HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-01-02, Page 14;Ka
,,-utudeut at icuux ,001.
mill uscupv, the pulpit
!OM Church negt,PqatlaY
morning and evening and
NAin the alternoon. Mr,
will .eanifhlet his college
April when he will be quali4
ed to take A. charge, He will be, e
• eindidge for a tall -to Seuth•Kielese-
• PrelibYtetian GOA •
• The ,meeting this week was opened
•by alnging a hymn which was follOw-
ed'ly the Scripture reading read by
'Waxen& Mullin after which the,
Lord's Prayer wee repeated. A reel-,
tAtick was given by John K, Mae -
Kenzie. The, musical e'unibers .were
llletrddlentgl on the ,Violin by Mr.
Henderson accompaniell by Mrs. Me.
• • Kenzie, 4 piano instrumental by Win -
Wired Johnston and a eel° by Helen
were -.given by
,• Misses Vera 'Sheriff, Helen ,MaCDonald,
and Gladys MacDonald.' A' number" of
Mat- jokes .were given tollewed • by
Bedell' hour. The meeting was closed
• by singing a hymn followed by Pt'a7eT,
United Church.
The .itiaeting; .MondAy 'evening,- Op.
' • ened witit, a hYnffi and the Lord's
Prayer repeated..ii unison: :rho SetiP-
• ture loam was read by Miss Bernice
• Blake. Margaret Ritchie gave a read -
Ong, ,Imbel McMillan 'an instrumen-
tal aolo and Misses /311inche MacDeu-•
4.-11all and Bessie Caniechain an lustre• -
mentiil duet Miss Lorna Pantpbell'
gave an Irish residing and Dr. New-.
• ton gave an interesting addmss, •on
• St. Patrick and Ireland mentiaffing
his ;own visit to Blarney' Castleand
• deseribing the Blarney stone, A. con-
test ,was ,.put on by the social com-
mittee rind lunch served. The meeting
closed with a hare* and the Mizpah
Next Monday night 'the Rev, Alex
Nicholson will •address the meeting.
• $t. Peter% A. V. PA.,A.
The zegular meeting of 'St. Peter%
,•A.Y.P.A, was lielfl Monday. evening,
, ;and the Program was in'hainiony with.
•the' Festival of St. Patrick. Miss D.
, . Goa, .leader of the:1011e side was in
charge`of• the eaeping. The rector
conductedthe opening exercises and
also give • a ' brief address on the sol -
halt features of the life et -St. Patrick
alinutee being rr'eed and confirmed
. and general business transacted,. an
' instrumental, was rendered her 'Miss
• Margaret Miller. Yellowing the sing-
• ,ing of a hymn, Rev, C. II. 24tieponael
addressed the gathering. Very ap-'
pecipriately,',1eaving some well"needed.
encoMaigement inid advice with the
, members. A vote of thinks was ex
tended to elf. MacDonald by the as
(iodation. Others who centiibeted to
, the program -were ; Miss At., Cooke,
1 •Mts. Hassan, :Mr. G. Whitbe,
Hen/worth, Miss Jessie Purest's, Mies
Mitchell.* The next Meeting is in
'Charge ,of the Whites, led by Mimi
• Mildred ' 4
• Before Mr. and Mrs. •W. It Kemp.;
too left their. Ashfield biome to take
• up residence in .Luektiow„ it, number
of -their friends gathered at, their
honue• and piesented them' with a'
'pure' and the' address wIdch • fella
Dent Mt. and Mrs.
