamitolt, Toirt. teavvt. Oolontaatloit Canadian Paoifio itallway,Toronto .BRITISH • RE -UNION ASSOCIATION - Itching Ends in I -Minute • oiled eczema for months. Single application of 'Soothe -Salsa' ended • itch and b irn int,fust••. 1 box ended disease lot good.' Jane Paula. "Soothe-Salva"etlda ems quickest time ever 'known. falling ettopa Metenttj. All druggists. Do You' Get • Up Tired, ' Cross? Look' out.' It may be kidn.ey9. Try•' • . Warner's Safe Kidney and' , Liver Remedy ifee,'s aayr the kindly doctor, «yon need a atinittlant diuretic." And for more . than so year' the b'eit known remedyr'in this clan' has been Warner's Safe Did. ' .: aey and niter Remedy, oritollen* , i ttiasictas's• preicription, blade of Na. mi's's herbs.. sate. of aonree. But better tIRrt that, it' helps to preserve your bloat twee -tone elseets,,gone health. Gently it stimttlateti • .•itldneya end liver to do. their Work of o1easriiig oat blip boli8ne. With your o •etretarl iemised, and all prganr bio d • fttnctionfng tit 'they dhonld, soil a`tvako from ' a i'ottnd iii bt'd 'aleep tette-Shea, Life take',• en a invig�or&ted. rtrontC.- - : slew toy. Your aye- cleare. Voir akin'l olds. Iron Walk With, Milne a healtLy.. a .,,,.. ther- eeaaras%ce. `Ifottf d11Ylilay ss. air of aft <ity anti Oradell.. , Every drntteirt knows Pleasant tasting Warner% Safe'.5tidmey and Liter Resli- it. Costs lit'tle,, bnt it 10 worth nn- tojd nitteunt' to anlOtie who hied* ted" gives.. Buy your bottiei today. help !t • Stet Peek to health. Warner's Safe Item- ediei Co., Toronto t ntatio. WA'RMER'S SAl'il . KIDNEY' AND Llti>ln it> DY:: The'after-dinner speaker had talked for fifteen,minutes. . • • "After• partaking of such en excel- lent meal," he continued, "T feel that if I had 'eaten any inure I would •be unable to talk." I , From the far end r01 the table came an`order to the waiter: "Bring him a • sandwich." • . •• ., Schoolboy (to his mother)—"First teacher told, me not. ,to talk so loud and 'then he kept me • in for 'whisper- ing." , "Many' a good fellow has been brought up : t a public school. And many another at a police court.) • • Earth tremors slightly shocked L Angeles, about the only thing remain- ing that can. -Maid---,"There's a man 'singin' side' the the door,'' ma'am. He wants to know if you'd' assist him." • . ' Mistress—"'fell 'him I don't • sing:'' Export of Alcohol ' Chicago Tribune: Canada is talking very seriously about shutting down, on the exportation of "likker" to the United . States. It• would be a good thing for Canada, for then everybody that likes cl►ampagne l or beer would have tn, go up to Canada to get it and spend a lot of money. on railroads,. hotel bilis, and post cards, besides what they pay•'for .their drinks.. Aboitt'the .only way • to 'scare Canada into hating a heart is to talk about annexing it. The one big bugaboo that stalks around Canada day and night and all the year around is an- nexation' by tho,t nited States. Start a 1ot°of talk about annexing Canada if she shuts down,,. oh letting us have 'Ticker"' and the Canadipns Will rush ,down to the boundary line with 'a quart 'bottle in one hand and a tin tipper in the other and pour us out all we want. "Not that lye want to an flex' Canada --=far from sudh. Where could we drive our autos when we wanted to be free frons snoopers and reformers and bandits end. hijackers and enforcement, officers With, their loarftlg shotgti'ns if Canada *ea under the 'wine laws that have been .smear- ed over:the U.S,A.,2 NO,, Canada Is our lapd of refuge, r! our .oasle in. if"; dreary desert, our satictuar'y. We read that a New Zealander, who played the Plane for one hundred 'and twelve hours without stopping,•is coin Ing to' England.. This country is at• ways very gooc to refugees. • "Cotiscie ice Ie. the tlns'afest guide any theologian ever talked; -'-Clarence • • Verona, Italy, Cai1.o• .Sasselll, .sev euty-six years old, now restored•to hIs, family here after serving'thirty- four. ears ,ln prison for. 