HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1930-01-02, Page 13Agr,.
How Britain Can Recoirer Atlantic
- Steamship Speed Blue kibbon
. •
Increasing.PoWer Without Increasing the Weight Driven Will
• Increase Speed •
(By Sir :TennBilt s )• boiler at lease, oneehalf More sUrfac•O
Otte be got pr ton -of •weight.,. -Hence,
for every. ton 0,weight We' can get.50'
pee...cent. moreeteent 'from:. a, water,'
:tube :better 'Than from ,a Scottish, at
the eameepre4euree -4.-atiewe, Can get -20'
per :cent. more'oll berret.... Also., weetan.
got, 4 higher Preeetire' awl inerette•ed
, .•, ee New .that -the fastest -13,111p on: the At-
' latitic is. wit British, it 'InitY be,•of irk-
•. : "'Itei est to reflect ori evhat is tile (Anise
. '.9f the !o of lite' nnomier positielf in
.,sliittletilding by the .British INIerciintite
1',1 I11144' ', e I. • ''. ' '•• '.• '••'' , .''''
. ' le liefe Our= Luelienta 'a.nii ilte,Itiettire-
tavitt, wereiundoubledly the fitStekt -Ate 6111cielle1• .. '•-•• ••, • ;,..."• ' ,..-
lentle liners, attout, .1111 en.g a•Speed 'of 1)P1% in., 'This to •the Weifeitt of the, •
2-6-1ieits, and.'•uo attenept.evits in ie to
' sere -twee them In' speed unt.if 'the Dee -
!ewe sitiptefeeireent lied ..14-rettlen werti,"
ere.. e`titerletielefeeivv:tlie le•ylittlien.
Ma "the OhllOC:atO.C., , trine.: ,tbe ilerette
.„. ee.j.,, 4.. „me.; eee.t ,lle 1.1e, 1lei:nem...4'. crepe the' eirenettes epeed, ,
qh,-,e, \‘'0.11, fetere...,1; ey tee. teleseeree.e . Thus sive see 111.1•1,:the cfleet'.of •boil-
: (110.44: the eft:tette:be nett • S.0111t, at11.1'1''. 4i.,(1.01dg1i 1.4, .t111111 0.111,114 ,1 0 414.144;11Ve !1.10
fi1k(A1'011,. yes -mete., ' • ' • :. ,,.-'' . • .i 113.Q.e1 serione, entiebteratioit 'ifete. are
' !lite Aqtti.tan lie ot" Ile: ,C111.1-Unt .1,111;•,.. to get bilii•k the illee'itibteen'of :th'e..Atz
„Red ,tivelleree other en teed vcie-it...fe lead 1}1(1ti(. •••
• eiteeele et etlieut tit tepee: Thn ,most.
• ...etrleing point about the te..ritiott-shipe
wette time tItiee•" lied hi/lib-Pe in. which . hisever unless :e•et scan g'et :across :the
-the lire is outside Chat. tubee coutoihiee •Atlitlit le fere theesf(1110 weight of 'float
s lei.e. %N. atee, vatted e'ese,,-.1..tee6 eetiee,,•.1. • 'Vito livetteee„whifies 1,s Cie. cetuste of
w1ti.X.:1111-; tih:11 1811 ..1,11itie adhered to the:, :1 11 1 hie'. titileee.etreiee .ehont the futme
i•yliaqrloit't beeters . ill hi' ti th,,;e1ie,;"1„...\\•eig1t1e' et',fte.1 e 44..the INTetirelenta„
1‘ ' 131,eidli the 1,111eie, 14,52,1141,Y, eta1td I \‘.1C11.1 , 110. • nee libeire welelts 20 p1
. fot ti.O. 1)0i1....el'S.. . , . . ' .• v.eit.: iceet.the a Ow '•:.\ 1 auretania',.
•e.h„ .1.411,1,11.0,1d, fRird 1110 eteeretelee it11111,-1'; die' (fli.(41.1,h(61 of •hot miteltineirey, .
wore -.e,ntaller iiiiii).;'.:111/1A1 .1.Fe. ,;‘qui,‘ I a e eoutuiee , 1 hat 'he' is .meeetared-to--ped.---e-eini.--,-,
• . . . .
tit:Wee: lifept-.1.10 or, .,e1.0 .. retitle melee he eeftn.e, .a .4.11v eh l'P ' ewhese.: mo.ehleery
. ',piste:trek. iiiel• it le.011111,-ilierefore. :tie Will •ha fh 11..1.e•4 :tit. lieltter, thantile
pail r fhat to', ()I) la.:i li ' 1 Ft' giVirni t' t-.:41. '.:.-tiii`4.4.1 - INT[4111.E.Lt ki'l 11 ii''': . .''' .1 t. .-.1.04)1i 4. as If 'Itlitees , . .
k'not li1e6f•'.80.1e• .t.e. adopt 11`11.1..Plik.1i1Jo ""•.44;irlethiilg',.111 -the eeMe lines. is under-.