Bdore you leave, wn, yew, friends
• and neighbors take this opeortimity
4ef gathering here -to -night to expros.s,
our regret at your departurefrom our
• community, but we are evil.° know
that you are net going so Tar aWAY
but that, we can renew acqinantances
with you (occasionally:• "
You • have bothheld pliees in • the
•community which we reatize cannot
be ffiled by -anyone else and •b3r your
ready helpfulness, cheerful•hospitality
and good felloWship you have made
many *lends here. We regret sincela.
et, your Misfortune in the loss Of
'.yo ila barn by fire which has caused
you to make the decisionto give up
farming but we wish You everY sues
ems in your new line of work
• ,As a slight token Of. remembrance
we wish Ybu to accept this purse and
although we feel that you will both
- -he 'greatly missed from our •vicinity
• we asonire you that you take our buo
'frisbee With you to your new home,
and we hope that you may be frequent
eilitors to our coMmunity where the
heartiest of welcomes will' alwaye be
Waiting for you.
• Signed on Behalf of the Neighbors.
• ZION .
Wood -bees are the order of the d
In this vicinity as.Yir. Will Reed.
Lanes is doing the buzz -sawing.
A Verst plentsant event took place
the borne 'of Mr. and Mrs -Isaac A
drew on Tuesday evening last wile
Mrs. Mary Anderson celebrated h
gfith birthday. Many of her childre
hrid grandchildren mei.* the evenin
- to extend congratulations And spen
a social hour. Mrs. Anderion; was th
recipient of tnanv congratulations b
a letter and nhrone among them was
letter by air mail from her grandso
• Mi. J. P. Andrew, Edmonton, els
• ' one from her 'former pester Mr. 'A
W. Brown; Thornditle, Ont.
The Zion W.M.S. met at the hoin
of Mrs. Charles MeDonagh. on Thur
day last and quilted a quilt, (deo liel
their regular monthly Meeting. 111rit
. Ritehie bas offered her home fo
the next meeting. .
• Mr. Dierks of Belfast came over Mid
gave his address uA Chosen Calling'
to the. ,on Monday evening. It
was 'very winch enjoyed by those 'ore -
tent Mr. Davis is a splendid speaker
and his stabled i%i5rie th,At wri-
• Veal to all Yelling people. Miss Edna
Ritchie sting a solo and a trio was
,given by Messrs. Seim Ritchie, Will
Hunter and Albert Eitehirds •
,. Mies jesele Andrew.. president zit
the IKP.S., Zion Was At' Home to Oat
ltieletto Ode' Week.' The regtilnr. , meet -
being held, followed by tt sOcial
evening. .The hostess served refresh -
omit* Ma all report a very. reoyalde
•• ' IIM. 'John Helm 'Visited for a few,
this Week with her mother, Mrs,
• Mary Anderson.
Miss Elsie Ititchfo•spent Saturday
eletert ?date NelsOp hamlet&
9 the
A . 131.41AW to 'nips. the owe of
$00,90,040 .ta Pl7 for repairing and
*Proving the Present ii.oter*Origi
eastern in the 'aalatan of 4ucknow,
end. for providing „domeetic: pure
Walt0r '449114,9 10.01004. to. Alt.
.loresen• t Water1r0r, • bv • SAWkigg.
dee') *elle 'and instilling pumping.
*dement .:and laying etortiln.liew
water mains 44 slid Village.
WHEREASit is. deemed .expedient
and •UeeeeSarY tat the COOnCai. a theMuntcipui .
Curiaa-atioli tett.ajliage,
Of. 'tau:anew, ,'1,0 "cow atie ipApreye
the .preient Water:Works :OW pro-
vide,* 4104444C pore wa4ii, suPpAk by
sinking We,ili :aaa0 Insiading
.eqa.ipMenc:,„nioni- laying eea.;
tain new. eoior mains In
and •the.,purpose, OZ paying ftor
mina to raise the sem ofstoe4;ue0,00...
• AAA, ' Witatte:As: it is tieairee.e.to
raiSe, sii* An • too,Ou040 •10; :Cher
piirpuees' a/weenie 'ey i.tee lasee
riebeaaaiee upon the credit of the
•Vtildge et rtucknow and .ier Mich
.putpuie. the anamicipai ;tanincil ot
isaid -aenlago • intends. by -tais
to -Atreat.e g'•deot upen ' the esid'(;.orp-
.oration of 00;090.00 wita interest.
therm* at the rate of . five ang.One-
hiiii :per cent per. Amnia peyntoie an
thirty the issue of ,Debentures With •coupons
ehtlat *Pflug!: instahaenis by.
attached for the payment of intelept.