'murder, has 'Ring Albert of•the Beigiahls to thank•. as well as his ,own 'Ring, Vsetor Em: martiag•ot •Italy,_ for the royal pardon that:°set' him'' free. ..Ocie of 'Sassel,4's• sone is an expert locomotive• engineer on the State Railways,, with Milan as his headquarters. • When .the royal. train bearing the then Princess, Marie - Jose of; the Belgians•,• her. parents and brothers carne through Milan in Jan- uary the 'engines were changed and the younger .Sassel'li had the honorcof taking the regal convgtuy on to. Rome for 'the wedding. ' TT Now Albert, King of th•e Belgians,' soinethiing' of a' mechanic himself, and can run a locomotive with the -best'. of 'them, as • he proved on his tour of the `'United States. •some ten yars go. He climbed into the cab,' took the• throttle for a 'dike, . nd then talked to.asseili.' r4 : 'You're a •gdod engineer," said the Belgian monarch, •at the end of, their conversation. "If there is anything I could do ,for you, I' should. be glad t0." .Then the 'engineer' told' him the- sad story of his 'family; how his father had, tried time after time to have his:: trial reviewed,.hut, 'without success, and how after all .those years of con- finement, most of it in "solitary," he wanted to see his aged wife, his two sons and two • daughters and .grand children berore, he' died. . • ' • "I think,',' said King Albert, "that I might ;say a word to my 'couhin' of "Did Mrs. Swift take her husband's Italy." True to his word. he did, failure in the right spirit " ' f ;and the • elder Sasselli , is finally at "Oh, yes. -hist as soon as She, knew 'i IIberty. • he was going to fall she went out and bought her entire spring outfit,"' Models Striving"passing." :Time is stationary;sit is Eternity, 'which is never still. .Tine Natural Waists is but the flxed•standpoint from which. • :we mortals see the swift stream of • -- �t 'TIME We err in speaking of Time as Doctors Prescribes Heavy Food .to Meet. Current Awful . thought. Suppose the mil- Vogue•lennitim, when at last:it comes, is held i'aris.—�Dbctoi's and cooks, called up until ratified by the TI.S.S Senate. Fifty million jaowder-puffs were sold in this country last year. Some lucky manufacturers are making hay while the nose shit es.—Punch. - "Death, pain and poverty are to mme very real evils, except when 1 ain in an arm*'hair reading a •book of philo- sophy."---ltoliert Lynd. , • ,' Eternity Sweep past. info consultation by the leading dress- makers in an effort to fatten the mannikins of the Rua de la Pais to meet the requirements of the • new styles, have prescribed liberal doses of potatoes and macaroni, dumplings and pastry..' The new modes upset the life of most women. For several years they have gone hungry and wrestled medi- cine balls to grow thin and reveal the'svelte line 'of the prevailing fas- hion. • Now alines. overnight, they have to- be fatter, for the newer styles with normal waistlines look Mach bet- ' ter on a woman with good poundage. Miers they formerly lunched on a bit of salad, sprinkled with • lemon, and 'munched 'mints 'during the day, they' now sit dowi#• to a four course heal, at noon. 'and drop thee or four l turps of Sugar ill their coffee. ]iot;- • n tors are elated for there • are ninny who contend that Prance's increasing] death rate among women. and' smail children and decr:enning bit'tlt - rate were, directly traceable 'to' ism$roper 'Darr'ow. diet. •smart 'dress•nraater• gave ,as her opinion that a healthy Wotan of iii"e feet six 'inches, . Miro shotild, have weighed 110 pounds last year to be ultra -fashionable, must no'w weigh 118 to 1.20 pounds. "• �. .•., " secondbest • navy is like a sec - end best poker hand. '�=Adtniral thigh It' din - . Mkiard's Kills Dandruff. them so.'much, or' led'to their follow- ing .Christ..' It is well for' us to .fail when we have been depending on our own strength and knovyiedge,, for then we' May; be thrown' upon God and re- ceive the..greater blessing.: The fail- ure .was net from Walt of .and, stry or, from fault,;but .troved' to be prepaf•a- �tion for a •Wonderful lesson, • which benefited not only 'those ,who were witnesses, but all whc • have since read the narrative. Do. not .be discourag- ed at failure.. Restlst despondency, and. rest upon the promise that all things work together•for the good of those that love God. ' • 'We have single purpose machinery and we want general purpose men:"— Henry FON. • YOVIr°' HAIR 'NEEDS• TO GIVE IT HEALTH AND.LUSTRE ASK. YOUR BARBER flint Skid., Yew► /�j/ • A -Meek Latta&L writer about Iron - lied Yeast. Thousands say.adda st to 13 lbs. In 3 ,weeks. Complesiop clears like magic. Nava sonatina - 'Mon vanish overnight. Gat honked . Yeast tablets from dtttggM today. is , or MEW/ XTY1Zl • Aka ti OsatU/14 PHILLIPS y"O*t!IAtily�S' For T* fes. due to Acid tNfit0ESTI0N ACID STOMAtte NEARTIM.A.N' HEADACHE GASES=t+a - 'Sick:stotilactls, sour meni'actr's said iudigestien usually to hti, exCe'ss acid. The stotpach nerves are overotinlu, fated, Too much acid .shakes the stom- ach and'•intestines sour. Alkali kills ac.iil tns'tantly. The best Mani s:Phillipp' Milk of g'n Idaesia,' be- cause far . one less, qatteless dose �.,, neu"%ralzes Mafia taffies it§ volume in acid. Since its invention, 50 -'wire' ago, it has remained the. standard with physicians everywhere, a Steri'o srapher• CuStoms Examiner.. Cus- ma tos nd Immigration Cuard, e:l•Per- manent positions with .ension Prepare now for next examinations. 