. ..
1Niatiretaitittes .whicee are near-
ly ,one half of 114 total- machinery
',N4.e can p.4 . iaet.ease of
1441.\,44..-r c?1, ‘ve11,4'iN",•;1. 20 per •Teta:, hull
4111 se of sit....d, of • weft' on to 2.
•letteite, nearly steel tont', f hot qtrite, to"
The Witte.. 61 the. Weight saved in
boilers: cannet breeeed for inc,reasing
France Builds Wonderful New Cruiser
ReAdy. for: Anyt4ingi. New Town Safe •
Kaye 1).0 Prepare
rplex.ing Problem Of Water
. pritish. Racing --IViptorist: -
•• Now Solved
r o.,..r.t.Churehill'.
• - • D•riVe., Mariirnoth • "Siker • • . • . • •. .
Ballet" Sunbeam Weighing Ottawa. -4, solution hae just !teen.
Seven Tons .With Engines. efontgnitz(tle'kr•or.rlit:ni6>rtoAfilethl•Pes.1.1iir ttheP7.1dPelNe'exiiotief- s'
Deireloping' :Horse meet Of northern Canail4,, namely, sup-
ply.of water fejf tire' coming. poet.. ahd . •
.city of (there:hill, terminee of the Bud-
•stait Bay • e. ••
-Ordluary •of' pifilug • water
;below. the fsroat fall" up there be,
Ceuee'bering ate e ip pe I feethave.e
reachote,kolld rock before: cptiting'te.
the end of. the ,f,rozen .Cherrehill •
Power at' Daytona teact
New York.-sAnoiher 'bare:free, inlet.'
fug. "eaten is ithe 1.1.trited gtates to
challenge death Sbeesis
.0t! th•e steel hard 'Rands of Daytona:
tielliti..as.cte.11(116'rivIct":e8't,TeNv;11)1°41-01-'11(acewrael4h,:lt.1•1it. elee pe foterele=d on eternal, frost -or
: Wheel ritte enade his. fa/noels, IiirltelS11.1 at elueet frost. 't lett has betel speeeent •
peed esedri •Ielejor Sir 'ff," Segra ire, last sin (1 t lie ' g hteial • itsee, ten*. of times;
'1Nlareh, on.•the Florld.a sitetle that have lititN..ef. yop.6 age.. • • ,
tt%0 gPeseA )fl.11g,Ft. their 111 OM ,Sei• thtiOUg'13; 141' ri'().0.11,g,07
'grave dreVe.hif.i"reerine,.00lden Atir•OW: Nveuld free'ilt Soild la .'a•n, holer'este.:
SUnbeun-• at ••the; itniaztng•:sPeed" :of. 'eording lie
231:".13 Milas.an hottilo, set the record:: ewe (14 1) erillteti.4.: and tan- •
Den; a' goodnatured ''velerthe of als, • who has betel (teeing 11 .1i111).:
Geeat War DayS, . will try toeeinash -week .00nreltioteis (10.111.1011. (4'414't \e'
that record' hi:: A bigger., and he thinks soo. for seeenf.•eit years;
better. Sunbeam, This one a .nutine Pines' 41.0.s:1e-dug. Cemplefed these' .
•moth sevate:ten creationje„Silver'greY• days for.thesiorarbet cif a filpe ;hie to
labelled' the "Silver. Bullet, et is, his be laid hi dry iilese, to ihiclini..ei.of at
turn to driVe because SegraVe; one Of least four feet. te 11 r (.‘ t 1110 44 ltd
his. best. frieede, has difInitely turnkt f,rein the' long. 'cued...Weather: 'iind thee:.