. • • •
Aear WHEIthAS it AS desirable,
and trio MizOiCiptii Collodi Of amid
Village has ' determined, te Witte , de-
benture* at one tune, and to loathe,
the prineipill of the said debt repay-
able. b 1 early *urns tae per -
104 of ty ,yeari, being the .citreen-
gy of the field debentures such year-
ly tains'. being: of autla, respectiee
amounts. that. the 'aggregate amouet
payable in eaeh. , year . for principal
and interest at the rate of .five and
One-half per .Cent Per annum: •in re-
epect, of the said debt shall ..be; as
nearly as, possible equal to. jibe
amOtints so payable in. each of the
twentYatine. other yenta. of. the 'said
period, is 'shown in the Aichedule here-
inafter mentioned..
AND .WHEREAS. the summit' of
the whole 'rateable prePorty 'of the
said • Village of.,:,Lucknow . according
to the hest reviser' •Assessment RoJJ
of the said hi the dam;
of $420;394.00. • • • .
' 'AND •WHEREAS the present ex -
biting debt, of .the eaids: ' of
Lecknow • :mewed by debentures is
'the' sum Of .$36,668.79,., and , Ito part,
:(if the mid, earn .is in slavers. • . •
AND WHEREAS for ',paying err
. .
the. said prinCipab. slim of Sixty-five
Thousand and interest it will
be neeeiliary to raise in the 'several
years hereinafter Mentioned the fol.,
Jolting • '
Principal • ;Interest Total
$ :89745 , $ •3075'.00 • :$ 4472.35
. 946.70 3525:65 4472.:35
998.77 • • 347&58, . 4472.38
1051.71 . 3418:64 4472.35
1111•66.. • 3360.69 •.4472:35
1172.80 3299,55 T. .447245
1237.31 • . 3235.04 . 4472.35-
• nom; 3166.99 . 4472.35
1377.10 • 3095.20 ,• 4472,35.
1452:90 3019:45 • , 4472:35
153180, 2939.55' • ' 4472.35.
.1617.11 '285514 ' ,..4472.3a
•-• 1706.05 •276030 •44745
1,199.88 • 2672.47 •4472:3a
.1898.07 • 2573.48 ' ' 4472.35
2003.31 • 2469.04 • 44724F
2113.50 •2358.85 ' 4472.35
. 2229,74 a942.a1 •4472.8e
• . 2352.37.. 2119,98. •4472.3a.
248L76 • 1990.59 4471::3F
• 208.25 •1854.10 . • 4472.:”.
. 2762•9111., 1710.09 , atalrft3F
•' 1558.17 447245
34204734..54: . • •-1228.79 4472
.• 139789 ; 44790r
.• 3421515 ' • 1050.40• • 447q
3610.1,5 , R42.20 4471
ail0S71 • 6e3.64 447?
.401$* . 464.17.
4239.20 • 233.15 44447722
being the eggregate amount for pri
-deal and interest to be Paid .meh a
every emir actotding to the statu
in eucli.case Made and provided. ,
'AND WHEREAS the said improv
ment and .proposed water supply
.the waterworks for the raid Vidag
Of Lucknow and the laying of th
uid niains has been approved he t
Provincial Board of Health and an
.approval hos been certified 'under t
hand of The Minister. of Health. th
•Preeinclat Sanitary. Engineer and th
Deputy Minister of Health of th
Departnient .of Health, of Ontario.