13oaki.et sent free..on request Write iii C.C- Civil • Ser f.lee School (Dept.• A•), Toronto 10, Ont. • The London Conference has at. least. , succeeded reducing -e awns. NO LONGER SUFFERJii writes Mr ` McAithtu.' TORPID LIVER Thousand -say regalia! INDIGESTIONtbo4, . its • • trouble.Indi- gcstio n, gas end overnight CONSTIPATION with Frwt-a-fives, Nerves gsado,'G'et,'rPi rata aves",, NERVOUSNESS ' from druggisttodsly. HEADACHES" Ileumatsin Massaging the aching parts' with: Minard's 'brings comforting relief, Try it: if Nth. acle Olin* pt's note walks welt' Maliks to r ruschtn . • " For over eight months I teas laid. up with rheumatism,'. unable to move;,when I was advised to try Sruschen Salts. • 1t is almost a miracle, but without a word of a lie I wad able to be taken to the front door in less than a week l tin a few•days-1 was out with the help:. of 'crutches:;. , 'and .in a short time I was walking well: This • is nye a one-week testimonial, but four years. "I'Xtaae taken it ever since. and I never feel 'a pinch of rheumatism now. I tell everobody about it, and advise them' to take -it • I will close my letteh hoping.you will publish .0 fur 'others: to see:" —Md. Williams. Orlelpel letter oxine for Inspection- Kruschen. Salts is obtainable at. drug and - department stores in Canada at 75e. a'bottle. A bottle contains enough to last or 4 .or ,5 o,00tlus health for half -5.=c7 -good nt a day, FREE' TRIAL OFFER • 1f you have never tried Kruschcn .try 11 now at our expense. We have distributed a great .'Ask yoln packaga. many spAecial " GIANT" packages Which make It easy foryou to` prove our claim. for yyourse f. • druggist for the new'•.GIAIM.T" 750. .This consists of our regular 75e. bottle together with a separate' trial bottle—sufficient for about one week.. Open the: trial bottle tirst,'put.it to the teat, and then, if not entirely convinced that Kruschen does everything we claim, it to do the regular bottle Is still tis good s.5 new. Tate 1t back. Your . druggist is authpptriIsed to return your 750, Immediately and without question. You have tried Eruschen, free, our expense. What could . be fairer ? 51 nufactured by E. Griffiths Hughes, Ltd., M nchester, Eng. '. (Eitel,. 1750). Importers: If GiWvray Bros. Ltd.. Toronto. Take a spoonful in water and your , unhappy coilditioll will prababiy end. in five minutes: Then, you will always know what to do. Crude and hartfl.fut methods Will never 4ppeai to you, Go .prove this for your. otvn sake. It May save a great many. hours.'disagreeable Se Stare to get the genuiri'h Phillip's' 11fa°a� lle-slapp're's`crib'ed'b Milk 'of y p clans for tryears in correcting excess , acids. Each bottle -contains full d#roc tions—any'• drugstore. • I 00 YOU SUFFER' F ' OM CONST t AEON?. Y `.Countless remedies are_advestised: for constipation, Many relieve for themoment but they are habit form- ing and must be continued. Others contain calomel' and dangerous min- eral drugs,which remain in the sys- tem, .settle in the joints and cause aches and pains. Soine are ''harsh purgatives which cramp anti;, gripe and leave a depressed after effect. Avoid lubricating oils 'which only grease the intestines and encourage nature's machinery to become lazy. A purely• 'vegetable laxative 'such as Carter's Littie'Liver Pills, gently touches the liver, bile startsto flow, the bowels move gently, the intestines are thoroughly cleansed and constipa- tion poisons pass awayi"The stomach, liver and' bowels are now active and the system enjoys a real tonic effect.• All druggists 25c and 75c red pkgs. • Praises Vegetable Compound, $ ood Medicine and Liv r Pills Bitchtbwli, Quebec "I li °• 13 miles; from town on a farm, *itis al home ditties ai i chatt- ing to a t' Yid to. At•the Ih:sgeof Life, be • .ener-, vous- c1 rub- down. un-down. ' e .ge table +✓ompot3d elped my whiffle ateA ..I nerves ,i�ai fire better, my ap' petite is "good and 1 am able to do iffy work. 1 have als.`, taken tile. BloodMedicine q.,..e. 1 Medicine and the �rver .fills and they helped inc. I will Bilotti. letters, from women asking, about your Medi' "— -_. .. - N .. Hies. ;line.. .1tYrnATtU tr'A•►gil,4'o , Birchtowlb-Quebecr ISSUE No. 13 3f t a b �f;