from .autOrtiabile record.. sitiaaliing: to bitter sea •galese • •`, • ,
his tint love the betiding of a,ePeed. senree of Chtitethill watee will
boat that will conquer all time stand he Ot•assY Slough, a depression not far
aids. 011 the :weteie • • from .• the Pamela's • Reealiella
. Don 'sea bicheler of 36, tail,: :well named after :the, wife nf -William. •
. „ • • ,
-set • ep, with Sandy hair, a brisk tan Bee Ii who homeeteaded there 130'5,
netistaehe, blue eyes.and t, Pair of dean' 'Steim'sbovels Wilfgouge out (i10"4
e • ditnIlle.s. at the, •ciernees of 4is'teath..44 Slough, to. a c1e.1)th of ...orrt6' 'twelve'
, :drive's purely for•. the ,Sport: of the feet.. It neeseSeary,;Itosithellty Lake
thing,„ wart tha..British,' chamPiett In 'and a large e1en. to the..euutit can he .
.• 49'0 'and. 1922; ime never 01.464, a drained hen the e'es,ereoir.... The :land
maellitie faster than i62..Miles an.hoUr' eiaSe'been taken ;rover,: by ,:the govenee
.thent Prevent... sqtut: t ers 'locating ,
the,. *wait tki• drainage , area, •',. A• .1111e is e.
being lec•atede with two Pumping ..staee
tions on' the .esearpmente•ebove• the
r and fieW :a bomber in Franc•dttriti
bailees,: at any • rate the, mime ion of 1 alien, by tee lee.. !..,11101 t)::, (jet: er the We sae here the neer Fralieh truiser, Jeanne. D'Arc, faiting',tlie.slips at lie
,. •the Nvar. •
4441u14e1t14e buil'eN 11'1114 .1411 11,44h...heed 11-11111111e. ' ; • - -..... - . • " • 'reliant lattnehing at' St. Nazeire, France., it, will. be used as chciol f. r train , • .
, "If we 70'e11s0i14," he said, "what is
'with thegree.I.c.'et ein 1•11- " • , „, Seine: roeteo,,•11.Ie' efleiltilS• 'eve ee- ing of 14'14 al „ ,
done in the ale,' .wes can 'realike ethat
. , .
• - I.:, ie.,. her, ever, t ie.. teer.e...-0044 et, lee' Thin out. to ohm.' ' wittenenbe boiler's, • r -e : ••ee,, ••, .,i • . • - • '
toe of 'weirglit driven. 1 eel :de iv 1 inift....s witieh ' \%, 11 1. giV(.4 t110 1:1 i'llf' 91. speed,.• esie . . .1
., th,. i..p,...,1,,upli(1-114'.4 00.re... eliiit de- thottela tliey 1•:',"4 4:0' bt•on ay the' mat: of
Globe: -Trott . ...I Official Flistory .:
1 "
'Of War is Urged
all eit--cei• ottuelly .ge.1.1., in the eftet ....i e 61' flu, (.1,2 1.111:111 ivamei-,,. ' epor er- 11/leets
a„ human being ,should' be, e.blei , to present'eete :.•'• the town and the dock
teayel fas,ter • than .250. miles an • hour
eccinr•alainif116.u. ;.aN17.bit:eli. icure.)e3aorq!;;Iihe•es .,,4re.n- ;.ni.jTlehe6d.v.o,lay
tie, ,bring the• welter :the 'four er flee.
etheecieei uf: the ..Nliteeetiiiiie,•':elii.t.is•'.:Tlie tree.of 111 10 boilevsele At ,. Mitre •It. is all g.. ie Lion.; of ' etreein. ported ontn'eNNrt:.9ole.)1:14Peit...11.)ptee,itte' '‘.‘'il4.•.:eilit.e:...i'1.1::'• ,
• eevhile : in the, 'Helier feel. ;Mee. . it ,ie : imeeetei he I hie eeinitey -by 'the atemisi- 1: s Gh4sily...: Pe' ath ' CaUadian.: L'eg-io-n' ,,'...,o,' f•:' Br.;`i.tish.: linillg'" be zaki. ' . ' ...
'The i'Silver Bullet.," which, .,has..
. . , •,, e the elaly: and, 'etickieg, up freer feetj Or, . ‘,
aleeet e WV>, per 'ton ef• 4, Hee) ..eel: Leith: !Mere,: lute been fori.lid:. on •eltip-; :
about le to eee. ' : ! lion ot . the .C. eienitellitelt. shins :eater i te. , . mote above' .the .4.round, Ahove that '
n -----Te... :": .1:: -I, • ',.Legion.Sends-.Requ,est.. • • never been driven, but has a theoreti..