1 'That it shall iftwfid fer,th
Reeve of the said MunielhalihY • fe
the purposes aforesaid to borrow th
said sum of Sixty4ie Thousand Dol
hies and to issue debentures of th
tadd Municipality to that: ameinit
with coupons attached for the pay
intent of interest. at the rate of &-
And one-half per cent pet annum as
aforeitild.,„in sums of, not less. thei
One Hundred 'Donal% • '
'2 The said debenturet :Ann • be
payable at the Drench or Agency of
the tank Of Montreal in the Village
of /AMMO* in the County. of *bee.
3. It P11011 he 4awfol for th- Reeve
of the tide Municipality and he is
hereby atithotized itisttucted "to
sign and faille debentures hereby.
eithoilted to be issued aatA a*liitko•
the seine to be eieraal ba the Treas.
titer ' the said .orna
the Clerk of the Amid Municintilita
Is hereby authorized and directed to
etteeh, the emit et the said- Mettle.-
teility to the said debentoreei,
4 Th deb
OW THIIRMAir, Xt.Rt1(20tb,
year shall be *et in the
v444 berate,5. •
There WWI he -raised and levied
In each year by special rate oe
-0.4.4010 .property in in the (add Mani-
oipalitY eam• auffielst to discaerger
the several histahlienta of principal.
Aed.. intenest' aeetaieg dile on the said
• deka/Attires as the , seen) beeonte
alPectivelY RAYON according to the
,Pt•olisittna Of this 'by -taw.'
43., The said StiM of Otatp-five
• thousand Vollafa 'shall be expended
When' raised for the purpose set for-
th in the recitide hereto.
7. Th,la bY4,hatv shall eeine into
forge and _take effect immediately
upon the final eaesing thereof.
.Passed" provisionally and dated at
the Village Of Lucknow this tenthii
(ley of March, A. D. 1930. "
Mimi* named Alga •
day of •. • • leg
•• • .. • * '' '' •;• • • '• 11 !,'.• • • Rein
• TAKE NOTICE that the. foregoing,.
is, a' true Auer turreet OW Of o pat -
•Posed a)y-iaw ei „toe t.:oreoietion, a)4,1
the Viouse et Lacaeuvr to Oe
ted tee votes of the eleetoes, en-
titled to _vote tiieition, on leeway the
seventh day Of aairii leao, be-
, tvieen the bouts .o,t, nine o mow( An the
fOrenoon an4 five o'clock in the efter-
tiden at the paces.* toe said
and by the Deputy Itetiiiitipg Officers
nientiohea below, agniely: •
80Uth Polliog •ambilivision at ,the
Uhamber in the Town Hall
with •'Ewen Howard Agnew: Deputy,
Returning,' Officer there..
Mirth palling snbuii$iiiion at Thom-
as Reid's storo with Marshall Ginhain
Deputy Returning _Officer.
and that the Fourth day of 'Awn,
D. 1930 at 'eleven (o'clock in the fore -
not* at the Coutied :Chamber in. the
Town Hill in the said
, Municipaii.
has been hated for the appointinefit of
persons to attend at the polling plac-
es and at the' final summing up , of
the votes bar. the Clerki.
• And that if the assept of the glee:
ters is obtained to the 'said proposed
By-law it Will, be telten hito consid•
oration. by the Municipal Council of
the •said •CorpOratien, at a Meeting
•thereof to. he after the expiration of
one' month front; the date of the first
Publication orthis notice, which first
pnblication 'was anade on. the Thir-
teenth day of March A.D.:1930.
And that any 'tenant entitled to
*eta ,on such BY -law and Who is de-
sirous to so Vote must deliver to the
'Clerk • of the. Municipality net slitter
than the tenth' day before the day
appointed for the taking of the vote
a declaration.Under The Canada Evi-
dence 'Act stating the facts required
43Y subsection 3 of Section 074 of the
•Municipal Act to.' he stated in such
declaim**. ,
• Dated at Leeknow this eleVeilth day.
lof March AD.,193ft •• •
Mr. iohn Kilpatrick, a well-known
•and highly Mteemed resident of Ash-
field died at hie .heme, on the 6th
concession of Ashfield On March 5th.