,\ teething,. tclat: eetn ne /bele . tn iii• L I he .„War; ' alai t li4;f1.`.11 thP. • ,
Cal •epeed 9'f 260 Miles an hour' le it ih a Mound teaching four 'feet above
• ,c(ee...i.; • the pewee wit Mite i iteieit -'ing '1.ite,4M litniteepet•e• ',lid they sillei'4.itililltcyfilelint )....13. °:Cle ei-• ' . 6f '''''',-,,": ".,v,14r.t , :' a-er' ' • . to OttaW% :.-- „. , great improvement- orer Segrave'„s the pipe., dry moss -Will': ba. piled. Thate
• th•• weight tivirtet will inoreeee the ; rete•at•ing the pettetetee'ee'he ,Nnee.telee ', Man:Fled. •,iy... wolves,. OttaWctee13•elleviag that: the time eooiden Arrow!' je• evading Wind re- thatehed ,stpaw le preyerii.the mnes
, , Will' be .capped ivitit theeele, n end .'
... inceottelitg the ' Weie.lit' of eatelenery '. for the 1:1:•(1.:21) V, 3i•"., 1.11111 N't•kt 1 110•1(.(1.1"P;i. * • . • '
TO•1 11(!Ve:11.tc 1 1(44 111,‘,,,:.% ilii,,ut, .,:,1410111(.4 w;c1,‘4.; law,. boilOrs %excliniively • • .r...ound ,7 North..
, ,..; abe.1,..,.;i:.thiaiis3 ptiitte,plea.3.1.1e.e.: bayn•motil;ineiaolf clilaeltioa:rdya": (tint s.istanr0, '0611, said.: ' Tha new • 'car i•s from' getting wet, end front le:riling li . •
3'0 feet long', weighi jeren tons ' h'
. „and f(tel will -MO:tee-it:- the. et,.....e.1.. • e !.ete:111-itile for t'ree.'•ef'aS• A'f-lenti•- linen' .' . Edn"1"1; 'I•tz-I''-7---1).r.- Ktirt• two stabilizing fins to 'keep it on 1110 -a. gbcid.c°11tliwibi''Pf ebia''
,eite.teee•ot eeiiet. wheel': t.',e a ton he -liver; to tale.. the stele '
. . I . • eieted Berlin journalist, w•hd Plodded. the Great War- hould be written,s'the
. .,
grgend,•and is- equipped with silk tireS r ,
• ...-=••••-.4•••• .. ree,.••• .
of 44 1)1 elves 14) 414 :,.teein •I,I1,, 1.4',,,, ate .. .1-11„ eieemeee,.., .1e iee \velem:elm; into the North. Country five; months. 'Canadian lege n ef the British legion,
et lintel:int. of cuergy 'lei.). toe t;1' fit ..1. Iii 144 foe the, -111;.'lle-it....4 11061 Is the
. . 0 A i $ pewee... fee.. ere'd, with, rtibber,'Ihe tires are tested Ilildreif S. Aid
. • , 37 inches in:diameter and lightly coWi ' .
age,: is dead -A vretitie.of the North... Melts , rePresentations• of Pariianient ,
. • t'as•Reyal Cartalhitt•Mnented ppliee Feet It ward a strong ,r'equeSt that the write
miles an hour. • , , ' - ' . • . . , DOes. yalnable Work
1„,,,,! „IA' the Miller frein, 401.11•11. the .te'eP1,ieit ef a le;e0 'number Of
. • emeeel ; land's rigore. • A terse telegram fret*. at the present seseion.
to last, four minutes at,a eneed of 300'
'grcittiet• i-,i.pi ed ef.iteeelfle lime Ito '(.\' ' 4%.1;.:,4 nr.'1';:ils11:.'",i11:1; 1.01 (.1 'traue:To. ret.. • • •.
/woe& „. • - . . . -, ,
• i• me their „lee...! r•by meane of eynantree' • ' • . .• '''' ... , ' • ., 1 ',. ' •
in the North-N.Veet Teeritoities tells Of ing of this history be undertaken at
., The "Benet" is powered „be: two 12-
voiwil.....es nvor the se,itileo tee.: le . .fientai 0 , it a. wat(letube,ipilor pr... hie eefeenminee,'W:olvese ' , ' . • . t cord of the saeritlee;.the 'suffering and
. .cylieder evietien engines:- in. tAndeere Children • ' 'Placed in. •Good
• •
,.. ,
• hie body beet.. found toil; and .inene• onte, end that • it shall le re.
'Floe tea 1 teet ulte builei4 has t 4v,i al- ' end motet,. Titi1; ie ler neer.0 L.:4)eri! • ' i • ' " ' e I
thd soldiere, sail- developing' .2,,000 ItOrsepeiver,, three . HOME.' s Are Aveage Good .
. rl.'ll, it (1.111 Meet mei; . oh !Ie.,: po . e•er, ' Laet summer. the .German seientist- the achievementS of
.. •seutive foot- er•11.••-ee'.,..; "...tee-, ,•
J ' '' 'a ' ; writer had teavelled North' from ltld. on and eirthen 91 .canada, With. that Junes as much as Segrave s Golden
. : yduilgsterc, „nti Turn. ;
• (111111. I 1.(111 1,I 11,..`11V. I' CP.! 't• .1 'It me of Leann At: Yorti l'ermilion he Plan- thre'll •the ' pretlefeinant Tete in' any: Arrow." • T;It.; has': three speede and
Oyi V.",ell . .'•
ii.ir.,,..,..r 7,1,, ,,,...,, wi.) v:,,,I.I. i.11 p: e';iti,e-il two years ,a' '1'11:t!tt.01lel'..1r$.10 North' and East on a jour- such •histore. • . .' . . -' shoild tre'yel at the rate of 90 Milos
steuite an eict:easire everk'ie ciirried., •
•. . • rotlaer„Roy; one year ag ney of almoht 1.000 mill 1)11) meet Of., 'rre I., ;la...Attitude :is hatece part-. s '141 310111 in .first, 1st) In seeotul,, 260 in
on en Ontario in the dieectien of .1/11)-
p ,flred.,137,, his wife, two which •he plapned to traverse on foo,tel le'' im the evaleitee of War, histeeies, hee,h,
.- ency.
. le it (1141 1! 1...,41:er i••••.:1 "i'.:-. t' 11U11 . . - , • , , .
leist Of .111'a t itiA !eerie, Q. IlikOlVt,"4 11 .4... ' ' VI,SAlex, and . thr, . Dr. Faber hod'been sought by, pollee ‚44 401 very little attentioh to the .• =•
.---•;---t—....--414.--..-4-......_—.. .
.0 .villing. orphan or destiftitiehildren •
of boiler 44...lelie eltile in 'a ealer-tik!I
r.qe. .
tail* Margaret
$ ! patrols and hy radio hroadcests for.. Part of 'Canada's. men in the field, ' Our TOurist Trade .w -ii 11 . geed he In'e s in private Mini/fee,
.ttee • e ,„. • is.onte weetie in ell effort to inform bine! and , partly .on the. thought 'this his,
tory,should he written ,.%\''11 1 le Vee• men According •to the , esteem, e ofthe
— •
some information regarding title laud,••••
anti . with a View • to giving. readere
,--- •• .. . • • • • i an4ngton'.
. '0^..... %.,'. 0 .-- etitat )1i3 mother. had died In Berlin. i Provincial lelinistee of 'Roads, . who
* ki..': al
:-- . • , ,: who could make vital ;contributions able week our retweeentativo rec:entee•
.Light Has. Weight -
....) T. 0.: MEET
,. • . ' Dr.,R, mar•Iii1,..',ai'man Consul at NVin- ought to kdow, tourists laqt year
•had 4141k with l'Nfr,..J., ..T. Keleo,. 44 '141
• • • •- .einege bed 1) 011 reqeested froei 'dee. ' to it, in the way of a•ctuat'experienees -
brought a. revenue of smite 1\t' 440 . .. ,
and :accurate recordS. are §:ill Alive.
: Einstein -Clailln Y ' ;
,,;:branch of the enany • to .transmit the ittformation to
1 t • k .be: ie veil, . '9, Diet this :ItiStory• hellion dollars to. this province, 'aud it 1: 'l' I')1 •• of 417(‘' children's. Aid .,•• ,
. the • glnbetrott Mg reportele . tI.eiretteh ef- 01)1 111 „Cervertelieee, seee. ,
From Fert Vermilion, '44114,414 ht had :hould. be un'fieTtaken- by the Dentin- is estimated that they mill bring
. +leeN. .• .•. •
-we .ion. Goyernment..and •that When it is 1 seventy-five :millions sdering the pre- .
. •ainet'ey lit,. tit -t 1111e,“10.11 •aslictl
.t.eireheil ley. river -beet, to the l'in
eomeileted, it eltould be Used as the': sent year. When it is borne, in mind .