He enjoyed good health all his life up
to a year ago, when through a fall he
suffered it:fracture of the hip. Recov-
ering from the accident he regained
normal health up to the beginning, of
this year, when his health began to
fail, and on Febtuary .17th he suffer, -
ed a Paralatie stroke, and despite all
'that medical skill and nursing eould
do he passed WAY. kir. Kilpatrick
was born in Armagh, Ireland on Feb.
lat, 1855; and grew to manhood there.
In November; 1874, he was united in
marriage to Miter Frances Albin. Com-
ing to Canada, fifty years ago, they
settled on concesaion 7, on faint at
present owned by John Kilpatrick,. a
.gr grandson. In addition to farming on
.pr an extensive scale, fol. many Years he-
ne. contrneted in township „road -building
*.-ie and for the petit three years he wee
superintAindenv of roadwork in the
township AahfieldA In November
*e: 1924, Mr. and Mee. Kilpatriek celebra-
nt, ted their golden wedding atinihersara
te In April, 194 Mrs. Kilpatrick was,
called by death, Saviving are three
e sons and two daughters: Mins Serfie
.0 Kilpatrick, and Milton Kilpatrick, of
• Ashfield; Will Kilpatrick of Richmond
e Virgilliai Ed. 'Kilpatrick Of Ogetea,
he Sask.; Mrs. Marley Gibbs (Margaret)
ei .41f WOO'. Alberta. One son; Joseph
Kilpatrick died, about twenty -flare
4. years ago and one daughtef, Mrs.
Laut (Nam), Crossfield, Alberta;
c, died about three years ago. Deceased
also survived by thirteen grandchil-
dren. ate was a member of Crewe
a' United Church. funeral was held
} from his •Iffinie, lot 7, concession 6.
• Ashfield, on Tdisday afternoon of least
• week to Dungannon Cemetery: The
funeral services were conducted by
t his pester Rev. C. C. Keine, assisted
e by Rev. C. Tav.ener of the. Ashfield
circuit land Rev. R. T. Kilpatrick of
Wyehdotte, Mich, a nephew of the de-
ceased, Rev. Kilpatrick preached the
- funeral Berm* and spoke feelingly
of 'hit earliest recolleetiona of 'his
r the
game date and seall be issued Within
two Yeats after the day On which the
is passed and miiy hear /Inv
date within enah tire' years and
he payable in 'etioaii anima aistala
eats durirar,-- -the thirty ilear neitt
after the trite when the ewe* ere is-
su d tit
uncle, on hit arrival from Ireland; of
the convere tkins he had overheard
between Mai and his Own father re-
garding -spiritual matters; of his kind -
nest to 0101 family when their
•tather wet called by derail, and of
-the pleasure With which he looked far -
ward ,to seeing his uncle on his oc-
casional ibsits back home. A duet
"The City Pourstiuttre,” was sang by.
Misers. Henry Berton and Thonitie
'flake, The pallbearers were Messrs.
Phonies Anderson, Maeltenzie,
tames Ritchie. john Meek, Chas. Me-
Denegh And Sanibel Swan, members
af Ashfield townshiD, Council. A larg
vsemblage of neighbors and friends
o pay e last respects
(spirted: The .many beautiful
erings bore their mute ex -
Was present t " th
to the 4
floret ett
0 gait On of sytittnthy to the beieaved
frinitly.„ Among them were a sheaf of
toSear 'from- the VaPITS lio.fawanCt
-tantinuatiott where Mina Ruby
Kilpatrick tetteher, toid eltiotet
ft It • - - •
• 0 Tr/Hoodoo* ewe-- • OM. * pu its of Miss Violet kit -
HAVE you en old,
- worn-out tintepiece
• in that top bureau
•'drawer? Bring ,it to
us and trade it in for
• one of the latest style.
Wrist wane -hes. -
in/ahe a lib-
eral ;allowance on.
your oldwatch, to be
applied to the pnr.