Hee. ltieer Post, DreFaber hatitraVele. V,
li• •t• "te11e: F;1e.iti .t 4 :• iel,1'1.,
, ".'.
led h.' (171(11. p014 poritFangxeet.ee'm .rto:h,e
ia" l text•be
k oenthe great'war e --M-•
thate'the D•omi,anio'n Bareau, oitf ;
Se ta•ts
We"tr .
11•(IL'I It
th.e- !tl1i'he"il.trO'i t('ontn
eource of one, riverto the oriein of All the publc schools and high sehelsshows a totl revenue for the 1)0-ieetir: .. i.e
141(411101 in IllsstregOO into iheNort11-6"'1 collegiate intitutes throughout minion from it. tourist ti ‚4(110 tiver tveiehetee111,are a *i
ern rrens. Ills death is blieved 11" T)"1,";°". ,two hundred awl. fifty million dollars: '.11'' '' .-!I wifiell' ehildren he
have oecurred as be paddled north '—Quebec:el:share is seen to he a very 1447' !mute:. Very (4(14111 elledeath
Of te"t11$MtAl.deainntb along'the rive toward 'the Great largo one. 11is 411 he mtre neee-
li$ ' t.,.e,,f;lt`b...,.et...:t. . b :• Ar -t
..• .•e '. '. '1Iit,I1:
•,,.1'.4..,.ei. e• ..
. .,•
[1 y • ol.ca'"e g'• ' `• '••.•i• '••::•••••1••*'• •••••'•••••••.•-.'.•.,•
•••':•• '.,—
• -' -..e. .,-- . .f • -eeoknf "t-
oa :4m.ith. •e
t•,i..: 't • - to( , 1fw• e,e"e. I,•l
dr'e.'.n ',..
i erein Ale bik,wattei;ebe fci°WSlaveThe metier° '.1 11(1110171 frmi 1 sary that the people of thi411044140nceWe 141 141)4 '1! fthe fatheentlifte
Q, Il°1':lot0,,vthe post of the AIonntrtsinay 1110111 - should be e to theneeesity of losend negbing 1(1 [41 ('44 ;de prne.o-!
)*,-reet, 'rtquwas. that thjoeroakt fell ehatisted ee1eiegthe t irietrade in everylegitIhem&lifefoIli chihitenFt..ten?
' WteanedMy IliAthisbodywtsWl011fOlmreiftor MatMatinef-Montreal SniMechildrneetevd 111 [414313)4
iiReed'gaveihort tal his canoe bad been dashed to plecoeinetitutiefts or 44ith rvato tyiries by
ileOf *lfieGivi ilaillel'ho l (11431111 11 who 11(1411,fpnclrem
u • ' reonly f gar; its 34!'!. more Thatera"-11elen parenti 11140 "i', erfrs ee for elioir
Otepro i Rnechildren atel t 1nettle p
411111 teleY can 41:.' like a bird:het . . i forMein pi, ,.1y:hile in oer
;bOure man4ill11''''"`4°)1P)it14111"'It. isonly 11111014111t peTle who are s the relelv11444 411-e Iw
etetde ably 011 a barbed wire fetter - Lor - 90 .”)„10(,41 to,•enfeee teeeee„evil habits andthe'citiel for 14 4h1
iitalite1)1 41 4: 6 •Clarece lotetectit114( 1) 0reteof fren
,edat the _— theicontrol
eis nota woman livingwhos di11weyatea SeytI4 40 1iiile-e•Priertt ilto _Le f,I‘e4" tf 1 e3 s 13 li,1 -1
PhYsically ,or metally capaleof •tlallY dlllgeillthis bainees." u guilty." Prisoner-"Teat'e 0able dafortoelon" 1: Kol
MA al A ing the true 4.01 of her life" -Peggy SecondINghwayman-Nonot inri-ht jud-eI lineiv youre leo intertiwaa81"1
nt114)4) 1415 fity(e. 1 1E88.3011 get Sil0tIfrilt tt) be influeeced bwhat t11 '4 there le 4011 dee' Of 11 1 11
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athq;of Lo atitee A l111FSereery ot
ltM.'%ideal the Chitlr•etts Nei Societyof their
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C(i)citis i 0 ns -
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r .S'Pars to vet on 01 (111,1 3t, ebergy,k
'd6 adve
Ort in di
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Thrills of Mountain Motoring Becoming Popular
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