• chmie of one of thest
nacidein, nationally
AdVertised Vitintons:
.litIELME-Popular rectangular style.
15 Jewels. Exquisitely engraved,case.
beautiful watch and an accu- •.
late one. .124.75.
Winton Olniutood
• ,Nationally Advertised 15
• Jewel Winton movement -in a.
. handsome' tonneau ' case --
=intone dial and ' hands -coin.'
with popular metal mesh
band Fully guaranteed.
tuRrcx.,-A handsiw• me wrier watch
• of unusual design, With Jeivci move.
anent and detachable filigreed atilt
Wirtiois falcon
A modern ...vetch for ine-clt-rit
- men! The case is made with two
• atep . formations on each side,
• and four. On each end. The
• 13andlink bracelet harmonizes
beautifully with the case and
combines to make an unusually
attractive watch -luminous dial,'
, and •hande--accurate /5 Jewel
Wintion motiement, . 137.50
Jeweller Lucknow
' • . MAIPEKM •
' &lapped with
rths for \ dye and
Ott spaae :or inore
an twelve at th a un-
ually low price or
'11e8c5au( sr?. WolrY).stand-
dization Richardson
ulsabouts are lbw in
ice, and hi gt• q un
' Of Clear Cedar,
hit6 Oak, and. Ma-,
ogau, "tea u tifut
ariie:Nrotor itiVes a
t.• 'aulsrs ti6toti• ntlas,i,7 660.rsaqi
Ashfield Cauncil met Monday after-
noon. Messes. 'I'. Anderson and H.
Curran gave reports of the recent
•PGood ROade" convention they at-
tended at Toronto, at this meeting.
Miss Pesti Irwin is visiting, friends
in. London.
The Slake braniatic Club enjOye
Friday; evening at Pert Albert, *her
they were greeted with a full lious
and an appreciative audience. Friday
evening. of this week they vvill •pre
sent the play at St. Helens.
Mies 'Grace Blake and Jack Curran
are arranging the program for young
Peonleai Meeting Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Apaerson and
family and Mr. and: Mrs. S. 4. Kil-
pntrick' and family helped celebrate
Mrs. David Anderson's nintieth hirth-
day, at the home of Mr..•and Mrs,
Isaac Andrew, Zion, on the evening
of Mareh 11th.• , 1
The followng is taken from a Long f
Beach, Cal., paper and" the b. S. Kil-j
patrick refgtred to is a siin, of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kitpattick
who resided many years in this neigh-
borhood. "Dave" grew to young anan-1
hood here before going to Uncle
5.1Amai country to make his fortune.
Three, armed and masked ,banditel
held up D. S. Kilpatrick and five em-
ployee, tied their antids behind then , •
herded them into a small dressinp•
too* next to the office of the Kilpat-
rick bakery at 1468 Pacific. Ave. at
3 o'clock yesterday morning, blew
the s,afe and escaped with hetwee
$700 and $1000 in cash. Checks a
mounting. to . approximately $2000
were left lying sOn the" floor. The
means of travel ira!
the eracksmen. when they fled was
inuleterinined stia Che innitisoned men
did hot gain their freedoth and report
to peliee for twenty Minutes Ifter
the Men had departed. '
While two of the men held euns or
'the Vittims a third tied their hand' -
behind behind them with bestial wrappin-
twine. They were Oen token into the
&tieing room -And told to make them-
eelees comfortable as they. Ole hail,
dits expected it would take *hind an
!Jinni - jai finish the jab. One man stood
outside the door, while the other two
Want to work dn the safe, the guard
explained tel the ex Men that he
vaSultrtiike care of them if -teav at.
tempted to come out tapping his gun
sgnafteatinttol*thltda eat deitdetlis:.the°Poheetros
professionals just enough nitro-.
glYcetitie had been used to blow the
dime off told tie daniage•was done to
the rogni. This the gist of the tie -
client though there Wits Much more
Of -• • '
Watch for this Months Big Sah,
you &net get one in Your
n il box l'eport to Phone 12. Tho
eed of. nearly 13
Meg •per hour.
rdso . .
the McKenzie of Ripley United. Church
a former pastor, assisted -by, .Rev.
....:,.,- Death of Milt PinnelL, .
-VAN; ,The •death of Mrs. Isaac Pinnel .
. ,
---.r,--=. took, place at her . home in KiniOugh
it.on Friday morning, March 14th, af-,
/ter an illness at one week. • .
ea Mrs. Pinnell was born, Sept. 13th,
3 /864 and before her marriage. •was
Alvina Pettipiece of Whiteehurh. The
funeral . on Monday was held from
the Preabyterian Chia -ch her th
• •
service being conducted, by Rev. C. lu..
• The nett?' Crialeabout booklet. tells 'all
p three' IoW-prleetl, high quality Richa
•uisabouts.. • • •
• '
wreaths from Crewe chiirch con ri-eti-
tion• Aelitteld,:eoureal and tflicert.r the
-"Stothetsalemilyr-Me41-.7-AT-Ved en
and Mr. and Frank Patten, Toe -
onto; Mr: ' Prank tent. Crossfleld
e a. and Mts. Moiler (4iblis,
• ipyinalM agfi, biterett, pq$010, k out Paltleyeil, lig at Toronto; *also wool geaetteenatent
I• •
P. Ap11.
pleyard, rector of, KinloUgh
-Anglicaii Church, who also took char -
go 'iof the short service at. 'the home
and at. the graveside. Old .friends,
1MeSsrs. Robt. Malcolm, John ane,
Herbert, Graham. James alodakinspn,
Henry Bell and George Haldenby
carried her to her last resting place
in Tiffin Cemetery, Langaide.
'Miss Pintiell was an Active memhtt,
of the Presbyterian Church., also the
•Women's Missionary Society 'Mut'
showed their symnathy by a hesiutifel
floral tribute. She aaill be
Missed: in church work -as well as in
the ememunity in which she , lived.
She leaves to. mourn her Iota. her
loving husband, one daughter Evelyn
and, one sister, bin.. Lavina Ifedg-
kinson and one brother,,HerbertPet-
tipiece. of Whiteehurch.
Past h_er suffering. past 'her pain
Cease to veep. for tears are
She tvho'Wspftered is tit 'rest
done to Heaven with the bleat.
• 'To a rieher world than ours ,
Clearer sight and higher powers, ,
To a life that knows no
• She has gone, far whom VF. -
ABargains in Men's ,Work Shirts and
Pent's.-:The IVIarket.
• • • •Noilop
. WHEREAS the Annual meeting of
the Lacknew Aerirultural Society held •
on January 24th last Was. irregularly
called and, owing to- other irregulari-
ties according to the Agricultural
Societies. Act, Section /1 subsections
• 1. 2. 3.° etc., it is kequired by the said
Agricultitral Societies Act that a
special meeting of the menibers of
the Lucknow • Agricultural, Societa be
- ' called and TAKE NOTICE that ' a
. meeting of the members of the Lnek-
new' Agiletilturel Soeiety will he heht .
,oi'PridAy the Ptith day of March: A.D.
1930 at two o'clock in .;the. alterno6ii
'In the Cooneil room. in the Catneele
hall,Tneknow, for the tratuiectioe
the following business, namely! .
-The election Of officer:. for the en-
suing year; , leasing of the proposed• •
-1Lucknow Arena: draftink And mashy,'
• or tiedeSsaty Ity-laWs: and ttll general'
utitiliOnsgii oh; ,tOblintiltelkonnowlvi.tAh gor7,,,,,r,,,,,i.„na; •
,Society. This reeethiele. railed pur-
stmet_te_seatien--15. sebseetiees nee
of the A ericultural 86cietie5
•• • Act: end all membes are. IferebY noti-
fied aecordingly.•
Jas. Alton, Joeepli Agitele,
. Preeideet „ • noretary, ,